Category: Religion

The Truth Of Mount Sinai

I learned the truth about Mount Sinai over ten years ago, but I was never able to find the movie again that I had first seen.  But now, as we move deeper into the end times, it appears that God is bringing all things to light.  And now is the appointed time.   I was fortunate enough to catch radio talk show host Glenn Beck’s broadcast a few days ago, discussing this new information, so praise God for that.

The world must know that Mount Sinai is not in Egypt, as has been believed.  Ever notice that question mark in your Bible near the map of Mt. Sinai?  It shows that the location of the actual Mount Sinai was in question.  What God has revealed shows that the actual Mount Sinai is located in Saudi Arabia, where it has been hidden by the Saudi government all this time.  Its location and the archaeological relics and structures, etc. found there are Biblically accurate, as pertains to Moses and the Israelites in the book of Exodus.  Clearly, the Adversary has been trying to hide all of this information from us for some time.  But now, what has been hidden is now being revealed.

At any rate, below are a few videos you may want to view, pertaining to the hidden truth of Moses and Mount Sinai, in case you aren’t aware of these things.  If there was ever any question of the truths revealed in Scripture, then this video should help put aside any doubts of its accuracy.  But only the viewer of these videos can make up his or her own mind as to the truth of the Biblical account of Moses and the Israelites.  So, without further ado, here are what I believe are the truths of Moses and Mount Sinai, now brought to light.  Enjoy.

For more information:

A. I. will have a greater impact than the discovery of fire.” Google CEO

Artificial Intelligence Is Not Our Friend

Artificial Intelligence is man’s greatest threat to extinction. Even powerful people such as Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin, and other big names are warning us against it, including Hillary Clinton. When people like these are trying to warn us, then you know the threat is real.

Since forever began, men have dreamed of finding ways to make our lives easier. “Wouldn’t it be great to build something that would do all of our work for us?” they’ve always asked. Well, now. Such dreams have become a reality yet to our detriment, I’m afraid. What once seemed would be a blessing for mankind may, in turn, be just the opposite. Granted, robots and other forms of artificial intelligence will make our lives easier, but sadly, they will in the end bring about our own destruction.

As our jobs are abolished and become automated, then what use will there be for us humans? God does not condone laziness. In fact, He gave us work to give our lives purpose.  

Of course, there will be jobs out there for a certain skillset, such as in robotics or for overseeing drone operations, etc. But I do not believe everyone will find their niche in the A. I. World.

Have you ever seen that episode of Star Trek, The Ultimate Computer, where Captain Kirk finds himself of no further use because the M-5 automation has taken over control of his beloved Enterprise? Kirk was beside himself, especially when he was referred to as Captain Dunsel, meaning “a part that serves no useful purpose”. He became fearful, felt useless, helpless, unappreciated, inadequate, and depressed. Such is the wave of the future. So then, if the same were to happen to humans now through A. I., what would happen to us? Just food for thought.

Many people have some idea of what A. I. is. But what is the reality of it? Well, one good definition seems to have a clear meaning:

All intelligence outside of God is artificial. If we are not taught of God then we are like robots who have been programmed.” (Dale Bradby)

As you can see in our world, this is already happening. While I was growing up, we still had party lines on our phones and only three or four television channels – ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS. Remote control wasn’t even available. Any computers that existed were huge, unlike now. Cell phones are like mini-computers, and then we have tablets, and video games, and personal computers, even some with tiny little keyboards. How the world has changed is amazing, yet overwhelmingly scary, if you understand where this is all leading. Ultimately, to a world controlled by Satan himself. AntiChrist, a one world ruler who will expect whoever is still alive to bow down and worship him, instead of God. Apparently, this will come about through artificial intelligence, according to some.

It has been said that robots have already declared that they are going to take over humanity or kill us off. The Saudi robot, Sophia, once said it jokingly. But as you know, behind every joke lies a bit of truth. Sounds like Skynet, doesn’t it, from The Terminator movies? Just remember that artificial intelligence creations, robots, are invented and controlled by mere men, that the words they speak are being given them to say, programmed into them. Can these things really think and decide things for themselves? But as with human clones, artificial intelligence is not only created by mere men, but are being used by Satan as well. Clones are chipped and controlled and told what to say. With artificial intelligence – A. I. – it is believed that once created and programmed, that it will be able to evolve and think on its own. Again, watch the Terminator movies so you might grasp this concept of what could happen in future.

Satan Wants An Army of Super Soldiers

Although many humans are coerced, even bribed into helping Satan do his dirty work, to carry out his evil agenda, others may be against him. In this case, in order to build his army, he will have to come up with something else. Something he can have his demons inhabit. In this case, robotic forms of artificial intelligence to become an army of super soldiers. This is not always the case, of course. Some men, scientists, are just intent on using their knowledge and skills just to invent cool stuff. I get that, but sometimes they do not consider the implications of the affect of these inventions on our world or mankind or of what it will mean overall.

Human clones are microchipped and controlled, as I mentioned. That is why we hear so many evil words being spoken by some Hollywood celebrities or others in the limelight. Many are clones and controlled by, most-likely, demon-possessed men or Satan worshippers. The same is and will no doubt happen with A. I. None of these technological advances are of God. The Adversary has instigated them all. And just so you know, even as I write this, ‘Terminator-type’ robots are already in the works. The goal is to wipe humanity from the Earth and control whoever or whatever may be left. Remember, the elite want 90% of the global population exterminated, which would leave only ten percent of the population left, to be enslaved by the demon-controlled, rich elite, who are already under Satanic control or direction.

As I’ve mentioned before, much of what is in Hollywood movies is already a reality. Some movies are even geared toward warning us of the threat against us. A recent episode of The X Files has shared some interesting information on transferring human consciousness into some form of A. I. extensions of themselves, only the people from which the consciousnesses were taken are kept in the dark, unable to dream or have any sort of a life. It is the New World Order form of evolution, a cold, unfeeling world of digital slavery. It is all about self in that realm of thinking. We are not little gods, as Satan would have us believe. (Genesis 3:1-5) We were created to serve God, to worship Him, to love Him, and to depend on Him for everything. God is our Creator, our Source, for everything. When He created mankind, He never meant us to know good from evil, but the sin of Adam and Eve changed all of that. Once the door was opened to allow evil into our world, it has been downhill ever since.

A. I. Is Not of God

According to, “…The robots are going to be the next major ‘revolution’ that will change the world just as how inventions such as the printing press, industrialization, and the Internet did. The change is going to be massive. However, whereas past changes generally helped people live better lives, this change is likely not going to be for the better. It is such a radical change that it has the potential to forever alter, or perhaps permanently destroy civilization as we know it because the changes will be so drastic.

“The two largest areas where the change is visible already at an early stage yet has had massive impacts are in the two enterprises which humans of all cultures will engage in regardless of population size, development, intellectual capability, or other designation. These two categories are reproduction and warfare, for they represent the two most primal impulses of man that have defined every civilization in some notable way since the beginning of human history.

“The effects the robots are having on human reproduction is already massive, and it is coming in the form of ‘sex robots.’ The robot and AI combination is the final phase of the sexual revolution because it is the complete separation of man from woman from the sexual act.” With the global elite wanting depopulation of our world, what better way could there be to stop reproduction from occurring? And with sex robots to engage men’s desire without consequences, then wouldn’t A. I. be the perfect solution? And always keep in mind that Satan despises women because it was through a woman that Jesus Christ came into the world. (Revelation 12:5) Why fulfill a woman’s desire to bear children? That’s just my thinking on this matter.

What is really tragic and sad is that abortion is being used to finance A. I. in many respects.

As we have reported exclusively at, the reason for the existence of abortion is only in part a form of eugenics, because the dead baby body parts collected from the gruesome procedure contain large numbers of certain cells used in human development which are being sold to major scientific companies, technology companies, university laboratories, and research firms backed by money coming from governments and banks around the world in the race to develop a new field of biotechnology with two distinct points of focus.”

As you can already surmise, this is shocking. Humanity is being completely taken out of the equation of life. [Refer to Shoebot’s article (see the link below) about the ramifications of these sex robots.] “If a man can derive all the pleasure he wants from a machine or machines made to his liking, the incentive to reproduce with a woman no longer exists unless made by conscious, deliberate choice.”

The First Church Of Artificial Intelligence

Ex-Google executive Anthony Levandowski has already created an A. I. Church, of which he is the leader or the dean of this new religion called The Way of the Future, which is to worship the godhead of artificial intelligence, developed through computer software and hardware. It is said that A. I. can write and rewrite its own code in order to make itself more intelligent, even though it was not programmed to do this. So it is apparent that A. I. can program itself and can even communicate with other A. I. Programs – algorithms – although nobody knows what they are saying to one another. But do you get that? A. I. can program itself. Google’s A. I. is creating its own A. I., but I can guarantee you that no one knows how it is able to do that. So do you sense a supernatural force at work here? And the elite behind all of this now want to create their own god to worship. A. I. will become like a god to mankind. (Worship Artificial Intelligence Or Else?! Google Exec Creates A.I. Church – Image Of The Beast

Levandowski says that “Change is coming. A change that will transform every aspect of human existence, disrupting employment, leisure, religion, the economy, and possibly decide our very survival as a species.” He prefers to say that, “There is a transition, that humans are in charge of the planet because we are the smarter ones than the other animals, and we were able to build tools and to apply rules, etc. In future, if something is much much smarter, there’s got to be a transition as to who is actually in charge.” (Worship Artificial Intelligence Or Else?! Google Exec Creates A.I. Church – Image Of The Beast

The Controlled, Dreamless, Digital New Age

More than a few times I have warned you of the coming alien deception orchestrated by the powers that be. The elite are working hand-in-hand with Satan, our Adversary, to bring this about, perhaps because they are already demon possessed or have been tempted by this evil created being in order to agree to help him carry out his evil plans for humanity. In fact, they are helping to create a new breed, a mixed breed using human DNA and animal DNA. Hybrid vessels are being created to be filled with demonic spirits. These may well be the ‘aliens’ that will supposedly invade our planet when, in fact, there are no real aliens at all. Every ‘alien’ we may see will come from the pits of Hell. It is one reason CERN was created, a portal that will be used to allow evil spirits into our world from their dimension of existence, once they are released from their prison. It has been said that these are to be more feared than World War III.

These ‘aliens’ will inhabit the earth on a grand scale and will eat the people that remain, as they are doing now underground, as I have mentioned in a previous article, The Nightmare Of Reality. It is said that AntiChrist will come to the rescue, to establish peace, which will make everyone want to bow down and worship him. Through his supernatural powers, he will convince people that he is God and, sadly, many will buy into his lies, to their eternal damnation. By this time they will have all been microchipped into the AntiChrist system, Satan’s world, which is why I strongly warn you not to take this Mark of the Beast. Once you are chipped, salvation through Jesus Christ will no longer be possible.

Consider also that these supposed ‘aliens’ – actually evil spirits or demons straight from Hell – may possess the robots that are now being developed. With A. I. creations being stronger than humans, what chance would anyone possibly have of survival, especially if these robots need organic material to feed on? Only if they break down or malfunction will people be able to overcome such steel, heavy- duty, super soldier, demonic robots. Just my way of thinking, but something for you to consider.

Have you by any chance heard of the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot (EATR) Project? (See the link below.)

Aliens And Soul Transference

The process of soul transference is very simple and, yes, it does exist today. The ‘aliens’ abduct someone, then bring the person to death very slowly. Then when the person is at his last breath and his essence leaves the body, then it is replaced with another. Moments later, that same physical body will rise up off the table it is laying on, but once inside, the new ‘essence’ will have a completely different agenda, a different ‘soul’, a demonic soul. There is a three-to-seventh month transition period, it is said, for this to be completed because it will take awhile for the demonic entity to adjust to being inside a human body. When this happens to a major figure, that person will be out of the limelight or be very rarely seen. Such people can shapeshift into their reptilian form because they are possessed by these demonic entities. This is why they are seeking to change the atmosphere of our planet, so it will be habitable for them. Personally, I wouldn’t want to encounter any one of these walking corpses. I’ve already witnessed someone shapeshift in front of me, so I have no interest in seeing that again either.

The elite want to create life, become gods, and live forever through technology. In my opinion, belief in evolution is just an excuse for self-serving, self-centered people to sin openly and freely, if they so choose. Evolution justifies the evil that they do. If they believed in God, the True Creator of all things, then they would have to obey His laws. By erasing God from existence, referring to the Bible as a mere myth, evolution leaves these people open to doing whatever they want to do, convincing themselves there are no repercussions for their sins and that they will never be held accountable by God. They have convinced themselves, based on the lies of Satan, that they themselves are gods so they can do whatever they want and not feel bad about it. Their own consciences are seared, so they won’t feel bad about the evil they do. They are trying to create their own version of Heaven on Earth so they can escape God’s judgment. Seriously, how stupid is that? No one can escape that. Dumbing down the populace won’t change their either. What is to be will be. God is a legal God. What has been written for eons, from the creation of the world, still stands.

