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WARNING FOR OCTOBER 4TH, 2023…/2023-09-27-Ep621-THIS-IS-ONLY-A…

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE THEY TAKE IT DOWN. Wed., OCTOBER 4TH!! UNPLUG YOUR ELECTRONICS at 1:20 pm ET. FEMA’s Emercency Alert Broadcast System to go off at 2:20 pm ET. Cell phones, all wireless connections, etc. Wrap your cell phone in mylar. Dirty electricity does not need direct wire connection. Only air. High frequencies will be elevated to cause harm to the human body. Turn off Internet routers, baby monitors, etc. Printers, non-smart T. V.s, etc. Unplug all devices and rid yourself of all wireless devices. Also, distance yourself from all cell towers. Get as far away as possible. Wireless alerts will be nonstop.


2023 09 27 Ep621 THIS IS ONLY A TEST w Deborah Tavares-Into The Parabnormal-AUDIO ONLY (

2023 09 27 Ep621 THIS IS ONLY A TEST w Deborah Tavares-Into The Parabnormal-AUDIO ONLY










Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:26 KJV)

As we move deeper into the end times, there will be an increase in evil and demonic activity. With particle accelerators such as that of CERN, in Switzerland, doors are being opened to allow evil spirits into our world in greater measure, although all those involved in this series of events emphatically deny that that is what they are doing.

My understanding is that this evil will be explained away as aliens from outer space. If you will recall, I mentioned before about the coming alien deception the powers that be have planned for us. Just remember, aliens do not exist. They are, in fact, demons. CERN seems to be blasting its way into the second Heaven wherein is the demonic realm. It seems that the Reptilians running things are intent on helping their master, Satan, to help him become the one world ruler of the Earth, through AntiChrist. By opening the portals into Hell, basically, they are allowing demons to escape the second heaven and come to Earth. The third heaven, by the way, is the abode of GOD, and GOD will only allow the wicked scientists at CERN to only go so far with what they are intent on doing.

If you haven’t heard of CERN or read my previous article, CERN is a European Organization for Nuclear Research, an organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. CERN’ Is the acronym for the French ‘Conseil European pour la Recherché Nucleaire’. It was founded in 1952…The primary function of CERN is to study ‘matter’, ’anti-matter’ and all things connected to interactions between molecules. It’s also concerned with nuclear physics, and how it can all benefit humanity for the better.” (


Anti-matter is, basically, dark matter. Also, there are other colliders out there, one as close to us as Oak Ridge, Tennessee, only not nearly as large as CERN. The larger the collider, the more speed that can be attained and the more scientists are able to get deeper into what they are looking for. What they are looking for is the very building block of what brought all of ‘this’ into existence through the Big Bang. Remember, God created everything and spoke things into existence. Unfortunately, what the scientists are finding through CERN are things they did not expect to find: ghosts, apparitions, paranormal phenomena, and all kinds of demonic spirits that are beginning to manifest themselves in various ways.

It is said that CERN will tear the veil of our reality. Scientists there will welcome whatever comes from the other side, which is what the Holy Bible warns us of as things to come.

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” (Revelation 9:11 KJV)

CERN is a massive structure, a ring which encompasses 16.7 miles in circumference. It is located deep underneath the Swiss Alps some 300 feet and is made of superconducting magnets chilled to -271.3 degrees C., or -456 degrees F., which is colder than outer space. It works by smashing tiny particles together to allow scientists to observe them and see what’s inside.” ( Part of CERN is located in France and part in Switzerland and is called ‘The Gateway To The Universe’. The CERN logo, as a matter of interest, contains the numbers 666.

CERN’s atom smasher will restart for the first test beams in May 2021, two months later than planned, and operate from March 2022 until the end of 2024. (

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) shut down in 2018 so scientists at the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) could improve and upgrade the accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland. The work was extended and delayed by the coronavirus pandemic.” ( It reopened again in 2021. When reopened, demons were allowed into our world from their dimension as scientists sought to find the God particle.

The Higgs boson particle (also called the “God” particle, because [of] monotheism) discovered by CERN scientists in 2012 and thought to give matter its mass, could destroy the Universe and “we wouldn’t see it coming.”” Stephen Hawking

Elon Musk claims that this Large Hadron Collider (LHC) technology is demonic to an extent the world has never seen before. (


A stargate is a portal, a wormhole between two different dimensions.

CERN is the key for opening the gate.”

(Part 4/4: The Vatican, Reptilian, and CERN Connection)

So what is CERN really doing? And have you ever wondered how mere man, no matter how educated, can create such a thing as CERN? Was this a result of Operation Paperclip wherein the Nazis brought here in WWII helped create such a device? Are Reptilians behind the creation of this demonic device? I, for one, do not believe mankind is that intelligent. The book of Enoch shares how the Fallen Ones shared their knowledge with mankind in the beginning. So is CERN something Satan wants built so the portals to Hell can be opened to allow in demons from another dimension? Was the technology used here shared with human kind by the Fallen Ones, the Reptilians? Makes sense to me. It is said that the Fallen Ones are being released through CERN, which I’m not sure I understand everything since Reptilians already rule our world, and demons and other evil spirits already exist here. Regardless, whatever is being released here is predominantly evil to the core and not something we want coming into our world.

Stephen Hawking and theoretical physicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson warned those at CERN that they were about to open Pandora’s Box and said that once they opened it, they cannot put back what comes out of that box. CERN allows these scientists to examine particles in their initial state but not after it is bonded together. So what has come from CERN? One thing for certain is…anti-matter, a very unstable thing that is very volatile and that needs to be contained. Anti-matter is so powerful that one grain of it is the equivalent of four atomic bombs such as were dropped on Hiroshima.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12 KJV)


With its name and by placing a bronze Shiva sculpture prominently in front of its headquarters, CERN is indicating to those with “eyes to see” that the collider’s true purpose is to open a portal to the underworld—to create a stargate or “god-gate,” which would serve as a doorway between worlds. “Ordo ab chao, “order out of chaos,” has been the plan for millennia, and the invasion commences when the Abyss is finally opened, and its monstrous inhabitants are set free.”

Sound far-fetched? Did you know that the Large Hadron Collider is the second attempt by Western scientists to create such a portal? That first massive Hadron Collider, built in Waxahachie, Texas, was shut down after Congress poured nearly $3 billion into its infrastructure. Known colloquially as Desertron, the planned circumference for the main ring was more than fifty-four miles, approximately 3.3 times larger than the CERN facility. Desertron’s construction would have allowed energy levels of up to forty TeV per proton! CERN’s largest energy output to date is just over eight TeV with plans to increase that this year to an intriguing thirteen TeV. If the Waxahachie collider had the potential to outperform CERN back in the 1980s, then why was it defunded and construction stopped? Well, picture the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark. After hearing Indiana Jones state that Bolloq (the rival archaeologist who was working for the Nazis) has been using a staff of the wrong length, Sallah and Indiana both proclaim, “They are digging in the wrong place!”” (

And did you know that a stargate was found in Iraq in 1923, which was the real cause of the Iraqi war? The U. S. apparently wanted control of it. (

CERN is a huge wheel and inside that wheel is a Hindu god named Shiva. Shiva does a dance of destruction inside that wheel. He is one of the triad gods, one of the greatest gods of Hinduism. The three are Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. Brahma is the god of creation, Vishnu the god of preservation, and Shiva is the god of destruction. When Hindus see this wheel, it is not for the purpose of annihilation. Shiva destroys so that Brahma can come and recreate.

The Hindus, since many are scientists at CERN, put this Shiva wheel out in front of CERN headquarters because what these people are doing with the collider is destroying what comes together which is for the purpose of recreating so they can discover what brought our world into existence to begin with. Unfortunately, what they fail to realize is that the spirit world is not affected by the physical. A demon could care less about matter or anti-matter. It is a spirit being that will be part of the coming great deception, a deception such as this world has never known before. These CERN scientists will be made to believe that because they have reached this certain point in their scientific analyses, so if they’re bringing in these spirit beings, it will make true believers out of them. Again, there are no aliens out there, only demons. UFOS, aliens are real, but they are all demonic.

Anti-matter – dark matter – has energy attached to it, and this energy affects people. Remember, when you product anti-matter, you have to contain it because if you don’t, it just goes wild, and no one kows what it is liable to do. It causes some people to go screaming mad,” as John Hagee says. “It controls people, which is an enormously powerful thing. It is pulling something out of Hell that you don’t want anything to do with, and turning it loose on mankind.” (


On June 1, 2016, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel, the largest tunnel in the world, took place in Switzerland. It is 35.5 miles long and is the world’s longest railway and deepest traffic tunnel and the first flat, low-level route through the Alps. Other than it being an amazing engineering feat, what stands out is the Satanic agenda involved at its opening. Occultic symbolism was prevalent everywhere, with sex being outrageously dominant over this evil affair. It was a demonic pagan dedication. Be sure to read this for better understanding of what was involved:

“The satanic and sodomite imagery surrounding the opening of the tunnel showed the artistic and religious preferences of the globalist elite. The opening of the Tunnel was a symbolic anti-Сhristian act of devil-worship. The post-modernist show tied with old imagery such as a goat-man was an obvious message.” (

“The official Opening Ceremonies of the Gotthard Base Tunnel was nothing other then a New World Order Satanic Ritual where CERN met the tunnel head on in a bizarre ritual of sex, sex and more sex.”


Clearly the Reptilians are behind all of this evil. Their goal is to bring the AntiChrist to power, creating a one world government ruled by Satan’s right hand man, surrounded by a heirarchy of demons. A Satanist came to me on Facebook a few years ago and wanted me to join with the Illuminati and told me that AntiChrist was coming to power soon. Of course, I refused since I am a born-again, Spirit-filled Christian, so this man was quick to leave my page but, at the time, he was anxious for me to get all of the paper work started. I couldn’t believe this man had even approached me. Perhaps he thought I could be bought out, as many humans have been, but I suppose I will never know. Sadly, if you check out the many videos out there that show the opening ceremony for the Gotthard Tunnel, you will see many human beings who are deceived into being a part of the Satanic rituals. Many people are either under mind control who took part in this evil dedication, who actually made the decision to follow Satan, or are Reptilian themselves. Hard to say. Regardless, this ceremony opened the doors for more of the Satanic agenda to move forward into the coming Tribulation period predicted in God’s Holy Bible. (Rev. 16:10, 17:12, 17-18, Matthew 24)

…The Gotthard opening was evidently a satanic ritual; an underworld treat that would have filled Hades with pride.” (

The website reveals in an article titled “ Stargate to Hell” , that “ CERN is a central key location and site for a gateway to open for Cernunnos/Pan/Saturn/Satan/demonic forces to manifest in this dimension. This must occur for the elite’s NWO (New World Order) Anti-Christ beast system .”” (Rev. 13,17:8) Part of this system includes of the coming Mark of the Beast.

