Category: BP Oil Spill


“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

“That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:11,12 KJV)


The Firmament and The Three Heavens

God created the world to have structure, which includes the firmament and the three heavens.

The firmament includes the present structure of the heavens and the Earth.

The first heaven is our Earth’s atmosphere, the second heaven is the vast expanse of the physical universe – what we know as outer space. The third heaven is the upper sea, which is below God’s throne. (Genesis 1:6-8 KJV)

Most people interpret this [the firmament] to mean just the expanse of the sky (the atmosphere) or outer space, or both (which it is), but the full meaning goes well beyond that simplistic interpretation. The creation of the firmament is associated with the placement of some sort of structure.” (

In summary, here is the structure of God’s created universe:

– The lower sea of physical waters (our seas and oceans)

The first heaven (the atmosphere)

– The second heaven (outer space)

– The sea above outer space and below the third heaven (a sea of separation)

– And above it all, there is the Third Heaven.”


Jacob’s Ladder And Inter-dimensional Portals

Many of you may know the Bible story of Jacob, in Genesis 27, 28.  While fleeing his twin brother, Esau, whom he had angered, he stopped to rest while on his way to stay with a relative.  As Jacob slept, he had a dream, a vision of a ladder – a stairway between Heaven and Earth.  On it were angels who were ascending and descending.  Jacob saw God standing above the ladder.  When Jacob awoke, he believed that God was in that place.  So he poured oil on the stone he was resting on and consecrated it to God.  He called that place Bethel – the house of God. (Genesis 28:10-22)  So clearly, this ladder was man’s connection to the higher realm of Heaven.

On Earth, there are many portals – the windows and doors of Heaven -, many unseen by us, yet they are there nevertheless.  I have referred before to the supercollider, CERN, in Switzerland, that is going to be used to open a gateway – star gate, if you will – to a dimension that will allow demons from Hell to flood into our world.  My understanding is that there are actually 22 other supercolliders (particle accelerators) in the U. S. as well, and I believe many of them are below our national parks where many people disappear every year.  Initially, I had heard there were only 14.  There are also 200 underground military bases.  So clearly, these portals could be entry points for demons from Hell to enter our world. (

CERN, of course, was no mere accident.  I am sure the Fallen Angels I will discuss later shared with men exactly how to build this and other supercolliders meant to open doors to the demonic dimensions to allow into our world these evil beings for a super ‘alien’ takeover.  It is what our leaders are planning as a great alien deception.  In actuality, they are opening the doors to Satan and his followers so they can infiltrate the entire world.  Everything points to bringing about the rise of AntiChrist, the Enemy of God and man.  The Bible is clear on this.

So now we know where a lot of our U. S. tax dollars have been going all these years.  We are slaves to the system, with most of us working our tails off every day to support ourselves, while the powers that be are sucking us dry, for their own greed and gain, and our ultimate demise, if they have their way.  They think most of us are stupid and haven’t figured out what they are doing, which is why they are trying to dumb us all down.  Sadly, they want the older adults to die off quickly because they have already done a good job of brainwashing many of our children into believing their lies.  If those younger only knew that Communism/Socialism/Fascism have nothing to do with the sharing of the wealth, but only to make the rich more rich, and the poor more poor…and controlled.  If the elite get their way and force us into a cashless society, then they will know what we all do with our money because they will monitor our income and spending habits more closely, and they will probably force more taxes on us because they won’t want any of us rich anyways, just surviving to serve their laziness and hedonism.  Interestingly enough, I have heard that Communism is not really the aim of the elite, but monopolies.

Ignorant people, especially those who delve into the occult, can also open doors to the demonic.  This is an established fact.  Ouija boards, seances, books on witchcraft, other Satanic books, secular, hard rock music, certain movies and television shows, even the Holy Qu’ran are some portals to the demonic.  It is said that if one reads the Qu’ran from cover-to-cover, then that person will become possessed by the spirit of Islam.  This might also explain why the powers that be are trying to dominate the world with this evil.  It is one avenue that the Adversary is using to try and wipe Christianity from the Earth.  But I know most of you know this already.  Again, this is for those of you who don’t.

Again, there are many other portals that have been used over the centuries and will continue to be used by demons from Hell to enter our world.  Did you by any chance know that crop circles with those strange spiral designs are actually portals for the demons to enter our world?  Makes some sense now, doesn’t it, of just how they came into being and for what purpose?  There are some, however, that want us to believe that crop circles are part of a new science that will give us energy directly from the sun. (

Are All Aliens Fallen Angels? 

The following facts are as I believe them to be, based on what I have sought God on and of what He has revealed to me because I know that many people may not agree with what I am sharing.  Yes, it is hard to wrap our heads around all of this, but because so much evil is involved here, it is clear that Satan is behind all things related to UFOs and aliens from outer space.  Seriously, have you ever heard of anyone having a pleasant experience with alien abductions or anything else?  That alone should convince you of the truth of what I am sharing.  I do not claim to know everything. There is much information out there that I haven’t looked into yet. But of what I know or have researched, I am sharing with you now.

The first truth I believe is this Aliens do NOT exist. It is all a deception, created by the Enemy and the world and religious leaders he has deceived into following and worshiping him, Hitler being among the first.

The second truth I believe is this:  Aliens may actually be the Fallen Angels, those cast out of Heaven eons ago by God Himself after Satan fought for supremacy. (Revelations 12:9) “…Ben Elohim or ‘fallen angels’ were also known as the Watchers, the Grigori and the Irin.” (

The Fallen Angels are demons/evil spirits who have the ability to assume many forms:  ghosts, familiar spirits, Sasquatches, dopplegangers, UFOs in any shape, basically, anything of the paranormal and supernatural. (Enoch 19:1)  In the Holy Bible, angels are often referred to as ‘stars’.  Again, I am coming at this from a Christian perspective.  All that New Age garbage and references to ‘evolution’ and ‘higher consciousness’ you read or hear about on radio talk shows or T. V. documentaries is false information, deceptions.  All these things are done by Satan and his fallen ones and followers in order to brainwash the public into believing in UFOs and aliens, for the great Satanic agenda he has planned against mankind.

