Category: Baptism


The Coming AntiChrist

The Word of God says that, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man”.  (Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:26-30) Clearly, we are already at that point in time. Evil is rampant throughout the Earth, and Satan is doing everything he can to destroy it before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

ISIS is of the devil. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon for anyone to see that. The Word of God says that “…by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:16-20 KJV) The fruit of ISIS is rotten to the core. Completely…demonic.

If a person is not born again and filled with the Spirit of the Living God, then he or she is open to being possessed by Satan. Since followers of Islam violate many of the laws of the True God of Heaven and Earth, the Mighty I AM, it is clear there is no true Spirit of God in them. They follow Satan. Period.

Many unsaved people walk around with evil spirits oppressing them, or are even completely possessed by them. Those born of GOD Jehovah, the LORD Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, have their souls shielded from Satan. Divine protection. That is not to say that believers cannot be oppressed by evil spirits because they can.  But those born of Satan do not have GOD’s protection, which leaves them open to a complete takeover by the Adversary. The evil deeds of ISIS members reveal that these people are controlled by Satan and are probably possessed. Whenever ISIS invades a place, these people bring in countless numbers of demons and evil spirits with them. Satan is in them, not GOD. GOD forbids us from drinking blood, which is life to human beings. (Leviticus 3:17, 7:26, 27, Genesis 9:4, Deuteronomy 12:23) ISIS members don’t care. They drink blood and eat bloody body parts, in defiance of the true GOD of Heaven. Granted, there is already much witchcraft, Satanism, and plenty of evil spirits playing all over the world. But the fake refugee invasion is bringing in thousands more of these demons and spirits, which we see are already causing major problems. Now is the time when true believers need to unify more tightly, more strongly as the Body of Christ because knowledge of and putting into play strong spiritual warfare is now at critical mass.

As many already know, the Bible makes mention of a coming man of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3) known as AntiChrist. He is one particular man that Satan will enter into and use to take over the world. Satan, jealous of GOD, has always wanted to be worshiped as a god and thinks he can do a better job of running the world and overseeing mankind than GOD can. Right now, he is using everything he can to bring this to pass. Sadly, he is using the blinded Muslim world, mainly ISIS, to wreak havoc throughout the Earth in order to carry out his agenda. By creating chaos, as he is trying to do in America right now by causing racism and divisions everywhere, he is hoping to establish his New World Order, with himself as the one world ruler, and with Islam as the reigning one world religion. It’s the old Communist belief: “Order Out Of Chaos”. By stirring things up around here, he is hoping we will beg Obama and the United Nations to come in and help us. That way, Satan can then establish full control over us with his New World Order agenda and his cursed Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18), the RFID chip. By now, you may be familiar with Agenda 21, which details much of this.

The Pope is also part of all of this. He is a man of Satan, not of God. His own hat holds the number 666. Research it yourself, if you don’t believe me. And don’t think some of the world leaders aren’t in on this plan for a one Communist world either. Remember, many of them congregate annually at Bohemian Grove to make their plans…together. It is there they worship the false god, Molech. We are living in an occult world right now, run by evil men who worship money, control, and Satan himself. It is why Satan wants true believers in Jesus Christ out of the way of things. He knows that if we are united in prayer to our Lord and Savior, then we have all the power necessary to thwart their wicked plans. They know we worship the one true GOD and that all others are fake and under Satan himself. Jehovah is GOD, Jesus Christ His Son. There is no other.

And then, there is CERN.

CERN – The Demonic Portal

CERN is an acronym for the French “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire”, or the European Council for Nuclear Research. It built a Collider in the 1960s, with its main purpose being to open a doorway – a stargate. Apparently this doorway is to allow beings in from another dimension; to wit, demons. This is considered a conspiracy theory, but I’m believing this could be entirely true and quite possible, based on what I’ve learned about the coming alien invasion being planned in order to deceive the world, through HAARP and other means. Remember, the existence of Nephilim – fallen angels – is completely Biblical. It is believed that CERN – the LHC (Large Hadron Collider)(CERN-Collider Hadron Higgs) is the avenue through which these Nephilim – demons from hell – will reenter our world. It is the world’s largest particle accelerator and is located in Switzerland.

“CERN’s main area of research is particle physics – the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces acting between them. Because of this, the laboratory operated by CERN is often referred to as the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.” (

This portal is controlled by the elite Satanic cabal that runs most of this planet and is one of the main agendas for the New World Order. The elite believe they can open up a portal to the gates of hell and release demons into our world. Imagine what sort of havoc and destruction will occur on Earth when and if this actually happens. As if humans don’t have enough to contend with already, what with demon-possessed ISIS and other crazy people loose on our planet. We can already see how topsy-turvy everything is already. One thing I do know, and I’m saying this based on personal experience with certain unstable people, is that anyone under Satan’s evil influence is indeed crazy. The rich elite controlling our world now are completely insane. They believe that all good things are bad and that all bad things are good. You can’t get crazier than that.

Accept Jesus Now

It was feared that CERN would create another Big Bang and perhaps destroy the world. As I have mentioned previously, the Adversary clones or tries to duplicate everything that GOD does. Now, he is trying to prove to us and GOD Himself that he can even create an entirely new world. Unfortunate, for him. He is a complete loser. GOD is already victorious over Satan and his evil schemes and over his wicked followers, not to mention the demons from hell. GOD will only allow to happen what He wants to happen.

