Wuhan was one of the test cities chosen for China 5G rollout; 5G went live there on October 31st, 2019, almost exactly 2 months before the coronavirus outbreak began. Meanwhile, many scientific documents on the health effects of 5G have verified that it causes flu-like symptoms.”


It has long been known that China wants to dominate the world with Communism, its atheistic ideology. With this Covid-19 outbreak, it appears it is well on its way to destroying the U. S. economy and trying to make it into a third world country. As I’ve said before, once America is brought down, then the rest of the world will follow. The plan for a One World Communist Government with a One World Ruler (AntiChrist – Satan’s right hand man) has not gone away. The problem is is that people are just not dying off fast enough to suit the evil powers that be. It is all about Satan wanting to be worshiped by the entire world. But those who know and refuse to worship him have to be removed first. Mainly, Christians and Messianic Jews. Anyone else who gets in the way will only be considered collateral damage. Satan’s overall plan is to remove every trace of God from the universe.

If one’s eyes are open, then it is clear to see that the Covid-19 outbreak is a ruse meant to help the New World Order (NWO) depopulate our world. We have, in fact, been sold out to China for awhile now. (Are you familiar with Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030? It’s interesting how certain people are now making Agenda 21 out to be nothing more than a myth. Uh huh.)

I get a lot of flack from those who believe nothing about the agenda to kill off 90% of the world population. The plan is all engraved on the Georgia Guidestones. Since we are apparently not dying off fast enough, then Covid-19 appears to be the perfect way to destabilize everything, destroy the U. S. economy, and wipe out entire populations as quickly as possible. It has always been known that the New World Order (NWO) wants to destroy America, destroy our economy, and wipe out many Americans, although I imagine that many of the wealthy are not included in this. I won’t mention names.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

At any rate, please consider the truth of what I am about to share. You can make up your own mind on what is happening to our world. I am just putting it out there. One thing you have to remember is that Satan rules our world and that his evil minions are intent on hurrying things along, to bring about the rise of the AntiChrist, mentioned in the Holy Bible. Satan knows his time is short, so he is upping the ante to get his plans completed. Seems that the coronavirus is a good way to make it happen. But always keep one thing in mind. God is still on the throne and is allowing everything to happen until such time as Jesus Christ returns to set things right. All of this is Biblical. And if you have not yet received Jesus as Lord of your life, I suggest you do not wait. He is our only Hope because if you think things are bad now, just you wait and see what is to come. Read the Book of Revelation if you want to be brought up to speed.

Also, it has been mentioned that, if Joe Biden is the Democratic choice for the upcoming Presidential election, then his running mate may very well be Michele Obama, which is probably why her husband recently endorsed Biden for President. Therefore, if Biden, who appears quite mentally unable to fulfill the responsibilities of the Presidential office and steps down, assuming he wins out over President Trump, then Michele Obama will be in charge of the United States. Once she carries out what is left of Biden’s appointment, then she will be given the following four years to continue the destruction intended for the U. S. when her husband was President. No doubt, she will make her husband Vice President. If this happens, then know that, to put it bluntly, our worst fears will befall us. Our lives will change forever. For the sake of our children and their descendants, I suggest that none of us vote Democrat in the 2020 Presidential Election. If you have any sense, you will soon see how all of this is intended to bring about the rise of Satan to the forefront: AntiChrist.

Mind you, these are just my thoughts on these matters. It is up to you to decide the truth for yourself. Ask God to open your eyes to the Truth of all things. To worship AntiChrist leads to death – eternal destruction. Choosing Jesus Christ leads to eternal life.

Just Another False Flag?

Is the coronavirus situation just another false flag to keep our eye off of what is really going on?

