Category: Deliverance

The Truth Of Mount Sinai

I learned the truth about Mount Sinai over ten years ago, but I was never able to find the movie again that I had first seen.  But now, as we move deeper into the end times, it appears that God is bringing all things to light.  And now is the appointed time.   I was fortunate enough to catch radio talk show host Glenn Beck’s broadcast a few days ago, discussing this new information, so praise God for that.

The world must know that Mount Sinai is not in Egypt, as has been believed.  Ever notice that question mark in your Bible near the map of Mt. Sinai?  It shows that the location of the actual Mount Sinai was in question.  What God has revealed shows that the actual Mount Sinai is located in Saudi Arabia, where it has been hidden by the Saudi government all this time.  Its location and the archaeological relics and structures, etc. found there are Biblically accurate, as pertains to Moses and the Israelites in the book of Exodus.  Clearly, the Adversary has been trying to hide all of this information from us for some time.  But now, what has been hidden is now being revealed.

At any rate, below are a few videos you may want to view, pertaining to the hidden truth of Moses and Mount Sinai, in case you aren’t aware of these things.  If there was ever any question of the truths revealed in Scripture, then this video should help put aside any doubts of its accuracy.  But only the viewer of these videos can make up his or her own mind as to the truth of the Biblical account of Moses and the Israelites.  So, without further ado, here are what I believe are the truths of Moses and Mount Sinai, now brought to light.  Enjoy.

For more information:


The Lord impressed upon me the importance of sharing my notes on healing and deliverance.  I had come across an interesting five-part video series on that took me awhile to get through.  I typed up almost verbatim everything shared on these videos.  The words are not mine, but those of international teacher and deliverance and healing minister from New Zealand, Mike Connell:

I have posted the links here of my document which is of the five videos which you can download and print.  Also, you can always go to and check the series out for yourself.  The notes encompass around 59 pages and are a very good teaching for those who don’t have time to sit and listen to videos and just want a quick manual of what they contain.  For anyone interested in or involved with deliverance and healing, this is an exceptional way for you to learn and begin.  The manuals Mike mentions during his teachings are on his website and are also available for download there.  I pray this information will be of interest to you.

May God bless you.


On Healing And Deliverance  .doc

On Healing And Deliverance  .pdf

Prayers for Protection And Defense

The following prayers can be downloaded for your personal use.  Feel free to print them (21 pages) in .doc or .pdf formats.

I have a strong gift of prayer and have many that I pray because I am continually targeted and under attack by the powers that be, as is this ministry.  Most of the following I wrote and use, while some I borrowed from other websites and revamped for my situation.  I hope you will find them useful as well.

You may direct any problems or questions to me at:







There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain

Rape Is A Taboo Subject

Rape. A taboo subject. Rarely do people talk about it. Or the repercussions of it.

In this season, it is important to be made aware of how Satan and his forces are using rape and other forms of violence to try and dominate the world, to prepare the way for AntiChrist’s rule. Prior to the return of Jesus Christ. As mentioned previously, Satan hates women because Jesus Christ was born through a woman, Mary, by the Spirit of God. (Luke 1:35) As Scripture says, AntiChrist has no regard for women either. (Daniel 11:37) He hates and despises all women, so using rape and other oppressions to lower women, to take vengeance against them, is behind his rationale of using rape as one way to get back at God for what was done to him eons ago.

Sadly, rape is becoming a common hate-filled evil, thanks to those opposing the followers of Christ. It matters not the age or the sex of a person, or even if they are human. Rape is being used to violate, kill, and humiliate its victims. It is used by cowards who are filled with the spirit of the Evil One, men who think they are doing what their false god wants them to do in order to bring their plans to fruition. In reality, this is a false god. To say he doesn’t exist is not even true. This false god is, in fact, a demon prince of Satan, one serving the Adversary, one at the top of his evil heirarchy of angels. Those who were cast out of Heaven by the one True God, I AM.

Jesus Christ is the King, the God of the armies of Heaven. He was there with His Father Elohim, Jehovah, when the world was created. He was there when Satan was cast out of Heaven. (Luke 10:18) He now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven. Waiting for the day of His return, the day of which only our Father knows of. Meanwhile, evil is allowed to take place in a world dominated by the Adversary who, remember, is the ‘prince of the power of the air’. (Ephesians 2:2) He commits havoc and chaos and destruction on Earth, which is his playground, until Jesus comes back to show Him just Who is in control of the universe.

Unholy Soul Ties With Sinners

If people are not saved, having submitted their lives to Jesus Christ, been born-again, then many are still walking in sin. The sin all people were born with because of Adam’s fall from grace. Through Satan’s influence on the earth, many are following wicked ways and not being obedient to the ways of the one True God of Heaven and Earth. I AM.

