In this bold, new world of Virtual Reality lies nothing but pain, heartache and Antichrist.”

The Brainwashing

I first heard about Virtual Reality in the 1992 science fiction/horror movie, The Lawnmower Man, based on a short story by the famous writer, Stephen King. If interested, you can watch this movie in its entirety for free on Brainstorm is another film you can watch on this subject. At the time I watched The Lawnmower Man, the concept of Virtual Reality was pretty new and farfetched at the time (at least publicly). But now that I see how many are fascinated and excited by the gaming, and playing with the Virtual headsets, I started wondering what these things are actually doing to people’s brains. As I began researching this latest craze, I discovered many unsettling things about this electronic technology and of just how dangerous it all is. It was developed by the New World Order globalists and our own military. That should tell you just how bad Virtual Reality truly is. It’s effect on society is alarming, and Satan is behind all of it. If you watch the trailer for The Lawnmower Man 2, you will see the Illuminati symbolism and mention of the New World Order, and the mention of a cyberspace savior/messiah.

I am not sure how many use cable television or have satellite, but I do know that, as a current cable subscriber, that the programming is repeatedly showing movies such as Resident Evil. Can’t say as if I’ve ever watched it, but there are many gamers out there who I am sure know it well. Many play this game, together with other games. But, if your eyes are wide open, you will know that the repeated showing of this and other similar movies – to the point of boring, I might add – is meant to brainwash people. The more the networks keep showing this garbage, the more people will get sucked into Satan’s trap. Brainwashing by the New World Order, using television, the media, and games to manipulate and control us, especially our children. (

Virtual Reality is all about leading us to accept Satan as our one world ruler, controlling our minds and being enslaved to the Order. Satan and his minions are trying to control the entire world and transform our minds into buying into his lies, his garbage, and his filth. He is trying to get the world to except as normal: horror, murder, blood, fear, zombies, vampires, werewolves, all things horrific and negative. These things are not normal.

The Adversary plays with our emotions, playing on our most vulnerable, secret areas, knowing what will arouse us, knowing what to use to get people hooked and wanting more horror, more perversions, more emotional highs based on fear, lust, terror, corruption, and the like. Who on earth would ever want to live in a world of control, enslavement, violence, hatred, filth, porn, and everything that God calls an abomination in His eyes? It is ‘virtually’ Hell on earth when that happens. Look, for example, what terror and destruction ISIS has brought to our world. Is that the world we want for our children in future, our families? I think not.

If you are a parent, I suggest that you keep your children far far away from these things, if you can. I know that some of you may not care that Satan is trying to take over the world completely and enslave and corrupt your children. But for those who believe in God and the coming judgments, please, for the sake of your children and family members, stay far away from all of these things.

Electronic Mind Control

I know I know. Virtual Reality is cool, awesome, exciting. And quite tempting. People love it. But it is aimed at deceiving us and brainwashing us. It is purely evil and created for an evil purpose, although it is disguised as an avenue for healing or assistance for many health issues. By definition, according to Mark E. Koltko-Rivera, Ph.D. of the Professional Services Group, Inc. of Winter Park, Florida, “Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful technology with a potential for far-ranging social and psychological impact [and] has the potential to profoundly alter human society, not by altering our physical bodies (as genetic engineering or cyborgization might), but by altering our perceptions and interactions.” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality, January, 2005)

“The term “Virtual Reality” (VR) refers to an immersive simulation that involves relatively high verisimilitude. ‘In general … the term Virtual Reality refers to an immersive, interactive experience based on real-time 3-D graphic images generated by a computer’ (Pimental & Teixeira, 1995, p. 15, italics in original).” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality, January, 2005)

“[The] preferred definition is an immersive experience in which participants…view stereoscopic or biocular images, listen to 3-D sounds, and are free to explore and interact within a 3-D world (Pimental & Teixeira, 1995, p. 91).” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality, January, 2005)

