Many have the wrong idea about Heaven. Because of Satan. Satan, as you may know, is a liar and, according to Scripture, the father of lies. (John 8:44)
Eons ago, Satan thought he was all that, because of his incredible beauty and lofty position in Heaven. Although he knew he was a created being, he was jealous of GOD and challenged His Sovereignty. He thought he could do a better job of ruling over the universe. (Isaiah 14:12-14) Because of his wickedness, his jealousy, and his deceitful ways, he even managed to rally one-third of the angels (conjecture) in Heaven to his side and to his way of thinking. (Rev. 12:4) That is how convincing he is.
Satan is so good at deception that he is even now using entire nations to carry out his evil agenda. As many already know, Satan is preparing the way to bring to power the most evil man our world has ever known. The man the Bible refers to as AntiChrist. As I mentioned, it was revealed to me prior to the 2008 Presidential election in America that the Obama Administration would be the ones to bring this man of Satan to power. It is clear that that is happening, even as I write this.
Satan’s Fall From Grace
Centuries ago, after challenging GOD, the Mighty I AM, Creator of all things, Satan fought against GOD and the remaining two-thirds of His angels in Heaven and was ultimately cast out of Heaven, to Earth. (Rev. 12:7, 9) This is why Satan is called the ‘prince of the power of the air’. (Eph. 2:1-3) It is Satan who has brought about all of the evil on our planet, NOT GOD.
Earth is where Satan and the angels cast from Heaven now reside. GOD is, in fact, allowing Satan to wreak havoc in our world. To destroy the world GOD created and make it into something else, something evil. In fact, everything the enemy does counterfeits what GOD has done or created.
But why has GOD allowed the enemy his way?
Satan wanted the chance to show GOD that he can do a better job of ruling the world than He can. Long ago, he even made sure that man demanded a new king and, in the process, rejected GOD as King over Israel. (1 Sam. 8-10) He made men think that GOD could not do a good enough job in ruling over mankind. So GOD in His great wisdom, to prove a point, allowed mankind a human king. It is like this today. Some Americans were so hungry for a black President that they did not bother to do their homework and discover who the man that is now President of the U. S. really is or what he believes. GOD gave us what the people wanted, what many probably prayed for, and now look at the mess we are in. Now, because men have rejected GOD over all again, His wrath is about to fall on America, specifically, in a big and mighty way. In fact, when the trade towers fell in New York, it is believed that that was when GOD took His hand off of America, halting the blessings and favor we took for granted for so long.
Unfortunately, GOD has shown us over and over again that man is a failure when it comes to ruling over men. But GOD often gives us what we ask for, if only to show us that it was NOT in our best interests. One can easily see that the first black President of the United States (Actually he is only half black; his mother was white.), chosen ONLY because of the color of his skin and because of the falsehoods that flowed so easily from his lying lips, was the biggest mistake ever made in America. This man has proven himself to be a liar, a man of complete lawlessness, and a devious, calculating person who is helping bring AntiChrist to power, in the exact capacity in which Satan wants. So that, once the goal is reached, mankind will bow down and, ultimately, worship him as god. It is what he has wanted since before his fall from grace. He wanted then and still wants even now to usurp GOD’s role as supreme ruler over the world and the universe. His agenda includes full control over the United States, the West, and the entire world. His main goal: A One World Government under Communism, A One World Religion under Islam, and A One World Dictator who has yet to be revealed, although many of us have our ideas on the matter of just who that evil man actually is.
Satan’s Deception
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a man who wanted to be popular and to form his own army. He went into a cave and met an angel of light, Satan in disguise, or a demon or an evil spirit. He later believed it was actually an evil entity that gave him his vision, which it was. But later, he was deceived into thinking that it was truly GOD who spoke to him instead. He did not know how to test the spirits, so he eventually fell to believing the convincing lies, the deception. Satan won.
