Category: Sabbath

Did you know that there is a demon named Jesus?

He is called the Abomination of Desolation.

And did you know that the Jesus of the Bible is not the same Jesus of the Koran? The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is GOD. The Koran teaches that He is only a prophet who will help Allah rule when the time comes.  He will be expected to bow down to Allah.  Many also believe that Catholics do not follow the same God either. In fact, salvation is not even preached in the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school, so I can attest to this fact.

There are many that would want you to believe that all these deities are all one and the same, but they are not. There is only one Son of GOD, Jesus – Yeshua – Yahushua ha Mashiach. The Christ.

Remember, Satan counterfeits everything. Even the name of Jesus. Which is why it is important to pray, not just in the name of Jesus, but in the name that Satan cannot counterfeit. Yahushua. Yahshua.

In these last days, Satan will make every effort to deceive the world, making himself out to be God, when he is not. He will try and shove the real GOD out of everyone’s lives.

The weather modification machine, HAARP, will be used to create holograms in the sky in an effort to deceive the nations. Through Project Blue Beam. Many holograms, including images of Jesus, will be spread across the sky, making people believe that it is really Jesus Christ coming back. Not true. The sad thing is is that these will be so convincing as to make even the elect be deceived if they are not careful.  It is one of the great deceptions of the end times.

Creating the One World Church

I have mentioned before that the New World Order is trying to establish a One World Church, with Islam at the top. All other religions will be forced to merge with it or be destroyed like “vermin”; namely, true Christians.

Meanwhile, mega-church ministers such as Rick Warren and Joel Osteen, to name a few, are helping to get it established.

Warren, who is actually a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, has gone global with his proposed peace plan to help Muslims and Christians come to an understanding of one another, so we can all worship as one. But it is in direct contradiction to what the Bible says. It also violates the Great Commission laid out by Jesus Christ before He ascended into Heaven following his death and resurrection. We are to go out and make disciples of others, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is not what Warren is preaching. He is, in fact, attempting to establish the world under a one world church, so long as everyone worships Allah. The AntiChrist has always wanted to take the place of GOD himself and is making every effort to prepare the way. He wants to be able to sit on a throne and have the world worship him instead of GOD.  Unfortunately, even as I write this, this plan is in the works, through the efforts of people like Warren.

There is ONLY One Truth

JEHOVAH IS THE TRUE GOD, THE TRUE CREATOR, AND JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD, THE ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD. THEY ARE ONE. There is no other god. All others are false and man-made, with false doctrines behind them. Through Satan’s influence, all false gods and religions came into being. He will do anything to draw people away from the True GOD of Heaven and bring himself into the spotlight, as well as confuse people by tempting them away from the Truth of GOD.

Do NOT buy into the deception. It is ONLY through Jesus Christ that people will be saved and get to Heaven. (John 14:6) Since it is such a narrow door, every person, each INDIVIDUAL, on a personal level, must welcome Jesus into his or her heart as Lord and Savior, confessing and repenting of his or her sins. (Matthew 7:13-14)

The New World Order church, as in Communism, wants everything grouped together as a community, NOT as an individual effort. They want to control the masses and tell people how to think and what to believe. Using books like The Purpose Driven Life, written by Rick Warren, Satan is leading people astray from the Truth of GOD’s Word, however skillfully and deceptively written. The Truth of Almighty GOD is often combined with Satan’s lies and deception. Which is why believers in the One True GOD must read and study the Holy Bible daily, so they know the Truth. Otherwise, it will be easy to believe the lies and be misled into moving toward Satan and away from GOD.

It is ridiculous to think that people such as Warren are trying to make people believe that we can come to an understanding, joining Christianity with Islam in any respect. Muslims kill people who do not conform with their way of thinking. They do things in direct contradiction to the Bible. The Ten Commandments is in total contradiction to many of the ways of Islam. Christians/Jews are taught never to lie, steal, covet, murder, dishonor the Sabbath, etc. Followers of Islam are taught that all of these things are okay to do. So how could these two different groups of people ever find a common ground when they do not even worship the same GOD? There are far too many differences. But since Satan wants dominion, proving himself right and that he deserves to be worshipped as a god, then he is rallying billions of deceived people – people he hates and despises secretly – to bring about his caliphate, his one world government, one world religion, and one world currency. His greatest delight will be when he deceives people into killing off all the Christians, unless they bow to his will. And he is using fear and terror tactics to do it.

Warren’s teachings to bring Islam and Christianity together would make it mandatory for Christians to deny that Jesus is the Son of God and our belief in the triune God. People are being misled to turn away from the True God to believe in a false one. If believers refuse, we will, of course, be tortured, killed, or fined heavily. These are Satan’s tactics to bring us around to his way of thinking and to get us to deny GOD. Folks, the god of Islam is NOT the true god. He is anything but. Based on what is happening to Christians and even Muslims around the world who are fleeing ISIS and other radicals, one can easily see that the true GOD of Love is Jesus Christ and not that other one, who deceives people into worshiping him as a god of compassion, beneficence, and mercy. This is the one that Rick Warren is trying to deceive us into accepting as god.

Warren does not teach repentance from sin either, as the Bible teaches. A person cannot be forgiven of his sins unless one repents of his sins. So Warren is teaching people to walk with the Adversary instead of with GOD. Others promoting the One World Church fail to mention repentance either. This is probably what is attracting sinners to this global peace plan. People can still go out and murder, lie, cheat, steal, whatever, yet still enjoy fellowship with a false god, Satan. Inconceivable.

To be truly saved, one must completely turn away from his or her sins and turn completely to GOD.

The two go hand-in-hand. GOD forgives your sins, giving you a clean slate at the start of your walk with Him. Failing to repent of one’s sins leads only to one thing: death and eternal damnation.

It Is A Personal Choice

Let me repeat. There is only ONE way to Heaven. Through Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This is His Word, GOD’s Truth. (John 14:6)

If you truly want to serve the one true God, no matter what, then you must confess all of your sins to Him, and turn away – repent – of them once and for all. (Acts 17:30) Granted, none of us are perfect. But God will help you not to be tempted to sin once you have confessed and repented and accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior.

So yes, after you confess your sins to God, ask Him to come into your heart, taking charge over your life as your Lord and Savior. Unlike the god of Islam, the God of Christianity gives you a choice to either accept or reject Him. If you accept Him as your Savior, then go out and tell at least one other person of your decision and acceptance of Christ. (Matthew 10:32) The Word of God says that if you will publicly declare Him before men, then He will declare you before His Father in Heaven when that day comes for you to stand in Judgment before Him. (Luke 12:8)   So sharing your belief with others is the second step of salvation.

Next, get a good Bible to read and study every day, and as often as you can. The original King James is actually a good one.  The time now is short, so study as much of Scripture as you can, so you know the Truth.

Then find a Bible preaching, salvation preaching church to join. Or a small cell group with other believers. These are dangerous times we are living in, and God says that wherever two or three are gathered together in His name, that He is there in the midst of them. (Mathew 18:20) So do not feel you have to join some organized church. Nowhere does the Bible tell us that we have to do that as believers. Only that we must assemble together. (Hebrews 10:25)  If you don’t live near other true believers, you may want to consider starting your own group. You should also learn how to worship and pray to God. There are many praise and worship songs out there, even on, and plenty of books on how to pray, if you need help.

