Because there has never been a more important time to know the truth.
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I don’t think there is anyone in America today who is not aware that our upcoming Presidential election has much to do with good versus evil. Our votes this term will either lead us into continued recovery of our current, normal government system as we know it or to a closer step toward a completely controlled, enslaved world ruled by AntiChrist, a man of Satan – ‘the new normal’. The Left is all about bringing their new world order agenda to full fruition. Their repeated lies prove what side they are on.
People may not be fully aware that voting for the radical Left is one step in the direction of a one Communist world headed by the evil man of perdition, which is why the anarchists are trying to tear down and destroy America as we know it. Satan is a destroyer and the father of lies, so this would make perfect sense. Satan is purely evil and, although the current Republican candidate for the Presidency may not be a perfect man – no one is – at least he is on the side of good for America. It is why the Left hates him so much. He is standing in the way of what they want to accomplish. Again, complete destruction of America. This plan has been in place by the powers that be for many years.
How Nazis Ended Up In America
Many people already know what happened after World War II. This article is for those who do not.
It was all about technology. The United States wanted from the Nazis of Germany, before Russia got it first, all of what they had developed for the military, including what had been learned through much of their horrendous experimentation against the Jewish people in Germany. I am sure that most know about Mengele, one of the most evil, sadistic doctors who worked for the Nazis. Did you know that he came to America after World War II ended but, because he could not be identified, was carelessly let go? In all, 88 Nazi scientists were given safe haven in the U. S. after the war and put to work by Uncle Sam, through Operation Paperclip. Later, the Nazis allowed into the U. S. numbered in the thousands.
After the Nazi work was completed in the U. S., then these evil Nazis were allowed to quietly settle into American life, with no one being the wiser. Because of this horrible turn of events, many of our government agencies have been quietly infiltrated by the Nazis and are performing their evil experiments even now against unsuspecting, innocent American citizens. Sadly, this is also happening to innocent people across the globe. The mind control experiments the Nazis did are now in place here in America, among other things. America appears to have been taken over by these evil men a long time ago. They have been just biding their time in order to destroy the U. S. and take over the world, as Hitler tried to do. We can see it happening.
Hitler and his cronies were heavily into the occult. It is believed that he was also possessed because of this. Anyone can be possessed by Satan by opening doors that allow him in. If you consider some of Hitler’s speeches, you may hear things coming out of his mouth that shocked even him, as if he was no longer in control of himself. It is what I have seen in people who are under mind control. It is Satan behind all of it. Rather, Satan’s followers influenced by their father, the Devil. Luciferians control the world these days, by the elite globalists who worship their false god, Baphomet.
Behind The Targeting Of America’s Citizens
With the Nazi infiltration of our top government agencies came with this their own evil agendas. Certain U. S. agencies have put innocent, truth sharing, law abiding Americans on their Satanic watch lists. Anyone who speaks the truth, whistleblowers, in particular, any who oppose the coming New World Satanic Order, believers in Christ, etc. are added to this list. Those on the list are then targeted for torture, lied about, slandered, and made into worthy test subjects, all without consent of the victim.
One agency hacks into our phones and electronics. Another provides funding and PsyOps to agency ‘Fusion Centers’, which hire the dregs of society to carry out torture, etc. on their fellow man, neighbors, family members, to complete inhumane acts against humanity, all for personal gain. Surveillance is done by Air Force agencies. That is what cell phones and GPS are used for. I got rid of my cell phones, but I think they put a tracking device in me while I was asleep, knowing I had no phone anymore. I was diagnosed with melanoma years ago and had surgeries to remove every mole on my body. When a prominent mole suddenly appeared on my arm one morning, I knew it had been put there by someone else. It is too noticeable not to have been removed during surgery.