Either way, Satan, who knows us and our human weaknesses so well, played on this man’s lustful desires. He gave him a vision, a vision filled with lies and deceit. But because it appealed to this man’s fleshly nature, he created a false religion, wherein he could carry out his lusts and basest desires. It gave him control over women, whom Satan hates since Jesus came to Earth through a woman, and the freedom to do whatever he wanted, to sin in the vilest forms anyone could devise. Whatever Satan craves has been incorporated into this false religion, anything that GOD considers a sin or an abomination. By deception, this man was able to justify his evil sins by making them accepted as normal, by telling others that his god allows these perversions, by creating a new political system that is in total contradiction to the True GOD’s laws. The GOD of Abraham existed from the beginning, and this false religion sprang into being as just one more attempt by Satan to thwart GOD and turn people away from Him, as he has tried to do since being cast out of Heaven.
By appealing to men’s lusts of the flesh, everything that GOD forbids, many men immediately believed the lies. Men love being wicked and carnal and controlling and abusive over women and children. It makes them feel like big, powerful men. And they won’t have to have any self-control either. “If it feels good, do it,” seems to be one of their mottos. “If you hate somebody, butcher or kill them,” is another. “If they don’t accept the way you believe, cut off their head…” “If you lust after a goat, go ahead and ease your lust..or with a baby…or a little innocent child.” “Whatever filth enters your head, just do it. Because this new god that a pedophile created says it is okay and that we can still make it to heaven if we practice these evil behaviors.”
Can you see how powerful Satan is at lying and deception? And how all evil leads only to death?
Satan quickly and easily got people on his side. Because of the deception, the world is now suffering the horrific repercussions from this false religion and the false god being rammed down our throats by the spiritually blinded. And the true people of GOD are being butchered in record numbers. In fact, the people following this false god, this false religion, have labeled GOD’s people, His followers, as vermin that need to be exterminated. GOD’s people are being targeted, abused, tortured, exterminated, as Satan wants. And GOD’s Holy Scriptures are being made illegal in various parts of the world. Satan does NOT want anyone to know the Truth about GOD. Or about his deception. Because he is going to set himself up as a world dictator, through AntiChrist, believing that people will worship him and love him instead. He is setting himself up in place of GOD, trying to prove that he is a better ruler, a better god than the Mighty I AM ever was. Since not all men will accept him, he is trying to force people to comply through lies, fear, deceit, death threats, and eventually through control and slavery/bondage with the mandatory implementation of the Mark of the Beast, the RFID chip. Meanwhile, he is dragging billions of people to Hell in the process, through this false religion, this demonic political system. The one the New World Order wants in place. The way that leads to death and eternal damnation.
Satan’s Heaven
By playing on man’s carnal nature, his lusts, Satan has opened a door of hatred and evil toward the True GOD of Heaven. The false religion of the end-times is centered on hatred, sex, and violence. In short, just another form of Satanism. Even the heaven of Satan’s creation is all about sex. Men are allowed to brutally rape and sodomize women, children, and even animals on Earth, all within the realm of this false religion that Satan convinced an ignorant, perverted man to create. And by guaranteeing men virgins in heaven that they can have sex with in the afterlife, Satan is drawing people to him in mega numbers, by tempting and luring them through their basest lusts and desires. This is perverted, evil, and completely Satanic. To cover up the truth about this false religion, Satan is using ignorant, blinded people to make everything of the True GOD of the universe illegal, including GOD’s Ten Commandments. He is poisoning entire nations through his lies and deception. And what’s worse, when sin is made legal, the wicked of this world are absolutely loving it. When murder, rape, torture, sex, and other perversions are acceptable in the eyes of their false god and blind followers, how could it not appeal to men?
The Truth About Heaven
According to GOD’s Word, The Holy Bible, when people reach Heaven, we will be as the angels of Heaven. We will no longer be flesh and blood, but spirits, as the angels are. There will be no more marriage and NO MORE SEX. (Matt. 22:23-33; Luke 20:27-40; Mark 12:18-27)
This is the Truth of the matter.
If you truly want to follow the one True GOD of Heaven and Earth, then ask Jesus Christ into your hearts before it it too late. Make Him Lord and Saviour over your life. Get a good study Bible and read it and apply its truths to your life. Trust GOD, and He will bless you in ways you never imagined. And He will teach you about truth, and righteousness, and peace. NOT all that evil stuff the enemy is trying to make you believe. And just because you were raised to false doctrines created by men, that does NOT mean you have to believe them, or practice evil. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven, to life. Doubt it not.
“…Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33 KJV)
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“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32 KJV)
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolators, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Rev. 21:8 KJV)
“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Matt. 7:14 KJV)
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