Again, I strongly urge you to reject this evil Mark and make Jesus Christ as Lord of your life before it is too late. There is an urgency inherent in the wind that most believers are feeling right now. The evil coming out of the Biden Administration’s efforts to destroy America and its people is not slowing down. The Reptilians, these Luciferians have an agenda which they are trying to implement as quickly as possible which is why they are desperate to remain in power. The coming American election will be interesting as to who will win. If the Democrats manage to steal another election, then our doom is certain. If Republicans win, we stand a fighting chance of reversing much of the damage that has been done against us. Regardless, Jesus Christ’s return is coming quickly, and He will definitely vent His wrath against the wicked and set things right. Jesus is the only One who can save us from the Satanic forces at work in our world. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is our only Hope. Trust Him as He is Faithful and True to keep His Word, His promises. And always remember that God loves you fiercely and is always with you. He protects His own.

The time is short, so please make right choices for you and your loved ones. And pay attention to the signs of the times. As CERN continues releasing things into our atmosphere, the evil it is creating may have dire affects on our world and its people that we would do better to avoid, if at all possible. The only way we can be protected from future evil is to trust Jesus. The Reptilians and the Devil they serve have no good intentions toward us, so please keep that in mind.

To God be all the praise, glory, and honor due His Holy Name!

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15 KJV)

Scientist and the Elite Try to Hide What Really Happened at CERN, Demonic Entities, Extra Dimensions


CERN Reopens During WW3 For Mysterious Reasons

CERN Collider Is Unlocking The Gates Of Hell


CERN OPENS Up to LET in DEMONS, DEVIL ANTICHRIST Interdimensional Portals


Ancient Stargate Found in Iraq in the 1920’s CERN Connection


For more information:

Reed BSC, Susan. The Body Snatchers: A True Story of Body Snatching by the Reptilians, A Real Alien Conspiracy. (c) prior to 2010, Publisher and Place Unknown.

Icke, David. Children of the Matrix: How An Interdimensional Race Has Controlled The World For Thousands Of Years – And Still Does, Bridge Of Love Publications, USA, 2001.

The Holy Bible.

The Book of Enoch.



Reptilians, Pedophilia, And The Catholic Church

  • The Catholic Church Is Rotten To The Core

  • The Abuse of Native American Children

The Reptilian instinct is a parasitic one, and vampiric sexuaity is at its core.”


The Catholic Church Is Rotten To The Core

It is hard to believe our world is so evil. Much of what has been done to it was done without most of its inhabitants being aware of anything going on. Anything bad that happened over time was considered done by wicked people when all the time it was the Fallen Ones who were behind it all. This is a spiritual matter, with Satanic forces behind it.

History reveals that sick, twisted pedophilian behaviors are rampant throughout the Catholic Church. It explains why so many priests are caught up in this behavior and why many cathedrals and the like openly display forms of this demonic domain with its evil architecture and décor. Gargoyles appear to be a favorite choice, and there is an actual logo of the Catholic Church which features what appears to be a priest with a young boy on his knees before him. This disgusting picture is even on many stained glass windows.

As you know, the Enemy is getting bolder in his efforts to make immoral filth normal in our society. Our children, even adults, are losing whatever innocence they once had because of these pedophiles who are attacking us through every medium known to man these days. And if you are aware, Satanic rituals are quite common beneath the Vatican itself. If you are part of the Catholic Church, I strongly urge you to leave or you will go down with it when Jesus returns to claim His people. “Ye must be born again” is not a joke but the only true way into Heaven. The last time I attended a Catholic Church for a memorial service, I was shocked that nearly everything the priest spoke, every song that was sung was in worship to Mary, the mother of Jesus. No mention was made of Jesus, the Son of God. In case you don’t know, Mary worship is forbidden by God. All glory belongs to Him and to no other, especially not a human being.

You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.” (Exodus 20:2-17 NKJV)

The Catholic Church wasn’t always the way it is now, the argument being that many Catholics believe that the church was founded upon the rock of the apostle Peter. Peter, of course, was considered the first pope although Scripture does not back this up. (Matthew 16:18-19) ( Sadly, all that changed when Satan infiltrated the church through the evil Jesuits in the 1500s. (

“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18 KJV)

Was Peter the first pope? The answer, according to Scripture, is a clear and emphatic “no.” Peter nowhere claims supremacy over the other apostles. Nowhere in his writings (1 and 2 Peter) did the Apostle Peter claim any special role, authority, or power over the church. Nowhere in Scripture does Peter, or any other apostle, state that their apostolic authority would be passed on to successors. Yes, the Apostle Peter had a leadership role among the disciples. Yes, Peter played a crucial role in the early spread of the gospel (Acts chapters 1-10). Yes, Peter was the “rock” that Christ predicted he would be (Matthew 16:18). However, these truths about Peter in no way give support to the concept that Peter was the first pope, or that he was the “supreme leader” over the apostles, or that his authority would be passed on to the bishops of Rome. Peter himself points us all to the true Shepherd and Overseer of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:25).” (

The charismatic movement affected the Catholic Church in great ways back in the ’60s, with many Catholics becoming born again Christians. Unfortunately, many Catholics are still not saved, yet consider themselves Christians. If you are Catholic and not born again, then do not wait to make Jesus Christ Lord of your life, for the time is short. Buy yourself a King James Version of the Bible to read and study and, if possible, find a born again Christian who can baptize you by immersion so you can identify yourself with Jesus’s death and resurrection. Faithfully going to Mass every day and on Sunday is not the true way to Heaven, sorry.

Charismatic Roman Catholics mix two errors: Catholic teaching and charismatic teaching. As Catholics, Roman Catholic charismatics pray to Mary and the dead saints, accept the authority of tradition, confess their sins to a human priest, believe grace is conferred through physical means, and place faith in the Most Blessed Sacrament. As charismatics, Roman Catholic charismatics seek signs, speak in tongues, emphasize signal manifestations of God’s work, and hope to receive new inspirations from the Holy Spirit.

Tradition and experience are never good tests for truth. Catholicism still teaches the same sacramental salvation that has kept people in bondage for centuries.” (

The Abuse of Native American Children

It is heartbreaking when you realize what the Catholic Church, run by pedophilian reptilians, has done to Native Americans. It was bad enough the genocide our own Government practiced against them, also forcing them to live on reservations far from everything they had known. Worse was the kidnapping of their children, shoving them into boarding schools, cutting off their hair, punishing them if they dared speak their own language by locking them up in cages and using other forms of abuse. Apparently, these children were dumped at these schools, only to be sexually assaulted by the pedophiles who ran them They were not allowed to see their families, and there was no one to help these poor children. If you’ll recall what I wrote earlier about these Reptilians, they have no emotions. They are cruel and enjoy inflicting pain. Even the nuns at these schools seemed to act with evil intent toward these children.

These incidents in history are by no means the only ones. The sins of the Catholic church are many. The Spanish Inquisition was a horrific period of torture and execution carried out by the Catholic church wherein millions died because they would not accept the beliefs of Catholicism. ( If you want to know more about this topic, you may need to do some research yourself. I just want you to know how the Reptilians worked through the Catholic church through most of its history.

It should be stated that some writers now believe that the combined deaths of both world wars would be only slightly less than the massacres at the hands of the catholic church from the 4th century up until the 19th century. Several historians have offered figures of 50 million people being murdered during this period. Catholic writer John Cornwell also states how 1-10 million people were murdered during the Inquisition period alone, with 10,000 females (many under the age of ten) perishing in Germany, according to the Sunday Times, 23 August 1998. Only the Russian Darwinist dictator Joseph Stalin would come anywhere near to matching this figure, for he would exterminate around 35 million of his own people.” (

It is clear by this behavior alone that the Catholic Church is a demonic cult that has nothing to do with honoring the Creator of the universe. I was raised in the Catholic Church and attended Catholic school, but it is clear now why God drew me out of it. I was 13 when I got my first King James Bible. I had asked for one for Christmas, so my parents bought me a huge family Bible with gorgeous painting reprints in it. I was officially saved when was 16 years old and left the Catholic Church when I was 18. My father was furious, so brainwashed was he by this cult. He later got saved when witnessed to by some of his friends, which was a very good thing.

Ye shall know them by their fruits,” Scripture says. (Matthew 7:20 KJV) Considering what is happening and what has been going on for centuries, I’d say the fruit of the Catholic Church is completely rotten to the core. (Matthew 7:15-20) The Pope himself is a Reptilian and is believed to be the False Prophet of the AntiChrist trilogy. He is the one responsible for merging Catholicism with Islam.  It is called Chrislam. What an abomination.

Three Vatican priests have gone on record denouncing Pope Francis as a false prophet and claiming that Satan worshipping pedophile cardinals are engaged in the ritual abuse of children as young as one-month-old inside the Vatican’s high walls.” (


It is clear that nothing has changed since the Native boarding school incidents. Pope Francis himself is guilty today of the same sorts of abuses that were rampant then. He is not a Christian but a man of Satan, a Satan worshipper. Again, it is believed that he is the False Prophet referred to in the Holy Bible. He puts on a good show and lies through his teeth about many things.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44 KJV)

(Continued in Part Five)


Pope Francis Is A Reptilian Shapeshifter

Full Blown Lucifer Worship At The Catholic Vatican


Indigenous survivors talk about abuse they experienced in schools run by Catholic Church

I Was Sexually Abused By The Catholic Church

For more information:



  • Dragons And Luciferians

  • They Want Our Planet

  • How To Stop Them

  • Reptilian Weaponry

  • Are You Living With A Reptilian?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

(Ephesians 6:12 KJV)

Dragons And Luciferians

To the normal population, existence of the Reptilians may seem far-fetched, mere science fiction, but I can assure you that these creatures exist and are purely evil. They made mention themselves that if we knew, that we would kill them. Enoch 15:4-6 shares how these beings formerly possessed eternal life but apparently lost this gift when they fell from grace. I also know of a story I read of one person who killed a relative who he or she was convinced was a Reptilian. Reptilians are, in fact, dragons. They are of the Fallen Ones, as mentioned in the Bible.

