
Wormwood Is Coming

Have you heard of Planet X? Nibiru? Nemesis? Eris? Hercolubus? Wormwood? Despite actual videos some have taken from above the clouds that prove that something is headed our way, the New World Order supporters, including NASA, have covered up the existence of this brown dwarf star and want us to believe that Nibiru is fake. However, it may very well be what Scripture refers to as the third trumpet judgment of God, Wormwood:

“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

“And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” (Revelation 8:10-11)

There is some speculation, however, that this prophecy has nothing to do with a burning star but with the future AntiChrist, the Pope, or with something similar to the plagues of Egypt. There are other symbolic theories also. (See I, however, tend to go with the Planet X theory.

The Truth Is Out There

There is plenty of information on the Internet regarding Nibiru, much of it wrong or fake. However, even credible astronomers attest to the existence of Nibiru and that it may indeed be a dwarf star headed for Earth. It is said to be a second sun that was hiding behind our own. People worldwide are now beginning to see this comet-like body, especially in the Southern Hemisphere.

It has been shared that one reason for the chemtrails in the sky is to help cover up the fact that it is real and is headed in our direction. The powers that be do not want us to see it much less know about its existence. Granted, it may not directly strike the Earth, but it will affect it in some way, with gravitational or magnetic pulls, and massive radiation effects. Scripturally, it is supposed to poison our water, making it bitter. People will die from this ‘wormwood’.

One astronomer has even stated that he believes that, once again, NASA is covering things up. Also, according to what has been uncovered in Wikileaks, many nations and governments have known, perhaps since the Reagan Administration, about Nibiru but did not want the rest of the world to know about it. Wikileaks revealed that previously private e-mails to Hillary Clinton and John McCain, from John Podesta, discussed details of Nibiru’s approach. The globalists are apparently afraid and care only about saving themselves. Hence, spending millions of our tax dollars building underground cities so they can hide out below ground while the rest of the world is in turmoil. Since the globalists have taken control of our food supply and stockpiled tons of food and water underground, it is clear they hope that Nibiru will wipe out everybody living above ground, which they hope will forward their evil NWO agenda of global depopulation.

It is reported and predicted that Nibiru will cause major seismic disturbances on the Earth, cause major tidal waves that will sink many parts of the Earth; namely, places like California, parts of the eastern seaboard, including New York City, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Miami, and countries such as Bangladesh, The Netherlands, Denmark, and Singapore. There will be drastic Earth pole shifts due to Nibiru’s magnetic strength. The Earth will wobble, and there will be violent earthquakes, super hurricane winds, worldwide volcanic eruptions, and other catastrophic events. Rampant crime will result from all of this. There will be riots, and many will starve. Many homes will be destroyed and much of our infrastructure. There will be melting of the poles and the temperature of the Earth’s core will increase, according to reports through Wikileaks. It has also been reported that Nibiru is already causing minor wobbles of the Earth’s poles that is stirring the Earth environment and appears to be causing some of the climate change we’ve all heard about, together with global warming, which was initially blamed on increasing levels of carbon dioxide.  Nibiru is also expected to produce more mega quakes in Japan. At any rate, just know that as Nibiru approaches, drawing closer, it may cause more upheaval as it affects the Earth, and none of us are safe. This is why we need to trust Jesus Christ to guide us and keep us safe during these turbulent, frightening times.

Run To Jesus

Sadly, all people above ground can do is stock up on survival items, pray, and hope for the best. There is nowhere really that any of us can hide if Nibiru does hit the Earth. The impact will be tremendous and cause untold devastation throughout the world. Even if it only passes by, the effects will still be devastating. Only in Jesus Christ can we find refuge, so we must trust Him for our future.

It is believed that Nibiru may pass by the Earth around September or October of 2017. Other reports state that it will pass by in December, 2016. Hard to know. As usual, men keep making predictions, and some dates have already come and gone. At any rate, I am giving you fair warning and advise you to prepare, if you are able to. Food and water are a priority and, according to reports, gas and electricity will be disrupted.

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your heart yet as your personal Lord and Savior, now might be a good time. It is only through Him that we can get to Heaven. He is our Refuge and our Fortress, our only Defense in these last days. Trust Him and Him alone. Our governments certainly won’t help us. As I said, they are only concerned with saving themselves.

If Nibiru turns out to be false, then that is a good thing. If, in fact, it turns out to be true and part of God’s Judgment against us, then we need to be ready. So now is the time to act and make your decision about many things. Just in case. Regardless of what is coming, your only way to insure you will make it to Heaven later, in case something happens and you die, is to accept Jesus into your heart. There will be no second chances, and He is the ONLY Way.

Once more, I also urge you when the time comes, do NOT accept the coming Mark of the Beast, believed to be the RFID chip or something similar. If you choose NOT to take the Mark, it will separate you from those who rely on man to provide for their needs (AntiChrist and the One World Government). If you choose NOT to take the Mark, that will mean that you trust GOD to provide for you. So keep all of this in mind when the times comes for you to choose. There are only two places we can go when we pass from this life. One is to Hell; the other to Heaven. Jesus is the ONLY Way to everlasting life.

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.


“Researchers from numerous fields of study are finding that there is now approaching an enormous celestial body (our Sun’s binary twin), accompanied by its gravitationally gathered swarm of smaller celestial bodies, cruising into our Solar System on a predictable, cometary return over a 3,660 year orbit. This cometary cluster is collectively forming an astronomical shotgun blast into the underbelly of our Solar System, and while being pulled in by the Sun, will pass us and interact with the facial features of Planet Earth (i.e. mountain ranges and ocean beds), while jerking Earth’s head back — not by direct physical contact — but by enormous gravitational and electromagnetic forces which all physicists and textbooks popularly teach in terms of “action-at-a-distance.” ~ John DiNardo” (


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For more information:


Planet X – The 2017 Arrival by David Meade – Review