Many of you may wonder why Satan is doing this to us.  Well, it is simple. God created the angels and taught them everything, except how to create life.  This was their first estate.  When Satan, a beautiful angelic being who held a high position in Heaven, grew jealous of God Himself, he conspired against Him, after getting one-third of the angels in Heaven on his side.  But unfortunately for him, they lost.  So he and his followers – the fallen ones – were cast from Heaven to the Earth.  They live in and on the Earth. (Enoch 15:8,10)

These fallen angels envied mankind because we have souls and can still be forgiven.  Satan and his followers lost everything, including their beauty.  But they used their power and knowledge to teach humans much of what they knew, like how to extract metals or make weaponry.  They taught men oppression and revealed eternal secrets.  This made God angry for none of this was meant for our good.  Satan – who I believe is referred to as Azaz’el in the book of Enoch – corrupted mankind. (Enoch 9:6; Enoch 18:14-16)

“YOU see what Azaz’el has done; how he taught all forms of oppression upon the earth.  And they revealed eternal secrets which are performed in heaven and which man learned.”  (Enoch 9:6)

“And the stars which roll over upon the fire, they are the ones which have transgressed the commandments of YAHWEH from the beginning  of their rising because they did not arrive punctually.

“And he was wroth with them and bound them until the time of the completion of their sin in the year of mystery.”  (Enoch 18:15-16)

Satan and the fallen angels want mankind to fall.  The bottom line is is that they envy human beings and hate us.  They hate us because God loves all of us.  Satan and his fallen angels will do anything to bring us down and destroy us.  Sadly, they have recruited our own kind, the leaders of our world, to help them carry out their evil agenda.  Until their goals are achieved, the fallen ones are to remain imprisoned in Antarctica. (Enoch 21, Jude 6)  This is one of the long guarded secrets of the elite globalists.  Although the Holy Bible and the Book of Enoch reveal this truth, the fact that our leaders have known and met with these evil beings for a long time make it clear they did not want the rest of us to know about it.

The third truth I believe is that some, perhaps all, of the banned or forbidden books of the Bible may actually be true. I have heard that Bible scholars and theologians are now taking a second look at them to reconsider the truth of them. I have not read them all yet, so I can’t make a completely informed decision.  However, I do know that the Adversary did NOT want men to know the truth about what he is up to, what he has done over the centuries, and of what he has planned for the future.  I encourage you to download a free copy or purchase the Book of Enoch and read it for yourself.  It should open your eyes to the truth.  This book was written especially for these last days. I know that one or more of the books talk about transhumanism because they share of half man, half beast creatures.  Probably just another secret the powers that be want hidden since the Illuminati have been practicing genetic experimentation for years and have created their own abominations.  This knowledge was no doubt obtained from the fallen ones, to further corrupt mankind.

As an aside, have you ever heard of the Mantauk Monster? (

Also, a recent discovery in Peru is of mummified alien creatures. Since most, maybe all of the governments of the world are involved in the planned alien deception, it is most likely a hoax. These ‘alien remains’ are no doubt fakes that were planted by the Peruvian government or someone else involved in this deception.  The photos of these creatures look fake to me, although they are very detailed. (

One more thing. Occasionally there are other stories of aliens dying or being taken from crash sites.  If these are Fallen Angels, then it would not be possible for them to die.  I wonder then if this is just another deception to keep us confused and in the dark about all of this UFO stuff.

According to, “In 2002 the British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph reported that the Vatican had banned the veneration of those angels who do not appear in the authorised texts of the Bible.  This was an attempt to counter the influence of unnamed New Age groups who were allegedly recruiting new members within the Roman Catholic Church.  In future, prayers were only to be directed to the three archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael who are mentioned in the Bible.  According to the apocryphal and banned Book of Enoch these were the angelic beings responsible for binding the wicked fallen angels or Watchers who had transgressed God’s law.  The news report said that the early Church had excluded the book, attributed to the Old Testament prophet and patriarch Enoch, from the authorised version of the Bible because it described these fallen angels and their activities.” (

In the apocryphal Book of Jubilee, allegedly dictated by “an angel of the Lord” to Moses on Mount Sinai when he also received the Ten Commandments, it says that Enoch was “the first among men that are born on Earth [sic] who learned writing, knowledge and wisdom.”  It says that Enoch wrote down “the signs of Heaven” (the zodiac signs) according to their months in a book.  This was so human beings would know the seasons of the years in relation to the order of the months and their respective stellar and planetary influences.  The indication is that Enoch received this information from extraterrestrial angelic sources, i.e. the Watchers, and therefore he was a cultural exemplar.” (

The fourth truth I believe is that the Fallen Ones are imprisoned in Antarctica, and that many of our world and religious leaders are in league with Satan. (Enoch 10:4-6; Enoch 18:14)  They are attempting to bring about the rise of the man whom Satan will enter into and who will become the one world ruler.  AntiChrist.  He is also known as the son of perdition. (1 John 2:22)  For some reason, our leaders have apparently been convinced that Lucifer is God, which is a lie.  The deceivers are themselves deceived.

And secondly YAHWEH said to Raphael, “Bind Azaz’el hand and foot and throw him into the darkness!” And he made a hole in the desert which was in Duda’el and cast him there;

he threw on top of him rugged and sharp rocks. And he covered his face in order that he may not see light;

and in order that he may be sent into the fire on the great day of judgment.” (Enoch 10:4-6)

Then the malak said to me, ‘This place is the ultimate end of heaven and earth: it is the prison house for the stars and the powers of heaven.’” (Enoch 18:14)

And he said unto me, ‘This place is the prison house of the angels; they are detained here forever.’” (Enoch 21:10)

Antarctica has been referred to as the coldest desert on earth, and many believe the name Duda’el is the location of Antarctica. However, others attest to the fact that it is in Cairo, Egypt:

The Desert of Dudael is in Upper Egypt.  Specifically Cairo.  The Arch-angel Raphael built the Great Pyramid of Giza to imprison Azazel.  He is underneath the Great Pyramid in a hole with his face covered and hands/feet bound…The book of Enoch is absolutely referenced in the Bible in the book of Jude.  The book of Jude directly quotes the book of Enoch.  The book of Enoch is absolutely correct and true.  It should be noted that Egypt is the land of the Hebrews.  Remember, the Most High said that everywhere the Children of Israel’s feet touched, would be theirs.  Dudael is not in present-day Israel, it is in Cairo.” (Sarai 144, September 28, 2013;

