Category: Hope

I came across this important article.  Before the economic collapse comes full storm against America, it would be a good thing for people to learn a post-collapse trade that will benefit many AFTER the storm hits.

Time is short; the collapse of the American financial system imminent.  Don’t wait until it is too late.  Act now.

Take a look:


According to, Merriam Webster’s Deluxe Dictionary, Tenth Collegiate Edition, one definition of manipulation is:  “to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means, especially to one’s own advantage” (2b, p. 1114).

As children, usually as toddlers, many of us learn how to manipulate our parents in order to get something we want.  Some people, as they grow older, learn how to use it to their advantage, usually in a selfish, self-centered, perhaps even an evil way.

Satan used manipulation to get Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.

Scoundrels manipulate others perhaps out of a desire to gain money or information.  Deceit is fully a part of the manipulation of others.  Gaining their trust for their own advantage is typical of what happens.  I am sure we have all manipulated others to our way of thinking or gotten people to do something they initially didn’t want to do, at one time or another.  Perhaps the person never had the ability to think for himself or even to just say no to something.  Perhaps they felt intimidated or were afraid.

Believe it or not, it is also a sin to be manipulated by someone.  And it is a sin to try and manipulate others into being someone you want them to be.

Regardless of how many of us have used manipulation, giving us unfair advantage over another, it is considered a sin in the eyes of God.


Illuminati Manipulation of the Masses


When first considering this topic, it never occurred to me how much this goes on in our world today.  From my research, it is clear that for centuries the Illuminati has been manipulating our world to achieve an end.  Their ultimate goal is to depopulate the world by around 90% so the 10% who are left will be more manageable, more controlled.  As we can see, in order to achieve that end, they are using manipulation of the masses in order to do it.

The global elite, through deviousness and manipulation of the media, are making headway.  Through use of the media, it has been found that entire populations of people can be manipulated in their thinking.  Choices are made, whether knowingly or not, whether right or wrong, based on what one hears on the radio, sees on television, reads in newspapers or magazines, or through other sources.  Basically, it is a form of mind control, which is a major avenue being used to manipulate our thoughts in the current age.

Music and movies are other avenues of deception and manipulation.  Millions of songs contain lyrics that take root in people’s brains, helping to change the way a person thinks or believes.  Movies manipulate the viewer into believing that what is portrayed therein is acceptable, especially as regards sexual behaviors and other things frowned upon by society.  Most recently, there is a slew of television programs out there trying to convince us that homosexuality and lesbianism is normal and acceptable behavior when it is not.  God’s Word has taught us that marriage is between a man and a woman, not those of the same sex.  If one looks at the physical structures of humans, it only makes sense anyways.

For years, we have been manipulated to believe that certain events may have been caused by our enemies or others in an effort to manipulate our emotions.  The Illuminati has tried to make us hate those who have done nothing against us.  Stirring the masses to a frenzy of anger or desire for revenge, in order to achieve an agenda, a reason perhaps to attack other peoples, other nations, is plain evil.  Yet it is so ingrained in us, and has been for centuries, that few question the way our world is turning or what is happening or what we are being forced to feel or believe.   And in case you aren’t aware of this yet, the attack on the twin towers in New York City was a deliberate attempt to sway the American people towards anger against terrorists and ultimately, revenge, although there were other reasons for it as well.

Hollywood makes it seem as if sex before marriage is okay, when it is in clear violation of God’s laws.

Television ads that use catchy jingles or phrases to purchase certain foods or other items soon propel us into believing that we have to have these things.  How many times has a McDonald’s commercial manipulated you into wanting to dash to that fast food restaurant for a Big Mac or something else?  All of these things play on our senses.

Ads for certain foods have a genuine purpose.  One, to get us to buy the item, and two, to help us eat enough of them so that we consume, unknowingly, probably unwillingly, the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are now in practically everything we eat.  These not only make people sterile, but chemicals and other additives are some of the main cause of diseases, mainly cancer.  Since this started around 50 years ago, there is little the Baby Boomers can even do to stop what is happening in their bodies.  Although eating only organic, gmo-free foods can at least slow down the process.

Some fashion ads are intended to get us to buy certain styles of clothes, many with the one eye symbol of the Illuminati, the New World Order on it.  From baby clothes and toys to adult tee shirts, we see these ads everywhere.


Six Principles of Global Manipulation


For centuries, the Illuminati has been scheming to take over the world.  If you consider the six principles of global manipulation, you will be made aware that we are in the last stages of its attempt to depopulate our world and take it over.  Through brainwashing and mind control of the masses, they are nearing completion of their plan.  See for yourself:

Principle One:  Worldview – worldview, methodology, philosophy.  This allows us to see the general course of things, to distinguish processes and phenomena.  This allows the system to bring up the children.  People are separated into classes, much like in India’s caste system.

Principle Two:  Chronological – Chronology of all branches of knowledge.  This allows us to see an orientation of all processes.  In effect, history is being rewritten.

Principle Three:  Factual – Religious, ideologies, technologies, mass media.  This carries out the processing of consciousness of the people.  Basically, people are brainwashed through mind control, with television, in fact, being the most powerful weapon being used against the masses.  For example, Christianity is being pitted against Islam.  People are made to be separated and divided.

Principle Four:  Economical – Economic struggle means submission to money and a world monetary system with usurious loan percent.  People are being made slaves to debt through credit cards, etc., with exorbitant finance charges, which make the elite even more rich while the lower classes of people become enslaved.  People are forced to work their entire lives to pay off their debts, economically dependent on the elite bankers, etc. controlling the money.

Principle Five:  Weapons of Genocide – Alcohol, drugs, gene engineering, “food” additives, etc.  These weapons against the people kill not only the living but also future generations.  This explains why baby foods are now tainted with gmos.

Principle Six:  Weapons of War – Traditional kinds of arms (planes, tanks, the ships, etc.) destroy people and material structures.  We can see this not just through war but through the many drone attacks on peoples around the world.