Unless a man and a woman are bound together in holy matrimony, their souls combined as one, then any fornication outside of marriage is a sin before God. Sadly, this is all too common today. I blame Hollywood’s influence on much of this, too. Many shows and movies make it seem normal and acceptable for people to jump in bed together, to have sex on the very first date. Not one of them ever wants to wait until they are married. This goes completely against the Law of God. Marriage is to be holy and sacred and done within the blessings and laws of God. But this is in accord with Christian beliefs. Unfortunately, there are many false religions out there that have been heavily influenced and created by men walking with the Adversary and not with the one True and Living God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. They actually believe they are, but this is not true. It is just one more lie from the Enemy, one more form of deception. Anything God is against, the Enemy is trying to mandate now as law. Every abomination in the eyes of God is being rallied by Satan and his followers as normal: rape, incest, bestiality, lying, destruction, etc. Raping to fulfill lust instead of controlling one’s baser nature is not of God, but of Satan. Self-control comes through the Holy Spirit of God, when a person is born-again. Those not born of God think it their right to ease themselves with whomever and whenever they feel like it. This is completely wrong and evil.

Many people may go through life, completely unaware that they can be bound to other people through “soul ties”. Soul ties are ungodly, invisible, and unhealthy for a person in all respects, particularly if they are connected to another due to rape of any kind.

With rape rampant now, through one false religion, ideology in particular, a man’s religion created for men and by men, soul ties with sinners are now causing untold problems for the victims of rape, if they even survive to talk about it. Sadly, many victims are raped to death, which is horrible to even think about.

I know someone who has been raped several times. Sadly, she is now under psychiatric care because she is under ceaseless mental torment, caused by the evil spirits that entered her through rape.

This is what happens when someone not born of God and the Spirit violates another. The evil from the rapist is shared with the victim through an unholy soul tie. Imagine how many children who have been sexually abused by family members or others in their lives are suffering. Or how many are now messed-up adults under psychiatric care because of mental illness. Most mental illness is caused by evil spirits, something that many aren’t even aware of. It is easier to label and diagnose people as being mentally ill or insane and treat them with drugs than to cast out the evil spirits that are actually afflicting them.

I asked the rape victim I spoke with what exactly she experiences when being tormented. She shared that it is as if she is in a trance. She cannot function, cannot do anything normal. She just lays around all day, accomplishing nothing. She tries to pray, yet even that is difficult for her. Which is why she contacts me through our prayer ministry for prayer, almost daily, sometimes even two or three times a day. She told me that only my prayers seem to help these attacks. She refers to them as attacks because that is what they are. Attacks by evil spirits.

Recently, I started doing more research on rape and soul ties and came across a prayer that I felt might be useful for this woman. We have recited it together over the phone several times. At the time of the prayer, she said she felt a release inside. Sometimes, it is always in the wording of a prayer that someone is set free. My prayers gave the woman peace, but they weren’t a complete cure, we discovered. I also told the woman that if she wasn’t free the first time we prayed, then we needed to persist. Sometimes our prayers may not be answered right away and may, in fact, take years. Praise God! Fortunately, as of this writing, this woman has not had an attack in three or more days. But still, we need to persist, to make sure she has overcome this completely, through victory in Jesus Christ.

Be Aware

As illegal aliens and followers of Satan wreak havoc throughout the world, America must become more aware of what could happen here. If you read the previous article I wrote on ‘The Demonic Invasion’, posted a month or so ago, you should be clear on the fact that many evil spirits are now infiltrating our country and other western nations in even greater number, through illegal aliens. Believers in Christ need to learn how to do spiritual warfare, to defend themselves against future attacks by the Enemy against them. So that if someone you know or love is raped, be aware that an unholy soul tie has now been made with the innocent victim of these evil sinners and needs to be dealt with through prayer.

Also, if you are yourself a victim of rape, I empathize with your suffering and pain, the shame of it all. But know that Jesus understands and loves you and does not want you to suffer the repercussions for the rest of your life. Jesus came to set the captives free from all bondage, which includes soul ties.

Prayers To Break Ungodly Soul Ties

Below is one prayer you can pray for release of the unholy soul ties that may be tormenting you because of the evil done against you. A very simple prayer that works, that I came across in my research. There are many ministries out there that specialize in certain Scriptural topics, so I have posted a few links below. They are very good and well worth your time to read through. They are more involved than what I offer here, but I am more concerned with your being aware of what the illegals are bringing into our nations to contaminate and destroy and of our need to defend ourselves spiritually, preferably before anything happens.


The following prayer was found at:

“Lord, you gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us clean house. Let us acknowledge our sins and admit that we have ‘tied’ ourselves to idols/individuals whom You never intended us to be united to. Let us confess and repent of all sexual sins – whether intentional or by force. The enemy wanted to destroy us Lord. But God, You are greater! Lord – be our door, be our gate. We let the evil out and the good in. We are called and chosen by the King of Kings. What the enemy has tried to steal will be restored 30, 60, 100 times over.

“Holy Spirit, we need your help in bringing the truth to light. We break all unhealthy soul ties from (you fill in names if you know them) by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. We ask that all covenants and agreements that we entered into from the enemy be broken in Jesus’ Name. You are our God, and there is no other. Cancel all unhealthy and ungodly agreements, Lord. Let those words be turned into dust. Let Your Word prevail, Lord – in our hearts, our minds, and our spirits. We choose to honor this body that you have come to live in.** We belong to you and we will fulfill your plans for us, in Jesus’ Name.”