The fact that Satan may be chained in Egypt may very well be true. However, the fallen ones may be in the earth, under Antarctica.  This, I believe, is the ‘Shadow Government’ everyone keeps talking about.  They are the ones directing our world leaders on what they should be doing.  Apparently, if one disobeys, there are consequences.  There is a story of John Kerry going to Antarctica to have words with these entities.  It is said that they were upset with him, so Kerry left and journeyed to New Zealand, where suddenly there was a large earthquake, apparently caused by the disgruntled entities. (

Lastly, although there is much truth to be shared about Antarctica, know that our deceived, perhaps possessed leaders, at the direction of the Fallen Angels imprisoned in Antarctica, are directing them on how best to destroy the Hebrew DNA, much as Hitler tried to do by exterminating the Jews, and prepare the world so they can take over the Earth.  Christians and Christianity must also be wiped out in order for them to pull this off.  To do this, the Fallen Angels gave secrets to men, as they did when they were cast to Earth, leaving their first estate, which helped develop our sophisticated technology.  They helped create the chemtrails used to wipe out vegetation, pollute our waters, and kill off men through demonic infestations, among other things.  There is no way men could have created so much advanced technology by themselves.

On Global Warming And Climate Change

It is said that the Earth is actually cooling, not heating up, that the data on global warming and climate change has been fabricated.  Initially, it was said that the Halliburton episode in 2010 was meant to effect changes to the flow of the Gulf stream.  At the time, it was meant to make things so cold in the northern part of the U. S. so as to make the heating costs rise so that the electric companies would make a fortune off the heating bills.  Now, it seems that the opposite is happening. The cold areas are heating up, and the tropics are cooling down.  I do not believe that God would ever do this because He made the Earth exactly as He wanted it to be.

And then they came up with that garbage about rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels due to the burning of fossil fuels and fire being used to clear jungle and forest areas.  More hogwash.  Any changes to our weather can only happen in two ways.  By God’s divine hand, or by the famous weather modification system known as HAARP.

Also, I have heard that the climate change advocates never tell us that we must lead a carbon neutral lifestyle, but only the governments, corporations, utility companies, and the like. If they do that, then the advocates are hoping that the rest of us will just go along with whatever they want. They don’t tell us to change our lifestyles. What they are aiming for is to keep our governments overlarge so they can put more controls us because they are blaming us for global warming anyways, which is not true of us at all.

Also, by heating up the earth (hence, what is called the myth of climate change and global warming), the intention, I believe, is to wipe out human beings as part of the elite’s global depopulation agenda.  Somewhere I also heard that by doing this, it will make the earth more habitable for the demons to live on when the time comes.  But first, they have to melt their icy prison in Antarctica so they can be freed.  I am not sure about this, but I thought it worth mentioning. The Arctic also has to melt away.  As an aside, perhaps you have heard about what is happening in Europe. A heatwave so hot they have dubbed it ‘Lucifer’.

Also, it is said there are all kinds of minerals and other valuable resources beneath the frozen ice that our leaders want to get their hands on, which could be another reason they want the Arctic and the Antarctic to melt. As you may know, recently a huge chunk of ice already broke away from Antarctica. As the world continues to heat up, more and more ice will melt.

Centuries ago, the Antarctic was dry land, so apparently those controlling our world want it to dry out once more. The following piri-reis map shows a no-ice Antarctica at one time:

Regarding global warming:

“…Whatever we do is likely to lead to death on a scale that makes all previous wars, famines and disasters small…

“A constellation of evidence points towards the reality of an ongoing, clandestine, climate modification campaign, originating, at the very least, from the 1970s, of unprecedented proportions and the utmost audacity and arrogance.  Its overarching aim is to convert the Arctic ice into a meltwater, opening it up for its vast resources of oil, gas and minerals and to alter the global climate to one more favourable to the northern temperate zones and less favourable to equatorial and semi-tropical zones.  The scientific establishment up to 1975 seemed also to have been concerned that the earth was entering a long-term Ice age.  This may have been a genuine concern but may also have been a means of drumming up support.”  James Lovelock  (

UFOS And Alien Abductions

There are websites out there, including that share how ‘aliens’ – the fallen ones, if you will – from Zeta Reticuli, some area in space, agreed to share their high tech, sophisticated technology with men IF they would be allowed to kidnap our children and others to be used for genetic experimentation.  They would also be used as slaves and even as food.  Our missing children are also being programmed through traumatic mind control techniques, mainly developed by Hitler and his people, no doubt at the urging of the fallen ones.  If you read my article, The Nightmare Of Reality, you will understand more about this and other evil our own deceived leaders have brought against us, such as human cloning, child abductions, etc.  Even the Fast and Furious episode of drug trafficking was done deliberately by the powers that be.  Remember also, this is all about control.  The demons want to control the people or wipe out all those who will not submit themselves to them or bow down to Satan.  The devil’s pride, jealousy and lust for supremacy over God is what got him and his followers kicked out of Heaven in the first place. He is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and wants to be worshiped on Earth because he has always believed he could rule the world better than our Mighty Creator, GOD.  He wants a world government under his control and free of God altogether.  One way he has done this is to convince some that God did not create the universe but that it was done through the ‘big bang’.  One cannot promote the false theory of evolution without it.

If you see blinking lights or objects in the sky, or things that appear to change shape or appearance in the sky, it is because Fallen Angels have that ability to morph into anything.  They love the fact that we think they are aliens from another world.  Now don’t get me wrong, the Bible does talk about other worlds.  But I have found nothing in Scripture that shares any information on what those worlds are (Hebrews 1:2; 11:3) or what they contain.  The word ‘planet’ is not even mentioned in Scripture.  It only shares of the sun, the moon, and the stars, and the hosts of Heaven (believed to refer to the armies of Heaven, which are ‘stars’ – angels).

The Book of Enoch shares much about the ‘luminaries’ of heaven and what that pertains to.  This is not to say that there are not inter-dimensional portals from other worlds God may have created.  But I am believing that if there were, that it would be mentioned in God’s Word.  Unless I have missed it, I have seen no reference to it.  The only thing mentioned is Jacob’s ladder.  If I am wrong, I am open to other opinions on this.  However, there are ancient wall paintings, hieroglyphs with drawings of strange, reptilian creatures coming through spiral portals.  Hence, the crop circles, for example.

