Prayers for Protection And Defense

The following prayers can be downloaded for your personal use.  Feel free to print them (21 pages) in .doc or .pdf formats.

I have a strong gift of prayer and have many that I pray because I am continually targeted and under attack by the powers that be, as is this ministry.  Most of the following I wrote and use, while some I borrowed from other websites and revamped for my situation.  I hope you will find them useful as well.

You may direct any problems or questions to me at:







There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain

Rape Is A Taboo Subject

Rape. A taboo subject. Rarely do people talk about it. Or the repercussions of it.

In this season, it is important to be made aware of how Satan and his forces are using rape and other forms of violence to try and dominate the world, to prepare the way for AntiChrist’s rule. Prior to the return of Jesus Christ. As mentioned previously, Satan hates women because Jesus Christ was born through a woman, Mary, by the Spirit of God. (Luke 1:35) As Scripture says, AntiChrist has no regard for women either. (Daniel 11:37) He hates and despises all women, so using rape and other oppressions to lower women, to take vengeance against them, is behind his rationale of using rape as one way to get back at God for what was done to him eons ago.

Sadly, rape is becoming a common hate-filled evil, thanks to those opposing the followers of Christ. It matters not the age or the sex of a person, or even if they are human. Rape is being used to violate, kill, and humiliate its victims. It is used by cowards who are filled with the spirit of the Evil One, men who think they are doing what their false god wants them to do in order to bring their plans to fruition. In reality, this is a false god. To say he doesn’t exist is not even true. This false god is, in fact, a demon prince of Satan, one serving the Adversary, one at the top of his evil heirarchy of angels. Those who were cast out of Heaven by the one True God, I AM.

Jesus Christ is the King, the God of the armies of Heaven. He was there with His Father Elohim, Jehovah, when the world was created. He was there when Satan was cast out of Heaven. (Luke 10:18) He now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven. Waiting for the day of His return, the day of which only our Father knows of. Meanwhile, evil is allowed to take place in a world dominated by the Adversary who, remember, is the ‘prince of the power of the air’. (Ephesians 2:2) He commits havoc and chaos and destruction on Earth, which is his playground, until Jesus comes back to show Him just Who is in control of the universe.

Unholy Soul Ties With Sinners

If people are not saved, having submitted their lives to Jesus Christ, been born-again, then many are still walking in sin. The sin all people were born with because of Adam’s fall from grace. Through Satan’s influence on the earth, many are following wicked ways and not being obedient to the ways of the one True God of Heaven and Earth. I AM.

Unless a man and a woman are bound together in holy matrimony, their souls combined as one, then any fornication outside of marriage is a sin before God. Sadly, this is all too common today. I blame Hollywood’s influence on much of this, too. Many shows and movies make it seem normal and acceptable for people to jump in bed together, to have sex on the very first date. Not one of them ever wants to wait until they are married. This goes completely against the Law of God. Marriage is to be holy and sacred and done within the blessings and laws of God. But this is in accord with Christian beliefs. Unfortunately, there are many false religions out there that have been heavily influenced and created by men walking with the Adversary and not with the one True and Living God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. They actually believe they are, but this is not true. It is just one more lie from the Enemy, one more form of deception. Anything God is against, the Enemy is trying to mandate now as law. Every abomination in the eyes of God is being rallied by Satan and his followers as normal: rape, incest, bestiality, lying, destruction, etc. Raping to fulfill lust instead of controlling one’s baser nature is not of God, but of Satan. Self-control comes through the Holy Spirit of God, when a person is born-again. Those not born of God think it their right to ease themselves with whomever and whenever they feel like it. This is completely wrong and evil.

Many people may go through life, completely unaware that they can be bound to other people through “soul ties”. Soul ties are ungodly, invisible, and unhealthy for a person in all respects, particularly if they are connected to another due to rape of any kind.

With rape rampant now, through one false religion, ideology in particular, a man’s religion created for men and by men, soul ties with sinners are now causing untold problems for the victims of rape, if they even survive to talk about it. Sadly, many victims are raped to death, which is horrible to even think about.

I know someone who has been raped several times. Sadly, she is now under psychiatric care because she is under ceaseless mental torment, caused by the evil spirits that entered her through rape.

This is what happens when someone not born of God and the Spirit violates another. The evil from the rapist is shared with the victim through an unholy soul tie. Imagine how many children who have been sexually abused by family members or others in their lives are suffering. Or how many are now messed-up adults under psychiatric care because of mental illness. Most mental illness is caused by evil spirits, something that many aren’t even aware of. It is easier to label and diagnose people as being mentally ill or insane and treat them with drugs than to cast out the evil spirits that are actually afflicting them.

