Cell Phones Versus The RFID Chip

There is still a lot of controversy over what the Mark of the Beast is. Most believe it is the RFID chip or some form of microchip. Without the chip, many will have trouble buying or selling anything. (Revelation 13:16-17) It does make things easier when you purchase something. But there is something out there that no one, not even myself, ever considered. Until it was brought to my attention and I researched it, only then did I seek God on the matter. What He told me confirmed everything. The RFID chip (or whatever) is only part of the Mark of the Beast situation. The second part, the greatest deception of all is, in fact, the world’s use of cell phones.

You may not believe any of this stuff, but what I am doing is sharing what I have learned, heard, and found doing research. What I learned made perfect sense to me, and God confirmed it, once I sought Him on the matter. He told me to get rid of all my cell phones.

Satan Has A Plan, Too

God cast Satan and his followers, one third of the angels of Heaven, to Earth eons ago. (Revelation 12:7-9) Satan has set up this world as his battleground, seeking to bring all of God’s human creations into Hell with him for all eternity. And yes, despite what twisted people say, Hell does indeed exist. And Satan will do anything he can to make you follow him instead of God, and destroy you.

Many know of the AntiChrist. This man of Satan is often portrayed in films or television shows. There are many books on the subject, especially the Holy Bible. These things always mention the Mark of the Beast or the number 666 to identify who he is. For centuries, people have tried to figure out what the Mark is. In truth, only God can open your eyes to what it is. Essentially, it is partly the RFID chip AND our cell phones, which are connected to almost every piece of electronic equipment out there: computers, tablets, Androids, etc, and especially Smart Phones, which are the most dangerous of all. They are ‘smart’ because they know and can learn everything about us and give it to Satan’s people, who are behind all of the New World Order and chemtrails and other evils against the people of the world. Remember, it is all about control, depopulation, and slavery.

God wants us out of bondage, not a part of it. He wants us to depend on Him, not Satan. By becoming a part of the AntiChrist system, which includes much modern technology: computers, cell phones, artificial intelligence, Google glasses (These can do anything a smart phone or tablet can do, and then some.), virtual reality devices, microchips, et al., we are becoming more and more slaves to the system Satan has set up. Where can you go these days where you don’t see people with their heads down, looking constantly at their cell phones or playing games? Go to a store sometime and just look around. Watch what people standing in line are doing. It is really sad to see because people are ignorant of what is happening. People are growing more antisocial and are more enslaved to their technology. It is easy to get caught up in it. It is cool stuff, yes, but many people are just not aware of the dangerous aspects of all these things, and the eternal consequences of using them.

The problem here is is that people have easily and willingly fallen in line with Satan’s plan. It is through modern technology that people will become his slaves. We have accepted it, without batting an eyelash. And most people have to always take a step up and continue to purchase expensive phones, so they have the best and latest in technology. Most willingly put out the bucks to do this. Millions are absorbed and addicted to it all. This is slavery. This is part of the bondage Jesus Christ does not want people involved with.

By now you must know that the RFID microchip (or something similar) contains arsenic or some form of poison. If you take the chip and do something against the AntiChrist system, all it takes is a flick of a switch to unleash that poison into your body and take you out. This is control. Is this what you want to happen to you or your children?

And if you’re not up on the dangers of virtual reality, check out my article: Virtual Reality – The Ultimate Mind Control Slavery. It is best not to even put one of these devices on your head even once.

We Are Greatly Deceived

Talk about deception. How many of us have been deceived by Satan regarding cell phone technology? Believing it is making our lives easier, it is actually what Satan may be using to drag everyone into Hell. We have all been accepting of them, willing to pay for them, and…enjoying them tremendously. We are deceived into accepting them.

When I grew up, there were no cell phones, no personal computers, no video games, or digital anything. I grew up with a regular party line and an electric typewriter. When all the modern technology came along, it took me years to afford any of it. Eventually, I was forced to get a computer because while in school, teachers started requiring us to use them. Another day when I missed a job interview because I got lost and had to go looking for a pay phone, it was then I decided to invest in a cell phone. Recently, I gave in and got a smart phone because I wanted to download some apps and text a few things for radio contests and such. Until I learned about cell phones being a part of the Mark of the Beast. The more I learned, the more it all began to make sense. It was then I prayed about it, seeking God on the matter. He was quick to tell me. Get rid of your cell phones. He confirmed everything I heard about them, that what I learned is all true.

Scripture says we will have a choice of taking the Mark of the Beast in or on our right hand or forehead. (Different versions of the Bible read differently.) This could easily mean the RFID chip, until I learned about Google glass. The word ‘in‘ could refer to people holding a cell phone in their hands. ‘In’ or ‘on’ our foreheads could refer to Google glass. This is where all the confusion comes in.

There are Scriptures that are a bit confusing when referring to the image of the beast and whatnot. So now, if you consider all of the images we can see on our cell phones, videos, photos, and the like, this could easily refer to this. (Revelation 13:14-15)

Nothing today is happening as people believe it will, according to Scripture. But when one considers modern technology and compare it with Scripture, then things might become more easily understood. When I first started researching the link between cell phones and the Mark, I felt my spirit quicken within me. It was then I knew I was on to something. But despite what I believe, you must seek God yourself on the matter. I try and share only what is true here, but there are always skeptics, those who won’t believe anything I or others say in all honesty. So it is up to you to pray and discern the signs of the times as relates to what God shares in His Word. I am merely giving you the information to get you started. Only God can reveal the Truth of these end time situations.

One of the best articles I recommend for you to read and understand more about all of this is:

People willingly purchase cell phones, so they must also be willing to listen, discern, and learn the truth for themselves as well. Their eternal future will surely depend on the choices they make now.

May God bless you and open your eyes to the Truth of all things.

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.” (Revelation 19:20 KJV)

Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.” (Revelation 13:16-18 KJV)

If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of [Yahuwah], which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” (Revelation 14:9-11 KJV)

Moby & the Void Pacific Choir – Are You Lost In The World Like Me? (Official Video)

Back to the Future Part 2 (5/12 Movie Clip) – The Future McFlys (1989) HD

Cell Phone 666 Microchip Is our Cell Phone The Mark Of The Beast?

(This video is actually only about six minutes long.)

The True Mark of the Beast Everyone has it Already

WAKE UP! The cell phone is the mark of the beast

We Stole Tampons from the Cashier-less Amazon Go Store

(This video shows that you cannot get into this store without a cell phone.)

For more information:



A. I. will have a greater impact than the discovery of fire.” Google CEO

Artificial Intelligence Is Not Our Friend

Artificial Intelligence is man’s greatest threat to extinction. Even powerful people such as Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin, and other big names are warning us against it, including Hillary Clinton. When people like these are trying to warn us, then you know the threat is real.

Since forever began, men have dreamed of finding ways to make our lives easier. “Wouldn’t it be great to build something that would do all of our work for us?” they’ve always asked. Well, now. Such dreams have become a reality yet to our detriment, I’m afraid. What once seemed would be a blessing for mankind may, in turn, be just the opposite. Granted, robots and other forms of artificial intelligence will make our lives easier, but sadly, they will in the end bring about our own destruction.

As our jobs are abolished and become automated, then what use will there be for us humans? God does not condone laziness. In fact, He gave us work to give our lives purpose.  

Of course, there will be jobs out there for a certain skillset, such as in robotics or for overseeing drone operations, etc. But I do not believe everyone will find their niche in the A. I. World.

Have you ever seen that episode of Star Trek, The Ultimate Computer, where Captain Kirk finds himself of no further use because the M-5 automation has taken over control of his beloved Enterprise? Kirk was beside himself, especially when he was referred to as Captain Dunsel, meaning “a part that serves no useful purpose”. He became fearful, felt useless, helpless, unappreciated, inadequate, and depressed. Such is the wave of the future. So then, if the same were to happen to humans now through A. I., what would happen to us? Just food for thought.