True Freedom Is In Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ, through His Word, preached against the wolves in sheeps’ clothing who would come in to deceive us.  He also told us that Satan often disguises himself as an angel of light when he is, in fact, evil disguised.   (2 Corinthians 11:13; Galatians 2:4; 2 Corinthians 11:14; Matthew 7:15)  The followers of Lucifer, the elite, are among these corrupt groups and are, in fact, corrupting our world to achieve an end.  An end that does not bode well for mankind.  By the time they are done, they want only two classes of people:  the rich elite, the upper class, and the poor workers, the lower class.  One can only assume that the ten percent of people remaining alive on the Earth after the genocide is complete will be included in that lower class.  The rich are already in the upper class and will remain there.  If you research many Hollywood celebrities, you can discover who support and are part of the Illuminati.  They already sport the clothing of the one eye of the Illuminati and usually wear red strings on their wrists.  You can read more about that in a previous article, “Are You Guilty of Idolatry?”.

Economically, the plan for a one world currency is targeted for the year 2018, when The Phoenix will come into play.  The American dollar, if all goes according to plan, will be transferred from the American middle class into third world nations, under dictatorship.  Decreasing the value of the dollar will destroy the middle class, leaving the two remaining classes I mentioned.

But not to worry.  Jesus Christ is indeed King and still sits on the throne of Heaven.  He has not left us defenseless against Satan’s forces of corruption.  He wants all believers to be the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13).  If we obey God’s law and love Him with our entire being (the first and greatest commandment, Matthew 22:37) and love all others as well (Mark 12:31), then we will never be at the bottom.  He has given us the weaponry to combat Satan and his followers.

Satan intends to instill fear in the world, and I by no means mean for you to be afraid by my sharing of the truths herein.  It is only so you can see what is going on and what Satan is planning against us.  But know that Jesus Christ has already won the battle against these forces of darkness.

God would not have us to be enslaved again by evil.  Jesus Christ was sent to Earth to die on the cross, to carry the burden of our sins, so that the bondages of sin and slavery and death would be broken once and for all.

True freedom is in Jesus Christ.  And if you would free yourself of all that is weighing you down and you are worrying over, then, before it is too late, accept Him into your heart as Lord and Savior.

And if you are guilty of manipulation, something many find impossible to stop doing, then know you can only be set free from this sin through Jesus Christ.  By getting on your face before God and asking Him to come into your heart and take away this sin, only then will you overcome.  You will no longer be a slave to manipulation.

And once you are aware that Satan is trying to manipulate the masses and through what means, then you will also be free from that as well.  So stay alert, pay attention to what is happening in the world.

Once Jesus Christ is in your heart, you are indeed free.


Feel free to write us at: if you have any questions regarding salvation or if you just wish to share your joy at finally getting saved.

May the true God of Heaven bless you in the coming days as you seek His Truth.


“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:  from such turn away.”  (2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV)


Please note, the following video contains some strong language:


Refer to:








The following is a testimony of a woman involved in the homosexual lifestyle.  But she accepted Jesus Christ into her heart, and He met her right where she was at.  This woman is now free and able to minister to others who are struggling with their own sins.  

Just click on the link:

The Council of Nicea


In 306 AD, the fourth century, Constantine became the first Christian leader of the Roman Empire.  At the time, there were all sorts of religions and beliefs circulating throughout the land. This, naturally, caused great controversies among those in this vast territory.  One, in particular, I am sure caused Emperor Constantine many sleepless nights.  It revolved around Jesus Christ.

Not everyone agreed that Jesus was divine.  So, in an effort to quell the arguments, Constantine invited bishops from throughout the empire to his vacation home in the Turkish town of Nicea.

This gathering later became known as the Arian Controversy and was the first worldwide gathering of the Church.  They met on June 19, 325 AD.

The Nicene Creed developed there established the basis for Christian ideology.

According to, “The Council of Nicea affirmed the deity of Jesus Christ and established an official definition of the Trinity—the deity of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit under one Godhead, in three co-equal and co-eternal Persons.”

According to Heather Whipps, of, these “bishops also used the Council of Nicea to set in stone some church rules that needed clarification, and those canons were the reference point after which all future laws were modeled.”


True Salvation


True salvation comes only when we believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died on the cross for our sins, and that He now sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven.  We must also make a public confession with our mouths of this belief.  It is a two-step process.  First, belief; second, confession to at least one other person. (Romans 10:9)

So, if you haven’t completed both steps of this process, folks, make sure that you do so your names will be written forever in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

When I pray for the salvation of others, I usually ask that their names also be written in that Book, to establish their true salvation in Christ.

Also, be sure to confess your sins to God and turn away – repent – of them.  Ask Jesus to forgive your sins, and He will.  It is His promise to us.  But you must be sincere.  There are conditions to being forgiven.  Matthew 6:14-15 states:  “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”


Water Baptism


Certain Scriptures designate that believers are to be baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ alone.  (Acts 2:38)  But such is not the case.  In reality, believers are to be baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity of God:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.  (Matthew 28:19)

It was through the Council of Nicea that the original true Christian form of baptism was established, based on the Truth of the Holy Bible.

Also, according to the example set to us by Jesus Christ Himself, the day He was baptized by John the Baptist, it is also clear that believers are NOT to be sprinkled but fully immersed in water when getting baptized.  (See Matthew 3:16)  In fact, the word baptism in the Greek language, baptizo, actually means to immerse or submerge (to make fully wet).  It doesn’t mean ‘sprinkle’.  This is one of the problems with the Catholic Church.  Also, infant baptism is not Scriptural.  Believers must reach the age of accountability, when it is established for a person to know right from wrong and make his or her own decision regarding his/her personal belief.  Many believe that eight is the age of accountability, but there is no information available to substantiate this claim.  Others believe it is 12 or 13, even 20.  But again, such depends on the maturity of the person overall, when he or she can decide for him- or herself.

