Tag Archive: Communism


I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything here, but the Enemy has done his best to destroy me and this ministry. But the Lord has brought me to a new place, with instructions to continue writing. So, let us proceed.

The day has come when multitudes of people are in desperate need of many things. Jesus does not want His people, or any of the unsaved, to suffer either. He has called forth his angels to see to the needs of many, of whom many are not even aware.

The time is short, however, before the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So please do not dawdle or procrastinate. Ask Jesus to be Lord of your life before it is too late. As you can see, the tides have changed, and the New World Communist Order is well under way.

The laying down of Martial Law in Canada is just another way to bring fear and chaos into our world. Remember, this is Satan’s world, but GOD is allowing things to happen that have been prophesied in the Holy Scriptures. He rules the universe, but Satan has only a temporary rule, through AntiChrist, of the Earth until our Lord returns to claim His people and set up His Kingdom. His coming will wipe away all of the evil that now exists. Never forget that.

Jesus Christ is Lord of all. His divine will is what stands in the end. So trust Him to help and guide you through the coming days and help you to avoid the coming of a tribulation worse than anything this world has ever experienced.

Accepting Jesus now is the most important thing you will ever do. Refusing the Mark of the Beast, Satan’s Mark, is the second. As I have mentioned before, if you listen to the lies of the Enemy, through our Satanic governments, taking the Mark will damn a person to hell for all eternity, with no way out. Jesus Christ is our only Hope for salvation, so please do not hesitate. Pray to Him, confessing all of your sins, repenting (turning away) from them, believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Receive Christ now and confess Him as your personal Savior. You never know what tomorrow will bring.  And be sincere in your heart when you do this.

Also, find a good Bible-preaching, salvation-teaching church that will baptize you by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit of God, not by the sprinkling of water as others teach. Babies do not need baptism until they are older and know good from evil, usually around the age of eight. What the Roman Catholic Church teaches are lies, so it is best if one leaves that cult. Ask God to lead you to where He wants you to go, not some Catholic priest who does not practice what the Bible teaches. True believers in Christ must put into practice what they learn from studying and reading the Bible.

And one last thing. Worship only GOD and Jesus Christ, His Son. Worshipping Jesus’s mother, Mary, is a form of idolatry that God hates. So turn away from this forbidden practice. It is not Biblical nor acceptable in God’s eyes.


I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:” Matthew 3:11 KJV


  • Satan Has An Agenda

  • Choosing Men Over God

  • Freedom Or Bondage

  • Depopulation Is Well Under Way

  • The 2020 U. S. Presidential Election


Satan Has An Agenda

For eons, the Adversary, Satan, has hated God. This is no secret. For eons, Satan has been planning how to dominate the world and get all of God’s creation to bow down and worship him. As you can see now, he is close to accomplishing his desire. Through the lies of Socialism, Fascism, and Communism. He has been deceiving man- and woman-kind – oh, sorry, should I say us-kind? – since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This evil reptile, this dragon, is still working his evil through those he has deceived into believing his lies. In America, this would be those we know as the Left. Today’s Democrats are actually Communists at heart, those who no longer stand for the people of America. They hate Americans as much as Satan hates us. Because they belong to Satan. Many are Satan worshippers, Luciferians, worshippers of Molech and Baphomet, the goat of Mendes. Under Satanic influence, these evil followers are intent on bringing about the New World Order. And they are putting in place only people that they know will obey the elite puppet masters of the Satanic regime. One thing we all know is that most of these people are hypocrites, liars, wanting power over all of us. They want to obliterate us, make us poor and controlled, while they take all of the world’s wealth as their own.

Choosing Men Over God

When men first decided they did not want God to rule over them as King, they started demanding a man be set over them. (1 Samuel 8:6; 10:19) So God gave them what they wanted. Remember the story of King Saul?  (1 Samuel)  Fortunately, later, God set King David in his place, who was a man after God’s own heart. (Acts 13:22) David wasn’t perfect, but He loved God and did his best to obey Him. Sadly, many who came after David turned away from God and messed up our world again.

Men over the centuries were self-centered, greedy, and power hungry, much like those of today. They ruled as they saw fit, not as God directed, and were just as corrupt as many of our leaders today. So now, look at the mess men, even women like Jezebel, have made of things. They have given themselves over to their false god, Satan, who is directing things now, for the detriment of all mankind. The utopia they imagine will never come to pass because I am certain God will intervene quickly and destroy all that the elite and the Left want to happen, including all the wicked involved in this evil scheme. God is still in control of the universe He created. Nothing can overthrow Him or thwart His plans.

America thrived from the beginning because it was a country created under Judeo-Christian beliefs and values. The Left is trying to change all of this by implementing their destructive ideologies. I even heard a few days ago that the Democrat running against Trump even supports the implementation of Sharia Law. In order to gain votes from the Muslim communities, he has now linked himself with them, whether he knows it or not. Satan has always been a destroyer, so this only makes sense. Already, he is attacking our churches and is hoping to eventually make the world completely atheistic toward God. Communist countries such as Russia and China have already tried to do this, although, as in China, Christianity is thriving behind the scenes. No matter how much the Marxists try to silence Christians in any country, it will never work. It may seem as though Satan is winning, but he is not. The Communist rulers in China already discovered that there are more Christians in their country than the number of those even in their own Communist party. This scares them, so they are cracking down on the spread of Christianity and even Islam. No matter how many times they seek to create a completely atheistic country, even after all these years, they are clearly failing.