There are reports of alien happenings in which certain entities refer to themselves as ‘I AM’ or as ‘the Host’. Since the Bible refers to the hosts of Heaven, then theses entities are most likely some of the fallen ones.  Anything calling itself I AM is blaspheming GOD, the mighty I AM.  Satan loves to mock God in various ways, and this, apparently, is one of them.  Clearly, these are not aliens from outer space, although that is what they want us to believe. (

If one questions the ancient indigenous – Anasazi – sightings of strange beings coming through portals that resembled reptiles, then there can be no doubt that these referred to are Satan or his followers.  Remember, they lost their angelic beauty when they rebelled against God and were cast out.  They now resemble reptiles or morph into other strange looking or frightening creatures.  More research would add too much to this article so, if you are interested, be sure to get a copy of the book, Demons: An Eyewitness Account, by Howard O. Pittman, and check out what the author shares on his accounts with the demonic. Well worth the read. Also, Scripture refers to Satan as the great dragon, so keep that in mind.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12:9 KJV)

The existence of ‘aliens’ is only evidenced by what people have witnessed, want to believe in, or have experienced themselves.  Many who have been abducted by ‘aliens’ report having been taken to military bases for genetic experimentation or other medical testing.  They know that no aliens kidnapped them.  They have been conditioned to believe that bright lights and helicopters were space ships.  Again, the fallen angels are demons/evil spirits, nothing more, although others say they are not.  Everything taught us about these beings are meant to keep us wondering and confused.  Satan is the father of lies, a destroyer, and a deceiver.  He is the author of confusion.  Nothing these supposed ‘aliens’ are doing to human beings is good.  These things are evil beyond imagining.  They pretend to use humans for genetic experimentation, etc. to help preserve their races, but it is all a lie.  They hate us and enjoy kidnapping and torturing people, destroying lives.  This is the mark of Satan, NOT of any kind, benevolent beings.  It is all a deception meant to keep us confused and which keep our leaders from stopping it and protecting us.  They clearly can care less about us, so long as they get out of it what they want.  Consider ISIS.  What butchers like these do is what these supposed ‘aliens’ do.  Also, by kidnapping and planting ‘alien’ seed into human women, they are trying to create a race of ‘super beings’ to establish their own reptilian, demonic race upon the Earth.  All of this is leading to the rise of the coming AntiChrist, the enemy of mankind.

Sadly, our own governments and military are involved in the kidnappings and cover-ups.  There are enough paranormal television shows sharing people’s experiences with desert abductions or bright lights or other UFO stuff, so you know I’m not making all of this up.  In fact, it was President Eisenhower who made an agreement with the Enemy to begin with, to gain the advanced technology the ‘aliens’ had.  Whether he knew what they really were or not remains to be seen.  Either way, he handed the American people over to these malevolent beings. We have been sold out, literally. (

There are, of course, space ships out there.  Remember, the fallen ones shared technology with our world leaders that was forbidden to man.  I have heard that flying saucers are actually made in ‘The Air Capital Of The World’, right here in Kansas.  My guess is that, if this is true, this technology was traded to our governments, and kidnapped slaves may also be being used underground to help build these ships.  No doubt, our own military, Hitler, and the fallen ones are responsible for these crafts and are using them for whatever purposes.  Just remember, the ultimate goal is for the Enemy to have a world filled with micro-chipped, mind-controlled human beings. Slaves.

Supposed extraterrestrials come in three popular forms.  As I said, the fallen angels have the power to transform into any shape or form.  No doubt you have heard of the greys, the Nordics, and the humanoids.  Yes, strange humanoids do walk among us.  The woman I saw shape-shift into a reptilian right in front of me had me fooled into believing she was a human being.  I do know she is heavily involved in witchcraft, which may explain this.  It is all part of the devil’s deception, and it is easy to fall for it, which is why the Bible tells us to be as wise as serpents ourselves, yet as harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16)

On a more positive side, it appears that a praying, Bible-thumping Christian stands a better chance of not being kidnapped by these ‘aliens’ than others.  Apparently, the fallen ones prefer to go after New Agers.  And yes, there is a fear of God, even among the fallen ones.  To harm one of God’s children is not a good thing because God’s judgment will come against them in the end.  The fallen ones have already learned this for themselves. (James 2:19)

If you read through the Holy Bible, you will see that there are some mystery clouds mentioned.  God often came to Earth in a cloud.  After Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He returned to Heaven in a cloud.  Supernaturally.  But they are not ‘space aliens’ the Adversary wants us to believe exist.  God is a Spirit, after all, not some strange looking creature.  In fact, when the devil and his followers were cast from Heaven, they were not only doomed to eternity in Hell, but they lost all of their former heavenly beauty, as I mentioned earlier.  Now, they are grotesque, ugly creatures that have great powers and knowledge that are superior to those of men.  As I said, they have the ability to change into any shape or form they desire.  Hence, they are now passing themselves off as space aliens, with the help of our world and religious leaders.  Because our leaders are blind to the truth and greatly deceived. Or…they are doing it willingly and do know what they are dealing with and doing and just don’t care.  Clearly, the Enemy has deceived them and tempted them with great rewards, but they will learn the hard way when the time comes the power of the one true God, just as Adam and Eve did.  It is also possible these leaders have already been possessed, taken over by Satan, and are now slaves to him.

If you do not believe in the reptilians, then you had better open your eyes. Hollywood has been making mention of these things in some of their television shows. It is subtle, a quick comment a character may make during a show about the reptilians and the takeover of people in Hollywood. But it is there, and I can assure you, after much doubt myself, that the reptilians are real and are of the Adversary. But if I am wrong, then someone had better explain to me what I saw in that woman when she transformed in front of me. Hollywood could be mentioning these things to deceive us, as part of the overall deception the powers that be have planned. Or it is a warning, a sharing of secret truth. Either way, we need to be wise as serpents in all that we learn. I am just putting it out there for you to consider or investigate for yourselves.


And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” (Luke 10:18 KJV)

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”  (Isaiah 14:12 KJV)

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”  (2 Corinthians 11:14 KJV)

A major finding of the [Trilateral} commission was the aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments.  The aliens explained these actions as necessary for their survival, that if their genetic structure were not improved, their race would cease to exist.(

Eisenhower was the last president to know the entire overview of the alien problems. Succeeding presidents were told only what MJ-12 wanted them to know, and it was NOT the truth.  MJ-12 presented each new president with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet and shower us with gifts of technology.  Each president has bought that story hook, line and sinker.  Meanwhile, innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research that would make the Nazis pale in comparison.  As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood.  At least 1 in every 40 Americans have been implanted with alien devices that are used to control them if necessity calls. (

“And like a spirit questioning me, the Angel said:  “This is the place of the end of Heaven and Earth; this is the prison for the stars and the powers of Heaven.”