The Adversary knows that his time is short. When Jesus Christ returns to the Earth, He will cut the Adversary down by the power of His Word and cast Him forever into the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 20:10)  GOD is ALL POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, AND ALMIGHTY. HE IS GOD. HE IS THE CHAMPION, THE VICTOR over all that is evil.

GOD also knows those who are His. Wouldn’t you like to be on the winning side of things? Would you want to live forever under His Almighty Rule, where He rules in all righteousness and truth? Living under a GOD of Love and Justice?

You can.

Ask Jesus Christ into your heart, into your life, as your personal Lord and Savior, submitting to Him. Turn away from all of your sins – repent – and confess them. Then follow and obey Him. He loves you and wants a personal relationship with you. No matter who you are. No matter what you have done. He will forgive you of all of your sins and adopt you as His own. As a Father for a child. No sin is so great that He cannot forgive you, if you are truly repentant. Then, once saved, find a good Bible-preaching, salvation-preaching church that will support and love you, get a King James Version of the Holy Bible to read and study, and get baptized, completely immersed in water. You will also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit – the Ruach HaKodesh – who will guide you through your life from this point on and bless you with the spiritual gifts that God has for you.

Salvation is easy. God’s love is great.

Don’t wait until the enemy invasion. Accept Jesus now and trust Him to help you overcome the evil that is coming. Following Satan can only lead to death and permanent destruction. As a true believer in Jesus Christ, one of His children, even physical death can only lead to eternal and everlasting life in a beautiful new world, with a wonderful, powerful, and loving GOD.

Jehovah is His name. Jesus is His Son, King of kings and Lord of lords. There is no other.

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Did you know that there is a demon named Jesus?

He is called the Abomination of Desolation.

And did you know that the Jesus of the Bible is not the same Jesus of the Koran? The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is GOD. The Koran teaches that He is only a prophet who will help Allah rule when the time comes.  He will be expected to bow down to Allah.  Many also believe that Catholics do not follow the same God either. In fact, salvation is not even preached in the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school, so I can attest to this fact.

There are many that would want you to believe that all these deities are all one and the same, but they are not. There is only one Son of GOD, Jesus – Yeshua – Yahushua ha Mashiach. The Christ.

Remember, Satan counterfeits everything. Even the name of Jesus. Which is why it is important to pray, not just in the name of Jesus, but in the name that Satan cannot counterfeit. Yahushua. Yahshua.

In these last days, Satan will make every effort to deceive the world, making himself out to be God, when he is not. He will try and shove the real GOD out of everyone’s lives.

The weather modification machine, HAARP, will be used to create holograms in the sky in an effort to deceive the nations. Through Project Blue Beam. Many holograms, including images of Jesus, will be spread across the sky, making people believe that it is really Jesus Christ coming back. Not true. The sad thing is is that these will be so convincing as to make even the elect be deceived if they are not careful.  It is one of the great deceptions of the end times.

Creating the One World Church

I have mentioned before that the New World Order is trying to establish a One World Church, with Islam at the top. All other religions will be forced to merge with it or be destroyed like “vermin”; namely, true Christians.

Meanwhile, mega-church ministers such as Rick Warren and Joel Osteen, to name a few, are helping to get it established.

Warren, who is actually a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, has gone global with his proposed peace plan to help Muslims and Christians come to an understanding of one another, so we can all worship as one. But it is in direct contradiction to what the Bible says. It also violates the Great Commission laid out by Jesus Christ before He ascended into Heaven following his death and resurrection. We are to go out and make disciples of others, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is not what Warren is preaching. He is, in fact, attempting to establish the world under a one world church, so long as everyone worships Allah. The AntiChrist has always wanted to take the place of GOD himself and is making every effort to prepare the way. He wants to be able to sit on a throne and have the world worship him instead of GOD.  Unfortunately, even as I write this, this plan is in the works, through the efforts of people like Warren.

There is ONLY One Truth

JEHOVAH IS THE TRUE GOD, THE TRUE CREATOR, AND JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD, THE ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD. THEY ARE ONE. There is no other god. All others are false and man-made, with false doctrines behind them. Through Satan’s influence, all false gods and religions came into being. He will do anything to draw people away from the True GOD of Heaven and bring himself into the spotlight, as well as confuse people by tempting them away from the Truth of GOD.

Do NOT buy into the deception. It is ONLY through Jesus Christ that people will be saved and get to Heaven. (John 14:6) Since it is such a narrow door, every person, each INDIVIDUAL, on a personal level, must welcome Jesus into his or her heart as Lord and Savior, confessing and repenting of his or her sins. (Matthew 7:13-14)

The New World Order church, as in Communism, wants everything grouped together as a community, NOT as an individual effort. They want to control the masses and tell people how to think and what to believe. Using books like The Purpose Driven Life, written by Rick Warren, Satan is leading people astray from the Truth of GOD’s Word, however skillfully and deceptively written. The Truth of Almighty GOD is often combined with Satan’s lies and deception. Which is why believers in the One True GOD must read and study the Holy Bible daily, so they know the Truth. Otherwise, it will be easy to believe the lies and be misled into moving toward Satan and away from GOD.