Freedom Or Bondage

If often makes one wonder why the American Communists don’t just move to China or Russia. But clearly, they stay because it is all about their desire for power and wealth. They want the whole world to suffer under Communism because that is what Satan wants. Only ignorant people will ever want to serve Satan willingly. So they need to be tricked into doing so. Deception is the name of the game.

The Holy Bible is clear that in the last days, Satan will set up his one world government, his one world religion, and his one world rulership over the Earth. (Refer to the Book of Revelations.) If America votes in the current Democratic nominees for President and Vice-President of the United States, then America as we know it will fall. Every freedom America has enjoyed will be taken away and destroyed. All of our private property will be taken from us. Churches will be closed. People will be crammed into cities so we can be more easily controlled. (Makes this easier to wipe us all out through bombing, too.) Our children will be brainwashed and become property of the evil government the Left is intent on creating. Our health care will come under control of the government. The utopia the Left is intent on creating will be Satan’s utopia. He has already broken every commandment of the Living God, our Creator, and intends to incorporate every abomination and form of filth into this ‘new’ utopia the Left wants to create and establish. Everything our hearts hold dear will be destroyed, wiped out, made null and void.

Depopulation Is Well Under Way

If any of us survive the coming Covid vaccinations, then those who are left may be taken out at a different time. As I have mentioned before, guillotines have been set up at all FEMA camps throughout the U. S., meant to rid Satan’s world of all dissenters, opposers of the new regime, and most importantly, all true Christians and Messianic Jews, all who know Jesus Christ as Messiah and Lord of all. These people will be rounded up like cattle and given a choice in taking the Mark of the Beast or given the choice of dying by the guillotine or by gassing. Don’t forget. The powers that be want to depopulate our world by 90% to 95%, and they are trying to fulfill their evil mission any way they can. The ten percent left will be made slaves to the Satanic regime. It is sad to think that those involved with the Black Lives Matter movement may be the ones to bring back the slavery they all complain about. Right now, they are just pawns to the elite, being used to help fulfill their Satanic agenda.

It is important to know that the United Nations says that depopulating the world is a hoax, that their Agenda 21 is forworldwide sustainable development, starting at the local level.” Sorry. I’m not buying this. The powers that be always cover their agendas with more pleasing wording to keep us off-kilter.

The Bible is clear in that at some point the Enemy will make war with the saints, so don’t think any shall escape what is to come. (Rev. 13:7) No one knows, except our Father in Heaven, the day and hour when Jesus Christ will return to take his children Home, so accepting Jesus now is the best thing you may ever do. (Matthew 24:36) Why wait when salvation is so much easier now? But your heart must be sincere in your decision. Being a fake Christian will not bode well for you if you lie about your decision. If you recall, Satan is a murderer and the father of lies. Do not side with him, or it will be all the worse for you come Judgment Day. (John 8:44)

The 2020 U. S. Presidential Election

Who is to say how the 2020 U. S. Presidential election will turn out. Considering the deceitful, corrupt ways of the Left, we know they will do everything in their power to have their way. They made President Trump’s current term in office a nightmare for him and his family. But to my way of thinking, if he is reelected, it will be the best thing for America. Until his term is up, then only God can raise up whom He will to govern our nation, and Trump will step down as President. But until that time comes, I hope our freedoms will last awhile longer, by God’s grace. If the Democrats somehow win the election, putting two reprobates into the highest office in the land, then America as we know it and have loved it will be gone. Until Jesus Christ returns to establish His own righteous government, we can only trust God and pray that He will not allow Satan to win the 2020 Presidential election. Because, in truth, this election is a matter of good versus evil.

But hold on, folks, for our redemption is nigh. When Jesus Christ returns to Earth, He will set things right and put things as He wants them to be, as He has planned from the beginning. Remember, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. (Rev. 21:6) Satan has already lost the battle. (Rev. 20:2,3)So I ask you. Which side do you want to be on?

Make Jesus Lord of your life now, before it is too late. Confess your sins and repent of them. No sin is too great for Jesus not to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Confess your belief in Him and acknowledge Him, that He now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, get baptized by immersion, read the Bible daily and pray to Him without ceasing. Having a personal relationship with God is the most wonderful thing you can ever imagine. So I encourage you to accept Jesus before the worst of what may come happens.

E-mail me if you have questions or concerns: gideonsmessenger777@yahoo.com

God bless all of you as you seek His truth. Once God adopts you into His family, you will become brothers and sisters with all of God’s children. Doubt it not.

And always remember that God loves you beyond reason. Nothing can ever change that because He created us. Also, know that Satan is a created being. How could he ever have his way if God is Sovereign over all?


