9193_Locked_&_Chained_DoorsThe Puppet Masters

Did you know that the elite groomed and voted in the current American President? The men controlling our world? The New World Order? Because the man is a known Communist and in full support of destroying America so it will come under global governance? Become part of the One World Goverment? Did you know that America is just one crisis away from total takeover by those I warned you about awhile ago?

Creating order out of chaos has always been how Communists take over nations. “The goal is to get every nation to willingly sign onto the plan and thereby give up elements of their national sovereignty, which could be done more easily in a time of crisis, [Paul] McGuire said.” Paul McGuire is a Fox News and History Channel contributor and co-author of the book, “Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Time Mystery.” (http://www.amtvmedia.com/obama-fast-tracks-world-government-agenda-2030/)

As you can see in our world today, those arrogant dead men, the rich bankers – the elite – are doing a good job of creating chaos everywhere. The take down of America is just a matter of time and could happen over night. The elite are just complaining that it is taking too long. I’m not sure why these old, wrinkled, hell-bound coots are suddenly so eager now to have it happen. Perhaps they realize that they are getting near their expiration date and want to see their plans come to full fruition before they kick off. Or perhaps they know that Jesus Christ will be returning soon to destroy them and establish His own Government of pure righteousness. The one prophesied about in The Holy Bible. Regardless of the sudden urgency, the American President is now on the fast track in order to help carry out the evil agenda 21 – now known as agenda 2030, the U. N. plot to transform the world – before he leaves office. IF he ever leaves office.

It is still possible that this evil puppet will once more violate the law and remain in office as our dictator. The Presidential election may be suspended indefinitely, making this man of lawlessness the last President of the United States. Hard to say, but I, for one, am praying for protection for those currently running for office, one or two in particular. I am also praying that God will bless the American people with wisdom when voting, if the election actually happens, and for God’s perfect will to be done in this matter. All we can do is trust God for the results. Whatever happens will be within His Power to control. If it is part of the punishment He is laying against America, then we have no choice but to accept it. Believers must trust Him to count all of us worthy to escape what is to come. Those who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will be left behind to suffer the worst of what may happen before He returns to set things right.

America Is One Crisis Away

The term ‘order out of chaos’ – ordo ab chao – was a term coined by the Masonic leader Albert Pike, a former Jesuit and a 33rd degree Freemason Occultist Grand Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order. In order to bring about the planned new order of things on a global scale, some form of chaos must be created, so the elite have much planned. Already we can see how illegal immigration is destroying the Western world, through the false religion of Islam and ISIS/ISIL. These are just the birth pangs, together with natural disasters such as earthquakes, harsh winters, excessive heat, tornadoes, and the like. Other problems are stemming from tainted foods, chemtrails, etc. Mainly, to bring about this new global order there will have to be either a global financial crisis or the prospect of World War III which will involve Islam, Russia, the Ukraine, NATO, Iran, Syria and Israel and a manufactured climate-change crisis. No surprise there, I’m sure.

As I’ve mentioned before, once America is brought to its knees, possibly through a nuclear weapon, the rest of the world will fall. America has always been a safe haven for many. No longer. Once America goes down, there will be no place left where people can take refuge as they have in the past. Steps have already been taken to bring in Islamic troops to wipe out Americans, under the guise of immigrants seeking asylum. The real kick in the face is when many Americans who worked so hard for their money now have to support these same moochers, murderers, liars, rapists, and pedophiles who are intent on destroying them. Meanwhile, arrangements are being made at the FEMA camps for the coming Christian and government/NWO-dissenter round up where await the guillotines that have been being brought in for several years now. Chains have been put into the boxcars. And those quite adept at torture tactics, probably from China or Russia, or perhaps they are members of ISIS, are gleefully awaiting their chance to practice their horrific skills in order to force people to accept the Mark of the Beast, the dreaded RFID chip that will soon become mandatory throughout the world, if one wants to buy, sell, or trade anything in future. This will be worse than what happened in Nazi Germany during World War II.

The United Nation’s Plan For Global Enslavement

Did you know that the papacy, the Pope, ruler of the holy Roman empire, is in complete support of the New World Order agenda? The agenda laid out by the United Nations? And did you know that throughout history the Pope, supported by the Jesuits, has believed himself to be the ruler of the entire world? Is it any wonder that this man has the number 666 on his funny hat?

The goal is to get every nation to willingly sign onto the plan and thereby give up elements of their national sovereignty, which could be done more easily in a time of crisis, [Paul] McGuire said.