It is ridiculous to think that people such as Warren are trying to make people believe that we can come to an understanding, joining Christianity with Islam in any respect. Muslims kill people who do not conform with their way of thinking. They do things in direct contradiction to the Bible. The Ten Commandments is in total contradiction to many of the ways of Islam. Christians/Jews are taught never to lie, steal, covet, murder, dishonor the Sabbath, etc. Followers of Islam are taught that all of these things are okay to do. So how could these two different groups of people ever find a common ground when they do not even worship the same GOD? There are far too many differences. But since Satan wants dominion, proving himself right and that he deserves to be worshipped as a god, then he is rallying billions of deceived people – people he hates and despises secretly – to bring about his caliphate, his one world government, one world religion, and one world currency. His greatest delight will be when he deceives people into killing off all the Christians, unless they bow to his will. And he is using fear and terror tactics to do it.

Warren’s teachings to bring Islam and Christianity together would make it mandatory for Christians to deny that Jesus is the Son of God and our belief in the triune God. People are being misled to turn away from the True God to believe in a false one. If believers refuse, we will, of course, be tortured, killed, or fined heavily. These are Satan’s tactics to bring us around to his way of thinking and to get us to deny GOD. Folks, the god of Islam is NOT the true god. He is anything but. Based on what is happening to Christians and even Muslims around the world who are fleeing ISIS and other radicals, one can easily see that the true GOD of Love is Jesus Christ and not that other one, who deceives people into worshiping him as a god of compassion, beneficence, and mercy. This is the one that Rick Warren is trying to deceive us into accepting as god.

Warren does not teach repentance from sin either, as the Bible teaches. A person cannot be forgiven of his sins unless one repents of his sins. So Warren is teaching people to walk with the Adversary instead of with GOD. Others promoting the One World Church fail to mention repentance either. This is probably what is attracting sinners to this global peace plan. People can still go out and murder, lie, cheat, steal, whatever, yet still enjoy fellowship with a false god, Satan. Inconceivable.

To be truly saved, one must completely turn away from his or her sins and turn completely to GOD.

The two go hand-in-hand. GOD forgives your sins, giving you a clean slate at the start of your walk with Him. Failing to repent of one’s sins leads only to one thing: death and eternal damnation.

It Is A Personal Choice

Let me repeat. There is only ONE way to Heaven. Through Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This is His Word, GOD’s Truth. (John 14:6)

If you truly want to serve the one true God, no matter what, then you must confess all of your sins to Him, and turn away – repent – of them once and for all. (Acts 17:30) Granted, none of us are perfect. But God will help you not to be tempted to sin once you have confessed and repented and accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior.

So yes, after you confess your sins to God, ask Him to come into your heart, taking charge over your life as your Lord and Savior. Unlike the god of Islam, the God of Christianity gives you a choice to either accept or reject Him. If you accept Him as your Savior, then go out and tell at least one other person of your decision and acceptance of Christ. (Matthew 10:32) The Word of God says that if you will publicly declare Him before men, then He will declare you before His Father in Heaven when that day comes for you to stand in Judgment before Him. (Luke 12:8)   So sharing your belief with others is the second step of salvation.

Next, get a good Bible to read and study every day, and as often as you can. The original King James is actually a good one.  The time now is short, so study as much of Scripture as you can, so you know the Truth.

Then find a Bible preaching, salvation preaching church to join. Or a small cell group with other believers. These are dangerous times we are living in, and God says that wherever two or three are gathered together in His name, that He is there in the midst of them. (Mathew 18:20) So do not feel you have to join some organized church. Nowhere does the Bible tell us that we have to do that as believers. Only that we must assemble together. (Hebrews 10:25)  If you don’t live near other true believers, you may want to consider starting your own group. You should also learn how to worship and pray to God. There are many praise and worship songs out there, even on, and plenty of books on how to pray, if you need help.

When saved, the Holy Spirit will fill you (sometimes another may pray for the Spirit to baptize you). With the Spirit of God comes any number of gifts that He has ordained for you.  (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)  Whether it be the gift of tongues, or prophecy, or whatever. But you will be blessed with at least one gift that will benefit and edify the Church body. If someone tells you not to use your gifts or to keep your mouth closed, then leave that place because it is not of God. The Bible says NOT to quench the Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:19) Any people that try and do that are NOT walking with God but with the Adversary. Stay clear of those people.

Once saved, we are also commanded to get baptized by immersion, to identify us with Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross for our sins and Who now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven. Some believe that faith is all you need to get to Heaven. But Jesus was baptized by immersion by John, as a role model for us to follow. So, find another Spirit-filled, Christ honoring believer or a minister/pastor to baptize you by full immersion, NOT by sprinkling.

Spiritual maintenance is a daily thing.  Once born-again of God, you may occasionally need to be refilled with His Spirit.    Sometimes we need to be recharged with His power, so do not hesitate to ask God for this, if you feel you are lacking.  We all have those moments.  A continual recharge will give you the boldness and power to share your faith without fear or being ashamed.

Also, be aware that no one is perfect.  We are all sinners.  None of us can lead a perfect life.  Only Jesus Christ did that when He was on Earth.  So be sure to daily confess your sins and repent of them, even before you go to bed at night.  We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.  (Philippians 2:12) In this way, we will not backslide and stay on course, running the race set before us.

