I want people to be aware that the NWO is flooding our country with propaganda, much like they did during WWII against the Jews. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I’m sure it is happening in other places, too.
Now things are being put out there to downplay Christianity and make women to appear as low class, dumb citizens. Be careful what you purchase. I have already had a video and two books come across my desk for review that are FULL of LIES about GOD.
The NWO is blaming Christianity for the state of the world when, in fact, they have created the entire global mess. They are trying to eradicate Christians from the earth as we already know, to make way for the AntiChrist to take over the world. And to make way for the One World Religion, not to mention the One World Government – the New World Order.
One book I just reviewed claims that the Trinity is actually God the Father, God the MOTHER, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus is completely left out. New Age beliefs are a part of the One World Religion as well as another false religion I won’t mention. It is said that anyone who refuses to accept this new “theology” is to be exterminated like “vermin”. What I have read refers often to a new, progressive Christianity, and that there is to be a new “Renaissance Christianity”. Hogwash. I think most of us know what progressive refers to.
Just be aware. STAND ON THE TRUE WORD OF GOD. READ IT. STUDY IT. KNOW THE TRUTH. Otherwise, you could be deceived. The falsehoods these books, magazines, videos contain are incorporated in a very subtle and skillful way. Also, many of these items are placed in prominent places in stores, near registers, etc. so people will be sure to be attracted into buying them. So they can be brainwashed into believing this garbage.