The Earth is given into the hand of the wicked:” (Job 9:24 KJV)

Lies, Lies, Lies

I mentioned before that there is a flat earth conspiracy and that the powers that be, for centuries, have been deceiving us about many things. We have been taught that the world is round, based on one man’s theory (Copernicus), that it was theorized that the universe was created by a big bang instead of God, and that aliens do not exist. It has been said that gravity is a hoax. It has also been said that planets do not exist, nor does outer space and that space travel is completely impossible. It has also been shared that the moon landing was a hoax, and that, as Scripture shares, that our world is covered by a dome and is set on firm foundations. (Psalm 104:5; Amos 9:6)

It is hard to know what to truly believe, isn’t it? Things have been so deeply ingrained in us that it is hard to change our minds about things. Only those directly involved with the ‘aliens’ know the truth about our world. However, according to the Book of Enoch, planets do not exist, nor is the Earth an actual planet. According to Enoch, all are wandering stars. Collectively, these and the sun and the moon are referred to as luminaries. All of this confirms then of what is shared in Giannini’s World Beyond The Poles book.  So, since the U. S. Navy has used this book to teach their recruits, then clearly the U. S. Government believes there are no planets, too. NASA, then, has also been lying to us for years, doctoring up photographs of outer space and falsifying other information to keep us believing the lies. If this is true, then you have to give NASA credit for their creativity over the years.

The Holy Bible talks about other worlds, yet it does not share what those worlds are. (Hebrews 1:2; 3:11) So if there are alien beings, then this could be where they came from. The Bible does mention the existence of other ‘creatures’, as in the Book of Revelations, but these are heavenly beings. (Revelations 4:8)

This being said, it is said that supposedly there are good aliens (the Nordics) and bad aliens (the Greys). If aliens are real, then this would make sense. But if they are fallen angels, then there can only be evil entities. The Book of Enoch and the Holy Bible refer to angels as ‘stars’, as I mentioned earlier. In that case then, this would mean that the supposedly good aliens, the Nordics, are actually evil, especially since they can’t seem to make up their mind where they originate from. In the end, they have decided they are from the Pleiades, a seven star system symbolic of Baalam of Lucifer. ( In an effort to deceive us, they pretend to help us and be on our side. Remember, the fallen ones can appear as anything they want to be, and Satan often comes as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) Since there is a demonic hierarchy of angels, then perhaps the Nordics are of a higher level than the greys, only they are just as evil. I suppose they lie to get us to trust them more.

Let me put this out there. If God is a God of love, which He is, then why would he ever create worlds harboring evil beings and allow them to come to Earth, deceive us, then torture us in ways far worse than what the Nazis did? ‘Aliens’ are clearly the ‘fallen ones’, Satanic and deceptive in all their ways.

How We Are Deceived

Lies seem to be the norm these days. We all know the media lies to us. We are also deceived through Hollywood movies, books, or media hype. We have been and continue to be brainwashed by the powers that be. This way, we will more easily believe the coming alien deception, especially through Project Bluebeam, which uses holographic technology. There are many videos on  which share how people are being deceived into believing what is suddenly appearing in the skies over us. The deceptions are going to be so magnificent that the Bible says that even the elect may be fooled by them. (Matthew 24:24)

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it WERE possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24 KJV)

While growing up, I often believed that aliens were not who everyone believed them to be. Every report I had ever heard was of an evil, terrifying experience by many who were abducted or who saw a UFO. The Nordics pretend to be ‘nice’, but that is just another deception to probably try and convince people like me that they are on our side. It is all hogwash. Remember, Satan is a liar and the father of it. (John 8:44) The Nordics are known to resemble the Aryans, those Hitler used in the Holocaust, if that tells you anything.

Many keep hoping for full disclosure that aliens exist as many believe them to be, as we have been taught to believe. Even if the powers that be finally disclose everything, it will still probably be a bunch of lies anyways.

Actually, aliens do not exist, for they are not who we have been led to believe. As I said, aliens are the fallen ones, angels who fought against God eons ago. They are evil. They are demons, evil spirits. Also, recall that the global elite, the New World Order, who are under the influence of the Adversary, are planning a great alien deception. By trying to convince us of the existence of aliens, it will be easy for them to bring in the son of perdition when the time comes. A man completely under the control of Satan. AntiChrist. Remember, the New World Order is wanting a one world government, a one world religion, with a one world ruler. There is no doubting that that is the elite globalist agenda, as most of us know. When AntiChrist comes to power, he will ‘save us’ from the dreaded aliens and proclaim ‘peace’ throughout the world.  As an aside, exactly who does this remind you of?