The Book of Enoch also makes mention of the angels and what they shared with mankind, including witchcraft. See Enoch seven and eight. How they are of other planets is not clear, but with their power and technology, it makes it easy for them to travel anywhere. Remember, they also made an agreement with President Eisenhower in 1954. He allowed them to kidnap Americans in exchange for their knowledge and technology. Satan can never act against us unless we give them permission to do so. It is how so many humans get possessed. We have to open doors to let him in. This includes using Ouija boards. I do not believe Eisenhower realized who he was really dealing with at the time. This President, although understanding his reasons at the time because of our enemies overseas, did something he never should have done. Basically, he sold out his own people to Satan. Of course, if he, too, was a Reptilian then it would make total sense as to why he did this.

As you can see, the Reptilians are in control of all Communist nations. China and North Korea give clear evidence of their hatred of Christians, in particular, through their torture and starvation of them. Other human citizens of these countries are not exempt either. Putin’s current reign of terror over the Ukraine is another example of Satan’s evil tactics against humans.

The AntiChrist is intent on creating a one Communist world, so you can only imagine what that means for the future of our world. He does not want God to be a part of it and is trying to wipe Him out completely, not just from the world but from humans as well. One man who took the Covid vaccine insisted he could no longer feel God inside of him when he took the vaccine. There is something in these vaccines that is intent on removing God from our hearts entirely.

It is believed that George Bush, Sr. was a Reptilian and either he or someone else once remarked that if we knew what this Fascist family and others have done to the American people, that we would tar and feather them, or lynch them. If you’ll recall, these Reptilians are Luciferians. They are of Satan.

Believe it or not, the Reptilians have been around for eons and have ships stationed around the planet. These are invisible. But as we know UFOs to be, millions are seen throughout the world on occasion. And they have weapons that they use against human beings. Remember, Reptilians hate and despise us. Similarly, those in the United States Government hate America and its citizens. They consider us their enemy. So why is that?

Seriously, as I mentioned previously, around 70% of the U. S. Government is comprised of Reptilians, which should explain everything going on right now, as they attempt to destroy America. Reptilians hate and despise God, the Creator, who rules the entire universe but also had the power and authority to kick these wicked beings out of Heaven after they tried to oust Him and take over. Human beings are made in the image of God, so that explains the hatred Reptilians have toward us. We are a daily reminder to them of what they dared try and do. It also explains why they are trying to depopulate our planet and take it over. They have an agenda, and those human beings they retain for their evil purposes will be enslaved by them, as many are now. Many adults and children are kidnapped and taken underground, for various evil purposes I won’t go into. Many children from third world countries are those mainly targeted since no one will miss them as many of them are orphans or from lower caste systems.

One thing for sure is that all of the pandemics, the health problems they keep creating, are intended to kill us all over time, whether you believe it or not. The vaccines are not cures for these various conditions. They contain software and other things, to keep us under their thumbnail, but they weren’t going to tell us this. Remember, it is all about control. When the Covid-19 vaccine didn’t work, they created Omicron. Since those didn’t work completely as they had planned, they came up with the Monkey Pox. These are only ways to get us to be obedient to and trust the Government. Unfortunately, we already know that the donkeys in power are liars and are not to be trusted. Sadly, there may be many people who take the Mark of the Beast when the time comes because they trust these liars, believing that they only have our best interests at heart, which is not true at all.

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

(2 Timothy 3:13 KJV)

I believe the main reason so much of this evil is being exposed right now is because Satan knows that his time is short, because Jesus Christ it coming soon to deal with him and set things right.

They Want Our Planet

Susan Reed shared that the Reptilians are large entities that attach at the back. They identify as aliens, mainly as Reptilian or Nephilim, the Biblical term. But alien and Reptilian is not what they call themselves. Their real identity is Draconian. Currently, they are in control of our planet. Susan stated that the Reptilians plan to kill us all one day so their hybrids can take over the planet. Reptilians cannot coexist with us so they have to get rid of all humans. Otherwise, we will kill them.

The Reptilians want us to have implants via an identity card. This device will enable the Reptilians to kill us. This will happen when everyone on Earth is implanted. Perhaps this is what the Covid vaccine and the other vaccines are all about. It is why so many Democrats want anti-vaxxers ‘dealt with’. Humans will all be killed by electrocution via the implants if all goes according to plan. Susan stated that identity cards will replace everything.

How To Stop Them

Susan Reed claimed that a good way to stop these creatures, is for us to stop using credit cards. For humans, that will definitely be hard to do since millions of people are already in debt. The thing is is if paper currency is still in use, the Reptilians cannot implant us with their special device. Without an implant, they cannot destroy us. After we have been killed, the Reptilians will wait for ten years, according to Susan, then colonize Earth as a hybrid and a Reptilian, using human DNA. So it makes sense now why they are collecting our DNA. Reptilians cannot breathe here, which is why hybrids are needed. But do not worry. I believe that Jesus Christ will soon return and stop all of these things from happening. So if you haven’t yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then don’t wait for He is our only Hope in this situation.

Since Susan’s book was published, technology has advanced a great deal.  Smart dust is an easier way now for humans to be implanted, through air conditioners, the air we breathe due to chemtrails, water supplies and the like.  Have you heard of smart dust?  It is all over the place, and we can breathe it in just walking down the sidewalk.  Another advancement is in nanotechnology.  Vaccines are an easy way for a person to have this injected into one’s body.  For further information on how all these things might be possible, check out my article, Weaponized!, which elaborates on some of these things.

Decreasing the use of electronics and wireless devices especially will also help us stop these Reptilians, although we may already be past the point of no return. We have been eating, drinking, and breathing in the nanotech for decades now and is one of the ways the Reptilians are able to remotely control human beings, unfortunately.

Reptilian Weaponry

Susan Reed shared much about the weaponry the Reptilians use against humans. So I will give you an idea of what that weaponry is. Just remember, Reptilians make all of these deaths appear normal. Susan shared that some of these weapons are fired from the sky, perhaps by satellite, but computer programs are also used. The weapons/technology they use can pass through buildings and into houses.

Causing someone to have a heart attack is the number one way to kill someone the Reptilians want taken out. Susan stated that the victim has an attack always at night, usually around 2:40 a.m. or afterwards.

The second weapon is lethal and creates a stroke. A wavelength is used to transfer a blood clotting chemical to the victim. Susan says this is often used to kill in groups at meeting places.

The third weapon has a non-lethal, temporary effect on the victim. The person will feel very disoriented, unable to function normally. Susan said that a hand held device, no bigger than a credit card, is used to fire toxic energy. The substance is usually fired from a distance and can be used against public speakers.

The fourth weapon has a non-lethal, permanent effect that causes general debilitation which includes depression, mind suppression, tension, and dullness. It is given between the hours of approximately noon until ten p.m. There is a peak around 3:00 p.m.. Susan says a person’s work output is reduced.

Weapon Four A, a mass toxic energy substance is put in the atmosphere to suppress all of us. This is sent between noon until approximately ten p.m.

Weapon number five has a non-lethal, permanent effect. This causes anxiety resulting from harmful vibrations given into the body. A timer is involved, so there is a break at night for the victim, Susan adds.

Weapon number six has a non-lethal, temporary effect which creates tension. This is used at 2:40 a.m.

Weapon number seven has a non-lethal, permanent effect which creates depression. It is often used on activists.

According to Susan, the source of some of these Reptilian weapons is a machine that is attached to their spaceships. It harms people’s mind through visualization. They also use enhanced witchcraft – black witchcraft combined with ELF radio wave enhancement.

Susan stated that the first two weapons are usually lethal. Weapons three through seven are non-lethal and can actually be called methods of debilitation. Water, apparently, can clear the effects of these weapons from the body. Susan said that at least 20 minutes in strong jets is effective.

There is more information on all of these things in Susan’s book if you are interested. I just want you to have some idea of what these creatures can do to a person.

Are You Living With A Reptilian?

Susan shared that Reptilians, due to the nature of their work., can be seen working at their computers between the hours of two and three a.m. several days every week. They do not work on holidays. But they do allow you to view them doing this if you are around.

Again, for more details on the weaponry used against humans, read Susan’s book. I believe it is now out of print but you should be able to find a free download, which is how I managed to get a copy. I have been told it is also on audio somewhere.

Again, Susan Reed said that exposing the Reptilians and what they are doing can stop them. She said that the only reason they have gotten as far as they have is because no one knows. “They have to remain secret,” she said, “because we are far too numerous for them to handle. Their hidden agenda is preventing us from raising our consciousness.” Reptilians wants us unaware of their existence.

So there you have it. The gist of what is going on in our world. And again, believe me, this is all true. But continue reading because there is more information being sent your way. Amazing, isn’t it?

Just remember one thing. God still sits on the throne. These Reptilians will not get away with anything when the time comes. So trust Him to take care of you, provide for you, and protect you. God loves you, folks. Never doubt it. Make Him Lord of your life now before bad things come your way. As I said, Jesus is our only Hope in these dark times.

(Continued in Part Four)


For more information:,works%20to%20%E2%80%9Cmonitor%20the%20brain%20from%20the%20inside.%E2%80%9D

Reed BSC, Susan. The Body Snatchers: A True Story of Body Snatching by the Reptilians, A Real Alien Conspiracy. (c) prior to 2010, Publisher and Place Unknown.

Icke, David. Children of the Matrix: How An Interdimensional Race Has Controlled The World For Thousands Of Years – And Still Does, Bridge Of Love Publications, USA, 2001.

The Holy Bible.

The Book of Enoch.


The Body Snatchers And Susan Reed

The Draconian Organization

The Jekyll And Hyde Scenario

A Reptilian Army

Things They Do To People

The Body Snatchers And Susan Reed

Susan Reed, a pseudonym, wrote a book called The Body Snatchers, exposing her intimate relationship with a Reptilian named Brian. She shared that she was never really attracted to Brian, but something made her become involved with this human host who used her for the energy he needed. Also, the Reptilians use sex to collect DNA samples from human beings.