The Council of Foreign Relations directs the entire targeting program. Their agencies put implants in their subjects covertly, even cameras in their eyes while they are sleeping, do remote neural monitoring, giving people no privacy even in their thoughts, and they implement V2K, voice-to-skull transmissions, putting thoughts and words into the victim’s heads that did not come from the person. Free will is gone at this point. If these Nazis can control your thoughts, then they can get a person to believe or do anything. Do your remember several years ago when a young woman claiming to hear voices in her head caused her to crash outside of the White House? The police shot her dead, even while her child was in the backseat, thinking she was crazy. She wasn’t. She was under mind control. Seriously, people need to wake up to these realities. Mind control is real and being carried out on millions of people by several evil factions of our own government. The problem is that anyone reporting any of these things are labeled by the authorities as mentally ill. Ten to one this woman was not. Actually, those doing these things to people are psychos themselves. There is a lot more information I could share, but I think you know enough to do more research on your own perhaps.
God Knows Everything
The one great thing about all of this is that our Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is aware of all of the evil being done to people. I have spoken to many targets who share horrendous stories of what these demonically-influenced people are doing to people. One woman sent me photos of what microwave attacks have done to her stomach. Another woman I know had her face fried, destroying her beauty. These wicked ones kill people’s pets, as mine were poisoned. One woman who suffers from Morgellons Disease from the engineered chemtrails sent me photos of lesions from which spiders and other foul creatures emanate from. There is so much evil going on out there, and so many innocent citizens, wonderful, talented people are being covertly destroyed by those who should be helping protect us. This is a globalist agenda, and it is what the Left wants for America. Can you imagine living in a world governed completely by Satan and his supporters?
The day will soon come when Jesus Christ will return and destroy all of these wicked people. But until then, we, the targeted ones, must trust Jesus to help us endure the fiery darts of the Enemy (the frequencies he uses and electronic torture he aims at us). (Ephesians 6:16) Faith is what is needed to help us overcome these attacks, assuming you are targeted. It is prayer that helps. Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus, every part of your body, and seek God for protection. Targets may be gang-stalked, have their homes broken into repeatedly, as mine has been for over 12 years, be injected with chemicals or poisons, as I have been, and the list goes on and on. You would be shocked to learn what has been done to me and continues to be done, because I choose to share God’s truth with the world. The powers that be have put me on their list and try to convince everyone around me that I am crazy or a troublemaker. One false Christian I know told the police I was a drug addict. So these Nazi cops came in and interrogated me, demanding to know what drugs I use. They were shocked at the one or two over the counter ones I mentioned. In no way am I a drug addict. But I know there is a special judgment for the police officers who refuse to help me and others like me, and those who lie about us and slander us, because the police are indeed held to a higher standard. The same is true for teachers. (James 3:1-2) Sad, but true.
Your greatest protection in this day and age, from all of the evil being perpetrated against human beings, is making Jesus Christ Lord of your life. He is our only Hope in this evil world. It does not matter if you are Catholic, or Baptist, Muslim, Hindu – whatever you call yourself. The important thing is to confess all of your sins, repent of them once and for all, renounce all of the lies and deceptions fed to you over the years, and ask Jesus into your life. Read the Holy Bible every day and find a salvation-preaching, Truth-sharing church to attend, if you can. Apply God’s Truth to your life, in your walk with God. Jesus will transform you into a new person, a new creature in Christ, which will help you to stand firm against the Wicked One. Trust Jesus Christ, for it is He and He alone who will save you in the end, not a worldly government, not the Left, not the new world order, and certainly not Satan and his son, AntiChrist. Only Jesus Christ.
May the Lord bless you and help you run the race set before you. Hold fast to Jesus, and He will hold fast to you.
“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come…Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith…Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution…Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”
2 Timothy 3:1, 5, 8, 12-13 (KJV)
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;”
Romans 1:28 (KJV)
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”
Ephesians 2:2 ( KJV)
These are dark days we are living in. Fear is everywhere and is created in order to control the masses. Since Communism (the end result of Socialism) is all about having obedient, controlled citizens, then what is happening with the corona deal should not be a surprise to anyone. Satan, as the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2), has millions of deceived, misguided followers in places of governance so he can control and manipulate everything. Many of them are reptilian demons, believe it or not, who masquerade as humans. And yes, they do exist. This is why things are so insane. The Adversary is maniacally insane because he knows he can change nothing for himself. So he manufactures such evil against us, proving his insanity. He is seething with hatred for God and for us. So, just remember who we are dealing with. Interestingly enough, the need to control comes out of fear. Satan is afraid. He is afraid of Almighty God. Satan knows his time is short and is doing everything he can to thwart God’s ultimate plan for the people of this world before he faces his own ultimate judgment. Satan knows his future and that he has already lost.
