

We’ve all seen them.  At least here in America.  Towers.  Some with  blinking lights.  As we’ve grown up and questioned our parents on just what sorts of towers they are, we were normally told they were T. V. towers, or airplane towers, or radio towers.  It seems that even our parents didn’t really know what they were.  Later, when cell phones became prominent, we were told that those towers were cell phone towers.  But now, the truth of what they really are has come to light.

The towers we were told all these years that are used for cell phones are, in actuality, called Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) Towers or Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Towers.  Their main purpose is apparently to control the minds of the American people and the entire world, although the names are misleading.  It is said that many of the GWEN towers here have been dismantled, but that the U. S. Government remains in ownership of them, for whatever purpose. The standard tower height was 299 feet, but a few sites had 306-foot towers.  Most of these 58 relay-node sites were operational from the mid-to-late 1980s until about 2000, we are told.

If similar towers exist in other parts of the world, one can probably assume they are being used for the same reason.  To control people’s minds.  Remember, the NWO and AntiChrist want to control the world, and they have been ingenious in finding ways to commit genocide so that 90% of the world population can be killed off.  Sadly, death by mind control is a torturous form that the enemy’s people take great delight in handing out.




The past two years here in Kansas have brought about some strange happenings.  Usually in the wee hours of the morning.  The area where I live seems almost to be a testing ground.  Those who I have discussed this with agree that we may be being used as guinea pigs.  To date, I have been unable to learn from other Kansans if others here are experiencing the same things.

What has been happening is that citizens here are experiencing excruciatingly painful headaches.  I have experienced them.  The pain is so bad it can wake a person out of a sound sleep.

It is like a game.  Whoever is playing with the electromagnetic sound waves, or microwaves, or whatever they are, is intent, it seems, on mercilessly tormenting the targeted victims.  The pain fluctuates from the sinus area, up across the forehead, over the top of a person’s skull, then down the back of the neck, the medulla oblongata, if you will.  Then it retreats and goes back up the neck, over the skull, then down into the sinuses again.  The pain pulsates repeatedly and is very intense.  Ice, heat, pills – nothing works to stop the pain.  I myself have felt the pain move back and forth from the sinus area, straight across my skull and down my neck, into my shoulders.  It throbs, and it is as if the powers that be are taking insane delight in the suffering they are inflicting by playing with the frequency, the intensity, and the location of the pain in one’s head.  When the location of the pain changes, it is as if someone is changing a radio channel, and it causes uncomfortable pounding and waves of nausea.  It actually causes vomiting.  The headaches are relentless until those playing their ‘head games’ decide to stop.  The headaches interfere with a person’s sleep, so there is nothing that can be done to return to sleep until the torturous games end.

Some investigation following the night’s painful episodes brings to light that some are experiencing so much pain that they end up in an emergency room, seeking help to ease the headache pain.  Usually to no avail.  As I mentioned, medication does absolutely nothing to help stop the pain.  It only goes away when the game player stops wreaking havoc with a person’s brain.

Someone once told me, although I am unable to verify the story, that only believers in Jesus Christ have experienced these horrific headaches.  Usually these ‘mind control’ episodes occur late Saturday night or early Sunday morning.  When people attend church that Sunday, it is there it is discovered that only true believers suffered the pain while those who are not true believers did not.  I only know that I have suffered these headaches frequently over the past two years and have gotten physically ill from them.  Feeling that throbbing, intense pain moving back and forth up and down your neck and over your skull, etc. is something I would not want anyone to experience.  It is excruciating and worse than any migraine I have ever had.

According to, our “Creator designed living beings to resonate to the 11 natural Schumann Resonance frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously.  The Ionosphere is being manipulated by U. S. government scientists using the Alaskan transmitter called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the Ionosphere, which bounces power down again.  ELF waves produced from HAARP, when targeted on selected areas, can weather-engineer and create mood changes affecting millions of people. The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power.” (  So clearly, HAARP, through use of ELF waves, are indeed causing many problems for people.




“Sixty four elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground.  The earth’s natural ‘brain rhythm’ above is balanced with these. These are the same minerals found in red blood corpuscles.  There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves.  An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts these biorhythms.  These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves coming from GWEN Towers.” ( )  And, apparently, “the GWEN transmitters have many different functions, which include controlling the weather, mind control, behavior and mood control, and sending synthetic-telepathy as infra-sound to victims with the U. S. government mind-control implants”, whoever they are. (

