Category: Hope



We’ve all seen them.  At least here in America.  Towers.  Some with  blinking lights.  As we’ve grown up and questioned our parents on just what sorts of towers they are, we were normally told they were T. V. towers, or airplane towers, or radio towers.  It seems that even our parents didn’t really know what they were.  Later, when cell phones became prominent, we were told that those towers were cell phone towers.  But now, the truth of what they really are has come to light.

The towers we were told all these years that are used for cell phones are, in actuality, called Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) Towers or Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Towers.  Their main purpose is apparently to control the minds of the American people and the entire world, although the names are misleading.  It is said that many of the GWEN towers here have been dismantled, but that the U. S. Government remains in ownership of them, for whatever purpose. The standard tower height was 299 feet, but a few sites had 306-foot towers.  Most of these 58 relay-node sites were operational from the mid-to-late 1980s until about 2000, we are told.

If similar towers exist in other parts of the world, one can probably assume they are being used for the same reason.  To control people’s minds.  Remember, the NWO and AntiChrist want to control the world, and they have been ingenious in finding ways to commit genocide so that 90% of the world population can be killed off.  Sadly, death by mind control is a torturous form that the enemy’s people take great delight in handing out.




The past two years here in Kansas have brought about some strange happenings.  Usually in the wee hours of the morning.  The area where I live seems almost to be a testing ground.  Those who I have discussed this with agree that we may be being used as guinea pigs.  To date, I have been unable to learn from other Kansans if others here are experiencing the same things.

What has been happening is that citizens here are experiencing excruciatingly painful headaches.  I have experienced them.  The pain is so bad it can wake a person out of a sound sleep.

It is like a game.  Whoever is playing with the electromagnetic sound waves, or microwaves, or whatever they are, is intent, it seems, on mercilessly tormenting the targeted victims.  The pain fluctuates from the sinus area, up across the forehead, over the top of a person’s skull, then down the back of the neck, the medulla oblongata, if you will.  Then it retreats and goes back up the neck, over the skull, then down into the sinuses again.  The pain pulsates repeatedly and is very intense.  Ice, heat, pills – nothing works to stop the pain.  I myself have felt the pain move back and forth from the sinus area, straight across my skull and down my neck, into my shoulders.  It throbs, and it is as if the powers that be are taking insane delight in the suffering they are inflicting by playing with the frequency, the intensity, and the location of the pain in one’s head.  When the location of the pain changes, it is as if someone is changing a radio channel, and it causes uncomfortable pounding and waves of nausea.  It actually causes vomiting.  The headaches are relentless until those playing their ‘head games’ decide to stop.  The headaches interfere with a person’s sleep, so there is nothing that can be done to return to sleep until the torturous games end.

Some investigation following the night’s painful episodes brings to light that some are experiencing so much pain that they end up in an emergency room, seeking help to ease the headache pain.  Usually to no avail.  As I mentioned, medication does absolutely nothing to help stop the pain.  It only goes away when the game player stops wreaking havoc with a person’s brain.

Someone once told me, although I am unable to verify the story, that only believers in Jesus Christ have experienced these horrific headaches.  Usually these ‘mind control’ episodes occur late Saturday night or early Sunday morning.  When people attend church that Sunday, it is there it is discovered that only true believers suffered the pain while those who are not true believers did not.  I only know that I have suffered these headaches frequently over the past two years and have gotten physically ill from them.  Feeling that throbbing, intense pain moving back and forth up and down your neck and over your skull, etc. is something I would not want anyone to experience.  It is excruciating and worse than any migraine I have ever had.

According to, our “Creator designed living beings to resonate to the 11 natural Schumann Resonance frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously.  The Ionosphere is being manipulated by U. S. government scientists using the Alaskan transmitter called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the Ionosphere, which bounces power down again.  ELF waves produced from HAARP, when targeted on selected areas, can weather-engineer and create mood changes affecting millions of people. The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power.” (  So clearly, HAARP, through use of ELF waves, are indeed causing many problems for people.




“Sixty four elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground.  The earth’s natural ‘brain rhythm’ above is balanced with these. These are the same minerals found in red blood corpuscles.  There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves.  An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts these biorhythms.  These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves coming from GWEN Towers.” ( )  And, apparently, “the GWEN transmitters have many different functions, which include controlling the weather, mind control, behavior and mood control, and sending synthetic-telepathy as infra-sound to victims with the U. S. government mind-control implants”, whoever they are. (

It has been proven by various scientists such as Dr. Robert Beck, the famous Tesla, and Dr. Andrija Puharich just how vulnerable humans are to this technology.  Any ELF waves sent out will cause a person’s brain to immediately start resonating to the outside signal.  It is much like a tuning-fork effect, and it was discovered by Dr. Beck that at “US 60 Hz electric power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. UK 50 Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid gland.”  Also, Dr. Puharich discovered that “7.83 Hz (earth’s pulse rate) made a person feel good, producing an altered-state; [that] 10.80 Hz causes riotious behaviour and [that] 6.6 Hz causes depression.” (

“Puharich [also] made ELF waves change RNA and DNA, breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person have a higher vibratory rate.” (




My intent with this article is not to write a book but to make you aware of what the NWO, the U. S. and Russian governments – perhaps others – are experimenting with and working on right now.  All of it does not bode well for the people of Earth.  There is a lot of information out there but, to be honest, it wasn’t until I became a victim of these horrendous ELF attacks that I started delving into the matter.  So you, too, need to be aware of what the governments and NWO are trying to do in order to control all of us.  Remember, they want 90% of the world population dead and the remaining 10% to be controllable.

