Category: Women and Leadership

I want people to be aware that the NWO is flooding our country with propaganda, much like they did during WWII against the Jews. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I’m sure it is happening in other places, too.

Now things are being put out there to downplay Christianity and make women to appear as low class, dumb citizens. Be careful what you purchase. I have already had a video and two books come across my desk for review that are FULL of LIES about GOD.

The NWO is blaming Christianity for the state of the world when, in fact, they have created the entire global mess. They are trying to eradicate Christians from the earth as we already know, to make way for the AntiChrist to take over the world. And to make way for the One World Religion, not to mention the One World Government – the New World Order.

One book I just reviewed claims that the Trinity is actually God the Father, God the MOTHER, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus is completely left out. New Age beliefs are a part of the One World Religion as well as another false religion I won’t mention. It is said that anyone who refuses to accept this new “theology” is to be exterminated like “vermin”. What I have read refers often to a new, progressive Christianity, and that there is to be a new “Renaissance Christianity”. Hogwash. I think most of us know what progressive refers to.

Just be aware. STAND ON THE TRUE WORD OF GOD. READ IT. STUDY IT. KNOW THE TRUTH. Otherwise, you could be deceived. The falsehoods these books, magazines, videos contain are incorporated in a very subtle and skillful way. Also, many of these items are placed in prominent places in stores, near registers, etc. so people will be sure to be attracted into buying them. So they can be brainwashed into believing this garbage.


Wellington, Kansas is close to the Oklahoma border. This makes it easy to take day trips, in case one is interested in heading into Native America.

One such trip brought this writer and a friend to the Pioneer Woman’s Museum in Ponca City. This museum is dedicated to honoring women of great accomplishments throughout history. Whether they were astronauts, pioneers, free-thinkers, free spirits, fighters for women’s rights, or any of the long list of American women who have contributed to the greatness of this country, one thing stands out. Their determination to change what they felt needed to be changed in order to better the lives of women everywhere.

Women have just as much to contribute to the world as men. In Bible times, this was just as true then as it is now.

God uses women just as He does men as He seeks to share His Truth with the world.

One woman, Deborah, from the Book of Judges, was a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, and was a leader of Israel.

Claudia Miclaus of writes that “After a period of hardships, due to the fact that the people grew further away from God, God told Deborah to prepare for battle against the enemy of Israel at the time. She obeyed and her God inspired-courage was greater than that of Barak’s, the army commander at the time. He didn’t want to proceed and fight without her going along with them in the battle.” So, because of the way Barak went about obeying God, Deborah prophesied that Barak would not be honored and that the Lord would hand the enemy, Sisera, over to a woman instead. This did, in fact, happen. A woman defeated Sisera merely by hammering a tent peg through his temple while he slept. (Judges 4:1-10, 21)

Other women in the Bible used by God were Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1), Queen Esther (the Book of Esther), Rahab the harlot (Joshua 2: 1-16), Miriam, Moses’ sister (Exodus 15: 20, 21) , and Abigail, one of the wives of King David (1 Samuel 15). All were used by God in different ways to carry out the Lord’s purposes.

Even today, God is opening doors for women to serve Him. We, as believers, should not allow these opportunities to pass us by.

For more information:

Women Can Rock The World

The Wichita chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) met on Saturday, March 12, 2011 to discuss “Religion from a Woman’s Perspective”, at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Wichita at 7202 East 21st Street.

Present on the “Panel to Promote Understanding” was Del Smith, a Soto Zen Buddhist, Mary McDonough Harren, a Catholic, Sarah March, a Christian and Associate Pastor of College Hill United Methodist Church in Wichita, Stacy Steidman, a Druid, and Donna Sibaai, a Muslim and coordinator for the American Muslim Women’s Association, and Kathy Hull, a Wiccan.

Each of the panel members spoke about their various beliefs, sharing why they had chosen their distinct paths, and where they were headed for the future. It was an interesting afternoon, and the question-and-answer period was very thought-provoking.

As each panelist discussed their unique perspectives, there came one common theme among them: Women must stand up and say something, standing firm on what they believe in. Women must quit being quiet because that’s what everyone expects them to be. In a male-dominated society, this is often difficult. Even in the 21st century, women are still struggling to break through glass ceilings.

As one panelist pointed out, history was written by men. Thus, his-story came about, not her-story. Today, that terminology should be changed to our-story. The world is about women as well as men. If women remain silent about their beliefs or what they feel needs to be changed in today’s world, nothing will change.

Biblically, there is a definite place for women in leadership. But women are allowed these roles outside of the church. Women can have their own ministries, teaching other women and children. Only men are to be leaders of a church because they alone are to teach their flock. Women are not to teach men, especially inside the church. They can make suggestions as regards something related to women or children, but that is all.

There is nothing wrong with women standing up for themselves. God can use them as well as any man. They just need to remember the marriage model ordained for us to follow: Men are the head; women are to be submissive.

That doesn’t mean we can’t disagree or need to keep our mouths shut.

So, ladies, stand up…be leaders, and…rock our world.

“Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.” (Proverbs 31:25 KJV)

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