Heresy -1: adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma

2: denial of a revealed truth by a baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church

3: an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma

4: dissent or deviation from a dominent theory, opinion, or practice

5: an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs or standards

(Merriam Webster)

Apostasy – 1: an act of refusing to continue to follow, obey, or recognize a religious faith

2: abandonment of a previous loyalty: DEFECTION

(Merriam Webster)

All Things Hidden Will Eventually Be Revealed

As we move deeper into the end times, God is starting to expose all that is wrong with our world. Things that have been hidden from us from the beginning of time are now being revealed to us. (Luke 8:17)

In 2008, the Lord told me that the hammer was about to fall. At the time, it wasn’t clear if He was referring to the judgment of America or something else. As it turns out, He was referring to the church itself. God wants His church spotless and free of all blemishes before Jesus Christ returns to wipe out the Adversary and his followers, and before His Bride, the New Jerusalem descends, so He can establish His Government upon the new Earth. All of the spots and blemishes that are upon many of the churches throughout the world must be removed before His return. These spots, sadly, were brought about by church leaders themselves, who were and still are preaching false doctrines of men to their unsuspecting flocks. That is why it is so important to read, pray, and daily study and meditate on the Scriptures. Only then will people know the Truth that God wants us to know. Only then can a follower of Jesus Christ know when he or she is being lied to.

Recently, a prophecy came across Facebook, on February 8, 2019, that is in keeping with the hammer of judgment that is about to fall on the churches and prosperity preachers who place money first in their lives. Read it for yourself:

“Just when you thought you have arrived, because you have experienced all there is to experience. I will negate the experience, the training, the gifts, the anointings and take you to the lowest of places. The humble places, where you are nothing apart from me. Places that you have no clue about, places where you lack strength apart from me, places you wont be able to drum up anything with your own knowledge and understanding. I’m purposely doing these things to perfect and protect you. No more pride that comes out of the superstardom of ministry. I’m dismantling ministries created by man, self promoted works. Brick by brick. You will see it with your eyes as powerful men and women of God are taken to their knees instead of their thrones. Everything built on the sands, will no longer be held together by me any longer. I have allowed some of these things and even they have worked out for good. I’m judging the false foundation that many have stood upon. Real Faith with works will be richly rewarded. Emotionalism had its time, but it is without merit and approval from heaven. Now the strange, unusual, bright and shining ones will appear out of nowhere. These live, move, and have their being In Me. They will get their directives from heaven and will say no when the crowd is saying yes, and say yes when the crowd is chanting no. Align yourself and your thoughts with Me. I have need of your voice, hands, and feet in the harvest fields. No one is disqualified. Humility will be the mark, and true Love will be the driving force.” G. Y.

The Rise of the AntiChrist Global Church System

Satan has infiltrated many of our churches. The Kundalini spirit, an evil spirit of Hinduism, a New Age serpent spirit, is one that brings much deception with it, together with many evil spirits and demons of the occult. Many of you know this. In fact, many churchgoers are actually witches, wiccans, and warlocks under cover. Perhaps even Satanists. (1 John 4:1) In fact, a counterfeit Holy Spirit has invaded our churches today. But in the beginning, it wasn’t that way. The first church was much different.

If you know your Bible, it was at Antioch that followers of Jesus Christ were first called Christians. (Acts 11:26) The first church consisted of a body of believers who loved others as Jesus commands us to, as Jesus Himself did and still does. This body of believers always came together with one mind and one purpose, to serve others. They had a purpose of heart that would ‘cleave them unto the Lord’. (Acts 11:23) And when believers were in need, the body would, as they were able to, send relief to their brothers and sisters who needed help. That is not to say that there weren’t disagreements over certain doctrines preached there, such as related to circumcision, but these people were only human after all and still had much to learn. However, filled with God’s grace, they assembled together and allowed the Holy Spirit to guide them. The Bible says that, “… The hand of the Lord was with them.” (Acts 11:21)