According to Dr. Koltko-Rivera, it is believed that by 2025, the VR experience may be something like that as shown in the holodeck on the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series (Roddenberry, 1987) or in numerous other shows and movies such as The Matrix (Wachowski Brothers, 1999), eXistenZ (Cronenberg, 1999), and even some epidosdes of the X-Files (Gibson, Maddox, & Carter, 2000), to name a few. (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality, January, 2005)

The brain treats Virtual Reality as real. Virtual Reality tricks the brain. People all maintain that using it is fun, yet it makes some people sweat with sheer terror, and their heart races. Some experience headaches or nausea. Proof that there are implications to using this technology. Anything that messes with a person’s brain is never good, in my opinion. These sorts of devices can control you, which is basically the whole point of Virtual Reality in the long run. In the beginning, this seems like exciting, harmless fun. But where it may lead is dangerous. Sadly, I see television ads for buying or people using Virtual Reality devices on an almost daily basis now, so beware. If you want to understand just how dangerous this technology is and its true purpose, then watch the movie: Apocalypse II: Revelation. It is fiction but based on the Holy Bible’s Book of Revelation. The link is posted below.

Also, according to Dr. Koltko-Rivera, research shows that “participating in a violent VR game produced more aggressive thoughts than either watching this game or acting out the physical movements (Calvert & Tan, 1994); indeed, playing violent video games seems to lead people to think of themselves as more aggressive people overall. (Uhlmann & Swanson, 2004)” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality)

Unfortunately, Dr. Koltko-Rivera also states that “In the future world that I have described, VR will place many impulses within reach of instant virtual gratification, with no immediate social or legal consequences. By doing this, VR will radically change some of the fundamental rules on which the game of life has been played throughout the entire length of human history. Surely this may have momentous social consequences.” (The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality)

Satan’s Virtual Reality Agenda

The Adversary wants to control the world forever. Always has and still does. With Virtual Reality, he can control a person’s mind and brainwash and deceive the victim into accepting his ultimate goal. To worship him as God. He has always been jealous of God, which is why he was cast out of Heaven eons ago. He was cast to Earth, he and his supporting angels. The fallen ones. He is now the ‘prince of the power of the air’. (Ephesians 2:2) He is behind all the evil in our world today. He will be allowed to mess around his playground here on Earth until such time as God says ‘Enough!‘ and Jesus Christ returns to destroy all those who are destroying our present world…and the works of the devil. That is Biblical. It is one reason Jesus Christ came to Earth to begin with. (Hebrews 2:14-15; 1 John 3:8)

The Adversary knows that Jesus Christ will be returning soon to put a stop to his evil works, which is why he is trying so hard to wipe all believers, all Christians from the Earth. He is hoping to annihilate all of us so that there will be no reason for Jesus to return. He knows he is already judged and facing eternal punishment, so as he tried to tempt Jesus when he fasted 40 days in the desert, he is trying to tempt the world to accept and worship him in the same way. (Matthew 4:1-11)

Currently, in a last ditch effort to control the world, he has brought in the Virtual Reality technology to try and destroy us. Virtual Reality is like a playground. It makes people never want to leave their chairs, to just sit there and enjoy the fantasy world the Adversary has created, through his evil supporters. At first, it is cool, fun, awesome. People can live out their fantasies, with no repercussions. Until the true purpose is revealed. The fantasies will soon become reality. You can perhaps kill people in that virtual world, only to discover later that you really did kill someone. It will no longer be make believe, an enjoyable fantasy. Satan will use this unbelievable technology to trap you. He will put a choice before you. To either accept him and worship him as a god, denying Jesus Christ, and take the Mark of the Beast, or he will kill you. That is the ultimate goal and purpose of Virtual Reality. Satan’s world dominance.

