As I have mentioned before, there are guillotines set up in FEMA camps all over America.  But did you know that Obamacare will use a billing code:  ICD-9 E978 for executions and beheadings of all those who oppose ObamaCare?  If not, then take a look at the video below, in case you haven’t seen it or heard what it contains.

According to a comment at http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2419157/pg1, “As of October 1, 2014 the ICD 9 coding will no longer be used. ICD 10 “mandated” medical coding will add 68,105 codes due to the Obamacare monstrosity. These codes were not created by Obamacare, however Obamacare is trying to implement every American citizen under international codes to link us to the “international” system. These codes were actually created by the WHO (World Health Organization).”

Be aware that the Obama Healthcare Policy is not only about bankrupting America through excessive taxation.  It is also about depopulation.  As I have repeatedly told you, the New World Order wants 90% of the world population dead and gone.  The remaining ten percent will be controlled with an RFID microchip.  The remaining populace will be under complete control of AntiChrist, Satan.  These poor souls will be slaves, to do the bidding of the evil elite, those seven people controlling all of the world’s finances.  This explains all of the wars in the Middle East.  The elite, rich men of the world want their banks set up in every corner.  They also want to control all of the world’s resources.  With the help of the Muslim Brotherhood, much of the world, mainly anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, will be wiped out.  And because the United Nations supports these evil men, together with the man of lawlessness in our own government, all of these evils are quickly becoming law and will soon be carried out.  The One World Government is already with us, so it is just a matter of time before AntiChrist has his way.


Also, in case you’re not aware yet, the government, once you sign up for Obamacare, has the right to take money from your bank account whenever they feel like it.  I already know someone that this happened to, in order have some of their medical bills paid.  What was bad was that the money in that account had been borrowed from someone else for their bills.  But the government took all of it.  So now, these people are in worse shape than before.  Again, this is all about bankrupting America.  The Government wants socialized medicine and wants to destroy the middle class so there are only two classes.  The very very rich and the very very poor.

Also, you may have read in a previous article that the one world currency, the Phoenix, is targeted for around 2018.  By that time, the NWO leaders should have most of our money which they will take as their own, under this new currency.  The rest of us peons will be broke, assuming we’re still alive to see any of this happen.

Do not think for one minute that our illustrious leader will ever be impeached.  Word has it that an attempt against his life has already taken place…and failed.  Because he has too many doubles walking around, as Saddam Hussein did in Iraq.  Satan is protecting him because of who he is. Doubt it not.  And doubt not that Satan is behind all of the evil going on in the world today.


Also, in case you aren’t aware, scanning machines for the RFID chip, the presumed coming Mark of the Beast, also mandated through the Obama HealthCare Policy, are being set up at various Wal*Mart stores throughout the country.

So let me reiterate the importance of NOT taking the RFID Chip.  If you oppose taking it, you may be sent to a FEMA camp for extermination or beheading in a public square.  If you do take it, you will be under the control of the AntiChrist and his evil regime and his evil system.


The only Hope for humanity at this point is through Jesus Christ, the One True God of Heaven and Earth.  Please, before all of this evil comes against us, accept Him into your heart as Lord and Savior. At least then, if you are killed for your opposition to Satan – AntiChrist – you will go to Heaven. Taking the chip will allow you to buy and sell and eat, but it will also define you as an enemy of God. When you die, you will then go to Hell for all eternity, to spend it with Satan’s demonic angels who will torture you eternally, just for fun.  Why would anyone want that?

At any rate, please watch the video below and tell your friends the reality of what is now upon us. And please, take action now to be saved.  Do NOT wait!  Things are happening at an urgent rate here and before long, this evil will be upon us with the swiftness of a falling star.

But know this, JESUS CHRIST IS GOD, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.  HE IS COMING BACK SOON TO DEAL WITH THIS EVIL, SO DO NOT FEAR ANYTHING.  That is His command to us.  The victory will be HIS in the end, not Satan’s.  So just prepare your hearts and stand firm on His Truth.

May the Lord God grant you His wisdom and help you to make the right choice.  And pray that you will be counted worthy to escape all the evil that is to come against us soon.  God may protect you as we move deeper into the end times, or you may have to suffer and/or die.  Whatever happens will be God’s will, so long as you obey Him and trust Him till the end.  He loves us and does not want any of us to fear our futures.  But He is in control of Heaven and Earth.  And Satan knows that his time is short.


“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them:  And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”  (Revelation 20:4 KJV)


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