Category: Children


Satan Hates All Mankind


It’s not the Republicans in America who are at war with women.  It is Satan.

Satan, when he fell from heaven, was given power over the entire earth.  If there is a war against women – or men – it is because of Satan.  It is he who has the influence over all of mankind, and womankind.

Satan has hated us from the beginning and would see all of us corrupted and in hell for all eternity.

God judged Satan in the Garden of Eden, because of what he did to make Adam and Eve fall.  He cursed him.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”  (Genesis 3:15 KJV)

Because Eve did not reject God, although she did admit her sin, Satan hated Eve.  Satan wanted her to turn from God, but she did not.  She stood with God, yet suffered the punishment he laid against her for her sin.

All must realize there are repercussions to our sins.  We may be forgiven but that does not mean we will not be punished for what we did.  For example, if one is guilty of homosexuality, contracts AIDS, then finds God, gets saved, repenting of this abominable practice, the punishment is still there and that person may ultimately die.  God will forgive anyone his or her sin, but that does not guarantee He will take away the punishment.

Satan hated most when Jesus Christ came into the world as a human being, through a woman.  His mother, Mary.  Since Satan has been against women from the beginning, then it is no wonder he hates women so much even now, in the 21st century, especially followers of Jesus Christ.  He will do anything to turn a person, particularly a woman, away from God.


Genital Mutilation Came Through Men Under Satan’s Influence


Throughout the ages, Satan has used men to dominate and control women, making women as possessions or making them feel worthless as human beings.  Some religions, instead of being used for good, are geared toward abuse and hatred, especially towards women.  Male-dominated religions, even countries, have even gone so far as to commit the atrocity of mutilating their women’s genitalia, preventing women from experiencing the pleasure of sex.  This makes no sense since men are allowed this pleasure.  But if you realize the source of this cruelty and brutality, you will discover that these religions and the men at the forefront are being used by Satan to hurt women.  They are completely blinded by him and take insane delight in raping, abusing, and even murdering women.  They believe women are their possessions, their slaves, and were put on the earth for them to torment.  But it is actually the demons of hell, oppressing and possessing these men, who are committing such acts of cruelty.  And all of these men will eventually wind up in Hell themselves, unless they repent and turn away from their wickedness and accept Jesus Christ into their hearts.  He is the one true God of Heaven.  There is no other, despite what Satan and his followers would have people to believe.

Genital mutilation is referred to as female circumcision, but it is not.  In fact, it causes not only unnecessary suffering and pain for the women being mutilated, but death, difficult intimate relations, difficult childbirth, serious health problems, as well as infertility.  Does this sound like something God would allow?  Especially to small children?

Women are created by the one true God of Heaven.  God makes no mistakes when creating things.  He makes women exactly as He wants them to be.  If God wanted women not to enjoy marital relations, then he would have physically made them unable to.  It is Satan, using men who are receptive to his evil influence, who violate women any way they can.  It is not God’s will that women suffer and survive pointless lives.  He created women for a purpose.  And He created women to be honored and respected.

According to Jean Wright, of, “God designed a canopy of love for the woman because she is the special object of Satan’s hatred, not because she is weak, inferior or more easily deceived than man.

“Satan’s enmity is also against the natural seed [children] of the woman, which, of course, is all mankind.  He hates the woman because she is the bearer of the seed.  She brings forth the children who will have the opportunity to be born into the family of God and become sons of God with authority over him.  This, stated again, explains the pitiful lot of women in many parts of the world.

“When the woman also bears the seed of the Word, there is a special hatred against her and her descendants.  The protection for her and the children in the home is for the husband to provide that blanket of love that God designed for her to have.”   Husbands are to love and protect their wives, not abuse them in any way.


Prostitution is Not of God


Due to these abuses, in all parts of the world, women are forced to do things they do not want to do.  Yet, when men do not fulfill their true purpose, under God’s direction, women are forced into survival mode at all costs.  Usually, trying to find a good job or having to go into prostitution.

Prostitution has been termed the oldest profession in the world.  When there is no one there to care for a woman, or if she has been raised to believe there is no other way to be, she may fall into this.  It is not something most women would choose to do, unless there seems to be no other way to survive.  Feeling lost and hopeless, these unfortunates may fall into this trap, placing themselves in danger of abuses or diseases.

But women need to know that there is a way where there seems to be no way out of this dilemma.  Jesus Christ.  Or as His believers know Him:  Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.  These women need to understand that Jesus loves them and, if they accept Him, that He will provide for them in ways they can never imagine.  Prostitution is not something God wants for those He loves.  Prostitution was enforced by Satan, from the beginning, to bring women down and give them no hope.  But there is hope.  In Jesus Christ.

As poverty increases throughout the world, women will be affected in negative ways.  Without Christ in their hearts, many may feel the need to sell themselves for basic necessities, for themselves and for their children.  Since not all men are responsible enough to care for their wives or families, it is usually the women who must bear the burden of providing for them.  If they cannot find a way to earn a living in a respectable manner, then Satan may force them into situations they do not want to be in.  But if their back is up against the wall, they may feel they have no other choice.  But again, I want to affirm that there is another way.  Through belief in Jesus Christ.  Through trusting Him. Women are to be one with God as men are one with Him.  God did not separate men to alone enjoy the promises of God.  Women are included as well.


The AntiChrist Agenda


In these last days, the Spirit of AntiChrist will run rampant throughout the Earth as never before.

He will up the ante against women (and men), doing anything in his power to turn them away from God.  He knows his time is limited.  He knows what his future will be.  So he is on the war path, so to speak. In fact, Scripture says about AntiChrist:

“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god:  for he shall magnify himself above all.”  Daniel 11:37

This verse greatly describes a man of complete lawlessness.  He will believe himself to be greater than any god and will have no desire for women at all.  Right up until the end of his time on Earth, Satan will hate women and influence many to act on his hatred.

Currently, some antichrists already have an agenda.  To implement their Sharia Law worldwide.  If that happens, oppression against women will increase to unprecedented levels.  Rapists will be allowed to go free while the victims will be killed or imprisoned.  Wives and daughters will be legally abused and/or killed for pretty much no reason at all.  All females will be cut horrifically while men will continue to whore around with whomever they feel like.  If  women aren’t cut, they will be considered whores.  Men, however, will be free to be whores themselves and practice homosexuality.  Whatever evil is in the heart of man will be implemented ten-fold.

Sharia Law is designed by Satan, to abuse women, under a religion of Satan.   Actually, a demonic prince who has a major stronghold over the Middle East and has blinded his followers to the truth of Jesus Christ and of how women are really supposed to be treated.

Women (and men) are created in the image of the one true God of Heaven.  God loves and cherishes women.  As should all men.  God distinctly says in His Word that men are to love their wives as Christ loves the Church.  He gave His life for it, remember?  (Ephesians 5:25)  He wants women to be protected.