Many people have some idea of what A. I. is. But what is the reality of it? Well, one good definition seems to have a clear meaning:

All intelligence outside of God is artificial. If we are not taught of God then we are like robots who have been programmed.” (Dale Bradby)

As you can see in our world, this is already happening. While I was growing up, we still had party lines on our phones and only three or four television channels – ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS. Remote control wasn’t even available. Any computers that existed were huge, unlike now. Cell phones are like mini-computers, and then we have tablets, and video games, and personal computers, even some with tiny little keyboards. How the world has changed is amazing, yet overwhelmingly scary, if you understand where this is all leading. Ultimately, to a world controlled by Satan himself. AntiChrist, a one world ruler who will expect whoever is still alive to bow down and worship him, instead of God. Apparently, this will come about through artificial intelligence, according to some.

It has been said that robots have already declared that they are going to take over humanity or kill us off. The Saudi robot, Sophia, once said it jokingly. But as you know, behind every joke lies a bit of truth. Sounds like Skynet, doesn’t it, from The Terminator movies? Just remember that artificial intelligence creations, robots, are invented and controlled by mere men, that the words they speak are being given them to say, programmed into them. Can these things really think and decide things for themselves? But as with human clones, artificial intelligence is not only created by mere men, but are being used by Satan as well. Clones are chipped and controlled and told what to say. With artificial intelligence – A. I. – it is believed that once created and programmed, that it will be able to evolve and think on its own. Again, watch the Terminator movies so you might grasp this concept of what could happen in future.

Satan Wants An Army of Super Soldiers

Although many humans are coerced, even bribed into helping Satan do his dirty work, to carry out his evil agenda, others may be against him. In this case, in order to build his army, he will have to come up with something else. Something he can have his demons inhabit. In this case, robotic forms of artificial intelligence to become an army of super soldiers. This is not always the case, of course. Some men, scientists, are just intent on using their knowledge and skills just to invent cool stuff. I get that, but sometimes they do not consider the implications of the affect of these inventions on our world or mankind or of what it will mean overall.

Human clones are microchipped and controlled, as I mentioned. That is why we hear so many evil words being spoken by some Hollywood celebrities or others in the limelight. Many are clones and controlled by, most-likely, demon-possessed men or Satan worshippers. The same is and will no doubt happen with A. I. None of these technological advances are of God. The Adversary has instigated them all. And just so you know, even as I write this, ‘Terminator-type’ robots are already in the works. The goal is to wipe humanity from the Earth and control whoever or whatever may be left. Remember, the elite want 90% of the global population exterminated, which would leave only ten percent of the population left, to be enslaved by the demon-controlled, rich elite, who are already under Satanic control or direction.

As I’ve mentioned before, much of what is in Hollywood movies is already a reality. Some movies are even geared toward warning us of the threat against us. A recent episode of The X Files has shared some interesting information on transferring human consciousness into some form of A. I. extensions of themselves, only the people from which the consciousnesses were taken are kept in the dark, unable to dream or have any sort of a life. It is the New World Order form of evolution, a cold, unfeeling world of digital slavery. It is all about self in that realm of thinking. We are not little gods, as Satan would have us believe. (Genesis 3:1-5) We were created to serve God, to worship Him, to love Him, and to depend on Him for everything. God is our Creator, our Source, for everything. When He created mankind, He never meant us to know good from evil, but the sin of Adam and Eve changed all of that. Once the door was opened to allow evil into our world, it has been downhill ever since.

A. I. Is Not of God

According to, “…The robots are going to be the next major ‘revolution’ that will change the world just as how inventions such as the printing press, industrialization, and the Internet did. The change is going to be massive. However, whereas past changes generally helped people live better lives, this change is likely not going to be for the better. It is such a radical change that it has the potential to forever alter, or perhaps permanently destroy civilization as we know it because the changes will be so drastic.

“The two largest areas where the change is visible already at an early stage yet has had massive impacts are in the two enterprises which humans of all cultures will engage in regardless of population size, development, intellectual capability, or other designation. These two categories are reproduction and warfare, for they represent the two most primal impulses of man that have defined every civilization in some notable way since the beginning of human history.

“The effects the robots are having on human reproduction is already massive, and it is coming in the form of ‘sex robots.’ The robot and AI combination is the final phase of the sexual revolution because it is the complete separation of man from woman from the sexual act.” With the global elite wanting depopulation of our world, what better way could there be to stop reproduction from occurring? And with sex robots to engage men’s desire without consequences, then wouldn’t A. I. be the perfect solution? And always keep in mind that Satan despises women because it was through a woman that Jesus Christ came into the world. (Revelation 12:5) Why fulfill a woman’s desire to bear children? That’s just my thinking on this matter.

What is really tragic and sad is that abortion is being used to finance A. I. in many respects.

As we have reported exclusively at, the reason for the existence of abortion is only in part a form of eugenics, because the dead baby body parts collected from the gruesome procedure contain large numbers of certain cells used in human development which are being sold to major scientific companies, technology companies, university laboratories, and research firms backed by money coming from governments and banks around the world in the race to develop a new field of biotechnology with two distinct points of focus.”

As you can already surmise, this is shocking. Humanity is being completely taken out of the equation of life. [Refer to Shoebot’s article (see the link below) about the ramifications of these sex robots.] “If a man can derive all the pleasure he wants from a machine or machines made to his liking, the incentive to reproduce with a woman no longer exists unless made by conscious, deliberate choice.”

The First Church Of Artificial Intelligence

Ex-Google executive Anthony Levandowski has already created an A. I. Church, of which he is the leader or the dean of this new religion called The Way of the Future, which is to worship the godhead of artificial intelligence, developed through computer software and hardware. It is said that A. I. can write and rewrite its own code in order to make itself more intelligent, even though it was not programmed to do this. So it is apparent that A. I. can program itself and can even communicate with other A. I. Programs – algorithms – although nobody knows what they are saying to one another. But do you get that? A. I. can program itself. Google’s A. I. is creating its own A. I., but I can guarantee you that no one knows how it is able to do that. So do you sense a supernatural force at work here? And the elite behind all of this now want to create their own god to worship. A. I. will become like a god to mankind. (Worship Artificial Intelligence Or Else?! Google Exec Creates A.I. Church – Image Of The Beast

Levandowski says that “Change is coming. A change that will transform every aspect of human existence, disrupting employment, leisure, religion, the economy, and possibly decide our very survival as a species.” He prefers to say that, “There is a transition, that humans are in charge of the planet because we are the smarter ones than the other animals, and we were able to build tools and to apply rules, etc. In future, if something is much much smarter, there’s got to be a transition as to who is actually in charge.” (Worship Artificial Intelligence Or Else?! Google Exec Creates A.I. Church – Image Of The Beast

The Controlled, Dreamless, Digital New Age

More than a few times I have warned you of the coming alien deception orchestrated by the powers that be. The elite are working hand-in-hand with Satan, our Adversary, to bring this about, perhaps because they are already demon possessed or have been tempted by this evil created being in order to agree to help him carry out his evil plans for humanity. In fact, they are helping to create a new breed, a mixed breed using human DNA and animal DNA. Hybrid vessels are being created to be filled with demonic spirits. These may well be the ‘aliens’ that will supposedly invade our planet when, in fact, there are no real aliens at all. Every ‘alien’ we may see will come from the pits of Hell. It is one reason CERN was created, a portal that will be used to allow evil spirits into our world from their dimension of existence, once they are released from their prison. It has been said that these are to be more feared than World War III.

These ‘aliens’ will inhabit the earth on a grand scale and will eat the people that remain, as they are doing now underground, as I have mentioned in a previous article, The Nightmare Of Reality. It is said that AntiChrist will come to the rescue, to establish peace, which will make everyone want to bow down and worship him. Through his supernatural powers, he will convince people that he is God and, sadly, many will buy into his lies, to their eternal damnation. By this time they will have all been microchipped into the AntiChrist system, Satan’s world, which is why I strongly warn you not to take this Mark of the Beast. Once you are chipped, salvation through Jesus Christ will no longer be possible.

Consider also that these supposed ‘aliens’ – actually evil spirits or demons straight from Hell – may possess the robots that are now being developed. With A. I. creations being stronger than humans, what chance would anyone possibly have of survival, especially if these robots need organic material to feed on? Only if they break down or malfunction will people be able to overcome such steel, heavy- duty, super soldier, demonic robots. Just my way of thinking, but something for you to consider.

Have you by any chance heard of the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot (EATR) Project? (See the link below.)