I also came across an outstanding website that contains many prayers a person can pray to free themselves from all spiritual, ungodly soul ties. Rather than repost them all here, I recommend you check out the following ministry site, which has a variety of necessary prayers for breaking soul ties and trauma bonds, generational legacies, betrayal bonds, bindings through unforgiveness, etc. that is well worth a look :

Remember, if you have any prayer needs, feel free to contact us at our subministry, Walking in Deliverance With God through the link on our home page. We will be happy to pray with you.

If you have any questions or would like to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior before it is too late, feel free to contact us at:

May the Lord bless you always.



Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” (Hebrews 13:4 KJV)

And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” (1 Samuel 18:1 KJV)

What? Know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh.” (1 Corinthians 6:16 KJV)

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body: but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” (1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV)

For more information:

**If you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit will then come in to reside in you.

hands-clasped-in-prayerBED TIME PRAYERS FOR PROTECTION

Before you retire each night, give glory to God and confess your sins, asking for forgiveness. That way you will be at peace and sleep with a clear conscious.

The following are prayers I pray each night that may benefit you, too. Witches can slip through walls, through astral projection, and evil can invade your home in any number of ways, slipping through cracks and crevices, air vents, and registers, etc. The following prayers will help cover and protect you with the precious Blood of the Lamb. Well worth taking the time to pray before you retire. May God bless you.


In Jesus’ name, in the name of Yeshua – Yahshua ha Mashiach – I cover myself with the blood of Jesus, of Yeshua – Yahshua. I take authority over all demons of the night, bad dreams, and nightmares, and I command them to stay away. I ask for giant warrior angels to protect me, my property, my body, and my belongings as I sleep. Amen.


In Jesus’ name, in the name of Yeshua – Yahshua ha Mashiach – I plead the blood of Jesus over every air hole and crack and crevice inside and out of this house (or apartment), over every floor board, crack and crevice beneath my feet, and over the entire basement area beneath me. I plead the blood of Jesus – Yeshua – Yehoshua – over every air vent and register, and over every ceiling crack, hole, or crevice, tile, or roof shingle above my head, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


In Jesus’ name, in the name of Yeshua – Yahshua ha Mashiach – I plead the blood of Jesus over my conscious and subconscious mind and thoughts and ask for good dreams.

Holy Spirit, please cover my will, my emotions, my spirit, and my soul, and please let them all line up with the Word of GOD. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to do warfare against any evil spirit or entity of Satan or against anyone or anything that is trying to come against me. Holy Spirit, also please tear down any strategy of the enemy against me. I ask all these things in Jesus’ name, in the mighty name of Yeshua – Yahshua ha Mashiach. Amen and amen.



Father Elohim, You are Wonderful, You are Great, You are Wonderful. You are Your child’s Shepherd. You are Shepherd and Protector, and through this prayer we want you to protect your child against all astral projection attacks, mainly done by witches and warlocks, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Father, right now we ask You to place the blood of Jesus Christ between your child right now, in the spirit world and between all witches that are in spirit form in the spirit world that are coming to curse your child, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Father Elohim, we also ask you to place some angels to form a circle around your child and to form a circle around your child’s home, and his/her business, and his/her car, and everything he/she owns. Have angels to form circles around it so that when these witches in the spirit world astral project and cause their spirit to come out of their bodies, and they locate Your child in the spirit world, we ask You that when they try to come and curse Your child, we ask You to see to it that Your angels do not allow the witches who are in spirit form to be able to get through to attack them, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Father, we ask You to remove all sin from off of Your child’s home or remove all sin off of Your child himself/herself. Remove all sin from off of everything that Your child owns – that business, that car. And do this Father Elohim by covering everything with the blood of Jesus Christ, in Christ’s name.

Father, we ask You to cover every square inch of everything Your child owns and Your child, with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, because the sin itself is what is attracting negativity toward him/her, and sin itself is what will keep your angels away from guarding Your child and everything he/she owns. And also, when the evil spirits see the blood, they will pass over and won’t attack Your child and also because of the blood. We know that these witches who astral project and come to astral attack Your child, that the blood will be against them, in Christ’s name.

Father, we ask you right now to see to it that every time a witch astral projects and tries to attack Your child, that the precious blood of Jesus Christ will always be against them, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Father, regardless as to when these witches astral project – Sometimes they have different times. They might do it when the moon is growing bigger. They might do it before the new moon. All of these are techniques so that their curses and spells that they cast in the spirit world will become more successful.

Father Elohim, regardless of the timings or the sequences when their astral projects, projections trying to line up with the moon, quarters. Regardless Father Elohim, we ask You to see to it that the blood of Jesus Christ will always stop them and will always prevent them from attacking Your child and cursing Your child, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Father, we ask you to bind up all hexes and curses that have already been cast on Your child and placed on them in the past by witches. We ask You to suck the life out of all of them, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, and neutralize all curses that have already been placed on Your child in the spirit world through astral projection, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen and amen.



Mature believers in Christ know that there are only two paths a person can take in this life.  One leads to death; the other to life everlasting.

Followers of Jesus also know that there are only two religions in the entire world.  One involves the worship of the one true God.  The other is the false system of demonic alternatives, some of which were invented in ancient Iran and which were spread to India, and eventually throughout Asia.  Sadly, many of those ancient, false religions, practices, and beliefs have made their way to the west and are now interspersed with western culture.  And not everyone realizes that these religions and eastern practices are rooted in the demonic – Satanism.