“And the stars which roll over the fire, these are the ones which transgressed the command of the Lord, from the beginning of their rising, because they did not come out at their proper times.

“And He was angry with them, and bound them until the time of the consummation of their sin, in the Year of Mystery.”  (Enoch 18:14-16)

“And Uriel said to me, “Here shall stand in many different appearances the spirits of the angels which have united themselves with women.  They have defiled the people and will lead them into error so that they will offer sacrifices to the demons as unto gods, until the great Day of Judgment in which they shall be judged till they are finished.”  (Enoch 19:1)

“But now the giants who are born from the union of the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth.”  (Enoch 15:8)

“Evil spirits have come out of their bodies.  Because from the day that they were created from the kodesh ones they became the Watchers; their first origin is the spiritual foundation.  They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits.”  (Enoch 15:9)

“The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth.”  (Enoch 15:10)

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  (Ephesians 6:12 KJV)

“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”  (Ephesians 2:2 KJV)

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?  He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”  (1 John 2:22 KJV)

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it WERE possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”  (Matthew 24:24 KJV)

“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”  (Jude 6 KJV)

“The New Man is living among us!…He is intrepid and cruel!  I was afraid in his presence!” (Adolf Hitler)




Amazingly, I came across the following video AFTER I completed this article:

Beware: The Greatest Deception of All – Billions will be Deceived

Return of the Fallen Angels | Tom Horn & Cris Putnam on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!


For more information:

Giannini, F. Amadeo, Worlds Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, Vantage Press: New York, (c) 1959.



Further items of interest:


I am not on board with the following story regarding the Thiaoouba Prophecy but am believing that the powers that be concocted it to help pull off their alien deception, but you can read it and decide for yourself. This book is available as a free download online as well. Meanwhile, you can check out the video below:

Michel Desmarquet:

Photo Credits:



“Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World Order Plan? In a nutshell the Plan is this. The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New World Order is to reduce the world’s population to a “sustainable” level “in perpetual balance with nature” by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with a World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill 90% of the world’s population and to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave.”  (


For as long as I can remember, believers in Jesus Christ and most Americans have stood behind and supported the nation of Israel.  In particular, the Jews.  Most of us have been blinded, manipulated with lies, or brainwashed to believe that the Jews are all one group of people and are, therefore, God’s chosen people.  Most are ignorant of the fact that there are one true people of God among the Jews and those who only pretend to be.  The latter are, in fact, of the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ and hate God, Christians, other Jews who worship the one true God, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.  As someone recently told me, it is not the Muslim or Sharia Law we must fear, but the members of the Synagogue of Satan, who hate everyone and have their own evil agenda.  They are Zionists.  They are…the New World Order.

The information on Zionism, Zionist Jews, Zionist Christians, the Illuminati, the synagogue of Satan, etc. is out there for the world to see, yet only a few people are aware of what is happening in our world and who is behind its ultimate destruction.  As you read in the first paragraph of this article, the New World Order agenda is going according to plan.  As others of us know, these evil people, Satan’s people (or Ahiram/Satan and Lucifer followers), those of the Synagogue of Satan, are using the Holy Bible and all they know about the one True God of Heaven against the world.  It is they who will bring about the rise of the real AntiChrist.  The AntiChrist system is already in place, but the son of perdition has yet to be revealed to us, although some may have some idea of who he is.  Regardless of who this man is, know that Satan himself is behind everything.  Since he was cast out of Heaven, he has sought to destroy mankind and all goodness from the world.  So far, he has done a real good job of turning our world topsy-turvy, turning good things into bad and vice versa.



Information on this and other topics is vast, and I have included several links below for you to peruse at your leisure.  There just isn’t enough room here to write a book on everything, so I will be brief in what I share, but enough for you to easily understand these topics.

As mentioned earlier, the Israel Americans believe they have supported all these years is NO LONGER the Israel of the one True God of Heaven, the Creator of all things.  There are indeed FALSE JEWS out there, masquerading as TRUE JEWS, in order to deceive the world, and especially their own people.  There are those who claim to be Judaic Hebrews by descent but are NOT of the “true circumcision”.  These people are in direct opposition to Christians.

The Judaic Hebrews – Judaeans, or ‘Jews’ – claim to be direct descendents of Abraham and lay claim to the blessings promised by Yahweh to Abraham and his seed.  Both John and Paul the Apostle (Romans 2:28) did NOT regard these people as real Judaic Hebrews, nor did they consider them to be the genuine Israel of Yahweh.

These FALSE JEWS are actually of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN and are those who will and are already now persecuting Christians, true believers of Jesus Christ.  They are spiritual enemies of Christ, chief persecutors of Christians, and claim to be the true people of God.  These ‘FAUX JEWS’ denounce Christ and Christians and are NOT God’s people.  They are of the ASSEMBLY OF SATAN.  They are NOT real Jews.  They are NOT true recipients of Yahweh’s Covenant but are the vessels of AntiChrist.  They worship at the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.

These FALSE JEWS denounce REAL JEWS as well, falsely accusing them of being liars, frauds, and imposters.  These FALSE ACCUSERS are, in fact, SONS OF SATAN.

These modern FALSE JEWS consider themselves a superior master race.  They consider themselves gods and hate all other races and all those who do not agree with their religion.  They are of the TALMUDIC RELIGION, a worldly religion which celebrates the flesh and gives FALSE JEWS perverted moral and spiritual authority to accrue great riches and power.