Aliens And Soul Transference

The process of soul transference is very simple and, yes, it does exist today. The ‘aliens’ abduct someone, then bring the person to death very slowly. Then when the person is at his last breath and his essence leaves the body, then it is replaced with another. Moments later, that same physical body will rise up off the table it is laying on, but once inside, the new ‘essence’ will have a completely different agenda, a different ‘soul’, a demonic soul. There is a three-to-seventh month transition period, it is said, for this to be completed because it will take awhile for the demonic entity to adjust to being inside a human body. When this happens to a major figure, that person will be out of the limelight or be very rarely seen. Such people can shapeshift into their reptilian form because they are possessed by these demonic entities. This is why they are seeking to change the atmosphere of our planet, so it will be habitable for them. Personally, I wouldn’t want to encounter any one of these walking corpses. I’ve already witnessed someone shapeshift in front of me, so I have no interest in seeing that again either.

The elite want to create life, become gods, and live forever through technology. In my opinion, belief in evolution is just an excuse for self-serving, self-centered people to sin openly and freely, if they so choose. Evolution justifies the evil that they do. If they believed in God, the True Creator of all things, then they would have to obey His laws. By erasing God from existence, referring to the Bible as a mere myth, evolution leaves these people open to doing whatever they want to do, convincing themselves there are no repercussions for their sins and that they will never be held accountable by God. They have convinced themselves, based on the lies of Satan, that they themselves are gods so they can do whatever they want and not feel bad about it. Their own consciences are seared, so they won’t feel bad about the evil they do. They are trying to create their own version of Heaven on Earth so they can escape God’s judgment. Seriously, how stupid is that? No one can escape that. Dumbing down the populace won’t change their either. What is to be will be. God is a legal God. What has been written for eons, from the creation of the world, still stands.

With the New World Order, it is all about self. This is also evidenced by the fact that these individuals, so twisted in their thinking, are trying to wipe out all of humanity, just because they feel they are better than everyone, are wealthier than everyone, and can do a better job with governing our world, which is why Satan went against God in the first place and was cast out of Heaven to the Earth. He thought he could rule the universe better than the God Who created it. Isn’t that what we are seeing on this planet right now? People who worship Satan, who are trying to remake and recreate our world to suit themselves? Readying the world, controlling the world, so that Satan, through AntiChrist, can rule it as the one world dictator? By destroying morality and all that is good, and righteous, and true? And just for the record, it takes only a bit of common sense to realize that the whole theory of evolution is completely false. Even as a child, I questioned this concept, knowing it could not be true because it made no sense to me.

Personally, I don’t know anyone who ever evolved from a single celled organism or even an ape. So ridiculous, it’s laughable. Yet this is what the elite and their supporters want us to believe. It is all under the guise of New Age. It is all garbage, and I won’t apologize for speaking the truth on this matter. What I don’t understand is is why these people love Satan? He hates them and will not hesitate to dispose of them whenever he feels like it. Talk about being blinded. As with Communism or Socialism, dictators use people to achieve their goals, then they usually wipe out the very people who supported them and helped them get to where they are, so they won’t be threatened. Using lies, deception, is how the Enemy operates and, sadly, too many people have fallen for his wiles, which will only be to their detriment and ultimate destruction.

I find it interesting to note that the many of our leaders and politicians keep using the word ‘dreamers’ of late. Granted, they are using it to refer to illegal immigrants. However, if they get their way, and the New World Order supporters get their way, and their twisted form of evolution is put into play, then those in power will make it so that no one under their control will ever be able to dream or seek to follow through on their dreams ever again. Only the corrupt elite will be able to dream and enjoy their lives. Their brainwashed, chipped slaves will have no lives, but will be controlled and told what they can do. Individualism will be completely wiped out, which is how the Communists operate. Even in college, I noticed how we always had to work in teams, and we were graded as a group, not as an individual. Everyone I know hates that, especially when only one or two people actually do all the work on something, while others are too lazy to contribute anything. Gives us nothing to look forward to, does it? Not in the future the Adversary has planned for us. He goes against everything God made us to be: free, creative, imaginative dreamers, and productive, among other things. God wants us happy. The Adversary does not. He does not care for anyone but himself.

I want you to be aware that true Christians will not be around for the worst of what will happen during the latter days of the tribulation that is yet to come. It is believed that Jesus will take His children home before the really bad things occur here on Earth, when the seventh trumpet sounds. (1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17) Only those who take the Mark of the Beast and remain following what many call the rapture will have to suffer through the demonic invasion of planet Earth. Christians will be secure with Jesus, so will be safe from the onslaught and terrors of the Enemy when he unleashes his war against this world in full force. The only way to escape what is to come is to turn to Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He is our only Hope. Our salvation. The True Son of God. Jesus is the God of Heaven’s armies who serves His Father in Heaven, Jehovah (Yahweh), the mighty I AM. And yes, He is God. He says it himself. “I and My Father are One.” (John 10:30 KJV)

A. I. And The Beast of Revelation

It has been suggested that, based on 2 Thessalonians 2:4, that A. I. may actually be a tool that the beast of Revelation 13 may use to take over the world, as the one world ruler. Of course, we won’t know it until it happens, but we can always keep an open mind. Artifical intelligence is not specifically mentioned in Scripture. However, if one considers the technological advances of our times, of what one can accomplish with it, it makes you wonder. Even now, with the Internet, everything we do, everything we write or say online, and particularly, everything we purchase or sell online, is known. You cannot be connected to one social networking site or buy on another website, without everything being connected or posted somewhere else, somehow. Even if you want to keep them separate, it seems impossible, especially for those who aren’t very tech savvy. Even our banking nowadays is controlled, our phone calls monitored. Most everything is monitored or spied upon. Our most personal information is out there for the world to see in one way or another. We’ve been living under a form of Fascism, Socialism, and Communism in the U. S. all this time, yet we had no idea. This began over 50 years ago, unfortunately, when these evil groups quietly infiltrated our government agencies and other facets of our lives. Fortunately, God brought in Donald Trump to start ‘draining the swamp’ of this evil, at least for a time. God still has an agenda of His own but, because He loves us, has given us a reprieve from what the previous Administration tried to destroy.

The reference in Scripture of the ‘image of the beast’ could very well refer to a form of A. I. And with the new A. I. Church, wherein people will come to worship it, as Scripture refers to the AntiChrist wanting to be worshipped, then this would make perfect sense. I don’t know how it will pan out, but if you are alert and paying attention, you may start to see things around you in a different light than before. Your understanding will increase. It could very well be that Satan will inhabit a robotic form of artificial intelligence, as some believe, although the Bible states that AntiChrist will be a man that Satan enters into, not A. I. (Revelation 13:18)

Immortality Without Technology

If you want to live forever in paradise, then ask God to prove Himself to you. Don’t rely on technology to make you happy and immortal. Jesus Christ is real and alive and will return soon to take His children home to Heaven. True Christians will spend eternity in Heaven, actually on the New Earth that is coming, because Jesus Christ will be coming to rule here, in the New Jerusalem. True Christians will have immortality, and we will live with our Savior, Jesus. He is a God of Truth, of Justice, of Fairness, of Love.

It is easy to love God. He blesses us so much and cares about us. If you want to truly know Him and have a personal relationship with Him, your Creator, then ask Him to come into your heart as your Lord and Savior. Confess your sins to him and turn away from them. He will forgive you, and you will receive the Holy Spirit. Then acknowledge Him and your decision to follow Christ, to at least one other person, because you must believe in your heart that He is Lord, that He came to Earth as a man, died on the cross for our sins, and now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven. Confessing your belief in Him and declaring to others that you accepted Jesus into your heart is the second step. Once you have done this, find a good King James Version of the Holy Bible to read and study. Then, locate a good, Bible-based church that preaches true salvation and the truth of God’s Word. And stay away from taking that Mark of the Beast, believed to be the RFID chip or some similar device.

There is a great deal of material out there for you to investigate A. I. more completely. I have touched only the tip of the iceberg and shared below only a few websites and videos for you to go through. I just want you to be aware of how dangerous artificial intelligence truly is and was meant for evil, for our own destruction.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or prayer needs at

God bless you, and may you stay well informed. Don’t be a snowflake or a sheeple that is easily led astray by the lies of the Enemy and his followers.