Yoga, TM, and Martial Arts 


Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, and the martial arts have made their way into American and other western cultures.  Most people believe them, particularly yoga, just harmless forms of exercise, stress relievers, or fighting arts.

In truth, yoga was created to open doors to the demonic, to Hindu gods.  It seems harmless enough and good for staying in shape, but it was created for a reason.  As a form of worship to Hindu gods.  Actually, demons, since, in reality, Hindu gods are false.

The true God of Heaven abhors man’s worship of false gods, so it is clear that true believers in Christ should stay away from this and other eastern practices.

Yoga is a spiritual activity with a demonic agenda at its core.  Some call it Satanic witchcraft, so don’t believe it is harmless.  There are dangers involved with yoga because you are opening yourself up to demonic attack.  It is repackaged Satanism and opens people up to occultic, Satanic powers.  It is not just stretching and breathing exercises.  It is much worse than that.  In fact, Tantric yoga worships female deities; hatha yoga is sun worship.  Regardless, all of these eastern practices are forms of idolatry – the worship of false gods – which the one true God of Heaven condemns.  The mighty I AM is a jealous God and will not tolerate this evil behavior, especially among His people. (Exodus 20:4-6)

I am sure that in some way, most of us are guilty of playing with or practicing forms of yoga or meditation or even learning karate, taekwondo, judo, or other forms of martial arts at some point in our lives because we just didn’t know any better.  Some of the basics of these are even taught children in school, in physical education classes.  Hollywood movies, however, are what have mainly opened up our minds to such things, and growing children, as we all know, are prone to experimentation.  So no doubt we are all guilty of this sin in some way, shape, or form, albeit unknowingly.  We certainly didn’t learn the truth about these practices in church while growing up.  At least I never did.

According to Dr. Vito Rallo, a Christian and former five-time National Karate Champion, the martial arts actually developed over a long period of time, coming through Hindu priests.  It was “downloaded”, he says, through the spiritual realm, as was yoga.  The martial arts actually came through the yoga aspects.  It did not develop on its own.  It took meditation, divination, and occult activities to develop it.

Rallo says that martial arts and yoga cannot be separated from the original source.  Without the spiritual aspects of martial arts, you cannot separate and receive the power that it takes to operate in any martial art.  One cannot take the actual aspects of fighting or defending because the actual power used in the martial arts is the chi, or prana.  “That power has to come from somewhere,” says Rallo.  “It cannot be snatched from thin air and applied to your training.  Fuel must come from somewhere in order to fuel the martial arts and give it the power that it needs.”

“What is really happening here,” according to Rallo, is that “Hinduism is infiltrating our society through these eastern occultic practices.”  Rallo also states that Hinduism and New Age are the same thing, just under a new name.  It is just one more way the enemy is using to try and wipe out Christianity from the earth.


Psychics, Mediums, and Astrology


Psychics and mediums seem to be perfectly acceptable in this day and age.  In fact, if you watch any of the paranormal television shows out there today, you will notice how psychics and spirit mediums are called in to help people whose homes are being haunted before a Spirit-filled Christian who knows about deliverance and spiritual warfare are even considered to be brought in to help.  Even priests are often of no help.  They often just bless the house, which is usually only a temporary fix.  They don’t actually cleanse the evil from it.

There are also psychic hotlines, which are all the rage.  It is a growing industry that people will gladly put their money down on, not caring or being aware that many of the so-called psychics are actually frauds.  They will make up anything you want to hear, for a price.

The Holy Bible itself tells believers to stay away from such people and not to dabble in these things, which are all forms of witchcraft or sorcery.  When we involve ourselves with these, we are in direct disobedience to God’s Word, the Bible.  We are also opening ourselves up to spirits other than God’s.  This is also one reason why séances are a bad idea.  People open themselves up to all sorts of evil spirits when playing with that form of witchcraft.  We are also turning away from true faith in Jesus Christ and are not really looking to God for guidance but to the occult.  The Bible clearly forbids us from having anything to do with these things or these sorts of people:

“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them:  I am the LORD your God.”  (Leviticus 19:31 KJV)

“And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.”  (Leviticus 20:6 KJV)

“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:  should not a people seek unto their God?  for the living to the dead?”  (Isaiah 8:19 KJV)

God also commands us to have nothing to do with astrology or idol worship:

“And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.  (Deuteronomy 4:19 KJV)

“And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;”  (Deuteronomy 17:3 KJV)

“Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels.  Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

“Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame:  there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.

“Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast labored, even thy merchants, from thy youth:  they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.”  (Isaiah 47:13-15 KJV)

“Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

“Thus saith the LORD, ‘Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven:  for the heathen are dismayed at them.’”  (Jeremiah 10:1-2 KJV)

“And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.”  (Daniel 1:20 KJV)

Be sure to stay away from the Ouija board as well.  I think many of you already know how dangerous those can be.  Many have opened doors to the enemy and became possessed by evil entities by playing with these things.  The entire Exorcist movie was based on the true story of a young boy who became possessed because he played with an Ouija board.  It was not just harmless fun.  Our own ignorance can open doors to Satan that we should learn to keep closed.