Vaccines are not safe these days, so be careful about getting them.  Flu shots and other vaccines contain tiny implants designed to circulate in the blood stream and lodge in the brain.  This may cause a person to hear voices in his head and accounts for the 1 in 40 who are victims of ‘fake alien abductions’.  Apparently, according to, these fake events are “actually the work of U. S. military personnel [who are] using [their] technology to make hologram spaceships outside and virtual reality scenarios of going onto a spaceship with humans in costumes.”  It is said that alien abductions do occur, but that the ‘alien abduction’ scenarios have been useful [in stopping] any further investigation or accountability [by] government authorities by [the] poor victims who would face mockery and appear silly [if they pursued this course of action.]. (




There is published evidence that there is indeed military and government involvement in electronic microwave mind control technologies.  The microwave towers that are being erected around the world are part of a huge electronic deception operation.  Project Blue Beam.  Many of my readers may recall that I wrote an article on Project Blue Beam a few years ago.

Below is a list of reported symptoms a person may experience when being targeted by mind control technologies, so you can recognize an attack against you when it happens.

1.   Microwave hearing

2.   Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious

3.   Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations

4.   Inject words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiation waves

5.   Manipulation of emotions

6.   Reading thoughts remotely

7.   Causing pain to any nerve of the body.

8.   Remote manipulation of human behavior from space

9.   Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying overhead

10. Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly

11. Control of sleep patterns.

12. Computer-brain interface, control and communication

13. Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting personalities

An anonymous person has shared that Kevlar suits, lined with lead, are effective in blocking ELF waves in order to prevent the ‘brain games’ I’ve experienced and that are listed above.  One of the videos posted below also shares that there really is some truth to wearing an aluminum foil hat because he demonstrates how it effectively blocks these waves as well.

It has been shared that the the presence of DOR (Wilhelm Reich’s acronym for Deadly Orgone energy) is necessary for these mind control towers to work.  Since many are using orgone to protect themselves against these debilitating microwaves, it is understandable that our government wants to outlaw orgone.  Whether orgone actually works, I do not yet know.  I had some orgone, but it was stolen, so I wasn’t able to test it myself.

Meanwhile, a man named Don Croft (see article below: “maintains that an orgone generating device called a Holy Hand Grenade can transmute DOR into the more positive, life affirming form of orgone called “OR” by discoverer Wilhelm Reich.  Don and his wife feel that removing the DOR component from the environment of an ELF tower will mitigate the mind control function.”

I don’t know if this really works, but if you are interested, you can research it yourself to find out more.

Http:// also states that another orgone generating device, called the Chembuster, is effective in dispersing and clearing the sky of chemtrails and can actually return the sky to a normal blue color.




The Good News, despite all of the evil going on in our world, is that Jesus Christ lives and is still sitting on the throne of Heaven.  It is God who will have the last laugh over these evil things and wicked people because He, as most of you know, controls everything in the universe.  Including us.

Again, I do not share these evil and scary things to make you afraid of what is happening around us and of what the AntiChrist system is planning against the world.  I am sharing this information to make you aware of what is going on so you can take precautions, make others aware, and know who and who not to trust as we move deeper into these last days.

People must also be made aware that Jesus Christ is our only Hope.  It is He who will soon return and triumph over evil.  He created all of us.  He loves us.  So do not be afraid to seek Him out, to have that personal, wonderful relationship with Him that He so desperately wants to have with you, His created.  Confess yours sins to Him and ask Him to come into your heart as Lord and Savior, read His Word daily, study it, practice what it says, love your neighbors, talk to Him, pray to Him.  And above all, trust Him.

Seriously, would you want to remain in a terrible, controlled, evil world ruled by Satan?  Or would you rather walk with God daily and face eternity with the One who loves you and wants you to live forever with Him?  And be happy?

The choice is yours.


“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”  Joshua 1:9 KJV











For more information:


When I first heard of the death of famous movie actor/comedian Robin Williams, my first thought was – Illuminati.  Then, as the media began reporting this sad event, that Robin had taken his own life because of his depression, it seemed that something just didn’t add up.  The media kept mentioning a knife laying nearby and that Robin had cuts on his wrists.  What was that all about?

Robin Williams was loved by millions of people.  He was talented, charming, good looking, and seemed to have everything to live for.  So why would a person who brought such joy to millions be so miserable as to commit suicide?

Whenever someone in Hollywood gets divorced, we often wonder why someone would not want to stay married to one of many gifted people in that realm of fantasy and dreams, that so many strive for.  Robin, as are many in Hollywood, was married three times.  So this could possibly have been part of the cause of his depression, perhaps caused by his drug addiction years before.  This happens with a lot of celebrities or with those who have so much money they just don’t know what to do with it.  Perhaps Robin felt like a failure in this aspect of his life.  Hard to say.

The Internet – and this is one reason the AntiChrist is trying to take control of it – contains all the knowledge and truth anyone would want.  Sooner or later, the truth about Robin’s shocking death was bound to come out.  And so it has.

Oddly, not only was there an episode of Family Guy that aired shortly before Robin’s death was announced, which mentioned his death, there is a website,, that made mention of Robin’s death three days before it even happened.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Through all accounts, it appears Robin Williams may have been murdered by occultists, possibly Illuminati, after all.  Unless some outside evil force pressured him into taking his own life.

