Archive for January, 2016

zombie-531116_640The Illuminati Mandate

For awhile now, I have been sharing the plans of the New World Order to kill off 90% of the world population, to further their agenda. Illuminati Agenda 21. Sadly, nothing has changed. In fact, these people continue to move forward with their plans, the Illuminati mandate, to wipe out 6.5 billion people from the Earth. One way they are attempting to do this is through conditioning, mind control, and training. Since taking control of the Internet, these men are able to control much of what we see or learn through television, movies, social media, and other Internet sites. As demonstrated on this site, many of the videos are being targeted here and removed so people cannot learn the truth of what they are actually doing. It is one reason the recent television show, The X-Files, has been so popular. Because it shares exactly what the psychos running our world are really doing to destroy the world as we know it.

Satan is using the wicked of this world to control it, wanting to prove to GOD that he is better able to run the show than He is. Although GOD will only allow the enemy so much leeway before He steps in to take the Adversary out and cast him forever into the Lake of Fire – his final end – the enemy is still being allowed to give it his best shot. Just so you know, GOD wins in the end, and the enemy is already defeated. He knows it. We know it. Meanwhile, we still have to suffer through all of the evil going on in the world until Jesus Christ returns to set things right and establish His Kingdom on the Earth. Personally, I can’t wait for that to happen.

The Walking Dead

As you can see, many in Hollywood are joining in on the fun. Many celebrities, especially those sold out to Satan, have joined forces with the NWO to help brainwash America so we will accept the enemy, the coming AntiChrist, as our dictator and help bring about the One World Government, a Communist one that will be completely atheistic in nature, the One World Religion which is Islam at the top, and all others merged with it or completely wiped out, and the One World Dictator, AntiChrist, Satan’s right hand man. One celebrity even had the arrogant audacity to claim our leader to be the savior of the world. Hogwash. Jesus Christ is the only Savior, the coming Righteous King Who will rule over all of mankind when He returns.

At any rate, if you watch television or go the movies, you can see that much of what is now coming out is geared to transforming the world, particularly America, into a godless, much more evil nation than ever before. Sadly, it is the popularity of vampires, horror movies, the paranormal, werewolves, and zombies that are filling our T. V. screens these days. As you know, one of the most popular shows is all about zombies, The Walking Dead.  Personally, I don’t see the attraction. Out of curiosity, I watched the first episode and was totally bored and disgusted. But because of its popularity, it is easy to see how people are gobbling up all this blood and guts stuff. People are being conditioned to accept the idea of butchering people and eating their body parts, much like what the demon-possessed ISIS members do to their victims.

A few years ago I wasn’t too up on the existence of zombies in real life. But all that has changed, especially since reports of people being eaten alive are popping out on news reports and other media. So the sad reality is is that zombies now exist. And as we move deeper into these last days, we will see people who were dead being revived by evil spirits or demons. They will return to ravage the people of the Earth in as gruesome a way as ever before. And much of this may come about through man’s own chemical creation. The Zombie virus.

A Coming Global Pandemic

The powers that be have come up with a completely vile, gruesome, abhorrent, disgusting thing that they hope will cause people to flock to get vaccinated against it. The thought of real zombies wandering around out there looking for food cannot get any more awful than that, right? As we know, vaccines today are geared to poison our bodies, to kill us. So the whole idea behind creating zombies, to create fear against the new virus the NWO has created, is to help wipe out 90% of the world population. As before, I mentioned that once these Satan worshipers bring down and destroy the United States of America, then the rest of the world will easily crumble. Although Scripture does mention that only one country will successfully resist the coming AntiChrist, the rest of the world may not stand a chance, until our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns to save us all. The Adversary knows his time is short, so in the time that he has to create chaos, havoc, death, and destruction, he will do as much as he can to carry out his own evil agenda. Through his followers. Regardless of how the shot is administered to the population, those being immunized will wind up dead dead dead.