“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:4 KJV)

Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:26 KJV)

Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.” (Ezekiel 13:20 KJV)

And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Revelation 13:36 KJV)

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It’s [a] fact that the scientists admit they have no idea how AI actually works.” (


The system [of a driverless vehicle] is so complicated that even the engineers who designed it may struggle to isolate the reason for any single action. And you can’t ask it: there is no obvious way to design such a system so that it could always explain why it did what it did.” (


According to its website, the EATR Project:

the purpose of the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot (EATR)™ (patent pending) project is to develop and demonstrate an autonomous robotic platform able to perform long-range, long-endurance missions without the need for manual or conventional re-fueling, which would otherwise preclude the ability of the robot to perform such missions. The system obtains its energy by foraging – engaging in biologically-inspired, organism-like, energy-harvesting behavior which is the equivalent of eating. It can find, ingest, and extract energy from biomass in the environment (and other organically-based energy sources), as well as use conventional and alternative fuels (such as gasoline, heavy fuel, kerosene, diesel, propane, coal, cooking oil, and solar) when suitable. (source, source)” (


With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know those stories. Where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, and you know it’s like, yeah, sure, you can control the demon. It doesn’t work out.” Elon Musk

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The Artificially Intelligent Antichrist

The First Church of Artificial Intelligence – Creating Their AI God

We’re already being prepared for the A.I. Goddess (Please watch until the end.)

China Aims To Be A Global Leader in AI and Robotic Industry! Robots Reshapes China’s Workforce

The Bible says this is exactly how it would look before the End (2017-2018)

The X Files Reveals Elites’ Plans for 2018…

Uploading Our Minds by 2045, Bodies Replaced by Machines in 90 Years

Shocking absolutely shocking !!! Soul transfer technology

For more information:

Christianity and Artificial Intelligence:

Google and Artificial Intelligence:


Television, Movies, and A. I.:

Saudi Arabia and Sophia:

Spielberg and A. I.:


“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

“That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:11,12 KJV)


The Firmament and The Three Heavens

God created the world to have structure, which includes the firmament and the three heavens.

The firmament includes the present structure of the heavens and the Earth.

The first heaven is our Earth’s atmosphere, the second heaven is the vast expanse of the physical universe – what we know as outer space. The third heaven is the upper sea, which is below God’s throne. (Genesis 1:6-8 KJV)

Most people interpret this [the firmament] to mean just the expanse of the sky (the atmosphere) or outer space, or both (which it is), but the full meaning goes well beyond that simplistic interpretation. The creation of the firmament is associated with the placement of some sort of structure.” (

In summary, here is the structure of God’s created universe:

– The lower sea of physical waters (our seas and oceans)

The first heaven (the atmosphere)

– The second heaven (outer space)

– The sea above outer space and below the third heaven (a sea of separation)

– And above it all, there is the Third Heaven.”


Jacob’s Ladder And Inter-dimensional Portals

Many of you may know the Bible story of Jacob, in Genesis 27, 28.  While fleeing his twin brother, Esau, whom he had angered, he stopped to rest while on his way to stay with a relative.  As Jacob slept, he had a dream, a vision of a ladder – a stairway between Heaven and Earth.  On it were angels who were ascending and descending.  Jacob saw God standing above the ladder.  When Jacob awoke, he believed that God was in that place.  So he poured oil on the stone he was resting on and consecrated it to God.  He called that place Bethel – the house of God. (Genesis 28:10-22)  So clearly, this ladder was man’s connection to the higher realm of Heaven.

On Earth, there are many portals – the windows and doors of Heaven -, many unseen by us, yet they are there nevertheless.  I have referred before to the supercollider, CERN, in Switzerland, that is going to be used to open a gateway – star gate, if you will – to a dimension that will allow demons from Hell to flood into our world.  My understanding is that there are actually 22 other supercolliders (particle accelerators) in the U. S. as well, and I believe many of them are below our national parks where many people disappear every year.  Initially, I had heard there were only 14.  There are also 200 underground military bases.  So clearly, these portals could be entry points for demons from Hell to enter our world. (

CERN, of course, was no mere accident.  I am sure the Fallen Angels I will discuss later shared with men exactly how to build this and other supercolliders meant to open doors to the demonic dimensions to allow into our world these evil beings for a super ‘alien’ takeover.  It is what our leaders are planning as a great alien deception.  In actuality, they are opening the doors to Satan and his followers so they can infiltrate the entire world.  Everything points to bringing about the rise of AntiChrist, the Enemy of God and man.  The Bible is clear on this.

So now we know where a lot of our U. S. tax dollars have been going all these years.  We are slaves to the system, with most of us working our tails off every day to support ourselves, while the powers that be are sucking us dry, for their own greed and gain, and our ultimate demise, if they have their way.  They think most of us are stupid and haven’t figured out what they are doing, which is why they are trying to dumb us all down.  Sadly, they want the older adults to die off quickly because they have already done a good job of brainwashing many of our children into believing their lies.  If those younger only knew that Communism/Socialism/Fascism have nothing to do with the sharing of the wealth, but only to make the rich more rich, and the poor more poor…and controlled.  If the elite get their way and force us into a cashless society, then they will know what we all do with our money because they will monitor our income and spending habits more closely, and they will probably force more taxes on us because they won’t want any of us rich anyways, just surviving to serve their laziness and hedonism.  Interestingly enough, I have heard that Communism is not really the aim of the elite, but monopolies.

Ignorant people, especially those who delve into the occult, can also open doors to the demonic.  This is an established fact.  Ouija boards, seances, books on witchcraft, other Satanic books, secular, hard rock music, certain movies and television shows, even the Holy Qu’ran are some portals to the demonic.  It is said that if one reads the Qu’ran from cover-to-cover, then that person will become possessed by the spirit of Islam.  This might also explain why the powers that be are trying to dominate the world with this evil.  It is one avenue that the Adversary is using to try and wipe Christianity from the Earth.  But I know most of you know this already.  Again, this is for those of you who don’t.

Again, there are many other portals that have been used over the centuries and will continue to be used by demons from Hell to enter our world.  Did you by any chance know that crop circles with those strange spiral designs are actually portals for the demons to enter our world?  Makes some sense now, doesn’t it, of just how they came into being and for what purpose?  There are some, however, that want us to believe that crop circles are part of a new science that will give us energy directly from the sun. (

Are All Aliens Fallen Angels? 

The following facts are as I believe them to be, based on what I have sought God on and of what He has revealed to me because I know that many people may not agree with what I am sharing.  Yes, it is hard to wrap our heads around all of this, but because so much evil is involved here, it is clear that Satan is behind all things related to UFOs and aliens from outer space.  Seriously, have you ever heard of anyone having a pleasant experience with alien abductions or anything else?  That alone should convince you of the truth of what I am sharing.  I do not claim to know everything. There is much information out there that I haven’t looked into yet. But of what I know or have researched, I am sharing with you now.

The first truth I believe is this Aliens do NOT exist. It is all a deception, created by the Enemy and the world and religious leaders he has deceived into following and worshiping him, Hitler being among the first.

The second truth I believe is this:  Aliens may actually be the Fallen Angels, those cast out of Heaven eons ago by God Himself after Satan fought for supremacy. (Revelations 12:9) “…Ben Elohim or ‘fallen angels’ were also known as the Watchers, the Grigori and the Irin.” (

The Fallen Angels are demons/evil spirits who have the ability to assume many forms:  ghosts, familiar spirits, Sasquatches, dopplegangers, UFOs in any shape, basically, anything of the paranormal and supernatural. (Enoch 19:1)  In the Holy Bible, angels are often referred to as ‘stars’.  Again, I am coming at this from a Christian perspective.  All that New Age garbage and references to ‘evolution’ and ‘higher consciousness’ you read or hear about on radio talk shows or T. V. documentaries is false information, deceptions.  All these things are done by Satan and his fallen ones and followers in order to brainwash the public into believing in UFOs and aliens, for the great Satanic agenda he has planned against mankind.