Unfortunately, the new order that they want will be dark and demonic, completely under Satan’s control. The ignorant and all unbelievers who take the Mark of the Beast – what is believed to be the RFID chip or something similar – will also be controlled by these evil ones when the time comes. Sadly, those people will be forever damned because of their bad decision.

The ultimate plan has all been formulated by Satan, yet it is the Synagogue of Satan, the fake Jews of Israel – Zionists – and the Jesuits who are behind much of what is happening in our world. The Illuminati, the 13 ruling families, and the Freemasons, who plan to dominate and bring about the New World Order are those orchestrating end time events. (God Who has an ultimate plan is allowing all of this.)  Their intent is to bring AntiChrist, enemy of God and man, into power to rule as a one world dictator, the man Satan will enter into and possess completely. Remember, Satan covets worship above all. That is what he wants everyone to do is worship him instead of God, and he plans to ‘deal’ with anyone who is against him or exposes the truth. Once he is in power over the world, then he will impose his Luciferian ideology on the human race. As you can tell by watching current movies and television, much of this has already begun in an effort to brainwash people and get them to accept this evil way of life, with no social morality any longer. What amazes me is that Satan hates everyone, even those who worship him.

The Antarctic Cover-up

Based on what we have been taught, Antarctica is a continent of frozen tundra and penguins, with temperatures so severe that no one would ever want to go there. Except for the overly curious or crazy.

As many of us believe, Hitler never died in Germany at the end of World War II. It is said that he actually escaped to Argentina to comfortably live out the remainder of his life. Other reports are that he supposedly escaped underground, to the inner earth where it is said lies a secret civilization called Agharta, which is in the hollow earth. There are entrances at both the North and South poles which are heavily guarded by the military. Apparently, at some point in time, it is there Hitler supposedly came in contact with the Fallen Angels, those disguised as either Nordics or greys. Naturally these entities probably did not share their true identity with Hitler.

Apparently, the Fallen Angels somehow convinced Hitler to help them take over the world. One can only imagine what lies were spoken and what Hitler was tempted with so that he would agree to their wishes. Since the Fallen Ones fall into various categories, namely white-haired, blue-eyed Nordics or reptilian greys, it was easy to convince the Nazis that they were outworlders, that Lucifer is God, and that they needed Hitler to help wipe out the Hebrew DNA from the earth and destroy it to make it more habitable for these ‘aliens’ to live on, after either wiping out or chip-controlling human beings. It also explains Hitler’s fascination with the occult, particularly if he was possessed by one of these evil beings. No doubt, this is what happened to him, based on what has been observed in old videos of him.

Chemtrails are being used to change the atmosphere and kill off living creatures and vegetation to make our world more suitable for these Fallen Ones. Hence, global warming, although many know or believe this to be a myth, another deception to help bring in Communism so the ‘aliens’ can control the world and every human being on it. The elite believe they can survive nuclear attacks and the like by hiding underground in their luxurious cities. After the devastation, they believe the Earth will renew itself, so that when they return above ground, they will be able to start all over and make everything as they want it to be, with no God fearers in the way. But this will never happen, based on what the Bible says. God laughs at these people.

As in a previous article I wrote, The Nightmare Of Reality, you will note that the evil reptilian creatures/demons live on human flesh, which is why many people, especially children, are disappearing from various parts of the world, especially from our national parks (i. e. Yosemite, et al). The Vril – reptilians (Jesus referred to them as vipers) – enjoy eating people or enslaving them below ground. The ‘aliens’ also torture people in ways far worse than the Nazis ever did. Since Satan and his followers were cast to the earth, they have nothing else to do but carry out their evil fantasies and agendas. They work evil against God’s creation, to get back at God for what He did to them.

(Consider this: the greys are said to be androgynous which may explain the sudden push for transexualism in our society.)

Rather than share this frightening truth with the rest of the world, Hitler followed the direction of the Fallen Ones. He set up a Nazi base in Antarctica, where the Fallen Angels that were cast out of Heaven by God are now imprisoned. (Enoch 21)

To keep normal human beings away from Antarctica, we have all been taught that it is a continent of frigid temperatures, harsh weather, and penguins. Lately, it has come to light that Antarctica may actually just be a large wall of ice around the planet and that, within its boundaries, at the southern hemisphere of the Earth, are actually desert areas of dry land, together with bodies of water, and perhaps other living creatures, including ancient dinosaurs. It is apparently NOT at all what has been rammed down our throats while growing up. Many things we have learned during our lives have been nothing more than lies from Satan. And many of our deceived governmental and church leaders have instigated these falsehoods and willingly gone along with the deceptions, in exchange for technology no man could have invented himself, together with positions of great power and wealth. Many of them are possessed by reptilian demons, the fallen ones, who are helping to bring about the rise of the New World Order that these evil ones want in place. Sounds crazy, I know. But I am believing it is all true. Our military is also heavily involved in all of these evil happenings, especially with helping the Illuminati (those said to be related through their bloodlines to the Nephilim and are demon hybrids) in their mind control efforts for mankind. The Nazis had a great deal to do with these heinous, torturous mind control experiments that are now being implemented on the people of the world. It is one reason for the ‘alien’ abductions or kidnapping of children or others off the streets.