The U.N. vote is about to put America and the world on the fast track to a one-world government,” he told WND. “We are literally just one crisis away from that happening. It could happen overnight, and I don’t think most people realize this.

And the pope is fully on board with the U.N. plan to escort the world into global governance. [Cliff] Kincaid, director of the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism, observes:

‘In a pitch for global socialism, masked in flowery language, Francis, who insisted on his way to the U.S. that he was not a liberal, said, ‘I would like all men and women of good will in this great nation to support the efforts of the international community to protect the vulnerable in our world and to stimulate integral and inclusive models of development, so that our brothers and sisters everywhere may know the blessings of peace and prosperity which God wills for all his children.’

He adds that while the pope says nice things about the poor, ‘the practical result of ditching capitalism for socialism will be more poverty, suffering, and death.’” (http://www.amtvmedia.com/obama-fast-tracks-world-government-agenda-2030/)

Now keeping in mind that the Jesuit order is behind the Pope and everything going on throughout history, check this out:

At what then do the Jesuits aim? According to them, they only seek the greater glory of God; but if you examine the facts you will find that they aim at universal dominion alone. They have rendered themselves indispensable to the Pope, who, without them, could not exist because Catholicism is identified with them. They have rendered themselves indispensable to governors and hold revolutions in their hands; and in this way, either under one name or another, it is they who rule the world…”*

The Jesuit order, therefore, stands before us as the embodiment of a system which aims at temporal political means, embellished by religion, which assigns to the head of the Catholic religion – the Roman Pope – the role of a temporal overlord, and under shelter of the Pope-King, and using him as an instrument, desires itself to attain the dominion over the whole world.” Count von Hoensbroech, 1911, German noble and ex-Jesuit**

Moreover, the pope has thousands of secret agents worldwide. They include Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and others. The Vatican’s Intelligence Service and its field resources are second to none.” Dave Hunt, 1994, American Baptist Historian+

The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants...”++

In effect, even the Freemasons are being deceived by the Jesuits. Only those higher up, those chosen, know the truth of what is going on. That they are being controlled by the Jesuits, for Rome. Undoubtedly, were Freemasons aware of the deception, then they themselves would probably not be involved in any of the evil actually going on.

Now comes the real clincher in this horrific story. Clearly nothing we have been taught in our history classes. The Jesuits, the papacy of Rome, who control the world, had a plan in place ages ago in order to set in place their one world order.

According to a letter written by Albert Pike, on August 15, 1871 to Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian revolutionary leader of the mid 1800s as well as the Director of the Illuminati, here is the outline of their plan for three world wars in order to bring the entire world under complete Communist control, which has been the goal all along:

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.” “http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_masonsknightstemplar15.htm

Mazzini, with Pike, developed a plan for three world wars so that eventually every nation would be willing to surrender its national sovereignty to a world government. The first war was to end the czarist regime in Russia, and the second war was to allow the Soviet Union to control Europe. The third world war was to be in the Middle East between Moslems and Jews and would result in Armaggedon.”^

We shall unleash the nihilist and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer…the destruction of Christianity and atheism. Both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” (Forth Reich Of The Rich, Griffin, pp. 71,72)^^

The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme ‘sustainable development’ and ‘equality.’” (http://www.naturalnews.com/051058_2030_Agenda_United_Nations_global_enslavement.html)

It’s All About Control…And The Reign of AntiChrist

Scripture is clear. That during the last days, a man completely under Satan’s control will establish himself as a one world ruler. He will be a man a lawlessness who hates women, a man of great evil who wants to establish himself over the world, so that every human being will worship him. Those who refuse his control, through his manipulations, deceptions, and physical control, through the RFID chip, the Mark of the Beast, will be permanently removed. As it was during World War II when Hitler tried to rule the world, so it will….well, actually, things will be much worse. The man identified with the number 666, the son of perdition, will do everything he can to force you to take his eternally damning mark, or he will kill you, perhaps torturing you first to try and make you change your mind about Jesus Christ. Anyone not wanting to be under Satan’s complete control and domination will be exterminated.

If a person takes the Mark of the Beast, the coming RFID chip that is set to become mandatory in the United States in 2017, that person will become part of the AntiChrist system of things. Such a person will become completely enslaved by this evil Satanic system. Under complete Communism. And God will have been removed from the world. No Christians, no atheism. The plan is to set up Islam at the top of the One World Religion, with all others being merged into it and beneath it. Those taking the Mark will be damned for all eternity, and Hope will be forever lost to them.