When saved, the Holy Spirit will fill you (sometimes another may pray for the Spirit to baptize you). With the Spirit of God comes any number of gifts that He has ordained for you.  (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)  Whether it be the gift of tongues, or prophecy, or whatever. But you will be blessed with at least one gift that will benefit and edify the Church body. If someone tells you not to use your gifts or to keep your mouth closed, then leave that place because it is not of God. The Bible says NOT to quench the Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:19) Any people that try and do that are NOT walking with God but with the Adversary. Stay clear of those people.

Once saved, we are also commanded to get baptized by immersion, to identify us with Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross for our sins and Who now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven. Some believe that faith is all you need to get to Heaven. But Jesus was baptized by immersion by John, as a role model for us to follow. So, find another Spirit-filled, Christ honoring believer or a minister/pastor to baptize you by full immersion, NOT by sprinkling.

Spiritual maintenance is a daily thing.  Once born-again of God, you may occasionally need to be refilled with His Spirit.    Sometimes we need to be recharged with His power, so do not hesitate to ask God for this, if you feel you are lacking.  We all have those moments.  A continual recharge will give you the boldness and power to share your faith without fear or being ashamed.

Also, be aware that no one is perfect.  We are all sinners.  None of us can lead a perfect life.  Only Jesus Christ did that when He was on Earth.  So be sure to daily confess your sins and repent of them, even before you go to bed at night.  We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.  (Philippians 2:12) In this way, we will not backslide and stay on course, running the race set before us.

After you have done all of these things, then walk with God, trusting Him in every aspect of your life. I cannot tell you the wonderful joy you will feel once you become part of God’s family. I can tell you that it will not all be a bed of roses. It will be difficult to remain faithful to God because of what is happening in the world. But if you continue to run the race set before you, you can and will triumph over evil, over the enemy.

God promises us victory over Satan and is indeed coming back soon to establish His Kingdom and wipe out death and the Adversary once and for all.

I pray you join us soon, and we welcome you gladly into the family of the One True GOD. Believe me, it will be the greatest, best decision you will ever make.

Shalom, and know that you are greatly loved.

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:  for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  and what communion hath light with darkness?

“And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?”  (2 Cor. 6:14-16 KJV)

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3 KJV)

“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:  [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”  (1 John 2:23 KJV)

“He that hath the Son hath life:  and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” (1 John 5:12 KJV)

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:  for he shall save his people from their sins.”  (Matthew 1:21 KJV)

Refer to:



Did you know that America was created by God to be set apart and holy? That America has been mightily blessed because of His chosen people who came to live here? Sadly, as we all know, that is no longer the case. The bald eagle, which represents America, has had many of its feathers plucked out.

This and the following truths came through a prophecy in 2006, through an obedient daughter of the living God, a ring maiden. It will amaze you how accurate it was and still is for 2015. This prophecy was meant to be shared with the world, which is why I have chosen to share it now. It should have been shared broadly back in 2006. Regardless, it is still relevant and important.

America Has Fallen

America was built on an illusion. Now, it is puffed up with pride, bragging, “Look how wealthy I am.”

But now, its feathers have been plucked out. It can no longer fly. It is an illusion.

America has gone from nation to nation and made war. Boys and girls have laid down their lives and continue to do so in 2015. God does not kill them. They play like toy soldiers, forced to go into war where God did not send them. And these boys and girls are forced to fight against the bully that comes on the playground. Unfortunately, America’s finger points at everyone else. America says, “You are the worst.” Yet how many fingers are pointing back at it?

Those we call terrorists IS actually America.

As we remember the tragedies that took place on 9/11, we can see how accurate this prophecy was, even fourteen years later.

“The towers of cards are ready to fall.” America built them up on the backs of the wealthy, so the illusion could stay in place. And the United Nations urged the ditching of the American dollar for a new currency based on the global basket. The U. N. has slammed the American dollar and proposes to replace it with a basket of currencies. Many of you may know about the coming Phoenix, the newly proposed one world currency.

America has the lies. “We are a nation of the free and the wise. Come and bring your poor.” But when the poor came, America was an illusion of this lie. What did America do to them? How did America treat them? They were treated as less than human beings. They were scurried out like they were rats and put in the governmental traps. America labeled them as immigrants, illegals. Was America not the one who invited them in? What is the Statue of Liberty doing there? “Come to the land of the free and the brave?”

God says, “I spit on you, America!

“You used to criticize nations that would torture. Now look what the airwaves are full of. Shall we not torture them before they torture us?

“Can you not see, America, those who truly are of Me? Can you not see how the changing of the guard has taken place?

“There are a few of them. There are a very few who are My remnant, who are still politicians who are still trying as they bang their heads against the wall of the bureaucracy, of the hypocrisy. But they quit, they gave up, they compromised to the government lies.

“America, you fly alone. You think you have friends? They hate you behind your back. You bribe them like a bully on a playground. You have not a friend.

“Wait until the other nations see you are but an illusion. You are a vapor in the air. There is not even a fire there. You are but a puff of smoke.

“Wait until the other nations find out you are a plucked eagle. Why? Because you would not submit to My authority. Why? Because you kicked Me out of your schools.

“You did not want The Ten Commandments to be seen in the courtyards, in the courts. The hypocrisy of the ones who call themselves The Supreme Court.

“Who AM I to stand in the way of anyone who wants to stay [in America] if they choose to believe this illusion, if they choose to believe lies?

“The last thing I do is I’ve seasoned you, America. Now I, Yahweh, rebuke you openly.

“Oh, America. You think you have been safe from the diseases. It is you who manufactures the biological lie, the chemical lies of chemical warfare. You poison My skies.

“America, you are the bureaucracy and hypocrisy, you who trample the little ones underneath your feet, and the rich and the powerful that take the little that they have from the little ones and give it to these.

“What a price you will pay. You think your black schemes will work? You think you have been protected from that which you have done?

“You think you are going to kill the masses of the poor, and My wrath will not touch you?

“O, you foolish scientists, foolish physicians, I will confound you.

“For those who are truly of Me, Yahuveh. For those who truly put My Son, Yahushua as Messiah and Lord of their life, for those who love Us and obey and strive to be holy each day, I have put what is a true vaccine in the air. I have put supernatural antibodies there, and it will be as the children of Israel, and these plagues did not come nigh them.

“And now I speak to all nations of the world. Satan seeks to use America to set a chain reaction where all your governments far and wide will betray you in the same way. Some of them already have, but I make the same promises to you.”

Satan Counterfeits What God Has Created

I had considered breaking this prophecy down into parts, to keep it short. Instead, I have decided to keep it intact so that it can be easily shared or printed out. It is important for this to be shared globally, as it was meant to be. So feel free. Just do not make any changes.

As many of you may know. Our water is tainted, contaminated with chemicals or other things that are not good for our bodies. As is happening in California right now, the enemies of God are even now rationing the water there in an effort to control every aspect of our lives. But here is what God wants you to do, to protect yourself:  Pray a blessing over that water each time you drink. Say this:

This represents the Living Water of Yahushua ha Mashiach, and nothing can harm me.”

God has also given these instructions:

Do not purposely drink that which you know is tainted. When I give you no other way, that is when it is going to take faith.”