As one man says, Robin could have easily killed himself with drugs and alcohol, since he was prone to addiction.  Although, because of his heart condition, he had cleaned himself up later.  So why choose hanging?

Regardless of the real reason, I believe Satan was ultimately behind Robin’s untimely death.  It was either the price he paid for what he wanted, or it was actually an occultic ‘mercy killing’ or a ‘blood sacrifice’, as mentioned.

And don’t forget, whenever something is put out there to draw the world’s attention away from something else, know that the powers that be are probably behind it.  In this case, Williams’ suicide may have been planned so the NWO could take our attention off what is happening in Iraq or another event going on, perhaps even in Ferguson, Missouri.  Just a thought.


Depression is an Evil Spirit


In a previous article, I shared about Hollywood and the Illuminati.  How being part of the music industry tempts many to sign their souls over to Satan.  It is a mandatory requirement for anyone who wants to make over $50,000 or more a year.  Apparently, the music industry is not all that is affected by the Illuminati/Zionist control.  Many in Hollywood delve into the occult and are willing to have people they love killed off as a ‘blood sacrifice’ to Satan.

Many famous people have opened doors to the enemy, probably through ignorance.  With the desire for wealth, power, and fame come evil forces into a person’s life they may have never considered.  Evil spirits, particularly depression, afflict many, not just the rich and famous.  Other evil spirits do as well.  Lust, vanity, anger, hatred – the list is endless.

According to reports, Robin Williams was not the only one troubled by evil spirits.  Heath Ledger and others in Hollywood were or are even now under demonic oppression, perhaps demonic possession.

When a person sells his soul and/or opens a door to Satan, there is a price to pay.  Usually, that person’s life.  And, of course, his soul.  I don’t think they realize that what the enemy can give them is only temporary, fleeting, and that it will eventually lead them into eternal destruction.

According to, “Williams told James Kaplan of US Weekly:

“Yeah! Literally, it’s like possession ‑ all of a sudden you’re in, and because it’s in front of a live audience, you just get this energy that just starts going…But there’s also that thing ‑ it is possession. In the old days you’d be burned for it…But there is something empowering about it. I mean, it is a place where you are totally ‑ it is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, where you really can become this other force. Maybe that’s why I don’t need to play evil characters [in movies], ’cause sometimes onstage you can cross that line and come back. Clubs are a weird kind of petri dish environment. I mean, that’s where people can get as dark as they can in comedy ‑ in the name of comedy, be talking about outrageous stuff and somehow come out the other side. I mean, that’s one place where you really want to push it” (Robin Williams, “Robin Williams,” by James Kaplan, US Weekly, January, 1999, p. 53).

“Williams’ last statement quoted above answers the question as to why the demonic powers use entertainers. Their goal is to promote evil and darkness and increase mankind’s rebellion against God.”

Jesus Is The Ultimate Power Over Evil


When a person accepts Jesus Christ into his heart, his life, as Lord and Savior, that person’s soul is protected, shielded and filled by the Spirit of the Living God.  A person’s body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit.  A person can still be oppressed by evil spirits such as depression, but those Satanic forces cannot penetrate the person’s soul.  An unsaved person does not have that protection.  Evil spirits can then torment – oppress – an unsaved person and can even take full possession of that person.

And did you know that a person so fully possessed by Satan can combust spontaneously?  When you hear of that strange happening, rarely do you hear it mentioned that someone spontaneously combusted because they were completely possessed by Satan.  But it is true.  This is why when there is a report of this happening, the burning comes from inside a person and does not affect anything around him or her, such as the furniture or whatever.

Only Jesus Christ can save a person from the enemy.  He is the ultimate power over evil.  Satan is only a created being and his power is limited.  It is God that holds all authority over him and the entire universe He created.  There is no other God but Him.

Sadly, Robin Williams apparently had no protection from the enemy.  He did not recognize what was wrong, and it led to his ultimate demise.

However, if a person saved through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, experiences enemy attacks such as depression or whatever, there is a way to overcome, to be freed.

Jesus Christ is the answer.  He can break all the chains of bondage of the enemy in someone’s life.

A born again, Spirit-filled believer has the power of Jesus within himself or herself.  Believers have the power to bind, rebuke, and cast out evil spirits.  And at the name of Jesus, Satan and his cohorts have to leave that person.  There is great power in the name of Jesus.  And there is power in no other name under heaven.  Not Allah, Not Muhammed, Not Buddah, Not Krishna.  Why?  Because…


And He alone holds the keys to death and life, heaven and hell.


Accept Jesus Now


Satan, through the AntiChrist system and the soon to be revealed AntiChrist, is wreaking havoc, chaos, and insanity throughout our world.  It is already clear to everyone that our world is topsy-turvy because of this ‘prince of the power of the air’.  When God cast him out of heaven eons ago, he and his followers, fallen angels (evil spirits and demons who often masquerade as ghosts, apparitions, and aliens), fell to earth.  Our world is their playground until Jesus returns to take back control and establish His Kingdom.  It is NOT Islam and Communism that will, in the end, dominate and rule our world, through evil methods and its One World Religion and One World Government, it is JESUS CHRIST who will rule over all of us.  Permanently.  When He returns, all evil will be destroyed, together with all false religions, entities, and organizations of Satan.  Satan will be crushed under His heel.