God’s Word says, in Hosea 4:6, that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”  This is exactly the sort of thing He is referring to.  We must read and study the Holy Bible, the Holy Scriptures, daily and meditate on the truth of God’s Word.  If we love God and want to walk in obedience with Him, with His commandments and laws, then we need to seek after knowledge of good and evil and become informed.


Choose Life


When people deal with darkness, evil can enter their lives and destroy them, if they are not careful and wise to the enemy’s tactics.  God would have us to live and be happy.  He has given us laws and commandments He wants us to be obedient to.  But ignorance of His Word and His Laws keeps people in bondage to Satan.  God knows everything that will help us be happy and live that abundant life He has promised us as His adopted heirs.  He promises us eternal life if we will but choose to follow Him and develop a personal relationship with Him.  Because He loves us and does not want to see anyone fall to the Adversary and be eternally destroyed.

Understanding our enemy and learning to stand against his wiles will help us walk with God as He wants us to.  True, born-again, Spirit-filled believers have all authority over the enemy.  God promises us this.  But He would not have His people to be ignorant.  Delve into His Word and search out the Truth for yourself.

Luke 16:13 says that “No servant can serve two masters:  for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”  So here, God is giving us a choice.  Accept Him and live.  Or choose death.  The choice is yours.


“…Choose you this day whom ye will serve…But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”  (Joshua 24:15 KJV)

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”  (Hosea 4:6 KJV)

“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 16:25 KJV)



For more information:

Iran’s Demonic Religions






Martial Arts

Shocking Secrets Behind Martial Arts And Yoga by Dr. Vito Rallo


Transcendental Meditation





Psychics and Mediums


When I first heard of the death of famous movie actor/comedian Robin Williams, my first thought was – Illuminati.  Then, as the media began reporting this sad event, that Robin had taken his own life because of his depression, it seemed that something just didn’t add up.  The media kept mentioning a knife laying nearby and that Robin had cuts on his wrists.  What was that all about?

Robin Williams was loved by millions of people.  He was talented, charming, good looking, and seemed to have everything to live for.  So why would a person who brought such joy to millions be so miserable as to commit suicide?

Whenever someone in Hollywood gets divorced, we often wonder why someone would not want to stay married to one of many gifted people in that realm of fantasy and dreams, that so many strive for.  Robin, as are many in Hollywood, was married three times.  So this could possibly have been part of the cause of his depression, perhaps caused by his drug addiction years before.  This happens with a lot of celebrities or with those who have so much money they just don’t know what to do with it.  Perhaps Robin felt like a failure in this aspect of his life.  Hard to say.

The Internet – and this is one reason the AntiChrist is trying to take control of it – contains all the knowledge and truth anyone would want.  Sooner or later, the truth about Robin’s shocking death was bound to come out.  And so it has.

Oddly, not only was there an episode of Family Guy that aired shortly before Robin’s death was announced, which mentioned his death, there is a website,, that made mention of Robin’s death three days before it even happened.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Through all accounts, it appears Robin Williams may have been murdered by occultists, possibly Illuminati, after all.  Unless some outside evil force pressured him into taking his own life.

As one man says, Robin could have easily killed himself with drugs and alcohol, since he was prone to addiction.  Although, because of his heart condition, he had cleaned himself up later.  So why choose hanging?

Regardless of the real reason, I believe Satan was ultimately behind Robin’s untimely death.  It was either the price he paid for what he wanted, or it was actually an occultic ‘mercy killing’ or a ‘blood sacrifice’, as mentioned.

And don’t forget, whenever something is put out there to draw the world’s attention away from something else, know that the powers that be are probably behind it.  In this case, Williams’ suicide may have been planned so the NWO could take our attention off what is happening in Iraq or another event going on, perhaps even in Ferguson, Missouri.  Just a thought.


Depression is an Evil Spirit


In a previous article, I shared about Hollywood and the Illuminati.  How being part of the music industry tempts many to sign their souls over to Satan.  It is a mandatory requirement for anyone who wants to make over $50,000 or more a year.  Apparently, the music industry is not all that is affected by the Illuminati/Zionist control.  Many in Hollywood delve into the occult and are willing to have people they love killed off as a ‘blood sacrifice’ to Satan.

Many famous people have opened doors to the enemy, probably through ignorance.  With the desire for wealth, power, and fame come evil forces into a person’s life they may have never considered.  Evil spirits, particularly depression, afflict many, not just the rich and famous.  Other evil spirits do as well.  Lust, vanity, anger, hatred – the list is endless.

According to reports, Robin Williams was not the only one troubled by evil spirits.  Heath Ledger and others in Hollywood were or are even now under demonic oppression, perhaps demonic possession.

When a person sells his soul and/or opens a door to Satan, there is a price to pay.  Usually, that person’s life.  And, of course, his soul.  I don’t think they realize that what the enemy can give them is only temporary, fleeting, and that it will eventually lead them into eternal destruction.

