According to, Merriam Webster’s Deluxe Dictionary, Tenth Collegiate Edition, one definition of manipulation is: “to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means, especially to one’s own advantage” (2b, p. 1114).
As children, usually as toddlers, many of us learn how to manipulate our parents in order to get something we want. Some people, as they grow older, learn how to use it to their advantage, usually in a selfish, self-centered, perhaps even an evil way.
Satan used manipulation to get Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
Scoundrels manipulate others perhaps out of a desire to gain money or information. Deceit is fully a part of the manipulation of others. Gaining their trust for their own advantage is typical of what happens. I am sure we have all manipulated others to our way of thinking or gotten people to do something they initially didn’t want to do, at one time or another. Perhaps the person never had the ability to think for himself or even to just say no to something. Perhaps they felt intimidated or were afraid.
Believe it or not, it is also a sin to be manipulated by someone. And it is a sin to try and manipulate others into being someone you want them to be.
Regardless of how many of us have used manipulation, giving us unfair advantage over another, it is considered a sin in the eyes of God.
Illuminati Manipulation of the Masses
When first considering this topic, it never occurred to me how much this goes on in our world today. From my research, it is clear that for centuries the Illuminati has been manipulating our world to achieve an end. Their ultimate goal is to depopulate the world by around 90% so the 10% who are left will be more manageable, more controlled. As we can see, in order to achieve that end, they are using manipulation of the masses in order to do it.
The global elite, through deviousness and manipulation of the media, are making headway. Through use of the media, it has been found that entire populations of people can be manipulated in their thinking. Choices are made, whether knowingly or not, whether right or wrong, based on what one hears on the radio, sees on television, reads in newspapers or magazines, or through other sources. Basically, it is a form of mind control, which is a major avenue being used to manipulate our thoughts in the current age.
Music and movies are other avenues of deception and manipulation. Millions of songs contain lyrics that take root in people’s brains, helping to change the way a person thinks or believes. Movies manipulate the viewer into believing that what is portrayed therein is acceptable, especially as regards sexual behaviors and other things frowned upon by society. Most recently, there is a slew of television programs out there trying to convince us that homosexuality and lesbianism is normal and acceptable behavior when it is not. God’s Word has taught us that marriage is between a man and a woman, not those of the same sex. If one looks at the physical structures of humans, it only makes sense anyways.
For years, we have been manipulated to believe that certain events may have been caused by our enemies or others in an effort to manipulate our emotions. The Illuminati has tried to make us hate those who have done nothing against us. Stirring the masses to a frenzy of anger or desire for revenge, in order to achieve an agenda, a reason perhaps to attack other peoples, other nations, is plain evil. Yet it is so ingrained in us, and has been for centuries, that few question the way our world is turning or what is happening or what we are being forced to feel or believe. And in case you aren’t aware of this yet, the attack on the twin towers in New York City was a deliberate attempt to sway the American people towards anger against terrorists and ultimately, revenge, although there were other reasons for it as well.
Hollywood makes it seem as if sex before marriage is okay, when it is in clear violation of God’s laws.
Television ads that use catchy jingles or phrases to purchase certain foods or other items soon propel us into believing that we have to have these things. How many times has a McDonald’s commercial manipulated you into wanting to dash to that fast food restaurant for a Big Mac or something else? All of these things play on our senses.
Ads for certain foods have a genuine purpose. One, to get us to buy the item, and two, to help us eat enough of them so that we consume, unknowingly, probably unwillingly, the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are now in practically everything we eat. These not only make people sterile, but chemicals and other additives are some of the main cause of diseases, mainly cancer. Since this started around 50 years ago, there is little the Baby Boomers can even do to stop what is happening in their bodies. Although eating only organic, gmo-free foods can at least slow down the process.
Some fashion ads are intended to get us to buy certain styles of clothes, many with the one eye symbol of the Illuminati, the New World Order on it. From baby clothes and toys to adult tee shirts, we see these ads everywhere.
Six Principles of Global Manipulation
For centuries, the Illuminati has been scheming to take over the world. If you consider the six principles of global manipulation, you will be made aware that we are in the last stages of its attempt to depopulate our world and take it over. Through brainwashing and mind control of the masses, they are nearing completion of their plan. See for yourself:
Principle One: Worldview – worldview, methodology, philosophy. This allows us to see the general course of things, to distinguish processes and phenomena. This allows the system to bring up the children. People are separated into classes, much like in India’s caste system.