Scripture also says to forgive our enemies, those who persecute us.  It says not to take vengeance against anyone because that is God’s place.  (Romans 12:19)  Christianity is a religion of love and forgiveness, not of violence or hatred.  That is Satan’s domain.

If Satan can get someone to break every law of the one true God, he will certainly try.  And he is influencing atrocities against both men and women in many parts of the world.  And if Satan gets his way, those atrocities will soon be in America, with the complete favor of Satan’s man in power.  A man under the complete influence of the coming AntiChrist.

I tell you these things not to frighten you, but to make you realize your need for Jesus Christ.  He is a true and loving God, a forgiving God who loves all of His creation.  He is kind and merciful to all men and all women, even those who commit evil acts, if they turn away from their sins.  He does not condone violence, hatred, or abuse of women, children, or animals.  He created you, and He loves you.  When you are completely His, He will guide your steps and lead you into all righteousness and truth.  He will fight your battles and storms, whatever you come up against.  And if your time comes to die, at least you know you will spend eternity in Heaven with Him and not in hell with those who tormented you here on Earth.  Life through the freedom of Jesus Christ does not end here, but goes on into eternity.  Those following Satan have nothing to look forward to but eternity in Hell, unfortunately, unless they turn from their evil ways and accept Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord and Savior.


The Value Of Women


God loves all women, as I said.  They were not put on this earth to just survive, but to have an abundant life.  God promises this to all believers.  (John 10:10)

As Jean Wright wrote, “It takes both men and women to bring forth the fullness of Christ in the Church.  It likewise requires the ministry of both men and women to bring the church to maturity.”

Women are as valuable to God as men are.  God gave each of us a purpose and will help us to fulfill that purpose.  Also, women are to respect their husbands, and husbands are to love their wives as they love themselves.  Nowhere in Scripture does it say to commit violence or murder against women.  The greatest commandments of all are that we love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, minds, and souls, (Matthew 22:37) and that we love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:31).  This means women as well as men.

Also, God has promised, in Acts 2:17:

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:  and yours sons AND YOUR DAUGHTERS shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”

God’s Word is clear.  Not just our sons, but our daughters are also included in this promise.

So it is written.  So let it be done.


“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.”  (John 10:10)





(Be forewarned, the following is extremely graphic.  Click on the link to see the video.)


Refer to:



By now you should know that global depopulation is not a myth but something that is actually taking place in our world today.  ChemTrails, fluoride, vaccinations, tainted water and foods, particularly baby foods, are just some of the ways we are being poisoned by the New World Order.  Again, it is because they have been told by Satan that if they kill off 90% of the world population, then those remaining will be more easily controlled.  In order to protect themselves from the coming disasters, especially from what is going to affect America because of God’s judgment against it, they have chosen to deceive us, taking our tax money to build massive underground cities, among other things.  They know the devastation that is coming and have made plans to avoid it altogether, leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves.  Considering that we are the ones who funded these ventures, this just displays how corrupt and evil these people are.  They care not for you or me, only themselves.

Bankrupting America so they can remain safe and alive is a despicable act of selfishness and self-centeredness.  Yet they are kidding themselves.  Everyone involved with the NWO regime will spend eternity in Hell.  Instead of submitting themselves to the true God of Heaven, they are following the advice of Satan and his cohorts.  They will do anything against their fellow man to satisfy their own evil desires, as did the Nazis in WWII.


So, Just What are GMOs?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are created through genetic engineering.  It is an experimental technology wherein molecular engineers who work in labs for Monsanto, the giant American biotech company, “merge DNA from different species to create unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.”  (

“Virtually all commercial GMOs are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide.  Despite biotech industry promises, none of the GMO traits currently on the market offer increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit.

“Meanwhile, a growing body of evidence connects GMOs with health problems, environmental damage and violation of farmers’ and consumers’ rights.”  (

According to, engineers at Monsanto are “gene-splicing vegetable seedlings with poisonous pesticides and herbicides so the plants are inherently protected from the insects and worms that might damage them. The majority of products Americans eat daily contain some form of GMO soy, corn, canola (rapeseed) oil or cotton seed oil. Research shows that consuming the popular herbicide/pesticide Roundup leads to the mutation of cells in the human body, in turn fueling the development of malignant tumors and other various forms of cancer.

“The bad news is in, and it may not be changing for quite awhile. GMO vegetables and all of their by-products are not labeled as GMO in the United States. Currently, 93% of soy, canola and cottonseed oil, 86% of corn, 95% of sugar beets, 13% of squash, and rice is on the cutting board now. As much as 77% of the world’s soy is GMO also. Think for a moment about all of the popular products that have some kind of processed soy or corn in them; it would take an entire book to list them all. GM potatoes and tomatoes have been taken off the market.” (


We Can’t Blame The NWO For Everything, Can We?

Not long ago, it was made known that arsenic and lead have been found in several fruit juices and rice.  This is just one other form of poisoning that is affecting people in bad and negative ways.

According to, “Arsenic has long been recognized as a poison and a contaminant in drinking water, but now concerns are growing about arsenic in foods, especially in fruit juices that are a mainstay for children.”

Much of the arsenic came through ground soil where arsenic-based pesticides have been used over the years.  So we cannot blame the NWO for all of what is happening.  But this particular substance, combined with GMOs and fluorides in our drinking water and many other contaminants in our foods, can no doubt cause many health problems we would rather avoid.

Arsenic has also been found in troubling levels in all kinds of rice and, in fact, has five times more arsenic than in oatmeal, according to  It has also been revealed that arsenic is being put into grain for our chickens.  They eat it, then we eat them, increasing our chances of getting cancer.


The Truth

So there you have it.  GMOs are poisonous.  They are being put into our foods…deliberately.  Which explains why President Obama signed an Executive Order on March 16, 2012, giving him control over our entire food supply.  This man of lawlessness and his cohorts want most of us dead.  Since he was hand-picked by the New World Order to preside over the United States, all of this makes perfect sense.  It also explains why it has now become illegal to have vegetable gardens in our own backyards.  Why hoarding food is also illegal.  Obama and his people want all Americans to starve to death or die from cancer or other GMO-food-related illnesses or diseases.

Need I say more?

In case you aren’t already aware, things other than GMOs are being put into our foods.  Fake ingredients are also being put into them, “from olive oil to spices to fruit juice.

“Pomegranate juice…is often diluted with grape or pear juice…[It] is a high-value ingredient and a high-priced ingredient, and adulteration appears to be widespread…It can be adulterated with other food juices…additional sugar, or just water and sugar…There have also been reports of completely “synthetic pomegranate juice” that didn’t contain any traces of the real juice.

“…Liquids and ground foods in general are the easiest to tamper with:

  • Olive oil: often diluted with cheaper oils
  • Lemon juice: cheapened with water and sugar
  • Tea: diluted with fillers like lawn grass or fern leaves
  • Spices: like paprika or saffron adulterated with dangerous food colorings that mimic the colors

“Milk, honey, coffee and syrup are also…highly adulterated products.