Many of you may wonder why Satan is doing this to us.  Well, it is simple. God created the angels and taught them everything, except how to create life.  This was their first estate.  When Satan, a beautiful angelic being who held a high position in Heaven, grew jealous of God Himself, he conspired against Him, after getting one-third of the angels in Heaven on his side.  But unfortunately for him, they lost.  So he and his followers – the fallen ones – were cast from Heaven to the Earth.  They live in and on the Earth. (Enoch 15:8,10)

These fallen angels envied mankind because we have souls and can still be forgiven.  Satan and his followers lost everything, including their beauty.  But they used their power and knowledge to teach humans much of what they knew, like how to extract metals or make weaponry.  They taught men oppression and revealed eternal secrets.  This made God angry for none of this was meant for our good.  Satan – who I believe is referred to as Azaz’el in the book of Enoch – corrupted mankind. (Enoch 9:6; Enoch 18:14-16)

“YOU see what Azaz’el has done; how he taught all forms of oppression upon the earth.  And they revealed eternal secrets which are performed in heaven and which man learned.”  (Enoch 9:6)

“And the stars which roll over upon the fire, they are the ones which have transgressed the commandments of YAHWEH from the beginning  of their rising because they did not arrive punctually.

“And he was wroth with them and bound them until the time of the completion of their sin in the year of mystery.”  (Enoch 18:15-16)

Satan and the fallen angels want mankind to fall.  The bottom line is is that they envy human beings and hate us.  They hate us because God loves all of us.  Satan and his fallen angels will do anything to bring us down and destroy us.  Sadly, they have recruited our own kind, the leaders of our world, to help them carry out their evil agenda.  Until their goals are achieved, the fallen ones are to remain imprisoned in Antarctica. (Enoch 21, Jude 6)  This is one of the long guarded secrets of the elite globalists.  Although the Holy Bible and the Book of Enoch reveal this truth, the fact that our leaders have known and met with these evil beings for a long time make it clear they did not want the rest of us to know about it.

The third truth I believe is that some, perhaps all, of the banned or forbidden books of the Bible may actually be true. I have heard that Bible scholars and theologians are now taking a second look at them to reconsider the truth of them. I have not read them all yet, so I can’t make a completely informed decision.  However, I do know that the Adversary did NOT want men to know the truth about what he is up to, what he has done over the centuries, and of what he has planned for the future.  I encourage you to download a free copy or purchase the Book of Enoch and read it for yourself.  It should open your eyes to the truth.  This book was written especially for these last days. I know that one or more of the books talk about transhumanism because they share of half man, half beast creatures.  Probably just another secret the powers that be want hidden since the Illuminati have been practicing genetic experimentation for years and have created their own abominations.  This knowledge was no doubt obtained from the fallen ones, to further corrupt mankind.

As an aside, have you ever heard of the Mantauk Monster? (

Also, a recent discovery in Peru is of mummified alien creatures. Since most, maybe all of the governments of the world are involved in the planned alien deception, it is most likely a hoax. These ‘alien remains’ are no doubt fakes that were planted by the Peruvian government or someone else involved in this deception.  The photos of these creatures look fake to me, although they are very detailed. (

One more thing. Occasionally there are other stories of aliens dying or being taken from crash sites.  If these are Fallen Angels, then it would not be possible for them to die.  I wonder then if this is just another deception to keep us confused and in the dark about all of this UFO stuff.

According to, “In 2002 the British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph reported that the Vatican had banned the veneration of those angels who do not appear in the authorised texts of the Bible.  This was an attempt to counter the influence of unnamed New Age groups who were allegedly recruiting new members within the Roman Catholic Church.  In future, prayers were only to be directed to the three archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael who are mentioned in the Bible.  According to the apocryphal and banned Book of Enoch these were the angelic beings responsible for binding the wicked fallen angels or Watchers who had transgressed God’s law.  The news report said that the early Church had excluded the book, attributed to the Old Testament prophet and patriarch Enoch, from the authorised version of the Bible because it described these fallen angels and their activities.” (

In the apocryphal Book of Jubilee, allegedly dictated by “an angel of the Lord” to Moses on Mount Sinai when he also received the Ten Commandments, it says that Enoch was “the first among men that are born on Earth [sic] who learned writing, knowledge and wisdom.”  It says that Enoch wrote down “the signs of Heaven” (the zodiac signs) according to their months in a book.  This was so human beings would know the seasons of the years in relation to the order of the months and their respective stellar and planetary influences.  The indication is that Enoch received this information from extraterrestrial angelic sources, i.e. the Watchers, and therefore he was a cultural exemplar.” (

The fourth truth I believe is that the Fallen Ones are imprisoned in Antarctica, and that many of our world and religious leaders are in league with Satan. (Enoch 10:4-6; Enoch 18:14)  They are attempting to bring about the rise of the man whom Satan will enter into and who will become the one world ruler.  AntiChrist.  He is also known as the son of perdition. (1 John 2:22)  For some reason, our leaders have apparently been convinced that Lucifer is God, which is a lie.  The deceivers are themselves deceived.

And secondly YAHWEH said to Raphael, “Bind Azaz’el hand and foot and throw him into the darkness!” And he made a hole in the desert which was in Duda’el and cast him there;

he threw on top of him rugged and sharp rocks. And he covered his face in order that he may not see light;

and in order that he may be sent into the fire on the great day of judgment.” (Enoch 10:4-6)

Then the malak said to me, ‘This place is the ultimate end of heaven and earth: it is the prison house for the stars and the powers of heaven.’” (Enoch 18:14)

And he said unto me, ‘This place is the prison house of the angels; they are detained here forever.’” (Enoch 21:10)

Antarctica has been referred to as the coldest desert on earth, and many believe the name Duda’el is the location of Antarctica. However, others attest to the fact that it is in Cairo, Egypt:

The Desert of Dudael is in Upper Egypt.  Specifically Cairo.  The Arch-angel Raphael built the Great Pyramid of Giza to imprison Azazel.  He is underneath the Great Pyramid in a hole with his face covered and hands/feet bound…The book of Enoch is absolutely referenced in the Bible in the book of Jude.  The book of Jude directly quotes the book of Enoch.  The book of Enoch is absolutely correct and true.  It should be noted that Egypt is the land of the Hebrews.  Remember, the Most High said that everywhere the Children of Israel’s feet touched, would be theirs.  Dudael is not in present-day Israel, it is in Cairo.” (Sarai 144, September 28, 2013;

The fact that Satan may be chained in Egypt may very well be true. However, the fallen ones may be in the earth, under Antarctica.  This, I believe, is the ‘Shadow Government’ everyone keeps talking about.  They are the ones directing our world leaders on what they should be doing.  Apparently, if one disobeys, there are consequences.  There is a story of John Kerry going to Antarctica to have words with these entities.  It is said that they were upset with him, so Kerry left and journeyed to New Zealand, where suddenly there was a large earthquake, apparently caused by the disgruntled entities. (

Lastly, although there is much truth to be shared about Antarctica, know that our deceived, perhaps possessed leaders, at the direction of the Fallen Angels imprisoned in Antarctica, are directing them on how best to destroy the Hebrew DNA, much as Hitler tried to do by exterminating the Jews, and prepare the world so they can take over the Earth.  Christians and Christianity must also be wiped out in order for them to pull this off.  To do this, the Fallen Angels gave secrets to men, as they did when they were cast to Earth, leaving their first estate, which helped develop our sophisticated technology.  They helped create the chemtrails used to wipe out vegetation, pollute our waters, and kill off men through demonic infestations, among other things.  There is no way men could have created so much advanced technology by themselves.

On Global Warming And Climate Change

It is said that the Earth is actually cooling, not heating up, that the data on global warming and climate change has been fabricated.  Initially, it was said that the Halliburton episode in 2010 was meant to effect changes to the flow of the Gulf stream.  At the time, it was meant to make things so cold in the northern part of the U. S. so as to make the heating costs rise so that the electric companies would make a fortune off the heating bills.  Now, it seems that the opposite is happening. The cold areas are heating up, and the tropics are cooling down.  I do not believe that God would ever do this because He made the Earth exactly as He wanted it to be.

And then they came up with that garbage about rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels due to the burning of fossil fuels and fire being used to clear jungle and forest areas.  More hogwash.  Any changes to our weather can only happen in two ways.  By God’s divine hand, or by the famous weather modification system known as HAARP.