Today, there are many churchgoers, but not all are true Christians. Not all are committed to God. Many attend church because they were brought up that way. It became a habit to some. Everyone has talents or gifts, but even those who use them may still not be true Christians. So beware of false prophets and teachers who are wolves in sheep’s clothing and teach the doctrines of man and not of God. I know people who have ministries but follow after themselves and not God. Some use their spiritual gifts to manipulate and control people. But usually, it is all about getting money from people for their own personal use. They often use deception to get it. Many like to build themselves up into something they’re not, to make people think they are wonderful people of God and to help them with their personal self-esteem issues, among other things. Many of these self-important people hold themselves accountable to no one, believing they are above reproach. There are, in fact, some out there who established ministries before they even bothered to read the Scriptures. These ministries were established only for financial gain so these people would not have to get a real job and earn a living for themselves. Such people are lazy and self-serving. They would rather live off the hard work of others by lying to and manipulating other people who trust them to be what they profess to be. But this is why it is so important to read the Bible and study it truths for yourself. We cannot allow ourselves to be deceived by followers of Satan.

So let me tell you right now. I am a sinner, just like everyone else. I am not perfect, but I walk with God to the best of my ability and try and be as honest as I can with everyone. I make mistakes, too, and am always open to God’s correction, just so you know. I do not hide what I am nor do I go out of my way to hurt people. I am, in fact, a powerful intercessor for others, which is why the Lord had me establish the sub-ministry, Walking In Deliverance With God, so I can pray for others. What bothers me is what false Christians do to other people, most for their own gain.

We are all familiar with the televised prosperity preachers. They, too, just want money, and most, if you pay attention, are mixing lies with the truth, in order to deceive others. Most are also under the government’s 501(c)3 program here in the United States, although I am not sure how things work elsewhere. So make certain, if you are a believer in Christ, that you read the Holy Bible daily and meditate on its truths. It is the only way you will know when lies are coming your way through false believers, teachers, and prophets, albeit clairvoyants. Many of these prosperity preachers appear to have a spirit of showmanship, pride, deceit, and vanity working through them. It is like a show they are putting on for entertainment, in order to get you to open your wallets for them. Check out the Hillsong productions, if you don’t believe me. Where is the humility, I ask? No one will get into Heaven without true humility and, above all, holiness. (Hebrews 12:14; Mark 10:15-16; Philippians 2:6-8)

“C. S. Lewis once said, “According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Un-chastity, anger, greed, drunkenness are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through pride that the devil became the devil. Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.”” (

For your information, Waterfalls International End Time Ministry is NOT a 501(c)3 and never will be. From its inception, this non-denominational ministry was dedicated to God, submitted to Him for His glory and purposes. I asked God to make this ministry into what He wanted it to be, and you can see the results. Interestingly enough, I know that God is not done yet. I know that changes are coming for this ministry, as He moves us forward with His plan and purposes. Some of you may already know that 2019 is the year of acceleration. Many prophetic words have been coming through the body of Christ in this regard. So it will be interesting to know what God has planned for the future.

The Hillsong Deception

Hillsong United Church in Australia, a counterfeit church of God, claims that Christians serve the same God as Islam, which is what the Catholic Pope is also trying to convince us of. This is a complete falsehood. A lie. The sad thing is that Hillsong has united itself with Islam and is now part of the AntiChrist global church and world system. In fact, any Christian denomination or church that aligns itself with Islam is not serving the true God, I AM. The Catholic Church has aligned itself with Islam, as has the Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church, the Lutheran Church, as well as many others. I do know that the Illuminati has strongly infiltrated the Assembly of God and perhaps many other churches as well.

In the late forties, the Illuminati wanted to infiltrate the churches because they understood the power of God within the structure of the church and they had to find a way to infiltrate the church to break down that spiritual strength within the church, the power of the Holy Spirit that works within the church. They (the Illuminati) had to find a way to infiltrate that, and they wanted to bring the world into the churches so that the churches wouldn’t be so strong spiritually.” Cisco Wheeler, former Illuminati and mind control programmer (

Apparently, it took less than 30 years for the Illuminati to accomplish their mission. By having their members to marry, become unequally yoked, with believers who were not Illuminati, they were able to become a part of the church and become active in other roles there, to carry out their mission. (2 Corinthians 6:14) (

The doctrine preached at Hillsong is not the doctrine of the bible, and if you are a Christian saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, you should have no part of these workers of darkness.