“Also high on the list: seafood. The number one fake being escolar, an oily fish that can cause stomach problems, being mislabeled as white tuna or albacore, frequently found on sushi menus.”  (–abc-news-topstories.html)

So, there you have it.  More creative ways to wipe out much of the human race.


Trust Jesus Christ, Our Only Hope

But there is hope for us.  If you are a committed believer, with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are promised that such things will not harm you.  Mark 16:18 shares that if we drink any deadly thing – poison – it shall not hurt us.  But I believe this is a promise made only to true believers.

However, I do not believe we are to test God regarding the promises made to us in Mark 16:18, as some people do.  There are, for example, many who go out and deliberately get bitten by poisonous snakes, just so they can prove the Truth of this Scripture.

I have posted below a series of videos that I believe effectively demonstrates the Truth of God’s Word, where a young Muslim convert to Christianity is poisoned deliberately by his father because he will not deny Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  I feel it is in instances like these where God’s Word rings True.

As for GMOs and arsenic and other contaminants in our food supply or whatever, it is still in your best interests to avoid these items whenever possible.  Choose healthy, organic foods and make things homemade before choosing to purchase and eat processed foods.  Although I believe that many of the enemy’s attempts to kill God’s children will fall flat, based on Mark 16:18, it cannot hurt to be wise in these instances.  Choose your food carefully, especially with regard to juices, etc. for your children, who are among the main targets of the NWO.

To help you, I have posted the following link of a comprehensive list of GMO-contaminated foods:

Other lists include:


Trust God.  Period.  His Word is True.  His promises are sure.


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“They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”  Mark 16:18 KJV


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To learn more:

Who or what is Monsanto?

Obama now controls the U. S. food supply, which does not bode well for U. S. citizens:

Cancer-causing arsenic deliberately put in our food:;cbsCarousel#comments–abc-news-topstories.html

Food Hoarding and Gardening Illegal

How To Tell If Fruit Is Genetically Modified\

Alcohol and GMOs

Aspartame and MSG

Non-GMO Foods’-guide-to-avoiding-gmos/82-2/

Non-GMO Shopping Guide (pdf)

Candy and Sweeteners

Poison and the Bible:


Jesus’s appearance in dreams altered a Muslim’s life – Part 1 (A young, educated Muslim from Nigeria begins having frightening dreams.)


Jesus’s appearance in dreams altered a Muslim’s life – Part 2  (Jesus appears in a dream, seven in all, and reveals His Word and Truth to young Mohammed.)


Jesus’s appearance in dreams altered a Muslim’s life – Part 3  (Mohammed accepts Jesus into his heart, then is poisoned by his father for refusing to deny Him.)


Jesus’s appearance in dreams altered a Muslim’s life – Part 4  (Mohammed refuses to deny Jesus and is shot with a poisoned arrow.)


Jesus’s appearance in dreams altered a Muslim’s life – Part5  (Mohammed survives all attacks and leads his father to Jesus just before he dies.)



The Beginning of Sorrows


It is easy to believe a mad gunman went on a shooting rampage, massacring innocent school children in a small Connecticut community.  But what if I told you that this senseless tragedy was instigated and carried out by the Illuminati?  The New World Order?  The Globalist Regime?  In order to instill rage and fear throughout America, so that we will gladly give up our Second Amendment rights, the right to bear arms?  Remember, Americans must be fairly helpless and defenseless in order for martial law to go into effect, for the coming invasion of America by our enemies.  Until the United Nations has its way, and it will shortly, then these sorts of tragedies will indeed continue.  As the events of 9/11 occurred as false flags, so did these tragic shootings.

Well, unfortunately, and as difficult as it is for some to believe, this is exactly what happened.  At first, I thought perhaps I was wrong, that the gunman was in need of medical care for his mental illness.  But too many reports of the initial incident didn’t add up.  When a familiar talk show host was forced to apologize to his listeners that the radio station had been misinformed by the media, that the information the station had been given and passed along as fact was indeed wrong, then it was clear something was amiss.

What’s worse, there is actual proof that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School and the movie theatre in Aurora were planned.  Clearly, Hollywood, under the thumbnail of the Illuminati, had planned well in advance for these horrible tragedies.

If you look at the links below, you will see a clip from the latest Batman movie.  It displays a sign with the name, Aurora, on it.  Then a map.  To the left of the walkie-talkies, in both the video and the enlarged photo, you will see clearly the words, Sandy Hook.  Aurora and Sandy Hook Elementary School were targeted.  Deliberately.  And we were warned by Hollywood.


Globalists Plan To Nuke America


Did you know also that there is a rumor going around that another event, more horrible than any of these events, may occur on Christmas Day, 2012?  It is said that, in line with the occultic practices of the Illuminati, a nuclear bomb is being planned, to fall at the Capital in Phoenix, Arizona. They have called it ‘Black Christmas’.

Remember, this is just a rumor, but there are links below to articles making reference to this possible event happening on December 25, 2012.  Also, this attack will be blamed on Iran so the American government and/or its leaders won’t be blamed.  Still, note the following quote:

“President Obama, in his November 21, 2012 press release has, after all these years, finally admitted that the American government is deeply infiltrated with militant extremists who have used false flag terror to push their political agenda.”  (Gordon Duff and Press TV, Veterans Today, Military and Foreign Affairs Journal)

I was going to post the video:  “Globalists Plan To Nuke America Revealed”, but lately I have discovered that many videos have been blacked out, whether by the powers that be or because of some problem with my computer.  If you can find it, then be sure to watch it.***  Since many of the videos I have posted have been removed, I can only assume that someone doesn’t want me or others watching them and sharing the truth of these evil activities.  That should tell you something.  I followed up several related videos, and each one of them is blacked out.


Jesus Still Sits On The Throne


I know this information causes anger and heartache as we realize how our world has become so corrupt and that there are a group of Satan worshippers – Luciferians, if you will – who don’t care about any of us.  That they want us gone and off their planet.  But if you trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not have to fear what is to come.  Jesus is still on the throne of Heaven, and He is returning soon, to bring His people, His saints home.

God gave our nation and the world plenty of time to return to Him, but many have failed to do so.  His judgment against America has started and, sadly, will continue, because of our sins and rejection of Him.  We are quickly moving toward the Great Tribulation, and many more people will die.  The greatest earthquake the world has ever known will soon be upon us, so it is imperative that you prepare your hearts and souls and loved ones for what may soon befall us.