As I said, Satan hates all of us, even his own followers. He hates himself even more for having failed in the beginning, to usurp God’s sovereignty. Even now he is fulfilling his preconceived plan to take over the planet and get all human beings to bow down and worship him. Again, no human will do so willingly unless they are misled into believing he is the true God, creator of the universe. How prideful. It is this pride that got him cast out of Heaven to begin with. Today, his arrogance astounds me. Yet he is going ahead with his plans. He has implemented weaponry that is used to torment and torture people, particularly God’s people. These are the ones he mainly targets. Weaponized ‘fiery darts’ are what he is now using against us.
As one reads the book of Revelations, it is easy to begin understanding things that God warned us about eons ago. Satan wants everyone, and I mean everyone to be cast into Hell with him so they can be as miserable as he is. This includes all Leftist Democrats, all Progressives – Communists – and the like who are intent on helping Satan carry out his evil agendas. Satan does not care about anyone. His mission is to hurt the people God created, especially those who are sold out to Jesus Christ. So if you are targeted and going through horrific trials and tribulations right now, just know that God knows your pain and suffering and is with you, helping you to be an overcomer. Just hold fast to God and His Word, and He promises to see you through. He loves you and assures us that if we endure until the end, we will be saved. (Matthew 24:13) He never promised us a bed of roses and sunshine, but asks only that we trust Him. So if you haven’t yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then now is the time. Without Him, I don’t know how any of us would be able to get through these last days.
I share this information because it is important that the world be informed of what the Enemy is doing. I am not sharing this to make you afraid, only knowledgeable so that your eyes are opened to the truth. We are not living in a sci-fi or fantasy movie here. This. Is. Reality.
As you’ve already been told, the powers that be want everyone on the planet under their control. They want everyone put onto the Internet of Things. What is this, you ask? Well, let me elaborate:
“According to, ‘The Internet of Things is simply ‘A network of Internet connected objects able to collect and exchange data.’ It is commonly abbreviated IoT.
‘…A simple way to put it: You have ‘things’ that sense and collect data and send it to the Internet. This data can be accessible by other ‘things’ too.”
“It is also defined as, “the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.”
“If one thing can prevent the Internet of Things from transforming the way we live and work, it will be a breakdown in security.” (From Oxford/Google)
“The new rule for the future is going to be, ‘Anything that can be connected, will be connected.’” (
Since government and military are already well ahead of the game, it is best to say that the IoT is well in place already. So if you want more information, there are several links below you can check out, or you can research it yourself on the Internet. For now, we will be focusing on the weaponization involved with this.
The Weaponization of Everything
It is my understanding that in order to bring many people together on the IoT, the populations must be controlled through nanotechnology. Smart dust is said to be scattered everywhere. If you walk through it on a sidewalk, that dust will pick up everything known about you and share this data with the IoT. Basically, no one is safe from this anywhere. Our privacy no longer exists.
Many people and populations are targeted through various means of control. To weaponize people and get into all of their private business, the government and military have placed nanotechnology everywhere. Whatever we bring into our homes are all weaponized already: our televisions, smart meters, cable boxes, cars and other vehicles, books and magazines – anything with ink, including tattoos – batteries, clothing, food and grocery bags, computers, wi-fi, electricity, laminate flooring, and even water. The list goes on. Targeted individuals have nanotechnology, cameras, and other ‘stuff’ put into their bodies, eyes, brains, necks, etc. secretly, while they are sleeping. So if 5G gets turned on at some point, millions will be negatively affected. As part of Agenda 21 for depopulation, it may even kill people. In fact, I believe that the coronavirus vaccine is meant as part of this depopulation plan. Many may die from it; others may not.
Be aware that anything with a bar code – RFID – has nanotechnology in it. If you touch a tag with a bar code, most likely the nanotechnology will get into your skin and spread through your body.
