When I first heard of the death of famous movie actor/comedian Robin Williams, my first thought was – Illuminati. Then, as the media began reporting this sad event, that Robin had taken his own life because of his depression, it seemed that something just didn’t add up. The media kept mentioning a knife laying nearby and that Robin had cuts on his wrists. What was that all about?
Robin Williams was loved by millions of people. He was talented, charming, good looking, and seemed to have everything to live for. So why would a person who brought such joy to millions be so miserable as to commit suicide?
Whenever someone in Hollywood gets divorced, we often wonder why someone would not want to stay married to one of many gifted people in that realm of fantasy and dreams, that so many strive for. Robin, as are many in Hollywood, was married three times. So this could possibly have been part of the cause of his depression, perhaps caused by his drug addiction years before. This happens with a lot of celebrities or with those who have so much money they just don’t know what to do with it. Perhaps Robin felt like a failure in this aspect of his life. Hard to say.
The Internet – and this is one reason the AntiChrist is trying to take control of it – contains all the knowledge and truth anyone would want. Sooner or later, the truth about Robin’s shocking death was bound to come out. And so it has.
Oddly, not only was there an episode of Family Guy that aired shortly before Robin’s death was announced, which mentioned his death, there is a website, www.IGN.com, that made mention of Robin’s death three days before it even happened. Coincidence? I think not. Through all accounts, it appears Robin Williams may have been murdered by occultists, possibly Illuminati, after all. Unless some outside evil force pressured him into taking his own life.
As one man says, Robin could have easily killed himself with drugs and alcohol, since he was prone to addiction. Although, because of his heart condition, he had cleaned himself up later. So why choose hanging?
Regardless of the real reason, I believe Satan was ultimately behind Robin’s untimely death. It was either the price he paid for what he wanted, or it was actually an occultic ‘mercy killing’ or a ‘blood sacrifice’, as www.IGN.com mentioned.
And don’t forget, whenever something is put out there to draw the world’s attention away from something else, know that the powers that be are probably behind it. In this case, Williams’ suicide may have been planned so the NWO could take our attention off what is happening in Iraq or another event going on, perhaps even in Ferguson, Missouri. Just a thought.
Depression is an Evil Spirit
In a previous article, I shared about Hollywood and the Illuminati. How being part of the music industry tempts many to sign their souls over to Satan. It is a mandatory requirement for anyone who wants to make over $50,000 or more a year. Apparently, the music industry is not all that is affected by the Illuminati/Zionist control. Many in Hollywood delve into the occult and are willing to have people they love killed off as a ‘blood sacrifice’ to Satan.
Many famous people have opened doors to the enemy, probably through ignorance. With the desire for wealth, power, and fame come evil forces into a person’s life they may have never considered. Evil spirits, particularly depression, afflict many, not just the rich and famous. Other evil spirits do as well. Lust, vanity, anger, hatred – the list is endless.
According to reports, Robin Williams was not the only one troubled by evil spirits. Heath Ledger and others in Hollywood were or are even now under demonic oppression, perhaps demonic possession.
When a person sells his soul and/or opens a door to Satan, there is a price to pay. Usually, that person’s life. And, of course, his soul. I don’t think they realize that what the enemy can give them is only temporary, fleeting, and that it will eventually lead them into eternal destruction.
According to www.goodfight.org, “Williams told James Kaplan of US Weekly:
“Yeah! Literally, it’s like possession ‑ all of a sudden you’re in, and because it’s in front of a live audience, you just get this energy that just starts going…But there’s also that thing ‑ it is possession. In the old days you’d be burned for it…But there is something empowering about it. I mean, it is a place where you are totally ‑ it is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, where you really can become this other force. Maybe that’s why I don’t need to play evil characters [in movies], ’cause sometimes onstage you can cross that line and come back. Clubs are a weird kind of petri dish environment. I mean, that’s where people can get as dark as they can in comedy ‑ in the name of comedy, be talking about outrageous stuff and somehow come out the other side. I mean, that’s one place where you really want to push it” (Robin Williams, “Robin Williams,” by James Kaplan, US Weekly, January, 1999, p. 53).
