• The New Normal
  • Another Evil Meant To Control Us
  • Prepare
  • Buying Out Ignorant People


The New Normal

By now most people know the underhanded tactics of the Democratic Leftists in America. Trying to condition us to be obedient to the Satanic agenda of the New World Order: wearing face masks, standing six feet apart. You know, all of that ridiculous social distancing they are ramming down our throats. It is considered a ‘soft’ form of Martial Law. Even the pandemic numbers are all skewed in one way or another. Now they are telling us they are going to make the Covid-19 vaccination mandatory for all people, promising that all things will return to normal afterward. Garbage. Just another lie from Satan.

The state of fear and panic the Dems are creating throughout America is in record proportion, which is exactly what they want. It is all part of the Communist takeover, as most of you know. What’s worse, they pretend to be waiting on a vaccine that will protect us from future Covid outbreaks. My understanding is that the vaccine was already developed and waiting for us before Covid even hit the world. Every day it is mentioned, too, that the vaccine is nearly ready for distribution in November, or thereabouts. Funny thing though. What the Left never talks about is the real reason for the vaccine and how dangerous it will be for your body. Covid has nothing to do with it, as far as I can determine.

The real reason for a mandatory vaccination to be given is for depopulation purposes. Even if high level politicians and even the President volunteer to go first, how are we to know they are not going to be given a harmless placebo instead, while the rest of us are forced to take what is meant for the rest of us? It is said there are actually around 48 different vaccinations. So I suppose they want certain people to be injected with the one that is geared for them, to see what happens and how they respond.

Many believe the vaccination to be given us will contain a microchip, possibly what is called the Mark of the Beast. Hard to say. But what I do know is that what these vaccinations will contain are disgusting things that no one in their right mind would want in their body. Also remember, what the New World Order, ruled by Satan’s right-hand-man, the AntiChrist, is all about control of everyone on the planet. So how else can they make their dream agenda happen, other than what they are doing to targeted individuals, who are being used as unwilling experimentation victims?

Another Evil Meant To Control Us

The vaccination intended for us to help combat the baloney virus is actually intended for evil against us. That is why it will be mandatory and forced by empowered traitors into our bodies. These wicked people will come to your homes and do everything they can to make you take the vaccination.

There are three steps, I’ve learned, to taking this vaccination: (1) get tested; (2) get the vaccination; and (3) choose the one you want, although they are all basically the same. Once the decision is made, you will not be able to change your mind.

The testing for Covid, as I understand it, is for blood harvesting. The blood will be put into quantum computers.

Depending on your choice, there will be consequences for making the wrong decision of what is opposite of what the evil ones want. There may be prison time (FEMA camps), forced seclusion in your home wherein you will be unable to go shopping, etc. if you refuse the vaccinations.

The vaccine will contain the following: aborted fetal tissue, humanized mice – these are mice that have human organs, blood, and a human immune system. Basically, it is said that these are like ‘humans in a mouse suit’. Also, there will be human proteins that are put into a human vascular system of plants that are like a hybrid human plant. All of these things will be mixed together in a blender, and we will be told that this is what will keep us safe from the pathogen. Disgusting, right?

Apparently, the worst thing that will be injected into us is a substance called darpa hydrogel. These are nanoparticles which have been experimented with for ten years. The wicked ones want to put chips into our brains so surgery won’t be necessary, which is why they developed hydrogel.

Darpa hydrogel does many things. Much like in a Hollywood movie, it will alert public health before a person gets sick. Once it gets into your body, these nanoparticles assemble inside your body. They start growing and fuse with your cells, ligaments, muscles, your bones… They become one with you and, the scary part of all of this is, is that you become one with a computer. You become your own computer interface. You become one with the quantum computer, your computer, your devices, anything ‘smart’ that you have in your house. Once all of this happens, things will never return to normal again, and there is nothing you can do to change anything.

As you consider all of these things, can you see how Satan is trying to deceive us and trick us into taking the dreaded Mark of the Beast in order to drag millions of people into Hell with him?


Now is the time to prepare, to decide on what you want to do before any of this evil comes upon us which, sadly, is coming at lightning speed. For those who can and are able to, growing a garden for food, preparing your own pharmaceuticals for your health needs, stocking up, whatever you are able to do, now is the time to begin. Famine is coming, and already many items are missing from our grocery shelves. This is a deliberate attempt to starve us out. The evil factions of our government will not help you, nor will they tell you of their secret plans for our nation, much less the world. If you are a believer, trusting Jesus Christ for provision is of utmost importance. If planning a garden, make it an indoor garden. The plant destroyer used together with the chemtrails is doing a good job of wiping out crops and vegetation worldwide, so beware.

Buying Out Ignorant People

Many of my neighbors here in Kansas are government perps, working for the Nazi sanctions of various U. S. government agencies, directly under the direction of the evil Council of Foreign Relations. These perps get paid to persecute targeted individuals, especially Christians like me. These perps have already made their choice to serve Satan by taking part in all of this. They commit atrocious, inhumane acts against human beings, all for a lousy buck. Those targeted are merely those who speak their minds, sharing the truth with the world of what is happening. Others are targeted for who knows what reason. Some are just in opposition to the new world order. In America, freedom of speech has silently been taken away in many ways, and those enjoying this benefit of America are now punished by the new world Satanic order. One can already see how social networking sites are also blocking truth from being shared. No one appears to see my posts anymore, so I don’t spend much time on these sites these days. I got off of Twitter altogether and will soon be free of Facebook, when the Lord tells me to deactivate my account.

All the evil being perpetrated against American citizens has been sanctioned by the United Nations, one of the most evil organizations on Earth. Anyone opposing their Satanic world order agenda, all dissenters, writers, talk show hosts, and others targeted by the Nazi groups that have infiltrated our nation, will be exterminated, which is why it is important for people now to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This way, even if you are taken out, you will indeed go to Heaven and live forever in Paradise, so long as you believe and trust in Jesus Christ. Those who choose not to accept Jesus will face eternal damnation when the time comes and the horrors of living in a world completely under Satan’s authority, control, and direction. It will be a taste of Hell before you even get there.

As the Bible says, Satan (AntiChrist) wants to be worshiped as God (Isaiah 14:12-16) and will one day ‘stand in the holy place’, which incident is referred to as the ‘abomination of desolation’. (Matthew 24:15) Seriously, is this the future you want for yourself or your beautiful, innocent children? This demonic entity has already committed much destruction and evil in today’s world. Imagine the future Earth with him in full control of it. Our children won’t stand a chance. They are already being brainwashed at school with the evil agendas, and the sold out evil ones are already trying to put a divide between them and their parents. This is the Communist way. Socialism often leads to Communism, which is why I leave it out when I tell you things. What’s the point? I already know where this is going.

Taking the coming vaccine is a choice you will have to make. I think I may have been targeted years ago, not sure exactly, but I was told I had to get the swine flu vaccine in order to keep my job at a nursing home. The vaccine made me horribly ill. Whatever they put in me may have included a chip or something, but I suppose I will never know. At any rate, I have no intention of taking the Covid vaccination. If I am forced, it will be in God’s hands because I will not take it willingly. I trust you will make the right choice as well.

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.”

(Isaiah 60:2 KJV)

Behold, the Day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.”

And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”

(Isaiah 13:9,11 KJV)

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