Considering much I have learned regarding Heaven and Hell, it seems there are no children in Hell.  Which leads one to believe that all children who die young go to Heaven, where they can live out their childhoods in a wonderful way, with Jesus.  Since babies are too young to know right from wrong, it only makes sense that they would go back to Heaven if they die early.  So, baptizing them at all is pointless.

What many churches do is dedicate their babies or children to the Lord.  Then, when they reach the age of accountability, they can get baptized by their own choice, by immersion.  It is how my own children were baptized.   And they were dedicated to the Lord as infants.  This makes more sense than anything.

Baptism, by the way, is not the way to true salvation.  It is merely a public showing of our belief, to the world, that we identify with Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.   It is a sacrament, which is defined as “A religious ceremony or act of the Christian Church that is regarded as an outward and visible sign of divine grace, in particular.”  (Google ‘sacrament definition’.)  More importantly, baptism is a command for all believers, not just a personal choice.


Baptism Of The Holy Spirit


Once a person’s sins have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.  Once a person has been forgiven and sincerely turns away from sin and wickedness and turns toward the true God of Heaven and gets baptized by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit of God, there is one more gift God has for those who are His.  It is for all believers, not just a select few.  It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Being washed in the blood of Jesus is the qualifying factor.

Why are we given this special gift?  Because, in John 14:16, it states that Jesus prayed for us.  All of us.  To receive the Holy Spirit.

“And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.”

The Comforter is the Holy Spirit of God.  And we are promised His divine presence in our own hearts and spirits…forever, together with His divine power and authority.

According to the famous evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke, “our hearts are fireplaces for the Holy Spirit”, and “we are made for the fire of the Holy Spirit.”  But it is only for all blood-washed Christians.  Believers must be washed of their sins first before they receive that fire from Heaven.

So what is this exactly?  Well, according to, “The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an empowering for service that takes place in the life of the Christian (Acts 1:5,8).  In it we are immersed in the Spirit’s life and power.”

Sometimes this baptism may occur at the moment you confess your faith in Jesus Christ.  Other times, it may happen later, after you have been saved.  People often have their own unique experience, and believe me, it is a wonderful feeling when this occurs.  But in order to receive, you must fully submit to God’s authority over your life.  Jesus will only respond to a totally yielded vessel, so keep this in mind.  As the Borg on Star Trek would say, “Resistance is futile.”  What would be the point anyways?  Once you receive the Holy Spirit, you will know it, and you will relish the incredible feeling that comes over you.  That is why it always boggles my mind when people say they do not believe in God.  When baptized by fire, you will feel the incredible power of God fill you.  There is nothing like it on this earth, I can assure you.

Now, to receive, you have only but to ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit, to baptize you.  You also need to have faith in that God will give you what you ask for.  You may, of course, have another born-again, Spirit-filled believer pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit as well.  When the Spirit of God fills you, you will know it, so do not fear God will not answer your prayer for this baptism by fire, by His Spirit.

“Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.”  (Luke 11:9-10; Matthew 7:7-8 KJV)

“This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?” (Galations 3:2 KJV)

It is always best to author your own words when speaking to God, especially for salvation, but if you are struggling with how to pray to receive the Holy Spirit, then the following prayer from can help you, if you sincerely desire to receive the baptism of God’s Holy Spirit:

“Heavenly Father, at this moment, I come to you.  I thank You that Jesus saved me.  I pray that the Holy Spirit might come upon Me.  Lord Jesus, baptize me now in the Holy Spirit.  I receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit right now by faith in Your word.  May the anointing, the glory, and the power of God come upon me and into my life right now.  May I be empowered for service from this day forward.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for baptizing me in Your Holy Sprit.  Amen.”


The Fruits and Gifts of The Holy Spirit of God


Once a person has been saved, washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, baptized by water (by immersion), and prayed to receive and be baptized by fire for the receiving of the Holy Spirit of God, you may wonder what comes next.  Actually, once the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you may then find yourself with gifts that will help you in your walk with God.  Not everyone has the same gifts.  Some have the gift of tongues, the gift of healing, the gift of miracles, the gift of prophecy, or whatever.  It is then you must determine what those gifts are.

The uniqueness of each believer’s gifts plays a major role in the Body of Christ.  Each believer, as part of the Body, uses these gifts to further the Kingdom of God.

I will not lengthen this article by sharing more on this subject.  I have posted several links below that go into great detail and explanation on the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, which you may peruse at your leisure.  I merely want you to know that once you have the Spirit of the Living God within you, then He has blessed you with things that may surprise and amaze you.  So please be sure to follow up on this topic.


Final Thoughts


In closing, I hope I have answered all of your questions regarding true salvation, baptism by water and of the Spirit.  I suggest you find a salvation-preaching, Bible-based church to join or attend, if you haven’t found one already.  If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior, then make sure to get baptized by immersion, and pray for the Holy Spirit to come into your heart as well.  The gifts will come, and you will be blessed beyond measure once you share your temple (your body) with the God of all creation, through His Spirit.

If you still have questions or just wish to express your joy at knowing God, feel free to write me at   And know also that God commands us to be holy, as He is holy.  (1 Peter 1:16)

May the Lord bless you and guide you into all Truth and Righteousness.


“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” (Matt. 28:19).

(Please Note:  The proper way to baptize in Jesus’ name is to say, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” just before the person is fully immersed in water.)


“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” ( Acts 2:38 KJV)


“…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 

“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 

“And these signs will follow them that believe;  In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

“They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”  (Mark 16:15-18 KJV)


Refer to:

The Council of Nicea

Baptism of Water:

The Age of Accountability:

Baptism Of and  Receiving the Holy Spirit (and the Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit)



It is no surprise that in the end times Satan’s people, those willingly following AntiChrist, will hate true believers.  The following video reveals that all pro-lifers, anyone against the new Communist regime/administration, even military members, are to be targeted and put on a list, possibly for extermination.