The Day of Wonders

Virtual Reality is meant to blind people to true reality. If people cannot see what Satan is doing and trying to accomplish, he will get away with much. He wants people controlled and even believing that they can be like gods. He will do anything he can to turn people away from the One True God, the Mighty I AM. The God of the Bible. Some will be so full of themselves, they won’t even see or listen to the truth anymore. Isn’t that what is happening in our world right now? Even after the 2016 U. S. Presidential election, it is easy to see how people don’t want to accept the truth that the Hillary supporters did not get what they wanted. They feel they have lost something when, in fact, just the opposite is true. President Trump is trying to repair all the damage the Democrats – the Communists, New World Order supporters, and Luciferians– have done to our nation in order to cause chaos so the people will beg the Government to step in and help us. It was how the Adversary was trying to gain control and establish his evil kingdom on Earth.

Those with our eyes wide open can see what is happening. It is for our benefit that our new President is trying to repair and restore what Satan has attempted to take away from us (although there may be another agenda here, one I may save for a later article), basically, in America, all of our freedoms guaranteed us by the U. S. Constitution: freedom of speech, gun ownership, and the list goes on. Sadly, control of the Internet has already been set in place by the NWO. Our privacy has been invaded on a grand scale. All of the evil that the Obama Administration brought against the people of America was meant for the rise of the most evil person on Earth to rule over us, to dictate how we are to live, what we are to eat, what we are allowed to do, etc. AntiChrist, a man whom Satan already manipulates and controls, the one man Satan will enter into to take control and force the entire world to bow down to. For eons he craved God’s position of Sovereighty. Satan was one of the most beautiful angels in Heaven, at the top of the angelic heirarchy, but that was not enough for him. He was evil in his heart and wanted to take God’s place. He craved to be worshipped, as God is. Although he is a created being, he thought he would do a better job than God does, at everything. So, after a furious battle, Satan lost the war and was cast out of Heaven, together with one-third of his supporters, to rule the Earth. Since that time, he has been making his plans to wipe out God’s people and get the worship and power he desires. That is the truth of it. With Virtual Reality, referred to in the movie called Apocalypse II: Revelation as The Day of Wonders, Satan’s crowning achievement – people can be brought into a whole new world, one the Adversary created to control people. He has already taken control of the Internet. Virtual Reality is meant to keep us distracted and preoccupied so we just won’t notice what is happening in the world around us. And he’s hoping we will buy into it.

In a nutshell, STAY AWAY FROM VIRTUAL REALITY. It is purely evil and meant for our destruction, in the end, meant to take away our freedom of thought, among other things. It is meant to make people into mindless drones – zombies. Controlled, submissive, and dumb. Is this how you want to live your life? Only to later find yourself in Hell for all eternity? If you worship Satan – AntiChrist – then that is probably where you will end up, especially if you have willingly taken the Mark of the Beast.

You need to have nothing to do with Virtual Reality headsets. Don’t use one ever, not once. Read Revelation 13 very, very carefully about the second beast who has the power to create a virtual world and bring it to life.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

(Revelation 13:15 KJV)

Geoffrey Grider

February 22, 2016

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.

And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.”

(Hebrews 2:14-15 KJV)

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

(1 John 3:8 KJV)

The Lawnmower Man trailer 1992:

The Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace Trailer:

How Virtual Reality Affects The Brain:

What Does The Oculus Rift Do To Your Brain?:

VR Nausea and headaches:

Augmented Reality: The New Mind Control:

The End: Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality:

Big Push for VR Mind Control (Mark Zuckerberg):

Mind Control Transhumanism Agenda in Virtual Reality – Mark Zuckerberg Wants To Steal Your Brain:

For more information and bibliography:,-Defeat-Of

Koltko-Rivera, Mark E., PhD: “The Potential Societal Impact of Virtual Reality”, January, 2005,

Buset, Melanie: “Can Living in Virtual Environments Alter Reality?”, March, 2015,

Springmeier, Fritz & Wheeler, Cisco, 2007, Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula, Chapter 6: Science No. 6 – The Use of Electronics & Electricity, Section E4. Virtual reality,,8599,1739601,00.html


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