After you have done all of these things, then walk with God, trusting Him in every aspect of your life. I cannot tell you the wonderful joy you will feel once you become part of God’s family. I can tell you that it will not all be a bed of roses. It will be difficult to remain faithful to God because of what is happening in the world. But if you continue to run the race set before you, you can and will triumph over evil, over the enemy.

God promises us victory over Satan and is indeed coming back soon to establish His Kingdom and wipe out death and the Adversary once and for all.

I pray you join us soon, and we welcome you gladly into the family of the One True GOD. Believe me, it will be the greatest, best decision you will ever make.

Shalom, and know that you are greatly loved.

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:  for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  and what communion hath light with darkness?

“And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?”  (2 Cor. 6:14-16 KJV)

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3 KJV)

“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:  [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”  (1 John 2:23 KJV)

“He that hath the Son hath life:  and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” (1 John 5:12 KJV)

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:  for he shall save his people from their sins.”  (Matthew 1:21 KJV)

Refer to:



Recently, an article has been going around referring to a book someone wrote.  The book apparently says that Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, was married.

There are also foul videos on that say that Jesus Christ was a reptilian, too.

All of these statements and false beliefs are nothing but hogwash.  I certainly don’t believe it.

The Truth about Jesus Christ once more lies at the foot of the cross upon which He died for the sins of all mankind.

Jesus was set apart by His Father in heaven to be holy and pure before Him.

Jesus was in complete and total obedience to His heavenly Father and submissive to His will, in all ways.

Jesus was born of a virgin, so even His earthly birth was in the purest form.  He was not conceived in sin.  His birth came from the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit.  Because Jesus is the Son of God.  Joseph was just His earthly father.

Jesus spent a mere three years or so in ministry.  What free time He had He, most likely, spent praying in the mountains and hills or in the synagogue.  Scripture never says that He rushed home to dinner, so He could be with His family, although he may have gone to his mother’s home to help out occasionally.  Scripture doesn’t really say.  However, when He sojourned anywhere, his apostles were with Him, and He usually went to someone else’s house, not His own.  In fact, Scripture says that the Son of Man had no place to lay His head.  (Luke 9:58, Matthew 8:20)  If He were married, then He would have had a house to go home to, wouldn’t He?




Jesus was tempted in all ways, as men are, so that He could more easily relate to what human beings experience while on earth.  The Word of God says that in all ways He remained without sin.  Even if He experienced lust, He overcame that feeling, but I doubt He ever married in order to ease His suffering in this matter.  He prayed against it and overcame it.  That was always how our Lord operated.  Prayer is and always has been our weaponry against the enemy and his tactics.  (Hebrews 4:15)

While being tempted by the enemy in the desert for forty days and forty nights (Luke 4:1, 2), Jesus always used the Word of God against the temptations the Adversary brought against Him.  He overcame all of these temptations.  (Hebrews 4:15)  He kept Himself pure and holy before God.

Many believe that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.  I don’t think so.  I believe that, once Jesus delivered her from seven evil spirits, that she was exceptionally grateful to Him for freeing her from the bondage she was under.  I believe that she and Jesus became very close friends after that.  But I do not believe they married.  She was just a follower, a friend who believed and trusted in Him.  She had experienced Him firsthand to be God.  She loved Him, yes, but I do not believe she married Jesus.  Jesus loved her, as He loves us.




Had Jesus married, I believe He would have made sure that His wife and children, if any, were taken care of following his crucifixion.

While Jesus was hanging on the cross, His mother, Mary, and His beloved disciple, John, were standing at the foot of the cross.  Jesus, in His loving, responsible way, turned to Mary and told her, “Woman, behold your son.”  He was referring to John, his beloved disciple.  Then He looked at his beloved disciple and said, “Son, behold your mother.”  (John 19:25-27)

Knowing He was to die, Jesus gave the care of His mother, Mary, into the hands of John.  John was chosen to take Jesus’ mother into his care for the rest of her days.  I am not sure what happened to Jesus’ siblings, or why they didn’t care for Mary.  Regardless, there is no indication that a wife was present or that Jesus worried about her or any children.  If so, then He would have made provision for His wife and children at that point, as He did His mother.  Mary Magdalene was present at the foot of the cross.  There is nothing to indicate that Jesus made provision for her care, as He did for His mother.  If He was married, and married to Mary Magdalene, would Jesus not have had someone care for her as well?  If He didn’t plan in advance for His mother’s care, then it seems to me that He didn’t do that for any wife or children either.  Probably because He was not married nor did He have any children.

Jesus knew in advance how, where, and probably when He was going to die on the cross.  He did not plan in advance for His mother to be taken care of.  It happened at the foot of the cross.  If Jesus had been married, then would He not have made provision at that time for someone to care for His wife as well?  And any children He may have had?  Since He had no place to lay His head, clearly He never went home to anyone.  Because He had no home.