I have shared time and again that the global elite, the Illuminati, the New World Order, have lists, through the CIA and FBI invasion of our privacies, with names of those they feel threaten their evil, Satanic agenda.

Since word has it that Obama may bypass Congress completely in order to pass the gun control laws against our citizens, in violation of the Second Amendment of our Constitution, the round up of anti-Administration groups may begin.  Approximately two weeks before martial law is said to go into effect.

Christians and others who are on the lists, whether red, blue, orange, or whatever colored list they are on, will be roused from their beds at four in the morning, just as in WWII when the Jews were rounded up, put into boxcars, and shipped to various camps for extermination.

If you don’t believe this will ever happen, then you need to wake up.  Why do you think that Homeland Security has been stockpiling weaponry and ammunition?  To secure our homeland? Hardly.  It is to be used to kill American citizens who resist the NWO agenda.  Satan’s agenda.

So please, accept Jesus Christ into your heart before these evils come to pass.  The time is short, and there is an urgency that one not hesitate to prepare for the days ahead.  Our one hope rests in the knowledge that Jesus Christ will save us in the end.  If you wish to spend eternity in Heaven, then accept Him now…and trust Him for your future.  And do NOT take the RFID chip.  That was not a rumor.  It is only that the times have been changed for its implementation.  AntiChrist likes to do that.  To keep us guessing.  This Mark of the Beast is a real device that will separate God’s people from Satan’s.  Once you take that mark, you will be forever lost to Hell.  This is no joke.

Please wake up to what is happening in our world.  Do not think that the monies being sent to the Muslim nations for fighter jets by our very own President will be used for good.  Those fighter jets will be used against the people of the United States when the Russians, the Chinese, and the Muslim military invade our nation.  You can count on it.

Trust in Jesus Christ.  The time is now.

I came across another version of the title song we’ve posted on this website, so thought I’d post it here.




The following video confirms that supposed President Obama is indeed a radical Communist, a complete obamination, who is trying to destroy America as we know it.  He is a man of lawlessness, of insanity, and his aim is to destroy the U. S. economy, which is on the way to collapse.

Jesus Christ is our only Hope, people.  Accept Him now before this man of Satan successfully destroys all we hold dear.



Satan Hates All Mankind


It’s not the Republicans in America who are at war with women.  It is Satan.

Satan, when he fell from heaven, was given power over the entire earth.  If there is a war against women – or men – it is because of Satan.  It is he who has the influence over all of mankind, and womankind.

Satan has hated us from the beginning and would see all of us corrupted and in hell for all eternity.

God judged Satan in the Garden of Eden, because of what he did to make Adam and Eve fall.  He cursed him.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”  (Genesis 3:15 KJV)

Because Eve did not reject God, although she did admit her sin, Satan hated Eve.  Satan wanted her to turn from God, but she did not.  She stood with God, yet suffered the punishment he laid against her for her sin.

All must realize there are repercussions to our sins.  We may be forgiven but that does not mean we will not be punished for what we did.  For example, if one is guilty of homosexuality, contracts AIDS, then finds God, gets saved, repenting of this abominable practice, the punishment is still there and that person may ultimately die.  God will forgive anyone his or her sin, but that does not guarantee He will take away the punishment.

Satan hated most when Jesus Christ came into the world as a human being, through a woman.  His mother, Mary.  Since Satan has been against women from the beginning, then it is no wonder he hates women so much even now, in the 21st century, especially followers of Jesus Christ.  He will do anything to turn a person, particularly a woman, away from God.


Genital Mutilation Came Through Men Under Satan’s Influence


Throughout the ages, Satan has used men to dominate and control women, making women as possessions or making them feel worthless as human beings.  Some religions, instead of being used for good, are geared toward abuse and hatred, especially towards women.  Male-dominated religions, even countries, have even gone so far as to commit the atrocity of mutilating their women’s genitalia, preventing women from experiencing the pleasure of sex.  This makes no sense since men are allowed this pleasure.  But if you realize the source of this cruelty and brutality, you will discover that these religions and the men at the forefront are being used by Satan to hurt women.  They are completely blinded by him and take insane delight in raping, abusing, and even murdering women.  They believe women are their possessions, their slaves, and were put on the earth for them to torment.  But it is actually the demons of hell, oppressing and possessing these men, who are committing such acts of cruelty.  And all of these men will eventually wind up in Hell themselves, unless they repent and turn away from their wickedness and accept Jesus Christ into their hearts.  He is the one true God of Heaven.  There is no other, despite what Satan and his followers would have people to believe.

Genital mutilation is referred to as female circumcision, but it is not.  In fact, it causes not only unnecessary suffering and pain for the women being mutilated, but death, difficult intimate relations, difficult childbirth, serious health problems, as well as infertility.  Does this sound like something God would allow?  Especially to small children?

Women are created by the one true God of Heaven.  God makes no mistakes when creating things.  He makes women exactly as He wants them to be.  If God wanted women not to enjoy marital relations, then he would have physically made them unable to.  It is Satan, using men who are receptive to his evil influence, who violate women any way they can.  It is not God’s will that women suffer and survive pointless lives.  He created women for a purpose.  And He created women to be honored and respected.

According to Jean Wright, of, “God designed a canopy of love for the woman because she is the special object of Satan’s hatred, not because she is weak, inferior or more easily deceived than man.

“Satan’s enmity is also against the natural seed [children] of the woman, which, of course, is all mankind.  He hates the woman because she is the bearer of the seed.  She brings forth the children who will have the opportunity to be born into the family of God and become sons of God with authority over him.  This, stated again, explains the pitiful lot of women in many parts of the world.

“When the woman also bears the seed of the Word, there is a special hatred against her and her descendants.  The protection for her and the children in the home is for the husband to provide that blanket of love that God designed for her to have.”   Husbands are to love and protect their wives, not abuse them in any way.