From what I have heard, it is believed that this virus situation is meant to distract us from what is really going on behind the scenes. It has been reported that while fear is propagating throughout the world, that 5G is being installed at night in our schools and everywhere else. It is recommended that people do not send their children back to school, or they may die from 5G. They will probably blame it on Covid-19. Most likely, if and since the coronavirus may really be a hoax, that it will be the 5G that may kill them. Hasn’t it already been reported, in March of 2019, that when 5G went live in a California school, that many of the children came down with cancer due to the radiation, so the parents filed a major complaint over it? The 5G towers transmit dangerous wireless frequencies. Needless to say, I don’t believe that the 5G bill that Trump signed recently has anything at all to do with protecting us from foreign governments, but has more to do with depopulation of our nation. I can only assume that Trump knows what will happen once 5G goes live.

It is said that our hospitals and tents set up outside them are actually empty. A few people I’ve been told sneaked in to see and found barely anyone around. Sure, some people claim to have the coronavirus, but the powers that be had to have some people be sick in order to pull all of this deception off. They also need to make it appear as if a remedy or cure is being sought. That malaria drug appears to help, as does high doses of vitamin C. The virus is real, I’ve been told, but even doctors don’t seem to have their facts straight on things. It was said that a Chinese woman attending college in the U. S. developed the coronavirus in the Wuhan lab, that it was not what the Chinese government is telling everyone. But I am still looking for confirmation on this.

Are Ventilators Causing Deaths?

It is said that if you feel sick in any way, do not go to a hospital. They will inject you and hook you up to their machines. If you get put on a ventilator, you may be dead in just a few hours. Has to do with sucking the oxygen out of you. This is what will cause the respiratory problems. I’m not sure about the pneumonia. From what I’ve heard, many people develop pneumonia after going in for believing they have the baloney – oops, I mean, the coronavirus. Haven’t you heard of the many scam testing sites out there? You may be misdiagnosed with this virus, just as people are routinely misdiagnosed as being crazy so they can put people into a psych ward somewhere. Actually, the globalists – Satan’s buddies – are actually insane and need to be locked away themselves. But, as you know, Satan is all about deception. He is a liar, a thief, a destroyer. He is so filled with hatred for us, God’s creations, that he will do anything to wipe us from the Earth and drag as many of us to Hell with him as he can. Neither he nor his cronies care anything for us. Please keep that in mind.

This is why it is so important for people to get saved, for now is the appointed time. You can no longer wait to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior if you want to go to Heaven when you die. Taking the Mark of the Beast, most likely the microchip which will join people with the Satanic New World Order, only leads to your personal destruction. Forever in Hell.

I am not promising you an easy future, even if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ. But if you hold fast to Him and His Truth once you get saved, then you will win the crown leading to eternity in Heaven. Who on Earth would ever want to live on this Earth once Satan has full control over it? Already we can see what he, his hierarchy of demons, and their followers are doing to our world. It is being completely corrupted and perverse in all ways: pedophilia, sex trading, men will become lovers of themselves, haters of all that is good, while criminals are allowed to roam free and do evil, knowing they cannot be arrested, Socialist/Communist agendas prevalent everywhere, and the list goes on. It will be a technological age like no other. In the end, it will be technology that one will worship. The AntiChrist System of things. Artificial intelligence is actually detrimental to our future, when men, who Satan’s followers – no doubt, reptilians – have labeled as useless eaters, are actually and completely under the control of Satan. What an evil world that will be.

What About Morgellons Disease?

I find it interesting that millions of people are suffering from Morgellons Disease, believed to be contagious and has currently been renamed to something ridiculous, and yet no one has said anything about that. This has been mainly caused by chemtrails which are still prevalent in our skies. Why has nothing been done to stop those fibers, chemicals, and who knows what else from being sprayed all over our world? They are killing off vegetation, insects, birds, animals, and even people over time.

When the powers that be talk about coming up with a mandatory vaccine, you can probably bet it is already ready and waiting for us. But, you see, the game has to be played out first. The Center For Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) are not to be trusted. They are all liars. Don’t believe a word coming out of their reports. These are Luciferian organizations. They could care less if we are all healthy. For them, it is all about money anyways. Corruption.