If you want to have your soul protected from enemy takeover, from penetration by evil spirits, then do NOT wait.  Accept Jesus Christ into your heart, into your life NOW before it is too late.

The enemies of GOD, Zionists, ISIS, followers of Islam, and other false religions, evil entities and organizations are trying to wipe out GOD’s people from the Earth.  It is why Christians are being targeted, because Satan hates Christians, he hates God, and he wants to establish himself over the Earth as a One World Dictator and be worshipped AS a god.  He has always been jealous of the worship and adoration that Jesus Christ receives.  He wants it all for himself.  The only way he feels he can get it is by wiping out all Jesus followers from the Earth and putting himself in power over the entire world.   If people refuse to convert to his way of doing things, then they will be tortured until they accept his way, or die violently.  Sadly, followers of Islam have no clue that they are deceived and being used to carry out that end.  That Satan is using them to further his own agenda.  But what this does prove is that JESUS CHRIST REALLY IS GOD, that there is NO other.

Feel free to contact us at: if you have any questions on how to accept Jesus, and how to be baptized by immersion and by the Holy Spirit of God.  There is also an article or two on this website you can refer to.

As for Robin Williams, it is sad to think that he may face eternal destruction because of the choices he made in life.  But that is the truth of what we all face, if we leave Jesus Christ out of our lives.

Seek Him, people.  Do it NOW.  Tomorrow may be too late, considering the state of our world at present.  I’m sure you can see this for yourself.



“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”  (Mark 8:36).

“And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.”  (Romans 16:20)



Refer to:


(photo credit:

The following prophetic video on the coming Tribulation will blow your mind.  Why?  Because I believe it is the Truth of what is to come.

GOD often reveals to His prophets what He intends to do.  And He always gives people a chance to come to Him before He acts.  One prophet I know of recently shared that the LORD has heard the prayers of His people and has given the United States a two-year reprieve from what is about to happen.  Which is a very good thing.

One interesting thing this video shares is that Obama will still be in the White House in 2016.  But you must watch this video to learn what is shared about that.

I strongly recommend that you watch this one-and-a-half-hour video in its entirety.  It reveals much of what will happen to the United States once GOD’s wrath is loosed upon an unbelieving world.  All is Scripturally-based and merely confirms what the Bible says about these last days.  If you are pressed for time, at least watch the first 20 minutes or so.  It will give you some indication of what is going to happen to America.  America’s sins are greater than any nation before it, and the coming destruction is meant to pretty much wipe America from the map through nuclear destruction.  In the space of an hour, it will be destroyed through fire.  When the seventh trumpet sounds, those who belong to GOD will be raptured and will escape this destruction.  Trust Me, you will NOT want to be in America or anywhere on the Earth when GOD unleashes His wrath.  So seek Jesus Christ now.







Also, check this out:

All things are possible with GOD.  The Holy Bible declares it, and I believe it.  Based especially on my own life experiences.

Sadly, Satan has deceived many nations into believing that a sick, twisted pedophile, a man who wrote his own book, created a barbaric, horrific political system, was a man worthy of worship, honor, and praise.  The so-called religion he ‘made up’ has also been accepted as fact by those whom Satan has blinded to the Truth.

Since being cast out of Heaven, when he was jealous of  Almighty God Himself, Satan has been taking revenge against GOD and wreaking havoc throughout our world.  As Scripture says, Satan, the Adversary, is called the prince of the power of the air.  He is responsible for all the destruction going on in our world but has convinced those governed by a false belief system that GOD’s people, true believers, are responsible instead.   He has convinced those of the New World Order that all of GOD’s people must be wiped from off the earth once and for all.

As we will soon discover, AntiChrist will soon come to power over the Earth.  Before that happens, those blinded from the Truth of Jesus Christ, will try and take out as many of GOD’s people as he can.  The righteous, true believers of the One True God of Heaven.  They will be violently tortured and/or beheaded, arrested, falsely accused, and suffer under the evil hand of Satan and his followers.  Those who are wholeheartedly deceived by him and willing to do whatever evil it takes to rid the world of all that is good, holy, and righteous before GOD.

As many of you know, many Jews and true followers of Jesus Christ may die instead of turning to the dark side.  We know that if we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Savior before the inevitable happens, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation, that even if we are killed, we will spend eternity in Heaven with GOD.  All those who choose Satan and take the Mark of the Beast, which will make them part of the AntiChrist system, will survive to live as slaves to him.  There will be two classes of people then.  The poor worker bees who will serve the rich elite.  They will be nothing more than slaves.  When they pass from this Earth, they will face eternal damnation because every chance they have ever had to reach Heaven will be gone forever.

The New World Order has an evil agenda.  It is an impossible dream that will never be reached.  It is why those supporting this evil system are so anxious to take control of the world because it promises a paradise on Earth.  Once the Christians are eradicated from the Earth, then Islam will rule the world.  The world will be a Communist entity, under Satan’s hand, the AntiChrist.

Rather than go on and tell you more of what the Illuminati, the NWO has planned for our world, you can read it for yourself.  I can assure you that Jesus Christ will return before any of this evil comes to fruition.  Before they can mess more with this website and delete videos and documents, I strongly suggest you take a look at the document below.  It details the NWO agenda for the One World Religion.  Satan’s agenda for our world.