According to, “Williams told James Kaplan of US Weekly:

“Yeah! Literally, it’s like possession ‑ all of a sudden you’re in, and because it’s in front of a live audience, you just get this energy that just starts going…But there’s also that thing ‑ it is possession. In the old days you’d be burned for it…But there is something empowering about it. I mean, it is a place where you are totally ‑ it is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, where you really can become this other force. Maybe that’s why I don’t need to play evil characters [in movies], ’cause sometimes onstage you can cross that line and come back. Clubs are a weird kind of petri dish environment. I mean, that’s where people can get as dark as they can in comedy ‑ in the name of comedy, be talking about outrageous stuff and somehow come out the other side. I mean, that’s one place where you really want to push it” (Robin Williams, “Robin Williams,” by James Kaplan, US Weekly, January, 1999, p. 53).

“Williams’ last statement quoted above answers the question as to why the demonic powers use entertainers. Their goal is to promote evil and darkness and increase mankind’s rebellion against God.”

Jesus Is The Ultimate Power Over Evil


When a person accepts Jesus Christ into his heart, his life, as Lord and Savior, that person’s soul is protected, shielded and filled by the Spirit of the Living God.  A person’s body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit.  A person can still be oppressed by evil spirits such as depression, but those Satanic forces cannot penetrate the person’s soul.  An unsaved person does not have that protection.  Evil spirits can then torment – oppress – an unsaved person and can even take full possession of that person.

And did you know that a person so fully possessed by Satan can combust spontaneously?  When you hear of that strange happening, rarely do you hear it mentioned that someone spontaneously combusted because they were completely possessed by Satan.  But it is true.  This is why when there is a report of this happening, the burning comes from inside a person and does not affect anything around him or her, such as the furniture or whatever.

Only Jesus Christ can save a person from the enemy.  He is the ultimate power over evil.  Satan is only a created being and his power is limited.  It is God that holds all authority over him and the entire universe He created.  There is no other God but Him.

Sadly, Robin Williams apparently had no protection from the enemy.  He did not recognize what was wrong, and it led to his ultimate demise.

However, if a person saved through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, experiences enemy attacks such as depression or whatever, there is a way to overcome, to be freed.

Jesus Christ is the answer.  He can break all the chains of bondage of the enemy in someone’s life.

A born again, Spirit-filled believer has the power of Jesus within himself or herself.  Believers have the power to bind, rebuke, and cast out evil spirits.  And at the name of Jesus, Satan and his cohorts have to leave that person.  There is great power in the name of Jesus.  And there is power in no other name under heaven.  Not Allah, Not Muhammed, Not Buddah, Not Krishna.  Why?  Because…


And He alone holds the keys to death and life, heaven and hell.


Accept Jesus Now


Satan, through the AntiChrist system and the soon to be revealed AntiChrist, is wreaking havoc, chaos, and insanity throughout our world.  It is already clear to everyone that our world is topsy-turvy because of this ‘prince of the power of the air’.  When God cast him out of heaven eons ago, he and his followers, fallen angels (evil spirits and demons who often masquerade as ghosts, apparitions, and aliens), fell to earth.  Our world is their playground until Jesus returns to take back control and establish His Kingdom.  It is NOT Islam and Communism that will, in the end, dominate and rule our world, through evil methods and its One World Religion and One World Government, it is JESUS CHRIST who will rule over all of us.  Permanently.  When He returns, all evil will be destroyed, together with all false religions, entities, and organizations of Satan.  Satan will be crushed under His heel.

If you want to have your soul protected from enemy takeover, from penetration by evil spirits, then do NOT wait.  Accept Jesus Christ into your heart, into your life NOW before it is too late.

The enemies of GOD, Zionists, ISIS, followers of Islam, and other false religions, evil entities and organizations are trying to wipe out GOD’s people from the Earth.  It is why Christians are being targeted, because Satan hates Christians, he hates God, and he wants to establish himself over the Earth as a One World Dictator and be worshipped AS a god.  He has always been jealous of the worship and adoration that Jesus Christ receives.  He wants it all for himself.  The only way he feels he can get it is by wiping out all Jesus followers from the Earth and putting himself in power over the entire world.   If people refuse to convert to his way of doing things, then they will be tortured until they accept his way, or die violently.  Sadly, followers of Islam have no clue that they are deceived and being used to carry out that end.  That Satan is using them to further his own agenda.  But what this does prove is that JESUS CHRIST REALLY IS GOD, that there is NO other.

Feel free to contact us at: if you have any questions on how to accept Jesus, and how to be baptized by immersion and by the Holy Spirit of God.  There is also an article or two on this website you can refer to.

As for Robin Williams, it is sad to think that he may face eternal destruction because of the choices he made in life.  But that is the truth of what we all face, if we leave Jesus Christ out of our lives.

Seek Him, people.  Do it NOW.  Tomorrow may be too late, considering the state of our world at present.  I’m sure you can see this for yourself.



“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”  (Mark 8:36).

“And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.”  (Romans 16:20)



Refer to:


(photo credit:

The following prophetic video on the coming Tribulation will blow your mind.  Why?  Because I believe it is the Truth of what is to come.

GOD often reveals to His prophets what He intends to do.  And He always gives people a chance to come to Him before He acts.  One prophet I know of recently shared that the LORD has heard the prayers of His people and has given the United States a two-year reprieve from what is about to happen.  Which is a very good thing.