Eventually, when Brian was apparently done with using Susan, she was killed. Her death was blamed on her drowning, but her family said she was a strong swimmer, that this should never have happened. Most believe Susan was killed by the Reptilians, which is what happens to those who expose them. According to Susan, the Reptilian rule is that: “We stop people before they expose.” and also that “We have to win no matter what.” Susan had taken a course on higher consciousness called, “Awakening Your Light Body”, by Luminescence, which was why she was targeted by these evil beings. Apparently, the Reptilians wanted to know more about higher consciousness so they could stop it. Their hidden agenda is to prevent human beings from raising their consciousness.

When a Reptilian snatches a human body, they keep the human spirit there. Reptilian spirits control a human spirit in a single body. And once a person is taken over, there is no going back. Taking over a human is the only way the Reptilians can carry out their agenda. Humans must not know that they exist. Secrecy is their power.

Reptilians are from the fifth dimension, according to Susan. She said that “Brian was Reptilian through and through, bar his emotions”. Susan said, “ He is cruel to a tee, relishing pain, and is telepathic, with extraordinary mental abilities.”

Reptilians seem to appear differently, with different people. I believe Susan described Brian as an eight foot tall, green reptile with yellow eyes, and had a very unpleasant smell. The Reptilian I saw never expanded in size or changed, other than with her facial features.

If one knows of the heavenly angels, there is a heirarchy. Satan also has a heirarchy of evil angels, which may explain the differences in appearance. The U. S. Government itself knows of at least 150 different “alien” species, according to a report I saw on a television series, UNSEALED.

According to Susan, the Reptilians are highly advanced ‘aliens’. They are masters of the mind and use all of the hidden rules that affect us, such as the law of abundance.

Individually, the Reptilians are more powerful than we are but, as a whole, human beings outnumber them, have more power, and we certainly have the ability to remove them from this planet. “Simple exposure will work”, Susan said.

The Draconian Organization

The Draconian Organization is called “the suppressive force”. They are also called the Illuminati, the Global Elite. They are the Reptilians.

This secret organization is taking over our planet without us knowing about it. They are found in all walks of life and place themselves in different positions throughout the world. They also have a ground force covering various geographical areas.

This suppressive force uses techniques to suppress us so we do not realize what is happening, mainly because we are too caught up in our own problems to even care. They use remote viewing, astral projection, and mind scanning. Susan said she witnessed an alien being that chilled her to the bone. It was transparent. Only energy. It had circular patterns like florets repeated throughout most of its body. A head was visible and there were hands, or something that manipulated tools. It also had a high vibration, as though it should have been good and loving, which confused Susan. “It had a large body, and the room seemed filled with it”, she said.

One underground military base, quite well known, is apparently where these Reptilians do whatever it is that they do there. It is in Dulce, New Mexico. And apparently the Reptilians know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the physical body to place an alien entity life-force matrix within a human body after removing the ‘soul’ life-force matrix of the human. The life-force matrix is the ‘spirit’. The Reptilians and human spirits are technically joined at the mental level.

Reptilians use the humans – now non-humans – as humans are now part of the Reptilians. They do not coexist. It is more like the alien has overwhelmed the human. According to Susan, “The Reptilian is now in the driver’s seat, and the mind of the Reptilian is now in control. The human spirit is needed to coordinate the body, which the Reptilians cannot do. They have spirit technology, but they cannot talk. They are telepathic.” If you’ll recall what Credo Mutwa shared. God had closed the mouths of these evil beings when they were cast out of Heaven.

The Jekyll And Hyde Scenario

“No human being should get near any Reptilian,” Susan said. “They have an evil nature and are completely incompatible with human beings and are very destructive. There is no changing them. They are the most evil beings imaginable and won’t think twice about treating anyone in a most evil way.” As Susan said, “Humans and Reptilians do not mix. “We are not equipped to handle their evil power. They are so evil that they will relish anyone’s pain and would even inflict it if they could.” Susan shared that “It’s like a thrill to them. Pain. The worse it gets, the more thrills they get.” They sort of remind one of the Gestapo regime from World War II.

We are the enemy. Reptilians hate humans. If you mess with them”, Susan said, “you end up destroyed. They are what the Bible describes as Satan.”

Reptilians are aliens, with no emotions. They experience difficulty in this area when they take over a human being.

Reptilian qualities include: cruelty, evilness, extraordinary mental abilities, human qualities of an undebilitated soul of kindness, helpfulness, joyfulness. They have tomblike eyes, use psychic attacks, and are negative about humanity. They are bullies, unpleasant, critical, cut down people, and are not at all nice. That is all an act.

The characteristics that make them compatible with humans include: being helpful, intelligent, rational thinkers, having wisdom, and a high vibration.

Some aliens are more advanced. They are the Dracos. They are superior to the ’emotional toddler Reptilian novice’, who are very immature. All these entities are extremely deceptive.

A Reptilian Army

According to Susan Reed, there is a Reptilian army, one that enjoys harming humans. They seek power and feel superior to humans. They hate all humans. They hate all of us with a passion and only want to see all of humankind dead. They will do anything to destroy the human race. Since they are behind the global depopulation plan, this makes complete sense. Devising various pandemics and viral infections such as HIV, SARS, etc. to try and wipe us out shows how they are willing to do anything to bring their agenda to fruition. They also have an array of weapons they use against us, which I will go into further in another section.

Susan believed that the Reptilian are warriors, which is why they have this ‘have to win’ trait. They can only see energy, not physical things, and they can see what humans see in their minds. Susan shared that Brian was a physical Reptilian 3,000 years ago, in China, as part of the army there. She said that they do not need sleep and can leave the human’s body during sleeping hours.

Things They Do To People

Reptilians are pure evil. There is no doubt about it. Sometimes they attach weapons and implants to human beings. If a person is targeted, attaching implants to people seems to be a common occurance. Susan Reed apparently had implants attached to her bladder, which was frequently stimulated. Any targeted person, usually females, will often share of how government ‘perps’ enjoy messing with their bladders, as has been done to me personally. To me, the perps are just as low as the Reptilians in what they enjoy doing to people. How many perps are actually Reptilians is unknown to me.

It it said that rubber can protect humans, such as using a cloak made out of bath mats, but I have spoken to no one who has tried this in order to protect themselves from frequencies and vibrations.

Susan shared that the Reptilians experiment on humans and use sex with them for genetic research. As they did with the Sumerians, the Reptilians masqueraded as gods and enjoyed the worship given them. As I have mentioned before, Satan was jealous of God and wanted to be worshipped. So once he and his followers were cast to the Earth, he was able to convince humans that the Reptilians were gods in order to get the praise and adoration he wanted, so he does it through deception. Although Satan is a created being, as are all of the Reptilians, he still wanted to usurp God’s position which is why he rebelled against Him, only to lose. The book of Revelations gives a clear picture of what will befall Satan and his followers in the end. When AntiChrist comes to power, he will expect those who have taken his Mark to bow down to and worship him. Scripture says he will commit the abomination of desolation (Mark 13:14) , right before Jesus Christ returns to set things right and set up His Government of Righteousness and Truth, forever destroying Satan’s efforts at doing anything ever again against us.

(Continued in Part Three)

The Reptilian Narcissist

For further information:

Reed BSC, Susan. The Body Snatchers: A True Story of Body Snatching by the Reptilians, A Real Alien Conspiracy. (c) prior to 2010, Publisher and Place Unknown.

Icke, David. Children of the Matrix: How An Interdimensional Race Has Controlled The World For Thousands Of Years – And Still Does, Bridge Of Love Publications, USA, 2001.

The Holy Bible.

The Book of Enoch.



  • The Warning

  • Reptilians Are Of The Fallen Ones

  • Credo Mutwa

  • Targeted Human Beings

  • First Hand Accounts

  • An Aside


“Even if you are in a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”  Ghandi

God has directed me to write this specific article. He told me that now is the time for the truth to be told so the world is made aware. Around 12 million Americans know the truth about the Reptilians that rule our world. And when AntiChrist comes to power, which will be soon, citizens of the Earth must make the most important decision of their lives. The question being: Will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior so you will spend eternity in Heaven when you die? Or will you choose to take the Mark of the Beast and worship Satan, AntiChrist, and be damned for all of eternity? Once you take the Mark, there will be no going back, no changing your mind. The choice will soon be put before us all, so keep this in mind.

The Warning

Before moving to Kansas, for those of you who have been reading my articles here, I had a dream. It was unlike any dream I had ever had, so I figured it came from the Enemy or from my carnal spirit. Because I remembered it, I came to learn later that the dream was a warning from God. I had actually written a fictional short story about it, which was published. Only when I moved to Kansas was the truth of the dream revealed. It was about shape-shifting Reptilians, which I never knew about before or believed in. Only a few years later was their existence proven to me. That shape-shifting Reptilians actually existed. They are, indeed, real.

While in Kansas, one of my neighbors came to my door one afternoon and handed me some mail she had received by mistake. As she handed it to me, I thanked her, then watched as she walked away. When she got to the end of the sidewalk, she turned onto a connecting one, then she turned to look at me. Instantly, she shape-shifted into a Reptilian. It was a brief few seconds as she took that form, but then she hissed at me, like a snake. Her face was like that of a reptile, and she had pointy teeth. She resembled Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. That is how I saw it. At any rate, I was shocked and my mouth dropped as I wondered what the heck I was seeing. It was broad daylight, around three in the afternoon. Then the woman shifted back into her previous human form and wandered back home. I blinked several times just to make sure of what I had seen before going back inside my own house. I can’t tell you how many times I have replayed that incident over in my mind. But I have always come to the same conclusion, especially after recalling that dream God had given me. Reptilians. Are. Real.

Many of you may think this is all nonsense, but I can assure you of this chilling reality. As I mentioned, I had no knowledge of Reptilians before. I later discovered there was a man named David Icke who had written books about them, although I knew nothing about Reptilians beforehand. I just knew these creatures existed based on my own experiences. It will be up to you to decide on the truth for yourselves. This is important because it may help you decide about whether or not you will take the Mark of the Beast in future and follow Satan and his army of Reptilians.