Most importantly, accept Jesus Christ into your hearts as Lord and Savior.  Then find a group of true believers to fellowship with, who will help you to grow in faith and maturity.  Read and study the Word of God daily.  Get baptized by immersion.  Lean on Jesus for all things, but make every effort to stock up on necessary food and other items which will help you and your family survive for the next three to five or more years.  And trust no flesh, if possible, because anyone may betray you.  Especially those who take the Mark of the Beast, which you must avoid at all costs.  Also, pray for America and for the rest of the world to find Him before it is too late.  Pray for the people of the world to truly repent of their wickedness and turn back to Jesus.  And know that Hell is a place you would not want even your worst enemies to go when they die, believe me.

Know also that Jesus Christ will return soon and remove the wicked from this world and His presence.  Once and for all.


“…Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.”  Psalm 2:12 KJV

“Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him:  God is a refuge for us.”  Psalm 62:8 KJV

“…Have faith in God.”  Mark 11:22 KJV



Refer to the following:

Batman Movie:

The enlarged photo below, just to the left of the walkie talkies, pinpoints Sandy Hook exactly on the map there, as shown in the latest Batman movie.

Black Christmas: ***

Michael Jackson “They Don’t Care About Us” – Remember that Michael tried warning us about the Illuminati.  This is one song he recorded in this regard.  I’ve chosen the version with the lyrics to make it easier to comprehend.:

NWO:  They want us off their Planet:


Well, as predicted, Barack Obama was reelected to the Presidency for another four years.  So now, let the destruction of the America we all know and love continue.  Of course, we can’t really fault Obama.  He’s not the one calling the shots.  But he is laughing at us as he goes along with the agenda.  He is a liar and a murderer, a man of Satan, so what more can anyone expect?  While he pretends to be both a Christian and a Muslim, he is indeed duping enough people who allowed him to have free reign over our ultimate destruction.  Because of his ability to deceive, the New World Order (NWO) thought he was the perfect man for the job of destroying America as we know it.  Deception is at the heart of the NWO agenda, because Satan is the ultimate power behind the scenes.  Sadly, those involved with our destruction have been deceived as well.  They may be rich, but they are not always right, nor are they smarter than anyone else, even if they believe they are.  As I said, it is Satan who is behind all of this.  It is what he does.  Deceives and destroys.

As many are aware, Obama has spent much of his time rewriting our laws and ignoring the Constitution of the United States, the foundation of our American freedoms.  Yet not once has it been mentioned what has been planned after it is completely destroyed, stomped on, and spit upon.

Well, the plan is to replace the Constitution of the United States with the Communist Constitution.  Not just for the United States, but for the entire world.  Yes, the agenda of the New World Order, the elite, is to set communism over the whole Earth, making it a globalist communist world.  And thanks to America’s liberals/Democrats, the NWO will soon get their way.  Our President now has control over so many things, it boggles the mind.


The New World Order And A Globalist Communist World


According to Pamela Rae Schuffert, “COMMUNISM always must use the brutal tools of oppression and repression of the people of any nation it seeks to take over. Freedoms are abolished, including freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and religious freedoms as well. Outspoken religious and political opponents of Communism are frequently arrested and imprisoned, and even tortured and killed.

“In every nation wherein Communism takes over, horrific and extensive prison/detention camps systems are set up across that nation, to detain, punish, brainwash and even terminate those who refuse to abandon their personal religious and other beliefs, and instead embrace the Communist goals and belief system.”

Well, isn’t that pretty much what I’ve been saying right along.

FEMA detainment camps, future martial law, oppression and dissolving of our personal freedoms, brainwashing through media and other forms, abuse of American citizens for no apparent reason, taking away our firearms (this will soon happen), etc. have all been leading to this one goal.  Communism.  The only thing different now than during WWII is that the elite, the NWO members, want somewhere between 80 and 95 percent of the global population to be annihilated.  Genocide of all Christians and the killing of others who protest the NWO agenda is planned, through violent means, most likely.  Which is why tons of ammo have been purchased by Homeland Security, and guillotines have been put in place throughout the United States.   At present, the Illuminati are using every means under their control to carry this agenda through.  Poisoning of our food and water, chemical contrails, the disappearance of microbiologists and others who are against what is happening, vaccinations that cause diseases instead of preventing them.  The list could go on and on.  And anyone speaking the truth against such inhumanity may be exterminated, such as happened to William Cooper, who was killed in November, 2001.


Global and Domestic Firearms Control Is On The Horizon


Many have known for awhile that the United Nations, Barack Obama, and many others in our government have been trying to abolish our second amendment rights, taking away another of our freedoms.  The freedom in this case, to take away our right to bear arms.  The NWO order wants us completely helpless and defenseless when America is invaded by enemy forces.  Which is also why he has been weakening our military over the past four years.  He and his evil comrades cannot carry out their evil agenda against mankind unless we lessen and destroy our once powerful military forces.

Upon Obama’s reelection, he has gone after our second amendment rights with a vengeance, seeking to make it legal for him to confiscate all guns from American citizens.  It will soon become a reality, have no doubt on that.  With that will come the rounding up of American citizens who resist the NWO’s attempts to control us through martial law and other horrific means.  Christians, as I mentioned, are no doubt at the top of the list for round up and extermination because we believe what is opposite of the Communist agenda and belief system.  I may have warned you of this already.

With the United Nations behind this major attempt at gun control, it is guaranteed that once the United States citizens are disarmed and ‘controlled’, the same will affect the rest of the world.  The entire world has to be conquered under the NWO communism agenda in order for a one world dictator to come to power.  AntiChrist.

If you have been following my articles, you may recall that God told me back in early 2008 that Obama would win the first election and that his administration would help bring about the rise of AntiChrist.  He also told me that people would vote for Obama because of the color of his skin.  People were so anxious to see a black man as President finally, they did not care to look at the issues or know more about this man.  All the Lord told me then came to pass.  This will be to these voters’ detriment in future because they opened wide the doors for a full communist takeover of America.

Many thought they could stop this evil man from being reelected, but most of us believed the NWO would make sure he won a second term, which he did, despite beliefs that Romney actually brought in more votes.  The liberals, so gung-ho to keep this man in office, will soon see where their stupidity and ignorance has led us.  Right down the path of permanent destruction.

The thing is, Americans brought much of this on themselves.  Through rejection of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and through disobedience of His holy laws, statutes, precepts, and judgments.  All of this has been allowed by God.  It has been part of His plan since the beginning.  However, I believe that had we submitted to Him as He wanted us to, we might have changed His mind.  Prayer can do that.  We might have been able to avoid much of the coming tribulation.  But it is too late now.  Now, because of the sins of America, God’s judgment is about to fall.  If you want to know more, read the Book of Revelation, Daniel, Joel, and 2 Thessalonians.  You will see for yourself just what lies in store for us.


Americans Are Now Citizens Of North America


Border control in America has been a major issue for some time.  Since the North American Fair Trade Agreement (NAFTA) changed our borders back in 1996, we have since then not really been living in an America, as we know it.  The government just didn’t want American citizens to know what they did behind our backs.  Just another secret evil they committed against the people here.