If you do not yet have Jesus Christ in your heart, please accept Him today before it is too late.  Feel free to write us if you have any questions.  And feel free to share this document with the entire world.  It is a ridiculous, impossible dream I am certain will never happen.  It is a merging of every twisted belief, every false religion on the planet.  The Holy Bible is Truth.  The only Truth of the One True God of Heaven.  The Truth that Satan would not have you to learn of or believe.

May the Lord GOD open your eyes to understanding of His Word, His Truth and stir your hearts to accept Him.  He loves you and is patiently waiting for you to seek Him.  Please, do not wait.  The days are growing shorter, and evil is already at the door.







Also view:

Many people know about the AntiChrist’s “Mark of the Beast”?  But how many know about the Seal of God?

It is the Seal of God that will distinguish those who belong to God when Jesus Christ returns.  The “Mark of the Beast” will distinguish those who belong to Satan.

The “Mark of the Beast” is in direct opposition to the “Seal of God”.  In the end, everyone will have one or the other.

Those people who choose the “Seal of God” will spend eternity in Heaven, with God.

Those people who choose the “Mark of the Beast” will be cast into the lake of fire.

“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

“The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

“And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever:  and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receiveth the mark of his name.

“Here is the patience of the saints:  here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of God.”  Revelation 14:  9-12 (KJV)




A seal has to do with legal affairs.  Since our God is a legal God, there is nothing He can do to change what has been laid out as Law from the beginning.

A law is stamped with the seal of the ruling government and has three parts:

(1) The name of the ruler.

(2) The ruler’s title.

(3) The territory over which he rules.

Once a government has placed its seal on a law or currency, that means it is official.  God’s seal makes His Law official, and the entire universe must stand behind it.

Anyone disloyal to the seal of the government, and to the law to which it is attached, is looked upon as being disloyal to the government itself.   When the seal of the ruler of any government is placed in his law, that makes it official.  Therefore, God’s seal is His Law.  Just as a government ruler uses his seal to enforce the laws of the land, God uses His seal to enforce His Law.

“Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples.”  Isaiah 8:16 (KJV)




The “Seal of God” can be found in the very center of His Law:

“Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.

“Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:

“But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy GOD:  in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:  wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”  Exodus 20:  8-11 (KJV)

Here are the three parts of God’s seal:

(1) His name – “the LORD”.

(2) His title – “thy GOD” (Creator)

(3) His territory – “heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is.

It is because of this that Satan has tried to hide the truth of the Sabbath from the world.  It is because it is God’s sign.  (The word ‘sign’ means the same as ‘seal’.  See Romans 4:11)

So just where are God’s people sealed?

Under His covenant, His promise is this:

“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the LORD, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;”  Hebrews 10:16 (KJV)

Therefore, the Truth is, that when we choose Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit will place the “Seal of God” in our foreheads.  The forehead contains the frontal lobe, the section of our brain where our conscience is.  When you receive the “Seal of God” in your forehead, that means you have it in your conscience.




In Truth, honoring the true Sabbath will be an end time test for God’s people when the Sunday Law is enforced by AntiChrist.

When referring to the Sabbath, we are not talking about Sunday worship here.  We are talking about the True Sabbath set apart by God from the beginning.

As mentioned in an earlier article, the True Sabbath is from sunset Friday evening to sunset Saturday evening.  This is the True Sabbath that GOD wants His people to honor.

Satan deceived many and, because of the Papacy of Rome, the True Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday.  Sunday is, in fact, a day for sun worshippers.  It is idolatry.  And, horror of horrors, SUNDAY WORSHIP IS ALSO A “MARK OF THE BEAST”.  Sunday worship is the mark of the Papacy’s authority and will be legally enforced by the AntiChrist in the near future.  But I will refer more to this in a separate article, for brevity’s sake.




As mentioned, in order to receive the “Seal of God” in your forehead, you must accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life.  Accept Him into your heart by confessing to HIm your sins, repenting of them (turning away), and welcoming Him.  It is your choice.  As an act of obedience, and as an end time test, you will want to begin honoring the true Sabbath set apart by GOD from the beginning of time.  It will indeed distinguish the weeds from the wheat when Jesus returns for the harvest, so long as we continue to honor God and obey His commandments once we are saved.

Also know this, that if you instead choose to accept the coming “Mark of the Beast”, what most believe is the coming RFID chip developed by the New World Order, then you will have no way to ever reach Heaven and spend eternity with God.  The “Mark of the Beast” will only guarantee you slavery and control under the AntiChrist (Satan) and eternal damnation.

The choice is yours.



The Sabbath issue will be the end time test for God’s people, when the Sunday law is enforced by AntiChrist.



Refer to:







As I have mentioned before, there are guillotines set up in FEMA camps all over America.  But did you know that Obamacare will use a billing code:  ICD-9 E978 for executions and beheadings of all those who oppose ObamaCare?  If not, then take a look at the video below, in case you haven’t seen it or heard what it contains.

According to a comment at, “As of October 1, 2014 the ICD 9 coding will no longer be used. ICD 10 “mandated” medical coding will add 68,105 codes due to the Obamacare monstrosity. These codes were not created by Obamacare, however Obamacare is trying to implement every American citizen under international codes to link us to the “international” system. These codes were actually created by the WHO (World Health Organization).”