Hillsong United is part of the demonic Emergent Church Movement, and it is deadly spiritual poison wrapped in the candy-coated wrapper of the world’s entertainment.” (

The Daily Telegraph reports, ‘HILLSONG Church rakes in $100 million a year from its tax-exempt Australian operations as its weekly flock of 34,000 supporters hands over their hard-earned cash.’” (

So then. “Where is all of this money going,” you may ask, “other than into the pockets of Senior Pastor, Brian Houston, his wife, and family members?” Well, some of it is naturally put back into the church’s operations and expenses. But it has been revealed that it may also be filling the coffers of the New World Order. Hillsong’s financial statement mentions special projects, which may be a cover. Or this may be hidden under another category. Hard to say.(

True believers and followers of Jesus Christ cannot be tolerant of those who continue to sin. Just because a murderer or an adulteror or a pedophile or homosexual, and the like, are welcomed into one’s church does not mean they will be accepted into heaven. REPENTANCE, a turning away from one’s sin, a changing of one’s mind, and following the teachings of Jesus Christ is the ONLY way a person can make it to Heaven. Plus, it is clear in the Bible that one must believe and publicly confess that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born as a human and later died on the cross and was raised to life three days later, then be born again of water and of the Spirit in order to be saved. (John 3:5-7) Sins must be confessed to God, acceptance of Jesus Christ into one’s life so one can have a personal relationship with Him, baptism by immersion, true REPENTANCE, and obedience to God’s Word is what is required. “…Go, and sin no more,” was Jesus’s directive to the woman caught in adultery. (John 8:11) One cannot continue in sin and expect to be accepted into Heaven when the time comes. REPENTANCE is key.

One cannot continue living a sinful lifestyle if they are true believers. Christians are still human, not perfect, and still struggle against the Enemy’s temptations, to get them to continue in their weak areas of the flesh, but Christians are forgiven of their sins, once confessed, and God will always be there to help them overcome. Remember also, “…The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41) Believers will always struggle, especially if generational curses are not broken and repented of in their families.

The Jesuits Are Behind The New World Order

The Pope talks about the miracle of unity. So he is making a worldwide effort to unite all religions. This is so the one world religion can become reality, a religion under the man of Satan himself, AntiChrist. As you may know, Satan likes to duplicate everything God does. As Jesus is the Son of God, so the AntiChrist is the son of Satan.

The Pope wanted Kenneth Copeland’s charismatic community and other ministries to unite with the Catholic Church. Many church or ministry leaders are apparently no longer serving God and are leading many into destruction, as is Kenneth Hagin. False teachers are in it for the money and don’t really care about you, as Jesus does. There are many videos and websites out there exposing these men and many others, together with many other ministries and/or churches, but there are just too many for me to post with this article. But a little research on your part will reveal the truth to you. Calvary Chapel, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, and the list goes on and on. Check out any one of these, and you will discover the shocking truth of these greed-driven ministers and their ministries. I once learned that anyone with a million dollars or more is probably a member of the Illuminati, which puts that group in charge of their lives and ministries. If you research The 700 Club for a financial statement, well, good luck with that. Eventually you will come up with the name of another company/organization, but it is a dead end at that point. At least that is what I discovered along the way. You think the media lies to us? Start researching the truth about certain ministries, and you will be shocked at how deceived we have all been, believing those running these organizations are God-fearing Christians. Many of the people involved are Freemasons.

Many false preachers these days demonstrate demonic laughter and tongues and even dancing that are not of God, but of Satan, and you will see some of this evil being conjured up against God’s people even as they sit in a church service. It is true that tongues is a gift from the Holy Spirit, but a true believer will know the difference between those of God and those of the Adversary. Remember, Satan mimics everything of God, and you can see these things manifested on some of these videos. And know this, the joy of the Lord does not include such uncontrollable laughter as is manifested in many heretical churches today.

