Evil Will Increase In These Last Days
I grew up in upstate New York. I was raised Catholic, but God drew me out of that cult in my eighteenth year. Afterward, I bought my first complete King James Version of the Holy Bible and found a church that taught salvation and was Bible-centered.
I grew up in a haunted house, but it was seemingly minor compared with what I have seen on television shows like Paranormal Witness, A Haunting, and The Haunted, that are supposedly based on eyewitness accounts. I have spoken to many people who have had some experience with haunted houses or spiritual happenings as well. I believe as we move deeper into the end times, spiritual activity will increase. And not for the good. As AntiChrist moves into power over our world, evil will increase and God’s presence may no longer be here.
Paranormal Activity
While growing in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, I not only study the Bible but read and learn all I can about deliverance, exorcism, etc. While still in New York, I had two or three people ask me into their homes, to cleanse them from the evil that was in them.
One home belonged to a friend of mine whose husband was a police officer. They had started renovating their home, which is when strange things began happening. If you have seen any T. V. shows about ghosts and such, you probably already know that renovation always seems to bring out the ghosties. Actual, I don’t believe there are such things as ghosts. Since Satan can transform himself into an angel of light, he is intent on deceiving people. What people believe may be ghosts may, in fact, be evil spirits or demons. Some may disguise themselves, hiding what they truly are. The same is true about UFOs.
Animals are sensitive to the paranormal. In this particular home, there was a cat who would chase things that no one could see. My friend once heard a thumping of footsteps moving across the floor although there was no physical presence visible, and her cat would pounce on it every time a thumping foot fell. Another time, my friend would put an ashtray on her pantry shelf, only to find it later in her husband’s den. Somehow the ashtray had moved by itself, to be relocated to that other room. Neither my friend nor her husband or children had touched it. Also, while renovating, they found some odd things in the walls, unusual tools and things that had no business being there.
One evening, my friend was sitting up in bed, feeding her baby, when suddenly she saw shadows of a man and a woman on her bedroom wall. The face of the woman’s shadow was partially there. Later, it was learned from a neighbor that an elderly couple had formerly owned the home, and that cancer had eaten away part of the woman’s face before she died.
Eventually my friends moved to a new house, within town, and odd things began happening there as well. Which is when my friend called me in to cleanse the house.
Another home I cleansed was active with poltergeist activity, and a young boy kept seeing odd things in his bedroom. After some research, we learned that the apartment complex he lived in had been farmland, a pig farm, in fact. A red one. He kept talking about a red house and seeing something coming out of a vent in his bedroom.
At any rate, these are just a few of the paranormal things going on in some people’s homes. A mobile home I once lived in had also been haunted, and there had been many reports about other hauntings of many of the homes in the trailer park I lived in.
As I said, hauntings and paranormal activity seem to be on the rise. As the return of the Lord Jesus Christ draws near, Satan and his buddies will increase their attempts to terrify the living.
A Lack Of Knowledge
Despite what I know about hauntings, the way I operate may not be how others do. All I know is that after I have cleansed people’s homes, they said all paranormal activity ceased.
- T.V. shows often have the home owners or renters bringing in psychics, mediums, paranormal
investigators, Native medicine men or shamans, or Catholic priests. Sometimes a minister. If people were more knowledgeable of the supernatural workings of the Spirit, it would be a born- again, Spirit-filled Christian who knows how to do spiritual warfare that should be brought in instead. It drives me crazy when I see people tormented in their homes because those they sought help from were unsuccessful in their attempts to stop the paranormal activity going on in their homes. When someone is called in to “bless” a home, then already they are on the wrong track, at least in my opinion. Remember, there may be things others have done to combat the enemy that I am not aware of. I only know that how I cleanse houses has worked. Blessing a home is not prohibited or taboo, but other measures must be taken to assure that the paranormal activity does not begin all over again.
How I Cleanse Houses
First, let me share that I have a strong prayer life. I pray and confess my sins daily, both day and night and in between. You must be pure of heart and spirit before you walk into these situations. Usually all I bring with me is some olive oil. Or I just borrow some from the home owner. Oil is symbolic of the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, which is well able to defeat Satan.
“And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle and all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all the vessels thereof: and it shall be holy. (Exodus 40:9 KJV)
Second, as I mentioned, only a true believer, a Spirit-filled, born-again believer, one with particular knowledge of how to do spiritual warfare, should be doing this.