It is Satan and his Fallen Angels who are controlling our world. Forbes Magazine actually had an article a few years ago with a picture of the Nordics who control the U. S. Government – the ‘Shadow Government’, to confirm this. And the rest of the world leaders have been fully deceived by them, too, which is why they are helping them to make life hell for the rest of us, especially through instigating wars meant to take control and dominate certain areas of the world. Whether you do not agree that the Fallen Angels of Satan are what the deceived refer to as aliens from other worlds, the truth is is that their agenda is the same. Hitler, possessed by these evil entities, was following orders when he tried exterminating the Hebrew DNA from the world by rounding up and exterminating the Jews. The Fallen Angels led him to torture and experiment on helpless Jews, committing all sorts of atrocities that only Satan could mastermind. Morgellons infestations, dropped onto the planet through chemtrails, is just another Satanic creation that is destroying people’s bodies and their lives. Many even commit suicide because of it. And you can be sure that the Fallen Ones revel in mankind’s plight and laugh at us, as do our own traitorous leaders.

It is the DNA the Fallen Angels are most interested in. They want to set up their reptilian regime, promote a higher consciousness (all New Age garbage) instead of God, and bring about the rise of the son of perdition, a man of lawlessness – AntiChrist – by opening the portals (CERN and other supercolliders) that will allow Satan’s evil spirits/demons (NOT aliens) to flow freely into our world. This is known as the Great Alien Deception soon to come to planet Earth. It will actually be Satan’s attempt to take over the entire world so he can be worshiped as God. Scripture shares all of this, of the time of Tribulation, although the Adversary’s deceived or possessed followers are trying to debunk the Truth of God’s Word all the time. Only Satan would want to permanently wipe out and completely destroy Christianity and all Jesus followers from the Earth. Christians are the only threat against him because born again, Spirit-filled believers have all authority over him, through Jesus Christ. Because He IS the Son of the one true and living God. All other gods are fake.

The Ark of Gabriel

There is no mention of the Ark of Gabriel in the Holy Bible. There is an angel, Gabriel, mentioned, and the Ark of the Covenant, but no other ark is mentioned. Considering the story of the power the Ark of Gabriel yields and its appearance and plasma attack against many Muslims in Saudi Arabia when it was first discovered, this is most likely something created by the devil to deceive the nations. Everything he does mimics what God has created. The true Ark of the Covenant of God holds the original Ten Commandments God gave to Moses for his people. The Ark of Gabriel is considered weaponry and is dangerous. It killed many Saudis the day it was found, on September 12, 2015. But it really made headlines when the Russians stopped by Saudi Arabia and picked up this Ark, then transported it to Antarctica. That in itself is suspicious. I wonder what the beings there need it for. There are links below if you want to learn more about this incident.

Worlds Beyond The Poles

A book came out in 1959 called World Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, written by F. Amadeo Giannini. You can read it yourself and consider its truth because it is offered as a free download online.

Giannini claims that everything he wrote is truth. In fact, he claims that “there is incontrovertible evidence that there are no ‘globular and isolated bodies to be found throughout the whole universe. He says they are [actually] elements of lens deception.’” He also says that “the absence of celestial ‘bodies’ precludes any possibility of bodies ‘circling or ellipsing in space’. It is all an illusion.” (Giannini, F. Amadeo, Worlds Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, Vantage Press: New York, (c) 1959.) So if there are no celestial bodies, then how can aliens from other planets truly exist? Apparently the U. S. Government believes the truth of Giannini’s book because it started being used by the U. S. Naval Research Bureau and was expounded at American universities from 1927 to 1930.

Check out this excerpt from Giannini’s Preface of his book, World Beyond The Poles:

An original treatise basic to this book was written and has been expounded at American universities, 1927-1930. Since then, the U.S. Naval Research Bureau and the U.S. Navy’s exploratory forces have conclusively confirmed the work’s principal features. Since December 12, 1928, U.S. Navy polar expeditions have determined the existence of indeterminable land extent beyond both Pole points, out of bounds of the assumed “isolated globe” Earth as postulated by the Copernican Theory of 1543. On January 13, 1956, as this book was being prepared, a U.S. Naval air unit penetrated to the extent of 2,300 miles beyond the assumed South Pole end of the Earth. That flight was always over land and water and ice. For very substantial reasons, the memorable flight received negligible press notice. The United States and more than thirty other nations prepared unprecedented polar expeditions for 1957-58 to penetrate land now proved to extend without limit beyond both Pole points.”

