The American public is being told that deregulation is the real (underlying) reason/cause behind the U. S. oil spill by British Petroleum (BP).  Because BP was too cheap to spend $500,000 for safeguards on its oil rig.

If this is the truth (NOT!), then why did BP chief, Tony Hayward, sell 1.4 million (British Pounds) worth of shares (a third of his holdings in the company) one month prior to the Deepwater Horizon rig burst, causing an environmental disaster?  Did he do this because the oil spill was planned?  Because he knew it was going to happen?

And why is there a media blackout regarding the spill?  And why are photographers/civilians being ousted or jailed when trying to obtain footage of the spill?  When did that become a crime?

Did the U. S. Government and the oil companies (which appear to be running things) plan this for a specific purpose?  Perhaps to destroy America as we know it so that a new cashless society can be implemented since other sources have declared that America is, in fact, bankrupt?  In order to facilitate bringing about the New World Order and a New World Government?  By giving all of our power and resources to the government, it seems that a cashless society would be the logical result to this plan, if in fact this were the truth.  Only time will tell.

But if and before that actually happens, folks, I hope you’re ready for inflation to go through the roof.  How about paying $120 for a loaf of bread? (Rev. 6:6) Are you ready for that?  If not, you had better start preparing for what is to come.

Excessive greed, hyperinflation, and a cashless society are all prophetic. (Matt. 24:12; Rev. 13)

We can’t stop what’s going to take place. The U.S. and the world is becoming a cashless society. We need to adapt to it and be cautious. Scripture says no one knows when the end will come but we’re in the end times.

“Be on guard, but don’t be alarmed until a mark is required on your forehead or your right hand to be able to buy and sell. Man’s economy will one day be controlled by the anti-Christ and Satan.” (

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