According to The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Mexico, Canada, and the United States are now one nation.  And the CFR wants Americans to rethink who we are.  Our borders are now open to all three countries, which is why nothing has been done to stop the millions of immigrants, mostly Mexican, from crossing ‘supposedly illegally’ into the U. S. over the past several years.

Meanwhile, in an attempt to make us Americans more manageable, the NWO is still making every effort to kill off 80 to 95% of the world population.  Bottled water is being contaminated with drugs or chemicals that will help dumb down Americans.  ChemTrails (ConTrails, if you will) are spreading poison all over our nation, killing off our crops, animals, contaminating our water, and making people sick.  Contaminated baby food and vaccinations are intended to kill our children, not help them.  Monsanto has planted genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food as well, which caused test animals’ stomaches to bloat up and explode.  So what do you think GMOs are doing to human beings?


So What Can We Do?


Before things start to escalate here, before the RFID chip becomes mandatory, before Communism is fully in place, you need to begin stocking up on things to help you survive for a three to seven-year-period of time.  That is, of course, if you refuse to take the chip.  There are many survival websites selling prepackaged foods, Meals Ready To Eat (MREs), and all sorts of equipment, etc. that may help you.  I know it takes money, but do the best you can.  Stock up, then hide everything.  Obama has already labeled Christians and survivalists as terrorists, so what have you got to lose at this point?  If you are a committed believer, then you already have an idea how your future will go.  Regardless, do the best you can.  Trust Jesus Christ for the results and the help you need.

If you are not a believer and wish to be saved, to have Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, before things start changing in your part of the world, then ask Jesus into your hearts now, confess and repent of your sins, then trust Him to help you get through the coming days.  Also, get baptized by immersion and by the Spirit, so that you may truly walk with God as He wants us to.  And above all, be loving, forgiving, and obedient to His Word.

If you decide to take the RFID chip and become part of the controlled, Satanic system the AntiChrist is putting in place, in the entire world, then you won’t have to worry.  You will be able to eat…maybe…but you will lose your freedom to choose and to have a happy life.  Count on it.  If you don’t believe me, then ask people around the world who are already living under Communist control.  And when you die and leave this world, you will have an entire eternity in Hell to look forward to.  Anyone who takes the Mark of the Beast has lost any chance of ever going to Heaven.  Your decision to be chipped has permanent repercussions.

More importantly, pray for our nation, for the world, and for those of the New World Order who are so deceived.  Pray that they will get saved and turn from the error of their ways, if there is still hope for them.


* * * *

“The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society originated in England…(and)…believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established.”

      -Carroll Quigley, member of CFR, mentor to

Bill Clinton

“The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U. S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government.”

      -Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member

and Judge Advocate General of the U. S. 


* * * *

“The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret.  They have planned and are now leading us into a One World Communist Government…

“We will have a new currency, the Amero, and a new Constitution modeled on the Soviet Union’s Constitution.  Our rights will not be inalienable, but they will be granted by government who can also take them away.

“One sign that this is our future is the plans for the super highways from southern Mexico, through America, and into Canada.  These plans are not secret any longer.  Huge amounts of property will be taken in the name of free trade, peace, and security.

“You will have a national I. D. card with a radio frequency chip in it.”

         -Stan Jones, U. S. Senate Candidate, Libertarian – Montana

* * * *

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them:  and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”  Revelation 13:7 KJV



For more information:

Obama and Communism:

Communist Obama is giving away control of our ocean to the U. N.:

The NWO and a One World Communist Government:

The Communist Takeover of America:

The Communist Party of the United States of America:

The Constitution of the U. S. S. R.:

The Constitution of the Communist Party of China:

Globalists and The Matrix:

The Coming American Holocaust and The New World Order:

One World Socialist Organizations:

The New World Order:

Romney Was Out-Organized By Obama:

Obama Supports Anti-2nd Amendment Gun Grab:

Global Gun Control:

U. N. Arms Trade Treaty

Contrails Into ChemTrails:







The sin that brought about the rapid fall and destruction of many of the Israelites, and even hundreds of years thereafter.

Yet, here we are.  Being led down that same path.  Through movies, music, videos, even sports.


*Definition:  (1) The worship of a physical object as a god. (2) Immoderate attachment or devotion to something.

Then there’s the word, idolize.


*Definition:  (1)  To worship as a god; broadly:  to love or admire to excess:  to practice idolatry.

Basically, anything that takes your focus away from God, causing you to ignore Him, disobey Him, or forget about Him can be considered idolatry.  God must always be first and foremost in your life.  Not just any god.  I’m talking about Jesus Christ, the one True God of Heaven.

Unfortunately, we may all be guilty of this in some way, shape, or form.  We all have favorite movie stars, singers, or sports teams.  Although there is nothing wrong with admiring someone or the work they do, it is when we put those people or things first in our lives and hearts, idolizing them, THEN IT IS CONSIDERED SIN IN THE EYES OF GOD.

God wants our obedience, our worship above all things in our lives.  When we deliberately shove  Him away and disobey His Word, what He commands us to do, then we are walking in sin.




Since 1770, for 242 years, the Illuminati (freemasons, secret societies) have controlled the music industry.

The majority of Americans, except those who are in those evil, secret societies, may be unaware of the incredible power structure overlording the entertainment industry.  From the day we are born, most of us are raised watching television, seeing rich movie stars, all the glamour and glitz associated with Hollywood, popular singers, or sports.  We have listened to different forms of music and watched all sorts of movies.  It seemed inevitable that we would all be exposed to it at some point in time.  Again, there is nothing wrong with this, if you are viewing good, clean family entertainment, or whatever.  However, when it takes all of your devotion, your heart, your attention away from the true God of Heaven, then there is a definite problem.

When you prefer to go to a football game, a movie, or a rock concert (or watch it on T. V.) instead of going to church or a Bible study when you should, then your priorities are definitely in the wrong place.  Assuming you believe there is a God.  If you don’t, then that is a detriment to your soul as well.

When you begin to idolize movie stars, pop singers, or whoever, instead of worshipping GOD, then you are walking in direct disobedience to God’s Word.  And yes, we are all guilty of this, I believe, in some ways.  We have been raised with all of it, as part of American culture.  And, unfortunately, our ways and culture have infected the rest of the world as well.  This is one reason why God’s judgment is about to fall upon America.  Because we have allowed it to happen.  Because we have allowed Hollywood to take the place of Almighty God and steer us away from the righteousness of His Truth.  If you are guilty of it, then you must repent and turn away from it.  Get your heart right with God.

Unfortunately, many Americans just didn’t and still don’t know any better.  I know of people who know nothing of Jesus Christ or the way of salvation.  That includes people right here in America, not just in remote parts of China or other areas of the world.  I have personally encountered such people, and I have been told that religion just wasn’t part of their life while growing up.  They knew nothing of church or God, only what they saw on T. V. or whatever.