Do not believe the lies of the enemy against our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  The AntiChrist and his followers will do anything to destroy or distort the Truth about Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ was pure, holy, and blameless before God Almighty.  He was the Lamb chosen at the beginning of time, to be the pure and holy Sacrifice necessary for man’s redemption from sin.  Jesus was spotless and set apart by God the Father.  Jesus may have felt lust, but He never gave into it.  He was human, after all, and subject to everything the rest of us are.  But I doubt that He ever married as some would have us to believe.  A submitted sex life gave more power to Jesus Christ to fulfill His ministry, His destiny, laid out from the foundations of the world.  As believers are commanded to be holy, so was Jesus holy in all His ways.  And without sin.

Even today, if anyone desires to be a deliverance minister, for example, to be able to cast out demons, that person must keep him or herself pure and holy as well, free of sexual sins.  Deliverance ministry is a difficult ministry and requires both spiritual and physical cleanliness in order to overcome the enemy.  If a person is filthy/dirty in the spiritual realm, then that person changes in a negative way because unlawful sexual activities affect the soul more than any other sin.  Therefore, demons will not be afraid of that person when he or she tries to cast them out.  I have heard that, in Africa, many ministers are bed-ridden because they tried casting out demons when their spiritual lives were stained with sexual sin.  It is also said that the moment a minister of God dabbles in fornication, adultery, or any other unlawful sexual activities, then their nature in the spiritual realm changes into that of a mad person.

Jesus Christ had a powerful ministry.  So no, I do not believe that Jesus Christ was ever married, nor did He engage in fornication or other unlawful sexual sins.  He submitted HImself fully and completely to the will of His Father in heaven  That means his sexual life as well.  He remained and still remains pure, spotless, and holy before an increasingly wicked, evil world.

Anyone who tries to make us believe otherwise is nothing but a liar and a follower of Satan. (John 8:44)




Scripture refers to the Bride of Christ.  In actuality, all true believers are friends of Jesus Christ.  When He returns to establish His Kingdom here on earth, it is then that we, His friends, will be raptured into heaven, when the seventh trumpet sounds.  It will be Jesus who will decide if we are worthy to join the Bridegroom, if we are worthy of invitation to the wedding feast.

It is believed that true believers are the Bride of Christ.  Not so.  The new Jerusalem, the holy city, is, in actuality, the Bride of Christ.  Believers are referred to in Scripture as Jesus’ friends, as John the Baptist referred to us. (John 3:29)

Since Jesus refers to us as His children, His friends, then I would find it hard to believe He ever married while on earth.  He never made mention of a bride other than what is referred to in Scripture:  the Bride of Christ.  The holy city of Jerusalem.

Since God shows no favoritism, it would also be difficult to believe that Mary Magdalene or any other woman was married to Jesus. (Romans 2:11)  Otherwise, would He not have set her apart and favored her specifically with His blessings, time, and favor?  I doubt it.  Even now, it is the true children of Jesus Christ, those who trust in Him, who receive His favor and blessings.  He does love all of mankind, the wicked and the righteous, and the rain falls on the wicked as well as the righteous.  (Matthew 5:45 KJV)  He shows no favoritism, per se, to any one particular person.  And Jesus commands us to show no favoritism to others either.  James 2:9 says favoritism is, in fact, sin.

If Jesus married any human, especially Mary Magdalene, don’t you think He would have favored her above everyone else?  Or any other woman he married?  This only convinces me that Jesus loved her and everyone else the same.  He did not select one special woman to marry.  Mary Magdalene was but a friend.  Otherwise, He would probably have favored her above all other women.  Only Mary, his mother, was favored, chosen to be His mother.  But even she may have not received any special favors or honor because she was the mother of Jesus.  He loved, respected, and cared for her.  But God treats us all equally.  There is no favoritism, no distinction because of who we are.  I do believe, however, that Mary may receive special rewards when the time comes.

So, to me, this is all just common sense.  But you are free to decide for yourself.


“But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:”  (1 Peter 1:19 KJV)

25Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. 26When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple standing by, whom He loved, He saith unto His mother, “Woman, behold, thy son!” 27Then  saith He to the disciple, “Behold, thy mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.”  (John 19:25-27 KJV)

“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”  (Hebrews 4:15 KJV)

“And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.”  (Luke 9:58, Matthew 8:20 KJV)

“For there is no respect of persons with God.”  (Romans 2:11 KJV)

“That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”  (Matthew 5:45 KJV)

“He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.”  (John 3:29 KJV)

“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”  (Revelation 21:2 KJV)

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When I first heard of the death of famous movie actor/comedian Robin Williams, my first thought was – Illuminati.  Then, as the media began reporting this sad event, that Robin had taken his own life because of his depression, it seemed that something just didn’t add up.  The media kept mentioning a knife laying nearby and that Robin had cuts on his wrists.  What was that all about?

Robin Williams was loved by millions of people.  He was talented, charming, good looking, and seemed to have everything to live for.  So why would a person who brought such joy to millions be so miserable as to commit suicide?

Whenever someone in Hollywood gets divorced, we often wonder why someone would not want to stay married to one of many gifted people in that realm of fantasy and dreams, that so many strive for.  Robin, as are many in Hollywood, was married three times.  So this could possibly have been part of the cause of his depression, perhaps caused by his drug addiction years before.  This happens with a lot of celebrities or with those who have so much money they just don’t know what to do with it.  Perhaps Robin felt like a failure in this aspect of his life.  Hard to say.

