When Satan lost the war with our Creator and His angels, he and one-third of his followers were cast to the earth, as punishment for trying to dethrone God. Since then, he and those now fallen angels (all are created beings, including Satan) rule the Earth. (Revelations 12:9)
Satan is called the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2 ) which explains much of the UFO activity taking place, although the powers that be would rather you believed that UFOs are all extraterrestrial beings from outer space. You may recall my mentioning before about the fake alien invasion that has been planned. Supposedly, it will be AntiChrist (Satan’s son, if you will) who will rescue us and be our (fake) savior. It is one way he may try and get the world to worship him, as he has long desired. He has to trick us to do this because most know that no one in their right mind would worship Satan instead of the true God of all creation. This explains all the crazies now controlling the world. Many of them have been deceived into believing that Satan is actually God, which is not true at all. Also, many of those people are already microchipped, under the Enemy’s control, or may actually be possessed.
The Sumerian Myth
Most people have heard of the Sumerians, a culture that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere and became a thriving and prosperous civilization. The Sumerians left some clay tablets behind that shared this information. When they were found and studied, scholars and archaeologists came to believe what was revealed on the tablets. The supposed truth of all of this has always been used as a convincing tool to make people believe that Sumerians were powerful creatures. Humans back then came to believe that these god-like reptilian creatures were actually gods. They worshiped them and were enslaved by them. Since then, people have believed that human beings came from reptilians. It is also believed by some that Adam and Eve did, too, and helps support their theory that the Holy Bible is nothing more than a fantasy story.
If you read the Book of Enoch, you can see that when Satan, our Adversary, and the fallen angels came to Earth, they brought their knowledge and technologies with them. They taught human beings what they knew, which is pretty much what the Sumerians did. Therefore, the truth may actually be that Satan and his evil sidekicks deceived human beings, lying to them about many things regarding our roots and creation.
To put it bluntly, I believe that the Sumerians, who clearly were reptilian in appearance, based on tablets they left behind, are actually demons, the fallen angels. If you have viewed any of the many YouTube videos out there, you will learn that some who say they have experienced Hell came into contact with reptilian creatures who they believed were actually demons.
If you’ll recall, when Satan tried destroying the U. S. through the Obama Administration, it was mentioned then on some T. V. programs that we have reptilian brains, which is a lie. I have a bachelors in science degree, have taken courses in anatomy and physiology, biology, microbiology, etc., and not once did I ever learn about humans having reptilian brains. That deceived group of people tried to make us believe that. It is all part of Satan’s plan. I sought God on the matter, wanting to know His Truth on this. God says He is a Spirit, and we are all human beings, made in His image, as the Bible says. We are not and never have been reptilians. Reptilians are of Satan, and they do exist, believe it or not.
Also, I know people that believe we came from aliens from outer space, the Anunnaki. But it is all a lie. All part of Satan’s plan to completely control the world. The Anunnaki are demons. Do not believe those television programs such as “Ancient Aliens”. Most of such programs are deliberately contrived to teach us lies so we will be more accepting of AntiChrist when he comes to power. The Holy Bible says that this will happen. By all accounts, it will be sometime soon. This evil being is already here and just waiting for the chance to commit the abomination of desolation, when he sits on the throne to deceive the world into having the world worship him as the one true God, which he is not and never will be. (Matthew 24:15)
Wake Up, People!
There is no question that we are now in the last days. It is said that the end times began when the U. S. S. R. divided. Since then, the speed of the Earth has increased. Have you noticed how quickly our days pass now? The Holy Bible says that our days will be shortened for the sake of the elect, His people, (Matthew 24:22) because of all of the evil happenings in our world. It is one way God is helping protect His people from these things so we don’t have to suffer overlong.
Sadly, many people are still asleep, thinking that things will change and get better for us. Too many believe that governments will never do evil against their own people. Not true. It is already happening. Remember, if you will, that Satan has a plan, and so does the New World Order supporters, the globalist elites, and others who already worship Satan (Baphomet); Agenda 21, mainly, and Agenda 2030. They want 90 percent of us wiped from the Earth. Are you familiar with the Georgia guide stones? They clearly state the plan for depopulation of the Earth. Although the plan is carved in stone, that does not really mean things will happen as some people hope. Only God truly knows our future.