The Pope is not a part of the body of Christ as he pretends to be. He is a Jesuit. And atheists do not go to Heaven, despite what is being taught by him. (

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to heaven. “Ye must be born again.” (John 3:1-10)

The Pope has asked Copeland and his congregation to unify with the AntiChrist world system. Not sure how this happened, but it is shocking nevertheless, that so many supposed men of God are so easily lured away from the Truth. Perhaps, with his lure of ‘church unity’, these people were convinced that the Pope is truly a man of God and that they should unite with the Catholic Church. Heck, even demons know Scripture. Deception is the name of the game. But if certain ministers are not and haven’t been walking with God as they should, then perhaps it was very easy for them to succumb to the Pope’s request. Or perhaps these people were threatened, not with wealth, but that their families might be harmed. Hard to say. At any rate, just assume that most of the prosperity preachers you see on television are not and may never have been of God. The lure of wealth does strange things to people.

My previous research revealed that many of our own political leaders have been taken over by demons and are deeply into the occult. If our ministers have been invited to the Vatican, where Satan worship and sacrifice take place below it, it is very possible that these ministers were somehow taken over by demons during their visit. That is, assuming they were ever true Christians in the first place. If a Christian is not led by the Holy Spirit of God, then he could be easily led astray.

If you’ve ever read the book, Demons: An Eyewitness Account, by Howard O. Pittman, you will know that the most active demon during these end times is the spirit of greed, which would explain a lot.

I do know that many high profile people are being replaced with replicas or clones. These clones are chipped and controlled by demons. This includes many Hollywood celebrities. Just look at the eyes of these people and listen to what comes out of their mouths now. Others have noticed a clear difference in people that were once considered people of God. Check out the following video, for example:

The Pope is declaring that those who worship Islam, Buddha, Jesus, etc. are worshipping the same god. Not true at all. This is all a deception to get every religion on Earth to join forces with Satan, the AntiChrist global system. Once this happens, you will discover that it may very well be Islam that is over every religion of the Earth. I’ve written about this before, which is why the United Nations is anxious to have Islamists infiltrate every nation on Earth. AntiChrist and his followers want God gone from the Earth, which is why they are mainly targeting Christians and God-fearing Jews for annihilation. Because they know that we serve the true and only living God of the universe. We are considered vermin, in their eyes, and believed to be well beneath them. If Islam preached the same Jesus we do, then they, too, should be being targeted for annihilation, but it isn’t, because Muslims do not worship the true God. Enough said.

They are in a hurry, too, perhaps, because they know that Jesus Christ is coming soon to wipe Satan and his herd of goats from the Earth once and for all. It will be the God of Heaven’s Armies who will rule the Earth with an iron rod when He returns. Our current Earth and the Heavens will be destroyed by fire, and there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth. Satan and all of his followers will be completely gone…forever. Hallelujah!

Islam is not of God, but of Satan, as most people know. The god that those followers honor is actually a demon prince of Satan, which is why the fruits of Islam are so evil. Blood and violence is not the way of God, but of the Adversary himself. Jesus Christ is the true Prince of Peace. He commands His followers to love and pray for others, including our enemies, not cut off their heads if they don’t accept His truth and teachings. And of course, anyone blinded by the prince of this world, Satan, will get angry and not agree with the Truth and will kill anyone who disagrees with their ideology.

Do Not Unite With The Harlot

The Holy Bible is clear. The Church of Jesus Christ is NOT to unite with the harlot. (1 Corinthians 6:15-17) The future of those that unite with the harlot, the Devil himself, is not good at all. So why has the famous Hillsong ministry united with the Pope who has united with the Muslims? And why have the Lutherans united with the Pope, the Catholic Church? The list of those religions that are continually being united with the Catholic Church, a cult that is ruled by a Jesuit Pope, who is united with Satan, is growing by the day. If you research the history of the Jesuits, you will know how evil that group truly is. Are you aware of how much Satan worship takes place beneath the Vatican itself? The Pope is part of the AntiChrist trilogy. AntiChrist is a man of Satan.

Every Christian, as well as every Roman Catholic, needs to be well-informed about the Jesuits and their doings: the Christian, because the Jesuits are the sworn enemies of the Gospel of Christ, and of the Church of the living God (and thus of Christ himself, for to persecute his Church is to persecute the Lord – Acts 9:5); and the Roman Catholic, because it is his “Church” (so-called), the Roman Catholic “Church”, that harbours this diabolical Order, and that blesses its efforts as it goes about its abominable work; and this being so, Roman Catholicism cannot be the Church of Jesus Christ; for, as shall be seen, the doctrines and deeds of the Jesuit Order are absolutely opposed to the Gospel of Christ, and any “Church” that sanctions them cannot be the Church of Christ.” (

In the end, every person on Earth will have to make a choice, to choose death or life. Death is from Satan; life is only through Jesus Christ, the only living God. Satan was created by God and was once an incredibly beautiful angel who served the Most High God but was cast out of Heaven because He wanted to be like God. He and one-third of the angels in Heaven fought against God, against the other angels who remained true to Him. Satan lost the battle, and he and his supporters were cast to Earth where He now rules our world. When AntiChrist comes to power, Satan will enter into that man and rule the Earth, with all those who follow after him worshipping him. By taking the Mark of the Beast, they will have made their choice to follow Satan and not God. God has always been. He is an eternal Being that has always been. The Mighty I AM. There are no other gods, only fakes.

Fallen Christians, Or Fakes?

Even Christian music artists are using masonic symbolism on their album covers and at their concerts. The all-seeing eye, for example. There are supposed Christian artists who have turned away from God for the promise of fame and fortune, assuming they were ever true Christians to begin with. You would be shocked at who these people are.

Christian musicians are trying to fit in with the world. Hip hop will soon be gone, but the gifts of the Spirit of God will remain. Whatever God has called you to do, do it with all of your might…to the LORD. If you are called to rap, then you had better rap to GOD. If you are called to be a hip hop artist, then be sure you are hip hopping for the LORD. We are here to serve and glorify Him, not ourselves.

Just for the record, I have been approached on Facebook and sent invitations on the ministry website here by members of the Illuminati, trying to get me to join forces with them, but I turned them all down. Sure, the lure of everything my heart desires was a strong temptation, but I choose life. I choose Jesus. He is my Lord and Savior, and I look past the lure of this world and at the eternity I will have in Heaven when the time comes. So you need not have any doubts that I belong to Him. I am committed to Him for the rest of my days and well into eternity. I hope that all believers will stand strong and remain fully committed to Him as well.

Tearing Down Strongholds

The Enemy has so infiltrated the churches that it is nigh impossible to tear down the mindsets of people. If you know your Scripture, then I strongly advise you to leave any church that is not teaching the truth of Jesus Christ. It must be a church that teaches Christ crucified, the One who died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, and then was resurrected to life on the third day. Baptism by immersion, not by sprinkling, is the true way for a believer to identify with Christ. Being born-again as well, first and foremost.

And one thing many strongly rebel against is in honoring the true Sabbath taught in the Holy Bible. I can’t tell you how many people jump all over me when I share this with people. It is one of the ten commandments, that we keep the Sabbath day holy. But I run up against all sorts of excuses from people and who tell me how wrong I am. Well, that is up to the individual. This is one of the many strongholds of the Enemy in the church. It seems to be ingrained in people that the Sabbath is on Sunday. NOT! The true Sabbath begins on Friday night at sunset and then ends on Saturday night at sunset. If you are not taught this and are not honoring the true Sabbath, then I suggest you start reading and studying the Scriptures for yourself, to learn the truth for yourself. Just because somebody tells you it is on Sunday does not make it true. This is one of the spots that needs to be removed from the church.

Prayer and fasting by individuals may help remove strongholds in one’s church, but people must also be taught the truth. Errors must be corrected and, as a body, the church must come together as one and make the necessary changes to fix what needs to be fixed. Otherwise, when the hammer of the mighty Judge falls, your church may well be one that is harshly judged. I doubt any of you want that. If people refuse to make changes, then you might want to consider leaving that church.

Find a Bible-based, true Sabbath-honoring church, or start your own cell group. Two or three people is enough. Invite your neighbors. The church is being taken over and if it is a 501(c)3, then it is already under the government’s thumb, with perhaps spies in the church, observing what is happening and what you are being taught. People are not just spying on you at home, through your tech devices and appliances. They watch and hear everything you do, just like any good Communist nation does. Remember, the New World Order wants a One Communist World, so what they are doing to us now is only the beginning. And if your life is unbearable now, just think how bad things will become when AntiChrist comes to power over this evil world. If you are born again believers, God’s mercy may well save you from the worst of what is to come, when the last trumpet sounds. (1 Corinthians 15:52)

So what if you have to pay taxes? As individuals, we all do anyways. If you are a poor church, just be obedient to God and do not worry about being a 501(c)3. “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” (Mark 12:17; Romans 13:1) A cell group or a house church may be so small, it probably won’t even matter.