Also, regarding the food you will eat:

Pray over that food, for you will not know if it is cloned or not.

Remember, Satan wants to counterfeit everything God created. He does it through the name of science.

But pray over that food. Believe Me. Believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put life in a meat that will bless your body and not curse it.

For I tell you, cloned meat is a counterfeit sent from hell, to say, ‘I can create just as He can create. Eat my food. It’s better. I can create a chicken that will not have the bird fly.’

“Why, you foolish ones, you scientists, do you think I do not know that it is you that manufactured that disease?

“It did not come from Me.

When they say, you must be vaccinated, oh, there’s a deadly deadly virus here. We must round you up and put you in a stadium, IF YOU WILL NOT OBEY. We cannot have you contaminate the rest.

RUN RUN RUN, little ones! RUN RUN RUN away! RUN from FEMA! And RUN from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your faith in Me!

Protest while you still have a voice. PROTEST!

Jam the Capitol’s lines. Say, “You will NOT take away our provisions to give to you – this city. You will NOT ration our food. You will NOT ration our water. You will NOT ration our supplies!

Can you not see if you stay silent, the illusion will win?”

Homosexuals Are In The Minority

Many prophecies came through the ring maiden mentioned earlier that homosexuals were in the minority. But now, even in 2015, we can see how many believed the illusion’s lies.

“America, you are the fabricator of the illusion’s lies.

“Now you have taken that lie across this world, and you have spread it far and wide, and yet…it is a lie.

“Homosexuality is still in the minority, and yet they pass laws and change laws to approve that which I said was an abomination.

“America, you will reap what you have sowed, just as surely as Sodom and Gomorrah did.

“And those of the seed of Abraham that are holy, and I do not speak of the biological Jews –

“I speak to the grafted ones, grafted in one of every tribe as they were grafted into My Son, Yahushua ha Massiach. ‘Seek Me. I will not disappoint you.’”

Learn The Truth While There Is Still Time

God has instructed us not to be deceived. Many organized churches preach man-made doctrines and practice legalism, which leads to death. We are commanded to stay away from such churches.

“There are ways I will protect you, but now is not the time to play the game of the ‘church of the pretenders’.

“Learn the Truth, and learn it quickly. Follow not the man-made doctrines, the churches of Babylon, the organized churches.

“…Repent, seek the Truth. That is what will set you free.”

Message For The Martyrs And Their Executioners

In 2006, God revealed, “A seal is about to be loosed!”

“For every time you have had to sacrifice. For every time you have cried out, “Please, Oh, Yahuveh, where are you?

“I hear your tears as you weep for your family. I hear your tears, not only now but in the future.

“All those of you who would be the guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, I hear your tears even before you shed them.

“They are already here for I know what you would pray even before you pray, and I will answer you even before you pray. I have gone before you even before you have had to suffer.

“For those of you who hear this around the world, I speak peace to you. For some of you will be martyred. Multitudes of you.

“But you will have the peace of Yahushua. Just as surely as John the Baptist said, ‘Take my head. I want to go home.’ Just as surely as you will say, ‘Get it over with. I want to go home.’

“For I promise you this: ‘I will give you dreams of Heaven. I will give you a foretaste of visions of Heaven.’

Some way, somehow, everyone who will be martyred, everyone who has been martyred for My Son, Yahushua’s sake, I will give you a glimpse of Heaven, and I have given a glimpse of Heaven so their body did not go to its grave without getting a glimpse of Yahushua first.

And I take their spirit out of their body even before their body feels any pain. I promise you this. I promise you this. I promise you this.

Stephen saw the heavens opened, and he saw Yahushua before he was hurt by the first stone, and he did not feel any pain. His spirit was taken. I promise you this.

But woe be on the executioner. He cannot even conceive the horror he will feel, not only now on this Earth, but for all eternity.

So beware who you think you can torture and get away with it. You cannot even conceive what I will do to you when you touch one of My holy ones.

Blessed are all who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. You will be embraced.

You are not just a guest. You are VIP guest. For you to be there, you paid the ultimate price, and the Bride will embrace you. Most of all, I, Yahuveh, and Yahushua, will embrace you.

The 24 elders will embrace you, the four living beings will embrace you, the angels of Heaven will embrace you.

So do not compromise. Do not be the illusion’s lies.

For the son of perdition, the true Judas, is about to return. The son of Satan.

Do NOT compromise. Do NOT believe the illusion’s lies.

Do NOT believe the church of Babylon.

Get back to what the first church taught.

Misunderstandings, Circumcision, True Sabbath Beliefs

“Do NOT believe the way that Paul – Shaul – has been misunderstood and mistranslated againand again. He was Jewish. He never forsook that.

“About the lies that are told – Of course, your salvation does not depend on the circumcision of the flesh. For now it is the circumcision of the heart.

“This is a foolish argument, just like the old blood covenant no longer stands because there is a new blood covenant. That does NOT mean that My Shabbat does NOT still stand.”


“Just because the Greeks gave My Son a name –

“Just because the King James Bible repeated the name of Jesus Christ again and again –

“Does NOT mean that His name was changed.

“It will always remain a Hebrew name, a Name that holds the name of I, Yahuveh.

“I, Yahuveh, a Name that is a reminder to this Earth of the price My Son, Yahushua, had to pay.

“His Name that is above ALL names, a Name after I, Yahuveh. I, Yahuveh. It means, ‘Yah Saves’.

“Nothing has changed because I honored the Name of Jesus Christ, because I anointed the Name of Jesus Christ, because I saved in the Name of Jesus Christ, because I delivered, and did signs, wonders, and miracles in the Name of Jesus Christ. Because I still do it in Name of Jesus Christ does NOT mean that you are NOT to know His True Hebrew Name.

You will be and are held accountable for what you know.”

The True Sabbath

I continually come across people who disagree about the true Sabbath day. It is so engrained in people that Sunday is the Sabbath, they don’t consider that it was never changed. Men changed the day and passed this lie on through the churches. This part of the prophecy confirms what I have said all along. Saturday is the True Sabbath, to be honored from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.

“Because I allowed all this time for you to assemble and call Sunday My Sabbath day, I did the same thing. I allowed it. It was NOT My will, but I allowed it.

“But in The Great Tribulation, Satan is going to show you how he is going to counterfeit.

“For again I say, even the very wealthy evangelists who know this Truth, have sold out this Truth, have compromised this Truth, and will lead you right into the arms of the AntiMessiah, the son of Satan.

“And they will say, ‘That’s Jesus Christ. That’s your Messiah. He’s come. He’s come, and now peace is all over the Earth. Don’t worry about Hell.’

“Why can’t you see? They don’t want the counterfeit Me. My Name is Yah.

“King James will pay. King James has paid, when he blotted out My Son’s Sacred Name.”

Study To Show Thyself Approved


Study and show thyself approved.

It was not always King James. Read the holy manuscripts. Read where the Hebrew translations are. Read where even the Aramaic know His Name.

Why why why will you not believe?

So much suffering the church is going to go through because they threw out the Messianic Jews.

“And you of the Messianic Jewish synagogues, I point my finger also to you. You who took out My Name, Yah, and say, ‘Yeshua will do.’

“You didn’t want to offend the Orthodox Jews. You compromised.