If you get a tattoo, the ink will do the same thing. The nano will flow through your body, weaponizing you. If you’ve watched the ‘Matrix’ movies, you may relate this to the fact that human beings are being made into walking batteries.
If you walk on certain flooring such as laminate floors, you will pick up the nanotechnology. Laminate floors also contain RFID technology for IoT.
If you lick your thumb to turn pages of a magazine, you will pick up the nanotechnology from the ink. Address labels on them, the ink on them, have nanotechnology. Certain books nowadays have special ink that has the nanotechnology in it. The powers that be, under demonic influence, have left nothing out of their agenda.
Foods items and produce that have bar codes have the nanotechnology as well, so be careful. Be careful to remove the stickers from produce if you can, then thoroughly wash it before consuming it.
Even our shoes are weaponized. The ink inside your shoe, even the glue in your heels have RFID chips. Radio waves can target you this way.
Tags have Radio Frequency technology in the threads which makes it easier to track you and sends harmful signals to your body. If you buy clothes, cut the bar codes and RFID tags off of them, including your underwear. Then wash the clothes in Borax. If unable to do so, then wrap your clothes in a towel and put them in the microwave to remove the nanotechnology for two or three minutes. Clothes with lots of bling, buttons, zippers, etc. are all weaponized. Better to wear something plain than to buy and wear weaponized clothing. Very ornate clothes have frequencies for easier targeting of people, through radio waves. Just remember, it is all about putting you on the Internet of Things so you can be controlled. It all boils down to getting everyone on Earth into the AntiChrist system, as cell phones already do.
There are several discount stores that mainly carry weaponized items, including clothes. The Ross discount store is one, together with most of the dollar stores out there.
Certain air deodorizers, especially the waxie ones, have the nano in them. Be careful when handling them.
Batteries are especially dangerous and can be turned into antennas. Televisions and cable boxes can send out signals and can actually burn you with the microwave lasers they contain. Stay away from certain brands of televisions and refrigerators such as Samson and Sanyo. Even ‘smart’ washing machines and computers are dangerous. At waist level, some may be able to burn you. Some are able to record your every word, whether the appliance, et al., is on or not. Also, be careful using electric shavers, which are also weaponized. I had to quit using my electric toothbrush because the new batteries kept dying. Also, know that Skype records your every word, whether you are using it or not.
Water can be weaponized, too. The water is contaminated with heavy metals. “Drinking water contaminated with heavy metals, namely: arsenic, cadmium, nickel, mercury, chromium, zinc, and lead is becoming a major health concern for public and health care professionals.” ( )
If a fake repairman can get into your house to work on the plumbing or electric or cable in your home, they can easily put weaponry into your toilet tank or other things they are working on to weaponize your homes and devices so they can spy on you or even torture you. Even our wiring is being weaponized in our homes. I’m sure you already know how dangerous smart meters are.
If you call your company for repair of something, the call will sometimes be rerouted to one of the deceitful powers so their own men can go into your house and weaponize it without your even being aware they are doing so. I know someone whose spine gets electronically zapped whenever she uses the toilet because of the weaponization in the tank. All these things are meant to cause you pain. It is meant to create obedience to the system, although much of it is done for the sadistic pleasure of the powers that be. If you are worried about some of your water, then switch to distilled for various needs.
Also, as a reminder, bottled water contains dumbing down drugs. It is best to filter your water and fill glass bottles with this instead, to avoid consuming these drugs.
Also, “5G can easily be weaponized owing to its faster speed and high-frequency signals and we must work toward making it secure as much as possible…Weaponized is a broad term and can take many forms. So, technically, all Radio Frequencies can be “weaponized”.” (
Air conditioners can be weaponized, too. So take a Bounty paper towel or something similar to put over your unit, cut holes for the air to get through, to protect yourself from frequencies coming through.
Take aluminum foil to protect yourself from EMF radiation. Cover your router, your LED computer lights, digital lights on your fans, air purifiers, stoves, digital clocks, plugs, wires, etc. with foil, with the shiny side down. This should help cut down on the radiation.