With the New World Order, it is all about self. This is also evidenced by the fact that these individuals, so twisted in their thinking, are trying to wipe out all of humanity, just because they feel they are better than everyone, are wealthier than everyone, and can do a better job with governing our world, which is why Satan went against God in the first place and was cast out of Heaven to the Earth. He thought he could rule the universe better than the God Who created it. Isn’t that what we are seeing on this planet right now? People who worship Satan, who are trying to remake and recreate our world to suit themselves? Readying the world, controlling the world, so that Satan, through AntiChrist, can rule it as the one world dictator? By destroying morality and all that is good, and righteous, and true? And just for the record, it takes only a bit of common sense to realize that the whole theory of evolution is completely false. Even as a child, I questioned this concept, knowing it could not be true because it made no sense to me.

Personally, I don’t know anyone who ever evolved from a single celled organism or even an ape. So ridiculous, it’s laughable. Yet this is what the elite and their supporters want us to believe. It is all under the guise of New Age. It is all garbage, and I won’t apologize for speaking the truth on this matter. What I don’t understand is is why these people love Satan? He hates them and will not hesitate to dispose of them whenever he feels like it. Talk about being blinded. As with Communism or Socialism, dictators use people to achieve their goals, then they usually wipe out the very people who supported them and helped them get to where they are, so they won’t be threatened. Using lies, deception, is how the Enemy operates and, sadly, too many people have fallen for his wiles, which will only be to their detriment and ultimate destruction.

I find it interesting to note that the many of our leaders and politicians keep using the word ‘dreamers’ of late. Granted, they are using it to refer to illegal immigrants. However, if they get their way, and the New World Order supporters get their way, and their twisted form of evolution is put into play, then those in power will make it so that no one under their control will ever be able to dream or seek to follow through on their dreams ever again. Only the corrupt elite will be able to dream and enjoy their lives. Their brainwashed, chipped slaves will have no lives, but will be controlled and told what they can do. Individualism will be completely wiped out, which is how the Communists operate. Even in college, I noticed how we always had to work in teams, and we were graded as a group, not as an individual. Everyone I know hates that, especially when only one or two people actually do all the work on something, while others are too lazy to contribute anything. Gives us nothing to look forward to, does it? Not in the future the Adversary has planned for us. He goes against everything God made us to be: free, creative, imaginative dreamers, and productive, among other things. God wants us happy. The Adversary does not. He does not care for anyone but himself.

I want you to be aware that true Christians will not be around for the worst of what will happen during the latter days of the tribulation that is yet to come. It is believed that Jesus will take His children home before the really bad things occur here on Earth, when the seventh trumpet sounds. (1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17) Only those who take the Mark of the Beast and remain following what many call the rapture will have to suffer through the demonic invasion of planet Earth. Christians will be secure with Jesus, so will be safe from the onslaught and terrors of the Enemy when he unleashes his war against this world in full force. The only way to escape what is to come is to turn to Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He is our only Hope. Our salvation. The True Son of God. Jesus is the God of Heaven’s armies who serves His Father in Heaven, Jehovah (Yahweh), the mighty I AM. And yes, He is God. He says it himself. “I and My Father are One.” (John 10:30 KJV)

A. I. And The Beast of Revelation

It has been suggested that, based on 2 Thessalonians 2:4, that A. I. may actually be a tool that the beast of Revelation 13 may use to take over the world, as the one world ruler. Of course, we won’t know it until it happens, but we can always keep an open mind. Artifical intelligence is not specifically mentioned in Scripture. However, if one considers the technological advances of our times, of what one can accomplish with it, it makes you wonder. Even now, with the Internet, everything we do, everything we write or say online, and particularly, everything we purchase or sell online, is known. You cannot be connected to one social networking site or buy on another website, without everything being connected or posted somewhere else, somehow. Even if you want to keep them separate, it seems impossible, especially for those who aren’t very tech savvy. Even our banking nowadays is controlled, our phone calls monitored. Most everything is monitored or spied upon. Our most personal information is out there for the world to see in one way or another. We’ve been living under a form of Fascism, Socialism, and Communism in the U. S. all this time, yet we had no idea. This began over 50 years ago, unfortunately, when these evil groups quietly infiltrated our government agencies and other facets of our lives. Fortunately, God brought in Donald Trump to start ‘draining the swamp’ of this evil, at least for a time. God still has an agenda of His own but, because He loves us, has given us a reprieve from what the previous Administration tried to destroy.

The reference in Scripture of the ‘image of the beast’ could very well refer to a form of A. I. And with the new A. I. Church, wherein people will come to worship it, as Scripture refers to the AntiChrist wanting to be worshipped, then this would make perfect sense. I don’t know how it will pan out, but if you are alert and paying attention, you may start to see things around you in a different light than before. Your understanding will increase. It could very well be that Satan will inhabit a robotic form of artificial intelligence, as some believe, although the Bible states that AntiChrist will be a man that Satan enters into, not A. I. (Revelation 13:18)

Immortality Without Technology

If you want to live forever in paradise, then ask God to prove Himself to you. Don’t rely on technology to make you happy and immortal. Jesus Christ is real and alive and will return soon to take His children home to Heaven. True Christians will spend eternity in Heaven, actually on the New Earth that is coming, because Jesus Christ will be coming to rule here, in the New Jerusalem. True Christians will have immortality, and we will live with our Savior, Jesus. He is a God of Truth, of Justice, of Fairness, of Love.

It is easy to love God. He blesses us so much and cares about us. If you want to truly know Him and have a personal relationship with Him, your Creator, then ask Him to come into your heart as your Lord and Savior. Confess your sins to him and turn away from them. He will forgive you, and you will receive the Holy Spirit. Then acknowledge Him and your decision to follow Christ, to at least one other person, because you must believe in your heart that He is Lord, that He came to Earth as a man, died on the cross for our sins, and now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven. Confessing your belief in Him and declaring to others that you accepted Jesus into your heart is the second step. Once you have done this, find a good King James Version of the Holy Bible to read and study. Then, locate a good, Bible-based church that preaches true salvation and the truth of God’s Word. And stay away from taking that Mark of the Beast, believed to be the RFID chip or some similar device.

There is a great deal of material out there for you to investigate A. I. more completely. I have touched only the tip of the iceberg and shared below only a few websites and videos for you to go through. I just want you to be aware of how dangerous artificial intelligence truly is and was meant for evil, for our own destruction.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or prayer needs at

God bless you, and may you stay well informed. Don’t be a snowflake or a sheeple that is easily led astray by the lies of the Enemy and his followers.


“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:4 KJV)

Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:26 KJV)

Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.” (Ezekiel 13:20 KJV)

And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Revelation 13:36 KJV)

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It’s [a] fact that the scientists admit they have no idea how AI actually works.” (


The system [of a driverless vehicle] is so complicated that even the engineers who designed it may struggle to isolate the reason for any single action. And you can’t ask it: there is no obvious way to design such a system so that it could always explain why it did what it did.” (


According to its website, the EATR Project:

the purpose of the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot (EATR)™ (patent pending) project is to develop and demonstrate an autonomous robotic platform able to perform long-range, long-endurance missions without the need for manual or conventional re-fueling, which would otherwise preclude the ability of the robot to perform such missions. The system obtains its energy by foraging – engaging in biologically-inspired, organism-like, energy-harvesting behavior which is the equivalent of eating. It can find, ingest, and extract energy from biomass in the environment (and other organically-based energy sources), as well as use conventional and alternative fuels (such as gasoline, heavy fuel, kerosene, diesel, propane, coal, cooking oil, and solar) when suitable. (source, source)” (


With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know those stories. Where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, and you know it’s like, yeah, sure, you can control the demon. It doesn’t work out.” Elon Musk

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The Artificially Intelligent Antichrist

The First Church of Artificial Intelligence – Creating Their AI God

We’re already being prepared for the A.I. Goddess (Please watch until the end.)

China Aims To Be A Global Leader in AI and Robotic Industry! Robots Reshapes China’s Workforce

The Bible says this is exactly how it would look before the End (2017-2018)

The X Files Reveals Elites’ Plans for 2018…

Uploading Our Minds by 2045, Bodies Replaced by Machines in 90 Years

Shocking absolutely shocking !!! Soul transfer technology

For more information:

Christianity and Artificial Intelligence:

Google and Artificial Intelligence:


Television, Movies, and A. I.:

Saudi Arabia and Sophia:

Spielberg and A. I.:


We Have Been Duped

What if everything you ever thought you knew turned out to be a lie?

What if you have heard about this but believed it to be nothing more than another conspiracy theory? Perhaps. But now, when you learn the whys involved with these theories, you may not be so quick to doubt them. Especially since the Holy Bible backs all of it up.

What I am about to share came about through sheer happenstance, so I started delving deeper into this stuff and was shocked at what I found. Praying that God will open our eyes to the secrets that have been concealed for centuries helped me to discover the truth of these things. The truth has always been there, but it never occurred to me to question what I learned in school growing up or even in college. Such deception will infuriate you, enrage you. If you share it, people will think you are crazy. But that is what the powers that be want people to think of you. They have, in fact, made those who think for themselves a mental illness when, in fact, they are the ones who are insane. Anyone who worships the Adversary is misguided and insane themselves and have made everything that is pure and holy, evil and perverse. So just ignore those disobedient children and read on with an open mind.

The Biggest Lie Of All Time

Okay, now you probably think I’m crazy, right, to even question this? Everyone knows the Earth is round. We were all taught this. Well, if you do your own research going back as far as you can, to the book of Genesis in the Holy Scriptures, make sure you study the story of creation and other parts of God’s Word. It is there you will discover the Truth hiding for you to learn for yourself. The Earth is NOT round at all, but flat. If it is flat, then why, you ask, would anyone want to convince us that it is round? Well, that’s what I want to share with you. You may, as I have discovered, be convinced that our world is indeed flat. If, even after you check out some videos and websites, you are still not convinced, then just look at the United Nations emblem. It has the flat earth right on it. Right in plain sight.

The Jesuit Deception

If the world is really flat, then why would the powers that govern our world keep this information from us? Why would they lie? And who is behind all of this?

In truth, it appears the Catholic Church is heavily involved in this massive deception. It did not start out that way. Initially, they promoted the flat earth belief. For centuries, well-educated people believed that the earth was flat, based on the Holy Bible itself, and that the earth was at the center of the universe and enclosed by a protective covering. (The geocentric model.) Then, in the 16th century, Nikolai Copernicus introduced a new theory. (The heliocentric model.) He believed that the earth revolved around the sun, which was at the center of things, and promoted the lie that the earth is a sphere that spins through space. Later, when Galileo began promoting Copernicus’ theory, the Catholic Church actually persecuted him, to force him to recant his beliefs. Sadly, he spent his last days under house arrest.

It was the Protestants who first opposed Copernicus’ theory, for Biblical reasons. Early maps make clear the flat earth model was used, based on Scriptures. Later, after the Jesuit order, the Society of Jesus, was established in 1540, Pope Paul III approved the promotion of Copernicus’ theory.

Why? You are no doubt wondering. Well, here we go…

The Coming Alien Invasion

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the name Ignatius Loyola. He was the founder of the Jesuits. What he did was teach all of the members of this new order certain spiritual exercises which made them all “practical, mind-controlled slaves”…to Satan. Are you starting to get the picture now? Even back in that century, the Enemy was taking over and controlling our world. For his purposes.

Remember, Satan is the prince of the power of the air. (Ephesians 2:2) When he lost the war in Heaven, he and his followers were cast to Earth. (Revelation 12:7-12) This is his domain, and he intends to take it over before Jesus Christ returns. With the ultimate goal being to bring about the rise of AntiChrist and to get us to worship him, the one world dictator, by trying to convince us that our world has been invaded by aliens.

In order for the masses to believe the deception being planned, the Adversary first had to convince the world to buy into the lie. The lie of a coming alien invasion. To get us to accept that aliens are real, a plan had to be devised that would convince people that outer space, planets, galaxies, etc. are real. We had to believe that there are other worlds and that extra-terrestrials exist. Aliens, if you will. We had to be convinced that the Earth was round so outerspace and the related lies could be more easily accepted. And as predicted, we fell for it all, hook, line, and sinker. Thanks to Hollywood, NASA, and everyone else involved in this lie, the world soaked up science fiction, aliens, and everything else like a sponge to water.

So, do you see? The world had to be convinced aliens exist in order for the Satan worshipping Jesuits and those in league with them to perpetrate the biggest deception ever concocted. If we accept that aliens are real, then it will be easy for us to believe in them instead of what they really are. (Drum roll please.) DEMONS FROM HELL. FALLEN ANGELS. Those that the true God of all creation cast out of Heaven eons ago. Believe it or not, there are no such things as aliens from outerspace. Only demons.