That is a tragedy in this day and age.  Still, God’s Word says that Jesus will not return to Earth until EVERYONE – ALL NATIONS – have heard the Good News.  EVERYONE.  (Matthew 24:14)

Again, it is all right to admire certain people, so long as you don’t aspire to be like them, dressing like them, emulating (imitating) them, idolizing them.

As believers, we are to aspire to be like Jesus Christ, in our hearts, our behaviors, our thoughts.  If you love Him and have a committed relationship with Him, then this is what you should be doing.  God desires to mold and shape us into His likeness, His image, in every way possible.  Not into the shape or likeness of another human being.  He made us all unique individuals.  We should aspire not just to be molded into God’s image; we should aspire to be the best person we can be, the person He has made us to be, not someone else.

I have no wish to patronize you, as I know you probably know all these things.   But there are many people out there who profess to be Christians, yet do not serve God as they should.  Instead, they pour themselves into, whether consciously or unconsciously, worshipping, idolizing other human beings.  Sadly, it is with the help of the entertainment industry which is, in fact, controlled and directed by Satan, through the Illuminati.  It is their mission to bring all people under the authority of God’s enemy and straight into eternal hellfire.

And our children are their targets.  Which is why it is important that parents guide them and teach them in the ways of God, the one true God of Heaven.  To leave them to flounder in the wickedness of the world means that we have lost them already.  As parents, it is our responsibility to “train up a child in the way he should go.” (Proverbs 22:6)

God will hold us all accountable for what we have failed to teach or do for our children.




It is sad to think of our own children selling their souls to Satan for fame and fortune.  It is also a bit sad to think of others you may care about doing the same thing.

For years, the entertainment industry has been harboring a dark and dirty secret.

It is stealing the souls of actors, actresses, singers, and other entertainers who are told that if they want to be filthy rich, to be in the $20 million to $100 million and above club, then they need to sign a contract.  A contract wherein they agree to whatever the Illuminati wants them to do.

It is shocking when you learn how many of our favorite movie stars and singers have given their souls to Satan, some with a blood pact which may involve the death of loved ones or close friends (human blood sacrifices).  Or even someone they are jealous of and want to be like.

Much of this is hard to research, yet there are plenty of videos out there that share this dirty little secret.  And amazingly, few people aren’t even aware that this is happening in our society.  Granted, anyone can make a video and put anything they want into it.  Yet the videos I am sharing below have made every effort to expose what is really happening in Hollywood.  Interestingly enough, there are so many of them out there that it is hard NOT to believe that the Illuminati is behind all of the untimely deaths of some of our most famous and popular personages.

Usually, suspicions are raised when someone famous, say Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, or Heath Ledger, unexpectedly die.  Granted, it may be due to an unfortunate accident, complete negligence, or even an illness.  But when friends or family members of the deceased state publicly that they believed their loved one was murdered, then red flags should go up.  It is then you should consider that perhaps these people refused to allow themselves to be controlled by the Illuminati.   It is then you should consider that, perhaps, these people were deliberately exterminated because they said, ‘No, I will not do these evil things.”

Also, much of the music industry has been geared toward brainwashing our children.  The music, the lyrics, all is geared toward the occult and, sadly, our children are being manipulated toward that end.  It is a deliberate attempt to take control of our children.  Mind control is at the forefront, much as it was in the days of Adolph Hitler.




People wonder who would want to hurt celebrities that so many idolize, worship, and love.  But in one word, it is clear.  Illuminati.

The New World Order has an agenda, and it involves controlling the wealth of nations.  In America, it is mainly the rich who have sold their souls, just for power and greater wealth, because of greed.  Personally, I always thought this was sort of stupid.  Hollywood fans are what feed the industry, yet the rich don’t seem to think about this.  Or it just doesn’t matter to them.  They probably have a plan to cover the losses anyways.

With one of the NWO agendas being to wipe out 90% of the world population in order to make the world more manageable, then who is to be left?  Will they just sit back and play with their money to amuse themselves?  Those remaining will certainly not live forever.  If all the people in entertainment die off, then what will these people do?  Watch reruns of old movies because there won’t be anyone left to act in new ones, at least until their new children grow up?  I would love to know the entire plan, just out of curiosity.

The Illuminati – men, in general – believe they have everything figured out.  They are going to kill millions and take control, to satisfy their twisted logic and greed.  But in the end, it is God who will have the last laugh.  Every evil member of the NWO, the Illuminati, will wind up in hellfire for eternity.  So what’s the point of what they are doing anyways?  It would be so nice if they would all just mind their own business and leave everyone else alone so they can live a nice, peaceful life.  But no.  That is not the way of things to come.

It is simple, however, if you know Scripture.  Satan is behind all of this.  He wants to corrupt the world, annihilate all true believers in Jesus Christ, take God’s place and be worshipped by those remaining on the earth.  Anyone who refuses will die.  Plain and simple.  Biblically, this is all part of a bigger plan, a divine plan.  God’s plan for all of mankind.  In the end, it will be the saints of God who will judge the world, so who knows what the wicked are thinking they will get away with.  (1 Corinthians 6:20)




The NWO is doing everything it can to keep Barry in the Presidency.  We all know it.

The implementation of the RFID chip, once he is reelected, may very well begin the greatest slaughter of Christians the world has ever known.  It will aid the AntiChrist in coming to power and perhaps bring the Mark of the Beast into fruition.  I say it this way because no one is actually certain if the chip is the actual Mark or just a means to that end.  Regardless, anyone who wants to go to Heaven in the end must say no to this chip.  Even under torture, you must NOT take the RFID chip.  Plan now for the future.  Stock up on necessary survival items (there are plenty of websites, etc. out there that can share information on what you will need), and prepare your family for what is to come.  And fear not, because God is in control of all of these events coming down the line.  If you are not saved, then I strongly urge you to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and commit your life fully to Him.  Know that if you take the Mark, you will spend eternity in hellfire.  There is no compromise on this.  You will burn if you take Satan’s mark.

Regarding Hollywood, I for one have backed away, pretty much boycotted anything out there that involves those who have sold their souls to Satan.  I never liked a lot of their secular work anyways.  Rihanna and Jay-Z are two big names that come to mind.  More recently, I heard that Selena Gomez, whom I have really enjoyed as an actress and singer, has sold her soul, too.  Such a waste of a beautiful, talented young woman.

Trying to get people to boycott Hollywood is going to be difficult for many who love going to movies, etc.  George Clooney and a few other stars who have strongly supported Barry have really disappointed me, so I will not be supporting them by paying to see their films in future.  It shouldn’t be hard for me, since I haven’t gone to the movies or rented any in several years anyways.  I was raised to be an avid moviegoer, so it has been hard for me to break away from this habit.  However, Jesus Christ is well worth my deprivation.  I love Him and will stand by Him…and be obedient till the end.