One interesting thing this video shares is that Obama will still be in the White House in 2016.  But you must watch this video to learn what is shared about that.

I strongly recommend that you watch this one-and-a-half-hour video in its entirety.  It reveals much of what will happen to the United States once GOD’s wrath is loosed upon an unbelieving world.  All is Scripturally-based and merely confirms what the Bible says about these last days.  If you are pressed for time, at least watch the first 20 minutes or so.  It will give you some indication of what is going to happen to America.  America’s sins are greater than any nation before it, and the coming destruction is meant to pretty much wipe America from the map through nuclear destruction.  In the space of an hour, it will be destroyed through fire.  When the seventh trumpet sounds, those who belong to GOD will be raptured and will escape this destruction.  Trust Me, you will NOT want to be in America or anywhere on the Earth when GOD unleashes His wrath.  So seek Jesus Christ now.







Also, check this out:

Evil Will Increase In These Last Days


I grew up in upstate New York.  I was raised Catholic, but God drew me out of that cult in my eighteenth year.  Afterward, I bought my first complete King James Version of the Holy Bible and found a church that taught salvation and was Bible-centered.

I grew up in a haunted house, but it was seemingly minor compared with what I have seen on television shows like Paranormal Witness, A Haunting, and The Haunted, that are supposedly based on eyewitness accounts.  I have spoken to many people who have had some experience with haunted houses or spiritual happenings as well.  I believe as we move deeper into the end times, spiritual activity will increase.  And not for the good.  As AntiChrist moves into power over our world, evil will increase and God’s presence may no longer be here.


Paranormal Activity


While growing in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, I not only study the Bible but read and learn all I can about deliverance, exorcism, etc.  While still in New York, I had two or three people ask me into their homes, to cleanse them from the evil that was in them.

One home belonged to a friend of mine whose husband was a police officer.  They had started renovating their home, which is when strange things began happening.  If you have seen any T. V. shows about ghosts and such, you probably already know that renovation always seems to bring out the ghosties.  Actual, I don’t believe there are such things as ghosts.  Since Satan can transform himself into an angel of light, he is intent on deceiving people.  What people believe may be ghosts may, in fact, be evil spirits or demons.  Some may disguise themselves, hiding what they truly are.  The same is true about UFOs.

Animals are sensitive to the paranormal.  In this particular home, there was a cat who would chase things that no one could see.  My friend once heard a thumping of footsteps moving across the floor although there was no physical presence visible, and her cat would pounce on it every time a thumping foot fell.  Another time, my friend would put an ashtray on her pantry shelf, only to find it later in her husband’s den.  Somehow the ashtray had moved by itself, to be relocated to that other room.  Neither my friend nor her husband or children had touched it.  Also, while renovating, they found some odd things in the walls, unusual tools and things that had no business being there.

One evening, my friend was sitting up in bed, feeding her baby, when suddenly she saw shadows of a man and a woman on her bedroom wall.  The face of the woman’s shadow was partially there.  Later, it was learned from a neighbor that an elderly couple had formerly owned the home, and that cancer had eaten away part of the woman’s face before she died.

Eventually my friends moved to a new house, within town, and odd things began happening there as well.  Which is when my friend called me in to cleanse the house.

Another home I cleansed was active with poltergeist activity, and a young boy kept seeing odd things in his bedroom.  After some research, we learned that the apartment complex he lived in had been farmland, a pig farm, in fact.  A red one.  He kept talking about a red house and seeing something coming out of a vent in his bedroom.

At any rate, these are just a few of the paranormal things going on in some people’s homes.  A mobile home I once lived in had also been haunted, and there had been many reports about other hauntings of many of the homes in the trailer park I lived in.

As I said, hauntings and paranormal activity seem to be on the rise.  As the return of the Lord Jesus Christ draws near, Satan and his buddies will increase their attempts to terrify the living.


A Lack Of Knowledge


Despite what I know about hauntings, the way I operate may not be how others do.  All I know is that after I have cleansed people’s homes, they said all paranormal activity ceased.


  1. T.V. shows often have the home owners or renters bringing in psychics, mediums, paranormal

investigators, Native medicine men or shamans, or Catholic priests.  Sometimes a minister.  If people were more knowledgeable of the supernatural workings of the Spirit, it would be a born- again, Spirit-filled Christian who knows how to do spiritual warfare that should be brought in instead.  It drives me crazy when I see people tormented in their homes because those they sought help from were unsuccessful in their attempts to stop the paranormal activity going on in their homes.  When someone is called in to “bless” a home, then already they are on the wrong track, at least in my opinion.  Remember, there may be things others have done to combat the enemy that I am not aware of.  I only know that how I cleanse houses has worked.  Blessing a home is not prohibited or taboo, but other measures must be taken to assure that the paranormal activity does not begin all over again.


How I Cleanse Houses


First, let me share that I have a strong prayer life.  I pray and confess my sins daily, both day and night and in between.  You must be pure of heart and spirit before you walk into these situations.  Usually all I bring with me is some olive oil.  Or I just borrow some from the home owner.  Oil is symbolic of the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, which is well able to defeat Satan.

