Although I have posted other articles on how to get saved and establish your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I have decided to post this in answer to those who want to know, so you won’t have to dig through all of my articles. I’ve posted relevant ones below.
So, in EASY terms, in SIMPLE terms, this is how you can be truly saved and become a Spirit-filled Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ:
First: You must CONFESS YOUR SINS to God and BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART that Jesus Christ is LORD, Second Son of the Holy Trinity of God, that He died on the cross for your sins, and that He now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.
When you ask Jesus into your heart, be sure to use YOUR OWN WORDS, not someone else’s words. Nor should you read someone else’s words or read them aloud from a Bible tract. You cannot be saved that way. You must author your own words for salvation. (Read the article below: The Way to Salvation)
Second: Once you accept Jesus into your heart, you must then go out and VERBALLY CONFESS that belief in Him to at least one other person. If you do not confess Him before other men, Jesus will not confess you before His Father in Heaven come Judgment Day.
Third: Get baptized by immersion – NOT sprinkling as the Catholic Church dictates – but by being completely immersed under water as a symbol of your identification with Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection.
You should find a Bible-believing, salvation-preaching church to attend and have the minister there perform the baptism. Or, you can find another ordained minister of Jesus Christ and ask them to baptize you. As a Spirit-Filled evangelist, I can even do it. It may be in a bathtub or a lake or a river, but it won’t matter so long as it is done.
It might benefit you more to avoid the churches altogether since they are now under government watch. Find a small cell group of true, Spirit-filled believers and join them. Any one of the members can baptize you. Scripture does not say it must be an ordained minister. Any Spirit-filled follower of Jesus Christ can baptize you.
Fourth: At conversion, you should be immediately filled with the Holy Spirit. But if not or you aren’t certain you are, then go to another person, a Spirit-filled minister or Christian, to have him/her pray for your baptism by fire. You must also be baptized by water, if you haven’t done that following your conversion.
Fifth: The most important steps are both one and two. Three and four will come later. However, I would insist you do these as soon as possible since our time left on Earth is short and the Tribulation Period imminent. You can do steps three and four in any order.
Lastly: You must be totally committed and have given your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Trust God completely and walk with Him in obedience, pray always, and seek Him through prayer and Scripture daily. You must read and study the Word of God so that you can be transformed into His image. This takes time, but God will direct your ways and guide your steps in the way that you should go. I strongly recommend you use the King James Version of the Bible over all other versions.
Above all, don’t forget to praise and worship the God of your salvation…always!!
If you have any questions, feel free to write me at this e-mail address:
For more information, refer to the following articles I’ve written and posted:
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