Even new furnishings are weaponized these days. Furniture contains RFID technology for IoT also. All contain the RFID tags/chips. Ever wonder why, during this coronavirus outbreak, why many items are being sold for extremely reduced, affordable payments. I heard you can even purchase a new RV for payments as low as $100 a month. Why is this? Basically, we are being prepped for what is to come. It is all about dehumanizing us. Also, chemtrails are prepping us as well. Millions are unwittingly breathing in harmful fibers and heavy metals meant to change our DNA and give us Morgellons disease. Fibers are activated through certain frequencies. When 5G is activated, this will affect many Morgellons sufferers. Morgellons, by the way, was created by several governments, including our own. It was a unified project. Everything happening in our world today is leading to controlling everyone and bringing AntiChrist to power.
Implanted By Those You Trust
Millions of people have been secretly implanted with chips by the powers that be while they were sleeping or during surgeries. These chips are meant to control people and even get into their minds. Those who have been targeted, for various reasons, mostly if one stands against the new world order, they get implanted with chips of some sort that are meant to punish people, control them, cause them pain, or to robotize them, the secret plan of things. They want to get into every aspect of your life. They use all sorts of methods to do this. People who speak truth or are Christians seem to be especially targeted. Once they can read your thoughts, even your prayers are not safe. The Enemy can pretend to be God speaking to you. Be sure to cover yourself with the blood of Jesus and command the Enemy to silence in order to know that it is God speaking to you. I will post prayers later that will help protect you from those sticking their noses into all of your business.
Beware of attending conference calls for Morgellons sufferers or just for prayer. Many of these calls are run by government agents, such as FBI, etc. who are collecting data on everyone participating and adding it to their databases. Once they get your address, they will track you down and start implanting you or do other evil against you, usually at night while you are sleeping. Those running things will pretend to be Christians and are, in fact, learning how to be like Christians. But “by their fruits ye shall know them”, so keep that in mind. (Matthew 7:16) And be careful not to fall into one of their traps. Some have been known to disappear or be put under serious mind control by these evil people.
Beware of going to the doctor or your dentist. Most of them have been bought out, as have many of our police departments, under the Federal COPS program. Those medical personnel who resist harming people or putting implants inside people while they are under anesthesia or whatnot, have been threatened if they refuse to go along with the Satanic agenda being forced on them. Just be aware. I have heard of doctors going into other practices because they are disgusted with what is happening to the medical industry. There are good doctors out there yet, even police. Just be careful. There are more turncoats out there than good people. Too many people have sold themselves out for money these days, which is really sad. Whether these people have been microchipped already I suppose we will never know. My advice to you is to trust no one except GOD. He will direct your steps. Just seek Him on all matters so you don’t get tricked or deceived. I know through experience that even an extremely mature Christian can be deceived. The Bible says to be a ‘wise as serpents and as harmless as doves’ (Matthew 10:16), so keep this in mind.
Do you think you are free from all of this? Well, one way to start considering all I have shared is for you to purchase a UV light. They are less than ten dollars. UV lights expose things we can’t usually see, such as Morgellons’ critters or fibers on our furniture, walls, bed sheets, etc. Mainly, I want you to shine that UV light into your eyes. If you see a neon green circle in or around your eyes, then that is definite proof that you have had surveillance cameras put into your eyes. The powers that be can see everything you can see or do. Your privacy is completely nill at this point. If you manage to scrape those things out of your eyes somehow, replacement ones will soon be put back in them, I can assure you. By purchasing a UV light and checking your eyes, it will prove to you that I am not crazy in sharing all of this information with you and am not making this up.
Also, if you are having strange pain in certain areas of your body, say your knees or heart, etc., then put that UV light against the troubled area and see if the discomfort stops. Experience has shown that UV lights somehow break up whatever is in these areas of your bodies. Some people have microchips in their bodies or Morgellons fibers, etc. Millions of people actually have Morgellons infestations in their bodies and, sadly, aren’t even aware of it.
Also, for your information, your pets may also have been implanted with cameras in their eyes. Animals are used to surveil your every move, so the powers that be can keep tabs on you, whether you are in the bath room, bedroom, or wherever. Check their eyes with that UV light. Most pets already have microchips and are being controlled, too. Yeah, I know. This is really heavy stuff I’m sharing.