“You even took away My deity and then you wonder, ‘Where are the miracles of old?’

“Why can we not bring the dead into the churches? Why are they not raising up? Where are the miracles of old?

“If we would bring the lepers, why would they not be cleansed? If we bring the paralyzed, why do they not walk? If we bring the mutes, why do they not talk? When we bring the deaf, why do we not hear? When we bring the terminally ill, why do they not live?

Foolish churches of Babylon? Why do you not listen? Die to the old ways, and you will see miracles again.

I tell you all this before My wrath is poured out. Do I not send my prophets to warn before the judgment comes?”

The Churches Of Babylon

“You in your organized church – pompous churches. You and the church made of glass. You who will not speak what sin is. You who take the bribery of the governments. You who muzzle and kick the prophets out.

“My Ruach HaKodesh isn’t even in your churches. It is all an illusion. A trick of the devil. No different than a David Copperfield, a magician who operates under Satan’s power. Or one who calls himself ‘Criss Angel’ (a magician who defies death), who is a fallen angel in disguise. Who isn’t even human. He is an illusion before your eyes.

“For those with spiritual ears, you will hear. For those of you who are guests, do not guess. For those of you with spiritual eyes to see, it is you that I have blessed. It is you who will be protected. It is you who hear My Words. It is you I call My holy ones. It is you who take this Word and as this ring maiden has spoken it forth, will ring it around this Earth.”

All Is An Illusion

“For I AM about to show you who I, Yahuveh, trust. I AM about to show you. Do you know how fragile your Earth is?

“Do you know it is an illusion you are even standing still?

“Picture a top spinning so fast, and all you have to do is just touch it.

“That is all I do to just touch it, and to get it out of rotation ever so slightly, for I barely barely can touch it, or all of you would go flying off.

“And look at your weather. Oh, I know you in the countries that have the weather machine. Oh, I know where you are.

“I laugh at the machine for I will show you who created the weather.

“I will show you who created the hail. I will show you who created the earthquakes, and the storms, and tsunamis.

“I will show you the Creator of the tornadoes and the whirlwinds.

“I will put your machine to shame.

“What are you going to do inhabitants of the Earth when I kick the footstool, for I have barely touched it? What are you going to do when I kick it? I stamped one foot. What are you going to do when I, Yahuveh, stamp both feet?

“You who think you are so rich and mighty and powerful, you who have the illusion of wealth, you who trample the poor under your foot.

“What will you do when I rip the wealth from your hands, when you are the poor, and the poor is the one that I lift up?

“When you are the one that goes hungry and thirsty and without a home, and all your valuable possessions are gone? When you are the ones who built your homes underground? And I will flood it, and all your treasures will be destroyed? You who built the underground cities and think you are so safe? What are you going to do when I, Yahuveh, put an end to your illusion and bury you in them likes graves?

“Only what you do for My Son, Yahushua ha Massiach, will count. What you do with the money I have allowed you to have.

“Only the words you speak with your mouth next to your confession, your repentance, your praise, and your worship…

“Only your witness, only your walk as you warn others what I have spoken, will count.

“Only your witness to the price My Son, Yahushua, paid, with the Words I, Yahuveh, say will count.”

Judgment Day

Just because you were raised to believe something, does NOT mean it is the truth. There is only one GOD. He is the Mighty I AM, Lord Yahuveh, GOD the Father. Yahushua, His Son, is known as Jesus Christ, the WORD. The third Person in this Trinity Godhead is the Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh.

Put aside the lies of your upbringing, the lies from man-made doctrines. The Holy Bible is the True, Inspired Word of GOD. Anything else is a lie from Satan. I AM, Jesus Christ, is the One True GOD.

He desires a personal relationship with you. And yes, despite the lies of the False Prophet, the Pope who sits in the Vatican, who is helping to bring about the New World Order, the AntiChrist, and trying to set up the False Religion of the End Times, it is God’s desire and it is truly possible to have a relationship with the GOD who created you.

Invite Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior before it is too late. Confess your sins to Him, ask Him to forgive you, invite Him to fill every corner of your being, and trust Him for your future. Do NOT take the Mark of the Beast, the coming RFID chip because that will join you with Satan for all eternity. Trust GOD to take care of you and provide for you, even if things get bad. Tribulation is coming. It is no secret. Christians even now are being tortured and martyred by Satan’s followers. If you are a true believer in Jesus Christ, that may not exempt you from dying for Him. But this prophecy gives all of us Hope. Give your life to Him as He gave His for you. Because He loves you. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to love, accept, and trust Him. It will guarantee you a place in Heaven, our true home, for all eternity. Following Satan will only bring you death, destruction, and damnation.

As this prophecy continues, God has this to say regarding Judgment Day:

“When you stand before Me and you brag and say, ‘I gave to that charity,’ was it based in Me?

“Did you feed My holy ones? Did you help My prophets out, or did you let them go without?

“They are the questions I’m going to ask you.

“Even those of you who are called by My Name, even those of you who put Yahushua first in their life and their love, I’m going to ask you, ‘What did you do to help this ministry speak forth these Words? You heard My voice. You believed Me. What did you do?

“Did you compromise? Did you share what you had? Did you offer a place of sanctuary? Did you so much as give a drink of water to a prophet in My Name? In My Son, Yahushua’s Name? Did you just say, ‘God bless you. I will pray for you. Or were you a blessing?’

“These are the questions I’m going to ask you when you stand before My Throne.

“Did you take these Words? Did you take them to the Sunday churches so the pastor would be held accountable for what he knows?

“Did you go in as a Jeremiah’s army, at least two-by-two? Did you go to the congregation and explain to them about the Sabbath feasts?

“What did you do? Did you teach My Hebrew Name? Did you teach the power and anointing in the sacred Hebrew Names of I, Yahuveh, of My Son, Yahushua?

“This goes for every nation around the world that hears these Words. What did you do? I’m going to ask you?

“Did you help the Ring Maiden in any way? Did you help her fight the enemy? Did you help Nikomia fight the enemy?

“How many times did you pray? I’m going to ask you.

“When you know and read Revelation and you know how many martyrs there are going to be, did you pray for many ahead of time? Are you praying for them now? I’m going to ask you.

“When I command you to pray for the two witnesses, that they will believe and receive who they are, I’m going to ask you, were your prayers amongst those who pray for them? I’m going to ask you.

“How many souls did you lead to Heaven? How many times did you witness Yahushua ha Massiach? The price He paid at Calvary and how He arose again on the third day, so for eternity you could be set free?

“How many times did you tell people that they must be holy, that they must be obedient? I’m going to ask you.

“You see. It is not enough to care about your own soul. I’m going to ask you. Did you care about anyone else’s besides your family? For who did I, Yahuveh, say was your family?

“Did I not say through My own Son, Yahushua’s Name, who your family was? And it is those who belong to Me, those who accept Yahushua ha Massiach as My only begotten Son? (Mark 3:31-35)

“Do you want to know why your family is not saved? Do you want to know if your family will be saved?

“Just as that jail keeper said, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve Yahushua.’

“Oh, I know you were taught, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ But again, they blotted out the Name of My Son. Read the holy manuscripts, and you will see My Son’s Name was there.

“That meant, not only did that jail keeper have to turn his heart to Yahushua, but his family also.