“In short: the modern Talmudic Jew not only considers himself “beyond good and evil” but the equal of God since they are taught that “He who strikes an Israelite acts as if he slaps the face of God’s Divine Majesty.”   (

If you want a quick overview of how these evil “Jews” have tried to destroy and dominate our world, then check out this:

Also, listen to this 40-minute lecture on “The Zionist Conspiracy Against The United States”, which even makes mention of WWIII:



It appears that the followers of Islam aren’t the only ones that want all true believers in Jesus Christ dead.  So do the Zionist Jews.  That is why they have recently made it legal to behead us all.  Of course, we all knew this was coming.  It is just shocking to know that instead of supporting the true Israel of Almighty God, we have been supporting the Sadducees and Pharisees all along, the same murderers and liars who crucified Jesus Christ on the cross.  It only substantiates the fact that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God, the Messiah, since most of the world wants all true believers dead so the AntiChrist that the FALSE JEWS worship can set up his own FALSE, ONE WORLD RELIGION.  But as I’ve mentioned before, killing off God’s people won’t change the fact that He is GOD, the Mighty I AM and that true Christians do, in fact, worship the One True God, Creator of all things.  Nothing can change that because God is, in fact, a legal God.  What was set forth from the beginning cannot ever be changed now, no matter what Satan tries to do.



While Americans have been distracted with all sorts of things:  acts of terrorism, common core issues, immigration reform, etc., what has been going on behind the scenes is far worse.

Congress and those in the White House are trying to establish a new theocracy in America.  They want Christianity and supposedly all other religions wiped out, which explains the guillotines in all of the FEMA camps, and numerous shackles being put into boxcars in trains everywhere.

In fact, here is a list of what these Satan worshippers want accomplished with this new theocracy.  As you will notice, it is Christianity once more that is being directly targeted.  This again proves that Jesus Christ is the One True God of Heaven since it is not Buddhism, or Hinduism, or any other religion being attacked here.  It is only the religion that honors the True God of Heaven and Earth that Satan is trying to eradicate from the Earth, where he has power to do such evil.  AntiChrist wants all Jesus followers gone so he can set up his throne of power, so all the world will worship him and him alone, without pesky Christians interfering.

1.  They want Christmas abolished once and for all.

2.  They will call Christians ‘idol worshippers’, although it is many of those in Congress and the White House who may be actual ‘idol and Satan worshippers’.  As previously mentioned, many of our world leaders, rich, and famous people meet every year at Bohemian Grove where the false Canaanite god, Molech, is worshipped.

3.   They will demand that Christians give up their religion or be put to death.  (Yeah, no surprise there.)

4.   They will preach lies about Jesus Christ to make us believe Jesus practiced sorcery, worshipped stone idols, and was sexually immoral.

5.   They want to establish a caste system in the U. S. that is based on heredity and religion.

6.   They want to force U. S. citizens to embrace a ‘synthesized religion’ invented for a ‘servant’ class.  Since Communism will have only two classes, the very very rich and the very very poor, this makes sense.

Again, this is what the New World Order, the Zionists, have planned for our world:

“A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.”  (Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, p. 161)  (


* * * *

“[O]ur kingdom [the one-world state dominated by Jews] will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any GOYIM [non-Jews] who oppose us by deed or word.”  (The Protocols of Zion, 5:1)



As anyone can see just by watching television these days, all sorts of perversion is being added to regular programming.  Anything to warp the minds of America, to negatively influence them away from all forms of morality and goodness.  I believe zombie movies are geared toward making us cold and unfeeling, so that when America is invaded by enemy forces to overtake our nation, no one will think anything of watching a pregnant female, young children or babies, or anyone else get brutally killed in cold blood or be starved to death.  It is all planned out.

Daily, I see just on my cable channels the same stupid things day in and day out.  Vampire movies, zombie movies, vampire movies, zombie movies, not to mention other repeated shows.  One called “Revenge”, “The Fosters”, etc.  Many shows are geared to ramming immorality down our throats.  The days of shows like “The Andy Griffith Show”, although still shown on television, are going to be few and far between, if the NWO has its way.  We already know that they control the media and have been lying to us and brainwashing us for years.  If you can’t see anything wrong, with the way our culture is being revamped toward evil, then you’re already a slave, blind to the system.

Hollywood is controlled/owned by Jewish Zionists (FALSE JEWS).  The Illuminati controls the music industry, and we can already see how young minds are being brainwashed through song lyrics and evil behaviors.  It is all in an attempt to destroy America, to promote Satanism and Communism.  In effect, this is all to lead us toward the NWO agenda.

Again, the NWO wants a One World Government, one of Communism, which is ‘the Jewish weapon developed to destroy the White race’.  As we know, Communism (Bolshevism) was quite successful in Russia, so they are hoping to have the same success here in America.

“Jews dominate Hollywood today as they did in its infancy, The Jewish presence in Hollywood is a historic fact, A majority of the producers and directors are Jewish while the Writers Guild is practically 70% to 100% Jewish!”  (The Jewish Post and Opinion, December 6, 1974)

Sadly enough, it is known that director Steven Spielberg, a Zionist Jew, and other famous Hollywood people are working strongly to make these things happen by working together with the American government to further this end.  All Zionist Jews are on the side of the New World Order.



As you can see, there is a lot of information on this topic.  In fact, the amount of videos on about Zionism is surprising.  It truly amazes me just how much and how ignorant most of us have been regarding the truth about Israel.  We have been blind to the fact that the Israel many of us have prayerfully and financially supported for all these years has been, sadly, in actuality, in support of Satan and his people and NOT the true Jews of the Mighty I AM.

God impressed upon me for several nights to share this information.  When I first began researching it, I could not believe how public this information is but that many of us just had no clue that the Jews we support are NOT true Jews at all.  But if you’ve read this article in its entirety, you can no longer doubt, I’m sure, that what I’m saying is true.  So, in future, be careful to learn exactly who you are sending money to and which Israel you are praying for.  Pray for the Messianic Jews, those who know that Jesus is the Messiah, and for all who support and believe in Jesus Christ.  And research the many supposedly “Jewish” organizations and ministries out there.  NOT all are what they pretend to be.  They have deceived millions of dollars away from well-meaning Jesus followers, only to use it for their own evil agendas.  For their Satanic agendas.  And seek wisdom from God before sending any more funds to these Zionists.  It is almost ironic, knowing that we are supporting to bring about our own demise.  Zionists hate and despise everyone but themselves and want us all dead, yet they do not hesitate to lie and deceive us into sending them money for what we believe is a worthy cause.  Nor do they hesitate in accepting our hard earned dollars, probably laughing at all of us for our ignorance and stupidity.

Please share these truths with the world.  One of the first rules of war is “Know thy enemy.”  And so, the time has come to do just that.  Everyone should learn just who that enemy is.  It is not just Satan himself, but the entire “Synagogue of Satan”, the FALSE JEWS.