Below are a few videos that may wise you up to just who Hollywood is recruiting into Satan’s realm, destroying and even murdering those among them who have refused to be a part of it all.  As I look at some of the major stars out there, I can only wonder if they have sold their souls, too, to achieve the megabucks.  Sad, but very possible.

When you listen to what Michael Jackson says in one of the videos, you can hear him warning us about what is going on.  His sister, in another video, states that she believed he was murdered.  Also, it was in the news that his own family believed he was murdered.  Based on what came from their own lips, you can understand that it is possible and most likely true that the Illuminati may have been behind what happened to Him.

Only God knows the Truth and those who may be behind any of the evil going on in Hollywood.  I just want you to be aware that you need to focus on God, worship Him alone, and stay away from what God disapproves of.

In closing, pay attention to the video which shares how those who have joined with Satan all wear a red bracelet.  It may or may not shock and surprise some of you just who have sold their souls for fame and fortune.  Oddly enough, Michael Jackson is seen wearing the red bracelet, so it makes you wonder why he may have been killed, if that was what really happened.  Perhaps the pressure against him was too great, the manipulation too powerful.  He may have done or agreed to things he really didn’t want to do.  And you need to realize that these same tactics, threats, tortures may very well be used against all those who refuse to take the RFID chip, so prepare yourself for this coming persecution.

This is a quote from the video, “The Illuminati murdered Michael Jackson full version – They Made Him White With Drugs.”:

“The only way you can become a celebrity if is the Illuminati allow you to.  If you’re a singer and you refuse to sing songs which contain Satanic lyrics with backward messages, then you can guarantee that your credibility will be destroyed, and if you decide to speak out truth, you will be killed.

“Bob Marley, Tupac, and Michael Jackson were killed.  If you know about Tupac’s story, you would know that he was framed for rape as a threat.  Tupac did not like being controlled.”

So that’s the truth of it.  The sad sad truth.

So please, free yourself from idolatry and be holy, as God commands us to.  (1 Peter 1:16)

And keep Jesus Christ first in your life and in your heart.


“But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God:  for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.”  (Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV)


For more information:


The following are but a few of the videos that are out there.  You can find similar videos on Beyoncè, Snoop Dogg, Justin Bieber, etc., if you are curious.  Also, I would suggest you view these videos quickly since any one of them may disappear at any time as others have from this website.

Some of these videos I will make available right away, due to their importance.  Others, I will just give you the links to.  Just click on them, and you will be taken to in order to view them.

Be forewarned, some posted below may contain offensive words and content:


Satanic Secret of Celebrities:

Hip Hop Artists Blood Sacrifices:

Dave Chapelle:

Whitney Houston:  Illuminati Sacrifice:

Heath Ledger:  The Illuminati Sacrifice Exposed

Michael Jackson exposing the Illuminati:

Why the Illuminati Killed Michael Jackson:

  (full length – 42 min.)

Rihanna Exposed A Satan Worshipper (Warning:  The following two videos are extremely offensive.):

Boycott Jay-Z – He is an Illuminati Satanist

Famous People [Supposedly] Killed by Illuminati 2012

The Assassination List of the Illuminati

The Music Industry Exposed (full length documentary):

Murdered by the Illuminati (full length documentary):


*From Merriam Webster’s Deluxe Dictionary (Tenth Collegiate Edition).
















Came across this awesome video on YouTube.  Take a look:


I love these versions of Isra’el’s Hinei Ma Tov (Behold How Good) and just thought I would share them with my brothers and sisters in Christ:

Hinei ma tov:

Behold how good and

How pleasant it is

For brothers to dwell together (if brothers – people– could sit together in unity)

Behold how good and

How pleasant it is

For brothers to dwell together

**(In Hebrew, the masculine also includes the feminine when a mixed group of people are concerned)
**(Yachad is from the word Yachid which means absolute unity and has a higher connotation than just peace and harmony.)
**(That wish for eternal unity Jews singing every Shabbat for the last few thousand years.)
Hine ma tov
uma nayim
shevet achim gam yachad.
Hine ma tov
uma nayim
shevet achim gam yachad.Lai, lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai lai
lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai.Lai, lai lai, lai, lai lai lai lai lai
lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai.Hine ma tov
uma nayim
shevet achim gam yachad.
Hine ma tov
uma nayim
shevet achim gam yachad.(repeat)
shevet achim gam yachad……..

The Miami Boys Choir



“Suicide is the eleventh most common cause of death in the United States. People may consider suicide when they are hopeless and can’t see any other solution to their problems. Often it’s related to serious depression, alcohol or substance abuse, or a major stressful event.

“People who have the highest risk of suicide are white men. But women and teens report more suicide attempts. If someone talks about suicide, you should take it seriously. Urge them to get help from their doctor or the emergency room, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). It is available 24/7.

“Therapy and medicines can help most people who have suicidal thoughts. Treating mental illnesses and substance abuse can reduce the risk of suicide.”

“NIH: National Institute of Mental Health”


It is a sad, tragic thing when someone believes there is no hope and decides to end his/her life. Little do many realize that such an act is not only selfish, but self-centered as well. Especially when a parent chooses suicide over remaining alive for his/her children’s sakes. Or if a spouse decides to leave a mate alone because he/she chooses not to continue through life. Such weakness is often a coward’s way out. But what people must realize overall is that suicidal thoughts come from SATAN, from the evil spirit of suicidal thoughts.

Yet there are circumstances where some may not have had a choice, at least by their way of thinking. If they were being persecuted or tortured and could no longer endure the pain or horror of it. Or during certain wars where soldiers may have found it safer to end their lives if captured, rather than suffer through torture and interrogation by the enemy. Only God knows whether these individuals would gain entrance to heaven, especially if they were believers. However, not once in Scripture does it say that God’s people ever committed suicide to avoid suffering or persecution.


Mental illness can often lead to suicide, perhaps because a person’s suffering is great or he/she is confused. Perhaps someone just doesn’t know any better. Often the influence of certain drugs or medications, particularly antidepressants, can lead to a perfectly sane person ending his or her life. But you must understand that mental illness and things related thereto are ALL of SATAN. At least that is my belief. God does permit it, however, for whatever reason. And perhaps mental illness may be related to generational curses on the family of someone with mental illness, which need to be removed. Also, many diseases are caused by evil spirits, from which many can be delivered. But there are many who believe that mental illness is natural and only some of it caused by demons. Either way, the end result is the same. Mental illness and/or demons can drive a person to commit suicide.

“Some people who end their lives or attempt suicide might be trying to escape feelings of rejection, hurt, or loss. Others might be angry, ashamed, or guilty about something. Some people may be worried about disappointing friends or family members. And some may feel unwanted, unloved, victimized, or like they’re a burden to others.”