Note also that the Holy Bible says nothing whatsoever about the need to cleanse houses from evil spirits or demons. But I have done so successfully, lending truth as to the power in the name of Jesus Christ over good and evil.
The power in the authority of Jesus’ name is what sends evil spirits scurrying. So, armed with the oil and the authority given me through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I move through the house. Before I do any of this, however, I ask the home owners’ permission to put oil on their door frames, their walls, or other things in the house. I have put oil on beds where people have had trouble with sexual spirits or dreams, and taken authority over those as well. As mentioned in Exodus 40:9, this would mean that the house, everything in it, the furniture, etc. should be consecrated – anointed with oil. When I moved to Kansas, I had this problem because the cult that brought me here gave me a used bed. I did not know the history of the bed, but there was some filthy spirit attached to it. After my first foul dream, I was quick to cleanse that bed. I haven’t had that problem since then.
So, as I said, I begin to move through each room in the house, from basement to attic. And don’t forget the outer buildings as well because any evil spirits lurking in them can attach themselves to someone and may have been brought into the house as well or is hovering about the property. So that also has to be cleansed.
Prior to this, you may want to walk the grounds, moving along the entire border, praying in tongues as you go, placing a hedgerow of protection around the property. Purifying the grounds with salt and holy water will also help, as you secure the borders. Before entering the house, you can anoint the walkways and any porches with oil, salt, and holy water as well, to keep evil out.
As I walk through the house, I usually start with the front door. I take some oil and make a small cross on it, anointing the door, praying aloud in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I then plead the precious blood of Jesus over the door and take authority over all evil spirits in the room, casting them out and commanding them to leave and not to return.
I put crosses of oil, in similar fashion, on other door frames or doors, on some of the walls and the windows, using the same words. Before leaving the room, I cast out all foul spirits there and command them not to return. The Lord may reveal to you the name of the spirits infesting the room, so you can verbally cast them out WITH AUTHORITY, IN JESUS’ NAME. You must cast them out, command them NOT to return, and then you must call forth peace, joy, love, harmony, etc. – whatever you feel led to – into that room. Also, call forth the Holy Spirit to fill that room.
You cannot cast out an evil spirit without replacing it with something positive of God. The same goes when dealing with a demoniac. A demon cannot be cast out of person without you filling the person with righteousness, truth, etc. afterwards. Otherwise, the spirit may find its way back inside the person. But that’s another topic, so I may write something on that later. Before leaving each room, remember to plead the precious blood of Jesus over it.
At any rate, you continue this procedure in every room of the house – don’t forget the closets as well. It can be a bit time consuming, so give yourself plenty of time to be sure you go through every part of the house. Also, make sure you anoint the back and side doors as well. And do all of this during daytime hours. Evil usually becomes more active at night, in the darkness.
Again, this is how I anoint and cleanse houses from evil. I do not bless the house, I anoint it and plead the blood of Jesus over it. I do not burn sage or any of that stuff. I cast out all demonic forces and evil spirits from the house, the property, and the residents of the house and command them not to return.
If someone else has a different, successful method, I am open to hearing it. I only know that what I have done has worked for me. I have not come across any extremely powerful entities to date, so I do not claim to have experience in all areas of the supernatural, but this is better than nothing for those of you who want to try it. My guess is that even a powerful entity will have to flee when told to, using the authority of Jesus’ name. The most important thing in that respect is to NEVER open a door to the enemy by engaging him in conversation. If doors have been opened that have allowed the enemy into the house, ask the Lord to shut all those doors as you move through the house. Command them to be shut and never to be opened again.
Also, and this is just a suggestion, check out my article on How I Pray and note The Jericho March. If you live in a haunted house, then this should be an effective, daily prayer procedure that will keep the enemy at bay. Be sure also to check out the links below. They contain exceptional information on house cleansing.
Also, praising God aloud and singing praise and worship songs to the Lord is also an effective way to make sure evil stays far from your home. True believers know these things, but many who go to church are not taught things they should be learning. True salvation is key to having victory over the enemy of God. So if you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior, I would strongly suggest that you establish that relationship with Him.
Also, be sure that anyone cleansing a home is saved and born of water and of the Spirit.
For the time is short, and the days are evil.
“You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” (James 2:19 KJV)
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 KJV)
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19 KJV)
“(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;)” ( 2 Corinthians 10:4 KJV)
Refer to:
*Please note: One paragraph above, regarding television shows, I was unable to edit and correct, for whatever reason. It was not a typo but apparently some bug in the Word Press system.