“And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle and all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all the vessels thereof:  and it shall be holy.  (Exodus 40:9 KJV)

Second, as I mentioned, only a true believer, a Spirit-filled, born-again believer, one with particular knowledge of how to do spiritual warfare, should be doing this.

Note also that the Holy Bible says nothing whatsoever about the need to cleanse houses from evil spirits or demons.  But I have done so successfully, lending truth as to the power in the name of Jesus Christ over good and evil.

The power in the authority of Jesus’ name is what sends evil spirits scurrying.  So, armed with the oil and the authority given me through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I move through the house.  Before I do any of this, however, I ask the home owners’ permission to put oil on their door frames, their walls, or other things in the house.  I have put oil on beds where people have had trouble with sexual spirits or dreams, and taken authority over those as well.  As mentioned in Exodus 40:9, this would mean that the house, everything in it, the furniture, etc. should be consecrated – anointed with oil.  When I moved to Kansas, I had this problem because the cult that brought me here gave me a used bed.  I did not know the history of the bed, but there was some filthy spirit attached to it.  After my first foul dream, I was quick to cleanse that bed.  I haven’t had that problem since then.

So, as I said, I begin to move through each room in the house, from basement to attic.  And don’t forget the outer buildings as well because any evil spirits lurking in them can attach themselves to someone and may have been brought into the house as well or is hovering about the property.  So that also has to be cleansed.

Prior to this, you may want to walk the grounds, moving along the entire border, praying in tongues as you go, placing a hedgerow of protection around the property.  Purifying the grounds with salt and holy water will also help, as you secure the borders.  Before entering the house, you can anoint the walkways and any porches with oil, salt, and holy water as well, to keep evil out.

As I walk through the house, I usually start with the front door.  I take some oil and make a small cross on it, anointing the door, praying aloud in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  I then plead the precious blood of Jesus over the door and take authority over all evil spirits in the room, casting them out and commanding them to leave and not to return.

I put crosses of oil, in similar fashion, on other door frames or doors, on some of the walls and the windows, using the same words.  Before leaving the room, I cast out all foul spirits there and command them not to return.  The Lord may reveal to you the name of the spirits infesting the room, so you can verbally cast them out WITH AUTHORITY, IN JESUS’ NAME.  You must cast them out, command them NOT to return, and then you must call forth peace, joy, love, harmony, etc. – whatever you feel led to – into that room.  Also, call forth the Holy Spirit to fill that room.

You cannot cast out an evil spirit without replacing it with something positive of God.  The same goes when dealing with a demoniac.  A demon cannot be cast out of person without you filling the person with righteousness, truth, etc. afterwards.  Otherwise, the spirit may find its way back inside the person.  But that’s another topic, so I may write something on that later.  Before leaving each room, remember to plead the precious blood of Jesus over it.

At any rate, you continue this procedure in every room of the house – don’t forget the closets as well.  It can be a bit time consuming, so give yourself plenty of time to be sure you go through every part of the house.  Also, make sure you anoint the back and side doors as well.  And do all of this during daytime hours.  Evil usually becomes more active at night, in the darkness.

Again, this is how I anoint and cleanse houses from evil.  I do not bless the house, I anoint it and plead the blood of Jesus over it.  I do not burn sage or any of that stuff.  I cast out all demonic forces and evil spirits from the house, the property, and the residents of the house and command them not to return.

If someone else has a different, successful method, I am open to hearing it.  I only know that what I have done has worked for me.  I have not come across any extremely powerful entities to date, so I do not claim to have experience in all areas of the supernatural, but this is better than nothing for those of you who want to try it.  My guess is that even a powerful entity will have to flee when told to, using the authority of Jesus’ name.  The most important thing in that respect is to NEVER open a door to the enemy by engaging him in conversation.  If doors have been opened that have allowed the enemy into the house, ask the Lord to shut all those doors as you move through the house.  Command them to be shut and never to be opened again.

Also, and this is just a suggestion, check out my article on How I Pray and note The Jericho March.  If you live in a haunted house, then this should be an effective, daily prayer procedure that will keep the enemy at bay.  Be sure also to check out the links below.  They contain exceptional information on house cleansing.

Also, praising God aloud and singing praise and worship songs to the Lord is also an effective way to make sure evil stays far from your home.  True believers know these things, but many who go to church are not taught things they should be learning.  True salvation is key to having victory over the enemy of God.  So if you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior, I would strongly suggest that you establish that relationship with Him.

Also, be sure that anyone cleansing a home is saved and born of water and of the Spirit.

For the time is short, and the days are evil.


“You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”  (James 2:19 KJV)

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”  (1 John 4:4 KJV)

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:   and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”  (Luke 10:19 KJV)

“(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;)”  ( 2 Corinthians 10:4 KJV)



Refer to:


*Please note:  One paragraph above, regarding television shows, I was unable to edit and correct, for whatever reason.  It was not a typo but apparently some bug in the Word Press system.

The following is a testimony of a woman involved in the homosexual lifestyle.  But she accepted Jesus Christ into her heart, and He met her right where she was at.  This woman is now free and able to minister to others who are struggling with their own sins.  

Just click on the link:

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