Personally, I know of a young woman, a friend, who was the sweetest, kindest, gentlest woman I’d ever known, whose life ended tragically. She was a Christian who ended up in a psychiatric unit, where she later hung herself. I cannot, unfortunately, know how the Lord would deal with such a person in the afterlife. A Christian who suffered to the point of suicide. It was a tragic, extremely sad event that few can never understand. I think that, perhaps, she was being tormented and confused by the Adversary for so long that she just lost it and ended her life. I think she felt helpless and victimized by life’s circumstances, over which she had no control.


Now Satan is a powerful foe and seeks to kill all of mankind, especially God’s people. Just look how Adolph Hitler wiped out thousands of Jews during World War II. In the end, he took his own life because he didn’t want to face up to what he had done once the Allies gained the victory. Ultimately, he was a coward…and a dead one at that.

What people need to understand is that SATAN is behind all suicidal thoughts and the temptation to commit suicide. SUICIDE IS NOT OF GOD. IT IS NOT HIS WILL THAT A PERSON TAKE HIS OR HER LIFE. LIFE IS A GIFT, AND ONLY GOD CAN TAKE AWAY THAT GIFT.

The Adversary – SATAN – often uses other people, situations, circumstances, media, all sorts of things to twist the Truth and mentally and physically torment and confuse people. He is good at convincing people that they are worthless and useless, that no one loves them. He tells people that no matter what they do, they are losers and will never be accepted or liked by others. That they are ugly or fat. That they are stupid or twisted in their thinking. SATAN does all sorts of things to bring a person down. The evil spirit of depression is one of the worst. This spirit plays on people’s fears and emotions, often to the point of having to use medication to suppress them or, ultimately, to convince a person to take his/her life.

According to (Mental Health America): “The most common underlying disorder is depression [and] 30% to 70% of suicide victims suffer from major depression or bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder.”


People, you must understand. GOD LOVES YOU. He would never tell you that you are worthless or unloved. You are special in His eyes. He has created you to be exactly who you are. You are made in His image. If you are being tormented by negativity or evil thoughts or other forms of torment, then please seek out a deliverance minister who can cast these evil spirits from you and pray for you. There are also therapists, other pastors or Christians, suicide hotlines, or friends and family members who can help you. And never forget that God is just a prayer away. He will listen when you ask for His help and guide you from there.

Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life. Once you are born of God, of His Spirit, your soul is free from the enemy’s penetration. You may be oppressed by spirits in your body and mind, but SATAN cannot permeate your soul. You are protected by the Holy Spirit of God.


The mind is the enemy’s battlefield. It is there he attacks you. Christians are no different. Which is why the Lord tells us in His Word to be renewed in our minds. (Romans 12:2) We must continually keep our focus on God and all things pure and holy and lovely. (Philippians 4:8) We must take authority over all the evil spirits that try and attack our thoughts. Many do not realize what is happening and allow themselves to be swayed by the enemy. Many people do not trust God as they should and allow SATAN to torment them to the point of suicide. THIS MUST NOT BE.

If a person takes his/her life, it means SATAN has won. He gloats in triumph, knowing that he has convinced someone to turn away from the GOD that he hates and take a precious life, meant for GOD’s service, His Glory. SUICIDE IS NOT OF GOD. IT IS A SIN AGAINST GOD. ONLY GOD HAS A RIGHT TO TAKE YOUR LIFE AWAY. HE HAS A PLAN FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. HIS PLAN IS FOR US TO LIVE, TO HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE…AND TO BE HAPPY.


Suicide is a dark place that no one should ever turn to. It means possible, everlasting darkness in the pits of hell. Once you turn away from God because you didn’t trust Him enough to see you through whatever storm you are facing or going through, then you may be forever lost. Because of SATAN and for no other reason.


SATAN wants to take you out of this world so that you will not fulfill the plan GOD has for you. God created you. Only He can decide when it is your time to go. You must not let the enemy win. You must stand firm on GOD’s Truth and strengthen your heart through prayer and the reading of GOD’s Word. It is through weakness and vulnerability the enemy wins. You must put on the full armour of GOD – daily – in order to stand against the enemy’s wiles. In this way, you will triumph over SATAN and not SATAN over you.

“Or do you not know that your temple is the body of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

“For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

(1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 KJV)

For more information:

This video recently came across my desk. It is imperative that everyone view it because it is a matter of our survival.

Not only is our fresh water being sent to China, while we are returned with China’s filth, now it is learned that more greedy people are contaminating many other water sources throughout the United States as they drill for natural gas.

So if you are finding your drinking water suddenly contaminated because your wells have gone bad, then most likely it is because natural gas and many toxic chemicals are seeping into your ground water, polluting it. People are getting dizzy, having headaches, getting asthma, suffering from neuropathy, together with many other health concerns that are making people and animals sick. Animals are losing their hair and getting ill, too.

This is happening in areas of Pennsylvania and other areas of the United States, possibly also in Europe and North Africa. The greedy people of this world care not for you or me. As usual, money is the name of the game.

If your water smells like gas or anything else foul, have it tested. You may be shocked and outraged by what you discover is in it.

Sarah Shah opened a studio in 2008, Sarah Shah Portraits, in Wichita, Kansas. Shah specializes in photos of newborns, toddlers, and children. Her work is unique and a beautiful way to capture those first precious moments of life and even the happiness of a pregnancy. Shah does heavenly work, for anyone interested.

Many believe that babies come from Heaven. At least, that’s what some tell their children when they ask.

Recently, a book came out that has hit the New York Times bestseller list: Heaven is for Real, by Todd Burpo, father of Colton, who is only eleven.

When interviewed by Wayne Shepherd, Todd shared of his son’s passing from this world and into the next because of a ruptured appendix. What he believes Colton saw when he left his body is incredible and really brings confirmation of God’s promises of what Heaven will be like. Because Colton shared things he never could have known, we have little reason to doubt the truth of this story.

Colton mentioned how young everyone was in Heaven and that everyone has wings. He said there were lots of people and animals everywhere. He mentioned meeting his great-grandfather and even a sister his mother had miscarried, something he had known nothing about.

The most wonderful thing Colton shared was having actually sat on Jesus’s lap. From there, he said he could see exactly what his parents were doing at the time he left, such as his father praying privately in another room.

After hearing all of this, how can you not get excited about Jesus? And life everlasting?

Scripture refers to Heaven as God’s dwelling place, that there we shall see Him. (Revelation 21, 22) Colton mentioned meeting Jesus.

He said Heaven was beautiful. Scripture confirms this, too. (Revelation 21)

Scripture has many descriptions of Heaven, so we can only imagine all that Colton saw and experienced.

Why this has come to light now is surely because God planned it that way, to encourage believers in their faith.

In these last days, we know that much devastation will fall upon the world, as foretold in Scripture. Places like Haiti, Japan, and Australia are good examples of this.

So it is possible God has given us this glimpse of Heaven to give us hope.

Hope for a future of life everlasting, if we would but seek Him…before it is too late.

“And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” (Revelation 21:27 KJV)

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