Prostitution is Not of God


Due to these abuses, in all parts of the world, women are forced to do things they do not want to do.  Yet, when men do not fulfill their true purpose, under God’s direction, women are forced into survival mode at all costs.  Usually, trying to find a good job or having to go into prostitution.

Prostitution has been termed the oldest profession in the world.  When there is no one there to care for a woman, or if she has been raised to believe there is no other way to be, she may fall into this.  It is not something most women would choose to do, unless there seems to be no other way to survive.  Feeling lost and hopeless, these unfortunates may fall into this trap, placing themselves in danger of abuses or diseases.

But women need to know that there is a way where there seems to be no way out of this dilemma.  Jesus Christ.  Or as His believers know Him:  Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.  These women need to understand that Jesus loves them and, if they accept Him, that He will provide for them in ways they can never imagine.  Prostitution is not something God wants for those He loves.  Prostitution was enforced by Satan, from the beginning, to bring women down and give them no hope.  But there is hope.  In Jesus Christ.

As poverty increases throughout the world, women will be affected in negative ways.  Without Christ in their hearts, many may feel the need to sell themselves for basic necessities, for themselves and for their children.  Since not all men are responsible enough to care for their wives or families, it is usually the women who must bear the burden of providing for them.  If they cannot find a way to earn a living in a respectable manner, then Satan may force them into situations they do not want to be in.  But if their back is up against the wall, they may feel they have no other choice.  But again, I want to affirm that there is another way.  Through belief in Jesus Christ.  Through trusting Him. Women are to be one with God as men are one with Him.  God did not separate men to alone enjoy the promises of God.  Women are included as well.


The AntiChrist Agenda


In these last days, the Spirit of AntiChrist will run rampant throughout the Earth as never before.

He will up the ante against women (and men), doing anything in his power to turn them away from God.  He knows his time is limited.  He knows what his future will be.  So he is on the war path, so to speak. In fact, Scripture says about AntiChrist:

“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god:  for he shall magnify himself above all.”  Daniel 11:37

This verse greatly describes a man of complete lawlessness.  He will believe himself to be greater than any god and will have no desire for women at all.  Right up until the end of his time on Earth, Satan will hate women and influence many to act on his hatred.

Currently, some antichrists already have an agenda.  To implement their Sharia Law worldwide.  If that happens, oppression against women will increase to unprecedented levels.  Rapists will be allowed to go free while the victims will be killed or imprisoned.  Wives and daughters will be legally abused and/or killed for pretty much no reason at all.  All females will be cut horrifically while men will continue to whore around with whomever they feel like.  If  women aren’t cut, they will be considered whores.  Men, however, will be free to be whores themselves and practice homosexuality.  Whatever evil is in the heart of man will be implemented ten-fold.

Sharia Law is designed by Satan, to abuse women, under a religion of Satan.   Actually, a demonic prince who has a major stronghold over the Middle East and has blinded his followers to the truth of Jesus Christ and of how women are really supposed to be treated.

Women (and men) are created in the image of the one true God of Heaven.  God loves and cherishes women.  As should all men.  God distinctly says in His Word that men are to love their wives as Christ loves the Church.  He gave His life for it, remember?  (Ephesians 5:25)  He wants women to be protected.

Scripture also says to forgive our enemies, those who persecute us.  It says not to take vengeance against anyone because that is God’s place.  (Romans 12:19)  Christianity is a religion of love and forgiveness, not of violence or hatred.  That is Satan’s domain.

If Satan can get someone to break every law of the one true God, he will certainly try.  And he is influencing atrocities against both men and women in many parts of the world.  And if Satan gets his way, those atrocities will soon be in America, with the complete favor of Satan’s man in power.  A man under the complete influence of the coming AntiChrist.

I tell you these things not to frighten you, but to make you realize your need for Jesus Christ.  He is a true and loving God, a forgiving God who loves all of His creation.  He is kind and merciful to all men and all women, even those who commit evil acts, if they turn away from their sins.  He does not condone violence, hatred, or abuse of women, children, or animals.  He created you, and He loves you.  When you are completely His, He will guide your steps and lead you into all righteousness and truth.  He will fight your battles and storms, whatever you come up against.  And if your time comes to die, at least you know you will spend eternity in Heaven with Him and not in hell with those who tormented you here on Earth.  Life through the freedom of Jesus Christ does not end here, but goes on into eternity.  Those following Satan have nothing to look forward to but eternity in Hell, unfortunately, unless they turn from their evil ways and accept Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord and Savior.


The Value Of Women


God loves all women, as I said.  They were not put on this earth to just survive, but to have an abundant life.  God promises this to all believers.  (John 10:10)

As Jean Wright wrote, “It takes both men and women to bring forth the fullness of Christ in the Church.  It likewise requires the ministry of both men and women to bring the church to maturity.”

Women are as valuable to God as men are.  God gave each of us a purpose and will help us to fulfill that purpose.  Also, women are to respect their husbands, and husbands are to love their wives as they love themselves.  Nowhere in Scripture does it say to commit violence or murder against women.  The greatest commandments of all are that we love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, minds, and souls, (Matthew 22:37) and that we love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:31).  This means women as well as men.

Also, God has promised, in Acts 2:17:

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:  and yours sons AND YOUR DAUGHTERS shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”

God’s Word is clear.  Not just our sons, but our daughters are also included in this promise.

So it is written.  So let it be done.


“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.”  (John 10:10)





(Be forewarned, the following is extremely graphic.  Click on the link to see the video.)


Refer to:





Once upon a time, I was angry because of the attacks against me by the enemy, through people I cared about and who I had been kind to.

So one night, I remember going out to take a stand for Jesus, knowing I would not turn against Him or change my mind about Him.  Although a believer in Jesus for many years, I still had a lot to learn, I was soon to discover.