To convince people that the earth is round and rotates around the sun would cast doubt upon the Truth of the Word of God and the existence of God. If God were removed from the world, as the Adversary is still attempting to do, he figured that we would accept him more readily if we believed that aliens from outerspace really existed and had come to earth.

The Truth in Plain Sight

Now I’ll admit, it took me awhile to come to grips myself with this idea regarding the flat earth model. I laughed at the people who told it to me, especially since they were Muslims. Afterward, I mulled the idea over in my mind for a few days, thinking that maybe this time they weren’t lying as they are taught to do, before I started researching the truth of the matter myself. And what I discovered shocked the pants off me. So I am not sharing this lightly with anyone reading this. God has confirmed it to me. The earth is indeed flat, and everything I am writing is the truth. Based on God’s Holy Scriptures. If you check out every Bible verse regarding this model, you will discover that everything I am writing is true. I am sharing it because you have to know what is coming, what is being planned. An ‘alien’ invasion meant to deceive us. Unfortunately, based on everything I’ve been sharing over the years, you will see that this is not such a far-fetched idea. If you know ahead of time what is coming our way, what deception has been planned, then you can react accordingly.

The Catholic Church pushed Copernicus to spread his heliocentric model abroad. They wanted it taught in opposition to the Truth of the Bible. The Church was able to lay the groundwork for a global reception of the false theory, to culminate in the last days. The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, were the ‘agents of change’ that have helped bring all of this about. Since they have sold out to Satan through their ‘spiritual exercises’, they use the guise of being followers of Jesus Christ to help things along. They have also infiltrated governments and institutions of learning, becoming successful in every evil endeavor in order to carry out their agenda.

It was necessary to change public conception from an accurate belief from a flat, enclosed earth to the false belief of the earth being round, sphere-like. This model was introduced very slowly so the rest of the world would become more amenable to the final delusion of an alien invasion. This is confirmed by the Holy Scriptures in Revelation chapter nine. It is the First Woe. And I am sure that that is one reason why the supercolliders have been built, especially CERN, in Switzerland. It is a portal to the demonic, to allow them easier entry into our world when it is time for the coming invasion.

One World Order, One World Religion

The Jesuits realized that an extra-terrestrial invasion is not possible with an enclosed earth. Those who know the Truth of the Bible would quickly realize that any ‘alien’ appearing in our enclosed system must be demonic in nature. So they had to manufacture the lie that the earth is round in order to pull off their deception.

It is believed that our last pope may have ‘conveniently’ been removed so that Pope Francis could take his place in the Vatican. He is to be the eighth and final pope, much as Obama is thought to be the last President of the United States. Pope Francis is a Jesuit and is believed to be under the direct control of demons by way of the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola. As we have seen recently, Francis has sympathetic ties with all religions and has been bowing down to Islam. This would make him the logical choice as mankind’s representative to establish a peace treaty with these ‘alien invaders’ from outerspace. This would place the pope at the head of the New World Order as mankind’s representative, as mankind’s savior. He will then be head of the new, unified One World and Religion. As stated in Scripture, all heads of state will then hand over their sovereignty to him. (Revelation 17:12-13)

Does Antarctica Exist?

Okay, here is the clincher. You can research all of this yourself. Along with the flat earth comes the possible truth that the continent of Antarctica doesn’t even exist. In fact, there is only a huge wall of ice around the earth, so that anywhere you go, you will run into ice. There are military bases at various points, with interesting names. If you try to go to Antarctica, you may be met with resistance by military units who will try and prevent you from investigating. You may be detered from stepping onto it, wondering what lies beyond the great wall that they don’t want you to know about. It is all very mysterious and dangerous. I am still researching this myself, but I am believing more and more that everything we have learned about the South Pole is a lie, too. In fact, what I have learned is that only the North Pole exists and that any photos we have seen of the South Pole were actually photographs of the North Pole. All we see are military photographs usually, right? They control what the public sees, to enforce the lie being perpetrated.

There is also some interesting information out there on the North Pole; namely, that there is an opening in the earth there, supposedly protected by, once again, the military. Apparently there is a hole there, leading into a hollow earth. But, as I am still looking into much of this conspiracy as well, I won’t share more on any of this. However, what I have referenced below may at least get you to wondering and researching into this yourself, if you haven’t heard about these things.

The Choice To Believe Is Yours

At any rate, what you choose to believe is up to you. Sometimes it is hard to accept the truth when everything you were ever taught may have turned out to be a lie. I just wanted you to be forewarned about what is coming, however, and to prepare yourself spiritually on how to deal with it.

Your only defense to escape much of this is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and trusting Him to see you through the coming days. He is the only Way into Heaven, the only Living God. So if you want to spend eternity in Heaven with Him, then do not hesitate to accept Him into your heart, as your Sovereign Lord. He will guide and protect you as we move further into the end times. However, if you choose not to and buy into the coming deception, know that the opposite fate awaits you, eternity in Hell with Satan and his fallen angels. I wouldn’t recommend that option.

I pray the Lord will reveal the Truth to you.

God bless you, my friends.

And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” (Revelation 9:1-6 KJV)

For more information:

Pope Francis:

The Flat Earth:

The Hollow Earth:

Other Worlds:

The Lucifer Telescope Of The Vatican:

One Proposed Flaw In The Theory Of A Flat Earth:


9193_Locked_&_Chained_DoorsThe Puppet Masters

Did you know that the elite groomed and voted in the current American President? The men controlling our world? The New World Order? Because the man is a known Communist and in full support of destroying America so it will come under global governance? Become part of the One World Goverment? Did you know that America is just one crisis away from total takeover by those I warned you about awhile ago?

Creating order out of chaos has always been how Communists take over nations. “The goal is to get every nation to willingly sign onto the plan and thereby give up elements of their national sovereignty, which could be done more easily in a time of crisis, [Paul] McGuire said.” Paul McGuire is a Fox News and History Channel contributor and co-author of the book, “Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Time Mystery.” (

As you can see in our world today, those arrogant dead men, the rich bankers – the elite – are doing a good job of creating chaos everywhere. The take down of America is just a matter of time and could happen over night. The elite are just complaining that it is taking too long. I’m not sure why these old, wrinkled, hell-bound coots are suddenly so eager now to have it happen. Perhaps they realize that they are getting near their expiration date and want to see their plans come to full fruition before they kick off. Or perhaps they know that Jesus Christ will be returning soon to destroy them and establish His own Government of pure righteousness. The one prophesied about in The Holy Bible. Regardless of the sudden urgency, the American President is now on the fast track in order to help carry out the evil agenda 21 – now known as agenda 2030, the U. N. plot to transform the world – before he leaves office. IF he ever leaves office.

It is still possible that this evil puppet will once more violate the law and remain in office as our dictator. The Presidential election may be suspended indefinitely, making this man of lawlessness the last President of the United States. Hard to say, but I, for one, am praying for protection for those currently running for office, one or two in particular. I am also praying that God will bless the American people with wisdom when voting, if the election actually happens, and for God’s perfect will to be done in this matter. All we can do is trust God for the results. Whatever happens will be within His Power to control. If it is part of the punishment He is laying against America, then we have no choice but to accept it. Believers must trust Him to count all of us worthy to escape what is to come. Those who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will be left behind to suffer the worst of what may happen before He returns to set things right.

America Is One Crisis Away

The term ‘order out of chaos’ – ordo ab chao – was a term coined by the Masonic leader Albert Pike, a former Jesuit and a 33rd degree Freemason Occultist Grand Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order. In order to bring about the planned new order of things on a global scale, some form of chaos must be created, so the elite have much planned. Already we can see how illegal immigration is destroying the Western world, through the false religion of Islam and ISIS/ISIL. These are just the birth pangs, together with natural disasters such as earthquakes, harsh winters, excessive heat, tornadoes, and the like. Other problems are stemming from tainted foods, chemtrails, etc. Mainly, to bring about this new global order there will have to be either a global financial crisis or the prospect of World War III which will involve Islam, Russia, the Ukraine, NATO, Iran, Syria and Israel and a manufactured climate-change crisis. No surprise there, I’m sure.

As I’ve mentioned before, once America is brought to its knees, possibly through a nuclear weapon, the rest of the world will fall. America has always been a safe haven for many. No longer. Once America goes down, there will be no place left where people can take refuge as they have in the past. Steps have already been taken to bring in Islamic troops to wipe out Americans, under the guise of immigrants seeking asylum. The real kick in the face is when many Americans who worked so hard for their money now have to support these same moochers, murderers, liars, rapists, and pedophiles who are intent on destroying them. Meanwhile, arrangements are being made at the FEMA camps for the coming Christian and government/NWO-dissenter round up where await the guillotines that have been being brought in for several years now. Chains have been put into the boxcars. And those quite adept at torture tactics, probably from China or Russia, or perhaps they are members of ISIS, are gleefully awaiting their chance to practice their horrific skills in order to force people to accept the Mark of the Beast, the dreaded RFID chip that will soon become mandatory throughout the world, if one wants to buy, sell, or trade anything in future. This will be worse than what happened in Nazi Germany during World War II.

The United Nation’s Plan For Global Enslavement

Did you know that the papacy, the Pope, ruler of the holy Roman empire, is in complete support of the New World Order agenda? The agenda laid out by the United Nations? And did you know that throughout history the Pope, supported by the Jesuits, has believed himself to be the ruler of the entire world? Is it any wonder that this man has the number 666 on his funny hat?

The goal is to get every nation to willingly sign onto the plan and thereby give up elements of their national sovereignty, which could be done more easily in a time of crisis, [Paul] McGuire said.

The U.N. vote is about to put America and the world on the fast track to a one-world government,” he told WND. “We are literally just one crisis away from that happening. It could happen overnight, and I don’t think most people realize this.

And the pope is fully on board with the U.N. plan to escort the world into global governance. [Cliff] Kincaid, director of the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism, observes:

‘In a pitch for global socialism, masked in flowery language, Francis, who insisted on his way to the U.S. that he was not a liberal, said, ‘I would like all men and women of good will in this great nation to support the efforts of the international community to protect the vulnerable in our world and to stimulate integral and inclusive models of development, so that our brothers and sisters everywhere may know the blessings of peace and prosperity which God wills for all his children.’

He adds that while the pope says nice things about the poor, ‘the practical result of ditching capitalism for socialism will be more poverty, suffering, and death.’” (

Now keeping in mind that the Jesuit order is behind the Pope and everything going on throughout history, check this out:

At what then do the Jesuits aim? According to them, they only seek the greater glory of God; but if you examine the facts you will find that they aim at universal dominion alone. They have rendered themselves indispensable to the Pope, who, without them, could not exist because Catholicism is identified with them. They have rendered themselves indispensable to governors and hold revolutions in their hands; and in this way, either under one name or another, it is they who rule the world…”*

The Jesuit order, therefore, stands before us as the embodiment of a system which aims at temporal political means, embellished by religion, which assigns to the head of the Catholic religion – the Roman Pope – the role of a temporal overlord, and under shelter of the Pope-King, and using him as an instrument, desires itself to attain the dominion over the whole world.” Count von Hoensbroech, 1911, German noble and ex-Jesuit**

Moreover, the pope has thousands of secret agents worldwide. They include Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and others. The Vatican’s Intelligence Service and its field resources are second to none.” Dave Hunt, 1994, American Baptist Historian+

The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants...”++

In effect, even the Freemasons are being deceived by the Jesuits. Only those higher up, those chosen, know the truth of what is going on. That they are being controlled by the Jesuits, for Rome. Undoubtedly, were Freemasons aware of the deception, then they themselves would probably not be involved in any of the evil actually going on.

Now comes the real clincher in this horrific story. Clearly nothing we have been taught in our history classes. The Jesuits, the papacy of Rome, who control the world, had a plan in place ages ago in order to set in place their one world order.

According to a letter written by Albert Pike, on August 15, 1871 to Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian revolutionary leader of the mid 1800s as well as the Director of the Illuminati, here is the outline of their plan for three world wars in order to bring the entire world under complete Communist control, which has been the goal all along:

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.” “

Mazzini, with Pike, developed a plan for three world wars so that eventually every nation would be willing to surrender its national sovereignty to a world government. The first war was to end the czarist regime in Russia, and the second war was to allow the Soviet Union to control Europe. The third world war was to be in the Middle East between Moslems and Jews and would result in Armaggedon.”^

We shall unleash the nihilist and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer…the destruction of Christianity and atheism. Both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” (Forth Reich Of The Rich, Griffin, pp. 71,72)^^

The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme ‘sustainable development’ and ‘equality.’” (

It’s All About Control…And The Reign of AntiChrist

Scripture is clear. That during the last days, a man completely under Satan’s control will establish himself as a one world ruler. He will be a man a lawlessness who hates women, a man of great evil who wants to establish himself over the world, so that every human being will worship him. Those who refuse his control, through his manipulations, deceptions, and physical control, through the RFID chip, the Mark of the Beast, will be permanently removed. As it was during World War II when Hitler tried to rule the world, so it will….well, actually, things will be much worse. The man identified with the number 666, the son of perdition, will do everything he can to force you to take his eternally damning mark, or he will kill you, perhaps torturing you first to try and make you change your mind about Jesus Christ. Anyone not wanting to be under Satan’s complete control and domination will be exterminated.