It has been proven by various scientists such as Dr. Robert Beck, the famous Tesla, and Dr. Andrija Puharich just how vulnerable humans are to this technology.  Any ELF waves sent out will cause a person’s brain to immediately start resonating to the outside signal.  It is much like a tuning-fork effect, and it was discovered by Dr. Beck that at “US 60 Hz electric power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. UK 50 Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid gland.”  Also, Dr. Puharich discovered that “7.83 Hz (earth’s pulse rate) made a person feel good, producing an altered-state; [that] 10.80 Hz causes riotious behaviour and [that] 6.6 Hz causes depression.” (

“Puharich [also] made ELF waves change RNA and DNA, breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person have a higher vibratory rate.” (




My intent with this article is not to write a book but to make you aware of what the NWO, the U. S. and Russian governments – perhaps others – are experimenting with and working on right now.  All of it does not bode well for the people of Earth.  There is a lot of information out there but, to be honest, it wasn’t until I became a victim of these horrendous ELF attacks that I started delving into the matter.  So you, too, need to be aware of what the governments and NWO are trying to do in order to control all of us.  Remember, they want 90% of the world population dead and the remaining 10% to be controllable.

Vaccines are not safe these days, so be careful about getting them.  Flu shots and other vaccines contain tiny implants designed to circulate in the blood stream and lodge in the brain.  This may cause a person to hear voices in his head and accounts for the 1 in 40 who are victims of ‘fake alien abductions’.  Apparently, according to, these fake events are “actually the work of U. S. military personnel [who are] using [their] technology to make hologram spaceships outside and virtual reality scenarios of going onto a spaceship with humans in costumes.”  It is said that alien abductions do occur, but that the ‘alien abduction’ scenarios have been useful [in stopping] any further investigation or accountability [by] government authorities by [the] poor victims who would face mockery and appear silly [if they pursued this course of action.]. (




There is published evidence that there is indeed military and government involvement in electronic microwave mind control technologies.  The microwave towers that are being erected around the world are part of a huge electronic deception operation.  Project Blue Beam.  Many of my readers may recall that I wrote an article on Project Blue Beam a few years ago.

Below is a list of reported symptoms a person may experience when being targeted by mind control technologies, so you can recognize an attack against you when it happens.

1.   Microwave hearing

2.   Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious

3.   Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations

4.   Inject words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiation waves

5.   Manipulation of emotions

6.   Reading thoughts remotely

7.   Causing pain to any nerve of the body.

8.   Remote manipulation of human behavior from space

9.   Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying overhead

10. Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly

11. Control of sleep patterns.

12. Computer-brain interface, control and communication

13. Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting personalities

An anonymous person has shared that Kevlar suits, lined with lead, are effective in blocking ELF waves in order to prevent the ‘brain games’ I’ve experienced and that are listed above.  One of the videos posted below also shares that there really is some truth to wearing an aluminum foil hat because he demonstrates how it effectively blocks these waves as well.

It has been shared that the the presence of DOR (Wilhelm Reich’s acronym for Deadly Orgone energy) is necessary for these mind control towers to work.  Since many are using orgone to protect themselves against these debilitating microwaves, it is understandable that our government wants to outlaw orgone.  Whether orgone actually works, I do not yet know.  I had some orgone, but it was stolen, so I wasn’t able to test it myself.

Meanwhile, a man named Don Croft (see article below: “maintains that an orgone generating device called a Holy Hand Grenade can transmute DOR into the more positive, life affirming form of orgone called “OR” by discoverer Wilhelm Reich.  Don and his wife feel that removing the DOR component from the environment of an ELF tower will mitigate the mind control function.”

I don’t know if this really works, but if you are interested, you can research it yourself to find out more.

Http:// also states that another orgone generating device, called the Chembuster, is effective in dispersing and clearing the sky of chemtrails and can actually return the sky to a normal blue color.




The Good News, despite all of the evil going on in our world, is that Jesus Christ lives and is still sitting on the throne of Heaven.  It is God who will have the last laugh over these evil things and wicked people because He, as most of you know, controls everything in the universe.  Including us.

Again, I do not share these evil and scary things to make you afraid of what is happening around us and of what the AntiChrist system is planning against the world.  I am sharing this information to make you aware of what is going on so you can take precautions, make others aware, and know who and who not to trust as we move deeper into these last days.

People must also be made aware that Jesus Christ is our only Hope.  It is He who will soon return and triumph over evil.  He created all of us.  He loves us.  So do not be afraid to seek Him out, to have that personal, wonderful relationship with Him that He so desperately wants to have with you, His created.  Confess yours sins to Him and ask Him to come into your heart as Lord and Savior, read His Word daily, study it, practice what it says, love your neighbors, talk to Him, pray to Him.  And above all, trust Him.

Seriously, would you want to remain in a terrible, controlled, evil world ruled by Satan?  Or would you rather walk with God daily and face eternity with the One who loves you and wants you to live forever with Him?  And be happy?

The choice is yours.


“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”  Joshua 1:9 KJV











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