“That is not a carte blanche, a free pass for a family. Everyone is working out their own salvation with fear and trembling.

“Before they were put on Earth, their soul already knows whether their name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life or not, or whether they are in the Book of the Blotted Out.”

The Ring Maiden

This prophecy was given to the Ring Maiden, Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nokomia, on March 31, 2006. It was not released until June 10, 2006, at


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The above cartoon appeared in the Daytona Beach News Journal on February 26, 2004.

The above cartoon appeared in the Daytona Beach News Journal on February 26, 2004.

Changing The Time And The Seasons

As mentioned in a previous article of how Adolph Hitler, during World War II, changed the times and the seasons, so it is necessary for you to understand that the coming AntiChrist will do the same.  Those worshipping on Sunday will be worshipping AntiChrist himself when the time comes.  No doubt, it will be those people who will bear the Mark of the Beast.  True believers – those bearing the Seal of God – will be in hiding, worshipping the true God in secret, in cell groups or house churches, such as they do in China or other Communist countries today.  Assuming they haven’t been sent to a FEMA camp for execution by that time.  Or taken by God beforehand.

At the Council of Laodicia, in A. D. 364, it was there that the true and original Sabbath, as decreed by God, was changed to Sunday, by the Papacy of Rome – the Catholic Church, although there are some who say that isn’t so.  In its arrogance, the Catholic Church considers itself God’s authority, which is blasphemous, and has given itself the authority to change the Word of God as it deems fit.  In actuality, it cares nothing for the true God of Heaven or His Laws.  If you are still a practicing Catholic, as I once was, then I strongly suggest you leave that church now, before the Lord’s wrath descends upon it.  If you research the history of the Papacy of Rome, you will find much evil in its history that God will hold the Catholic Church accountable for.  I am sure you will not want to be a part of that ‘cult’ when the time of God’s judgment comes against it.

The Catholic Church is also the entity that brought into practice paganistic sun worship.  It is also responsible for changing the Second Commandment, shortening it.  The Church does not want anyone to know they are worshipping idols – statues of Mary, the saints, angels, etc.  Worship of anything other than the mighty I AM, such as Mary worship, is strictly forbidden by God, yet the Catholic Church even has holy days set apart for Mary worship.  Yes, the Catholic Church is not the church of God that it professes to be.  Granted, it is filled with people who love God and many born-again believers, but many are still blinded to the truth of what this ‘cult’ is all about.  In fact, if you do a little research, you will yourself discover that the funny hat that sits upon the Pope’s head bears the number 666.  And the obelisk that sits in Vatican Square and the items used in the Mass are all relics of sun worship.  Check it out for yourself.


The Blair Amendment And Sunday Blue Laws


The 1888 Blair Amendment was a bill introduced by Senator Blair into the United States Senate to enforce Sunday observance — a National Sunday Law.  When I grew up in the ‘60s and ‘70s, we honored the Sunday Blue Laws.  Everything was closed that day.  And many people went to church on Sunday, unaware that Saturday is the True Sabbath God ordained for His people, NOT Sunday.  Look at any Holy Bible.  God rested on the seventh day of the week, NOT the first, which is Sunday.  Since our God is a Legal God, that particular Law has NOT changed.  Man changed it, for his own purposes, in direct opposition to God’s Law.  And there is no verse in Scripture anywhere stating that God changed His true Sabbath day, Saturday, to Sunday.


AntiChrist Will Enforce The National Sunday Law


Once again, the powers that be will change the times and the seasons.  Satan hates God and does everything against Him.  So soon, Satan, who will empower the AntiChrist, will pass a law that will make it illegal to honor the True Sabbath of God.  America is the starting point.  Once it is brought down and controlled, and the RFID chip implemented through a mandatory law, the rest of the world will have no choice but to follow in its footsteps.  Anyone refusing to take the chip and refusing to honor the National Sunday Law, bowing to the AntiChrist – the image of the Beast – will be killed.

It is true that after Christ died on the cross and the temple veil was rent, signifying the end to the old laws, many believe that we are to honor Sunday, the first day of the week, as the Sabbath.  But even common sense will tell you that the Ten Commandments are still in effect. (Exodus 20:3-17)  Otherwise, that would mean that we are now allowed to murder, to lie, steal, covet our neighbors’ possessions, no longer honor our parents, honor the Sabbath, take our Lord’s name in vain, and practice idolatry.  NOT true.  All of those are still commandments of God that we are to obey, even now.  That includes honoring the true Sabbath that God ordained.  Saturday, the seventh day of the week. (Exodus 20:8-11)  Scripture clearly states this.

Remember, Satan and his followers make a mockery of everything God has ordained.  He violates everything God considers holy.  As one can now see as we look at our present world, all that is evil is considered good, and vice versa.  Satan is turning everything to his advantage and expects the world to follow his ways, his laws, NOT God’s.  Everyone who opposes AntiChrist and refuses to follow his crooked laws, will be cut down.  That is why the FEMA camps have been set up, with guillotines.  I am sure that my name and countless others are already on the round-up and extermination lists.  When Martial Law is laid down, at the whim of the man of lawlessness, since he already wrote an executive order allowing him this, it is then any opposition to Satan’s New World Order will be rounded up.  Unless one is able to flee and hide somewhere.

When the One World Religion comes into being – which is a mixture of New Age beliefs and Islam rolled into one, with Islam reigning at the top – then it will become mandatory to attend the NWO church.  Anyone not honoring the new National Sunday Law will be considered in violation and will suffer the consequences.

The National Sunday Law will be man’s law, Satan’s law, not God’s.  This is why the true Sabbath will be a test for mankind, to see if we will honor the true Sabbath or violate God’s law and honor Satan’s mockery Sabbath day.

We are to honor the true Sabbath from sunset Friday evening to sunset Saturday evening and refrain from doing any work at all, and resting.  That is the command.  For actual times, you may go to for candle lighting times for your area.  If you have doubts, then consider this.  Why would God change His true Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday?  As I mentioned, then does that mean He might change His mind about murder, homosexuality, lying, cheating, stealing, or any other sin that so besets mankind?  I doubt it.  Honor God on the true Sabbath, on Saturday.  But do NOT honor Sunday as the true Sabbath, when it clearly is not the day set apart by God as holy.  As I said, God is a Legal God.  He cannot change what was established at the foundation of the universe.  The Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, remains in effect as the true Sabbath.  It was set apart as holy and must remain holy.  Satan knows this so is going to force the world to violate this holy Commandment of God.  Since the law was already put on the books through the Blair Amendment/Blue Laws it will be an easy thing to reimplement it as law at the appointed time.

Psalms 111:7-9 makes it clear that all of God’s commandments will be in effect forever:  “The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His commandments are sure.  They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.  He sent redemption unto His people:  He has commanded His covenant for ever:  holy and reverend is His name.”

Isaiah 66:22-23 also states that those who are saved from the earth will be keeping the Sabbath day, Saturday, holy throughout eternity, in the New Earth, which God has not yet created: “For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.  And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith the Lord.”

According to Revelation 11:19, we see that the Ten Commandments are preserved in Heaven for all eternity because the Ark of the Covenant is seen in the temple in Heaven.  The Ten Commandments had been placed in the Ark, which indicates that they still remain there.  In the temple.  In Heaven.  Which means that the Ten Commandments have not been deleted or made null and void.  Which means that Saturday remains as the true Sabbath.