If a person takes the Mark of the Beast, the coming RFID chip that is set to become mandatory in the United States in 2017, that person will become part of the AntiChrist system of things. Such a person will become completely enslaved by this evil Satanic system. Under complete Communism. And God will have been removed from the world. No Christians, no atheism. The plan is to set up Islam at the top of the One World Religion, with all others being merged into it and beneath it. Those taking the Mark will be damned for all eternity, and Hope will be forever lost to them.

With Communism throughout the world, the rich will benefit, have everything, while the poor, despite lies and false promises, will struggle and starve. The middle class in the U. S. has already pretty much been wiped out. It was deliberate so that the Communist/Socialist regime can be brought into place. And that myth that wealth will be distributed to all. It is just that. A myth. A lie. A deception. Just one of many that is coming our way.

The Coming Alien Deception

Some of you may have read my article on Project Bluebeam. This and HAARP, the weather modification machine controlled by the military, will be used to deceive the world. Already holograms are being presented in various parts of the world, projecting false images of religious figures, cities, and so forth. It is meant to deceive and mislead us into believing that these are from God. In truth, it is what the man of lawlessness will use to project himself as a miracle worker, as some sort of a god worthy of our praise and worship. It is one of the avenues the coming AntiChrist will use to turn millions of people away from the one True God of Heaven and Earth, Jehovah, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Right now, CERN, the portal to the demonic world, is being readied to bring in such evil that even some of our own physicists and scientists are giving grave warnings not to do this. We have no idea what Pandora’s box we will open. And once open, we will not be able to stop it or close it. What the Adversary himself is planning is to make the world believe that demons and evil spirits are actually aliens from other worlds. In actuality, there is no such thing. Anything we believe to be UFOs are demons from Hell, and Satan is using them to deceive the world, preparing us to bow down to AntiChrist when the time comes. Sadly, all too many are already brainwashed, through television and movies, to believe and accept these falsehoods and deceptions. In fact, Scripture says that these deceptions will be so convincing as to perhaps deceive even the elect of God. (Matthew 24:24) The Bible also predicts a great falling away from the Truth of Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) Folks, this is a sad state of affairs, to be sure.

Our Only Hope

Jesus never said our lives would be easy, if we follow Him. He has prepared us, through the Truth of His Word, what will befall mankind at the end of the age. (Matthew 24) He has also told us that He will rescue us when the time comes. Islam and its followers will all be destroyed at His coming. In fact, all the wicked of this world will be destroyed permanently while the children of obedience, those who love and serve Jesus Christ, will spend eternity with Him, on the new Earth He will create. (Revelation 21:1) The Word says that the old heaven and earth will pass away. (Matthew 24:35) When Jesus returns, as He said He would, He will have a wedding feast and invite believers into the New Jerusalem, His Bride, where He will set up His throne to rule over us with a rod of iron, with fairness and complete justice. (Revelation 19) All sorrow, tears, and suffering will be gone. (Revelation 21:4) The moon and the stars will be gone. (Joel 32:15) We will live with Jesus in His Kingdom of righteousness and truth forever. All of the wicked and all wickedness will be no more. AntiChrist will be destroyed by the Power of God’s Word. (Revelation 19) The tares and the wheat, the goats and the sheep, will be separated. (Matthew 25:32,33) One group to be burned, the other to be saved, to live with our loving Savior, God, for all eternity. (Matthew 25:41, 46) I don’t know about you, but I would rather belong to Jesus and be with Him with True freedom to enjoy eternity and be happy, than live under Satan and his evil minions, to be controlled and miserable forever. Later to be destroyed when Jesus finally returns.

So choose you this day who you will serve? Will you accept Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Savior, to live with Truth, happiness, joy, and freedom? Or will you choose to be under the control of Satan, AntiChrist, poor, suffering, and miserable, with nothing but eternal destruction to look forward to?

The choice is yours.

Just remember, Jesus Christ died on the cross for the redemption of mankind. To save us from our sins and prepare a way for us to be eternally saved and live forever with Him, in true peace, harmony, and righteousness. Satan has done nothing but bring misery and destruction into our lives, because he hates every one of us.

If you have any questions, feel free to write us at:

God bless you, my friends, and shalom.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”

(2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 KJV)

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture in the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”

(Revelation 14:9-11 KJV)

Refer to:

*Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism, Luigo Desanctis, (London: D. Catt, 1905; translated by Maria Betts from the original Italia edition published as Roma Papali in 1865) p. 139.

**Fourteen Years A Jesuit, Count Von Hoensbroect, translated by Alice Zimmern, (New York, Cassell and Company, LTDl, 1911), Vol. 11, p. 430.

^The Grand Design Exposed, John Daniel, (Middleton, Idaho: CHJ Publishing, 1999), p. 302.

+A Woman Rides The Beast, Dave Hunt, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1994) p. 87.

++Now Is The Dawning Of The New Age New World Order, (Oklahoma City, OK: Hearthstone Publishing, Ltd. 1991), p. 42.

^^Forth Reich Of The Rich, Griffin, pp. 71,72


The Bride of Christ

Did you know that after Jesus Christ returns to judge the nations, after the final judgment and during the Millennium, that there will be a new earth? (Revelation 21:1) It was prophesied in the book of Isaiah, chapter 65, verse 17, and chapter 66, verse 22.

The Bible says that all former things will pass away. There will be no more tears, pain, sorrow, or death. (Revelation 21:4) God also says in His Word that all things will become new. (Revelation 21:5) That includes the earth. The old heaven and the old earth will be no more. (Revelation 20:11) All the effects of the curse that resulted from Adam’s sin will be removed, and all things will become new.

Growing up most churchgoers are taught about heaven and hell. But, if they are like me, they learned nothing much about the coming new earth. I rarely heard it mentioned.  But it is true. There will not just be new heavens, but a new earth as well. The earth we are living on now will be cleansed by fire for the sole purpose of renovation and restoration. ( 2 Peter 3:10-14) What is now Satan’s domain must be purified before the heaven of God can come down to the new earth.

We serve a holy God, which makes this purification and cleansing imperative before He will come down to live among men. Why would He want to dwell somewhere with people on an earth that includes places like rundown public housing? The area once ruled over by evil spirits and demons must be renovated and restored to the way it was when God first created it, before sin entered the world. Only when it is restored and beautified and cleansed will our holy and perfect God, our Creator, deem the earth fit for His habitation. (Revelation 21:3)

And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God.” (Revelation 21:3 KJV)

Sadly, according to the Book of Revelation, only those people whose names are written in the Book of Life will be living on this new earth. (Revelation 21:27) Everyone else will be facing their eternal judgment, especially Satan and his demonic hordes who will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. (Revelation 20)

Because the earth we currently reside on and all its works therein will be completely burned up (2 Peter 3:10), that is why there will be a new earth. Yet only the righteous of God will be there. This new earth will be the place where Jesus Christ will establish His throne and reign from when He returns. In the New Jerusalem, the holy city. This is what is referred to as the Bride of Christ, the Lamb’s wife. (Revelation 21:2)

A New Heaven And A New Earth

The new heaven and the new earth will not be duplicates of those that now exist. It is believed that the new heaven and new earth will actually be as they were at their original creation.

The word ‘new’ is a translation of the Greek word, kainόn, which means ‘qualitatively new’. The new earth and new heaven will clearly not be duplicates, but it appears that their quality will be the same. I’m believing they will be even more beautiful than the originals. Heaven and earth will be completely purified. During the Millennium, the earth will be completely renovated. Once purified, it will be a perfect environment for God to live in. It will be…heavenly.

When Adam and Eve fell, in the Garden of Eden, the Adversary put a wrench in the works, so to speak. God had created things to be perfectly ordered. Sin created chaos and ruined everything. The creation of God was spoiled. As we can see, based on the chaos the Adversary is still creating throughout the world today, nothing has changed. When Jesus Christ returns, He will set things in order once more. By creating a new heaven and a new earth as they were originally, things will be right once more. God will recreate what He once had. This time, Satan will not be around to mess things up again. Since there will be no more sea, that means there will be more land, more space for the redeemed to occupy.

The New Jerusalem

The holy city is not heaven, but the New Jerusalem, the city John saw coming down from the heavens, of which God is the architect. (Revelation 21:2) It will be adorned as a bride because it contains the bride, which is the church and the redeemed from all the ages. The holy city takes on the character of a bride, which is why it is referred to as the Bride of Christ.

The new heavens will be the new atmospheric conditions around and above the new earth, as when the Garden of Eden existed originally. That means no chemtrails, too. The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:10-22:5) will, in fact, be inhabited by communities of true believers in Christ – the redeemed – where we will live with God forever. God will move, live, and work among us. He will be our God and we His people. We will fellowship with our loved ones and have actual fellowship with God, who will no longer be veiled from us in the human form of Jesus Christ, in a pillar of fire, or a cloud, or in a Holy of Holies. As Adam and Eve saw God in the Garden of Eden, so will all true believers, the pure in heart, see God as He really is.

So heaven is actually the divine creation for a community of people, like-minded believers. The eternal habitation of those who are saved. People of faith will all live together, sharing in the wondrous blessings and universal glory and oneness with God Himself. Can anything be more heavenly than that? It will be a holy city, completely separated from sin, and purified. The New Jerusalem is not heaven but is called that because everyone who will live there will be holy.

The New Jerusalem will have no temples or churches as there are on the present Earth. There, the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, are the temple. And there will be no need for sunlight or electric or gas lights because Jesus Himself will be all the Light we will need.  And in Him is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5) It will always be full noon there.

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.” (Revelation 21:23 KJV)

This, my friends, is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

And the New Jerusalem, with the Church, will be the center of all the governments of the earth. There has never been a rule like it, and Christ’s rule over the earth will be forever. 

It will be a Kingdom of peace and righteousness for Jesus is the true Prince of Peace. (Ephesians 2:13-18)

And the gates to the city will be wide open all the time. We will have unhindered access to all that we were denied access to beforetimes. (Revelation 21:25)

Will You Choose Christ?

The coming new earth will be a place so beautiful, it will be greater than anything we can imagine. It will be beyond our wildest dreams. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of it? To live there after you leave this world through death, knowing you will live forever on this new earth, with the One Who loves you most? The One Who created you? If so, then ask Jesus Christ into your heart, to be your Lord and Savior forever. Welcome Him, confess your sins to Him, and turn away from them – repent. Once you are saved and commit your life to walking with Him in true obedience, He will direct your paths the rest of your days.

If you are still not convinced that Jesus Christ is alive and well today and that He and His Father, Jehovah – Elohim – are in full control of your destiny and the universe, then ask Him to prove Himself to you. He will always answer those seeking Him and His Truth. He does not want anyone to perish.

When you are saved, after asking Jesus in as Lord of your life, the Holy Spirit of God – the Ruach HaKodesh – will fill you with His power. He is the Comforter, the One Who helps and guides true believers throughout this life. You may even feel Him inside of you. Sometimes He will stir your spirit and even wash over you. It is the most wonderful thing, to have the Spirit of the Living God with you and to have a close, personal relationship with God Himself. With that comes all the fruits of His Spirit, which are those of righteousness and truth. The coming new earth, the Kingdom of God, is one of righteousness and truth, NOT wickedness and chaos. All those evil things will be gone forever when Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom. It will be heaven on earth and one I dearly look forward to.

* * * *

Feel free to contact us at: gideonsmessenger777@yahoo if you have any questions or want to share your testimony. Our door is always open to you.

May the Lord bless you and guide your steps and your decision. I pray it will be the right one.



But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness.

Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.”

(2 Peter 3:10-14 KJV)

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” (Revelation 21:1 KJV)

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Did you know that there is a demon named Jesus?

He is called the Abomination of Desolation.

And did you know that the Jesus of the Bible is not the same Jesus of the Koran? The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is GOD. The Koran teaches that He is only a prophet who will help Allah rule when the time comes.  He will be expected to bow down to Allah.  Many also believe that Catholics do not follow the same God either. In fact, salvation is not even preached in the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school, so I can attest to this fact.

There are many that would want you to believe that all these deities are all one and the same, but they are not. There is only one Son of GOD, Jesus – Yeshua – Yahushua ha Mashiach. The Christ.

Remember, Satan counterfeits everything. Even the name of Jesus. Which is why it is important to pray, not just in the name of Jesus, but in the name that Satan cannot counterfeit. Yahushua. Yahshua.