“Williams’ last statement quoted above answers the question as to why the demonic powers use entertainers. Their goal is to promote evil and darkness and increase mankind’s rebellion against God.”
Jesus Is The Ultimate Power Over Evil
When a person accepts Jesus Christ into his heart, his life, as Lord and Savior, that person’s soul is protected, shielded and filled by the Spirit of the Living God. A person’s body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit. A person can still be oppressed by evil spirits such as depression, but those Satanic forces cannot penetrate the person’s soul. An unsaved person does not have that protection. Evil spirits can then torment – oppress – an unsaved person and can even take full possession of that person.
And did you know that a person so fully possessed by Satan can combust spontaneously? When you hear of that strange happening, rarely do you hear it mentioned that someone spontaneously combusted because they were completely possessed by Satan. But it is true. This is why when there is a report of this happening, the burning comes from inside a person and does not affect anything around him or her, such as the furniture or whatever.
Only Jesus Christ can save a person from the enemy. He is the ultimate power over evil. Satan is only a created being and his power is limited. It is God that holds all authority over him and the entire universe He created. There is no other God but Him.
Sadly, Robin Williams apparently had no protection from the enemy. He did not recognize what was wrong, and it led to his ultimate demise.
However, if a person saved through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, experiences enemy attacks such as depression or whatever, there is a way to overcome, to be freed.
Jesus Christ is the answer. He can break all the chains of bondage of the enemy in someone’s life.
A born again, Spirit-filled believer has the power of Jesus within himself or herself. Believers have the power to bind, rebuke, and cast out evil spirits. And at the name of Jesus, Satan and his cohorts have to leave that person. There is great power in the name of Jesus. And there is power in no other name under heaven. Not Allah, Not Muhammed, Not Buddah, Not Krishna. Why? Because…
And He alone holds the keys to death and life, heaven and hell.
Accept Jesus Now
Satan, through the AntiChrist system and the soon to be revealed AntiChrist, is wreaking havoc, chaos, and insanity throughout our world. It is already clear to everyone that our world is topsy-turvy because of this ‘prince of the power of the air’. When God cast him out of heaven eons ago, he and his followers, fallen angels (evil spirits and demons who often masquerade as ghosts, apparitions, and aliens), fell to earth. Our world is their playground until Jesus returns to take back control and establish His Kingdom. It is NOT Islam and Communism that will, in the end, dominate and rule our world, through evil methods and its One World Religion and One World Government, it is JESUS CHRIST who will rule over all of us. Permanently. When He returns, all evil will be destroyed, together with all false religions, entities, and organizations of Satan. Satan will be crushed under His heel.
If you want to have your soul protected from enemy takeover, from penetration by evil spirits, then do NOT wait. Accept Jesus Christ into your heart, into your life NOW before it is too late.
The enemies of GOD, Zionists, ISIS, followers of Islam, and other false religions, evil entities and organizations are trying to wipe out GOD’s people from the Earth. It is why Christians are being targeted, because Satan hates Christians, he hates God, and he wants to establish himself over the Earth as a One World Dictator and be worshipped AS a god. He has always been jealous of the worship and adoration that Jesus Christ receives. He wants it all for himself. The only way he feels he can get it is by wiping out all Jesus followers from the Earth and putting himself in power over the entire world. If people refuse to convert to his way of doing things, then they will be tortured until they accept his way, or die violently. Sadly, followers of Islam have no clue that they are deceived and being used to carry out that end. That Satan is using them to further his own agenda. But what this does prove is that JESUS CHRIST REALLY IS GOD, that there is NO other.
Feel free to contact us at: gideonsmessenger777@yahoo.com if you have any questions on how to accept Jesus, and how to be baptized by immersion and by the Holy Spirit of God. There is also an article or two on this website you can refer to.
As for Robin Williams, it is sad to think that he may face eternal destruction because of the choices he made in life. But that is the truth of what we all face, if we leave Jesus Christ out of our lives.
Seek Him, people. Do it NOW. Tomorrow may be too late, considering the state of our world at present. I’m sure you can see this for yourself.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).
“And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.” (Romans 16:20)
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(photo credit: www.prayerthoughts.com)