Reptilians Are Of The Fallen Ones

Researching this article took awhile, but I wanted to be sure I had all of the facts, the truth. I came across interesting videos and books that verified the truth about the Reptilians, so I will share what I learned and what God confirmed. While seeking God on this matter, this is what He told me:

“You are not alone in the universe, Lynne, but there are false aliens and evil

spirits who masquerade as creatures from outer space. The Reptilians are real,

but are of the Fallen Ones. Doubt it not.” (June 2, 2022)

As I have learned, the Reptilians are an alien race who are taking over the planet. They are actually called the Draconians, although the Biblical term is Nephilim or Fallen Angels and, obviously, Satan. They are dragons, although they do not breathe fire, but have jaws with sharp teeth, and roar in a blood-curdling way, like a dragon, I have learned. In some parts of Africa, they are called the Chitauri. They are also known as the Illuminati, the global elite. Reptilian spirits hide behind human bodies. They are body snatchers. I have seen them three different times, all from the same family who lived next door to me in Kansas. Their family is large, so I can only believe that they are all Reptilians. What I do know for certain is that they are quite evil because they did horrendous things to me while I lived in Kansas. And every time I reported them to the police, the police ignored me, which makes me wonder about them as well.

Also, what I do know is that many people we know as politicians, heart-throb actors, other well known celebrities and others are humans hosting Reptilians. Once a human is taken over, there is no going back. Taking over a human is the only way these Reptilians can accomplish what they do. Secrecy is their power because they do not want us to know that they exist. They are from a different dimension. And this explains why the U. S. Government is the way it is. 70% of the government is controlled by human-hosting Reptilians, and the Reptilians are the ones in control. To me, this explains everything, of why the Government is against its own citizens. Because Reptilians hate and despise all human beings. Plus, they have their own agenda. We can see the destruction they are currently wreaking throughout the United States, Africa, Europe, and throughout all of the world. They are pure evil and, to me, insane, if you consider the stupid, ridiculous things they come up with to destroy our society. Consider Common Core, for example.

Jesus knew about the Reptilians. Only He referred to them as vipers. (Matthew 12:34, Luke 3:7, Matthew 3:7, Matthew 23:33) So don’t think I am making any of these things up. And if you have viewed any YouTube videos of people who claim to have died and gone to Hell for a brief time, they will commonly share their experience with evil reptilian creatures there. Evil spirits or demons, most likely. As one woman who had a relationship with one of these shape-shifters described them, they are Satan.

Credo Mutwa

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa was born on July 21, 1921 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He was a Zulu Sangoma (a traditional healer) and High Sanusi. A shaman. He died at 98 and is well known and respected for his work in nature conservation. He also wrote several ground breaking books on African mythology and spiritual beliefs. Credo was very familiar with the Reptilians, who are called the Chitauri in many parts of Africa. He said that the Reptilians are not aliens, as some refer to them. Nor are they gods, as the Sumerians believed. He also claimed that these Reptilians are harvesting human beings, not experimenting on them.

Credo believed that the Reptilians, the Chitauri, created African traditions and said that the Chitauri once engaged the real God Himself in a terrible war and that God defeated them. This goes along with the Bible story of Satan and one-third of the angels of Heaven rebelling against God. They battled with God and were defeated and cast out of Heaven and sent to (and in) the Earth. One story I once heard is that the serpent who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden may have been a Reptilian who stood upright on two feet and had a tail.

Mutwa said that these creatures are sexually compatible with human females, which Credo says verifies the fact that these Reptilians came from here and are actually a part of us, which makes them all the more dangerous. Credo said that they know us very well. They know human weaknesses, those of our minds, just as they know the great strengths of our minds. In Genesis, chapter six, of the Holy Bible, shares of how the sons of God mated with human women who gave birth to giants. Those who have seen Reptilians can attest to the height of these creatures, usually around seven or eight feet tall when they transform from their human form to their Reptilian form. Their hands turn into claws, and they have sharp teeth. Reptilians are body snatchers, seeking human hosts they can possess.

Credo shared that God closed the mouths of the Reptilian Angels, the Fallen Ones, so they are unable to talk or eat food. It is said that the Chitauri now feed on the energy that humans give them. They cause wars and make us fight each other. They drown us in death and fear and terror. People become angry and afraid, so the Chitauri are fed. They eat what we call dark power which is brought about when human beings destroy the planet on which they live.

Also, Credo shared that the Chitauri eat the energy that is generated when hundreds of human minds or even one start thinking at a certain level. The Chitauri want us to think at certain levels, for which humans are then rewarded with long life, according to Mutwa.

It is said that these creatures feed on us human beings; that they, at one

time, challenged God Himself to war, because they wanted full control of the

universe. And God fought a terrible battle against them and He defeated

them, injured them, and forced them to hide in cities underground. They

hide in deep cavities underground, because they are always feeling cold. In

these cavities, we are told, there are huge fires which are kept going by

slaves, human, zombie-like slaves. And, it is further said that these Zuswazi,

these Imbulu, or whatever you choose to call them, are not capable of eating

solid food. They either eat human blood, or they eat that power, the energy

that is generated when human beings, on the surface of the Earth, are

fighting and killing each other in large numbers.” (Credo, Mutwa: Africa’s Hidden History: The Reptilian Agenda, p. 29)

Targeted Human Beings

Reptilians not only feed on energy but blood, especially from babies and children. Some live underground, some in underground military bases. They kidnap women for breeding purposes so they have babies they can suck the blood from. Many children are kidnapped off the streets for similar purposes. Word has it that Reptilian hybrids working at the FBI are heavily involved in these kidnappings. Other humans are used as slaves.

The FBI has fusion centers which are directly behind the human targeting of people such as me. Millions of people around the world are being tormented by “perps” who are hired to do evil, nasty things to people if they disagree with the new world Satanic agenda. Targets are listed as domestic terrorists and put on watch lists. Anyone who speaks truth is targeted also. If these targets die of “natural causes” then it is easy for the FBI and the perpetrators to not be implicated in any way. Murdering a target brings great rewards for the perps.

The FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, and other government agencies, many which include Reptilians, Nazis and the like, are all involved in this targeting agenda. Their aim is maintain their secrecy, so anyone exposing the Reptilians and their agenda may be taken out. Believe me, they have vast weaponry and technology at their disposal. They create false dossiers about the targets which are meant to convince potential “perps” of how evil the targets are in order to get them to accept these perpetrator positions. Considering what has happened to me, I believe my fake dossier has me labeled as some sort of a murderer. The evil salespeople at my car insurance company, for instance, shrieked at me one day, calling me a murderer, because I let my car insurance lapse because I had lost my job due to layoffs and had no income at the time. I was poor but far from being a murderer, so why would they say that to me? Apparently it was in their database, or someone lied to them about me. I’m sure I will never know. Heck, the only thing I have ever killed are spiders and other insects. So, as one can see, Reptilians, being of Satan, are liars and destroyers. They will attempt to destroy anyone who dares expose them.

First Hand Accounts

Apparently there is more to the Jeffrey Epstein story that the public never heard about.

I recently saw a video on which shared a group of panelists discussing their first hand accounts with Reptilians and human targeting situations. One woman I will call Kathy, to protect her real identity, shared of her intimate relations with a gray alien who was hyper intelligent and very good looking. She labelled him ‘Mr. Dream’. Kathy has a forensics background. Mr. Dream told Kathy that having relations with him was needed every day because it gave him power. He wanted energy from her. Kathy said this gray never once shape-shifted in front of her.

Contrary to Kathy’s tale was another story shared by one of the other panelists I saw. It was from a black woman, a very intelligent woman who stood close to six feet tall, naturally. Her account was more disturbing. I will call this woman Shelley.

Shelley had a good friend in Hollywood who had a rich boyfriend, a millionaire type, a man who was recently arrested by the FBI. This man was very rich and powerful.

Shelley had been invited to her friend’s hotel, a five-star hotel in Manhattan, New York. Shelley did not know this man was there when she arrived. She only saw him while on her way to the bathroom. He was in the bedroom, and she greeted him on her way past. She had been outside with her friend for an hour or so, but this man never once came outside to join them.

After using the restroom, Shelley opened that bedroom door, perhaps out of curiosity as to who this man was or why he stayed in the bedroom. This man was naturally six foot three or four inches tall. As a tall woman, Shelley said that, in heels, her eyes were to his chest when she opened that door. She wondered what was blocking her in front of the door when she opened it. Immediately, this man went from six foot three or four inches to close to seven feet tall. His head morphed back, and his hands became claws. His eyes also changed, and Shelley said there was a light, a laser thing, that came out of his eyes and locked onto the core center tissue, the dead center of her brain. Shelley said she could not move because his eyes were locked with hers. She literally Could. Not. Move. She could only watch him as he did that thing with his eyes as he morphed.

Shelley broke the hypnosis, the trance-like state she was in, by shaking her head. She then pushed him out of the way and ran out to the living room. She looked at her friend who giggled at her. “Did he scare you?” she asked, knowingly. “Come sit next to me.”

Shelley spent around twenty more minutes there, but even then, the man never came out of that room. So she fled that hotel room. She stopped calling her friend and broke off all communication with her after that. A couple of years later there was a whole saga about this man, about his island, and the things he was involved in. Those things are now being revealed. It turned out that this man was close friends with the man who died in a Manhattan jail. They said that that man committed suicide, but I have my doubts about that. He’s probably still around somewhere, to my way of thinking.

“This world is not what you think it is, guys,” Shelley later shared, “And these people are not who you think they are.

“The more money they have – Well, if you are an organic human, you are considered a lower level slave. This is how they [Reptilians] think. They also believe that whatever the god of trechnology is, that is the god that will dominate this planet, and they believe that that god needs slaves.

“Transhumanism is their religion,” she said.

An Aside

There is so much information on the Reptilian topic that I am unable to share everything I’ve come across. I am, however, writing this article in several parts to share some of what I know of this topic. But the truth is out there if you want to research this topic further yourself. I know that the powers that be will do what they can to disable the videos and article links here, as they have done from the beginning of this website, so I will share what I can for these postings. The powers that be, however evil, scour the Internet and do the same with anyone sharing the truth about anything these days. They did a good job in decimating this website, as you may have noticed for yourself. At any rate, part three of this article is intended to share with you what Susan Reed exposed in her book, The Body Snatchers, regarding what the Reptilians use against us. Many people have been murdered by these evil creatures but, due to their weaponry, make it appear as having these people die of natural causes, so no one suspects them. Susan drowned, but not everyone believes that. After writing her book, it is believed that the Reptilians killed her for exposing them.