One of the things the powers are hoping to manifest among the populace is complete fear, so we will all flock to the medical centers. But the antidote for all of this fear is understanding of what is truly happening here and having faith in God. As I have told you regarding the RFID chip, the Mark of the Beast, do NOT get this immunization and do NOT take the RFID chip. The chip is a form of control which can easily be used to kill you if you do not obey or comply with the desires and the will of the one in control. I believe it contains cyanide or some other poison that, with the touch of a button, can easily exterminate you when the poison is released into your system, your body. The immunization will kill you outright, as many vaccinations are now killing unsuspecting, innocent children, even some adults who faithfully go every year to get their flu shot. Stay as far away from both of these as possible. Neither are meant for your good. Vaccines may have been for good at one time, but no longer. They have been filled with poison meant to kill a person. This is why there are television commercials now being shown, trying to convince you to get your flu shot every year. Just wait until the zombie virus makes its way more fully into society. More commercials will probably spring up, urging you to hurry up and get immunized against becoming a zombie.

So, the key here to avoiding this evil, coming soon to a planet near you, is understanding and faith. Knowledge of what is going on is key to survival, if one is fortunate and becomes informed.

The Zombie Virus

The new Zombie virus has been specifically manufactured by the NWO. Morgellons Disease is bad enough. Now we will have this to contend with.

Apparently, there are several ways to contract this virus: Through brain parasites, neurotoxins, the real rage virus, neurogenesis, and neurobots.

I could go into the history of zombie-ism, voodoo, and other related information. But I believe that a man named Steve Quayle and Sue Bradley have done a much better job of researching all of this. Rather than regurgitate what they have uncovered, I have chosen to just send you to the website that has a lot of downloadable information on the zombie apocolpyse, the virus, and everything related thereto. They have done a tremendous job, so I strongly urge you to check out their website: Go to the right and click on ‘Zombies’ and you will be taken to the page that contains all the information you will need on this subject. Outstanding, to be sure.

The Only Antidote

Overall, we need the grace and power of God to overcome all of the wicked devices of the enemy. What the powers that be have created is beyond anything and worse than anything we can possibly imagine. My purpose for this brief article which is but the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, is to share with you the truth that there are real, actual zombies out there. If you pay attention to some of what we used to consider far-fetched ideas, you may be surprised to discover that such is no longer the case. The truth is indeed out there, and people need to be informed and prepared for what is going on and what will soon become reality in our world.

Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, before the worst becomes reality, is the single most important thing you can ever do. Do not wait. Commit your life to Him now before any of this evil comes upon us. It is happening now. It is inevitable. But having Jesus in your life, as your Hope, your Redeemer, your God is your antidote for all that the enemy is bringing into our lives. Trust Him and fear nothing for He shall be your shield in times of trouble.

That is the truth of it.

Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! To what end is it for you? The day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. Amos 5:18


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at:

Shalom, my friends.


This following video is rather lengthy but well worth a listen:

Demons, Zombies, & Nephilim 2015 [FULL] Steve Quayle:

The following is an end-time prophecy relating to the zombies coming from the bottomless pit during the Great Tribulation:


Warning:  The following is quite graphic and you must be 18 or older to view it:



For more information:




Caused by bath salts?

True or Fake?


The Bride of Christ

Did you know that after Jesus Christ returns to judge the nations, after the final judgment and during the Millennium, that there will be a new earth? (Revelation 21:1) It was prophesied in the book of Isaiah, chapter 65, verse 17, and chapter 66, verse 22.

The Bible says that all former things will pass away. There will be no more tears, pain, sorrow, or death. (Revelation 21:4) God also says in His Word that all things will become new. (Revelation 21:5) That includes the earth. The old heaven and the old earth will be no more. (Revelation 20:11) All the effects of the curse that resulted from Adam’s sin will be removed, and all things will become new.

Growing up most churchgoers are taught about heaven and hell. But, if they are like me, they learned nothing much about the coming new earth. I rarely heard it mentioned.  But it is true. There will not just be new heavens, but a new earth as well. The earth we are living on now will be cleansed by fire for the sole purpose of renovation and restoration. ( 2 Peter 3:10-14) What is now Satan’s domain must be purified before the heaven of God can come down to the new earth.