Also, I have heard that the climate change advocates never tell us that we must lead a carbon neutral lifestyle, but only the governments, corporations, utility companies, and the like. If they do that, then the advocates are hoping that the rest of us will just go along with whatever they want. They don’t tell us to change our lifestyles. What they are aiming for is to keep our governments overlarge so they can put more controls us because they are blaming us for global warming anyways, which is not true of us at all.

Also, by heating up the earth (hence, what is called the myth of climate change and global warming), the intention, I believe, is to wipe out human beings as part of the elite’s global depopulation agenda.  Somewhere I also heard that by doing this, it will make the earth more habitable for the demons to live on when the time comes.  But first, they have to melt their icy prison in Antarctica so they can be freed.  I am not sure about this, but I thought it worth mentioning. The Arctic also has to melt away.  As an aside, perhaps you have heard about what is happening in Europe. A heatwave so hot they have dubbed it ‘Lucifer’.

Also, it is said there are all kinds of minerals and other valuable resources beneath the frozen ice that our leaders want to get their hands on, which could be another reason they want the Arctic and the Antarctic to melt. As you may know, recently a huge chunk of ice already broke away from Antarctica. As the world continues to heat up, more and more ice will melt.

Centuries ago, the Antarctic was dry land, so apparently those controlling our world want it to dry out once more. The following piri-reis map shows a no-ice Antarctica at one time:

Regarding global warming:

“…Whatever we do is likely to lead to death on a scale that makes all previous wars, famines and disasters small…

“A constellation of evidence points towards the reality of an ongoing, clandestine, climate modification campaign, originating, at the very least, from the 1970s, of unprecedented proportions and the utmost audacity and arrogance.  Its overarching aim is to convert the Arctic ice into a meltwater, opening it up for its vast resources of oil, gas and minerals and to alter the global climate to one more favourable to the northern temperate zones and less favourable to equatorial and semi-tropical zones.  The scientific establishment up to 1975 seemed also to have been concerned that the earth was entering a long-term Ice age.  This may have been a genuine concern but may also have been a means of drumming up support.”  James Lovelock  (

UFOS And Alien Abductions

There are websites out there, including that share how ‘aliens’ – the fallen ones, if you will – from Zeta Reticuli, some area in space, agreed to share their high tech, sophisticated technology with men IF they would be allowed to kidnap our children and others to be used for genetic experimentation.  They would also be used as slaves and even as food.  Our missing children are also being programmed through traumatic mind control techniques, mainly developed by Hitler and his people, no doubt at the urging of the fallen ones.  If you read my article, The Nightmare Of Reality, you will understand more about this and other evil our own deceived leaders have brought against us, such as human cloning, child abductions, etc.  Even the Fast and Furious episode of drug trafficking was done deliberately by the powers that be.  Remember also, this is all about control.  The demons want to control the people or wipe out all those who will not submit themselves to them or bow down to Satan.  The devil’s pride, jealousy and lust for supremacy over God is what got him and his followers kicked out of Heaven in the first place. He is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and wants to be worshiped on Earth because he has always believed he could rule the world better than our Mighty Creator, GOD.  He wants a world government under his control and free of God altogether.  One way he has done this is to convince some that God did not create the universe but that it was done through the ‘big bang’.  One cannot promote the false theory of evolution without it.

If you see blinking lights or objects in the sky, or things that appear to change shape or appearance in the sky, it is because Fallen Angels have that ability to morph into anything.  They love the fact that we think they are aliens from another world.  Now don’t get me wrong, the Bible does talk about other worlds.  But I have found nothing in Scripture that shares any information on what those worlds are (Hebrews 1:2; 11:3) or what they contain.  The word ‘planet’ is not even mentioned in Scripture.  It only shares of the sun, the moon, and the stars, and the hosts of Heaven (believed to refer to the armies of Heaven, which are ‘stars’ – angels).

The Book of Enoch shares much about the ‘luminaries’ of heaven and what that pertains to.  This is not to say that there are not inter-dimensional portals from other worlds God may have created.  But I am believing that if there were, that it would be mentioned in God’s Word.  Unless I have missed it, I have seen no reference to it.  The only thing mentioned is Jacob’s ladder.  If I am wrong, I am open to other opinions on this.  However, there are ancient wall paintings, hieroglyphs with drawings of strange, reptilian creatures coming through spiral portals.  Hence, the crop circles, for example.

There are reports of alien happenings in which certain entities refer to themselves as ‘I AM’ or as ‘the Host’. Since the Bible refers to the hosts of Heaven, then theses entities are most likely some of the fallen ones.  Anything calling itself I AM is blaspheming GOD, the mighty I AM.  Satan loves to mock God in various ways, and this, apparently, is one of them.  Clearly, these are not aliens from outer space, although that is what they want us to believe. (

If one questions the ancient indigenous – Anasazi – sightings of strange beings coming through portals that resembled reptiles, then there can be no doubt that these referred to are Satan or his followers.  Remember, they lost their angelic beauty when they rebelled against God and were cast out.  They now resemble reptiles or morph into other strange looking or frightening creatures.  More research would add too much to this article so, if you are interested, be sure to get a copy of the book, Demons: An Eyewitness Account, by Howard O. Pittman, and check out what the author shares on his accounts with the demonic. Well worth the read. Also, Scripture refers to Satan as the great dragon, so keep that in mind.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12:9 KJV)

The existence of ‘aliens’ is only evidenced by what people have witnessed, want to believe in, or have experienced themselves.  Many who have been abducted by ‘aliens’ report having been taken to military bases for genetic experimentation or other medical testing.  They know that no aliens kidnapped them.  They have been conditioned to believe that bright lights and helicopters were space ships.  Again, the fallen angels are demons/evil spirits, nothing more, although others say they are not.  Everything taught us about these beings are meant to keep us wondering and confused.  Satan is the father of lies, a destroyer, and a deceiver.  He is the author of confusion.  Nothing these supposed ‘aliens’ are doing to human beings is good.  These things are evil beyond imagining.  They pretend to use humans for genetic experimentation, etc. to help preserve their races, but it is all a lie.  They hate us and enjoy kidnapping and torturing people, destroying lives.  This is the mark of Satan, NOT of any kind, benevolent beings.  It is all a deception meant to keep us confused and which keep our leaders from stopping it and protecting us.  They clearly can care less about us, so long as they get out of it what they want.  Consider ISIS.  What butchers like these do is what these supposed ‘aliens’ do.  Also, by kidnapping and planting ‘alien’ seed into human women, they are trying to create a race of ‘super beings’ to establish their own reptilian, demonic race upon the Earth.  All of this is leading to the rise of the coming AntiChrist, the enemy of mankind.

Sadly, our own governments and military are involved in the kidnappings and cover-ups.  There are enough paranormal television shows sharing people’s experiences with desert abductions or bright lights or other UFO stuff, so you know I’m not making all of this up.  In fact, it was President Eisenhower who made an agreement with the Enemy to begin with, to gain the advanced technology the ‘aliens’ had.  Whether he knew what they really were or not remains to be seen.  Either way, he handed the American people over to these malevolent beings. We have been sold out, literally. (

There are, of course, space ships out there.  Remember, the fallen ones shared technology with our world leaders that was forbidden to man.  I have heard that flying saucers are actually made in ‘The Air Capital Of The World’, right here in Kansas.  My guess is that, if this is true, this technology was traded to our governments, and kidnapped slaves may also be being used underground to help build these ships.  No doubt, our own military, Hitler, and the fallen ones are responsible for these crafts and are using them for whatever purposes.  Just remember, the ultimate goal is for the Enemy to have a world filled with micro-chipped, mind-controlled human beings. Slaves.

Supposed extraterrestrials come in three popular forms.  As I said, the fallen angels have the power to transform into any shape or form.  No doubt you have heard of the greys, the Nordics, and the humanoids.  Yes, strange humanoids do walk among us.  The woman I saw shape-shift into a reptilian right in front of me had me fooled into believing she was a human being.  I do know she is heavily involved in witchcraft, which may explain this.  It is all part of the devil’s deception, and it is easy to fall for it, which is why the Bible tells us to be as wise as serpents ourselves, yet as harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16)

On a more positive side, it appears that a praying, Bible-thumping Christian stands a better chance of not being kidnapped by these ‘aliens’ than others.  Apparently, the fallen ones prefer to go after New Agers.  And yes, there is a fear of God, even among the fallen ones.  To harm one of God’s children is not a good thing because God’s judgment will come against them in the end.  The fallen ones have already learned this for themselves. (James 2:19)

If you read through the Holy Bible, you will see that there are some mystery clouds mentioned.  God often came to Earth in a cloud.  After Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He returned to Heaven in a cloud.  Supernaturally.  But they are not ‘space aliens’ the Adversary wants us to believe exist.  God is a Spirit, after all, not some strange looking creature.  In fact, when the devil and his followers were cast from Heaven, they were not only doomed to eternity in Hell, but they lost all of their former heavenly beauty, as I mentioned earlier.  Now, they are grotesque, ugly creatures that have great powers and knowledge that are superior to those of men.  As I said, they have the ability to change into any shape or form they desire.  Hence, they are now passing themselves off as space aliens, with the help of our world and religious leaders.  Because our leaders are blind to the truth and greatly deceived. Or…they are doing it willingly and do know what they are dealing with and doing and just don’t care.  Clearly, the Enemy has deceived them and tempted them with great rewards, but they will learn the hard way when the time comes the power of the one true God, just as Adam and Eve did.  It is also possible these leaders have already been possessed, taken over by Satan, and are now slaves to him.

If you do not believe in the reptilians, then you had better open your eyes. Hollywood has been making mention of these things in some of their television shows. It is subtle, a quick comment a character may make during a show about the reptilians and the takeover of people in Hollywood. But it is there, and I can assure you, after much doubt myself, that the reptilians are real and are of the Adversary. But if I am wrong, then someone had better explain to me what I saw in that woman when she transformed in front of me. Hollywood could be mentioning these things to deceive us, as part of the overall deception the powers that be have planned. Or it is a warning, a sharing of secret truth. Either way, we need to be wise as serpents in all that we learn. I am just putting it out there for you to consider or investigate for yourselves.


And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” (Luke 10:18 KJV)

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”  (Isaiah 14:12 KJV)

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”  (2 Corinthians 11:14 KJV)

A major finding of the [Trilateral} commission was the aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments.  The aliens explained these actions as necessary for their survival, that if their genetic structure were not improved, their race would cease to exist.(

Eisenhower was the last president to know the entire overview of the alien problems. Succeeding presidents were told only what MJ-12 wanted them to know, and it was NOT the truth.  MJ-12 presented each new president with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet and shower us with gifts of technology.  Each president has bought that story hook, line and sinker.  Meanwhile, innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research that would make the Nazis pale in comparison.  As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood.  At least 1 in every 40 Americans have been implanted with alien devices that are used to control them if necessity calls. (

“And like a spirit questioning me, the Angel said:  “This is the place of the end of Heaven and Earth; this is the prison for the stars and the powers of Heaven.”

“And the stars which roll over the fire, these are the ones which transgressed the command of the Lord, from the beginning of their rising, because they did not come out at their proper times.

“And He was angry with them, and bound them until the time of the consummation of their sin, in the Year of Mystery.”  (Enoch 18:14-16)

“And Uriel said to me, “Here shall stand in many different appearances the spirits of the angels which have united themselves with women.  They have defiled the people and will lead them into error so that they will offer sacrifices to the demons as unto gods, until the great Day of Judgment in which they shall be judged till they are finished.”  (Enoch 19:1)

“But now the giants who are born from the union of the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth.”  (Enoch 15:8)

“Evil spirits have come out of their bodies.  Because from the day that they were created from the kodesh ones they became the Watchers; their first origin is the spiritual foundation.  They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits.”  (Enoch 15:9)

“The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth.”  (Enoch 15:10)

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  (Ephesians 6:12 KJV)

“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”  (Ephesians 2:2 KJV)

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?  He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”  (1 John 2:22 KJV)

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it WERE possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”  (Matthew 24:24 KJV)

“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”  (Jude 6 KJV)

“The New Man is living among us!…He is intrepid and cruel!  I was afraid in his presence!” (Adolf Hitler)




Amazingly, I came across the following video AFTER I completed this article:

Beware: The Greatest Deception of All – Billions will be Deceived

Return of the Fallen Angels | Tom Horn & Cris Putnam on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!


For more information:

Giannini, F. Amadeo, Worlds Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, Vantage Press: New York, (c) 1959.



Further items of interest:


I am not on board with the following story regarding the Thiaoouba Prophecy but am believing that the powers that be concocted it to help pull off their alien deception, but you can read it and decide for yourself. This book is available as a free download online as well. Meanwhile, you can check out the video below:

Michel Desmarquet:

Photo Credits:



In this bold, new world of Virtual Reality lies nothing but pain, heartache and Antichrist.”

The Brainwashing

I first heard about Virtual Reality in the 1992 science fiction/horror movie, The Lawnmower Man, based on a short story by the famous writer, Stephen King. If interested, you can watch this movie in its entirety for free on Brainstorm is another film you can watch on this subject. At the time I watched The Lawnmower Man, the concept of Virtual Reality was pretty new and farfetched at the time (at least publicly). But now that I see how many are fascinated and excited by the gaming, and playing with the Virtual headsets, I started wondering what these things are actually doing to people’s brains. As I began researching this latest craze, I discovered many unsettling things about this electronic technology and of just how dangerous it all is. It was developed by the New World Order globalists and our own military. That should tell you just how bad Virtual Reality truly is. It’s effect on society is alarming, and Satan is behind all of it. If you watch the trailer for The Lawnmower Man 2, you will see the Illuminati symbolism and mention of the New World Order, and the mention of a cyberspace savior/messiah.

I am not sure how many use cable television or have satellite, but I do know that, as a current cable subscriber, that the programming is repeatedly showing movies such as Resident Evil. Can’t say as if I’ve ever watched it, but there are many gamers out there who I am sure know it well. Many play this game, together with other games. But, if your eyes are wide open, you will know that the repeated showing of this and other similar movies – to the point of boring, I might add – is meant to brainwash people. The more the networks keep showing this garbage, the more people will get sucked into Satan’s trap. Brainwashing by the New World Order, using television, the media, and games to manipulate and control us, especially our children. (

Virtual Reality is all about leading us to accept Satan as our one world ruler, controlling our minds and being enslaved to the Order. Satan and his minions are trying to control the entire world and transform our minds into buying into his lies, his garbage, and his filth. He is trying to get the world to except as normal: horror, murder, blood, fear, zombies, vampires, werewolves, all things horrific and negative. These things are not normal.

The Adversary plays with our emotions, playing on our most vulnerable, secret areas, knowing what will arouse us, knowing what to use to get people hooked and wanting more horror, more perversions, more emotional highs based on fear, lust, terror, corruption, and the like. Who on earth would ever want to live in a world of control, enslavement, violence, hatred, filth, porn, and everything that God calls an abomination in His eyes? It is ‘virtually’ Hell on earth when that happens. Look, for example, what terror and destruction ISIS has brought to our world. Is that the world we want for our children in future, our families? I think not.

If you are a parent, I suggest that you keep your children far far away from these things, if you can. I know that some of you may not care that Satan is trying to take over the world completely and enslave and corrupt your children. But for those who believe in God and the coming judgments, please, for the sake of your children and family members, stay far away from all of these things.