I challenged Satan in a way I probably should regret, but I don’t.  Because it was a tremendous learning experience for me.  One that taught me new things and strengthened my faith in a mighty way.

It was late, a warm summer’s eve, so I went to a nearby park.  It is a small park so I knew I was the only one there and that no one would hear me.  Satisfied I was alone, I then got out of my car and walked into the middle of a huge grassy field there.  Raising an emphatic fist, I recall shouting in a loud, authoritative voice, “I will never turn from God, do you hear me, Satan?  Never!”

I can’t remember if I said anything else.  If I did, it might have been, “No matter what you do to me.”  Regardless, I had made my stand for Christ and returned home, satisfied I had made myself clear to the enemy.  I had also released my anger toward him at the same time, so I felt better.

Unfortunately, after that, it didn’t take long for Satan to up the ante against me.  Things started happening in my life that to this day boggle my mind.  So let me tell you, if you are one of those people who do not believe in Satan or God, let me tell you just how wrong you are in believing that.  Both are as real as you can ever imagine.  I have felt the power of God, through His Spirit, and the power of Satan as well.


A few nights after taking my stand for Christ, I was having trouble sleeping.  I felt this incredible force atop me, pressing down on me, crushing me.  I had never felt anything like it before.  So, I got up and went outside of my apartment, to sit on the front stoop to contemplate what was going on.  I prayed while I sat there and came to understand that it was a form of demonic oppression that was weighing on me.

The next day, I discovered that my neighbors across the hall, who I had been so nice to, were stealing UPS packages from me.  When I discovered this, I left a note for UPS not to leave my packages with any of my neighbors.  But before the carrier got my note, the neighbors had come home and ripped the notice off my door, which made them furious upon reading it.

At any rate, things escalated from there.  I had to involve UPS, my landlord, and all numbers of other people to deal with this problem.  All of it instigated by Satan, my enemy.

Every time I walked by their window, these people, unbelievers who apparently despised me in secret, would verbally harass and antagonize me.  I called the police in to ask what I could do, receiving sound advice.  Although nothing worked against the threats being laid against me and my children.  So, I decided to try something I had not done before.

I decided to take Jesus Christ at His Word.

Now, I have been a strong believer since I was nine years old.  I had read the Bible through many times and spent a lot of time praying and going to church.  But unfortunately, none of the churches I attended had ever taught me what I really needed to survive in this evil world.


Perhaps you already know this, but it took me thirty or so years to actually learn what I finally did put into practice.  Why?  Not just because it wasn’t really taught me in church the way it should have been.  But mainly because, it was scary.  Plain and simple.

Seeing something on paper is not always the same as putting what it says into effect.  I am sure many of you have heard that before.  I used to work for a large corporation, and the workers experienced that many times.  One thing we all learned there is that everything looks good on paper.  But implementation may have disastrous results or cause other problems.

At any rate, here is what I started doing, as difficult for me and as scary as it was for me.  Because I wasn’t certain what the repercussions were going to be.  I had already been through a lot.  As a divorced, single parent, I was afraid for the safety of my children.  My car had been vandalized, my apartment robbed, and our lives threatened.

I began blessing my enemies.  Literally.  Every time I walked by them, and they started in on me.

If you haven’t done that already, you cannot imagine the power those words have on people.

Each time I walked by those people, I would say, “God bless you, my brother (or sister, as the case may have been).”  Then I just kept walking because, after I blessed them, they fell silent, apparently feeling convicted of their evil against me.


Once I got used to blessing my enemies, for the Word of God says to bless and not to curse your enemies, I started putting it more into practice.  It is one thing to pray for your enemies.  But to literally bless them is an entirely different ball of wax.  (Romans 12:14)

One day, I was coming from a store, when I encountered another neighbor who had been causing me problems.  A teenager who talked her boy friend into harassing me.  Now, I barely knew this girl but went to school with her mother, who had told me that she had been recruited by a Satanic cult.  Which explained her immediate dislike of me.  When the power of God is strong in a person, that person will automatically be hated by someone who is against Him.

At any rate, I watched this girl shove her boy friend in my direction, whispering to him on what to say to me.  So, laughing, he said something to me that I won’t repeat here.  Then, taking a deep breath, I said, “May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you!”

Instantly, and I mean instantly, this young man fell silent and took a step back, gaping at me.  Then he says, rather sheepishly, I might add, “Well…I believe in Jesus.”

I just looked at him and said, “I see that you do.”  Then I walked away.  I had no trouble from him again, although the girl later tried getting a group of her other boy friends to vandalize my car, which I was able to prevent by just going out to watch them do it.  Upon seeing me, they immediately took off.

The power of God in a person does that.  While working in that corporation I told you of, sometimes I would just walk into the break room, and the entire group would suddenly stand up and rush out of the room, as if all the hounds of hell were after them.  I never could figure that out, unless of course the people were doing something they should not have been when I walked in.  Because I stand for Truth and Righteousness, I believe some people feel convicted by my mere presence sometimes.


Two apartments after these events, I moved to another house, which contained five apartments.  Unfortunately, my experiences there were similar to the others.  Only this time, I knew how to handle myself.

One of the neighbors, a family of cocaine dealers, I later discovered, and welfare frauders, apparently called the police on me, giving some lame reason.  So two policemen, a man and a woman, showed up at my door, accusing me falsely of slamming a door, which I did not know was against the law anyways, even if it were true.  But since the lawbreakers felt threatened by me, afraid I would turn them in for their crimes, they decided to try and rid themselves of my presence.

The male cop was extremely arrogant and very nasty to me, just assuming I was some evil person.  The female officer kept silent while this young man berated me.  So I stepped toward him and said what I told that other young man.  “May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you!”

Well, that cop took one step back at my words and banged into the wall behind him (It was a very narrow hallway.), hitting his head on the wall.

Immediately, he fell silent, dropped his head humbly, guiltily, and the two officers just left.  End of story.