(Continued in Part Two)

For more information:

Reed BSC, Susan, The Body Snatchers: A True Story of Body Snatching by the Reptilians, A Real Alien Conspiracy. (c) prior to 2010, Publisher and Place Unknown.

Icke, David, Children of the Matrix: How An Interdimensional Race Has Controlled The World For Thousands Of Years – And Still Does, Bridge Of Love Publications, USA, 2001.

The Holy Bible.

The Book of Enoch.

Mutwa, Credo, Africa’s Hidden History: The Reptilian Agenda. Publication Information Unavailable.

Lewels, Joe, PhD., Rulers Of The Earth: Secrets Of The Sons Of God, Galde Press, Inc., Lakeville, Minnesota, (c) 2008.

Wallis, Paul. Echoes Of Eden, Paul Wallis Books, (c) 2022

Warning: The following video is age-restricted, extremely graphic and I debated over posting it due to its content. However, I feel it is important for people to know what may really be going on in our world. I am not all-knowing, and sometimes there are videos and information on the Internet that are outright lies. So it is up to a person to decide on the truth for themselves. I do know, however, that many Hollywood movies show aspects of the truth that are very far fetched, making us believe that what they share is all fiction, invented for entertainment. Hard to say. Either way, the following is the accompanying write-up by the person who posted the video on YouTube, which should give you a greater understanding of what may be actual truth. In case they remove this video, at least you will know why. The powers that be certainly don’t want the truth out there. But please keep an open mind if you decide to watch this video.

“We are not at the top of the food chain. There are deep underground bases all over the planet. All of them ultimately run by hostile aliens. In these bases, abducted humans are subjected to horrific scientific experiments, recreational saddistic torture and processed as food. Reptilians, Insectoids and Greys and their hybrids consume humans. Meat, Blood, Plasma, Brain Fluids. Humans have to be alive when eaten. And before the killing, humans (preferably children arround the age of 5) are brutally tortured for weeks with electro-shocks and breaking bones, etc. to enrich their blood with fear-hormones and adrenaline. Reptilians/Greys then drill holes into the brain of the child to, with a straw, suck out the brain-fluids that are enriched with these hormones. Tens of thousands of people go missing every year without ever being seen again. Yes, some of them get kidnapped by human criminals, some fall into rivers, a very few get attacked by wild animals, some want to start a new life and disappear. But these cases make a very small percentage. In many cases people vanish mysteriously without a trace into thin air while going arround the corner, or out of the room, or within minutes from their workplaces, etc. They are abducted with the help of alien technology, either by UFOs or portal-technology. They get abducted and then transported to secret underground alien bases where they are used either in experiments or as food.” Fruitcake

See the video below:

(Please note: Some still maintain that Reptilians are fictional, but I can assure you they are indeed real. People are being killed for exposing them, as Phil Schneider was. At any rate, view this with an open mind. It is extremely graphic and disturbing.)

Reptilians Butcher & Eat Humans Underground Worldwide

The following video is also extremely graphic and disturbing, so be forewarned. Not really sure what to make of this:

T Mobile – Commercial Ad Breeding Humans Underground For Reptilian Cannibalism

Ancient Aliens: ALIEN REPTILES MANIPULATE HUMAN DNA (Season 14) | History

Ancient Aliens: Rh-Negative (Season 11) | History

Contact With Interdimensional Beings/A Shapeshifting Reptilian/Portals In Sedona

For more information:


Apparently even the Disney animators know about shape-shifting reptilians.

Disney’s Raya And The Last Dragon

(Go to the shape-shifting dragon part at 2:12 minutes.)


I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything here, but the Enemy has done his best to destroy me and this ministry. But the Lord has brought me to a new place, with instructions to continue writing. So, let us proceed.

The day has come when multitudes of people are in desperate need of many things. Jesus does not want His people, or any of the unsaved, to suffer either. He has called forth his angels to see to the needs of many, of whom many are not even aware.

The time is short, however, before the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So please do not dawdle or procrastinate. Ask Jesus to be Lord of your life before it is too late. As you can see, the tides have changed, and the New World Communist Order is well under way.

The laying down of Martial Law in Canada is just another way to bring fear and chaos into our world. Remember, this is Satan’s world, but GOD is allowing things to happen that have been prophesied in the Holy Scriptures. He rules the universe, but Satan has only a temporary rule, through AntiChrist, of the Earth until our Lord returns to claim His people and set up His Kingdom. His coming will wipe away all of the evil that now exists. Never forget that.

Jesus Christ is Lord of all. His divine will is what stands in the end. So trust Him to help and guide you through the coming days and help you to avoid the coming of a tribulation worse than anything this world has ever experienced.

Accepting Jesus now is the most important thing you will ever do. Refusing the Mark of the Beast, Satan’s Mark, is the second. As I have mentioned before, if you listen to the lies of the Enemy, through our Satanic governments, taking the Mark will damn a person to hell for all eternity, with no way out. Jesus Christ is our only Hope for salvation, so please do not hesitate. Pray to Him, confessing all of your sins, repenting (turning away) from them, believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Receive Christ now and confess Him as your personal Savior. You never know what tomorrow will bring.  And be sincere in your heart when you do this.

Also, find a good Bible-preaching, salvation-teaching church that will baptize you by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit of God, not by the sprinkling of water as others teach. Babies do not need baptism until they are older and know good from evil, usually around the age of eight. What the Roman Catholic Church teaches are lies, so it is best if one leaves that cult. Ask God to lead you to where He wants you to go, not some Catholic priest who does not practice what the Bible teaches. True believers in Christ must put into practice what they learn from studying and reading the Bible.

And one last thing. Worship only GOD and Jesus Christ, His Son. Worshipping Jesus’s mother, Mary, is a form of idolatry that God hates. So turn away from this forbidden practice. It is not Biblical nor acceptable in God’s eyes.


I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:” Matthew 3:11 KJV


  • The New Normal
  • Another Evil Meant To Control Us
  • Prepare
  • Buying Out Ignorant People


The New Normal

By now most people know the underhanded tactics of the Democratic Leftists in America. Trying to condition us to be obedient to the Satanic agenda of the New World Order: wearing face masks, standing six feet apart. You know, all of that ridiculous social distancing they are ramming down our throats. It is considered a ‘soft’ form of Martial Law. Even the pandemic numbers are all skewed in one way or another. Now they are telling us they are going to make the Covid-19 vaccination mandatory for all people, promising that all things will return to normal afterward. Garbage. Just another lie from Satan.

The state of fear and panic the Dems are creating throughout America is in record proportion, which is exactly what they want. It is all part of the Communist takeover, as most of you know. What’s worse, they pretend to be waiting on a vaccine that will protect us from future Covid outbreaks. My understanding is that the vaccine was already developed and waiting for us before Covid even hit the world. Every day it is mentioned, too, that the vaccine is nearly ready for distribution in November, or thereabouts. Funny thing though. What the Left never talks about is the real reason for the vaccine and how dangerous it will be for your body. Covid has nothing to do with it, as far as I can determine.

The real reason for a mandatory vaccination to be given is for depopulation purposes. Even if high level politicians and even the President volunteer to go first, how are we to know they are not going to be given a harmless placebo instead, while the rest of us are forced to take what is meant for the rest of us? It is said there are actually around 48 different vaccinations. So I suppose they want certain people to be injected with the one that is geared for them, to see what happens and how they respond.

Many believe the vaccination to be given us will contain a microchip, possibly what is called the Mark of the Beast. Hard to say. But what I do know is that what these vaccinations will contain are disgusting things that no one in their right mind would want in their body. Also remember, what the New World Order, ruled by Satan’s right-hand-man, the AntiChrist, is all about control of everyone on the planet. So how else can they make their dream agenda happen, other than what they are doing to targeted individuals, who are being used as unwilling experimentation victims?

Another Evil Meant To Control Us

The vaccination intended for us to help combat the baloney virus is actually intended for evil against us. That is why it will be mandatory and forced by empowered traitors into our bodies. These wicked people will come to your homes and do everything they can to make you take the vaccination.

There are three steps, I’ve learned, to taking this vaccination: (1) get tested; (2) get the vaccination; and (3) choose the one you want, although they are all basically the same. Once the decision is made, you will not be able to change your mind.

The testing for Covid, as I understand it, is for blood harvesting. The blood will be put into quantum computers.

Depending on your choice, there will be consequences for making the wrong decision of what is opposite of what the evil ones want. There may be prison time (FEMA camps), forced seclusion in your home wherein you will be unable to go shopping, etc. if you refuse the vaccinations.

The vaccine will contain the following: aborted fetal tissue, humanized mice – these are mice that have human organs, blood, and a human immune system. Basically, it is said that these are like ‘humans in a mouse suit’. Also, there will be human proteins that are put into a human vascular system of plants that are like a hybrid human plant. All of these things will be mixed together in a blender, and we will be told that this is what will keep us safe from the pathogen. Disgusting, right?

Apparently, the worst thing that will be injected into us is a substance called darpa hydrogel. These are nanoparticles which have been experimented with for ten years. The wicked ones want to put chips into our brains so surgery won’t be necessary, which is why they developed hydrogel.

Darpa hydrogel does many things. Much like in a Hollywood movie, it will alert public health before a person gets sick. Once it gets into your body, these nanoparticles assemble inside your body. They start growing and fuse with your cells, ligaments, muscles, your bones… They become one with you and, the scary part of all of this is, is that you become one with a computer. You become your own computer interface. You become one with the quantum computer, your computer, your devices, anything ‘smart’ that you have in your house. Once all of this happens, things will never return to normal again, and there is nothing you can do to change anything.

As you consider all of these things, can you see how Satan is trying to deceive us and trick us into taking the dreaded Mark of the Beast in order to drag millions of people into Hell with him?


