Fantasy, Forest, Mystical, Fairytale, Mood, Mysterious


In order to share this important information, I want you to know that I am paraphrasing or quoting directly from William Carr’s “Pawns in the Game” which came out in 1958. I take no credit for any of it and mean no copyright infringment. Since this work is not easy to come by, I am posting the truth of what Carr’s book contains for ease of understanding. Once you read the truth of his work, you will hopefully see exactly what is happening today in our world, why, and how it all started. Things may not have played out exactly as planned, but I am sure you can see how much of the initial plan is falling into place. Just remember, however, that God has a plan of His own and that, in the end, Satan and all of his followers will fall and that they will face eternal damnation for what they have done and continue to do. All evil will be wiped from the Earth…permanently. Satan has already lost.

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“As most of us know, there are evil forces at work which are adversely affecting our lives and the lives of our children. Ultimately, it is all about which group of atheistic-materialistic men will win control of all of the world’s wealth, natural resources, and global man power. Those with totalitarian ambitions have joined together to defeat Christian democracy. This includes International Communists and the International Capitalists. Everything happening is at Satan’s direction. Unfortunately, International Conspirators are happy to comply.” (Paraphrased, from Pawns in the Game publisher, 1958)

The Luciferian Conspiracy

As I have mentioned before, Satan challenged The Right of God to exercise supreme authority…and lost. He and one-third of the angels who chose to stand with him against God were cast out of Heaven to the Earth. The Luciferian conspiracy was then transferred to this world in the garden of Eden.

“Very few people seem able to appreciate that Lucifer is the brightest and most intelligent of the heavenly host and, because he is a pure spirit, he is indestructible. The scriptures tell us his power is such that he caused one-third of the most intelligent of the heavenly host to defect from God, and join him, because he claimed God’s Plan for the rule of the universe is weak and impractical because it is based on the premise that lesser beings can be taught to know, love, and wish to serve him voluntarily out of respect for his own infinite perfections. The Luciferian ideology states might is right. It claims beings of proven superior intelligence have the right to rule those less gifted because the masses don’t know what is best for them. The Luciferian ideology is what we call totalitarianism to-day.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

The Synagogue of Satan

“The Old Testament is simply the history of how Satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents [Adam and Eve] to defect from God. It relates how the Synagogue of Satan was established on this Earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God’s Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this Earth. Christ came to Earth when the conspiracy reached the stage that, to use His own words, Satan controlled all those in high places. He exposed the Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9; 3:9), He denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the Devil (2 Cor. 11:14). He was specific in his statement that those who comprised the Synagogue of Satan were those who called themselves Jews, but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the Money-Changers (Bankers), the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the Illuminati of his day. What so many people seem to forget is the fact that Christ came on Earth to release us from the bonds of Satan with which we were being bound tighter and tighter as the years rolled by. Christ gave us the solution to our problem when He told us we must go forth and teach the truth, regarding this conspiracy (John 8:31-59), to all people of all nations. He promised that if we did this, knowledge of the truth would set us free (Matt. 28:19). The Luciferian Conspiracy has developed until it is in its semi-final stage (Matt. 24:15-34), simply because we have failed to put the mandate Christ gave us into effect.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

“In 1784 ‘An Act of God’ placed the Bavarian government in possession of evidence which proved the existence of the continuing Luciferian Conspiracy. Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law, defected from Christianity and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University. In 1770, the money lenders (who had recently organized the House of Rothschild), retained him to revise and modernize the age-old ‘protocols’ designed to give the Synagogue of Satan ultimate world domination so they can impose the Luciferian ideology upon what remains the Human Race, after the final social cataclysm, by use of Satanic despotism. Weishaupt completed his task May 1st, 1776.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

“The plan required the destruction of ALL existing governments and religions. This objective was to be reached by dividing the masses, whom he termed Goyim (meaning, human cattle) into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, racial, social, economic and other issues. The opposing sides were then to be armed and an ‘incident’ provide which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves as they destroyed National Governments and Religious Institutions.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

“In 1776, Weishaupt organized the Illuminati to put the plot into execution. The word Illuminati is derived from Lucifer, and means ‘holders of the light’. Using the lie that his objective was to bring about a one world government to enable men with proven mental ability to govern the word, he recruited about two thousand followers. These included the most intelligent men in the field of Arts and Letters: Education, the sciences, finance and industry. He then established Lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

“Weishaupt’s revised plan required his Illuminati to do the following things to help them accomplish their purpose. (1) Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of people already occupying positions in high places in the various levels of ALL governments and other fields of human endeavor. Once an influential person had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail and threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm and even death to themselves and their loved ones. (2) Illuminati on the faculties of colleges and universities were to recommend students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well bred families with international leanings for special training in internationalism.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

“This training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected. They were to be educated (indoctrinated) into acceptng the ‘idea’ that only a One World Government can put an end to recurring wars and tribulations. They were to be at first persuaded and then convinced that men of special ability and brains had the RIGHT to rule those less gifted, because the Goyim (masses of people) don’t know what is best for them physically, mentally and spiritually. To-day three such special schools are located in Gordonstoun in Scotland; Salem in Germany; and Anavryta in Greece. Prince Phillip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth of England, was educated at Gordonstoun at the instigation of Lord Louis Mountbatten, his Uncle, who became Britain’s Admiral of the Fleet after World War Two ended.  (3)  Influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, and students who had been specially educated and trained were to be used as agentur and placed behind the scenes of ALL governments as “Experts” and “Specialists” so they could advise the top executives to adopt policies which would, in the long run, serve the secret plans of the One Worlders and bring about the ultimate destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve. (4) The Illuminati were to obtain control of the Press and all other agencies which distribute information to the public. News and information was to be slanted so that the Goyim would come to believe that a One World Government is the ONLY solution to our many and varied problems.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

“Because Britain and France were the two greatests powers at the end of the 18th Century, Weishaupt ordered the Illuminati to foment the Colonial Wars to weaken the British Empire and organize the Great Revolution to weaken the French Empire. The latter he scheduled should start in 1789.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

“A German author named Zwack put Weishaupt’s revised version of the age-old conspiracy into book form and named it “Einige Original-Scripten.” In 1784, a copy of this document was sent to the Illuminists Weishaupt had delegated to foment the French revolution. The courier was struck dead by lightning as he rode through Ratisbon on his way from Frankfurt to Paris. The police found the subversive documents on his body and turned them over to the proper government authorities.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

“After careful study of the plot, the Bavarian Government ordered the police to raid Weishaupt’s newly organized lodges of the Grand Orient and the homes of some of his most influential associates, including the castle of Baron Bassus-in-Sandersdorf. Additional evidence thus obtained convinced the authorities the documents were a genuine copy of a conspiracy by which the Syagogue of Satan, who controlled the Illuminati AT THE TOP, planned to use wars and revolutions to bring about the establishment of one kind or another of a One World Government, the powers of which they intended to usurp as soon as it was established.”(From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

In 1785, the Bavarian Government outlawed the Illuminati and closed the lodges of the Grand Orient. In 1786, they published the details of the conspiracy. The English title is “The Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati”. Copies of the conspiracy were sent to the heads of church and state. The power of the Illuminati was so great that this warning was ignored, as were the warnings Christ had given the world.” (From Pawns in the Game (Third Edition, December 1958) by William Guy Carr)

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

(Ephesians 6:12 KJV)

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( Photo Credit:  Stefan Keller from

For more information:

Carr, William Guy, Pawns in the Game, (Third Edition), Publications Committee, Federation of Christian Laymen, Ontario, Canada, 1958.

Carr. William Guy, The Red Fog Over America

Stopthecrime, net

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