So, folks.  If you haven’t experienced the incredible power in the name of Jesus, I guarantee you will not doubt the existence of Jesus Christ ever again.  If you have, know only that you can grow more confident in your weaponry, in the power of the Word of God, more than ever before.

I am at a point now in my life where God has told me that the enemy is nothing to me now.  I know the power in Jesus’ name, and I have been given the authority by God to use it when the enemy is coming against me.

Be assured, if you are a born-again, Spirit-filled Christian, that you, too, have that power and authority over all the works of darkness and over all evil and demonic spirits.

Jesus’ name also has the power to heal and perform miracles, but a believer must, of course, usually have those gifts for such things to happen.

Regardless, the Word of God is more powerful than many realize.  I strongly urge you to memorize it, study it, read it, and use it, putting it into practice…literally.


Following my divorce, I had to go on public assistance for awhile because I could not earn enough as a legal secretary to make ends meet.  So instead, I went back to school.

Meanwhile, it was a struggle every day.  Food was in short supply, and there were times I had absolutely nothing and was getting tired of it.  So, here is what I did.  Again, I put God’s Word into practice.

I parked myself at my kitchen table, after my children had gone off to school, and had a conversation with the Lord about my situation.  This time, I challenged Him to prove Himself to me.

“God,” I said.  “If your Word is true, then provide what I need.”  I can’t recall the exact words, but they were similar to these.  Now God already knew what I needed, but I gave Him a small list of what I wanted most.  That morning, I didn’t even have breakfast because there was nothing left to eat.

I swear to you, in a matter of seconds after I prayed, there came a knock at my door.  It was a neighbor who lived in another building of the apartment complex I was living in at the time.  (Yes, the one I mentioned earlier.)

My friend came in with a bag of donuts.  So there you have it.  Instantly.  God’s provision for my breakfast.

I thought that was pretty cool.  Why?   Because I had been raised Catholic, and such things just weren’t taught us while growing up, that God would ACTUALLY provide for us like that.

Then, as my friend and I were enjoying the donuts, the phone rang.  It was my parents.  They asked me to go to Sam’s Club with them.  They said they would give me half of whatever they bought there.  So, heck yeah.  I jumped at that opportunity.  So after breakfast, my parents arrived, and off we went.  And believe me, I came home with so much stuff, paper towels, toilet paper, basic supplies, foods, even a book I’d been wanting that my father said he’d buy me, I just could not believe it.  Talk about God’s provision.  I could not stop praising Him.

But the story doesn’t end there.

Later that day, another of my friends arrived.  With her came a ton of frozen foods she had brought from her freezer that she wasn’t going to use.  So I piled them into my freezer and…couldn’t shut the door because there was just so much.  My freezer was filled to overflowing.  As God’s Word promises.  “…Prove Me now, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”  Malachia 3:10  KJV

I would like to tell you that this story stops here, but it doesn’t.  That entire week, God continued providing for me in unexpected ways.  Some free strawberries from a fruit farm came my way, and one afternoon, I came home to find a letter under my door, containing a $100 bill from an anonymous gifter.

Is God cool or what?

I cannot tell you the joy, the disbelief, and the excitement I felt all that week.  I had challenged God to prove Himself.  And…He…Did!!  God be praised!  I still get all choked up when I think about that time in my life.  It was memorable and completely wonderful.  And it took away any further doubts I may have had.  I knew then I would never starve to death or have to go without anything again because God would keep His promises to me…and to all of His people.  He provides for and takes care of His own.  And He knows who they are.

So take God at His Word, folks.  Everything He says in the Bible is True.  I know firsthand because I have received and lived a life of blessing and provision.  And I can’t love Him enough for it.  He has indeed proven Himself to me, over and over again.  That’s not to say I haven’t had some rough times along the way because I have.  But God’s love for me overshadows all of the bad times.

So tell me.  Will you take your stand for Christ?  Trust Him to provide for you and protect you?  And love Him and be obedient to Him, because He desires that from us, too?

The time is short.  If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please accept Him into your heart, into your life, before AntiChrist comes to power.  You will be glad you did.

God bless you all!


For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  (Hebrews 4:12 KJV)

“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”  (Malachi 3:10 KJV)

“Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.”  Romans 12:14 KJV

“And whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”  (John 14:13 KJV)


For more information:

I find it rather interesting that, although the RFID chip is indeed a reality and is already being implemented in various places, that nothing has been mentioned about it recently.  According to the section of the ObamaCare policy that mentions that everyone must have the chip by March 23, 2013, nothing seems to be happening.  It was to have been publicly, mandatorily implemented, beginning in December, 2012 and be completed in March.  Yet, nothing.

Also, the gun confiscation has not yet gone into effect, as earlier predicted, beginning January 1st.  Although New York State has already jumped on the bandwagon, enforcing some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, with other States sure to follow.

There could be several reasons why things are not happening yet.

One, because of the opposition, the Administration may have decided to wait to enforce these things.  They have already made their own laws and violated the U. S. Constitution.  They can easily make unwritten changes in the way things move “forward”, without telling the public.

Two, because of the opposition and the fact that so many Americans are wide awake and alert now to what the Administration is trying to do, things may have gotten more difficult for the government to follow through with their agenda.

Three, nothing can be done yet until all of our weapons have been confiscated.  This obviously will take some time.

Four, believers throughout the world may be praying against the evil that is about to fall upon America, perhaps even against God’s coming judgment upon us.

Regardless of the reasons for these delays, know that all of these things will happen.  Granted, they may not fall in line with what has been written or shared with the American public.  But they will happen.  It is inevitable.

Below are two videos that reinforce what has been predicted – gun control laws and the mandatory RFID chip.  Also, information on the FEMA camps.  One was posted in September, 2009; the other in June, 2008.