May God have mercy on us all and count us all worthy to escape what is to come.  In Jesus’ name, I ask all these things.  Praise be to the One True God of Heaven…forever and always.  Amen.


“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9 KJV)

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”  (Revelation 3:9 KJV)


In his book, On the Jews and Their Lies, Martin Luther stated:

“Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously…”  (




For more information:













Finally, someone is not afraid to speak out against the evils going on in America.

The Beginning of Sorrows


It is easy to believe a mad gunman went on a shooting rampage, massacring innocent school children in a small Connecticut community.  But what if I told you that this senseless tragedy was instigated and carried out by the Illuminati?  The New World Order?  The Globalist Regime?  In order to instill rage and fear throughout America, so that we will gladly give up our Second Amendment rights, the right to bear arms?  Remember, Americans must be fairly helpless and defenseless in order for martial law to go into effect, for the coming invasion of America by our enemies.  Until the United Nations has its way, and it will shortly, then these sorts of tragedies will indeed continue.  As the events of 9/11 occurred as false flags, so did these tragic shootings.

Well, unfortunately, and as difficult as it is for some to believe, this is exactly what happened.  At first, I thought perhaps I was wrong, that the gunman was in need of medical care for his mental illness.  But too many reports of the initial incident didn’t add up.  When a familiar talk show host was forced to apologize to his listeners that the radio station had been misinformed by the media, that the information the station had been given and passed along as fact was indeed wrong, then it was clear something was amiss.

What’s worse, there is actual proof that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School and the movie theatre in Aurora were planned.  Clearly, Hollywood, under the thumbnail of the Illuminati, had planned well in advance for these horrible tragedies.

If you look at the links below, you will see a clip from the latest Batman movie.  It displays a sign with the name, Aurora, on it.  Then a map.  To the left of the walkie-talkies, in both the video and the enlarged photo, you will see clearly the words, Sandy Hook.  Aurora and Sandy Hook Elementary School were targeted.  Deliberately.  And we were warned by Hollywood.


Globalists Plan To Nuke America


Did you know also that there is a rumor going around that another event, more horrible than any of these events, may occur on Christmas Day, 2012?  It is said that, in line with the occultic practices of the Illuminati, a nuclear bomb is being planned, to fall at the Capital in Phoenix, Arizona. They have called it ‘Black Christmas’.

Remember, this is just a rumor, but there are links below to articles making reference to this possible event happening on December 25, 2012.  Also, this attack will be blamed on Iran so the American government and/or its leaders won’t be blamed.  Still, note the following quote:

“President Obama, in his November 21, 2012 press release has, after all these years, finally admitted that the American government is deeply infiltrated with militant extremists who have used false flag terror to push their political agenda.”  (Gordon Duff and Press TV, Veterans Today, Military and Foreign Affairs Journal)

I was going to post the video:  “Globalists Plan To Nuke America Revealed”, but lately I have discovered that many videos have been blacked out, whether by the powers that be or because of some problem with my computer.  If you can find it, then be sure to watch it.***  Since many of the videos I have posted have been removed, I can only assume that someone doesn’t want me or others watching them and sharing the truth of these evil activities.  That should tell you something.  I followed up several related videos, and each one of them is blacked out.


Jesus Still Sits On The Throne


I know this information causes anger and heartache as we realize how our world has become so corrupt and that there are a group of Satan worshippers – Luciferians, if you will – who don’t care about any of us.  That they want us gone and off their planet.  But if you trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not have to fear what is to come.  Jesus is still on the throne of Heaven, and He is returning soon, to bring His people, His saints home.

God gave our nation and the world plenty of time to return to Him, but many have failed to do so.  His judgment against America has started and, sadly, will continue, because of our sins and rejection of Him.  We are quickly moving toward the Great Tribulation, and many more people will die.  The greatest earthquake the world has ever known will soon be upon us, so it is imperative that you prepare your hearts and souls and loved ones for what may soon befall us.

Most importantly, accept Jesus Christ into your hearts as Lord and Savior.  Then find a group of true believers to fellowship with, who will help you to grow in faith and maturity.  Read and study the Word of God daily.  Get baptized by immersion.  Lean on Jesus for all things, but make every effort to stock up on necessary food and other items which will help you and your family survive for the next three to five or more years.  And trust no flesh, if possible, because anyone may betray you.  Especially those who take the Mark of the Beast, which you must avoid at all costs.  Also, pray for America and for the rest of the world to find Him before it is too late.  Pray for the people of the world to truly repent of their wickedness and turn back to Jesus.  And know that Hell is a place you would not want even your worst enemies to go when they die, believe me.

Know also that Jesus Christ will return soon and remove the wicked from this world and His presence.  Once and for all.


“…Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.”  Psalm 2:12 KJV

“Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him:  God is a refuge for us.”  Psalm 62:8 KJV

“…Have faith in God.”  Mark 11:22 KJV



Refer to the following:

Batman Movie:

The enlarged photo below, just to the left of the walkie talkies, pinpoints Sandy Hook exactly on the map there, as shown in the latest Batman movie.

Black Christmas: ***

Michael Jackson “They Don’t Care About Us” – Remember that Michael tried warning us about the Illuminati.  This is one song he recorded in this regard.  I’ve chosen the version with the lyrics to make it easier to comprehend.:

NWO:  They want us off their Planet:

Even those in Washington, D. C., some of the good guys who actually exist there, know what is happening yet are helpless to fight it.  This was taped June 28, 2011 and directly states that America as we know it is gone forever.





ChemTrails are clearly not going away. Although many explanations have come across the Internet to try and explain why birds are dropping from the skies, etc. etc., I am still a firm believer that chemicals are being released in order to help depopulate our nation. You may have your own opinions on what is happening, but below you will find more videos and links to update you on the problem.

(After going to the above site, then open the link labeled:  forum.html)

There are many conspiracies out there, but I believe many of them are actual truth.

Much has been aired on television and YouTube to confirm that 9-1-1 was indeed an inside job by the U. S. government, perhaps by the will and direction of the Bilderberg group and the higher echelon of seven of the richest people in the world, who seek to control its entirety.

