zombie-531116_640The Illuminati Mandate

For awhile now, I have been sharing the plans of the New World Order to kill off 90% of the world population, to further their agenda. Illuminati Agenda 21. Sadly, nothing has changed. In fact, these people continue to move forward with their plans, the Illuminati mandate, to wipe out 6.5 billion people from the Earth. One way they are attempting to do this is through conditioning, mind control, and training. Since taking control of the Internet, these men are able to control much of what we see or learn through television, movies, social media, and other Internet sites. As demonstrated on this site, many of the YouTube.com videos are being targeted here and removed so people cannot learn the truth of what they are actually doing. It is one reason the recent television show, The X-Files, has been so popular. Because it shares exactly what the psychos running our world are really doing to destroy the world as we know it.

Satan is using the wicked of this world to control it, wanting to prove to GOD that he is better able to run the show than He is. Although GOD will only allow the enemy so much leeway before He steps in to take the Adversary out and cast him forever into the Lake of Fire – his final end – the enemy is still being allowed to give it his best shot. Just so you know, GOD wins in the end, and the enemy is already defeated. He knows it. We know it. Meanwhile, we still have to suffer through all of the evil going on in the world until Jesus Christ returns to set things right and establish His Kingdom on the Earth. Personally, I can’t wait for that to happen.

The Walking Dead

As you can see, many in Hollywood are joining in on the fun. Many celebrities, especially those sold out to Satan, have joined forces with the NWO to help brainwash America so we will accept the enemy, the coming AntiChrist, as our dictator and help bring about the One World Government, a Communist one that will be completely atheistic in nature, the One World Religion which is Islam at the top, and all others merged with it or completely wiped out, and the One World Dictator, AntiChrist, Satan’s right hand man. One celebrity even had the arrogant audacity to claim our leader to be the savior of the world. Hogwash. Jesus Christ is the only Savior, the coming Righteous King Who will rule over all of mankind when He returns.

At any rate, if you watch television or go the movies, you can see that much of what is now coming out is geared to transforming the world, particularly America, into a godless, much more evil nation than ever before. Sadly, it is the popularity of vampires, horror movies, the paranormal, werewolves, and zombies that are filling our T. V. screens these days. As you know, one of the most popular shows is all about zombies, The Walking Dead.  Personally, I don’t see the attraction. Out of curiosity, I watched the first episode and was totally bored and disgusted. But because of its popularity, it is easy to see how people are gobbling up all this blood and guts stuff. People are being conditioned to accept the idea of butchering people and eating their body parts, much like what the demon-possessed ISIS members do to their victims.

A few years ago I wasn’t too up on the existence of zombies in real life. But all that has changed, especially since reports of people being eaten alive are popping out on news reports and other media. So the sad reality is is that zombies now exist. And as we move deeper into these last days, we will see people who were dead being revived by evil spirits or demons. They will return to ravage the people of the Earth in as gruesome a way as ever before. And much of this may come about through man’s own chemical creation. The Zombie virus.

A Coming Global Pandemic

The powers that be have come up with a completely vile, gruesome, abhorrent, disgusting thing that they hope will cause people to flock to get vaccinated against it. The thought of real zombies wandering around out there looking for food cannot get any more awful than that, right? As we know, vaccines today are geared to poison our bodies, to kill us. So the whole idea behind creating zombies, to create fear against the new virus the NWO has created, is to help wipe out 90% of the world population. As before, I mentioned that once these Satan worshipers bring down and destroy the United States of America, then the rest of the world will easily crumble. Although Scripture does mention that only one country will successfully resist the coming AntiChrist, the rest of the world may not stand a chance, until our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns to save us all. The Adversary knows his time is short, so in the time that he has to create chaos, havoc, death, and destruction, he will do as much as he can to carry out his own evil agenda. Through his followers. Regardless of how the shot is administered to the population, those being immunized will wind up dead dead dead.

One of the things the powers are hoping to manifest among the populace is complete fear, so we will all flock to the medical centers. But the antidote for all of this fear is understanding of what is truly happening here and having faith in God. As I have told you regarding the RFID chip, the Mark of the Beast, do NOT get this immunization and do NOT take the RFID chip. The chip is a form of control which can easily be used to kill you if you do not obey or comply with the desires and the will of the one in control. I believe it contains cyanide or some other poison that, with the touch of a button, can easily exterminate you when the poison is released into your system, your body. The immunization will kill you outright, as many vaccinations are now killing unsuspecting, innocent children, even some adults who faithfully go every year to get their flu shot. Stay as far away from both of these as possible. Neither are meant for your good. Vaccines may have been for good at one time, but no longer. They have been filled with poison meant to kill a person. This is why there are television commercials now being shown, trying to convince you to get your flu shot every year. Just wait until the zombie virus makes its way more fully into society. More commercials will probably spring up, urging you to hurry up and get immunized against becoming a zombie.

So, the key here to avoiding this evil, coming soon to a planet near you, is understanding and faith. Knowledge of what is going on is key to survival, if one is fortunate and becomes informed.

The Zombie Virus

The new Zombie virus has been specifically manufactured by the NWO. Morgellons Disease is bad enough. Now we will have this to contend with.

Apparently, there are several ways to contract this virus: Through brain parasites, neurotoxins, the real rage virus, neurogenesis, and neurobots.

I could go into the history of zombie-ism, voodoo, and other related information. But I believe that a man named Steve Quayle and Sue Bradley have done a much better job of researching all of this. Rather than regurgitate what they have uncovered, I have chosen to just send you to the website that has a lot of downloadable information on the zombie apocolpyse, the virus, and everything related thereto. They have done a tremendous job, so I strongly urge you to check out their website: http://www.stevequayle.com. Go to the right and click on ‘Zombies’ and you will be taken to the page that contains all the information you will need on this subject. Outstanding, to be sure.

The Only Antidote

Overall, we need the grace and power of God to overcome all of the wicked devices of the enemy. What the powers that be have created is beyond anything and worse than anything we can possibly imagine. My purpose for this brief article which is but the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, is to share with you the truth that there are real, actual zombies out there. If you pay attention to some of what we used to consider far-fetched ideas, you may be surprised to discover that such is no longer the case. The truth is indeed out there, and people need to be informed and prepared for what is going on and what will soon become reality in our world.

Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, before the worst becomes reality, is the single most important thing you can ever do. Do not wait. Commit your life to Him now before any of this evil comes upon us. It is happening now. It is inevitable. But having Jesus in your life, as your Hope, your Redeemer, your God is your antidote for all that the enemy is bringing into our lives. Trust Him and fear nothing for He shall be your shield in times of trouble.

That is the truth of it.

Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! To what end is it for you? The day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. Amos 5:18


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at: gideonsmessenger777@yahoo.com.

Shalom, my friends.


This following video is rather lengthy but well worth a listen:

Demons, Zombies, & Nephilim 2015 [FULL] Steve Quayle:

The following is an end-time prophecy relating to the zombies coming from the bottomless pit during the Great Tribulation:


Warning:  The following is quite graphic and you must be 18 or older to view it:




For more information:



















Caused by bath salts?


True or Fake?




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