The Coming AntiChrist
The Word of God says that, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man”. (Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:26-30) Clearly, we are already at that point in time. Evil is rampant throughout the Earth, and Satan is doing everything he can to destroy it before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
ISIS is of the devil. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon for anyone to see that. The Word of God says that “…by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:16-20 KJV) The fruit of ISIS is rotten to the core. Completely…demonic.
If a person is not born again and filled with the Spirit of the Living God, then he or she is open to being possessed by Satan. Since followers of Islam violate many of the laws of the True God of Heaven and Earth, the Mighty I AM, it is clear there is no true Spirit of God in them. They follow Satan. Period.
Many unsaved people walk around with evil spirits oppressing them, or are even completely possessed by them. Those born of GOD Jehovah, the LORD Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, have their souls shielded from Satan. Divine protection. That is not to say that believers cannot be oppressed by evil spirits because they can. But those born of Satan do not have GOD’s protection, which leaves them open to a complete takeover by the Adversary. The evil deeds of ISIS members reveal that these people are controlled by Satan and are probably possessed. Whenever ISIS invades a place, these people bring in countless numbers of demons and evil spirits with them. Satan is in them, not GOD. GOD forbids us from drinking blood, which is life to human beings. (Leviticus 3:17, 7:26, 27, Genesis 9:4, Deuteronomy 12:23) ISIS members don’t care. They drink blood and eat bloody body parts, in defiance of the true GOD of Heaven. Granted, there is already much witchcraft, Satanism, and plenty of evil spirits playing all over the world. But the fake refugee invasion is bringing in thousands more of these demons and spirits, which we see are already causing major problems. Now is the time when true believers need to unify more tightly, more strongly as the Body of Christ because knowledge of and putting into play strong spiritual warfare is now at critical mass.
As many already know, the Bible makes mention of a coming man of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3) known as AntiChrist. He is one particular man that Satan will enter into and use to take over the world. Satan, jealous of GOD, has always wanted to be worshiped as a god and thinks he can do a better job of running the world and overseeing mankind than GOD can. Right now, he is using everything he can to bring this to pass. Sadly, he is using the blinded Muslim world, mainly ISIS, to wreak havoc throughout the Earth in order to carry out his agenda. By creating chaos, as he is trying to do in America right now by causing racism and divisions everywhere, he is hoping to establish his New World Order, with himself as the one world ruler, and with Islam as the reigning one world religion. It’s the old Communist belief: “Order Out Of Chaos”. By stirring things up around here, he is hoping we will beg Obama and the United Nations to come in and help us. That way, Satan can then establish full control over us with his New World Order agenda and his cursed Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18), the RFID chip. By now, you may be familiar with Agenda 21, which details much of this.
The Pope is also part of all of this. He is a man of Satan, not of God. His own hat holds the number 666. Research it yourself, if you don’t believe me. And don’t think some of the world leaders aren’t in on this plan for a one Communist world either. Remember, many of them congregate annually at Bohemian Grove to make their plans…together. It is there they worship the false god, Molech. We are living in an occult world right now, run by evil men who worship money, control, and Satan himself. It is why Satan wants true believers in Jesus Christ out of the way of things. He knows that if we are united in prayer to our Lord and Savior, then we have all the power necessary to thwart their wicked plans. They know we worship the one true GOD and that all others are fake and under Satan himself. Jehovah is GOD, Jesus Christ His Son. There is no other.
And then, there is CERN.
CERN – The Demonic Portal
CERN is an acronym for the French “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire”, or the European Council for Nuclear Research. It built a Collider in the 1960s, with its main purpose being to open a doorway – a stargate. Apparently this doorway is to allow beings in from another dimension; to wit, demons. This is considered a conspiracy theory, but I’m believing this could be entirely true and quite possible, based on what I’ve learned about the coming alien invasion being planned in order to deceive the world, through HAARP and other means. Remember, the existence of Nephilim – fallen angels – is completely Biblical. It is believed that CERN – the LHC (Large Hadron Collider)(CERN-Collider Hadron Higgs) is the avenue through which these Nephilim – demons from hell – will reenter our world. It is the world’s largest particle accelerator and is located in Switzerland.
“CERN’s main area of research is particle physics – the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces acting between them. Because of this, the laboratory operated by CERN is often referred to as the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.” (
This portal is controlled by the elite Satanic cabal that runs most of this planet and is one of the main agendas for the New World Order. The elite believe they can open up a portal to the gates of hell and release demons into our world. Imagine what sort of havoc and destruction will occur on Earth when and if this actually happens. As if humans don’t have enough to contend with already, what with demon-possessed ISIS and other crazy people loose on our planet. We can already see how topsy-turvy everything is already. One thing I do know, and I’m saying this based on personal experience with certain unstable people, is that anyone under Satan’s evil influence is indeed crazy. The rich elite controlling our world now are completely insane. They believe that all good things are bad and that all bad things are good. You can’t get crazier than that.
Accept Jesus Now
It was feared that CERN would create another Big Bang and perhaps destroy the world. As I have mentioned previously, the Adversary clones or tries to duplicate everything that GOD does. Now, he is trying to prove to us and GOD Himself that he can even create an entirely new world. Unfortunate, for him. He is a complete loser. GOD is already victorious over Satan and his evil schemes and over his wicked followers, not to mention the demons from hell. GOD will only allow to happen what He wants to happen.
The Adversary knows that his time is short. When Jesus Christ returns to the Earth, He will cut the Adversary down by the power of His Word and cast Him forever into the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 20:10) GOD is ALL POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, AND ALMIGHTY. HE IS GOD. HE IS THE CHAMPION, THE VICTOR over all that is evil.
GOD also knows those who are His. Wouldn’t you like to be on the winning side of things? Would you want to live forever under His Almighty Rule, where He rules in all righteousness and truth? Living under a GOD of Love and Justice?
You can.
Ask Jesus Christ into your heart, into your life, as your personal Lord and Savior, submitting to Him. Turn away from all of your sins – repent – and confess them. Then follow and obey Him. He loves you and wants a personal relationship with you. No matter who you are. No matter what you have done. He will forgive you of all of your sins and adopt you as His own. As a Father for a child. No sin is so great that He cannot forgive you, if you are truly repentant. Then, once saved, find a good Bible-preaching, salvation-preaching church that will support and love you, get a King James Version of the Holy Bible to read and study, and get baptized, completely immersed in water. You will also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit – the Ruach HaKodesh – who will guide you through your life from this point on and bless you with the spiritual gifts that God has for you.
Salvation is easy. God’s love is great.
Don’t wait until the enemy invasion. Accept Jesus now and trust Him to help you overcome the evil that is coming. Following Satan can only lead to death and permanent destruction. As a true believer in Jesus Christ, one of His children, even physical death can only lead to eternal and everlasting life in a beautiful new world, with a wonderful, powerful, and loving GOD.
Jehovah is His name. Jesus is His Son, King of kings and Lord of lords. There is no other.
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