People often relate money to God.

But it is man who has made going to church all about money, not God. Yet some ministries and churches in Wellington, Kansas and elsewhere place emphasis on money.

God should be first in your life.

His desire is not for money, but a place in our hearts.

While sitting in a restaurant, a man was overheard telling someone what had been done to him. You could hear the pain and disbelief in his voice.

The man’s job kept him on the road. He said that whenever he was in town, he would attend church and put twenty dollars into the collection basket.

That morning, the minister approached him and told him not to come back to church. He said that since the man wasn’t there every week, there was no point in his coming back. The man was ousted from his church, one he had faithfully given money to, out of the goodness of his heart, probably for most of his life.

Since he wasn’t able to give money every week, he wasn’t worthy of attending this church. No matter the man’s efforts to do what was right, when possible. It all boiled down to money.

Friends, this should not happen. Ever.

God accepts us for who we are. He doesn’t care if we are rich or poor. Like the widow, referred to in Luke 20:45-21:1-4, even if all we can afford to give is two pennies, if you are giving from the heart, then you are giving in accordance with God’s will. No man should dictate what a person is to give.

If you are attending a church that places its emphasis on money, then it would be best if you left that place anyways because clearly the Lord’s presence is not in that church.

Remember, God looks on the heart, not on how much money you give, how many church dinners you’ve served, or how many choirs you’ve been in. (1 Samuel 16:7 KJV)

Remember, God is not about money, but more about the state of our hearts than anything.

Because that is what God looks at.

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV)

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