The Internet – and this is one reason the AntiChrist is trying to take control of it – contains all the knowledge and truth anyone would want.  Sooner or later, the truth about Robin’s shocking death was bound to come out.  And so it has.

Oddly, not only was there an episode of Family Guy that aired shortly before Robin’s death was announced, which mentioned his death, there is a website,, that made mention of Robin’s death three days before it even happened.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Through all accounts, it appears Robin Williams may have been murdered by occultists, possibly Illuminati, after all.  Unless some outside evil force pressured him into taking his own life.

As one man says, Robin could have easily killed himself with drugs and alcohol, since he was prone to addiction.  Although, because of his heart condition, he had cleaned himself up later.  So why choose hanging?

Regardless of the real reason, I believe Satan was ultimately behind Robin’s untimely death.  It was either the price he paid for what he wanted, or it was actually an occultic ‘mercy killing’ or a ‘blood sacrifice’, as mentioned.

And don’t forget, whenever something is put out there to draw the world’s attention away from something else, know that the powers that be are probably behind it.  In this case, Williams’ suicide may have been planned so the NWO could take our attention off what is happening in Iraq or another event going on, perhaps even in Ferguson, Missouri.  Just a thought.


Depression is an Evil Spirit


In a previous article, I shared about Hollywood and the Illuminati.  How being part of the music industry tempts many to sign their souls over to Satan.  It is a mandatory requirement for anyone who wants to make over $50,000 or more a year.  Apparently, the music industry is not all that is affected by the Illuminati/Zionist control.  Many in Hollywood delve into the occult and are willing to have people they love killed off as a ‘blood sacrifice’ to Satan.

Many famous people have opened doors to the enemy, probably through ignorance.  With the desire for wealth, power, and fame come evil forces into a person’s life they may have never considered.  Evil spirits, particularly depression, afflict many, not just the rich and famous.  Other evil spirits do as well.  Lust, vanity, anger, hatred – the list is endless.

According to reports, Robin Williams was not the only one troubled by evil spirits.  Heath Ledger and others in Hollywood were or are even now under demonic oppression, perhaps demonic possession.

When a person sells his soul and/or opens a door to Satan, there is a price to pay.  Usually, that person’s life.  And, of course, his soul.  I don’t think they realize that what the enemy can give them is only temporary, fleeting, and that it will eventually lead them into eternal destruction.

According to, “Williams told James Kaplan of US Weekly:

“Yeah! Literally, it’s like possession ‑ all of a sudden you’re in, and because it’s in front of a live audience, you just get this energy that just starts going…But there’s also that thing ‑ it is possession. In the old days you’d be burned for it…But there is something empowering about it. I mean, it is a place where you are totally ‑ it is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, where you really can become this other force. Maybe that’s why I don’t need to play evil characters [in movies], ’cause sometimes onstage you can cross that line and come back. Clubs are a weird kind of petri dish environment. I mean, that’s where people can get as dark as they can in comedy ‑ in the name of comedy, be talking about outrageous stuff and somehow come out the other side. I mean, that’s one place where you really want to push it” (Robin Williams, “Robin Williams,” by James Kaplan, US Weekly, January, 1999, p. 53).

“Williams’ last statement quoted above answers the question as to why the demonic powers use entertainers. Their goal is to promote evil and darkness and increase mankind’s rebellion against God.”

Jesus Is The Ultimate Power Over Evil


When a person accepts Jesus Christ into his heart, his life, as Lord and Savior, that person’s soul is protected, shielded and filled by the Spirit of the Living God.  A person’s body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit.  A person can still be oppressed by evil spirits such as depression, but those Satanic forces cannot penetrate the person’s soul.  An unsaved person does not have that protection.  Evil spirits can then torment – oppress – an unsaved person and can even take full possession of that person.

And did you know that a person so fully possessed by Satan can combust spontaneously?  When you hear of that strange happening, rarely do you hear it mentioned that someone spontaneously combusted because they were completely possessed by Satan.  But it is true.  This is why when there is a report of this happening, the burning comes from inside a person and does not affect anything around him or her, such as the furniture or whatever.

Only Jesus Christ can save a person from the enemy.  He is the ultimate power over evil.  Satan is only a created being and his power is limited.  It is God that holds all authority over him and the entire universe He created.  There is no other God but Him.

Sadly, Robin Williams apparently had no protection from the enemy.  He did not recognize what was wrong, and it led to his ultimate demise.

However, if a person saved through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, experiences enemy attacks such as depression or whatever, there is a way to overcome, to be freed.

Jesus Christ is the answer.  He can break all the chains of bondage of the enemy in someone’s life.

A born again, Spirit-filled believer has the power of Jesus within himself or herself.  Believers have the power to bind, rebuke, and cast out evil spirits.  And at the name of Jesus, Satan and his cohorts have to leave that person.  There is great power in the name of Jesus.  And there is power in no other name under heaven.  Not Allah, Not Muhammed, Not Buddah, Not Krishna.  Why?  Because…


And He alone holds the keys to death and life, heaven and hell.


Accept Jesus Now


Satan, through the AntiChrist system and the soon to be revealed AntiChrist, is wreaking havoc, chaos, and insanity throughout our world.  It is already clear to everyone that our world is topsy-turvy because of this ‘prince of the power of the air’.  When God cast him out of heaven eons ago, he and his followers, fallen angels (evil spirits and demons who often masquerade as ghosts, apparitions, and aliens), fell to earth.  Our world is their playground until Jesus returns to take back control and establish His Kingdom.  It is NOT Islam and Communism that will, in the end, dominate and rule our world, through evil methods and its One World Religion and One World Government, it is JESUS CHRIST who will rule over all of us.  Permanently.  When He returns, all evil will be destroyed, together with all false religions, entities, and organizations of Satan.  Satan will be crushed under His heel.

If you want to have your soul protected from enemy takeover, from penetration by evil spirits, then do NOT wait.  Accept Jesus Christ into your heart, into your life NOW before it is too late.

The enemies of GOD, Zionists, ISIS, followers of Islam, and other false religions, evil entities and organizations are trying to wipe out GOD’s people from the Earth.  It is why Christians are being targeted, because Satan hates Christians, he hates God, and he wants to establish himself over the Earth as a One World Dictator and be worshipped AS a god.  He has always been jealous of the worship and adoration that Jesus Christ receives.  He wants it all for himself.  The only way he feels he can get it is by wiping out all Jesus followers from the Earth and putting himself in power over the entire world.   If people refuse to convert to his way of doing things, then they will be tortured until they accept his way, or die violently.  Sadly, followers of Islam have no clue that they are deceived and being used to carry out that end.  That Satan is using them to further his own agenda.  But what this does prove is that JESUS CHRIST REALLY IS GOD, that there is NO other.

Feel free to contact us at: if you have any questions on how to accept Jesus, and how to be baptized by immersion and by the Holy Spirit of God.  There is also an article or two on this website you can refer to.

As for Robin Williams, it is sad to think that he may face eternal destruction because of the choices he made in life.  But that is the truth of what we all face, if we leave Jesus Christ out of our lives.

Seek Him, people.  Do it NOW.  Tomorrow may be too late, considering the state of our world at present.  I’m sure you can see this for yourself.



“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”  (Mark 8:36).

“And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.”  (Romans 16:20)



Refer to:


(photo credit:

The Council of Nicea


In 306 AD, the fourth century, Constantine became the first Christian leader of the Roman Empire.  At the time, there were all sorts of religions and beliefs circulating throughout the land. This, naturally, caused great controversies among those in this vast territory.  One, in particular, I am sure caused Emperor Constantine many sleepless nights.  It revolved around Jesus Christ.

Not everyone agreed that Jesus was divine.  So, in an effort to quell the arguments, Constantine invited bishops from throughout the empire to his vacation home in the Turkish town of Nicea.

This gathering later became known as the Arian Controversy and was the first worldwide gathering of the Church.  They met on June 19, 325 AD.

The Nicene Creed developed there established the basis for Christian ideology.

According to, “The Council of Nicea affirmed the deity of Jesus Christ and established an official definition of the Trinity—the deity of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit under one Godhead, in three co-equal and co-eternal Persons.”

According to Heather Whipps, of, these “bishops also used the Council of Nicea to set in stone some church rules that needed clarification, and those canons were the reference point after which all future laws were modeled.”


True Salvation


True salvation comes only when we believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died on the cross for our sins, and that He now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven.  We must also make a public confession with our mouths of this belief.  It is a two-step process.  First, belief; second, confession to at least one other person. (Romans 10:9)

So, if you haven’t completed both steps of this process, folks, make sure that you do so your names will be written forever in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

When I pray for the salvation of others, I usually ask that their names also be written in that Book, to establish their true salvation in Christ.

Also, be sure to confess your sins to God and turn away – repent – of them.  Ask Jesus to forgive your sins, and He will.  It is His promise to us.  But you must be sincere.  There are conditions to being forgiven.  Matthew 6:14-15 states:  “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”


Water Baptism


Certain Scriptures designate that believers are to be baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ alone.  (Acts 2:38)  But such is not the case.  In reality, believers are to be baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity of God:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.  (Matthew 28:19)

It was through the Council of Nicea that the original true Christian form of baptism was established, based on the Truth of the Holy Bible.

Also, according to the example set to us by Jesus Christ Himself, the day He was baptized by John the Baptist, it is also clear that believers are NOT to be sprinkled but fully immersed in water when getting baptized.  (See Matthew 3:16)  In fact, the word baptism in the Greek language, baptizo, actually means to immerse or submerge (to make fully wet).  It doesn’t mean ‘sprinkle’.  This is one of the problems with the Catholic Church.  Also, infant baptism is not Scriptural.  Believers must reach the age of accountability, when it is established for a person to know right from wrong and make his or her own decision regarding his/her personal belief.  Many believe that eight is the age of accountability, but there is no information available to substantiate this claim.  Others believe it is 12 or 13, even 20.  But again, such depends on the maturity of the person overall, when he or she can decide for him- or herself.

Considering much I have learned regarding Heaven and Hell, it seems there are no children in Hell.  Which leads one to believe that all children who die young go to Heaven, where they can live out their childhoods in a wonderful way, with Jesus.  Since babies are too young to know right from wrong, it only makes sense that they would go back to Heaven if they die early.  So, baptizing them at all is pointless.

