There are many who believe that just because they attend church, are active in church, or because they consider themselves good people, that they will go to Heaven when they die. Not true!
Only those who are faithful and obedient to God, who read and study His Word, who apply His Truths to their lives, who believe Jesus Christ (Yeshua) died on the cross for their sins and who believe that He now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven will go to Heaven when they pass from this life. A person must be a committed believer, one who has publicly confessed his/her belief, before men, in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Only these true believers will gain entrance to Heaven.
If you do not believe that Jesus Christ died for you, if you have not confessed your belief to at least one other person, but go to church, help others, or are active in church, or who live as the world lives, drinking, gambling, whoring, etc, then you can be certain you will go to Hell when you die, not Heaven.
Your heart must be right with God. You must be obedient to what He commands us to do. If you have no love in your heart for others, even if you know Scripture inside and out, if you are walking in disobedience and rebellion toward God, then you are what is considered a Pharisee. Pretending to be a believer in Christ, yet not walking the walk with Jesus Christ does not cut it. Doing evil against others is definitely not the way to gain entrance to Heaven.
You must accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior and have a personal relationship with Him. Scripture says that “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:14-26) A true believer will love others, help others, and walk in direct obedience to God, because he/she truly loves God and others. A true believer will trust God and be faithful to Him, come what may.
And please understand that no one is perfect. Believers makes mistakes. The only difference is that we are forgiven of our sins. We must repent and turn away from our sins once we confess them before God. And mean it.
If you are helping others just to make yourself look good in the eyes of others, if you do everything for show and for no other reason, then you are wasting your time. Pretending to be a Christian and not walking in obedience with God will surely gain you eternity in everlasting hellfire.
Seek Him now before it is too late. The time is short. And death is final.
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