End Goal: Transhumanism And Complete Surveillance
According to Wikipedia, “Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.”
Morgellon’s disease was created to change people’s DNA. Insect DNA has been put inside people to accomplish this very thing. The coronavirus, for all accounts and purposes, is actually a distraction, to keep us from knowing what is really going on around us. The forthcoming vaccine is meant to not only put microchips into our bodies or to see who survives and who doesn’t. I believe the number of deaths of the virus is being messed with so the powers that be can keep track of how many people have already died. Remember, at least 90% to 95% are meant to be exterminated by the evil globalists, so even cancer patients and others are being added to the corona death tally. It is like a count down to the few people that will be left after the evil agendas of the new world order are carried out. I am believing, however, that Jesus Christ will return before any of this can be actually carried out/fulfilled. Keep in mind that there are more of us than there are of the powers that be. And greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4) So, literally, there is nothing to fear from Satan or his ‘useless idiots’. This includes all the gangstalking perps out there who have sold themselves out for a few lousy gift cards, or whatever they have been bribed with in order to carry out inhumane things against their fellow man. Twice I have been injected with something harmful/deadly, but both times God has allowed none of this poison to harm me, so do not be afraid of what Satan and his people can do to you. (Mark 16:18) God still sits on His throne and is in charge of everything going on in your life and in the world.
As the Adversary and his followers are dehumanizing us, often times through painful and horrific means, even now men’s and women’s souls are being traded – humanly trafficked – on the dark web, on the stock market. It is soul-harvesting. We are all being sold to the highest bidder for horrendous experiments or any other foul thing the Enemy can come up with. Genetic engineering is demonic in every way and is a form of grotesque darkness that existed from the beginning of time. As I have mentioned before, Satan tries to duplicate everything God does, trying to imitate God so that people will worship him instead of the one true God of the universe. Defying God has now become scientific. Playing with the genetic code is just not done, and those doing such evil will pay a heavy price for what they have done and continue to do. Genetically enhancing humans is total abomination, in God’s eyes. Evolution is bogus. There is no evidence out there of people turning into other species. Eugenics is not of God in any way, shape, or form. It is just about Satan wanting to become like God. But he is, of course, kidding himself. He is a created being and nothing more.
Despite what the Adversary wants people to believe, the Earth is not overpopulated either. When God created our world, He saw that everything was good. (Book of Genesis) Not once did he ever say that people had to be killed off so Satan could recreate the world. It is just that the wicked running our world judge everyone and believe they are better than everyone else and need to make changes. Satan has deceived many into believing all the lies and deceptions he has fed them over time. Arrogance in the wicked make them believe they are superior to everyone else. They and the demons they serve want super-soldiers who they think will be superior to human beings. Demons actually want robotic bodies they can inhabit. Soul transferance is a reality that few even know about.
Nothing is being done now that has not been done in eons past. Because of the great evil in the world, when God destroyed the world through the great flood, the same will happen again, only this time through fire. “As it was in the days of Noah…” (Luke 17:26; Matthew 24:37-39; 2 Peter 3:3-7, 10)
Imagine, if you will, that the AntiChrist system is being like a gigantic octopus, with tentacles in every direction, working together toward a common goal.
But fear not, for God is with us…and who can ever stand against Him?
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Weaponizing Coronavirus Fear
Defense experts analyze the weaponization of social media
How RFID Benefits Retail Fashion: Host Louis Sirico
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(Read Psalm 7.)
“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”
(Ephesians 6:16 KJV)
“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13 KJV)
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” (Hosea 4:6 KJV)
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (2 Peter 3:10 KJV)
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 KJV)
“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” (Ephesians 6:16 KJV)
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10 KJV)
“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the LORD.” (Isaich 54:17 KJV)
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.” (Matthew 10:28 KJV)
“Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19 KJV)
“Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rules of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:11-12 KJV)
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:26 KJV)
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”
(Romans 8:31 KJV)
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 KJV)
“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36 KJV)
“And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war.
“His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself.
“And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His name is called The Word of God.
“And the armies which were in Heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
“And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
“And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”