Be aware that the Obama Healthcare Policy is not only about bankrupting America through excessive taxation.  It is also about depopulation.  As I have repeatedly told you, the New World Order wants 90% of the world population dead and gone.  The remaining ten percent will be controlled with an RFID microchip.  The remaining populace will be under complete control of AntiChrist, Satan.  These poor souls will be slaves, to do the bidding of the evil elite, those seven people controlling all of the world’s finances.  This explains all of the wars in the Middle East.  The elite, rich men of the world want their banks set up in every corner.  They also want to control all of the world’s resources.  With the help of the Muslim Brotherhood, much of the world, mainly anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, will be wiped out.  And because the United Nations supports these evil men, together with the man of lawlessness in our own government, all of these evils are quickly becoming law and will soon be carried out.  The One World Government is already with us, so it is just a matter of time before AntiChrist has his way.


Also, in case you’re not aware yet, the government, once you sign up for Obamacare, has the right to take money from your bank account whenever they feel like it.  I already know someone that this happened to, in order have some of their medical bills paid.  What was bad was that the money in that account had been borrowed from someone else for their bills.  But the government took all of it.  So now, these people are in worse shape than before.  Again, this is all about bankrupting America.  The Government wants socialized medicine and wants to destroy the middle class so there are only two classes.  The very very rich and the very very poor.

Also, you may have read in a previous article that the one world currency, the Phoenix, is targeted for around 2018.  By that time, the NWO leaders should have most of our money which they will take as their own, under this new currency.  The rest of us peons will be broke, assuming we’re still alive to see any of this happen.

Do not think for one minute that our illustrious leader will ever be impeached.  Word has it that an attempt against his life has already taken place…and failed.  Because he has too many doubles walking around, as Saddam Hussein did in Iraq.  Satan is protecting him because of who he is. Doubt it not.  And doubt not that Satan is behind all of the evil going on in the world today.


Also, in case you aren’t aware, scanning machines for the RFID chip, the presumed coming Mark of the Beast, also mandated through the Obama HealthCare Policy, are being set up at various Wal*Mart stores throughout the country.

So let me reiterate the importance of NOT taking the RFID Chip.  If you oppose taking it, you may be sent to a FEMA camp for extermination or beheading in a public square.  If you do take it, you will be under the control of the AntiChrist and his evil regime and his evil system.


The only Hope for humanity at this point is through Jesus Christ, the One True God of Heaven and Earth.  Please, before all of this evil comes against us, accept Him into your heart as Lord and Savior. At least then, if you are killed for your opposition to Satan – AntiChrist – you will go to Heaven. Taking the chip will allow you to buy and sell and eat, but it will also define you as an enemy of God. When you die, you will then go to Hell for all eternity, to spend it with Satan’s demonic angels who will torture you eternally, just for fun.  Why would anyone want that?

At any rate, please watch the video below and tell your friends the reality of what is now upon us. And please, take action now to be saved.  Do NOT wait!  Things are happening at an urgent rate here and before long, this evil will be upon us with the swiftness of a falling star.

But know this, JESUS CHRIST IS GOD, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.  HE IS COMING BACK SOON TO DEAL WITH THIS EVIL, SO DO NOT FEAR ANYTHING.  That is His command to us.  The victory will be HIS in the end, not Satan’s.  So just prepare your hearts and stand firm on His Truth.

May the Lord God grant you His wisdom and help you to make the right choice.  And pray that you will be counted worthy to escape all the evil that is to come against us soon.  God may protect you as we move deeper into the end times, or you may have to suffer and/or die.  Whatever happens will be God’s will, so long as you obey Him and trust Him till the end.  He loves us and does not want any of us to fear our futures.  But He is in control of Heaven and Earth.  And Satan knows that his time is short.


“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them:  And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”  (Revelation 20:4 KJV)


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It May Cost You Everything


Yes, it’s true.  If you are a true Jesus follower, it may cost you everything.  You may suffer and be persecuted for your belief in Jesus Christ, and all that you have may be taken from you.  Being faithful to Jesus may even cost you your life.

One article I’ve written, warning you of the cult that brought me to Kansas through deceit, shares how I gave away a lot of my material possessions.  At the time, I was willing to give up everything for the God I love and serve.  However, once I arrived in Kansas and learned the truth about the supposed ministry I gave up everything to join with, believing I would be serving God in a new and different way, I ended up losing even more when someone affiliated with that ‘cult/ministry’ started burglarizing my home, perhaps out of jealousy or vengeance, stealing nearly everything else I’ve worked my entire life to obtain.  In this instance, all was taken from me and not given away by choice.

I sold, gave away, or donated much of what I owned in New York before moving, only bringing with me what I thought I would need.  In the end, I lost most of that because of the thefts.  The person who is still robbing me and vandalizing my home is still on the loose because no one will believe me when I tell them who is doing it.  They are apparently non-believers who know nothing of people under the spirit of Jezebel and don’t recognize how blinded they are by the enemy.  It almost sounds like how many Americans are being blinded about the New World Order.  No matter how many times you share the truth of what is going on in the world, people just refuse to believe it.


Human Weakness


In the beginning, once I learned what I was up against in Kansas, I reacted with great anger at the audacity of these people who choose to call themselves Christians.  Those who pretend to be Christians make the term into something it was never meant to be.  So I instead call myself a true believer or Jesus follower because the word “Christian” does not always relate to followers of Jesus Christ as it once did.  There are way too many false Christians out in the world these days.

But I have taken a step back since being ousted from the cult that lied to get me here.  Sometimes the Truths of Scripture may not mean anything to you until something bad happens which forces you to seek God more.  And just for the record, yes, it was God’s will for me to move to Kansas, but those walking in disobedience refused to accept what God wanted me to teach them.  All they wanted from me was money and control over me.