One thing the Enemy does is share in plain sight what he is planning against humanity. Currently, he is deceiving people, especially our young people through indoctrination at our schools or colleges, leading them to believe that Socialism/Communism is the way to go. What they don’t know is that once that happens, that millions will die. Most through starvation. Also, whenever Socialist or Communist rulers come to power, one of the first things they do is kill off many of the people that got them there and supported their efforts. These rulers want no one to threaten their power or control.
Wake up, people! Research what happens if these evil ideologies come into play. Don’t believe what supporters of these evil regimes are trying to convince you of. There is no sharing of the wealth. It is all a lie. It is what Satan is using in order to suck people in to voting for and accepting Socialism/Communism. History has proven that these ideologies never work anyways. But the Enemy knows that these are what is needed to bring about his own evil agenda, which he formulated eons ago. Now he is chomping at the bit to fulfill his plan because he knows his time is short, that Jesus Christ will soon return to take control and bring His Kingdom of Righteousness with Him. (Revelation 19:11-16) Oddly enough, Satan knows he is going to lose, yet still he tries because he wants to bring as many human beings with him into Hell and damnation. This is all because he hates God and God’s human creations. Because we are made in the image of God…and not reptilians, as he wants us to believe.
Socialism/Communism are intent on removing all trace of God our Creator from the world. By using atheism, Satan will then have full control over every aspect of your life. The wealth will be retained by the already wealthy people. The middle class will be completely wiped out. Then those left of the world population, assuming that the 90 percent are actually wiped out, will be more poor than ever before, used as work horses to do all the menial jobs the rich despise. They will be completely controlled by the wealthy, forced into servitude, enslaved to them as the Sumerians enslaved the human population. What’s worse, the ten percent will be forced to live in ugly structures, tiny apartments, living on top of one another while the rich enjoy their luxurious mansions and all the food they want. The ten percent are expendable. Don’t believe me? Check out the ugly apartment buildings they have in Russia which house many family members, rather uncomfortably, I might add. Or the ones they are building in the U. S. I once knew a woman in Maryland who hated having to see these ugly structures going up in her area. It is already happening, folks.
For the record, I once knew a man in Russia. He was a professor of sociology, an angry man who despises Putin. The man shared that his teenage daughter and his mother were both dying, and they were all starving. So do not believe all the lies that are being rammed down your throats at school. There is no sharing of the wealth. By voting in Socialism/Communism, you are signing your own death warrant. Only the rich Satan worshipers want these horrible ideologies voted in. It is for their benefit, not ours. Those in China hate Communism, except for their corrupt, atheistic government leaders who love controlling other people’s lives.
Only in America is where freedom rings. And Satan is intent on taking all of our freedoms away from us. Only in Jesus Christ is where true freedom lies. Even if one is enslaved, with Jesus in your heart, you will always be free, no matter what the powers that be try and do or say to you. (2 Corinthians 3:17)
Those belonging to the Enemy are also intent on microchipping every one of us, so they can control every aspect of our bodies and our lives. It is already happening, if you don’t believe me. Sweden has been forced into taking the microchip, as have several people working in the U. S. It is believed that this chip may be the Mark of the Beast. If you believe this, too, then I strongly advise you not to get this thing put in you, although it may cost you. And stay away from vaccinations. Those are a trick to get us to have a microchip implanted in us against our will or knowledge. It may not have been that way years ago, but today, it is. I think that most people know this already.
Scriptures say that the Mark will be put in your right hand or your forehead, so beware. (Revelation 13:16) If a person takes the Mark willingly, then that person is destined for eternity in Hell. (Revelation 14:9-11) The Bible is clear on this. By taking the Mark, you will become a part of the AntiChrist system, and you will be damned forever. So again, please beware. Yes, taking the Mark will guarantee you food and other needs, but this life is fleeting. You need to decide is you want life everlasting with Jesus Christ or eternity in Hell with Satan and his followers when the time comes for you to die. The choice is yours.
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Ancient Legends of the Reptilian Alien Gods: Ancient Sumer
Azazel: The Angel Who Corrupted Man
The following is available free to watch on Tubi. A bit corny, as some Christian movies are, but I actually watched this twice. Has great effects and a decent story overall. Worth watching, if you are interested. It is fiction and makes reference to the Anunnaki.
The Watchers: Revelation (Trailer)
(Picture credit: Evren Ozdemir at Pixabay.com)
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