It was reported awhile ago, that one or more of these evil organizations were going to discuss in a meeting, around February or March of 2020, about getting a Morgellons vaccine to give everyone. They were going to make that mandatory, too. Why? To give everyone this horrendous disease, so they can put microchips in our bodies so we can be easily tracked and controlled? But apparently, they decided not to. Now we have to await the coming mandatory coronavirus vaccine instead. I don’t care how mandatory it is, do not take it. It is not meant to help you in any way. Satan and his followers want us to suffer and die. That is his agenda. Satan’s people carry out his agendas faithfully because they have all been deceived into believing that Satan is actually god. Seriously.

Microchips in the vaccination are folded up so they can be inserted into our bodies. Then the chips will open up once inside. It is all about controlling people.

Since Morgellons is still a man-created disease that the powers that be still want kept under wraps, then when the coronavirus was unleashed on us by China, then it was apparently the answer to what was being planned for us from the beginning. Sadly, it appears to be working quite well. They are trying to convince all of us the need for a mandatory vaccine meant to cure coronavirus. But it won’t, no doubt because the virus is all baloney in various ways, and is giving the powers that be an excuse to trick us into being vaccinated with the microchip. It is also all about bringing down President Trump so Satan can put his followers into office instead.

And not to leave out targeted individuals – nothing has been done to help them either. Millions are being spied on, tortured, injected with poisonous chemicals, given Morgellons Disease, implanted with evil devices, etc., and there is no one to help them. Or should I say, us. For I have been targeted for a long time, but I won’t tell you what the lowlife perps here in Kansas have been doing to me for the past twelve years. The powers that be are behind this evil as well. Reptilian demons control our world, folks, and they want everyone controlled or dead. Make no mistake. In this regard, Jesus Christ is our only Hope.

One more thing, that mandate where we have to stand six feet apart from everyone else so others won’t catch the baloney virus, that is ridiculous. It may only be meant to keep us separated so it will be easier for direct energy weapons to target us and take us out. Just my opinion, but if you’ll recall those wildfires the wicked perpetrated in California a year or so ago, when so many people were targeted and taken out on the highways through their direct energy weapons, the same is meant for us the same way. So keep that in mind. Again, this is all about global depopulation. They have only restricted us to stay inside our homes because they need to keep witnesses from seeing what is being done behind the scenes. Notice any 5G towers going up anywhere? Any evidence of activity going on at night at our schools? It is because they are busy installing the 5G cables and such. If 5G is so harmless, then why is it being covertly installed during night time hours so we won’t witness this?

What Can We Do?

Now, I am always open to being wrong about many of the things I’m sharing. But I am only putting out there what I have heard, read, or seen happening. I believe the truth of these things or I wouldn’t waste my time sharing them with you. There is so much information out there on the coronavirus, it makes it difficult to know the truth about what is happening in our corrupt world. Just know that I love all of you and would not deliberately mislead you or lie to you.

Just so you know, the powers that be have been trying to silence me for awhile, but God has assured me that I am under His control, not that of the Enemy, no matter what they have doing to me. Because greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. ( 1 John 4:4) No one can thwart God’s plan for this ministry.

Yes, you can buy guns to protect yourself, for obvious reasons. You can stock up on essentials. But if you want God’s protection, then now is the time to allow Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior. Isaiah 54:17 says that “…no weapon formed against us will prosper.” So, if you want divine protection and the peace that comes from a personal relationship with God Himself, then becoming a true believer in Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved. AntiChrist will rise to power, make you worship him, all the while pretending that he is the world’s savior, when it is all a lie.

Jesus Christ is our only Hope, and God has told me that this IS the last call for salvation, no doubt because we are soon moving into the darker tribulation of the end times. Why wait to accept Jesus into your life and heart? Submit to Him completely, and He will see you through the worst of what is yet to come. Why? Because God loves and cares about you more than anything.

Feel free to contact us at gideonsmessenger777@yahoo.com if you need help or information.

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The Truth About 5G And The Coronavirus:


Chinese women dragged from car and injected with something:

5G Being Installed During Coronavirus Outbreak:

Empty Hospitals:

For more information:























