The recent suicide of a young man who had everything to live for brings to mind the importance of loving others as ourselves, as God commands us to.
The college freshman had been secretly videotaped being intimate with another man. Then the video was made public. Horrified and humiliated by this, the man took his own life, unable to bear the shame of his personal life being put out there for all to see. (
Yes, it’s true that homosexuality is an abomination before God. But…have you ever wondered why many people are, in fact, of this orientation?
The truth is…homosexuality is natural. Some are indeed born that way. Others may just be bored, curious, or fall to peer pressure.
People are born with a predilection towards homosexuality, as many are born with a predilection toward alcoholism…or drug abuse…or tendencies toward murder, or whatever.
And the truth is that all of these sins originated with the fall of man…in the garden of Eden. Which is one reason we are told by God to love our neighbors as ourselves and not to judge anyone.
One Kansas man, Fred W. Phelps, Sr., a pastor from Topeka, has developed a reputation for judging and harassing those guilty of the sin of homosexuality, something many have been predisposed to. But he is wrong about many things related thereto.
Many homosexuals do NOT want to be homosexuals. It is a daily struggle for them to try and appear or act “normal” in the eyes of society. They know it is a sin in the eyes of God, but they are unable to change. Again, this is because they were born this way.
Romans 3:23 states that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God…”, and Romans 3:10 says that “…there is none righteous, no, not one.”
Are we any different than those born as homosexuals? Or murderers? Or alcoholics?
The answer is no!
It is only through Christ’s changing power within us, when we accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior, that we are “re-gened” into a new creation, a new person.
Regeneration through Christ is key to being healed from all our sins.
The healing may be gradual, but it is inevitable.
“Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted.” (Galatians 6:1 KJV)
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