With Communism throughout the world, the rich will benefit, have everything, while the poor, despite lies and false promises, will struggle and starve. The middle class in the U. S. has already pretty much been wiped out. It was deliberate so that the Communist/Socialist regime can be brought into place. And that myth that wealth will be distributed to all. It is just that. A myth. A lie. A deception. Just one of many that is coming our way.

The Coming Alien Deception

Some of you may have read my article on Project Bluebeam. This and HAARP, the weather modification machine controlled by the military, will be used to deceive the world. Already holograms are being presented in various parts of the world, projecting false images of religious figures, cities, and so forth. It is meant to deceive and mislead us into believing that these are from God. In truth, it is what the man of lawlessness will use to project himself as a miracle worker, as some sort of a god worthy of our praise and worship. It is one of the avenues the coming AntiChrist will use to turn millions of people away from the one True God of Heaven and Earth, Jehovah, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Right now, CERN, the portal to the demonic world, is being readied to bring in such evil that even some of our own physicists and scientists are giving grave warnings not to do this. We have no idea what Pandora’s box we will open. And once open, we will not be able to stop it or close it. What the Adversary himself is planning is to make the world believe that demons and evil spirits are actually aliens from other worlds. In actuality, there is no such thing. Anything we believe to be UFOs are demons from Hell, and Satan is using them to deceive the world, preparing us to bow down to AntiChrist when the time comes. Sadly, all too many are already brainwashed, through television and movies, to believe and accept these falsehoods and deceptions. In fact, Scripture says that these deceptions will be so convincing as to perhaps deceive even the elect of God. (Matthew 24:24) The Bible also predicts a great falling away from the Truth of Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) Folks, this is a sad state of affairs, to be sure.

Our Only Hope

Jesus never said our lives would be easy, if we follow Him. He has prepared us, through the Truth of His Word, what will befall mankind at the end of the age. (Matthew 24) He has also told us that He will rescue us when the time comes. Islam and its followers will all be destroyed at His coming. In fact, all the wicked of this world will be destroyed permanently while the children of obedience, those who love and serve Jesus Christ, will spend eternity with Him, on the new Earth He will create. (Revelation 21:1) The Word says that the old heaven and earth will pass away. (Matthew 24:35) When Jesus returns, as He said He would, He will have a wedding feast and invite believers into the New Jerusalem, His Bride, where He will set up His throne to rule over us with a rod of iron, with fairness and complete justice. (Revelation 19) All sorrow, tears, and suffering will be gone. (Revelation 21:4) The moon and the stars will be gone. (Joel 32:15) We will live with Jesus in His Kingdom of righteousness and truth forever. All of the wicked and all wickedness will be no more. AntiChrist will be destroyed by the Power of God’s Word. (Revelation 19) The tares and the wheat, the goats and the sheep, will be separated. (Matthew 25:32,33) One group to be burned, the other to be saved, to live with our loving Savior, God, for all eternity. (Matthew 25:41, 46) I don’t know about you, but I would rather belong to Jesus and be with Him with True freedom to enjoy eternity and be happy, than live under Satan and his evil minions, to be controlled and miserable forever. Later to be destroyed when Jesus finally returns.

So choose you this day who you will serve? Will you accept Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Savior, to live with Truth, happiness, joy, and freedom? Or will you choose to be under the control of Satan, AntiChrist, poor, suffering, and miserable, with nothing but eternal destruction to look forward to?

The choice is yours.

Just remember, Jesus Christ died on the cross for the redemption of mankind. To save us from our sins and prepare a way for us to be eternally saved and live forever with Him, in true peace, harmony, and righteousness. Satan has done nothing but bring misery and destruction into our lives, because he hates every one of us.

If you have any questions, feel free to write us at: gideonsmessenger777@yahoo.com.

God bless you, my friends, and shalom.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”

(2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 KJV)

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture in the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”

(Revelation 14:9-11 KJV)

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*Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism, Luigo Desanctis, (London: D. Catt, 1905; translated by Maria Betts from the original Italia edition published as Roma Papali in 1865) p. 139.

**Fourteen Years A Jesuit, Count Von Hoensbroect, translated by Alice Zimmern, (New York, Cassell and Company, LTDl, 1911), Vol. 11, p. 430.

^The Grand Design Exposed, John Daniel, (Middleton, Idaho: CHJ Publishing, 1999), p. 302.

+A Woman Rides The Beast, Dave Hunt, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1994) p. 87.

++Now Is The Dawning Of The New Age New World Order, (Oklahoma City, OK: Hearthstone Publishing, Ltd. 1991), p. 42.

^^Forth Reich Of The Rich, Griffin, pp. 71,72

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