A New World Order President

Did you vote in the 2016 U. S. Presidential election? Did fear keep many of you away from the polls or send you fleeing to it? Did you vote for Donald Trump because you were hoping for positive change in our nation? If so, don’t feel bad. Satan is a master of deception, and many Americans fell for his lies…again. When it comes down to it, all of us will soon come to realize that we have fallen into another one of the Adversary’s traps. But if you think about it, we were literally pushed into voting for Trump, who seemed the best choice at the time, unless we abstained from voting at all. After discussions with other believers and after seeking God on the matter, I chose to vote, as did others who had not before voted for awhile. We figured that if the Left did take out the new President-elect, then that would still leave a Christian, Pence, in the leadership role over the U. S., assuming he really is one of us. None of us want to see any harm come to our new President, of course, because most of us really do like him. But many liked Obama, too, as our President…for awhile.

I quit voting back in 2007, just before moving to Kansas. I never voted for Obama or anyone else after I moved. But I did feel led to vote for Trump in 2016, so I reregistered and did my patriotic duty to oust the bad guy from office, all the while praying for God’s perfect will in the matter of the Presidential election. However, for those of you who did the same thing, as many believers in Christ did, it was all part of not just Satan’s plan to bring about his New World Order agenda, but know that God also allowed it to happen. He is in control of the universe, so remember that. God also has a divine plan for our world, so don’t feel bad if you were duped.

Many followers of Christ believe that our new President may be like Cyrus, king of Persia, (Cyrus the deliverer) mentioned in the Holy Bible. (2 Chronicles 36:22, 23; Ezra 1:1-4, 7, 8; 3:7; 4:3; Isaiah 44:26-28; 45:1) I do not know if this may be true, but only time will tell, based on what Scripture says about our future. But know that putting Trump in office will now lead the world from the Luciferian Age into the Satanic Age. It’s all part of the plan. It also means that worse times are ahead of us, but that Jesus Christ’s second coming is drawing even closer. So I advise you to stay alert and pay attention to what is happening in the world and especially in America. Because what America does will affect the rest of the world.

Cramming Us Into Cities

If any of you recall back in 2013, President Obama put out a call for everyone to move from the country into cities. At the time, it was said because it would be easier to bomb the U. S. if everyone was crowded into the cities. That way, it would help with the depopulation agenda of the global elites.

It was also mentioned that another idea was to get automobiles away from people, forcing us to use the new transit system they wanted to build throughout the U. S. Observe also, in regard to transportation, about the creation of Uber and Lyft. There may be something more going on behind these agencies. Just saying. These would certainly reduce our use of automobiles.

Although none of us moved, it is now evident that that plan to force us into cities may still be in place. Donald Trump is planning to rebuild our infrastructure and may be intent on implementing a new transit system. This one agenda should tell us exactly what he is doing. He is part of the Illuminati. It is believed he may be one of the Left, although he deceived us into believing otherwise. Consider most of his Illuminati hand signs and gestures. Those are not normal hand movements. He appears to clearly support the New World Order.

So many Christians were deceived into believing Trump had accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Even when I saw a video of it and saw Donald attending church services, I wasn’t buying it. Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He knows how to dupe people, how to play the game. He often comes as an angel of light. I am not saying this to judge Donald or to say I dislike him. I do not. I just believe this may be true. I do hope I am wrong, however, and that he really is like King Cyrus. However, if I am right, then I think that after a few years, he will have rallied up enough Christian support for his efforts to make America great again, to gain our trust and draw people of Christ out of their hidey holes, then drop the bomb by rounding them up for execution. This is all Biblical, that the saints will be handed over to the Enemy at some point, so it would not surprise me at all when this happens. (Revelation 13:7) The guillotines and FEMA camps have not gone away. They are still waiting. And empty Wal*Marts everywhere are still waiting for Martial Law to be implemented. So don’t think anything has changed, just because we have a new man in the Presidency. It is still the same agenda, despite what many think. Remember, this is all a game, theatrics, all put in place to deceive us. Our new Administration are again mere puppets in the controlling hands of the elite.

One thing that first got my attention about our new President-elect was when he won the election. He did not seem surprised or even overjoyed. He just acted like he knew it would happen, that it was all part of the plan. I believe it was a set up from the beginning, and I do believe that Russia had nothing to do with it, although their leadership cannot be trusted either. Trump also mentioned about unifying us on the night he knew he had won the election. Sounds like a New World Order agenda to me, to bring everyone under a one world dictator, with a one world government, and a one world religion. Unity. Even one well known talk show host grew unsettled when he heard that and mentioned it on the radio. If you are paying attention, you will also see that the Obama health care plan may not be replaced, as we are hoping it will be. Maybe just changed a bit. And I’m believing that the part in there about all Americans being microchipped isn’t going anywhere.