For years I have read and studied much of the Scripture, from cover-to-cover, but unless God opens one’s eyes to the meaning of certain passages or verses, often times the true meaning of them may not sink in until you go through something terrible.  In this case, Philippians 3:8-11 and Luke 14:33 became even more real to me, not to mention the entire book of Job.

“…It was because of Him that I gave up everything and regard it all as garbage in order to gain the Messiah and be found in union with Him, not having any righteousness of my own based on legalism, but having that righteousness from God based on trust.  Yes, I gave it all up in order to know HIm, that is, to know the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings as I am being conformed to His death, so that somehow I might arrive at being resurrected from the dead…” Philippians 3:8-11 (Complete Jewish BIble)

“So every one of you who doesn’t renounce all that he has cannot be My talmid.” Luke 14:33 (Complete Jewish BIble)


All Believers Will Suffer


Throughout my life I have experienced all sorts of trials and tribulations, which included physical and emotional abuses, put downs, slanders, libels, false accusations, etc.  And now I have lost pretty much everything I ever worked hard to own.  Ninety-nine percent of my wardrobe was stolen, my entire book, CD, cassette, and LP collection, my collection of statues/knick knacks, kitchenware, bakeware, DVDs and videos, etc.  Even my vacuum cleaner and other appliances are gone.  And things weren’t just stolen, many were just utterly destroyed, tampered with, and/or vandalized, so had to be thrown out.  Again, as I mentioned, these losses include the loss of my car and home I lived in in New York, the total value being in the thousands and thousands of dollars.

All of these things I have suffered because I am a true believer in Jesus Christ.  He is my Lord and Savior – my EVERYTHING!

In coming to grips with my losses, it took me awhile to realize why God was allowing all of this to happen.  After I laid aside my anger, I realized that all of this is meant to strengthen me as a believer, for the more difficult trials that are soon to come.

The Holy Bible – God’s Word – states that all who are His will suffer.  In many countries, especially today, we see followers of Jesus Christ being persecuted and killed for their belief in Jesus Christ.  It is what all believers face and may inevitably have to go through.

I just want you to know, in case you aren’t aware of this.  It is why so many believers throughout the world are going through the evils from Islam, in particular.  True Christians know that when we die, we will go to Heaven, to be with the Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity.  Our suffering in no way compares to the wondrous things He has promised us and has waiting for us in Heaven.

Yes, Jesus Christ is well worth the loss of all things.  In my case, it has also made me stronger and less vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks against me, which are indeed many.

But know this, I would gladly go through all I have suffered, gone through, and lost in order to gain Christ.  A relationship with Jesus Christ is the greatest part of my life and one I would not trade for anything.  A life without Jesus is not a life worth living, as the coming New World Order will soon bring to light.  Since its agenda is to have us worship Satan, AntiChrist instead.

I pray you will agree and accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior before our world becomes even more wicked.  Knowing you may suffer loss or persecution is trivial compared to what is waiting for you in Heaven.  it is why true Christians, believers if you will, do not fear death.  Because we know our future…as Satan knows his.


“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12 KJV).

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake:   for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake.  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad:   for great is your reward in heaven:   for so  persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” (Matthew 5:10-12).

“But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;” (1 Peter 3:14 KJV)

“If we suffer, we shall also reign with him:   if we deny him, he also will deny us:” (2 Timothy 2:12 KJV)

“For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently?  but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. (1 Peter 2:20 KJV)

“Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.” (1 Peter 4:16).


Refer to:


The Muslim Takeover


In case you are not aware, the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the White House.  Along with the Communist agenda is the urgent intent to establish Sharia Law in America.

Unfortunately, prior to that happening, gun control must be established in the United States, as has already been done in other countries, such as Britain and Australia.  And their advice to Americans is to not relinquish our guns.

The recent media events that include the Zimmerman case, the case of Paula Deen and Edward Snowden are meant to pull our attention away from what is happening in Washington behind closed doors.  Secret laws, through Executive Orders, are being passed by the illegal alien running our country into the ground, by bypassing Congress whenever the mood strikes him.  The U. S. Constitution has been declared unconstitutional, and the Bill of Rights has been crushed under his feet and spat upon.

Due to this illegal destroying the America we once enjoyed, civil unrest is deliberately being set into motion.  This man of lawlessness is stirring up the black masses, turning blacks against whites through deceit and bringing into law anything that is contrary to the laws of the true God of Heaven.  All forms of sexual immorality, including bestiality, adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, etc. are now being made legal.

All of this is foretold in the Holy Bible.  The AntiChrist system, which includes the papacy of Rome, is intent on turning laws of morality in America upside down.  And soon it will be illegal to be a Christian, thanks to our false Christian/Muslim in power.

The Communist/Socialist organizations in America are trying to destroy America from within.  Sadly, they are doing a fine job.  Hollywood and the music industry are corrupting America’s youth, thanks to the Illuminati stronghold there.  And American schools are being taken over by the Federal Government, so they can brainwash our children.  According to our new fascist regime, our children are no longer ours, but theirs, to make and mold as they see fit.  Just like Adolph Hitler did during WWII.