Here is another excerpt from chapter one, page 13:

…The so-called “stars” and “planets” of astronomical designation are in reality lens-produced apparently globular and isolated areas of a continuous and unbroken luminous celestial outer sky surface. It envelops every land area of the celestial in the same manner that it envelops the terrestrial land.”

So there you have it. Even the U. S. Navy believes what is in this book. Therefore, again, if the celestial bodies are illusory, then there cannot possibly be any space aliens out there. Which confirms that they may, in fact, be the Fallen Angels. Completely evil in scope and able to change form at will. And they are the ones controlling our world behind the scenes, with the help of our world leaders and religious leaders.

All you have heard about the Anunnaki and other ancient aliens are no doubt deceptive creations of the Fallen Ones themselves. ( However, elaborating on those will take more investigation, so I leave that in your hands. I just wanted to give you the truth as I believe it to be, based on what I have researched and posted here. You may or may not agree, but that is your prerogative. As I mentioned earlier, I do not claim to know everything and am always open to being wrong.  I am still learning, too.

Jesus Christ – Our Only Hope

People often ask me what are we to do about all of this. Well, only two things that I know of. Accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Savior, trusting Him to fulfill His promises to us. Be fully immersed, baptized by water, and by the Spirit of God. And secondly, we can and must pray against all of the evil taking place in our world. Trusting God to protect us and save us from these evil beings and mind-controlled, demon possessed human beings is our only Hope. God created us and loves us beyond measure. He does not want to see us suffer or fall prey to the Adversary. Yes, He has an ultimate plan, which is why He hasn’t intervened just yet. But He will. And when He does, He will wipe all of this evil from the planet and create a new heaven and a new earth, as it was meant to be from the beginning.

Also consider that nowhere in the Holy Bible does it talk about Jesus returning to rule the planets of the universe. He is going to set His Kingdom up here on the new Earth, although there will be a new Heaven, too. What that encompasses, well, your guess is as good as mine. (Revelation 21:1-3)

At any rate, we look forward to your return with great expectancy, Lord Jesus. Please come soon. You are our only Hope.

All glory to God!

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15 KJV)

One final thing, when I sought God on the matter of aliens from outer space, this is what He told me, just so you know, but believe what you will on the matter:

From July 8, 2017…

The Nordics ARE of Me but have turned away from their first estate.

They realized they did wrong and are siding with the good right now, but it is too late for them.

They are NOT of Me.

They serve the Enemy, although they are hoping to retain their original position by standing with My people.

Sadly, it IS too late.

They ARE damned and are following the Enemy even now.

Trust them NOT, Lynne.

The Nordics AND the Grays ARE damned.

Doubt it NOT.

That is all.

Amen and amen.

That is all.


From August 10, 2017…

There ARE no aliens, Lynne.

They ARE ALL fallen angels.

And as for the greys – yes, they ARE manufactured below ground.

ALL are evil ones.

NONE are of Me.

It is ALL a deception.

Trust Me on this.

And thank you for seeking Me on this matter.

It is the ONLY way you will ever know the Truth.


What Is Happening In ANTARCTICA? Ancient Technology, LIVING Fallen Angels, And Cities

1947: February. “I’d like to see that land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown!” – Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, U.S.N., before his seven-hour flight over land beyond the North Pole” (Giannini, F. Amadeo, Worlds Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, p. 8, Vantage Press: New York, (c) 1959.)


1956: January 13. “On January 13 members of the United States expedition accomplished a flight of 2,700 miles from the base at McMurdo Sound, which is 400 miles west of the South Pole, and penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles beyond the Pole.” – Radio Announcement, confirmed by the press February 5 March 13.” (Giannini, F. Amadeo, Worlds Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, p. 9, Vantage Press: New York, (c) 1959.)


The present expedition has opened up a vast new land.” – Admiral Byrd, after returning from land beyond the South Pole.” (Giannini, F. Amadeo, Worlds Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, p. 9, Vantage Press: New York, (c) 1959.)


1957: ‘… that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery!’ – Admiral Byrd” (Giannini, F. Amadeo, Worlds Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, p. 9, Vantage Press: New York, (c) 1959.)


The world, therefore, is under the power of “the prince of this world” (John 12:31 ; John 14:30 ; John 16:11 ), “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2 ), the “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4); “the whole world is under the control of the evil one” (1 John 5:19 NIV).” (heaven/

For more information:

Giannini, F. Amadeo, Worlds Beyond The Poles: Physical Continuity Of The Universe, Vantage Press: New York, (c) 1959.

Further items of interest:

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