Electronic Mind Control

I know I know. Virtual Reality is cool, awesome, exciting. And quite tempting. People love it. But it is aimed at deceiving us and brainwashing us. It is purely evil and created for an evil purpose, although it is disguised as an avenue for healing or assistance for many health issues. By definition, according to Mark E. Koltko-Rivera, Ph.D. of the Professional Services Group, Inc. of Winter Park, Florida, “Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful technology with a potential for far-ranging social and psychological impact [and] has the potential to profoundly alter human society, not by altering our physical bodies (as genetic engineering or cyborgization might), but by altering our perceptions and interactions.” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality, January, 2005)

“The term “Virtual Reality” (VR) refers to an immersive simulation that involves relatively high verisimilitude. ‘In general … the term Virtual Reality refers to an immersive, interactive experience based on real-time 3-D graphic images generated by a computer’ (Pimental & Teixeira, 1995, p. 15, italics in original).” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality, January, 2005)

“[The] preferred definition is an immersive experience in which participants…view stereoscopic or biocular images, listen to 3-D sounds, and are free to explore and interact within a 3-D world (Pimental & Teixeira, 1995, p. 91).” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality, January, 2005)

According to Dr. Koltko-Rivera, it is believed that by 2025, the VR experience may be something like that as shown in the holodeck on the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series (Roddenberry, 1987) or in numerous other shows and movies such as The Matrix (Wachowski Brothers, 1999), eXistenZ (Cronenberg, 1999), and even some epidosdes of the X-Files (Gibson, Maddox, & Carter, 2000), to name a few. (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality, January, 2005)

The brain treats Virtual Reality as real. Virtual Reality tricks the brain. People all maintain that using it is fun, yet it makes some people sweat with sheer terror, and their heart races. Some experience headaches or nausea. Proof that there are implications to using this technology. Anything that messes with a person’s brain is never good, in my opinion. These sorts of devices can control you, which is basically the whole point of Virtual Reality in the long run. In the beginning, this seems like exciting, harmless fun. But where it may lead is dangerous. Sadly, I see television ads for buying or people using Virtual Reality devices on an almost daily basis now, so beware. If you want to understand just how dangerous this technology is and its true purpose, then watch the movie: Apocalypse II: Revelation. It is fiction but based on the Holy Bible’s Book of Revelation. The link is posted below.

Also, according to Dr. Koltko-Rivera, research shows that “participating in a violent VR game produced more aggressive thoughts than either watching this game or acting out the physical movements (Calvert & Tan, 1994); indeed, playing violent video games seems to lead people to think of themselves as more aggressive people overall. (Uhlmann & Swanson, 2004)” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality)

Unfortunately, Dr. Koltko-Rivera also states that “In the future world that I have described, VR will place many impulses within reach of instant virtual gratification, with no immediate social or legal consequences. By doing this, VR will radically change some of the fundamental rules on which the game of life has been played throughout the entire length of human history. Surely this may have momentous social consequences.” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality)

Satan’s Virtual Reality Agenda

The Adversary wants to control the world forever. Always has and still does. With Virtual Reality, he can control a person’s mind and brainwash and deceive the victim into accepting his ultimate goal. To worship him as God. He has always been jealous of God, which is why he was cast out of Heaven eons ago. He was cast to Earth, he and his supporting angels. The fallen ones. He is now the ‘prince of the power of the air’. (Ephesians 2:2) He is behind all the evil in our world today. He will be allowed to mess around his playground here on Earth until such time as God says ‘Enough!‘ and Jesus Christ returns to destroy all those who are destroying our present world…and the works of the devil. That is Biblical. It is one reason Jesus Christ came to Earth to begin with. (Hebrews 2:14-15; 1 John 3:8)

The Adversary knows that Jesus Christ will be returning soon to put a stop to his evil works, which is why he is trying so hard to wipe all believers, all Christians from the Earth. He is hoping to annihilate all of us so that there will be no reason for Jesus to return. He knows he is already judged and facing eternal punishment, so as he tried to tempt Jesus when he fasted 40 days in the desert, he is trying to tempt the world to accept and worship him in the same way. (Matthew 4:1-11)

Currently, in a last ditch effort to control the world, he has brought in the Virtual Reality technology to try and destroy us. Virtual Reality is like a playground. It makes people never want to leave their chairs, to just sit there and enjoy the fantasy world the Adversary has created, through his evil supporters. At first, it is cool, fun, awesome. People can live out their fantasies, with no repercussions. Until the true purpose is revealed. The fantasies will soon become reality. You can perhaps kill people in that virtual world, only to discover later that you really did kill someone. It will no longer be make believe, an enjoyable fantasy. Satan will use this unbelievable technology to trap you. He will put a choice before you. To either accept him and worship him as a god, denying Jesus Christ, and take the Mark of the Beast, or he will kill you. That is the ultimate goal and purpose of Virtual Reality. Satan’s world dominance.

The Day of Wonders

Virtual Reality is meant to blind people to true reality. If people cannot see what Satan is doing and trying to accomplish, he will get away with much. He wants people controlled and even believing that they can be like gods. He will do anything he can to turn people away from the One True God, the Mighty I AM. The God of the Bible. Some will be so full of themselves, they won’t even see or listen to the truth anymore. Isn’t that what is happening in our world right now? Even after the 2016 U. S. Presidential election, it is easy to see how people don’t want to accept the truth that the Hillary supporters did not get what they wanted. They feel they have lost something when, in fact, just the opposite is true. President Trump is trying to repair all the damage the Democrats – the Communists, New World Order supporters, and Luciferians– have done to our nation in order to cause chaos so the people will beg the Government to step in and help us. It was how the Adversary was trying to gain control and establish his evil kingdom on Earth.

Those with our eyes wide open can see what is happening. It is for our benefit that our new President is trying to repair and restore what Satan has attempted to take away from us (although there may be another agenda here, one I may save for a later article), basically, in America, all of our freedoms guaranteed us by the U. S. Constitution: freedom of speech, gun ownership, and the list goes on. Sadly, control of the Internet has already been set in place by the NWO. Our privacy has been invaded on a grand scale. All of the evil that the Obama Administration brought against the people of America was meant for the rise of the most evil person on Earth to rule over us, to dictate how we are to live, what we are to eat, what we are allowed to do, etc. AntiChrist, a man whom Satan already manipulates and controls, the one man Satan will enter into to take control and force the entire world to bow down to. For eons he craved God’s position of Sovereighty. Satan was one of the most beautiful angels in Heaven, at the top of the angelic heirarchy, but that was not enough for him. He was evil in his heart and wanted to take God’s place. He craved to be worshipped, as God is. Although he is a created being, he thought he would do a better job than God does, at everything. So, after a furious battle, Satan lost the war and was cast out of Heaven, together with one-third of his supporters, to rule the Earth. Since that time, he has been making his plans to wipe out God’s people and get the worship and power he desires. That is the truth of it. With Virtual Reality, referred to in the movie called Apocalypse II: Revelation as The Day of Wonders, Satan’s crowning achievement – people can be brought into a whole new world, one the Adversary created to control people. He has already taken control of the Internet. Virtual Reality is meant to keep us distracted and preoccupied so we just won’t notice what is happening in the world around us. And he’s hoping we will buy into it.

In a nutshell, STAY AWAY FROM VIRTUAL REALITY. It is purely evil and meant for our destruction, in the end, meant to take away our freedom of thought, among other things. It is meant to make people into mindless drones – zombies. Controlled, submissive, and dumb. Is this how you want to live your life? Only to later find yourself in Hell for all eternity? If you worship Satan – AntiChrist – then that is probably where you will end up, especially if you have willingly taken the Mark of the Beast.

You need to have nothing to do with Virtual Reality headsets. Don’t use one ever, not once. Read Revelation 13 very, very carefully about the second beast who has the power to create a virtual world and bring it to life.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

(Revelation 13:15 KJV)

Geoffrey Grider

February 22, 2016

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.

And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.”

(Hebrews 2:14-15 KJV)

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

(1 John 3:8 KJV)

The Lawnmower Man trailer 1992:

The Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace Trailer:

How Virtual Reality Affects The Brain:

What Does The Oculus Rift Do To Your Brain?:

VR Nausea and headaches:

Augmented Reality: The New Mind Control:

The End: Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality:

Big Push for VR Mind Control (Mark Zuckerberg):

Mind Control Transhumanism Agenda in Virtual Reality – Mark Zuckerberg Wants To Steal Your Brain:

For more information and bibliography:,-Defeat-Of

Koltko-Rivera, Mark E., PhD: “The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality”, January, 2005,

Buset, Melanie: “Can Living in Virtual Environments Alter Reality?”, March, 2015,

Springmeier, Fritz & Wheeler, Cisco, 2007, Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula, Chapter 6: Science No. 6 – The Use of Electronics & Electricity, Section E4. Virtual reality,,8599,1739601,00.html


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