In these last days, Satan will make every effort to deceive the world, making himself out to be God, when he is not. He will try and shove the real GOD out of everyone’s lives.

The weather modification machine, HAARP, will be used to create holograms in the sky in an effort to deceive the nations. Through Project Blue Beam. Many holograms, including images of Jesus, will be spread across the sky, making people believe that it is really Jesus Christ coming back. Not true. The sad thing is is that these will be so convincing as to make even the elect be deceived if they are not careful.  It is one of the great deceptions of the end times.

Creating the One World Church

I have mentioned before that the New World Order is trying to establish a One World Church, with Islam at the top. All other religions will be forced to merge with it or be destroyed like “vermin”; namely, true Christians.

Meanwhile, mega-church ministers such as Rick Warren and Joel Osteen, to name a few, are helping to get it established.

Warren, who is actually a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, has gone global with his proposed peace plan to help Muslims and Christians come to an understanding of one another, so we can all worship as one. But it is in direct contradiction to what the Bible says. It also violates the Great Commission laid out by Jesus Christ before He ascended into Heaven following his death and resurrection. We are to go out and make disciples of others, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is not what Warren is preaching. He is, in fact, attempting to establish the world under a one world church, so long as everyone worships Allah. The AntiChrist has always wanted to take the place of GOD himself and is making every effort to prepare the way. He wants to be able to sit on a throne and have the world worship him instead of GOD.  Unfortunately, even as I write this, this plan is in the works, through the efforts of people like Warren.

There is ONLY One Truth

JEHOVAH IS THE TRUE GOD, THE TRUE CREATOR, AND JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD, THE ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD. THEY ARE ONE. There is no other god. All others are false and man-made, with false doctrines behind them. Through Satan’s influence, all false gods and religions came into being. He will do anything to draw people away from the True GOD of Heaven and bring himself into the spotlight, as well as confuse people by tempting them away from the Truth of GOD.

Do NOT buy into the deception. It is ONLY through Jesus Christ that people will be saved and get to Heaven. (John 14:6) Since it is such a narrow door, every person, each INDIVIDUAL, on a personal level, must welcome Jesus into his or her heart as Lord and Savior, confessing and repenting of his or her sins. (Matthew 7:13-14)

The New World Order church, as in Communism, wants everything grouped together as a community, NOT as an individual effort. They want to control the masses and tell people how to think and what to believe. Using books like The Purpose Driven Life, written by Rick Warren, Satan is leading people astray from the Truth of GOD’s Word, however skillfully and deceptively written. The Truth of Almighty GOD is often combined with Satan’s lies and deception. Which is why believers in the One True GOD must read and study the Holy Bible daily, so they know the Truth. Otherwise, it will be easy to believe the lies and be misled into moving toward Satan and away from GOD.

It is ridiculous to think that people such as Warren are trying to make people believe that we can come to an understanding, joining Christianity with Islam in any respect. Muslims kill people who do not conform with their way of thinking. They do things in direct contradiction to the Bible. The Ten Commandments is in total contradiction to many of the ways of Islam. Christians/Jews are taught never to lie, steal, covet, murder, dishonor the Sabbath, etc. Followers of Islam are taught that all of these things are okay to do. So how could these two different groups of people ever find a common ground when they do not even worship the same GOD? There are far too many differences. But since Satan wants dominion, proving himself right and that he deserves to be worshipped as a god, then he is rallying billions of deceived people – people he hates and despises secretly – to bring about his caliphate, his one world government, one world religion, and one world currency. His greatest delight will be when he deceives people into killing off all the Christians, unless they bow to his will. And he is using fear and terror tactics to do it.

Warren’s teachings to bring Islam and Christianity together would make it mandatory for Christians to deny that Jesus is the Son of God and our belief in the triune God. People are being misled to turn away from the True God to believe in a false one. If believers refuse, we will, of course, be tortured, killed, or fined heavily. These are Satan’s tactics to bring us around to his way of thinking and to get us to deny GOD. Folks, the god of Islam is NOT the true god. He is anything but. Based on what is happening to Christians and even Muslims around the world who are fleeing ISIS and other radicals, one can easily see that the true GOD of Love is Jesus Christ and not that other one, who deceives people into worshiping him as a god of compassion, beneficence, and mercy. This is the one that Rick Warren is trying to deceive us into accepting as god.

Warren does not teach repentance from sin either, as the Bible teaches. A person cannot be forgiven of his sins unless one repents of his sins. So Warren is teaching people to walk with the Adversary instead of with GOD. Others promoting the One World Church fail to mention repentance either. This is probably what is attracting sinners to this global peace plan. People can still go out and murder, lie, cheat, steal, whatever, yet still enjoy fellowship with a false god, Satan. Inconceivable.

To be truly saved, one must completely turn away from his or her sins and turn completely to GOD.

The two go hand-in-hand. GOD forgives your sins, giving you a clean slate at the start of your walk with Him. Failing to repent of one’s sins leads only to one thing: death and eternal damnation.

It Is A Personal Choice

Let me repeat. There is only ONE way to Heaven. Through Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This is His Word, GOD’s Truth. (John 14:6)

If you truly want to serve the one true God, no matter what, then you must confess all of your sins to Him, and turn away – repent – of them once and for all. (Acts 17:30) Granted, none of us are perfect. But God will help you not to be tempted to sin once you have confessed and repented and accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior.

So yes, after you confess your sins to God, ask Him to come into your heart, taking charge over your life as your Lord and Savior. Unlike the god of Islam, the God of Christianity gives you a choice to either accept or reject Him. If you accept Him as your Savior, then go out and tell at least one other person of your decision and acceptance of Christ. (Matthew 10:32) The Word of God says that if you will publicly declare Him before men, then He will declare you before His Father in Heaven when that day comes for you to stand in Judgment before Him. (Luke 12:8)   So sharing your belief with others is the second step of salvation.

Next, get a good Bible to read and study every day, and as often as you can. The original King James is actually a good one.  The time now is short, so study as much of Scripture as you can, so you know the Truth.

Then find a Bible preaching, salvation preaching church to join. Or a small cell group with other believers. These are dangerous times we are living in, and God says that wherever two or three are gathered together in His name, that He is there in the midst of them. (Mathew 18:20) So do not feel you have to join some organized church. Nowhere does the Bible tell us that we have to do that as believers. Only that we must assemble together. (Hebrews 10:25)  If you don’t live near other true believers, you may want to consider starting your own group. You should also learn how to worship and pray to God. There are many praise and worship songs out there, even on, and plenty of books on how to pray, if you need help.

When saved, the Holy Spirit will fill you (sometimes another may pray for the Spirit to baptize you). With the Spirit of God comes any number of gifts that He has ordained for you.  (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)  Whether it be the gift of tongues, or prophecy, or whatever. But you will be blessed with at least one gift that will benefit and edify the Church body. If someone tells you not to use your gifts or to keep your mouth closed, then leave that place because it is not of God. The Bible says NOT to quench the Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:19) Any people that try and do that are NOT walking with God but with the Adversary. Stay clear of those people.

Once saved, we are also commanded to get baptized by immersion, to identify us with Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross for our sins and Who now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven. Some believe that faith is all you need to get to Heaven. But Jesus was baptized by immersion by John, as a role model for us to follow. So, find another Spirit-filled, Christ honoring believer or a minister/pastor to baptize you by full immersion, NOT by sprinkling.

Spiritual maintenance is a daily thing.  Once born-again of God, you may occasionally need to be refilled with His Spirit.    Sometimes we need to be recharged with His power, so do not hesitate to ask God for this, if you feel you are lacking.  We all have those moments.  A continual recharge will give you the boldness and power to share your faith without fear or being ashamed.

Also, be aware that no one is perfect.  We are all sinners.  None of us can lead a perfect life.  Only Jesus Christ did that when He was on Earth.  So be sure to daily confess your sins and repent of them, even before you go to bed at night.  We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.  (Philippians 2:12) In this way, we will not backslide and stay on course, running the race set before us.

After you have done all of these things, then walk with God, trusting Him in every aspect of your life. I cannot tell you the wonderful joy you will feel once you become part of God’s family. I can tell you that it will not all be a bed of roses. It will be difficult to remain faithful to God because of what is happening in the world. But if you continue to run the race set before you, you can and will triumph over evil, over the enemy.

God promises us victory over Satan and is indeed coming back soon to establish His Kingdom and wipe out death and the Adversary once and for all.

I pray you join us soon, and we welcome you gladly into the family of the One True GOD. Believe me, it will be the greatest, best decision you will ever make.

Shalom, and know that you are greatly loved.

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:  for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  and what communion hath light with darkness?

“And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?”  (2 Cor. 6:14-16 KJV)

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3 KJV)

“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:  [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”  (1 John 2:23 KJV)

“He that hath the Son hath life:  and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” (1 John 5:12 KJV)

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:  for he shall save his people from their sins.”  (Matthew 1:21 KJV)

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Mysteries Being Brought To Light

The deeper we move into the end times, it seems that GOD is finally opening up doors of understanding to the mysteries of the world. One deals with the Ark of the Covenant. Different people have different ideas of where the original one may be. The most likely seems to be in Israel, beneath the spot where Jesus Christ was crucified on Golgotha. Others swear it is in Ethiopia, based on strange things that have happened to people who made the mistake of going in to look at it. These men apparently now have cataracts on their eyes. It is closely guarded and protected there. The one is Israel took years of archaeological excavation to find and is also being guarded and protected. Regardless, one is the real deal and the other a copy, so the enemy and his followers wouldn’t get their hands on it. If you ever saw the Spielberg movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, you’ll know what I am talking about.  Also, another mystery being brought to light is that of Noah’s Ark.  There is a lot of information out there on where it has been found.  Even satellite images have confirmed it, although there is still some speculation.

But what this article will deal with is with one that has confounded people for thousands of years. The creation of the pyramids. What has been revealed is totally amazing, yet completely believable. It makes complete sense if you know anything about the god of this world. Satan.

What has been revealed is not only of how the pyramids were created but also about the Illuminati’s part in all of this. Because there are pyramids, standing stones, obelisks, monoliths, and towers that are so similar in all corners of the world it literally boggles the mind when you look at them or stand beside them. No human being could have built these marvels so as to be so similar, massive, and precise. The technology just did not exist at the time. Nor does it exist now.

Giants and Nephilim

Genesis chapter six of The Holy Bible shares how the fallen angels came to earth and mated with human females. The children born through these unholy unions became known as Nephilim. They were the giants of renown we have heard so much about. Yes, they actually existed, and there is much proof out there to back this up.

Through sorcery and idolatry against the one True GOD, these giants who became leaders over the humans at that time conjured up demons. They controlled these evil spirits and told them what they wanted them to do. So here is the truth about the building of the pyramids. Demons built them. “That’s crazy,” you say. But no. Actually, it is not and makes complete and perfect sense when you consider all aspects of how it was done.

Illuminati Conspiracy

Pyramids have similar designs and give evidence of a single mind in the conspiracy involved with the building of the pyramids and obelisks. Many pyramids have a flat top which have been used for countless generations for blood sacrifice. I am sure most of you are familiar with Machu Pichu and the pyramids at Chichen Itza in South America. Mel Gibson made great use of pyramids and blood sacrifice in his movie, Apocalypto. It is through blood that demon power is obtained and utilized.

Many of these pyramids are located not just in Egypt, but in many corners of the world, such as Indonesia, Mexico, and even among the Balinese culture. Satan does not want anyone to know that these pyramids exist and that there are many more that are even bigger than those in Egypt. What’s worse now is that the Illuminati is razing many of them to the ground, so there is no longer any trace of them. With the coming rise of AntiChrist, there will be no further need for them, especially, it seems, because of modern technology.  Also, guillotines in the FEMA camps have been set up to exterminate Christians and Jews, so there will be much blood to go around then, I’m sure. By annihilating true believers and GOD’s chosen, demons will have a heyday, with power beyond belief, through these blood sacrifices. At least, that is how I see it.

The giants of old (remember they were half demon and half human) did whatever they could to get the demons and their power under their full control.  They committed human sacrifice, much as they do today at Bohemian Grove (at least that is the story) when they sacrifice a child to the old Canaanite god, the false god Molech.  They also drank blood, or whatever was needed to get the demons on their side. We can see this happening today with ISIS.  ISIS butchers Christians, then drinks their blood or eats them.  Truly Satanic.  They believe it gives them power. GOD, however, strictly forbids the drinking of human blood because it is our life source. (Genesis 9:4,5; Leviticus 17:11)

Blood sacrifice was used by many cultures to ask demons for different things, whether it be for food or wealth or even the building of giant structures. Whatever they wanted was given them. This sort of spiritual power is in direct rebellion against GOD. It is witchcraft.