Civil Unrest Intended To Bring About Martial Law


All of the civil unrest occurring in America even as I write this has been planned by the puppet masters and their puppets in Washington, no doubt the seven elite, Satan-possessed people controlling the world behind the scenes.  It is a clear attempt by the Government to incite rioting between black Americans and white Americans so they can enforce Martial Law.  They want to roll out their big tanks and weaponry and  start rounding up and/or killing Americans, particularly Christians and Jews who oppose the Muslim takeover and the New World Order.

It has been learned recently that the Administration may be trying to create a major catastrophic event that involves the invasion of Al-Queda of America’s Heartland.  So it is important for people to begin praying against this evil.  With Obama now controlling all U. S. communications, he will probably use it for his benefit.  He will play on people’s emotions at the horror of what will happen in the Heartland, to innocent people, and may use this catastrophe as another excuse to begin rounding up people for the FEMA camps, for extermination. Communications may also be blacked out so the nation is not aware of what may be happening when the Heartland is invaded.  That will bring panic to the nation as never before.  According to David Rockefeller, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”


History Repeats Itself


Once Martial law is put into place and the United Nations, through our own military forces, Russian, Chinese, and Islamic military, probably U. N. troops, have taken control of the United States then, sadly, we can kiss America goodbye forever.

Global domination is in the wind.  It is not just one mad dictator trying to take control, but the elite who control the world behind the scenes.  The puppet masters.  They want a One World Government.  A Communist government.  And a Muslim world.

If you know anything about Russian history, then you know that there are two classes of people.  The rich and the poor.  A friend of mine in Russia says he and his family are starving to death under Putin, and some are dying because of the lousy health care situation.  Considering ObamaCare, it is clear that the same thing will happen in America unless something is done to repeal it.

The American middle class is well on its way to non-existence, which will leave millions dependent on the Federal government.  We can also see that happening as Obama wields his sickle of destruction, cutting funding and programs throughout the nation, while he and his family enjoy extravagant vacations at the expense of the American taxpayer.  He doesn’t care because he never worked for the money.  Plus, as everyone knows, he is funding the Muslim Brotherhood so they will be well armed and well prepared when the time comes to invade America.  Yes, the elite has all of this well planned out.


The Mark of the Beast

Although it was predicted, based on the Obama health care policy, that a certain device was to be implemented by March of this year, things apparently were changed.  Probably because so many were protesting taking the RFID chip.  Or for any other number of reasons.  Regardless, I believe that once Martial Law is established, the chip will become mandatory at some point.  Those opposing it will be quickly sent off to a FEMA camp for possible torture and extermination.   I did, however, find an article (below) stating that the chip will now be mandatory for all Americans by 2014.

Many of us believe the RFID chip to be the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Scripture, while others say it is just a precursor to the actual Mark.  Only time will tell.  Either way, if you want to go to Heaven when you pass from this Earth, you must be a committed, Spirit-filled believer and refuse the chip – the Mark – at all costs.  But know that the enemy may torture you, trying to force you to take the Mark, or he may outright kill you.  Why beat around the bush about this?  It’s the Truth of what may happen to anyone who refuses to become part of the AntiChrist system of control.  Anyone taking the chip will end up in Hell eventually because it is Satan’s mark.  Once you have the Mark on your body, in your right hand or forehead, there is no hope left for you.  Ever.


Sharia Law


As mentioned before, America has turned its back on God and His laws.  It is for this reason that He has allowed the destruction of this once great nation.

If you know your Bible, you will know that whenever Israel rejected God and followed their own ways, He rejected them.  Many times He allowed Israel to be invaded and conquered by their enemies…and taken captive.  Israel has known slavery over the centuries because of their disobedience and rejection of God and His laws.

Because many in America are descendants of Israel, the same thing may very well happen here in America.  The RFID chip is meant to track people and control them.  But if Sharia Law goes into effect, if Islam conquers our land, then it will be a sad day…for all women, especially.  And for our children.

A shroud of darkness will encompass former America.  A pall of evil unlike anything the world has ever known will fall upon this once great nation.  The AntiChrist system will come into play.  Every evil imaginable will come into practice…legally.

Women, as in other Communist countries, will be no better than slaves or possessions when and if that happens.  Our children will be ripe for rape and sodomy by perverts who believe it their right to molest children.  The same will be for women as well.  Rape, humiliations, control, beatings.  And one of the most dreaded things is for women who were once free to have to be smothered with black burkhas they will be forced to wear.  Oddly, I don’t see all Muslim women here now wearing them, but I think the time may come where it will be mandatory for all women.  And harems/polygamy will probably become rampant as well.  The animals of Islam will have full control of our nation, later the world if they are successful, because they are ignorant of the truth, blind, and completely lost.


We Are Commanded To Love Them All

Despite all this evil prevalent in our world today, God has commanded us to love all men.  That includes all evildoers, all perverts, all Satan worshippers, all Muslims.  We are to love all of them as we love ourselves.

Yes, it is difficult because our anger at the atrocities being committed today are just mind boggling and perverse.  But through Jesus Christ, we can do it.  All believers have the Holy Spirit within them.  Through Him, we can bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.  We have the ability through God, the power of God, and even…the love of God within us.

Never forget that.

And always remember.  GOD has things well under His control.

“Fear not, for I AM with you…”  (Isaiah 41:10)


“Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

“Jesus said unto him, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

“This is the first and great commandment.

“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”  (Matthew 22:36-39 KJV)



Refer to:

NWO:  Full World Domination:

Sharia Law:

RFID chip:

Greatest Commandment:




A friend of mine made this.   So absolutely beautiful, I thought I would share it.

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