The above cartoon appeared in the Daytona Beach News Journal on February 26, 2004.

The above cartoon appeared in the Daytona Beach News Journal on February 26, 2004.

Changing The Time And The Seasons

As mentioned in a previous article of how Adolph Hitler, during World War II, changed the times and the seasons, so it is necessary for you to understand that the coming AntiChrist will do the same.  Those worshipping on Sunday will be worshipping AntiChrist himself when the time comes.  No doubt, it will be those people who will bear the Mark of the Beast.  True believers – those bearing the Seal of God – will be in hiding, worshipping the true God in secret, in cell groups or house churches, such as they do in China or other Communist countries today.  Assuming they haven’t been sent to a FEMA camp for execution by that time.  Or taken by God beforehand.

At the Council of Laodicia, in A. D. 364, it was there that the true and original Sabbath, as decreed by God, was changed to Sunday, by the Papacy of Rome – the Catholic Church, although there are some who say that isn’t so.  In its arrogance, the Catholic Church considers itself God’s authority, which is blasphemous, and has given itself the authority to change the Word of God as it deems fit.  In actuality, it cares nothing for the true God of Heaven or His Laws.  If you are still a practicing Catholic, as I once was, then I strongly suggest you leave that church now, before the Lord’s wrath descends upon it.  If you research the history of the Papacy of Rome, you will find much evil in its history that God will hold the Catholic Church accountable for.  I am sure you will not want to be a part of that ‘cult’ when the time of God’s judgment comes against it.

The Catholic Church is also the entity that brought into practice paganistic sun worship.  It is also responsible for changing the Second Commandment, shortening it.  The Church does not want anyone to know they are worshipping idols – statues of Mary, the saints, angels, etc.  Worship of anything other than the mighty I AM, such as Mary worship, is strictly forbidden by God, yet the Catholic Church even has holy days set apart for Mary worship.  Yes, the Catholic Church is not the church of God that it professes to be.  Granted, it is filled with people who love God and many born-again believers, but many are still blinded to the truth of what this ‘cult’ is all about.  In fact, if you do a little research, you will yourself discover that the funny hat that sits upon the Pope’s head bears the number 666.  And the obelisk that sits in Vatican Square and the items used in the Mass are all relics of sun worship.  Check it out for yourself.


The Blair Amendment And Sunday Blue Laws


The 1888 Blair Amendment was a bill introduced by Senator Blair into the United States Senate to enforce Sunday observance — a National Sunday Law.  When I grew up in the ‘60s and ‘70s, we honored the Sunday Blue Laws.  Everything was closed that day.  And many people went to church on Sunday, unaware that Saturday is the True Sabbath God ordained for His people, NOT Sunday.  Look at any Holy Bible.  God rested on the seventh day of the week, NOT the first, which is Sunday.  Since our God is a Legal God, that particular Law has NOT changed.  Man changed it, for his own purposes, in direct opposition to God’s Law.  And there is no verse in Scripture anywhere stating that God changed His true Sabbath day, Saturday, to Sunday.


AntiChrist Will Enforce The National Sunday Law


Once again, the powers that be will change the times and the seasons.  Satan hates God and does everything against Him.  So soon, Satan, who will empower the AntiChrist, will pass a law that will make it illegal to honor the True Sabbath of God.  America is the starting point.  Once it is brought down and controlled, and the RFID chip implemented through a mandatory law, the rest of the world will have no choice but to follow in its footsteps.  Anyone refusing to take the chip and refusing to honor the National Sunday Law, bowing to the AntiChrist – the image of the Beast – will be killed.

It is true that after Christ died on the cross and the temple veil was rent, signifying the end to the old laws, many believe that we are to honor Sunday, the first day of the week, as the Sabbath.  But even common sense will tell you that the Ten Commandments are still in effect. (Exodus 20:3-17)  Otherwise, that would mean that we are now allowed to murder, to lie, steal, covet our neighbors’ possessions, no longer honor our parents, honor the Sabbath, take our Lord’s name in vain, and practice idolatry.  NOT true.  All of those are still commandments of God that we are to obey, even now.  That includes honoring the true Sabbath that God ordained.  Saturday, the seventh day of the week. (Exodus 20:8-11)  Scripture clearly states this.

Remember, Satan and his followers make a mockery of everything God has ordained.  He violates everything God considers holy.  As one can now see as we look at our present world, all that is evil is considered good, and vice versa.  Satan is turning everything to his advantage and expects the world to follow his ways, his laws, NOT God’s.  Everyone who opposes AntiChrist and refuses to follow his crooked laws, will be cut down.  That is why the FEMA camps have been set up, with guillotines.  I am sure that my name and countless others are already on the round-up and extermination lists.  When Martial Law is laid down, at the whim of the man of lawlessness, since he already wrote an executive order allowing him this, it is then any opposition to Satan’s New World Order will be rounded up.  Unless one is able to flee and hide somewhere.

When the One World Religion comes into being – which is a mixture of New Age beliefs and Islam rolled into one, with Islam reigning at the top – then it will become mandatory to attend the NWO church.  Anyone not honoring the new National Sunday Law will be considered in violation and will suffer the consequences.

The National Sunday Law will be man’s law, Satan’s law, not God’s.  This is why the true Sabbath will be a test for mankind, to see if we will honor the true Sabbath or violate God’s law and honor Satan’s mockery Sabbath day.