The Vortex –

The Luciferian Left

The Vortex –

The Pope’s New World Order

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Picture Credit: Pete Linforth from Pixabay.com



Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked Him a question, tempting Him, and saying,

Master, which is the great commandment of the law?

Jesus said unto him, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.’

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.’”

(Matthew 22:36-39 KJV)


The Love Of God


Many years ago, I was seeking the Lord through prayer, and I asked Him to let me feel His love for all mankind. Or should I say now, for ‘us’kind, as the anarchists are trying to ram down our throats, since, by their definition, mankind no longer refers to the human race of men and women. At any rate, God did answer my prayer. He filled me with a love so strong, that I cried for hours afterward. That love even brought me to my neighbor’s door, a black woman’s door. The woman had wronged me greatly, but in a spirit of love and forgiveness, I felt God wanting me to reconcile with her. So I went to her door and spoke with her. By the time our conversation had ended, we were both hugging each other and crying. I was still crying, as I said, for hours afterward. We were still not friends, but at least we were at peace with one another. Because of the love of God.

The love of God is a powerful, wonderful emotion. It overwhelms a person, filling the person to bursting. There are no negative emotions when God’s love overtakes you. No anger, no hatred, no desire to kill or do others harm. If only the whole world knew what that feels like.

There are, of course, many different types of love. But the love of God overshadows them all. His love is all that is important, especially during these turbulent times. We are moving from the beginning of sorrows to a tribulation unlike anything the world has ever known. What is happening throughout America’s major cities today is but a tip of the iceberg. And because of these terrible events, hatred and rage is abounding as never before. An America that was once pretty much color blind is now reverting backwards. Satan is inspiring others to nurse their real or imagined wounds of a bygone era. This is tragic. Many are needlessly dying because God haters are giving free reign to their negative emotions and beliefs. As I have experienced in my daily life, many today are haters of all that is good. (2 Tim. 3:3)


Prove Him


People who worship Satan or are into the occult appear to have gone in that direction because they see that Satan freely gives his followers instant gratification. Those who love and worship the God of all creation know that sometimes we have to wait for things. When we pray, God will either tell us ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘maybe’. Sometimes He is quick to answer our prayers. Other times He makes us wait for an answer, perhaps for months or even years. He always has our best interests at heart, and there is a purpose for all that He does. So, as Christians, we must learn to wait, knowing that God is in control of the universe and has things well in hand. And, most importantly, He loves us beyond measure, in ways we can’t even begin to understand. And oftentimes, when our prayers are finally answered, we will discover that the answer may be even more glorious and wonderful than what we even asked Him for.

I once ordered a jacket through the mail (no personal computers or cell phones back then). The jacket I ordered was blue because that was all that was available. But I really wanted a black one. Not sure I specifically asked the Lord for a black one, but He knew my heart in the matter. And lo and behold, when my jacket arrived, it was – yes, you guessed it – black. I was overjoyed.

And that is how God operates, people, for those of you who do not know. When you walk with God, He gives you the desires of your heart.

I could give you endless examples of how God has blessed me, but I thought this one a good example.

If you doubt the existence of God, then prove Him. Pray and ask Him for whatever it is you want. Start with something small. But know that God is the God of the impossible, and no request is too small for Him to answer. But you must ask everything to be done in accordance with His will, not yours. You can make no demands on God. When you pray, humble yourself before you go into the throne room of Heaven. Then petition the Lord for whatever you need. It is best to confess your sins first and be certain your heart is pure before the Lord. Walk in His ways, loving others as you do, and thank God for everything He gives you and everything He does in your life. In this way, you may see miraculous happenings begin to occur in your life. A heart filled with rage, hatred, and unforgiveness will usually get you nowhere. Ask God to fill your heart with His love, peace, and forgiveness of those who have wronged you before you begin asking Him for anything, and see what happens in your life.


Chaos and Lawlessness


In this age of chaos and lawlessness, loving your neighbor is more important than ever before. Do not allow Satan to steal your peace or allow hatred and unforgiveness to overwhelm you. Seek God and ask Him to saturate your heart with His love for all mankind. And ask Him to keep your love strong and alive so you will be pleasing to Him. Do not allow yourself to fall prey to the Enemy’s wiles and temptations. Do not allow your love to grow cold.

Remember, Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) He is running rampant right now in many parts of the world because he is attempting to bring the AntiChrist to power over the world, as prophesied in Scripture. (II Thess. 2) His aim is to create a One World Communist Government, with him at the helm. The American Democrats, many of whom are Luciferians, are on Satan’s side and, sadly, want the majority of us dead. But since the Bible says that Satan has already lost his battle against Almighty God, then it is only a matter of time before Jesus Christ returns to take control and defeat Satan and all of his followers. Personally, I do not want to live in a world ruled by Satan.  If we can hold on to our freedoms awhile longer, it would be the best thing that could ever happen. Yes, God has a plan, but we must all fight against the Socialist/Communist takeover of our nation and our world, and trust God to put things right when Jesus returns to establish His own Government of Righteousness, Peace, Truth, and Justice.  (Rev. 21 and 22)


And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

And because iniquity [lawlessness] shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:10-13 KJV)


The Love of God – Mercy Me (With Lyrics)

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