The Ten Commandments were NOT nailed to the cross, as many believe.  They are still in effect, as is the true Sabbath – Saturday – and will remain in effect for all eternity.


Do Not Disregard The Ten Commandments


Many people in this world will be lost if they refuse to obey God’s Law.  Scripture says that, in Proverbs 28:9, that God will disregard the prayers of those who do not obey His commandments.  Anyone who does not keep the true Sabbath, but are Sunday worshippers, are considered, in God’s eyes, an abomination to Him.  Sunday-keepers cannot have the Holy Spirit because it is written that only those who obey God have the Holy Spirit.  (Acts 5:32)

Matthew 7:21-23 states that only those who keep all of God’s commandments will be saved.  In fact, violation of the Sabbath leads only to one thing.  Death.


Be Not Deceived


Sin is breaking any one of the Ten Commandments, God’s Law.  But sadly, many churches deceive people into believing that Sunday is the Sabbath.

If you belong to a church that does not teach the truth of God’s Word, then you are commanded to leave that church.  Otherwise, you will be led directly into hell fire.  God will never accept any of Satan’s counterfeit religions.

If a person is attending church on Sunday, out of ignorance, he will not be held accountable.  However, once a person knows the truth about keeping the true Sabbath, on Saturday, then it is in direct violation of God’s law if that person does not turn away from Sunday worship and honor the true Sabbath that God has blessed, sanctified, and commanded we keep holy.  Sadly, it will be many protestant ministers and other men of the cloth who will bow down and submit to the AntiChrist’s supposed authority to violate God’s commands.  If you read the Holy Bible, you will know the Truth for yourself.


The Choice Is Yours


The fact is is that honoring the true Sabbath will help you keep your heart right with God.  It is up to you to decide whether to honor it or not.  In future, AntiChrist will make it mandatory for people to honor the Sunday Law.  Government-mandated churches will be set up for a person to honor the AntiChrist and not the true God of Heaven.  Communist nations such as China already have such churches, with government-mandated sermons to preach.

Now is the time to decide what you should do.  Honor God or choose the Mark of the Beast, the RFID chip, and become part of the AntiChrist system of evil that is fast approaching.

If you are not yet a true believer in Jesus Christ, it is very easy to be saved.  God wants a relationship with all of us.  But He does not force you as others force people to their religion or way of thinking.  God loves us and does not want to see any one of us lost to Satan.  Honoring Satan brings nothing but destruction, evil, and violence.  Jesus is the True God of Peace, of Love.  In fact, God is love.

Accept Him into your heart as Lord and Savior.  Invite Him in.  Confess your sins, repent of them – turn away from doing them again – and ask Jesus to become Lord and Savior of your life.

Purchase a good Bible to read and study – the original King James Version is a good version to start with – find a Bible-preaching, salvation-preaching, true Sabbath-honoring church to join, and get baptized by immersion to identify yourself as one with Christ.

Feel free to write us at if you have questions about any of this, and we will gladly help you.  There is only one way to Jesus Christ and true salvation.  Do not believe otherwise.  Jesus is the ONLY way.  And if you are truly committed to following Him, you will honor the true Sabbath.

Just for the record, I wish to tell you that this ministry is a Bible-believing, non-denominational ministry of the truth as God has revealed it, and that everyone involved here is a Spirit-filled, born-again believer and true Sabbath keeper.  We are not Seventh Day Adventists or practice anything other than what God’s Truth has revealed, in case you were wondering.



“You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday.  The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify.”

(Catholic Cardinal Gibbons in Faith of Our Fathers, p. 111)

“The Catholic authorities proclaim:  ‘The Bible says, “Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day.”’  “The Catholic Church says, No!  By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day, and command you to keep the first day of the week.  And lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church!”  

(Father Enright, C. S. S. R. of the Redemptoral College, Kansas City, MO., as taken from History of the Sabbath, p. 802.)  

(From:  Marcussen, A. Jan, National Sunday Law, (c) 2007, AT Publications, p. 41.)


“But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

(Matthew 15:9)

“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” 

(James 2:10 KJV)


For more information:

(Please note.  Many links previously posted have been deleted.  Since the NWO takeover of all communications, sites that were previously available are now missing, or you are quickly redirected to a lame grouping of websites that have nothing to do with the topic contained herein.    As of this posting, the following sites are still viewable.)


Many people know about the AntiChrist’s “Mark of the Beast”?  But how many know about the Seal of God?

It is the Seal of God that will distinguish those who belong to God when Jesus Christ returns.  The “Mark of the Beast” will distinguish those who belong to Satan.

The “Mark of the Beast” is in direct opposition to the “Seal of God”.  In the end, everyone will have one or the other.

Those people who choose the “Seal of God” will spend eternity in Heaven, with God.

Those people who choose the “Mark of the Beast” will be cast into the lake of fire.

“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

“The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

“And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever:  and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receiveth the mark of his name.

“Here is the patience of the saints:  here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of God.”  Revelation 14:  9-12 (KJV)




A seal has to do with legal affairs.  Since our God is a legal God, there is nothing He can do to change what has been laid out as Law from the beginning.

A law is stamped with the seal of the ruling government and has three parts:

(1) The name of the ruler.

(2) The ruler’s title.

(3) The territory over which he rules.

Once a government has placed its seal on a law or currency, that means it is official.  God’s seal makes His Law official, and the entire universe must stand behind it.

Anyone disloyal to the seal of the government, and to the law to which it is attached, is looked upon as being disloyal to the government itself.   When the seal of the ruler of any government is placed in his law, that makes it official.  Therefore, God’s seal is His Law.  Just as a government ruler uses his seal to enforce the laws of the land, God uses His seal to enforce His Law.

“Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples.”  Isaiah 8:16 (KJV)




The “Seal of God” can be found in the very center of His Law:

“Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.

“Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:

“But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy GOD:  in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:  wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”  Exodus 20:  8-11 (KJV)

Here are the three parts of God’s seal:

(1) His name – “the LORD”.

(2) His title – “thy GOD” (Creator)

(3) His territory – “heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is.

It is because of this that Satan has tried to hide the truth of the Sabbath from the world.  It is because it is God’s sign.  (The word ‘sign’ means the same as ‘seal’.  See Romans 4:11)

So just where are God’s people sealed?

Under His covenant, His promise is this:

“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the LORD, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;”  Hebrews 10:16 (KJV)

Therefore, the Truth is, that when we choose Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit will place the “Seal of God” in our foreheads.  The forehead contains the frontal lobe, the section of our brain where our conscience is.  When you receive the “Seal of God” in your forehead, that means you have it in your conscience.




In Truth, honoring the true Sabbath will be an end time test for God’s people when the Sunday Law is enforced by AntiChrist.

When referring to the Sabbath, we are not talking about Sunday worship here.  We are talking about the True Sabbath set apart by God from the beginning.

As mentioned in an earlier article, the True Sabbath is from sunset Friday evening to sunset Saturday evening.  This is the True Sabbath that GOD wants His people to honor.