We are to honor the true Sabbath from sunset Friday evening to sunset Saturday evening and refrain from doing any work at all, and resting.  That is the command.  For actual times, you may go to for candle lighting times for your area.  If you have doubts, then consider this.  Why would God change His true Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday?  As I mentioned, then does that mean He might change His mind about murder, homosexuality, lying, cheating, stealing, or any other sin that so besets mankind?  I doubt it.  Honor God on the true Sabbath, on Saturday.  But do NOT honor Sunday as the true Sabbath, when it clearly is not the day set apart by God as holy.  As I said, God is a Legal God.  He cannot change what was established at the foundation of the universe.  The Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, remains in effect as the true Sabbath.  It was set apart as holy and must remain holy.  Satan knows this so is going to force the world to violate this holy Commandment of God.  Since the law was already put on the books through the Blair Amendment/Blue Laws it will be an easy thing to reimplement it as law at the appointed time.

Psalms 111:7-9 makes it clear that all of God’s commandments will be in effect forever:  “The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His commandments are sure.  They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.  He sent redemption unto His people:  He has commanded His covenant for ever:  holy and reverend is His name.”

Isaiah 66:22-23 also states that those who are saved from the earth will be keeping the Sabbath day, Saturday, holy throughout eternity, in the New Earth, which God has not yet created: “For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.  And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith the Lord.”

According to Revelation 11:19, we see that the Ten Commandments are preserved in Heaven for all eternity because the Ark of the Covenant is seen in the temple in Heaven.  The Ten Commandments had been placed in the Ark, which indicates that they still remain there.  In the temple.  In Heaven.  Which means that the Ten Commandments have not been deleted or made null and void.  Which means that Saturday remains as the true Sabbath.

The Ten Commandments were NOT nailed to the cross, as many believe.  They are still in effect, as is the true Sabbath – Saturday – and will remain in effect for all eternity.


Do Not Disregard The Ten Commandments


Many people in this world will be lost if they refuse to obey God’s Law.  Scripture says that, in Proverbs 28:9, that God will disregard the prayers of those who do not obey His commandments.  Anyone who does not keep the true Sabbath, but are Sunday worshippers, are considered, in God’s eyes, an abomination to Him.  Sunday-keepers cannot have the Holy Spirit because it is written that only those who obey God have the Holy Spirit.  (Acts 5:32)

Matthew 7:21-23 states that only those who keep all of God’s commandments will be saved.  In fact, violation of the Sabbath leads only to one thing.  Death.


Be Not Deceived


Sin is breaking any one of the Ten Commandments, God’s Law.  But sadly, many churches deceive people into believing that Sunday is the Sabbath.

If you belong to a church that does not teach the truth of God’s Word, then you are commanded to leave that church.  Otherwise, you will be led directly into hell fire.  God will never accept any of Satan’s counterfeit religions.

If a person is attending church on Sunday, out of ignorance, he will not be held accountable.  However, once a person knows the truth about keeping the true Sabbath, on Saturday, then it is in direct violation of God’s law if that person does not turn away from Sunday worship and honor the true Sabbath that God has blessed, sanctified, and commanded we keep holy.  Sadly, it will be many protestant ministers and other men of the cloth who will bow down and submit to the AntiChrist’s supposed authority to violate God’s commands.  If you read the Holy Bible, you will know the Truth for yourself.


The Choice Is Yours


The fact is is that honoring the true Sabbath will help you keep your heart right with God.  It is up to you to decide whether to honor it or not.  In future, AntiChrist will make it mandatory for people to honor the Sunday Law.  Government-mandated churches will be set up for a person to honor the AntiChrist and not the true God of Heaven.  Communist nations such as China already have such churches, with government-mandated sermons to preach.

Now is the time to decide what you should do.  Honor God or choose the Mark of the Beast, the RFID chip, and become part of the AntiChrist system of evil that is fast approaching.

If you are not yet a true believer in Jesus Christ, it is very easy to be saved.  God wants a relationship with all of us.  But He does not force you as others force people to their religion or way of thinking.  God loves us and does not want to see any one of us lost to Satan.  Honoring Satan brings nothing but destruction, evil, and violence.  Jesus is the True God of Peace, of Love.  In fact, God is love.

Accept Him into your heart as Lord and Savior.  Invite Him in.  Confess your sins, repent of them – turn away from doing them again – and ask Jesus to become Lord and Savior of your life.

Purchase a good Bible to read and study – the original King James Version is a good version to start with – find a Bible-preaching, salvation-preaching, true Sabbath-honoring church to join, and get baptized by immersion to identify yourself as one with Christ.

Feel free to write us at if you have questions about any of this, and we will gladly help you.  There is only one way to Jesus Christ and true salvation.  Do not believe otherwise.  Jesus is the ONLY way.  And if you are truly committed to following Him, you will honor the true Sabbath.

Just for the record, I wish to tell you that this ministry is a Bible-believing, non-denominational ministry of the truth as God has revealed it, and that everyone involved here is a Spirit-filled, born-again believer and true Sabbath keeper.  We are not Seventh Day Adventists or practice anything other than what God’s Truth has revealed, in case you were wondering.



“You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday.  The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify.”

(Catholic Cardinal Gibbons in Faith of Our Fathers, p. 111)

“The Catholic authorities proclaim:  ‘The Bible says, “Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day.”’  “The Catholic Church says, No!  By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day, and command you to keep the first day of the week.  And lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church!”  

(Father Enright, C. S. S. R. of the Redemptoral College, Kansas City, MO., as taken from History of the Sabbath, p. 802.)  

(From:  Marcussen, A. Jan, National Sunday Law, (c) 2007, AT Publications, p. 41.)


“But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

(Matthew 15:9)

“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” 

(James 2:10 KJV)


For more information:

(Please note.  Many links previously posted have been deleted.  Since the NWO takeover of all communications, sites that were previously available are now missing, or you are quickly redirected to a lame grouping of websites that have nothing to do with the topic contained herein.    As of this posting, the following sites are still viewable.)


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