We serve a holy God, which makes this purification and cleansing imperative before He will come down to live among men. Why would He want to dwell somewhere with people on an earth that includes places like rundown public housing? The area once ruled over by evil spirits and demons must be renovated and restored to the way it was when God first created it, before sin entered the world. Only when it is restored and beautified and cleansed will our holy and perfect God, our Creator, deem the earth fit for His habitation. (Revelation 21:3)

And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God.” (Revelation 21:3 KJV)

Sadly, according to the Book of Revelation, only those people whose names are written in the Book of Life will be living on this new earth. (Revelation 21:27) Everyone else will be facing their eternal judgment, especially Satan and his demonic hordes who will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. (Revelation 20)

Because the earth we currently reside on and all its works therein will be completely burned up (2 Peter 3:10), that is why there will be a new earth. Yet only the righteous of God will be there. This new earth will be the place where Jesus Christ will establish His throne and reign from when He returns. In the New Jerusalem, the holy city. This is what is referred to as the Bride of Christ, the Lamb’s wife. (Revelation 21:2)

A New Heaven And A New Earth

The new heaven and the new earth will not be duplicates of those that now exist. It is believed that the new heaven and new earth will actually be as they were at their original creation.

The word ‘new’ is a translation of the Greek word, kainόn, which means ‘qualitatively new’. The new earth and new heaven will clearly not be duplicates, but it appears that their quality will be the same. I’m believing they will be even more beautiful than the originals. Heaven and earth will be completely purified. During the Millennium, the earth will be completely renovated. Once purified, it will be a perfect environment for God to live in. It will be…heavenly.

When Adam and Eve fell, in the Garden of Eden, the Adversary put a wrench in the works, so to speak. God had created things to be perfectly ordered. Sin created chaos and ruined everything. The creation of God was spoiled. As we can see, based on the chaos the Adversary is still creating throughout the world today, nothing has changed. When Jesus Christ returns, He will set things in order once more. By creating a new heaven and a new earth as they were originally, things will be right once more. God will recreate what He once had. This time, Satan will not be around to mess things up again. Since there will be no more sea, that means there will be more land, more space for the redeemed to occupy.

The New Jerusalem

The holy city is not heaven, but the New Jerusalem, the city John saw coming down from the heavens, of which God is the architect. (Revelation 21:2) It will be adorned as a bride because it contains the bride, which is the church and the redeemed from all the ages. The holy city takes on the character of a bride, which is why it is referred to as the Bride of Christ.

The new heavens will be the new atmospheric conditions around and above the new earth, as when the Garden of Eden existed originally. That means no chemtrails, too. The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:10-22:5) will, in fact, be inhabited by communities of true believers in Christ – the redeemed – where we will live with God forever. God will move, live, and work among us. He will be our God and we His people. We will fellowship with our loved ones and have actual fellowship with God, who will no longer be veiled from us in the human form of Jesus Christ, in a pillar of fire, or a cloud, or in a Holy of Holies. As Adam and Eve saw God in the Garden of Eden, so will all true believers, the pure in heart, see God as He really is.

So heaven is actually the divine creation for a community of people, like-minded believers. The eternal habitation of those who are saved. People of faith will all live together, sharing in the wondrous blessings and universal glory and oneness with God Himself. Can anything be more heavenly than that? It will be a holy city, completely separated from sin, and purified. The New Jerusalem is not heaven but is called that because everyone who will live there will be holy.

The New Jerusalem will have no temples or churches as there are on the present Earth. There, the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, are the temple. And there will be no need for sunlight or electric or gas lights because Jesus Himself will be all the Light we will need.  And in Him is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5) It will always be full noon there.

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.” (Revelation 21:23 KJV)

This, my friends, is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

And the New Jerusalem, with the Church, will be the center of all the governments of the earth. There has never been a rule like it, and Christ’s rule over the earth will be forever. 

It will be a Kingdom of peace and righteousness for Jesus is the true Prince of Peace. (Ephesians 2:13-18)

And the gates to the city will be wide open all the time. We will have unhindered access to all that we were denied access to beforetimes. (Revelation 21:25)

Will You Choose Christ?

The coming new earth will be a place so beautiful, it will be greater than anything we can imagine. It will be beyond our wildest dreams. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of it? To live there after you leave this world through death, knowing you will live forever on this new earth, with the One Who loves you most? The One Who created you? If so, then ask Jesus Christ into your heart, to be your Lord and Savior forever. Welcome Him, confess your sins to Him, and turn away from them – repent. Once you are saved and commit your life to walking with Him in true obedience, He will direct your paths the rest of your days.