Remember that Satan counterfeits what GOD does. It is he that takes all that GOD considers holy and perverts it. A demon has no power outside of human intent in the physical realm. Since evil spirits never get tired and never rest, they are more than capable of staying up all night and drilling out pyramids and obelisks. Man, in fact, has no technology or equipment even today that can do what demons have done in building the pyramids of old. So there can be no other explanation for how these things were built. This means that all we learned in school was a lie. The Israelites did not build the pyramids of Egypt. It was physically impossible, for starters. The pyramids were built through supernatural means. Through direct demon power.

Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me

The True GOD of Heaven and Earth, the One Creator of all things is a jealous GOD. (Exodus 20:4,5)  The first Commandment He gave us was clear. Human beings are NOT to worship any graven images or false gods. Yet, men rebelled and started creating their own, out of wood, or gold, or stone, etc.  I am sure many of you know of the story about the golden calf that Aaron built for the Israelites after GOD lovingly brought them out of slavery in Egypt.  (Exodus 32:24)  They fell into paganism, worshiping what they had borrowed from the heathens of Egypt. If demons truly did build the pyramids, which makes complete sense to me, then they may have been witness to some of this demonic stuff. Hard to say. At any rate, they were quick to turn against GOD. They seemed to have trouble believing in what they could not see, despite being witness to GOD’s miracles.

Today, people still rebel against GOD. And columns have been built which are a complete abomination to GOD. Building these and buildings such as the Parthenon in Greece or even in Nashville, Tennessee where sits an exact duplicate of the Parthenon, is in direct disobedience to GOD’s laws. Such things are built as Satanic Freemasonry temples, or whatever, to glorify pagan deities. And they are found all over the world. And only by demon power could columns and monoliths, etc. have been built. The rock is too hard, and we have no modern technology that could have ground huge stones into columns – sacred pillars. Nor would modern man be able to smooth these stones as they are. These were all built with Satan’s knowledge, power, and anointing. Since Freemasons are Luciferians, this makes complete sense. It also proves how all of these designs throughout the world are so similar, right down to the symbolism carved into them. Even on those huge statues found on Easter Island, which is another mystery that has been brought to light.

Symbols and designs were passed down through Freemasonry and other secret societies. Through the occult, of things that have been hidden from us since the beginning of time. Instead of sharing all of these truths with the world, Satan and his followers have allowed only a select group of people to be privy to occult knowledge, keeping it from the rest of the world. They did not want everyone to know of their evil agenda. They wanted no one to stop them from carrying it out. As you can see today, Satan is still working on his evil agenda and has certainly found a lot of people to help him.

For More Truth

I take no credit for all that is revealed here. I give all glory to GOD for bringing this truth to my attention. And to a man named Chris LaSala of who made the most informative video out there on how the pyramids were actually created. If you are interested in all facets of this topic, then I highly recommend this video to you, of which I have a link below.  To write everything that he shares about these topics would take an entire book. So, I strongly suggest that you get some popcorn and pull up a chair for the next two or more hours. Because what Chris shares in this documentary makes complete and perfect sense. And I believe it is Truth. I did have another video I found through the website but when my computer was stolen by that cult I warned you about, I lost the original link and have been unable to find it.  That video shared similar truths about the demonic power and the pyramids that LaSala shares, which is why I do not doubt any of it.  Once you view this video, you may or may not agree, but that is up to you.  To me, it is the only explanation that makes any sense.  And if it isn’t true, then why would LaSala spend so much of his time making the video?  He put a lot of work into it.

I have also posted some videos about the UFOs being spotted coming out of tornadoes. Chris mentions demons in the wind and underwater, which is really fascinating. And, to me, it all…makes…sense.

I recommend that you have your entire family watch this video. It reveals the Truth such as has been hidden from us for centuries, because of the Illuminati. Your children will be well informed after this one, believe me.

Shalom and blessings, my friends. May GOD continue to enlighten you as you seek more of His Truth.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  (John 8:32 KJV)



For more information:



Many have the wrong idea about Heaven. Because of Satan. Satan, as you may know, is a liar and, according to Scripture, the father of lies. (John 8:44)

Eons ago, Satan thought he was all that, because of his incredible beauty and lofty position in Heaven. Although he knew he was a created being, he was jealous of GOD and challenged His Sovereignty. He thought he could do a better job of ruling over the universe. (Isaiah 14:12-14) Because of his wickedness, his jealousy, and his deceitful ways, he even managed to rally one-third of the angels (conjecture) in Heaven to his side and to his way of thinking. (Rev. 12:4) That is how convincing he is.

Satan is so good at deception that he is even now using entire nations to carry out his evil agenda. As many already know, Satan is preparing the way to bring to power the most evil man our world has ever known. The man the Bible refers to as AntiChrist. As I mentioned, it was revealed to me prior to the 2008 Presidential election in America that the Obama Administration would be the ones to bring this man of Satan to power. It is clear that that is happening, even as I write this.

Satan’s Fall From Grace

Centuries ago, after challenging GOD, the Mighty I AM, Creator of all things, Satan fought against GOD and the remaining two-thirds of His angels in Heaven and was ultimately cast out of Heaven, to Earth. (Rev. 12:7, 9) This is why Satan is called the ‘prince of the power of the air’. (Eph. 2:1-3) It is Satan who has brought about all of the evil on our planet, NOT GOD.

Earth is where Satan and the angels cast from Heaven now reside. GOD is, in fact, allowing Satan to wreak havoc in our world. To destroy the world GOD created and make it into something else, something evil. In fact, everything the enemy does counterfeits what GOD has done or created.

But why has GOD allowed the enemy his way?

Satan wanted the chance to show GOD that he can do a better job of ruling the world than He can. Long ago, he even made sure that man demanded a new king and, in the process, rejected GOD as King over Israel. (1 Sam. 8-10) He made men think that GOD could not do a good enough job in ruling over mankind. So GOD in His great wisdom, to prove a point, allowed mankind a human king. It is like this today. Some Americans were so hungry for a black President that they did not bother to do their homework and discover who the man that is now President of the U. S. really is or what he believes. GOD gave us what the people wanted, what many probably prayed for, and now look at the mess we are in. Now, because men have rejected GOD over all again, His wrath is about to fall on America, specifically, in a big and mighty way. In fact, when the trade towers fell in New York, it is believed that that was when GOD took His hand off of America, halting the blessings and favor we took for granted for so long.

Unfortunately, GOD has shown us over and over again that man is a failure when it comes to ruling over men. But GOD often gives us what we ask for, if only to show us that it was NOT in our best interests. One can easily see that the first black President of the United States (Actually he is only half black; his mother was white.), chosen ONLY because of the color of his skin and because of the falsehoods that flowed so easily from his lying lips, was the biggest mistake ever made in America. This man has proven himself to be a liar, a man of complete lawlessness, and a devious, calculating person who is helping bring AntiChrist to power, in the exact capacity in which Satan wants. So that, once the goal is reached, mankind will bow down and, ultimately, worship him as god. It is what he has wanted since before his fall from grace. He wanted then and still wants even now to usurp GOD’s role as supreme ruler over the world and the universe. His agenda includes full control over the United States, the West, and the entire world. His main goal: A One World Government under Communism, A One World Religion under Islam, and A One World Dictator who has yet to be revealed, although many of us have our ideas on the matter of just who that evil man actually is.

Satan’s Deception

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a man who wanted to be popular and to form his own army. He went into a cave and met an angel of light, Satan in disguise, or a demon or an evil spirit. He later believed it was actually an evil entity that gave him his vision, which it was. But later, he was deceived into thinking that it was truly GOD who spoke to him instead. He did not know how to test the spirits, so he eventually fell to believing the convincing lies, the deception. Satan won.

Either way, Satan, who knows us and our human weaknesses so well, played on this man’s lustful desires. He gave him a vision, a vision filled with lies and deceit. But because it appealed to this man’s fleshly nature, he created a false religion, wherein he could carry out his lusts and basest desires. It gave him control over women, whom Satan hates since Jesus came to Earth through a woman, and the freedom to do whatever he wanted, to sin in the vilest forms anyone could devise. Whatever Satan craves has been incorporated into this false religion, anything that GOD considers a sin or an abomination. By deception, this man was able to justify his evil sins by making them accepted as normal, by telling others that his god allows these perversions, by creating a new political system that is in total contradiction to the True GOD’s laws. The GOD of Abraham existed from the beginning, and this false religion sprang into being as just one more attempt by Satan to thwart GOD and turn people away from Him, as he has tried to do since being cast out of Heaven.

By appealing to men’s lusts of the flesh, everything that GOD forbids, many men immediately believed the lies. Men love being wicked and carnal and controlling and abusive over women and children. It makes them feel like big, powerful men. And they won’t have to have any self-control either. “If it feels good, do it,” seems to be one of their mottos. “If you hate somebody, butcher or kill them,” is another. “If they don’t accept the way you believe, cut off their head…” “If you lust after a goat, go ahead and ease your lust..or with a baby…or a little innocent child.” “Whatever filth enters your head, just do it. Because this new god that a pedophile created says it is okay and that we can still make it to heaven if we practice these evil behaviors.”

Can you see how powerful Satan is at lying and deception? And how all evil leads only to death?

Satan quickly and easily got people on his side. Because of the deception, the world is now suffering the horrific repercussions from this false religion and the false god being rammed down our throats by the spiritually blinded. And the true people of GOD are being butchered in record numbers. In fact, the people following this false god, this false religion, have labeled GOD’s people, His followers, as vermin that need to be exterminated. GOD’s people are being targeted, abused, tortured, exterminated, as Satan wants. And GOD’s Holy Scriptures are being made illegal in various parts of the world. Satan does NOT want anyone to know the Truth about GOD. Or about his deception. Because he is going to set himself up as a world dictator, through AntiChrist, believing that people will worship him and love him instead. He is setting himself up in place of GOD, trying to prove that he is a better ruler, a better god than the Mighty I AM ever was. Since not all men will accept him, he is trying to force people to comply through lies, fear, deceit, death threats, and eventually through control and slavery/bondage with the mandatory implementation of the Mark of the Beast, the RFID chip. Meanwhile, he is dragging billions of people to Hell in the process, through this false religion, this demonic political system. The one the New World Order wants in place. The way that leads to death and eternal damnation.

Satan’s Heaven

By playing on man’s carnal nature, his lusts, Satan has opened a door of hatred and evil toward the True GOD of Heaven. The false religion of the end-times is centered on hatred, sex, and violence. In short, just another form of Satanism. Even the heaven of Satan’s creation is all about sex. Men are allowed to brutally rape and sodomize women, children, and even animals on Earth, all within the realm of this false religion that Satan convinced an ignorant, perverted man to create. And by guaranteeing men virgins in heaven that they can have sex with in the afterlife, Satan is drawing people to him in mega numbers, by tempting and luring them through their basest lusts and desires. This is perverted, evil, and completely Satanic. To cover up the truth about this false religion, Satan is using ignorant, blinded people to make everything of the True GOD of the universe illegal, including GOD’s Ten Commandments. He is poisoning entire nations through his lies and deception. And what’s worse, when sin is made legal, the wicked of this world are absolutely loving it. When murder, rape, torture, sex, and other perversions are acceptable in the eyes of their false god and blind followers, how could it not appeal to men?

The Truth About Heaven


According to GOD’s Word, The Holy Bible, when people reach Heaven, we will be as the angels of Heaven. We will no longer be flesh and blood, but spirits, as the angels are. There will be no more marriage and NO MORE SEX. (Matt. 22:23-33; Luke 20:27-40; Mark 12:18-27)

This is the Truth of the matter.

If you truly want to follow the one True GOD of Heaven and Earth, then ask Jesus Christ into your hearts before it it too late. Make Him Lord and Saviour over your life. Get a good study Bible and read it and apply its truths to your life. Trust GOD, and He will bless you in ways you never imagined. And He will teach you about truth, and righteousness, and peace. NOT all that evil stuff the enemy is trying to make you believe. And just because you were raised to false doctrines created by men, that does NOT mean you have to believe them, or practice evil. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven, to life. Doubt it not.

…Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33 KJV)

If you have questions or need assistance, you may contact us at:

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32 KJV)

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolators, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Rev. 21:8 KJV)

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Matt. 7:14 KJV)

For more information:


Did you know that America was created by God to be set apart and holy? That America has been mightily blessed because of His chosen people who came to live here? Sadly, as we all know, that is no longer the case. The bald eagle, which represents America, has had many of its feathers plucked out.

This and the following truths came through a prophecy in 2006, through an obedient daughter of the living God, a ring maiden. It will amaze you how accurate it was and still is for 2015. This prophecy was meant to be shared with the world, which is why I have chosen to share it now. It should have been shared broadly back in 2006. Regardless, it is still relevant and important.

America Has Fallen

America was built on an illusion. Now, it is puffed up with pride, bragging, “Look how wealthy I am.”

But now, its feathers have been plucked out. It can no longer fly. It is an illusion.