We should all be aware by now that depopulation of 90 percent of the world population has already been enacted. The population must decrease, according to some so that the world will become “more manageable”. With the decline of the American economy, it will be easier for a cashless, one world government, a new world order to become true reality. All of this has been predicted by the Bible. I’m sure even non-believers are familiar with “666” and the “Mark of the Beast”. If not, please read:

Also, the initial explosions that happened before the planes even crashed into the Pentagon and the twin towers gave evidence that explosives were set prior to the destruction of these buildings, to hush people up who knew too much and to help begin the destruction of the American economy through a money scam. Computers at the Pentagon seemed to be the major target there.

Regardless of the truth about Osama Bin Laden and his death, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy who apparently refused to do as directed by his superiors, HAARP’s involvement with our weather (excessive heat, frigid winters, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.), UFOs, dying birds and other creatures, water contamination or the drying up of American and other water sources throughout the planet, as well as other questionable acts of terror, violence, and natural phenomenon, people must know that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has everything well in hand.

Fear is not of God, but of Satan. If one is well grounded in the Truth of what the Word of God says, there should be no fear of the future in your heart. Trust God, the Almighty I AM, the Lord God Yeshua (Jesus) to see you through the coming last days. Watch and be ready for His return, and do not doubt that He is above all, in all, and through all. (Ephesians 4:6)

It is important for everyone to be aware of what is happening in the world, the truth of who is behind its changes and destructions. But I do not wish you to be afraid, because as I said, fear is not of God. It is merely Satan’s way of instilling fear into your heart.

But don’t take my word for anything. Seek the Truth for yourself.

“And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.” Isaiah 30:25 KJV

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.” Mark 13:8 KJV

Refer to:

This video recently came across my desk. It is imperative that everyone view it because it is a matter of our survival.

Not only is our fresh water being sent to China, while we are returned with China’s filth, now it is learned that more greedy people are contaminating many other water sources throughout the United States as they drill for natural gas.

So if you are finding your drinking water suddenly contaminated because your wells have gone bad, then most likely it is because natural gas and many toxic chemicals are seeping into your ground water, polluting it. People are getting dizzy, having headaches, getting asthma, suffering from neuropathy, together with many other health concerns that are making people and animals sick. Animals are losing their hair and getting ill, too.

This is happening in areas of Pennsylvania and other areas of the United States, possibly also in Europe and North Africa. The greedy people of this world care not for you or me. As usual, money is the name of the game.

If your water smells like gas or anything else foul, have it tested. You may be shocked and outraged by what you discover is in it.

People often relate money to God.

But it is man who has made going to church all about money, not God. Yet some ministries and churches in Wellington, Kansas and elsewhere place emphasis on money.

God should be first in your life.

His desire is not for money, but a place in our hearts.

While sitting in a restaurant, a man was overheard telling someone what had been done to him. You could hear the pain and disbelief in his voice.

The man’s job kept him on the road. He said that whenever he was in town, he would attend church and put twenty dollars into the collection basket.

That morning, the minister approached him and told him not to come back to church. He said that since the man wasn’t there every week, there was no point in his coming back. The man was ousted from his church, one he had faithfully given money to, out of the goodness of his heart, probably for most of his life.

Since he wasn’t able to give money every week, he wasn’t worthy of attending this church. No matter the man’s efforts to do what was right, when possible. It all boiled down to money.

Friends, this should not happen. Ever.

God accepts us for who we are. He doesn’t care if we are rich or poor. Like the widow, referred to in Luke 20:45-21:1-4, even if all we can afford to give is two pennies, if you are giving from the heart, then you are giving in accordance with God’s will. No man should dictate what a person is to give.

If you are attending a church that places its emphasis on money, then it would be best if you left that place anyways because clearly the Lord’s presence is not in that church.

Remember, God looks on the heart, not on how much money you give, how many church dinners you’ve served, or how many choirs you’ve been in. (1 Samuel 16:7 KJV)

Remember, God is not about money, but more about the state of our hearts than anything.

Because that is what God looks at.

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV)

Refer to:

Yes, America will be the first to go.

Once Americans are on their hands and knees before the government, then the takeover of the rest of the world will be easy.

Did you know that the United States government is DELIBERATELY spending down? In order to cause it to go bankrupt? So that the New World agenda can be implemented? So that America will become a cashless society?

Did you know that the whole intention of our government is to cause most everyone to go broke as well? (Well, not the rich.) So average American citizens will have no choice but to lean on the government for support, aid, and assistance?

The wealthy elite do NOT care about Americans. The President, who was NOT raised in America as we were, does NOT care about Americans either, but only his own agenda.

That is why American jobs are being shipped to China and elsewhere.

That is why the President does NOT support private business.

That is why people are being laid off and forced to break into their savings to survive on a day-to-day basis.

That is why the American food supply is being tainted, why our water is being tainted with chemicals such as Prozac, that will help to “dumb” down all Americans. Did you know that Prozac contains 94% flouride? A toxic chemical?

Do you understand what is happening? That we will soon be at the mercy of the government for everything?

That America will soon become a socialist or communist nation because of all of this?

To be followed by the rest of the world?

Do you understand that once we are “dumbed” down, we will be more easily controlled by the government? That this is the whole intention of the government?

Did you know that, with America as we know it out of the way, that it will be that much easier to control the rest of the world?

That if you have any brains in your head at all, you will be quenched and stopped…permanently…if you do not go along with the new agenda?

That you will be arrested, sent to an internment camp – FEMA camps – and then exterminated by beheading?

Did you know that there is no way to escape what is to come? Except through the mercy of Almighty God Himself?

Did you know that God has allowed this? That it is all Biblical? And that God gave America the President it wanted, NOT the President God wanted for us?

America has rebelled against God and is now reaping what it has sown. It is happening. And there is nothing anyone can do now except pray and, if you haven’t already…

Accept Jesus Christ – YESHUA – as your Lord and Savior – before it is too late.


God wants you to repent of your sins, accept Him as Lord, then lean on Him for all of your provision, both now and in the future. You may not escape what is to come, but know that it is coming.

God has given Americans every chance to turn from their wickedness. As He did with Israel over the centuries, so He will do with America.

Because the majority of Americans have sinned against God and have turned their backs on Him, He will judge America. There is no escape. He has warned us time and again, but most Americans have refused to listen to Him.

Repent of your sins now and accept Him before the worst judgment of all time comes upon this great nation of ours, and then upon the rest of the world.


“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:19-20 KJV)

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