If you are still not convinced that Jesus Christ is alive and well today and that He and His Father, Jehovah – Elohim – are in full control of your destiny and the universe, then ask Him to prove Himself to you. He will always answer those seeking Him and His Truth. He does not want anyone to perish.

When you are saved, after asking Jesus in as Lord of your life, the Holy Spirit of God – the Ruach HaKodesh – will fill you with His power. He is the Comforter, the One Who helps and guides true believers throughout this life. You may even feel Him inside of you. Sometimes He will stir your spirit and even wash over you. It is the most wonderful thing, to have the Spirit of the Living God with you and to have a close, personal relationship with God Himself. With that comes all the fruits of His Spirit, which are those of righteousness and truth. The coming new earth, the Kingdom of God, is one of righteousness and truth, NOT wickedness and chaos. All those evil things will be gone forever when Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom. It will be heaven on earth and one I dearly look forward to.

* * * *

Feel free to contact us at: gideonsmessenger777@yahoo if you have any questions or want to share your testimony. Our door is always open to you.

May the Lord bless you and guide your steps and your decision. I pray it will be the right one.



But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness.

Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.”

(2 Peter 3:10-14 KJV)

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” (Revelation 21:1 KJV)

Refer to:


The Coming AntiChrist

The Word of God says that, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man”.  (Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:26-30) Clearly, we are already at that point in time. Evil is rampant throughout the Earth, and Satan is doing everything he can to destroy it before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

ISIS is of the devil. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon for anyone to see that. The Word of God says that “…by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:16-20 KJV) The fruit of ISIS is rotten to the core. Completely…demonic.

If a person is not born again and filled with the Spirit of the Living God, then he or she is open to being possessed by Satan. Since followers of Islam violate many of the laws of the True God of Heaven and Earth, the Mighty I AM, it is clear there is no true Spirit of God in them. They follow Satan. Period.

Many unsaved people walk around with evil spirits oppressing them, or are even completely possessed by them. Those born of GOD Jehovah, the LORD Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, have their souls shielded from Satan. Divine protection. That is not to say that believers cannot be oppressed by evil spirits because they can.  But those born of Satan do not have GOD’s protection, which leaves them open to a complete takeover by the Adversary. The evil deeds of ISIS members reveal that these people are controlled by Satan and are probably possessed. Whenever ISIS invades a place, these people bring in countless numbers of demons and evil spirits with them. Satan is in them, not GOD. GOD forbids us from drinking blood, which is life to human beings. (Leviticus 3:17, 7:26, 27, Genesis 9:4, Deuteronomy 12:23) ISIS members don’t care. They drink blood and eat bloody body parts, in defiance of the true GOD of Heaven. Granted, there is already much witchcraft, Satanism, and plenty of evil spirits playing all over the world. But the fake refugee invasion is bringing in thousands more of these demons and spirits, which we see are already causing major problems. Now is the time when true believers need to unify more tightly, more strongly as the Body of Christ because knowledge of and putting into play strong spiritual warfare is now at critical mass.

As many already know, the Bible makes mention of a coming man of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3) known as AntiChrist. He is one particular man that Satan will enter into and use to take over the world. Satan, jealous of GOD, has always wanted to be worshiped as a god and thinks he can do a better job of running the world and overseeing mankind than GOD can. Right now, he is using everything he can to bring this to pass. Sadly, he is using the blinded Muslim world, mainly ISIS, to wreak havoc throughout the Earth in order to carry out his agenda. By creating chaos, as he is trying to do in America right now by causing racism and divisions everywhere, he is hoping to establish his New World Order, with himself as the one world ruler, and with Islam as the reigning one world religion. It’s the old Communist belief: “Order Out Of Chaos”. By stirring things up around here, he is hoping we will beg Obama and the United Nations to come in and help us. That way, Satan can then establish full control over us with his New World Order agenda and his cursed Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18), the RFID chip. By now, you may be familiar with Agenda 21, which details much of this.