I am not sure why this information was just brought to my notice, but I believe they contain a lot of truth.  Based on what they contain, even some of the predicted dates may have changed.  So keep in mind that regardless of what the media shares with us, things can always change to suit the needs of the New World Order (NWO).  It appears, most recently, that the Department of Homeland Security has been purchasing more ammo, which is a sign that they may be expecting a lot of opposition when they try and take away America’s right to bear arms.  This ammunition is meant to kill Americans who oppose the NWO agenda.  So know that these things WILL indeed happen in the future.  It is just that the times as given may change, for whatever reason.  Any delay is a plus, in my book.




This first video, dated 2009, is of an American soldier who claims to have trained with the California police to set up checkpoints and force Swine Flu vaccinations on the American public.  She says that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated will be quickly boarded on a bus and sent to a concentration camp.  She also mentions the RFID chip which will be used to track people.  She states that the military and the police will use electronic bracelets to track those who have taken the vaccination.

This woman says that she went to drill and found out some interesting information.  In attendance were CHP officers, LA County Sheriffs, and LAPD.  They were training on running roadblocks, quarantine, and shackles (the bracelet) which will be put on a person’s right hand and somehow pinned into the hand – permanently.  The bracelet (shackle) tells if a person has taken the vaccination or not.  If a person is found at the checkpoint not to have a bracelet, then he or she will be given an opportunity to take the Swine Flu vaccination then.  Again, if the person refuses, he or she will be immediately boarded onto a bus and taken to a concentration camp, a FEMA camp.

Many Americans do not know about any of these things and may innocently just go ahead and take the vaccine.  But this soldier warns that if you do take the Swine Flu vaccine, then you have already condemned yourself.  You will not escape any harsh penalties just because you have voluntarily agreed to take the vaccine.

The first set of Swine Flu shots were to begin October 15th (I am assuming in 2009); the second set on November 15th.

It is made clear in this video that NONE OF THIS CAN HAPPEN UNTIL THEY TAKE AWAY OUR GUNS!

And yes, as with video two, I have blatantly stolen the transcripts to post here, just in case the videos disappear unexpectedly.




This second video, dated 2008, is all about the FEMA death camps and was shared by a former CIA agent who was at one of these camps.

I have heard this before, so I believe it to be true.  So be forewarned of what the NWO has in store for Americans, particularly for dissenters and Christians who oppose their planned agenda.  Remember, the idea here is to get people to submit to the Satanic system of the AntiChrist, represented by the NWO, Luciferians and those who worship Baphomet.

Prior to the U. S. going under Martial Law, many Americans will be put on a RED or BLUE list.  No doubt this has already been done.  According to this agent, FEMA Black Ops is behind the rounding up of people that the NWO wants exterminated. And know that FEMA is NOT here to help us once we go under a full state of Martial Law.  FEMA is here to send us to their detention camps.  It is there they will decide who shall live and who shall die.

They will send to these camps those who are on the RED or BLUE lists.  These people will never come out alive and may have to go through hell first before they are finally terminated.  In other words, many will be tortured first.  Such offenders are considered resistors of the New World Order.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – everyone in it – know all about these concentration camps in America, these FEMA camps.  Their purpose is to terminate all resistors of the NWO.  Know that the CIA monitors Facebook and already has placed you on a list somewhere, based on what you say or post there.

According to the CIA agent involved with this video, there is a full gassing death camp in the Mohave Desert dedicated to the extermination of all those on the RED/BLUE lists, once we are under Martial Law.  And let us not forget that many guillotines are already in place in these camps as well, having been brought over from China.  This was discovered when one container accidentally broke open, revealing its contents.

All of these people are Luciferians – Satan worshippers.  They have doubled the size of the Mohave camp, this video states, for increased killing capacity.  There is also an air strip, and the camps are fully staffed.  All of the staff members wear black SWAT team uniforms.

According to this video, a former member of the Illuminati confessed that he had sheer joy in knowing that all the Christians would be killed in that camp.  In fact, the NWO members and supporters are said to be very proud of the Mohave death camp.  It has also been stated that there are many other camps strictly intended to terminate those who are not worthy of entering the NWO under Satan.




Know that we are all on a RED or BLUE list somewhere.

Those on the RED list will be woken up at 4:00 a.m. and taken to the camps and probably killed.  RED list people are the enemies of the NWO.  Among them are the leaders of the patriot groups, outspoken ministers, outspoken talk show hosts, community leaders, and other leaders.  These people will probably be dragged out of their homes at 4:00 a.m. and taken to a FEMA detention center and killed.  According to this video, THIS WILL TAKE PLACE APPROXIMATELY TWO (2) WEEKS BEFORE MARTIAL LAW IS PUT INTO EFFECT.

Those on the BLUE list are also enemies of the NWO, but are followers of the RED list people.  These people will be rounded up AFTER Martial Law is in place and will be taken to the detention centers and “RE-EDUCATED”.  Various mind control techniques will be used on them.  Most will NOT survive.

Those on the YELLOW list are the people who know nothing about the New World Order and don’t want to know.  They are considered to be no threat at all.  They will be instructed on how to behave and will most likely do what they are told.

Unfortunately, as the video states, since there are just too many of these people to be effectively controlled, many will be killed or starved to death.

Also, know that once you are in a FEMA camp, people will start to be “chipped’ with the RFID chip – “666”.




The Truth of these future happenings are revealed in the Holy Bible, in the Book of Revelation.  The Bible teaches us how God wants us to walk with Him, in all Truth and righteousness.

This may be your last chance for salvation.  As I have mentioned before, Jesus Christ is your only hope.  Please accept Him into your heart as your Lord and Savior before it is too late.  Wouldn’t you rather go to Heaven and live eternally with Him, free, than to die and go to Hell or live under the Satanic system of the AntiChrist who wants nothing more than to control you, to enslave you?

Please don’t wait!  Jesus is waiting for you, knocking at the door of your heart.  Open the door and let Him in.  Confess to Him your sins and ask His forgiveness.  Then ask Him to become Lord of your life.  It is that easy.




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