Now is the time to prepare, to decide on what you want to do before any of this evil comes upon us which, sadly, is coming at lightning speed. For those who can and are able to, growing a garden for food, preparing your own pharmaceuticals for your health needs, stocking up, whatever you are able to do, now is the time to begin. Famine is coming, and already many items are missing from our grocery shelves. This is a deliberate attempt to starve us out. The evil factions of our government will not help you, nor will they tell you of their secret plans for our nation, much less the world. If you are a believer, trusting Jesus Christ for provision is of utmost importance. If planning a garden, make it an indoor garden. The plant destroyer used together with the chemtrails is doing a good job of wiping out crops and vegetation worldwide, so beware.

Buying Out Ignorant People

Many of my neighbors here in Kansas are government perps, working for the Nazi sanctions of various U. S. government agencies, directly under the direction of the evil Council of Foreign Relations. These perps get paid to persecute targeted individuals, especially Christians like me. These perps have already made their choice to serve Satan by taking part in all of this. They commit atrocious, inhumane acts against human beings, all for a lousy buck. Those targeted are merely those who speak their minds, sharing the truth with the world of what is happening. Others are targeted for who knows what reason. Some are just in opposition to the new world order. In America, freedom of speech has silently been taken away in many ways, and those enjoying this benefit of America are now punished by the new world Satanic order. One can already see how social networking sites are also blocking truth from being shared. No one appears to see my posts anymore, so I don’t spend much time on these sites these days. I got off of Twitter altogether and will soon be free of Facebook, when the Lord tells me to deactivate my account.

All the evil being perpetrated against American citizens has been sanctioned by the United Nations, one of the most evil organizations on Earth. Anyone opposing their Satanic world order agenda, all dissenters, writers, talk show hosts, and others targeted by the Nazi groups that have infiltrated our nation, will be exterminated, which is why it is important for people now to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This way, even if you are taken out, you will indeed go to Heaven and live forever in Paradise, so long as you believe and trust in Jesus Christ. Those who choose not to accept Jesus will face eternal damnation when the time comes and the horrors of living in a world completely under Satan’s authority, control, and direction. It will be a taste of Hell before you even get there.

As the Bible says, Satan (AntiChrist) wants to be worshiped as God (Isaiah 14:12-16) and will one day ‘stand in the holy place’, which incident is referred to as the ‘abomination of desolation’. (Matthew 24:15) Seriously, is this the future you want for yourself or your beautiful, innocent children? This demonic entity has already committed much destruction and evil in today’s world. Imagine the future Earth with him in full control of it. Our children won’t stand a chance. They are already being brainwashed at school with the evil agendas, and the sold out evil ones are already trying to put a divide between them and their parents. This is the Communist way. Socialism often leads to Communism, which is why I leave it out when I tell you things. What’s the point? I already know where this is going.

Taking the coming vaccine is a choice you will have to make. I think I may have been targeted years ago, not sure exactly, but I was told I had to get the swine flu vaccine in order to keep my job at a nursing home. The vaccine made me horribly ill. Whatever they put in me may have included a chip or something, but I suppose I will never know. At any rate, I have no intention of taking the Covid vaccination. If I am forced, it will be in God’s hands because I will not take it willingly. I trust you will make the right choice as well.

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.”

(Isaiah 60:2 KJV)

Behold, the Day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.”

And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”

(Isaiah 13:9,11 KJV)



  • They Want A New Normal

  • How Nazis Ended Up In America

  • Behind The Targeting Of America’s Citizens

  • God Knows Everything

In 1946, the US government embarked upon a secret project that would become known as “Operation Paperclip,” which hastened the immigration process for hundreds of Nazi scientists who sought to enter the US. The initiative earned its name from the paperclips that were attached to these applicants’ files. (For their part, Britain, France, and the USSR all also enlisted top Nazi researchers.)” (

They Want A New Normal

I don’t think there is anyone in America today who is not aware that our upcoming Presidential election has much to do with good versus evil. Our votes this term will either lead us into continued recovery of our current, normal government system as we know it or to a closer step toward a completely controlled, enslaved world ruled by AntiChrist, a man of Satan – ‘the new normal’. The Left is all about bringing their new world order agenda to full fruition. Their repeated lies prove what side they are on.

People may not be fully aware that voting for the radical Left is one step in the direction of a one Communist world headed by the evil man of perdition, which is why the anarchists are trying to tear down and destroy America as we know it. Satan is a destroyer and the father of lies, so this would make perfect sense. Satan is purely evil and, although the current Republican candidate for the Presidency may not be a perfect man – no one is – at least he is on the side of good for America. It is why the Left hates him so much. He is standing in the way of what they want to accomplish. Again, complete destruction of America. This plan has been in place by the powers that be for many years.

How Nazis Ended Up In America

Many people already know what happened after World War II. This article is for those who do not.

It was all about technology. The United States wanted from the Nazis of Germany, before Russia got it first, all of what they had developed for the military, including what had been learned through much of their horrendous experimentation against the Jewish people in Germany. I am sure that most know about Mengele, one of the most evil, sadistic doctors who worked for the Nazis. Did you know that he came to America after World War II ended but, because he could not be identified, was carelessly let go? In all, 88 Nazi scientists were given safe haven in the U. S. after the war and put to work by Uncle Sam, through Operation Paperclip. Later, the Nazis allowed into the U. S. numbered in the thousands.

The bulk of the people who got into the United States — some were from Germany itself, some in fact were senior officers in the Nazi party under Hitler — but more were the Nazi collaborators.” (

After the Nazi work was completed in the U. S., then these evil Nazis were allowed to quietly settle into American life, with no one being the wiser. Because of this horrible turn of events, many of our government agencies have been quietly infiltrated by the Nazis and are performing their evil experiments even now against unsuspecting, innocent American citizens. Sadly, this is also happening to innocent people across the globe. The mind control experiments the Nazis did are now in place here in America, among other things. America appears to have been taken over by these evil men a long time ago. They have been just biding their time in order to destroy the U. S. and take over the world, as Hitler tried to do. We can see it happening.

Hitler and his cronies were heavily into the occult. It is believed that he was also possessed because of this. Anyone can be possessed by Satan by opening doors that allow him in. If you consider some of Hitler’s speeches, you may hear things coming out of his mouth that shocked even him, as if he was no longer in control of himself. It is what I have seen in people who are under mind control. It is Satan behind all of it. Rather, Satan’s followers influenced by their father, the Devil. Luciferians control the world these days, by the elite globalists who worship their false god, Baphomet.

Behind The Targeting Of America’s Citizens

With the Nazi infiltration of our top government agencies came with this their own evil agendas. Certain U. S. agencies have put innocent, truth sharing, law abiding Americans on their Satanic watch lists. Anyone who speaks the truth, whistleblowers, in particular, any who oppose the coming New World Satanic Order, believers in Christ, etc. are added to this list. Those on the list are then targeted for torture, lied about, slandered, and made into worthy test subjects, all without consent of the victim.

One agency hacks into our phones and electronics. Another provides funding and PsyOps to agency ‘Fusion Centers’, which hire the dregs of society to carry out torture, etc. on their fellow man, neighbors, family members, to complete inhumane acts against humanity, all for personal gain. Surveillance is done by Air Force agencies. That is what cell phones and GPS are used for. I got rid of my cell phones, but I think they put a tracking device in me while I was asleep, knowing I had no phone anymore. I was diagnosed with melanoma years ago and had surgeries to remove every mole on my body. When a prominent mole suddenly appeared on my arm one morning, I knew it had been put there by someone else. It is too noticeable not to have been removed during surgery.

The Council of Foreign Relations directs the entire targeting program. Their agencies put implants in their subjects covertly, even cameras in their eyes while they are sleeping, do remote neural monitoring, giving people no privacy even in their thoughts, and they implement V2K, voice-to-skull transmissions, putting thoughts and words into the victim’s heads that did not come from the person. Free will is gone at this point. If these Nazis can control your thoughts, then they can get a person to believe or do anything. Do your remember several years ago when a young woman claiming to hear voices in her head caused her to crash outside of the White House? The police shot her dead, even while her child was in the backseat, thinking she was crazy. She wasn’t. She was under mind control. Seriously, people need to wake up to these realities. Mind control is real and being carried out on millions of people by several evil factions of our own government. The problem is that anyone reporting any of these things are labeled by the authorities as mentally ill. Ten to one this woman was not. Actually, those doing these things to people are psychos themselves. There is a lot more information I could share, but I think you know enough to do more research on your own perhaps.

God Knows Everything

The one great thing about all of this is that our Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is aware of all of the evil being done to people. I have spoken to many targets who share horrendous stories of what these demonically-influenced people are doing to people.  One woman sent me photos of what microwave attacks have done to her stomach. Another woman I know had her face fried, destroying her beauty. These wicked ones kill people’s pets, as mine were poisoned. One woman who suffers from Morgellons Disease from the engineered chemtrails sent me photos of lesions from which spiders and other foul creatures emanate from. There is so much evil going on out there, and so many innocent citizens, wonderful, talented people are being covertly destroyed by those who should be helping protect us. This is a globalist agenda, and it is what the Left wants for America. Can you imagine living in a world governed completely by Satan and his supporters?

The day will soon come when Jesus Christ will return and destroy all of these wicked people. But until then, we, the targeted ones, must trust Jesus to help us endure the fiery darts of the Enemy (the frequencies he uses and electronic torture he aims at us). (Ephesians 6:16) Faith is what is needed to help us overcome these attacks, assuming you are targeted. It is prayer that helps. Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus, every part of your body, and seek God for protection. Targets may be gang-stalked, have their homes broken into repeatedly, as mine has been for over 12 years, be injected with chemicals or poisons, as I have been, and the list goes on and on. You would be shocked to learn what has been done to me and continues to be done, because I choose to share God’s truth with the world. The powers that be have put me on their list and try to convince everyone around me that I am crazy or a troublemaker. One false Christian I know told the police I was a drug addict. So these Nazi cops came in and interrogated me, demanding to know what drugs I use. They were shocked at the one or two over the counter ones I mentioned. In no way am I a drug addict. But I know there is a special judgment for the police officers who refuse to help me and others like me, and those who lie about us and slander us, because the police are indeed held to a higher standard. The same is true for teachers.  (James 3:1-2)  Sad, but true.