The Pope is also part of all of this. He is a man of Satan, not of God. His own hat holds the number 666. Research it yourself, if you don’t believe me. And don’t think some of the world leaders aren’t in on this plan for a one Communist world either. Remember, many of them congregate annually at Bohemian Grove to make their plans…together. It is there they worship the false god, Molech. We are living in an occult world right now, run by evil men who worship money, control, and Satan himself. It is why Satan wants true believers in Jesus Christ out of the way of things. He knows that if we are united in prayer to our Lord and Savior, then we have all the power necessary to thwart their wicked plans. They know we worship the one true GOD and that all others are fake and under Satan himself. Jehovah is GOD, Jesus Christ His Son. There is no other.

And then, there is CERN.

CERN – The Demonic Portal

CERN is an acronym for the French “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire”, or the European Council for Nuclear Research. It built a Collider in the 1960s, with its main purpose being to open a doorway – a stargate. Apparently this doorway is to allow beings in from another dimension; to wit, demons. This is considered a conspiracy theory, but I’m believing this could be entirely true and quite possible, based on what I’ve learned about the coming alien invasion being planned in order to deceive the world, through HAARP and other means. Remember, the existence of Nephilim – fallen angels – is completely Biblical. It is believed that CERN – the LHC (Large Hadron Collider)(CERN-Collider Hadron Higgs) is the avenue through which these Nephilim – demons from hell – will reenter our world. It is the world’s largest particle accelerator and is located in Switzerland.

“CERN’s main area of research is particle physics – the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces acting between them. Because of this, the laboratory operated by CERN is often referred to as the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.” (

This portal is controlled by the elite Satanic cabal that runs most of this planet and is one of the main agendas for the New World Order. The elite believe they can open up a portal to the gates of hell and release demons into our world. Imagine what sort of havoc and destruction will occur on Earth when and if this actually happens. As if humans don’t have enough to contend with already, what with demon-possessed ISIS and other crazy people loose on our planet. We can already see how topsy-turvy everything is already. One thing I do know, and I’m saying this based on personal experience with certain unstable people, is that anyone under Satan’s evil influence is indeed crazy. The rich elite controlling our world now are completely insane. They believe that all good things are bad and that all bad things are good. You can’t get crazier than that.

Accept Jesus Now

It was feared that CERN would create another Big Bang and perhaps destroy the world. As I have mentioned previously, the Adversary clones or tries to duplicate everything that GOD does. Now, he is trying to prove to us and GOD Himself that he can even create an entirely new world. Unfortunate, for him. He is a complete loser. GOD is already victorious over Satan and his evil schemes and over his wicked followers, not to mention the demons from hell. GOD will only allow to happen what He wants to happen.

The Adversary knows that his time is short. When Jesus Christ returns to the Earth, He will cut the Adversary down by the power of His Word and cast Him forever into the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 20:10)  GOD is ALL POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, AND ALMIGHTY. HE IS GOD. HE IS THE CHAMPION, THE VICTOR over all that is evil.

GOD also knows those who are His. Wouldn’t you like to be on the winning side of things? Would you want to live forever under His Almighty Rule, where He rules in all righteousness and truth? Living under a GOD of Love and Justice?

You can.

Ask Jesus Christ into your heart, into your life, as your personal Lord and Savior, submitting to Him. Turn away from all of your sins – repent – and confess them. Then follow and obey Him. He loves you and wants a personal relationship with you. No matter who you are. No matter what you have done. He will forgive you of all of your sins and adopt you as His own. As a Father for a child. No sin is so great that He cannot forgive you, if you are truly repentant. Then, once saved, find a good Bible-preaching, salvation-preaching church that will support and love you, get a King James Version of the Holy Bible to read and study, and get baptized, completely immersed in water. You will also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit – the Ruach HaKodesh – who will guide you through your life from this point on and bless you with the spiritual gifts that God has for you.

Salvation is easy. God’s love is great.

Don’t wait until the enemy invasion. Accept Jesus now and trust Him to help you overcome the evil that is coming. Following Satan can only lead to death and permanent destruction. As a true believer in Jesus Christ, one of His children, even physical death can only lead to eternal and everlasting life in a beautiful new world, with a wonderful, powerful, and loving GOD.

Jehovah is His name. Jesus is His Son, King of kings and Lord of lords. There is no other.

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