After moving to Kansas, this transplant had to store a few things, such as a refrigerator and a dryer. Recently, both items were made homeless since the person who had rented the unit passed away unexpectedly.

So now the appliances are sitting on the back step, awaiting a new home.

As this transplant began cleaning the refrigerator that had already traveled more than 1,300 miles, she noticed the nicks and bumps it had suffered along the way. Since the move to Kansas had been of some urgency, there hadn’t been time to give the refrigerator a good cleaning.

As the cleaning commenced, it was observed how easily the dirt came out of the inside of it and off the top, despite having sat around in storage for almost three years.

Which brings to mind the state of new Christians.

Prior to conversion, the hearts of new believers are full of clutter and other things the Lord would have them be rid of.

Once someone accepts Jesus Christ into his heart, the transformation begins. Slowly and consistently, so long as the believer is seeking God and His will for his life, the clutter and dirt from his past will be removed, to be replaced by those things of the Spirit that God wants him to have. The believer is transformed into a new creation, as the old man is put away from him.

Where there is hatred and unforgiveness, there will be love and the desire to forgive. Where there is confusion, there is clarity. Where there is weakness, there is strength.

The Lord promises His people transformation by the renewing of their minds. This, too, takes time. As we absorb God’s Word and walk with Him, we will change into the person God wants us to be, so long as we remain focused on Him. And not turn to the right or the left. The closer our walk with God, the more the enemy cannot come into steal and destroy that which the Spirit of God has put in us.

So if you find yourself weak in an area, seek God and His will for you. Ask God for His help to overcome whatever is still negative or troubling within you.

As we would do with a dirty refrigerator, God will remove all the dirt inside you, making you clean…

fit for His habitation.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10 KJV)

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