Satan deceived many and, because of the Papacy of Rome, the True Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday.  Sunday is, in fact, a day for sun worshippers.  It is idolatry.  And, horror of horrors, SUNDAY WORSHIP IS ALSO A “MARK OF THE BEAST”.  Sunday worship is the mark of the Papacy’s authority and will be legally enforced by the AntiChrist in the near future.  But I will refer more to this in a separate article, for brevity’s sake.




As mentioned, in order to receive the “Seal of God” in your forehead, you must accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life.  Accept Him into your heart by confessing to HIm your sins, repenting of them (turning away), and welcoming Him.  It is your choice.  As an act of obedience, and as an end time test, you will want to begin honoring the true Sabbath set apart by GOD from the beginning of time.  It will indeed distinguish the weeds from the wheat when Jesus returns for the harvest, so long as we continue to honor God and obey His commandments once we are saved.

Also know this, that if you instead choose to accept the coming “Mark of the Beast”, what most believe is the coming RFID chip developed by the New World Order, then you will have no way to ever reach Heaven and spend eternity with God.  The “Mark of the Beast” will only guarantee you slavery and control under the AntiChrist (Satan) and eternal damnation.

The choice is yours.



The Sabbath issue will be the end time test for God’s people, when the Sunday law is enforced by AntiChrist.



Refer to:






Yes, America…and Britain.  As difficult as it is to believe.  We.  Are.  Israel.  We are descended through Jacob’s son, Joseph.  Then through Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.  (Genesis 48:17-20)

Britain came through the line of Ephraim; America through the line of Manasseh.  As history reveals, many migrated from England to the shores of North America.  Over time, the colonies established there grew into the United States of America.

It is because of Jacob’s blessings on Joseph’s sons that we have thrived as two of the greatest nations in the world.  (Genesis 48:14-20)  According to Scripture, Ephraim and Manasseh together received the right to the name Israel.  Their descendants were never Jews.  Jews came through the line of Judah, another of Jacob’s sons. (Read I and II Kings and I and II Chronicles which devote more to the two, separate, rival nations of Judah and Israel.)

Also, if you recall, Jacob was renamed by God and called Israel.  (Genesis 32:28)  This label, this name, came upon Ephraim and Manasseh.  It became the national name of their descendants.

Therefore, the real Israel, racially and nationally, is Ephraim and Manasseh.


Ephraim, Manasseh And The Lost Tribes


According to Scripture, Manasseh was to become the single great nation; Ephraim, the company of nations.  Or, the United States of America and the British Commonwealth:

“In Genesis 48:19, Jacob prophesied that Manasseh “shall become a people, and he also shall be great,” but added that Ephraim’s descendants “shall be greater than [Manasseh], and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.”  With these words Jacob prophesied that Manasseh and Ephraim would receive the blessing of Genesis 35:11 that the “birthright” promises would eventually include “a nation and a company of nations.”  Genesis 48:19 specifically foretold the descendants of Ephraim (the younger brother) would become the “multitude of nations” while Manasseh’s descendants would become the single great nation…

“Since Ephraim was to be the “greater” of the two, and received its birthright blessing first, we should expect that Ephraim would receive its inheritance before Manasseh.  History fulfilled that expectation.  Great Britain rose to international prominence before the United States, and was a major international power for centuries before being replaced by the United States in the post-World War II period.  At its zenith, the British Empire also ruled over many more nations and a far greater geographic area than the United States ever has.  For a time, it was true that “the sun never set on the British Empire” because the British Empire ruled much of the world!  At its zenith, it ruled over Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, many Black African nations, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, eastern New Guinea, and any islands in Oceania.  It was without question, the most expansive empire in the history of our planet.  According to the 1943 Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the British Empire once ruled 13 million square miles of the earth’s land surface.  (And that was before British rule was temporarily extended over Palestine, Jordan and Iraq after World War II!)  Britain’s navies also controlled much of the world’s sea surface as well. “Britannia rules the waves” was a common axiom in Britain’s glory days.  The British Empire inherited the “birthright” promises of controlling the “gate of its enemies” (strategic “chokepoints” such as the Suez Canal, Gibraltar, and the Cape of Good Hope).  British ownership of the Falkland Islands controlled access around Cape Horn between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and its colony in Singapore controlled the strategic Strait of Malacca between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.

“The United States of America (Manasseh) inherited its “birthright” portion after Ephraim had inherited its dominant portion of the “birthright.”  At its height, Manasseh ruled the United States, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii (which later became states), Cuba and various islands in Oceania.  The United States long controlled the Panama canal, one of the world’s most strategic “gates.”  While the United States is clearly more powerful than Great Britain in our modern world, the British empire was far greater in a historical sense.  While the British sought to expand its empire, the United States has exhibited an “isolationist” tendency in its history, and has not sought to rule a large empire.  While the British used their armies to conquer and hold territory, America typically withdraws its armies quickly from conquered territory.  In World Wars I and II, the Persian Gulf War, etc., America has exhibited no desire to create an empire out of conquered territory, even though it had the power to easily do so.”  (Excerpt from pages 385 to 389 of The “Lost” Ten Tribes of Israel…Found by Steven M. Collins.)  (

Not all who came to America – the melting pot – were of the line of Manasseh, but many were.  The proof that we are Manasseh is overwhelming.  Manasseh was to separate from Ephraim and become the greatest, wealthiest single nation of earth’s history.  We alone, America, through the line of Manasseh, have fulfilled that blessed prophecy.

“Joseph was one of the twelve tribes.  His children were blessed jointly, but Manasseh became a thirteenth tribe because it separated from Ephraim.  This may also explain why thirteen colonies were initially set up in America.  Thirteen is actually a blessed number, not one to be avoided by superstition.

“The remaining eight tribes of Israel were also blessed, although they were scattered to different areas of the world.  However, there is evidence to confirm that such were descended into many northwestern nations which include Holland, Belgium, Denmark, northern France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Sweden, and Norway.  The people of Iceland are also of Viking stock.

“The nations of northwestern Europe are, in fact, the people of The Ten Tribes of Israel.”  (Armstrong, pp.  103-104.)


What This Means For America And Britain


So now that our true identity has been established, confirming that we are descendants of Israel, what does this mean for America and Britain?

Well, to put it bluntly, if you are not saved and have Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you will soon face a corrective punishment from God, seven times more intense than the world has ever seen.  The Tribulation.  (Leviticus 26:21)

Man is walking contrary to God’s laws.  The two worst sins we have refused to repent of are idolatry and Sabbath breaking.  We have also allowed the legalization of heinous sins that God abhors.

“But, I go to church every Sunday,” you may argue.  Well, the sad Truth is, is that Saturday is the true Sabbath, not Sunday.  Anyone honoring the true Sabbath sets them apart from the sun worshippers.  God distinctly said, in His Word, “It {the Sabbath] is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever, for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.”  (Exodus 31:17)

Did you notice it?  Honoring the true Sabbath is a sign.  It sets true believers, those who are obedient and committed to following God’s laws, as apart.  It is a way for God to separate the sheep from the goats, especially during the last days.  Today, although many know the truth of this command, one that pertains to all of mankind forever, not just Israel or the Jews, they refuse to change their Sunday worship schedules.  And those churches that refuse to repent of this and change their way of doing things, and their false doctrines, will be punished for it.

