There came a knock at the door of this writer’s home. Believing it to be a friend and her grandchildren, whom she was expecting, she went to answer it.

Hearing the sound of children laughing on the other side, she decided to play with them a moment. When the children knocked at the door, she knocked back, until finally she opened the door to view their smiling faces. Clearly, they had enjoyed the little game.

What was unexpected, however, was that the people outside the door weren’t who was expected. Instead, there were three children from next door, who were selling fundraiser items.

How many times has this happened to you? You expect someone, only to be surprised when you discover it isn’t who you thought it was. Sometimes this can be embarrassing. Fortunately, nothing bad came of this incident. It actually broke the ice for the children who were, no doubt, a bit intimidated by selling things door-to-door. They were smiling, bouncy, and talkative.

Now, when Jesus Christ comes knocking at the door of your heart, do you like to play with Him? Do you tell him, “Sure, Lord. I’ll accept you into my heart, only not today. I have something else I’d rather do.”? Do you even recognize Him when He is knocking?

Many deliberately turn away from Christ, knowing that they may have to change their lifestyle if they welcome Him inside, something they usually have no desire to do.

What if, one day, you go to the door, thinking it’s Jesus again, and discover someone else? Someone you may not want to see there?

Many wait until their death beds before answering Jesus’ knock at the door. They have lived their lives in sin. Only at that final hour do they realize that nothing good has come from their wicked life. They realize they have wasted untold years for God’s service, missing out on His blessings for them.

Today may be the day you will meet your Maker. Are you ready for this?

Salvation is a free gift from a loving God who cares for us. His Son already paid the price for you.

So won’t you please open the door…and welcome Him in?

Or would you rather see the enemy standing there to greet you instead?

Why wait till the end to decide.

“As righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death.” (Proverbs 11:19 KJV)

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20 KJV)

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