Clones Are Real And Quite Common

If you recall an earlier article I wrote, Trump may indeed be a cloned individual. The blue tie Trump is supposedly the clone; the red tie one is supposed to be the real Trump. Of course, I cannot prove any of this. But one thing I always look for, to see if someone is a clone, is the bulge of skin under a person’s eyes. With Hillary Clinton, it was easy to see. We have to take into account a person’s age, of course, but it seems easy enough to see if someone has synthetic skin. Now, because of Trump’s affiliations with Henry Kissinger, I am more convinced than ever, based on what I know about the cloning centers. Many world leaders are said to hang out in these centers. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, check out my article called, “The Nightmare Of Reality”. It shares about the Illuminati cloning of Hollywood elite and many of our world leaders. Also, one sure-fire way to recognize clones or those controlled by the Adversary, those possessed by him, are by what comes out of their mouths. If celebrities are strong Left-wingers and are vehemently and verbally against the Right, then know that that person is probably a controlled clone. It is all too common lately, in an effort to put Trump in a bad light. Not sure why they are doing this, considering that they may all be on the same side, but I suppose it is just to keep alive the illusion that the Illiminati have created. They control everything. And it is a common fact that anyone involved with them are worshippers of Satan.

Clones are like adolescents and cannot think for themselves. Clones are all microchipped, under the control of the Adversary, and they all have a handler nearby, watching out for them. The Illuminati behind all of this evil tell them what to say. It has been suggested that a recent celebrity was injected with carbon dioxide (CO2) by her handler, on her plane flight while en route home, causing her heart attack. Just another Illuminati sacrifice? Maybe. Most of us will never know.

With the flip of a switch, clones can be shut down. Sometimes they do it just for fun, so they can laugh at them. I’m not making this up. There are YouTube videos showing this and Internet websites. We have to be careful, of course, that this information is not false. But I believe that many I have seen are true because not everyone can be wrong, I’m believing. Remember, all of this is about control. Controlling people who certain leaders verbally brag about among themselves. They all believe we are supposedly too stupid to think for ourselves. ISIS members are all microchipped and controlled. They were lied to and told that if they take the “chip” that they will hear directly from God when, in fact, it is Satan they are listening to. This accounts for their abominable behaviors and destruction. Proof that they are under Satan’s influence and control.

Jesus Christ Is Our Only Hope

Do you feel uneasy about our future? Then this is why we must focus on Jesus Christ and trust ONLY Him to guide us and keep us safe. He is our ONLY Hope for what is to come. The Holy Bible is clear on what is going to happen, so nothing should come as a surprise to anyone who has read and studied it. The Bible is completely True, as verified by many sources, including archaeology, science, and fulfilled prophecies.

We may have been deceived before the election, but an even greater deception will soon be upon us. Again, do not fall for the alien invasion they keep talking about. There are no aliens, ONLY demons and evil spirits of Satan. When AntiChrist, the one world ruler that Satan will fully possess, comes into power, those demons will be running rampant as never before. (See my article on CERN, the super collider in Europe.) The Earth has always been Satan’s domain, ever since he and his followers were cast out of Heaven eons ago. Demons live on AND under the Earth. (http://the-new-way.org/faq/demonology_15.html) (Book of Enoch) Their power and activity will increase more and more, which it is why it is so important for believers in Christ to learn as much about spiritual warfare as they can. And if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and wish to, please do not wait to ask Him to come into your heart. Contact us, if you need help or direction, at: gideonsmessenger777@yahoo.com.

We do not know exactly what may happen or how things will come about, but there is no time like the present to prepare your souls for eternity. And again, do NOT take the Mark of the Beast. When that microchip is put into your right hand or your forehead, you will have lost every chance you may have had of going to Heaven and spending eternity with Jesus Christ. (Revelation 13:16-17) The Bible is clear that anyone who takes the Mark of the Beast will be forever damned to Hell. (Revelation 14:9-12) So what you need to ask yourself is, do you trust God…or man…for your survival?

Yes, our new President-elect seems like a breath of fresh air, a positive presence now in power. But be assured that God’s divine plan is still in effect and that the Bible is clear on what will soon take place in our world. It may seem great for awhile now that we have a new President. But do not trust anyone or anything. Trust ONLY Jesus Christ. He is our ONLY Hope. Our salvation. What may, in fact, be one step toward making America great again, may only be a different path to putting Satan in full and complete power over our world. The one world ruler. AntiChrist.

God bless you, my friends. Shalom.

That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, ‘Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy foundation shall be laid.’” (Isaiah 44:27 KJV)

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