If you want to begin honoring the true Sabbath, I would recommend a great website to help get you started. (

The Protestants claim to stand upon the written word only; they profess to hold the Scriptures alone as the standard of faith. They justify their revolt by the plea that the Church has apostatized from the written word and follows tradition. Now, the Protestants’ claim that they stand upon the written word alone is not true. Their profession of holding the Scriptures alone as the standard of faith is false. Proof…The written word explicitly enjoins the observance of the seventh day as the Sabbath. They do not observe the seventh day, but reject it. If they truly hold the Scriptures alone as the standard, they would be observing the seventh day as it is enjoined in the Scripture throughout. Yet they not only reject the observance of the Sabbath as enjoined in the written word, but they have adopted, and do practice, the observance of Sunday, for which they have only the tradition of the (Catholic) Church. Consequently, the claim of Scripture alone as the standard fails and the doctrine of ‘Scripture and tradition as essential’ is fully established, the Protestants themselves being Judges.” ” (

No Longer Commanded To Tithe. Now We GET To Tithe

Another spot or blemish that needs to be removed from the church is what is taught about tithing. The Bible states in the Old Testament that the Israelites were to give ten percent of their increase (seed/food) to the Lord. At the cross, Jesus died, the temple veil was rent in two, ending the Patriarchal Age. The old Mosaic laws regarding animal sacrifice, tithing, etc. was ended.

Believe it or not, tithing is not about money and never has been.

Today, although the churches and prosperity preachers expect tithes, donations, offerings, what is taught about tithing is inaccurate. Most people believe they are to give their tithe to the church. But my understanding, according to the New Testament, the New Covenant, is that we no longer have to tithe but that we now get to tithe. The ten percent is a guideline for the minimal amount people are encouraged to tithe. However, God loves a cheerful giver, not one who gives grudgingly or out of necessity or because of guilt placed upon us by ministers and pastors. So let no one badger you into giving, demand that you give, or that you get a job so you can give money to that particular church or ministry. Give from your heart, as God so leads. I suggest you just pray and ask the Lord who to give your tithe to and how much. If you want to give more, then that is just fine. If you have little money, then perhaps there is another way you can help others. Giving of your time, babysitting, or whatever you can do for someone who needs help is another way you can give to the poor. After you tithe, then you can give gifts and offerings to the church. Tithing is not to be done out of fear. You will not be cursed if you don’t, as some would have you to believe. There are many misinterpretations of the truths related to tithing.

Today, as you well know, tithing money is expected, in some places almost mandatory, but one who is poor and lacking can also tithe from his or her time, or through other means, as I mentioned. In the Old Testament, the first ten percent was expected to go to the poor, the widows, the fatherless, the Levites, or the strangers. (Deuteronomy 26:12) After that, one can make gifts and offerings. This, I believe, is what goes to the church after you have tithed.

It is usually to the poor to whom one’s tithe is meant to go. And we are to give freely, as we feel led. Jesus never said to give money to the wealthy, especially to those whose heart is not right with God. How many of today’s prosperity preachers expect money from their followers, those they have deceived into believing they have to give to them? They make it sound as if people will become wealthy if they continue to give. Not true. What was promised the Israelites was that if they tithed, then God would give them rain for their crops/harvest, not great wealth.

It is the poor or others to whom we must tithe or render service. You can volunteer at a shelter, buy someone food, help one pay their bills, help the homeless – there are all sorts of things we can do that will please the Lord. And whatever you do, do it without complaint, not grudgingly. Do it from your heart, to the Lord. (2 Corinthians 9:7) It is then the Lord will bless you with enough food to fill your belly, and in other ways. King Solomon said that he had never seen God’s people begging for bread in all his days. (Psalm 37:25) True believers always have a heart for good works. If you are born again, it is only natural that you would want to help and serve others. Some religions teach that it is only through works that one is saved. Not true at all. Again, if you are saved, you will have a heart for giving. It is a natural, loving aspect of being saved.