I asked the rape victim I spoke with what exactly she experiences when being tormented. She shared that it is as if she is in a trance. She cannot function, cannot do anything normal. She just lays around all day, accomplishing nothing. She tries to pray, yet even that is difficult for her. Which is why she contacts me through our prayer ministry for prayer, almost daily, sometimes even two or three times a day. She told me that only my prayers seem to help these attacks. She refers to them as attacks because that is what they are. Attacks by evil spirits.

Recently, I started doing more research on rape and soul ties and came across a prayer that I felt might be useful for this woman. We have recited it together over the phone several times. At the time of the prayer, she said she felt a release inside. Sometimes, it is always in the wording of a prayer that someone is set free. My prayers gave the woman peace, but they weren’t a complete cure, we discovered. I also told the woman that if she wasn’t free the first time we prayed, then we needed to persist. Sometimes our prayers may not be answered right away and may, in fact, take years. Praise God! Fortunately, as of this writing, this woman has not had an attack in three or more days. But still, we need to persist, to make sure she has overcome this completely, through victory in Jesus Christ.

Be Aware

As illegal aliens and followers of Satan wreak havoc throughout the world, America must become more aware of what could happen here. If you read the previous article I wrote on ‘The Demonic Invasion’, posted a month or so ago, you should be clear on the fact that many evil spirits are now infiltrating our country and other western nations in even greater number, through illegal aliens. Believers in Christ need to learn how to do spiritual warfare, to defend themselves against future attacks by the Enemy against them. So that if someone you know or love is raped, be aware that an unholy soul tie has now been made with the innocent victim of these evil sinners and needs to be dealt with through prayer.

Also, if you are yourself a victim of rape, I empathize with your suffering and pain, the shame of it all. But know that Jesus understands and loves you and does not want you to suffer the repercussions for the rest of your life. Jesus came to set the captives free from all bondage, which includes soul ties.

Prayers To Break Ungodly Soul Ties

Below is one prayer you can pray for release of the unholy soul ties that may be tormenting you because of the evil done against you. A very simple prayer that works, that I came across in my research. There are many ministries out there that specialize in certain Scriptural topics, so I have posted a few links below. They are very good and well worth your time to read through. They are more involved than what I offer here, but I am more concerned with your being aware of what the illegals are bringing into our nations to contaminate and destroy and of our need to defend ourselves spiritually, preferably before anything happens.


The following prayer was found at:

“Lord, you gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us clean house. Let us acknowledge our sins and admit that we have ‘tied’ ourselves to idols/individuals whom You never intended us to be united to. Let us confess and repent of all sexual sins – whether intentional or by force. The enemy wanted to destroy us Lord. But God, You are greater! Lord – be our door, be our gate. We let the evil out and the good in. We are called and chosen by the King of Kings. What the enemy has tried to steal will be restored 30, 60, 100 times over.

“Holy Spirit, we need your help in bringing the truth to light. We break all unhealthy soul ties from (you fill in names if you know them) by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. We ask that all covenants and agreements that we entered into from the enemy be broken in Jesus’ Name. You are our God, and there is no other. Cancel all unhealthy and ungodly agreements, Lord. Let those words be turned into dust. Let Your Word prevail, Lord – in our hearts, our minds, and our spirits. We choose to honor this body that you have come to live in.** We belong to you and we will fulfill your plans for us, in Jesus’ Name.”


I also came across an outstanding website that contains many prayers a person can pray to free themselves from all spiritual, ungodly soul ties. Rather than repost them all here, I recommend you check out the following ministry site, which has a variety of necessary prayers for breaking soul ties and trauma bonds, generational legacies, betrayal bonds, bindings through unforgiveness, etc. that is well worth a look :

Remember, if you have any prayer needs, feel free to contact us at our subministry, Walking in Deliverance With God through the link on our home page. We will be happy to pray with you.

If you have any questions or would like to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior before it is too late, feel free to contact us at:

May the Lord bless you always.



Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” (Hebrews 13:4 KJV)

And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” (1 Samuel 18:1 KJV)

What? Know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh.” (1 Corinthians 6:16 KJV)

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body: but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” (1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV)

For more information:

**If you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit will then come in to reside in you.

The Lord GOD has directed this ministry to start a separate prayer ministry, called Walking In Deliverance With God.  I and other prayer warriors who are strongly gifted in prayer have partnered together to pray for the needs of others throughout the world.  In fact, one of these believers actually died for 45 minutes and found himself standing before Jesus Christ, face-to-face. This man has a powerful anointing and when we pray together, we are a strong force against the enemy.

If you have any prayer needs, feel free to post them on our new Facebook page, at the following address:


Our prayers touch the heart and throne of God, and we have seen many of our prayers answered, some almost immediately.  So please check out our page and feel free to leave a request.  And if your prayers our answered, we would love to hear your testimony to that fact.

And don’t forget to ‘Like’ our page during your visit.  Thank you!

May the Lord guide and bless you!  



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