Your greatest protection in this day and age, from all of the evil being perpetrated against human beings, is making Jesus Christ Lord of your life. He is our only Hope in this evil world. It does not matter if you are Catholic, or Baptist, Muslim, Hindu – whatever you call yourself. The important thing is to confess all of your sins, repent of them once and for all, renounce all of the lies and deceptions fed to you over the years, and ask Jesus into your life. Read the Holy Bible every day and find a salvation-preaching, Truth-sharing church to attend, if you can. Apply God’s Truth to your life, in your walk with God. Jesus will transform you into a new person, a new creature in Christ, which will help you to stand firm against the Wicked One. Trust Jesus Christ, for it is He and He alone who will save you in the end, not a worldly government, not the Left, not the new world order, and certainly not Satan and his son, AntiChrist. Only Jesus Christ.

May the Lord bless you and help you run the race set before you. Hold fast to Jesus, and He will hold fast to you.

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”

(Ephesians 6:16 KJV)

My Only Hope Is You, Jesus

* * * *

Socialist Bernie Sanders Speaks Against Naziism

The Roots of Nazi Ideology

The History of American Nazis

Wernher von Braun: From Nazis to NASA

For more information:



  • Are You A Targeted Individual?

  • The Realities of Mind Control Over Populations

  • The New BAN Healthcare System


Are You A Targeted Individual?

As a targeted individual, I felt the need to share this information with you, for those who are suffering, not just from Morgellons Disease perhaps, which the powers that be don’t want you to know exists, but especially from direct targeting and torture by the New World Order Globalists. The powers that be belong to Satan and are trying to put the entire world under globalist control by bringing the AntiChrist, Satan’s own, to complete governance of every nation on the Earth. This has been Satan’s plan from the beginning, when he was first cast to Earth eons ago.

The globalists want to control every aspect of your life because they know that no one in their right mind would ever want to serve Satan. He hates all of us, yet still his deceptions are rampant, causing many to serve him because of their false beliefs. Any opposition to the New World Order, anyone who speaks truth, perhaps as a whistleblower, anyone who is a true Christian, etc. can quickly be targeted by these Satanic globalists throughout the world.  It is said that there are over three million targeted individuals in the United States alone, over seven million worldwide.

The following is taken directly from information shared by Citizens Against Harmful Technology ( I will not go into comprehensives. You can go to the website and research much of this yourself. But I want to let you know that this is actually happening, not just in America but throughout the entire world. The powers that be are using directed energy weapons against people, as they did in California when they started all of the wildfires in their efforts to clear the roadways and wipe out complete towns so they could implement their own agenda a few years ago. Other directed energy/electronic torture includes RF/Microwave, Laser, Acoustic, and Particle Beam technology. Psychological, chemical, biological, and weather weapons are being used to attack civilians. 5G is also playing a major part in this sad state of affairs.

Many people are being killed through these torturous attacks. This includes children as well. I know a man whose wife was microwaved in the bathtub and died. Later his young granddaughter was killed, too. I have heard of several others, including young mothers, disabled people, including the blind, who have died or have been threatened or tortured by their own family members. One woman I spoke with said that her own grandchildren told her that her parents, who are perps, want her dead. Much of these types of incidents are the result of direct mind control. What’s worse is that the police know all about the gang stalking, etc. done by evil perpetrators – perps – who are low-lifes who can’t seem to get and hold any sort of a job. They are lazy and self-serving.  So all of these wicked people have been recruited to perform every form of inhumane torture that can be devised against innocent people – physical assault, poisoning, theft, vandalism and destruction, and the list goes on. And these evil people come from all walks of life. If you report anything to the police, they will tell you that you need psychiatric help and will refuse to help you. Why? Because they have been ordered to do so by the powers that be, although they know all of this is happening.  Sadly, it are the perps who are all in need of major psychiatric help for help with their jealousy and insecurities, self-hatred, anger, shame, low self-esteem, etc.

The Realities of Mind Control Over Populations

I live in a city filled with people, including the police, who are under direct mind control and Satanic influence. There is much witchcraft here, and astral projection seems to be a way of life among many citizens. As a seer, I have seen things most people don’t, and I also have strong spiritual discernment.

When I arrived in this small Kansas town, lured here through deception by that cult I warned you about, I had no idea what I was walking into. I had no idea I was moving into a neighborhood filled with criminals that are allowed to get away with everything evil that they do. I feel evil spirits that are attached to some of the people here, many of them false Christians. It was no mistake that God sent me here, to help me experience and learn things I had not learned elsewhere, so it has all been for God’s purposes. However, I had never dealt with witches until I arrived in Kansas, nor did I know I was targeted until I arrived here. I am not sure how this happened, but after looking back at things in my life, I realize I have been targeted for a long time, even before I left New York State. But I have never experienced anything such as I have experienced here.

Unfortunately, the hired ‘perps’ and ‘thugs’ working for the powers that be have been committing inhumane crimes against me on a regular basis, since 2008 when I arrived here. I discovered that this is a spiritually dead town full of not only criminals but people of low self-esteem who are jealous of others who are smarter, more educated, better looking, or who have material possessions they want for themselves.  They are full of hatred and self-loathing and are proficient liars, too, I’ve learned, which has made it difficult for some of these people here to even hold a job. It took me many years to figure out some of what has been going on here because I was raised in a happy, exciting college town and knew a lot of people.  But never people like these.  The place I moved to is filled with some of the most evil people I have ever met. I got stuck here because the ‘perps’ have managed to accomplish what they have set out to do. Impoverish me to no end. But what I do know is that God warned me years ago that He would not allow me to be destroyed or controlled by these wicked people. There is still more to the ministry God has given me than what it currently is.

When I have encountered those under mind control here, I see a film suddenly come across their eyes as they are lying to me. The police here who are either Federalized, under the COPS program, are under severe control, or are a part of Cointelpro, America’s Secret Police program, implemented by the FBI. I have had words with a few police here who have come at me with rage, blasting me for no apparent reason. Then immediately something in them changes, either based on what I am saying or something else. Either way, the person suddenly gives himself a shake, and his mouth drops as some external control leaves him and he realizes he may have said things that did not come from him. This has happened several times in front of me, not just with the police here but with others I have spoken with. There is always something I say that seems to suddenly break the ‘hold’. The person gives himself a shake, as if suddenly waking up, and the person’s mouth drops open as if shocked by what had been coming out of his mouth. The person appears to return back to his normal state and seems too dumbfounded to say anything else, to explain his odd behavior. Usually, I just up and walk away from him, too upset by what he had been saying to me because I knew things for what they were.

It has been shared among the targeted community (T. I.s) that several small U. S. towns have been targeted and put under mind control. Not sure if this is an experiment or what. Either way, it is a horrible situation. Unfortunately, none of these people even know they are under this control. What appears to be protecting me is my strong prayer life. I also cover myself with the blood of Jesus every morning and at night which helps protect me from outside influences. To block Voice-To-Skull attacks, I recite that “I will not react to constructive suggestions.” a few times a day, which seems to help. I also spend a lot of time breaking off witchcraft curses.

Several of the government perps doing evil against me are heavily involved in the occult. I do a lot of spiritual warfare because the ‘perps’ assaulting and harassing me use witchcraft to send evil spirits and/or demons against me. Some of these people appear to be possessed. This seems to be a whole other level of ‘perping’ that perhaps some people never endure. Also, there is technology out there being used against T. I.s that make things even more difficult. Whether witches are using this technology through their training is as yet unknown, but I am working on finding out. I do know that some military bases are actively involved in torturing people and/or are using surveillance equipment, electronics, etc. to spy on innocent people. Many probably already know this.

The New BAN Healthcare System

The following information is that taken directly from the book someone sent me, which explains why all of this is happening to innocent people throughout the world:

“A New World Order Globalist scheme is underway to electronically enslave every human on the planet by connecting everyone’s brain to a computer with a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) to make each person part of the Internet of Things (“IoT”). Targeted individuals are medical test subjects being covertly implanted with an electronic Wireless Medical Body Area Network (“BAN”) while they are sleeping or during medical procedures. The BAN is made up of (1) an Artificial Intelligence system which connects the brain to a radio network and cochlear implant for 2-way radio communication, (2) a cell phone internet/computer interface using Bluetooth or Zigbee, (3) RFID chip tracking devices (“CTTL”), (4) heart and lung monitors, (5) blood pH, blood oxygen, glucose, temperature and carbon dioxide monitors, (6) sensory implants in the eyes, ears, face, nose and throat which record what you say, hear, see and smell, (7) choking technology in throat, (8) pressure and motion sensors in arms, legs, feet and buttocks, (9) accelerometers, (10) liquid crystal and nano devices in the blood, (11) neurostimulators on nerves and muscles to vibrate and heat the body to control the target with pain and (12) implants for electronic rape. Covert implants can be injected into the brain using a long needle inserted up through the sinuses, through the eye sockets or through the top of the mouth.

“TI’s are slaves to the implants, V2K and neural monitoring. They are tortured mercilessly with shocking, vibrating, burning and pain. Cell towers, phone antennas and drones direct energy at them to activate their implants, to keep the target from sleeping, to erase their memory, degrade their health and evoke extreme emotions. TI’s are antagonized to provoke an event during which the target reacts to their torture and is accused by authorities of being a criminal or mentally ill. They are wrongly kidnapped for “mental health” exams, forcibly drugged and implanted. If it can happen to anyone, it can happen to you, violating every right you thought you had. The new BAN healthcare system is meant to remotely monitor, control and punish every citizen! It is a torture system.”

So clearly, anyone can see that this torture system has come straight from the pits of Hell to target people, not just God’s children. I just want you to be aware of what is happening in our world. If you are targeted, just know that you are not alone in this evil. God knows what is happening and, if we endure till the end, we shall be saved. So trust God and no one else. These are the darkest days we will ever live through. Just know that God has a plan and that the days of these wicked people are all numbered. Satan has already lost the war of good versus evil. All of the wicked will be destroyed in accord with the timeline of the Almighty. It is inevitable.

I am praying for you. So hold fast to God, and He will hold fast to you. Know that if you are targeted, that you are chosen of God. So keep your chin up. For you are blessed and very special in the eyes of God, believe it or not. Know that He loves you beyond measure. Nothing can ever change that.

* * * *

“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” 

(Eph. 6:16 KJV)

To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God and precious.”

(1 Peter 2:4 KJV)

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people: that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light:”

(1 Peter 2:9 KJV)

Targeted Individuals

High Tech Stalking

Targeted Individuals Are Chosen By God

Targeted Individuals Are Intellectually Superior Beings

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