America has gone from nation to nation and made war. Boys and girls have laid down their lives and continue to do so in 2015. God does not kill them. They play like toy soldiers, forced to go into war where God did not send them. And these boys and girls are forced to fight against the bully that comes on the playground. Unfortunately, America’s finger points at everyone else. America says, “You are the worst.” Yet how many fingers are pointing back at it?

Those we call terrorists IS actually America.

As we remember the tragedies that took place on 9/11, we can see how accurate this prophecy was, even fourteen years later.

“The towers of cards are ready to fall.” America built them up on the backs of the wealthy, so the illusion could stay in place. And the United Nations urged the ditching of the American dollar for a new currency based on the global basket. The U. N. has slammed the American dollar and proposes to replace it with a basket of currencies. Many of you may know about the coming Phoenix, the newly proposed one world currency.

America has the lies. “We are a nation of the free and the wise. Come and bring your poor.” But when the poor came, America was an illusion of this lie. What did America do to them? How did America treat them? They were treated as less than human beings. They were scurried out like they were rats and put in the governmental traps. America labeled them as immigrants, illegals. Was America not the one who invited them in? What is the Statue of Liberty doing there? “Come to the land of the free and the brave?”

God says, “I spit on you, America!

“You used to criticize nations that would torture. Now look what the airwaves are full of. Shall we not torture them before they torture us?

“Can you not see, America, those who truly are of Me? Can you not see how the changing of the guard has taken place?

“There are a few of them. There are a very few who are My remnant, who are still politicians who are still trying as they bang their heads against the wall of the bureaucracy, of the hypocrisy. But they quit, they gave up, they compromised to the government lies.

“America, you fly alone. You think you have friends? They hate you behind your back. You bribe them like a bully on a playground. You have not a friend.

“Wait until the other nations see you are but an illusion. You are a vapor in the air. There is not even a fire there. You are but a puff of smoke.

“Wait until the other nations find out you are a plucked eagle. Why? Because you would not submit to My authority. Why? Because you kicked Me out of your schools.

“You did not want The Ten Commandments to be seen in the courtyards, in the courts. The hypocrisy of the ones who call themselves The Supreme Court.

“Who AM I to stand in the way of anyone who wants to stay [in America] if they choose to believe this illusion, if they choose to believe lies?

“The last thing I do is I’ve seasoned you, America. Now I, Yahweh, rebuke you openly.

“Oh, America. You think you have been safe from the diseases. It is you who manufactures the biological lie, the chemical lies of chemical warfare. You poison My skies.

“America, you are the bureaucracy and hypocrisy, you who trample the little ones underneath your feet, and the rich and the powerful that take the little that they have from the little ones and give it to these.

“What a price you will pay. You think your black schemes will work? You think you have been protected from that which you have done?

“You think you are going to kill the masses of the poor, and My wrath will not touch you?

“O, you foolish scientists, foolish physicians, I will confound you.

“For those who are truly of Me, Yahuveh. For those who truly put My Son, Yahushua as Messiah and Lord of their life, for those who love Us and obey and strive to be holy each day, I have put what is a true vaccine in the air. I have put supernatural antibodies there, and it will be as the children of Israel, and these plagues did not come nigh them.

“And now I speak to all nations of the world. Satan seeks to use America to set a chain reaction where all your governments far and wide will betray you in the same way. Some of them already have, but I make the same promises to you.”

Satan Counterfeits What God Has Created

I had considered breaking this prophecy down into parts, to keep it short. Instead, I have decided to keep it intact so that it can be easily shared or printed out. It is important for this to be shared globally, as it was meant to be. So feel free. Just do not make any changes.

As many of you may know. Our water is tainted, contaminated with chemicals or other things that are not good for our bodies. As is happening in California right now, the enemies of God are even now rationing the water there in an effort to control every aspect of our lives. But here is what God wants you to do, to protect yourself:  Pray a blessing over that water each time you drink. Say this:

This represents the Living Water of Yahushua ha Mashiach, and nothing can harm me.”

God has also given these instructions:

Do not purposely drink that which you know is tainted. When I give you no other way, that is when it is going to take faith.”

Also, regarding the food you will eat:

Pray over that food, for you will not know if it is cloned or not.

Remember, Satan wants to counterfeit everything God created. He does it through the name of science.

But pray over that food. Believe Me. Believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put life in a meat that will bless your body and not curse it.

For I tell you, cloned meat is a counterfeit sent from hell, to say, ‘I can create just as He can create. Eat my food. It’s better. I can create a chicken that will not have the bird fly.’

“Why, you foolish ones, you scientists, do you think I do not know that it is you that manufactured that disease?

“It did not come from Me.

When they say, you must be vaccinated, oh, there’s a deadly deadly virus here. We must round you up and put you in a stadium, IF YOU WILL NOT OBEY. We cannot have you contaminate the rest.

RUN RUN RUN, little ones! RUN RUN RUN away! RUN from FEMA! And RUN from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your faith in Me!

Protest while you still have a voice. PROTEST!

Jam the Capitol’s lines. Say, “You will NOT take away our provisions to give to you – this city. You will NOT ration our food. You will NOT ration our water. You will NOT ration our supplies!

Can you not see if you stay silent, the illusion will win?”

Homosexuals Are In The Minority

Many prophecies came through the ring maiden mentioned earlier that homosexuals were in the minority. But now, even in 2015, we can see how many believed the illusion’s lies.

“America, you are the fabricator of the illusion’s lies.

“Now you have taken that lie across this world, and you have spread it far and wide, and yet…it is a lie.

“Homosexuality is still in the minority, and yet they pass laws and change laws to approve that which I said was an abomination.

“America, you will reap what you have sowed, just as surely as Sodom and Gomorrah did.

“And those of the seed of Abraham that are holy, and I do not speak of the biological Jews –

“I speak to the grafted ones, grafted in one of every tribe as they were grafted into My Son, Yahushua ha Massiach. ‘Seek Me. I will not disappoint you.’”

Learn The Truth While There Is Still Time

God has instructed us not to be deceived. Many organized churches preach man-made doctrines and practice legalism, which leads to death. We are commanded to stay away from such churches.

“There are ways I will protect you, but now is not the time to play the game of the ‘church of the pretenders’.

“Learn the Truth, and learn it quickly. Follow not the man-made doctrines, the churches of Babylon, the organized churches.

“…Repent, seek the Truth. That is what will set you free.”

Message For The Martyrs And Their Executioners

In 2006, God revealed, “A seal is about to be loosed!”

“For every time you have had to sacrifice. For every time you have cried out, “Please, Oh, Yahuveh, where are you?

“I hear your tears as you weep for your family. I hear your tears, not only now but in the future.

“All those of you who would be the guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, I hear your tears even before you shed them.

“They are already here for I know what you would pray even before you pray, and I will answer you even before you pray. I have gone before you even before you have had to suffer.

“For those of you who hear this around the world, I speak peace to you. For some of you will be martyred. Multitudes of you.

“But you will have the peace of Yahushua. Just as surely as John the Baptist said, ‘Take my head. I want to go home.’ Just as surely as you will say, ‘Get it over with. I want to go home.’

“For I promise you this: ‘I will give you dreams of Heaven. I will give you a foretaste of visions of Heaven.’

Some way, somehow, everyone who will be martyred, everyone who has been martyred for My Son, Yahushua’s sake, I will give you a glimpse of Heaven, and I have given a glimpse of Heaven so their body did not go to its grave without getting a glimpse of Yahushua first.

And I take their spirit out of their body even before their body feels any pain. I promise you this. I promise you this. I promise you this.

Stephen saw the heavens opened, and he saw Yahushua before he was hurt by the first stone, and he did not feel any pain. His spirit was taken. I promise you this.

But woe be on the executioner. He cannot even conceive the horror he will feel, not only now on this Earth, but for all eternity.

So beware who you think you can torture and get away with it. You cannot even conceive what I will do to you when you touch one of My holy ones.

Blessed are all who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. You will be embraced.

You are not just a guest. You are VIP guest. For you to be there, you paid the ultimate price, and the Bride will embrace you. Most of all, I, Yahuveh, and Yahushua, will embrace you.

The 24 elders will embrace you, the four living beings will embrace you, the angels of Heaven will embrace you.

So do not compromise. Do not be the illusion’s lies.

For the son of perdition, the true Judas, is about to return. The son of Satan.

Do NOT compromise. Do NOT believe the illusion’s lies.

Do NOT believe the church of Babylon.

Get back to what the first church taught.

Misunderstandings, Circumcision, True Sabbath Beliefs

“Do NOT believe the way that Paul – Shaul – has been misunderstood and mistranslated againand again. He was Jewish. He never forsook that.

“About the lies that are told – Of course, your salvation does not depend on the circumcision of the flesh. For now it is the circumcision of the heart.

“This is a foolish argument, just like the old blood covenant no longer stands because there is a new blood covenant. That does NOT mean that My Shabbat does NOT still stand.”


“Just because the Greeks gave My Son a name –

“Just because the King James Bible repeated the name of Jesus Christ again and again –

“Does NOT mean that His name was changed.

“It will always remain a Hebrew name, a Name that holds the name of I, Yahuveh.

“I, Yahuveh, a Name that is a reminder to this Earth of the price My Son, Yahushua, had to pay.

“His Name that is above ALL names, a Name after I, Yahuveh. I, Yahuveh. It means, ‘Yah Saves’.

“Nothing has changed because I honored the Name of Jesus Christ, because I anointed the Name of Jesus Christ, because I saved in the Name of Jesus Christ, because I delivered, and did signs, wonders, and miracles in the Name of Jesus Christ. Because I still do it in Name of Jesus Christ does NOT mean that you are NOT to know His True Hebrew Name.

You will be and are held accountable for what you know.”

The True Sabbath

I continually come across people who disagree about the true Sabbath day. It is so engrained in people that Sunday is the Sabbath, they don’t consider that it was never changed. Men changed the day and passed this lie on through the churches. This part of the prophecy confirms what I have said all along. Saturday is the True Sabbath, to be honored from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.

“Because I allowed all this time for you to assemble and call Sunday My Sabbath day, I did the same thing. I allowed it. It was NOT My will, but I allowed it.

“But in The Great Tribulation, Satan is going to show you how he is going to counterfeit.

“For again I say, even the very wealthy evangelists who know this Truth, have sold out this Truth, have compromised this Truth, and will lead you right into the arms of the AntiMessiah, the son of Satan.

“And they will say, ‘That’s Jesus Christ. That’s your Messiah. He’s come. He’s come, and now peace is all over the Earth. Don’t worry about Hell.’

“Why can’t you see? They don’t want the counterfeit Me. My Name is Yah.

“King James will pay. King James has paid, when he blotted out My Son’s Sacred Name.”

Study To Show Thyself Approved


Study and show thyself approved.

It was not always King James. Read the holy manuscripts. Read where the Hebrew translations are. Read where even the Aramaic know His Name.

Why why why will you not believe?

So much suffering the church is going to go through because they threw out the Messianic Jews.

“And you of the Messianic Jewish synagogues, I point my finger also to you. You who took out My Name, Yah, and say, ‘Yeshua will do.’

“You didn’t want to offend the Orthodox Jews. You compromised.

“You even took away My deity and then you wonder, ‘Where are the miracles of old?’

“Why can we not bring the dead into the churches? Why are they not raising up? Where are the miracles of old?

“If we would bring the lepers, why would they not be cleansed? If we bring the paralyzed, why do they not walk? If we bring the mutes, why do they not talk? When we bring the deaf, why do we not hear? When we bring the terminally ill, why do they not live?

Foolish churches of Babylon? Why do you not listen? Die to the old ways, and you will see miracles again.

I tell you all this before My wrath is poured out. Do I not send my prophets to warn before the judgment comes?”

The Churches Of Babylon

“You in your organized church – pompous churches. You and the church made of glass. You who will not speak what sin is. You who take the bribery of the governments. You who muzzle and kick the prophets out.

“My Ruach HaKodesh isn’t even in your churches. It is all an illusion. A trick of the devil. No different than a David Copperfield, a magician who operates under Satan’s power. Or one who calls himself ‘Criss Angel’ (a magician who defies death), who is a fallen angel in disguise. Who isn’t even human. He is an illusion before your eyes.

“For those with spiritual ears, you will hear. For those of you who are guests, do not guess. For those of you with spiritual eyes to see, it is you that I have blessed. It is you who will be protected. It is you who hear My Words. It is you I call My holy ones. It is you who take this Word and as this ring maiden has spoken it forth, will ring it around this Earth.”

All Is An Illusion

“For I AM about to show you who I, Yahuveh, trust. I AM about to show you. Do you know how fragile your Earth is?

“Do you know it is an illusion you are even standing still?

“Picture a top spinning so fast, and all you have to do is just touch it.