What many churches do is dedicate their babies or children to the Lord.  Then, when they reach the age of accountability, they can get baptized by their own choice, by immersion.  It is how my own children were baptized.   And they were dedicated to the Lord as infants.  This makes more sense than anything.

Baptism, by the way, is not the way to true salvation.  It is merely a public showing of our belief, to the world, that we identify with Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.   It is a sacrament, which is defined as “A religious ceremony or act of the Christian Church that is regarded as an outward and visible sign of divine grace, in particular.”  (Google ‘sacrament definition’.)  More importantly, baptism is a command for all believers, not just a personal choice.


Baptism Of The Holy Spirit


Once a person’s sins have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.  Once a person has been forgiven and sincerely turns away from sin and wickedness and turns toward the true God of Heaven and gets baptized by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit of God, there is one more gift God has for those who are His.  It is for all believers, not just a select few.  It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Being washed in the blood of Jesus is the qualifying factor.

Why are we given this special gift?  Because, in John 14:16, it states that Jesus prayed for us.  All of us.  To receive the Holy Spirit.

“And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.”

The Comforter is the Holy Spirit of God.  And we are promised His divine presence in our own hearts and spirits…forever, together with His divine power and authority.

According to the famous evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke, “our hearts are fireplaces for the Holy Spirit”, and “we are made for the fire of the Holy Spirit.”  But it is only for all blood-washed Christians.  Believers must be washed of their sins first before they receive that fire from Heaven.

So what is this exactly?  Well, according to, “The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an empowering for service that takes place in the life of the Christian (Acts 1:5,8).  In it we are immersed in the Spirit’s life and power.”

Sometimes this baptism may occur at the moment you confess your faith in Jesus Christ.  Other times, it may happen later, after you have been saved.  People often have their own unique experience, and believe me, it is a wonderful feeling when this occurs.  But in order to receive, you must fully submit to God’s authority over your life.  Jesus will only respond to a totally yielded vessel, so keep this in mind.  As the Borg on Star Trek would say, “Resistance is futile.”  What would be the point anyways?  Once you receive the Holy Spirit, you will know it, and you will relish the incredible feeling that comes over you.  That is why it always boggles my mind when people say they do not believe in God.  When baptized by fire, you will feel the incredible power of God fill you.  There is nothing like it on this earth, I can assure you.

Now, to receive, you have only but to ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit, to baptize you.  You also need to have faith in that God will give you what you ask for.  You may, of course, have another born-again, Spirit-filled believer pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit as well.  When the Spirit of God fills you, you will know it, so do not fear God will not answer your prayer for this baptism by fire, by His Spirit.

“Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.”  (Luke 11:9-10; Matthew 7:7-8 KJV)

“This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?” (Galations 3:2 KJV)

It is always best to author your own words when speaking to God, especially for salvation, but if you are struggling with how to pray to receive the Holy Spirit, then the following prayer from can help you, if you sincerely desire to receive the baptism of God’s Holy Spirit:

“Heavenly Father, at this moment, I come to you.  I thank You that Jesus saved me.  I pray that the Holy Spirit might come upon Me.  Lord Jesus, baptize me now in the Holy Spirit.  I receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit right now by faith in Your word.  May the anointing, the glory, and the power of God come upon me and into my life right now.  May I be empowered for service from this day forward.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for baptizing me in Your Holy Sprit.  Amen.”


The Fruits and Gifts of The Holy Spirit of God


Once a person has been saved, washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, baptized by water (by immersion), and prayed to receive and be baptized by fire for the receiving of the Holy Spirit of God, you may wonder what comes next.  Actually, once the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you may then find yourself with gifts that will help you in your walk with God.  Not everyone has the same gifts.  Some have the gift of tongues, the gift of healing, the gift of miracles, the gift of prophecy, or whatever.  It is then you must determine what those gifts are.

The uniqueness of each believer’s gifts plays a major role in the Body of Christ.  Each believer, as part of the Body, uses these gifts to further the Kingdom of God.

I will not lengthen this article by sharing more on this subject.  I have posted several links below that go into great detail and explanation on the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, which you may peruse at your leisure.  I merely want you to know that once you have the Spirit of the Living God within you, then He has blessed you with things that may surprise and amaze you.  So please be sure to follow up on this topic.


Final Thoughts


In closing, I hope I have answered all of your questions regarding true salvation, baptism by water and of the Spirit.  I suggest you find a salvation-preaching, Bible-based church to join or attend, if you haven’t found one already.  If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior, then make sure to get baptized by immersion, and pray for the Holy Spirit to come into your heart as well.  The gifts will come, and you will be blessed beyond measure once you share your temple (your body) with the God of all creation, through His Spirit.

If you still have questions or just wish to express your joy at knowing God, feel free to write me at   And know also that God commands us to be holy, as He is holy.  (1 Peter 1:16)

May the Lord bless you and guide you into all Truth and Righteousness.


“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” (Matt. 28:19).

(Please Note:  The proper way to baptize in Jesus’ name is to say, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” just before the person is fully immersed in water.)


“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” ( Acts 2:38 KJV)


“…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 

“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 

“And these signs will follow them that believe;  In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

“They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”  (Mark 16:15-18 KJV)


Refer to:

The Council of Nicea

Baptism of Water:

The Age of Accountability:

Baptism Of and  Receiving the Holy Spirit (and the Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit)



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