Principle Two: Chronological – Chronology of all branches of knowledge. This allows us to see an orientation of all processes. In effect, history is being rewritten.
Principle Three: Factual – Religious, ideologies, technologies, mass media. This carries out the processing of consciousness of the people. Basically, people are brainwashed through mind control, with television, in fact, being the most powerful weapon being used against the masses. For example, Christianity is being pitted against Islam. People are made to be separated and divided.
Principle Four: Economical – Economic struggle means submission to money and a world monetary system with usurious loan percent. People are being made slaves to debt through credit cards, etc., with exorbitant finance charges, which make the elite even more rich while the lower classes of people become enslaved. People are forced to work their entire lives to pay off their debts, economically dependent on the elite bankers, etc. controlling the money.
Principle Five: Weapons of Genocide – Alcohol, drugs, gene engineering, “food” additives, etc. These weapons against the people kill not only the living but also future generations. This explains why baby foods are now tainted with gmos.
Principle Six: Weapons of War – Traditional kinds of arms (planes, tanks, the ships, etc.) destroy people and material structures. We can see this not just through war but through the many drone attacks on peoples around the world.
True Freedom Is In Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, through His Word, preached against the wolves in sheeps’ clothing who would come in to deceive us. He also told us that Satan often disguises himself as an angel of light when he is, in fact, evil disguised. (2 Corinthians 11:13; Galatians 2:4; 2 Corinthians 11:14; Matthew 7:15) The followers of Lucifer, the elite, are among these corrupt groups and are, in fact, corrupting our world to achieve an end. An end that does not bode well for mankind. By the time they are done, they want only two classes of people: the rich elite, the upper class, and the poor workers, the lower class. One can only assume that the ten percent of people remaining alive on the Earth after the genocide is complete will be included in that lower class. The rich are already in the upper class and will remain there. If you research many Hollywood celebrities, you can discover who support and are part of the Illuminati. They already sport the clothing of the one eye of the Illuminati and usually wear red strings on their wrists. You can read more about that in a previous article, “Are You Guilty of Idolatry?”.
Economically, the plan for a one world currency is targeted for the year 2018, when The Phoenix will come into play. The American dollar, if all goes according to plan, will be transferred from the American middle class into third world nations, under dictatorship. Decreasing the value of the dollar will destroy the middle class, leaving the two remaining classes I mentioned.
But not to worry. Jesus Christ is indeed King and still sits on the throne of Heaven. He has not left us defenseless against Satan’s forces of corruption. He wants all believers to be the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). If we obey God’s law and love Him with our entire being (the first and greatest commandment, Matthew 22:37) and love all others as well (Mark 12:31), then we will never be at the bottom. He has given us the weaponry to combat Satan and his followers.
Satan intends to instill fear in the world, and I by no means mean for you to be afraid by my sharing of the truths herein. It is only so you can see what is going on and what Satan is planning against us. But know that Jesus Christ has already won the battle against these forces of darkness.
God would not have us to be enslaved again by evil. Jesus Christ was sent to Earth to die on the cross, to carry the burden of our sins, so that the bondages of sin and slavery and death would be broken once and for all.
True freedom is in Jesus Christ. And if you would free yourself of all that is weighing you down and you are worrying over, then, before it is too late, accept Him into your heart as Lord and Savior.
And if you are guilty of manipulation, something many find impossible to stop doing, then know you can only be set free from this sin through Jesus Christ. By getting on your face before God and asking Him to come into your heart and take away this sin, only then will you overcome. You will no longer be a slave to manipulation.
And once you are aware that Satan is trying to manipulate the masses and through what means, then you will also be free from that as well. So stay alert, pay attention to what is happening in the world.
Once Jesus Christ is in your heart, you are indeed free.
Feel free to write us at: if you have any questions regarding salvation or if you just wish to share your joy at finally getting saved.
May the true God of Heaven bless you in the coming days as you seek His Truth.
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV)
Please note, the following video contains some strong language:
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