“That is all I do to just touch it, and to get it out of rotation ever so slightly, for I barely barely can touch it, or all of you would go flying off.

“And look at your weather. Oh, I know you in the countries that have the weather machine. Oh, I know where you are.

“I laugh at the machine for I will show you who created the weather.

“I will show you who created the hail. I will show you who created the earthquakes, and the storms, and tsunamis.

“I will show you the Creator of the tornadoes and the whirlwinds.

“I will put your machine to shame.

“What are you going to do inhabitants of the Earth when I kick the footstool, for I have barely touched it? What are you going to do when I kick it? I stamped one foot. What are you going to do when I, Yahuveh, stamp both feet?

“You who think you are so rich and mighty and powerful, you who have the illusion of wealth, you who trample the poor under your foot.

“What will you do when I rip the wealth from your hands, when you are the poor, and the poor is the one that I lift up?

“When you are the one that goes hungry and thirsty and without a home, and all your valuable possessions are gone? When you are the ones who built your homes underground? And I will flood it, and all your treasures will be destroyed? You who built the underground cities and think you are so safe? What are you going to do when I, Yahuveh, put an end to your illusion and bury you in them likes graves?

“Only what you do for My Son, Yahushua ha Massiach, will count. What you do with the money I have allowed you to have.

“Only the words you speak with your mouth next to your confession, your repentance, your praise, and your worship…

“Only your witness, only your walk as you warn others what I have spoken, will count.

“Only your witness to the price My Son, Yahushua, paid, with the Words I, Yahuveh, say will count.”

Judgment Day

Just because you were raised to believe something, does NOT mean it is the truth. There is only one GOD. He is the Mighty I AM, Lord Yahuveh, GOD the Father. Yahushua, His Son, is known as Jesus Christ, the WORD. The third Person in this Trinity Godhead is the Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh.

Put aside the lies of your upbringing, the lies from man-made doctrines. The Holy Bible is the True, Inspired Word of GOD. Anything else is a lie from Satan. I AM, Jesus Christ, is the One True GOD.

He desires a personal relationship with you. And yes, despite the lies of the False Prophet, the Pope who sits in the Vatican, who is helping to bring about the New World Order, the AntiChrist, and trying to set up the False Religion of the End Times, it is God’s desire and it is truly possible to have a relationship with the GOD who created you.

Invite Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior before it is too late. Confess your sins to Him, ask Him to forgive you, invite Him to fill every corner of your being, and trust Him for your future. Do NOT take the Mark of the Beast, the coming RFID chip because that will join you with Satan for all eternity. Trust GOD to take care of you and provide for you, even if things get bad. Tribulation is coming. It is no secret. Christians even now are being tortured and martyred by Satan’s followers. If you are a true believer in Jesus Christ, that may not exempt you from dying for Him. But this prophecy gives all of us Hope. Give your life to Him as He gave His for you. Because He loves you. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to love, accept, and trust Him. It will guarantee you a place in Heaven, our true home, for all eternity. Following Satan will only bring you death, destruction, and damnation.

As this prophecy continues, God has this to say regarding Judgment Day:

“When you stand before Me and you brag and say, ‘I gave to that charity,’ was it based in Me?

“Did you feed My holy ones? Did you help My prophets out, or did you let them go without?

“They are the questions I’m going to ask you.

“Even those of you who are called by My Name, even those of you who put Yahushua first in their life and their love, I’m going to ask you, ‘What did you do to help this ministry speak forth these Words? You heard My voice. You believed Me. What did you do?

“Did you compromise? Did you share what you had? Did you offer a place of sanctuary? Did you so much as give a drink of water to a prophet in My Name? In My Son, Yahushua’s Name? Did you just say, ‘God bless you. I will pray for you. Or were you a blessing?’

“These are the questions I’m going to ask you when you stand before My Throne.

“Did you take these Words? Did you take them to the Sunday churches so the pastor would be held accountable for what he knows?

“Did you go in as a Jeremiah’s army, at least two-by-two? Did you go to the congregation and explain to them about the Sabbath feasts?

“What did you do? Did you teach My Hebrew Name? Did you teach the power and anointing in the sacred Hebrew Names of I, Yahuveh, of My Son, Yahushua?

“This goes for every nation around the world that hears these Words. What did you do? I’m going to ask you?

“Did you help the Ring Maiden in any way? Did you help her fight the enemy? Did you help Nikomia fight the enemy?

“How many times did you pray? I’m going to ask you.

“When you know and read Revelation and you know how many martyrs there are going to be, did you pray for many ahead of time? Are you praying for them now? I’m going to ask you.

“When I command you to pray for the two witnesses, that they will believe and receive who they are, I’m going to ask you, were your prayers amongst those who pray for them? I’m going to ask you.

“How many souls did you lead to Heaven? How many times did you witness Yahushua ha Massiach? The price He paid at Calvary and how He arose again on the third day, so for eternity you could be set free?

“How many times did you tell people that they must be holy, that they must be obedient? I’m going to ask you.

“You see. It is not enough to care about your own soul. I’m going to ask you. Did you care about anyone else’s besides your family? For who did I, Yahuveh, say was your family?

“Did I not say through My own Son, Yahushua’s Name, who your family was? And it is those who belong to Me, those who accept Yahushua ha Massiach as My only begotten Son? (Mark 3:31-35)

“Do you want to know why your family is not saved? Do you want to know if your family will be saved?

“Just as that jail keeper said, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve Yahushua.’

“Oh, I know you were taught, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ But again, they blotted out the Name of My Son. Read the holy manuscripts, and you will see My Son’s Name was there.

“That meant, not only did that jail keeper have to turn his heart to Yahushua, but his family also.

“That is not a carte blanche, a free pass for a family. Everyone is working out their own salvation with fear and trembling.

“Before they were put on Earth, their soul already knows whether their name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life or not, or whether they are in the Book of the Blotted Out.”

The Ring Maiden

This prophecy was given to the Ring Maiden, Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nokomia, on March 31, 2006. It was not released until June 10, 2006, at


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Mature believers in Christ know that there are only two paths a person can take in this life.  One leads to death; the other to life everlasting.

Followers of Jesus also know that there are only two religions in the entire world.  One involves the worship of the one true God.  The other is the false system of demonic alternatives, some of which were invented in ancient Iran and which were spread to India, and eventually throughout Asia.  Sadly, many of those ancient, false religions, practices, and beliefs have made their way to the west and are now interspersed with western culture.  And not everyone realizes that these religions and eastern practices are rooted in the demonic – Satanism.


Yoga, TM, and Martial Arts 


Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, and the martial arts have made their way into American and other western cultures.  Most people believe them, particularly yoga, just harmless forms of exercise, stress relievers, or fighting arts.

In truth, yoga was created to open doors to the demonic, to Hindu gods.  It seems harmless enough and good for staying in shape, but it was created for a reason.  As a form of worship to Hindu gods.  Actually, demons, since, in reality, Hindu gods are false.

The true God of Heaven abhors man’s worship of false gods, so it is clear that true believers in Christ should stay away from this and other eastern practices.

Yoga is a spiritual activity with a demonic agenda at its core.  Some call it Satanic witchcraft, so don’t believe it is harmless.  There are dangers involved with yoga because you are opening yourself up to demonic attack.  It is repackaged Satanism and opens people up to occultic, Satanic powers.  It is not just stretching and breathing exercises.  It is much worse than that.  In fact, Tantric yoga worships female deities; hatha yoga is sun worship.  Regardless, all of these eastern practices are forms of idolatry – the worship of false gods – which the one true God of Heaven condemns.  The mighty I AM is a jealous God and will not tolerate this evil behavior, especially among His people. (Exodus 20:4-6)

I am sure that in some way, most of us are guilty of playing with or practicing forms of yoga or meditation or even learning karate, taekwondo, judo, or other forms of martial arts at some point in our lives because we just didn’t know any better.  Some of the basics of these are even taught children in school, in physical education classes.  Hollywood movies, however, are what have mainly opened up our minds to such things, and growing children, as we all know, are prone to experimentation.  So no doubt we are all guilty of this sin in some way, shape, or form, albeit unknowingly.  We certainly didn’t learn the truth about these practices in church while growing up.  At least I never did.

According to Dr. Vito Rallo, a Christian and former five-time National Karate Champion, the martial arts actually developed over a long period of time, coming through Hindu priests.  It was “downloaded”, he says, through the spiritual realm, as was yoga.  The martial arts actually came through the yoga aspects.  It did not develop on its own.  It took meditation, divination, and occult activities to develop it.

Rallo says that martial arts and yoga cannot be separated from the original source.  Without the spiritual aspects of martial arts, you cannot separate and receive the power that it takes to operate in any martial art.  One cannot take the actual aspects of fighting or defending because the actual power used in the martial arts is the chi, or prana.  “That power has to come from somewhere,” says Rallo.  “It cannot be snatched from thin air and applied to your training.  Fuel must come from somewhere in order to fuel the martial arts and give it the power that it needs.”

“What is really happening here,” according to Rallo, is that “Hinduism is infiltrating our society through these eastern occultic practices.”  Rallo also states that Hinduism and New Age are the same thing, just under a new name.  It is just one more way the enemy is using to try and wipe out Christianity from the earth.


Psychics, Mediums, and Astrology


Psychics and mediums seem to be perfectly acceptable in this day and age.  In fact, if you watch any of the paranormal television shows out there today, you will notice how psychics and spirit mediums are called in to help people whose homes are being haunted before a Spirit-filled Christian who knows about deliverance and spiritual warfare are even considered to be brought in to help.  Even priests are often of no help.  They often just bless the house, which is usually only a temporary fix.  They don’t actually cleanse the evil from it.

There are also psychic hotlines, which are all the rage.  It is a growing industry that people will gladly put their money down on, not caring or being aware that many of the so-called psychics are actually frauds.  They will make up anything you want to hear, for a price.

The Holy Bible itself tells believers to stay away from such people and not to dabble in these things, which are all forms of witchcraft or sorcery.  When we involve ourselves with these, we are in direct disobedience to God’s Word, the Bible.  We are also opening ourselves up to spirits other than God’s.  This is also one reason why séances are a bad idea.  People open themselves up to all sorts of evil spirits when playing with that form of witchcraft.  We are also turning away from true faith in Jesus Christ and are not really looking to God for guidance but to the occult.  The Bible clearly forbids us from having anything to do with these things or these sorts of people:

“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them:  I am the LORD your God.”  (Leviticus 19:31 KJV)

“And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.”  (Leviticus 20:6 KJV)

“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter:  should not a people seek unto their God?  for the living to the dead?”  (Isaiah 8:19 KJV)

God also commands us to have nothing to do with astrology or idol worship:

“And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.  (Deuteronomy 4:19 KJV)

“And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;”  (Deuteronomy 17:3 KJV)

“Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels.  Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

“Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame:  there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.

“Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast labored, even thy merchants, from thy youth:  they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.”  (Isaiah 47:13-15 KJV)

“Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

“Thus saith the LORD, ‘Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven:  for the heathen are dismayed at them.’”  (Jeremiah 10:1-2 KJV)

“And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.”  (Daniel 1:20 KJV)

Be sure to stay away from the Ouija board as well.  I think many of you already know how dangerous those can be.  Many have opened doors to the enemy and became possessed by evil entities by playing with these things.  The entire Exorcist movie was based on the true story of a young boy who became possessed because he played with an Ouija board.  It was not just harmless fun.  Our own ignorance can open doors to Satan that we should learn to keep closed.

God’s Word says, in Hosea 4:6, that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”  This is exactly the sort of thing He is referring to.  We must read and study the Holy Bible, the Holy Scriptures, daily and meditate on the truth of God’s Word.  If we love God and want to walk in obedience with Him, with His commandments and laws, then we need to seek after knowledge of good and evil and become informed.


Choose Life


When people deal with darkness, evil can enter their lives and destroy them, if they are not careful and wise to the enemy’s tactics.  God would have us to live and be happy.  He has given us laws and commandments He wants us to be obedient to.  But ignorance of His Word and His Laws keeps people in bondage to Satan.  God knows everything that will help us be happy and live that abundant life He has promised us as His adopted heirs.  He promises us eternal life if we will but choose to follow Him and develop a personal relationship with Him.  Because He loves us and does not want to see anyone fall to the Adversary and be eternally destroyed.

Understanding our enemy and learning to stand against his wiles will help us walk with God as He wants us to.  True, born-again, Spirit-filled believers have all authority over the enemy.  God promises us this.  But He would not have His people to be ignorant.  Delve into His Word and search out the Truth for yourself.

Luke 16:13 says that “No servant can serve two masters:  for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”  So here, God is giving us a choice.  Accept Him and live.  Or choose death.  The choice is yours.


“…Choose you this day whom ye will serve…But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”  (Joshua 24:15 KJV)

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”  (Hosea 4:6 KJV)

“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 16:25 KJV)



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Psychics and Mediums

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