As the Sabbath is a sign, so will be the Mark of the Beast.  Both are voluntary.  God gives us the ability to choose to honor the Sabbath, as He commands.  And He gives us the choice as to whether or not to take the Mark of the Beast.  Again, to take the Mark will guarantee the bearer an eternity in Hell because it identifies that person with the Satanic system of the AntiChrist.

So, basically, you should honor the True Sabbath and do NOT take the Mark of the Beast, the coming RFID chip.


The Pride Of Our Power


It wasn’t until after 1800 A. D. that both America and the United Kingdom began to grow into riches and power so vast that no other nation had ever experienced them before.  This came about because of the blessings of Ephraim and Manasseh.  But, by 1966, we began to lose all these things.  Why?  Because of the pride of our power and our ungratefulness to God, Who gave us all of it.  These are sins that have added to the downward spiral of both Britain (once called Great) and America.  Because of all these sins, we will be correctively punished by God.

According to Herbert W. Armstrong, “…By 1966…the British Colonial Office in London closed its doors, marking the official death of the British Empire.”  (The United States and Britain in Prophecy, p. 154)

* * * *

“Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it:  for I AM the LORD your God.

“Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary:  I AM the LORD.”  (Leviticus 26:1,2 KJV)

* * * *

“And God said unto him, “I AM God Almighty:  be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins.”  (Genesis 35:11 KJV)

 * * * *

Yes, according to Scripture, just as God punished the Israelites who rebelled against Him after He brought them safely out of Egypt, America and Britain will be punished.

As mentioned, Britain’s sun has already set, and America is rapidly teetering on the edge of the greatest fall of any nation before it.  Because we have sinned and rebelled against God and His laws.  And unless we repent and turn away from our wickedness, we will suffer the consequences.  To correct us, we will be conquered and invaded by our enemies and become slaves, as did the Israelites before us.  Because of the United Nations of Europe.

Have you not noticed where America is now headed?  We have a weakened military, a declining economic system, extremes of poverty such as never has been experienced here before.  Had you been paying attention, you would have realized that we have not won a war in years.  And don’t forget what happened on September 11, 2011, to name a few instances of our decline.

The ball has already been set into motion.  America and Britain have turned from God.  And we are on the brink of total domination by the New World Order, in the form of Communism.  I don’t think I need explain what that means, folks.  It means control over us, complete slavery to our enemies, the evil of this world.  Domination by AntiChrist.


There Is Hope


Not everyone will fall under slavery or complete control.  It is through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, that many will be counted worthy to escape what is to come.  However, we need to understand that He will punish our nation, and others, as a corrective measure.  To bring us back to Him completely.  We have become stubborn, hardhearted, and rebellious.  The coming Tribulation is meant to teach us total submission to His authority and to break our rebellion.  He has been patient long enough, and our time is up.  But know that God loves us sincerely.  He is not punishing us out of hatred for us or because He enjoys it.  It is now necessary for our own good.  We have always known that our sins have consequences.  We are soon to find out what those consequences will be.  And it won’t be pleasant.

“Scripture reveals that the throne of David was first overturned by Jeremiah and replanted in Ireland.  It was overturned a second time and replanted in Scotland.  It was overturned a third time and replanted in London.  So when Jesus Christ returns to earth to sit on that throne, it will be a live, existing throne.  Not a non-existent one.  (Luke 1:32)  When Jesus returns, He will then set us free from our yokes of slavery under which the AntiChrist will place many.  But, until then, America and Britain will suffer a punishment unlike anything the world has ever known.  Seven times worse than anything in history.”  (Armstrong, p. 102)

Individuals who yield to and accept God’s correction shall be protected from the worst of the Tribulation.  However, all nations as a whole will have to go through it at some point.  Not just America and Britain.  But until people turn from their evil ways and turn back to the ways that cause peace, happiness, prosperity, and all good things that God has for us, He will keep chastising us intensely.  Sevenfold.

* * * *

“And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass;

“And your strength shall be spent in vain:  for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits.  

“And if ye walk contrary unto Me, and will not hearken unto Me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.”  (Leviticus 26:19-21 KJV)

* * * *

 “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved [alive]:  but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”  (Matthew 24:21-22 KJV)


For more information:

The Holy Bible, specifically the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Hosea, and Amos.

Armstrong, Herbert W.  The United States and Britain in Prophecy.  Worldwide Church of God.  (c) 1980














I love these versions of Isra’el’s Hinei Ma Tov (Behold How Good) and just thought I would share them with my brothers and sisters in Christ:

Hinei ma tov:

Behold how good and

How pleasant it is

For brothers to dwell together (if brothers – people– could sit together in unity)

Behold how good and

How pleasant it is

For brothers to dwell together

**(In Hebrew, the masculine also includes the feminine when a mixed group of people are concerned)
**(Yachad is from the word Yachid which means absolute unity and has a higher connotation than just peace and harmony.)
**(That wish for eternal unity Jews singing every Shabbat for the last few thousand years.)
Hine ma tov
uma nayim
shevet achim gam yachad.
Hine ma tov
uma nayim
shevet achim gam yachad.Lai, lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai lai
lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai.Lai, lai lai, lai, lai lai lai lai lai
lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai.Hine ma tov
uma nayim
shevet achim gam yachad.
Hine ma tov
uma nayim
shevet achim gam yachad.(repeat)
shevet achim gam yachad……..

The Miami Boys Choir


Satan keeps people confused regarding the actual Sabbath. Some worship on Sunday, others on Saturday.

Calendars have changed over the centuries, making things even more confusing. Even in Wichita, Kansas, various denominations differ on when they should honor the Sabbath.

Some say the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Seventh-Day Adventists claim that Saturday is the true Sabbath and not Sunday. Others say that honoring Saturday means we are honoring Saturn’s Day – Kronos Day. So again, which day is correct, as commanded by God?

According to, “Billy Graham…acknowledged the Sabbath truth but stated, ‘If I were to teach this truth, I would lose most of my listeners.’

“Jesus said we are to both obey and teach the law, and one cannot sacrifice truth at any cost. The enemy has gone to extreme lengths to make sure the Sabbath truth is not taught or believed and continues to go to extreme lengths and deceptions to keep us ignorant of this truth.’

“…The majority grow up with Sunday worship as their custom. It becomes…a mind set, and people are…very reluctant to accept change or alter their lifestyle. Saturday is also a day that is not convenient for most Christians [as] most would rather not know truth and go into denial. Because of these factors, even when a pastor is presented with the Sabbath truth, it becomes difficult to both accept and see. This instantly gives [Satan] the upper hand as he now just whispers in your mind, ‘the day does not matter. If it mattered, everyone would know about it and would be keeping Saturday.’ Sadly…too many listen and never investigate, and Satan continues to be victorious in keeping Christians ignorantly breaking one of the Commandments of God.”

Since we are in the end-times, it cannot be stressed enough, the importance of honoring the true Sabbath. God wants His Bride cleaned up and ready for His second coming, which is imminent.

So now, if you want to honor the true Sabbath set apart by God in His Word, instead of walking in disobedience:

The actual Sabbath begins at sunset Friday evening and ends at sunset Saturday evening.

“If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on My holy day; and call the Sabbath a DELIGHT, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD…” (Isaiah 58:13-14 KJV)

For more information:

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