The principles of giving are as follows:

  1. No command to tithe for the Church.
  2. Give in secret and not to be seen by men (Matt. 6:1).
  3. Giving is “greater” blessing than receiving (Acts 20:35).
  4. Give material things to those who impart spiritual things (Rom. 15:27, 1 Cor. 9:11, Gal. 6:6, 1Tim. 5:17).
  5. Do not give to those who will not work (2Thess. 3:10).
  6. Pastor-teacher should not handle money given by saints (2Cor. 8:19-20).
  7. Give what you have (no pledging) (2Cor. 8:12).
  8. Do not give grudgingly or under compulsion (Never command others to give to you) (2Cor. 9:7).
  9. Giving “emphasis” to the household of faith (Gal. 2:10, Gal. 6:10).
  10. Give to men who are faithful with money (Acts 20:33, Lk. 16:10-11, 2Cor. 11:7, 1Tim. 5:17-18).


The Bible does say that if you do not tithe, then you will be cursed because, in effect, you are robbing God who provides for us. (Malachi 3:8-9) But that curse was not meant to us. That curse relates to, most likely, the crooked and corrupt priests who were put in charge of the storerooms. (Nehemiah 13:3-15) Tithing will actually bring a blessing to you. If you are having some problems just now, start tithing, regardless of how poor you are. It is the gateway to God’s blessing. Remember, tithing brings the blessing of rain for our crops. Then we will have food in our houses. True obedience to God’s Word will also bring blessings to you in other ways.

Also remember that many prosperity preachers may be children of the Devil. Be careful what you are listening to and of who you give money to in these last days. Filling the coffers of the AntiChrist or his followers is not at all a good thing.

God commands us to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16 KJV) I pray you will be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit of God and walk accordingly. Give as you are so led to give, but do not give because someone demands you do or makes you feel guilty or afraid of being cursed. As I said, there are other means by which you can help others. As the church at Antioch pooled their resources together to help their brothers and sisters in Christ, so should a true church of Jesus Christ. True obedience and love for Christ and others is always the motivation for giving.

May God bless you, my friends.

If you have any questions, prayer needs, or problems, feel free to message us at: or through our Walking In Deliverance With God Facebook page.

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This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; but their heart is far from Me.

But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

(Matthew 15:8-9 KJV)

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“The Churches must learn humility as well as teach it.”

George Bernard Shaw


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Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4)

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Ellen White says, “When the early church [the true church] became corrupted by departing from the simplicity of the gospel and accepting heathen rites and customs, she lost the Spirit and power of God; and in order to control the consciences of the people, she sought the support of the secular power.”” (

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Revelation 18:4. It says, “I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” For over 150 years the truth about the Bible Sabbath has been proclaimed and rejected by the Sunday keeping Protestant churches of the world. These churches are referred to in Revelation as Babylon, and the Lord says that you are going to have to get out of there because if you stay in there then you are participating in their sins.”


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But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

(II Timothy 3:35-15 KJV)

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Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with Church dogma must be burned without pity.” – Pope Innocent III

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…If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow Me.”

(Matthew 19:21 KJV)

American Churches (Overtaken by Demonic Spirits)

Christians Are Now Astral Projecting…For Real…Pray Church Pray

The False “Church System” Deception

New Age Christianity Infiltrating The Church:

Jesuits: Sons Of Satan

Warning To Churches 2018 – Don’t jump on the Catholic, Protestant and one world religion train.

False Teachers Exposed: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel/Justin Peters/SO4J-TV

HILLSONG: The Truth Behind The World’s Hipster Church

Hillsong Satanic Illuminati Songs United Apostasy – Church of Satan London Lucifer Worship (LDHEL#4)

One World Religion – White, Copeland, Warren, Osteen…

This Is How They Build The AntiChrist World Church (2016)

For more information:


Holiness, Humility, And Heaven:

The First Church At Antioch:

On the Jesuits:

On Hillsong:

Calvary Chapel:

Churches In Bed With Islam:

Freemason Churches And The Occult:

Recommended Book:

Pittman, Howard O.”Demons: An Eyewitness Account, Philadelphia Publishing Company, sixth edition, 1995. (

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